NSRF January 2014 Governor Forum Itinerary

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Saturday, January 11th from 9:00-11:30 am. We will meet at The D.L.

Parsons Theatre at 11801 Community Center Drive in Northglenn.

Admission is free. The doors open at 8:30am. Join us and bring a friend or two with your questions. The Reagan Club of Colorado will be selling coffee, bottled water, fruit, donuts, and pastries at this event.

Candidate Scott Gessler is unable to attend because of the recent birth of his new child. www.ScottGessler.com Candidate Tom Tancredo is petitioning onto the ballot and has a stated policy of not participating in forums or debates. www.GovernorTancredo.com

9:00am Welcome Prayer Pledge of Allegiance John Lefebvre, NSRF President Leonard Coppes, NSRF Board member Brian Vande Krol, NSRF Board member

Co-sponsoring groups message 3 Panelists introduction: Brigitte Grimm: Adams County Treasurer Dave Pigott: HD-33 candidate Rico Figueroa: Adams-12 School Board member Forum Rules Explanation 9:20am Opening remarks with 3-minutes for each candidate First question asked with a 1-minute response by each candidate 11:00am 11:05am 11:15am Last question asked before closing remarks Closing statements with 2-minutes for each candidate Thank you remarks from the North Suburban Republican Forum

This event was made possible through the generosity of our four sponsors. If you havent joined their group, please do. They advocate on your behalf to advance Republican ideals and values.

Adams County Republicans


Broomfield Republicans


Colorado Republican Business Coalition www.SmallBizGOP.com

The Reagan Club of Colorado


Greg Brophy


Senator Greg Brophy is a fourth generation Coloradan. He grew up north of Wray, in the sandhills of eastern Colorado. Greg still farms the family land that his Grandmother staked as a homestead. Just like many other Coloradans, Greg Brophy resists being labeled. An avid hunter and active supporter of gun rights, Greg Brophy proudly drives an environmentally friendly Toyota Prius. A country boy and farmer, he uses the latest technology to control the irrigation, run equipment and monitor the weather from his smart phone and iPad. In college Greg sold his horses to buy a bicycle and immersed himself in cycling. Today riding the scenic roads of Colorado is Gregs favorite pastime and lifelong passion. Greg and his wife Angela met in the cafeteria at Colorado State University while both working their way through school. Together theyve celebrated over 23 years of marriage and are the proud parents of Megan, Jordan and David Steve House www.HouseForGovernor.com

Steve House was born and raised on a small farm with five brothers and sisters in Fowlerville, Michigan. He moved back to Colorado nearly a decade ago to continue his work in the healthcare industry and fell in love with our great State all over again. Eventually he met his lovely wife Donna. They are the proud parents of 6 grown children and they will soon be grandparents. Steve and Donna live in Brighton, CO and are active members of Rotary International, the Northern Hills Church, and Donna serves on the Adams County 27J School Board. Steve is the Chairman of the Adams County Republican Party. His passion has always been to utilize his professional talents to better serve his community. Steve understands that Coloradans want a business leader in the Governors race. Professionally, Steve is a healthcare consultant and has worked for more than 30 years as an engineer, service manager, sales leader, and held a variety of executive leadership roles in the healthcare industry. He prides himself on bringing people together to find innovative ways to improve the quality of patient care and lower costs. Steve teaches courses on leadership, healthcare economics, and public speaking in college classes around the country. Steve has a long, proven track record of success running large and small organizations. In 1981, Steve graduated in the top 5% of his class from the Ohio Institute of Technology with an Associates Degree in Electronic Technology. From 1981-1983 Steve worked as a computer engineer. He then went to work as service and sales manager at Philips Medical Systems from 1983 to 1992, with a brief stint living in Colorado, Steve was responsible for as many as 45 engineers and an annual budget in excess of $30M. In 1992 Steve worked for GE Healthcare and during his tenure there he was called upon to lead the Midwest region Sales Management Division where Steve was responsible for a $110M dollar operating budget. While still working in 1994, Steve graduated in the top 1% of his class at the University of Phoenix with a Bachelor of Science in Business. In 2004 Steve returned to Colorado to run the Rocky Mountain Region for GE Healthcare. He managed a budget of approximately $200M. Since 2005, Steve has been a highly sought after healthcare consultant with many healthcare industry leaders such as Cardinal Health, Aetna and Orchestrate Healthcare mostly in sales or innovation leadership positions to develop technology solutions related to healthcare delivery models. As a small business owner and entrepreneur Steve will use his talents to create a smaller more efficient government. He will manage our way through the demographic and financial challenges by using the next wave of technology to improve Colorado healthcare, budgeting, and to reform education. Steve also understands how important our many natural resources are to the Colorado way of life. Like many Coloradans, Steve is tired of trying to solve problems the politicians way, the Washington D.C. way, and the Denver way. He will bring people together to find innovative and collaborative solutions the Colorado Way. Voters know that it isnt a political resume that gets results, it is an organizational resume that has leadership at its core and results under pressure as its outcome.

Mike Kopp


Inspired by President Ronald Reagans vision of American Exceptionalism, Mike Kopp enlisted in the U.S. Army after graduating high school, became an Army Ranger, and served in combat during the Gulf War. After the Gulf War, Mike joined a Hot Shot firefighting crew, and risked his life battling wildfires across the Rocky Mountain West. Mike went on to serve as the Republican leader in the Colorado Senate, and led the fight for conservative reform against a liberal majority. In the Senate, Mike authored the law to allow Colorado to opt-out of ObamaCare and led the first effort in half a century to completely overhaul state government to end job-killing regulations, cut spending, and reduce taxes. He passed a ten million dollar tax cut and is known as one of the strongest taxpayer watchdogs in Colorado. Mike and his wife, Shannon, have four children and live in Golden. Scott Gessler www.ScottGessler.com

Originally from Michigan, Scott Gesslers parents left Detroit when he was four years old, in search of better opportunities. His parents divorced when he was seven, and Scott, his mother, and younger sister moved five times, in Chicagos wester n suburbs. A product of public schools, Scott worked hard and took advantage of opportunities. He founded the school soccer team, ran the school newspaper, played tournament chess, and worked in restaurants. Through it all, he earned a spot at Yale University, won a scholarship for summer study overseas, and after college enrolled at the University of Michigan Law School. After law school and his bar exam, Scott grabbed his bicycle and rode through the West, meeting people in 11 states, over 10 weeks, and 5,300 miles. Sometimes he rode with others, sometimes he stayed at strangers homes and farms; he pitched his tent anywhere there was flat ground, and shared stories and experiences with people from all walks of life. As a newly minted attorney in 1990, Scott started his career in public service, both as a federal prosecutor with the U.S. Department of Justice (focusing on international criminal law) and as a U.S. Army Reservist; his first assignment was at the 10th Military Law Center in Prince George County, Maryland. After several years in Washington, D.C., Scott returned to the Midwest to help manage his fathers construction company. He attended business school at night, earning an MBA from Northwestern University, and continued his military service, joining the 12th Special Forces Group (Airborne) in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Following the deactivation of 12th Group, Scott joined the 415th Civil Affairs Battalion in Kalamazoo Michigan. Within months that unit deployed to Bosnia, where Scott served as a Civil Affairs Officer at British Division Headquarters and later as the officer in charge of a Civil Military Cooperation Center. Scott returned home after serving overseas and supported his mother. But he had fallen in love with the West, and in early 1997 he packed up everything he could fit in his Jeep and drove to Colorado, in search of a new beginning and new opportunities. He took the Colorado Bar, started a company with a friend, and then took a job as a consultant. He remained in the Army Reserves, drilling with the 407th Civil Affairs Battalion in Arden Hills, Minnesota. In early 2001 he returned to law. Within four years, he built a legal business from scratch and earned a reputation as one of the states t op election law attorneys. He then helped start another business, Hackstaff Gessler LLC, where he represented clients in some of the states most sensitive poli tical matters, earning awards for his achievements, and taught law at both the University of Colorado and University of Denver. By 2010 the firm had grown to ten attorneys. In 2010 Scott ran for Colorado Secretary of State, pledging to protect election integrity and run an efficient, customer-friendly office. He defeated the Democrat incumbent and took office in January, 2011. Dubbed the Honey Badger of Colorado Politics for his tenacious and fearless work to protect and improve Colorados elections, Scott has transformed the office of the Secretary of State from a sleepy, administrative backwater into an innovative, dynamic, customer-focused organization. By any measure, Colorados 2012 Presidential election witnessed higher voter turnout (third best in the nation) , improved election integrity, and fewer voting problems than ever before. And military and overseas voter turnout skyrocketed 65%, even as most states saw a decline. Scott has also improved Colorados business climate. Last year he lowered fees, saving business $3.5 million. Under his leadership, the offi ce dramatically improved customer service, won national and international awards for innovation, and rewrote regulations to make it easier to do business in Colorado. Although not a native of Colorado, Scott had the good sense to marry one. He and his wife Kristi now live in Denver with their five year-old daughter, Sofia. They will soon be welcoming a baby boy into the World. Tom Tancredo www.GovernorTancredo.com

Tom is a solid fiscal and social conservative, with a lifetime 99% voting rating from the American Conservative Union. Tancredo has remained vocal on a variety of issues surrounding education, energy and even the environment. He knows how government, at all levels, harms business and can make the changes needed to grow jobs in Colorado. The grandson of Italian Immigrants, Tom Tancredo was born in North Denver, Colorado. At sixteen he took his first job as a sweeper in an amusement park. He returned every summer for ten years and worked his way up to Assistant Park Manager. This job put him through the University of Northern Colorado. In 1976, while teaching civics at Drake Junior High, Tom was elected to the state legislature, and re-elected in 1978 and 1980. His first proposal was a bill limiting the number of bills any legislator could introduce. He was a leader in the conservative freshman class that won the abolition of the states sales tax on food and utilities, the abolition of the states inheritance tax, and the abolition of the auto safety inspection sticker tax. In 1981, Tom resigned his seat in the legislature to accept an appointment in the Reagan administration. He served as the Secretary of Educations Regional Representative and was re-appointed by President Bush. His tenure was marked by a running battle with the teachers unions and Congresswoman Pat Schroeder, a battle Tom won when he succeeded in downsizing the regional office from 220 employees to approximately 60, resulting in a 75% cut in the regional office budget.Tom owned and operated a successful Jani-Kingjanitorial business. He was often times a hands on owner. That is why he often says he doesnt believe there are jobs no American will do. In 1993, Tom accepted the presidency of the Independence Institute, a conservative, public policy research organization in Golden, Colorado. During his tenure, the Institute experienced dramatic growth in both revenues and visibility. The Institutes weekly television program Independent Thinking is well regarded, and Tom was a regular panelist on the TV program Colorado Inside Out. Tom has been a leading spokesman for initiatives ranging from term limits to school choice and parents rights. In 1998, Tom won the Republican Primary in a five way race for the 6th Congressional District of Colorado. During his ten years representing Colorado Tom became universally recognized by both sides of the issue as the most vocal opponent of illegal immigration in Washington. In 1999, Tancredo founded the House Immigration Reform Caucus with a handful of Representatives; the bipartisan Caucus had over 100 members while Tom was in office. For many years, Tancredo was the only Republican to vocally oppose President Bushs immigratio n policies. In 2007, a bi-partisan coalition within Congress, lead by Tom were emboldened to successfully oppose President Bush on an effort to grant amnesty to an estimated 10 to 20 million so called un-documented workers. Tancredo sought the 2008 Republican nomination for President of the United States with the intention of forcing the immigration issue into the debate. With the issue prominent in the debates, he chose to exit the campaign and returned to his beloved state of Colorado. Tancredo has been active in conservative politics for over forty years since his days as a member of the College Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom at the University of Northern Colorado. Tom has founded two not-for-profit (501c) education organizations the Rocky Mountain Foundation and the American Legacy Alliance. He speaks frequently on cable news, talk radio, and on college campuses. His first book, In Mortal Danger: The Battle for Americas Border and Security, was published in 2006. In 2010, after a series of what could only be described as bizarre circumstances, in what should have been a banner year for Colorado Republicans, and after much consideration, Tom entered the Colorado Governor race using a most unconventional route. While he has always stood up to the GOP when his principles required it, his candidacy was a challenge to what had proven to be an unqualified and unethical man at the top of the ticket. This became very clear as the November election approached with endorsements from many in Colorados Republican leadership. While Tom did not prevail, he did create an alternative where none had existed before. With the vast number of restrictive individual and business regulations signed into law by Colorados very liberal Democratic leadership, as well as the costly new programs being inflicted on the taxpayers, Tom has chosen to once again throw his hat in the ring. With the Democratic Colorado Governor granting a reprieve to the convicted murderer Nathan Dunlap, it became time to take action. Tom Tancredo entered the race to be the 2014 GOP candidate for Governor of Colorado. Tom and his wife, Jackie, have been married for 37 years. They have two sons and six grandchildren.

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