Maths Test.... 1

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Review for Test I

Math 242

Spring 2010:

The test will cover the following sections in Stewarts Calculus Book: 5.4., 5.5, 6.1 6.4, 4. , !.6, !.! ". Know and be able to use the following D !I"ITI#"S: #efinite integral of f fro$ a to % &'g.(66)* integral sign, integran# &'g.(66) li$its of integration, u''er li$it, lower li$it, integration &'g.(66) in#efinite integral &'g.(+1)* cross,section &'g.4--)* soli# of revolution &'g.4-!) "". Know and be able to use the following T$ #R MS% !#RM&'(S% T):

.ifference %etween .efinite an# "n#efinite "ntegral &warning in re# font , 'g. (+1) Ta%le of "n#efinite "ntegrals &'g.(+-) Su%stitution /ule &re# %o0 14 , 'g.421) (R ( !#R&M'(S: 3rea for re'resentative rectangle 4lengthwi#th *#'&M !#RM&'(S: 5olu$e of re'resentative #isk 4 &ra#ius)-&thickness) 5olu$e of re'resentative washer 4 6&outer ra#ius) - &inner ra#ius) -7&thickness) 5olu$e of re'resentative shell 4 -&ra#ius)&height)&thickness) &8ou coul# have a re'resentative slice that is a rectangle, s9uare, triangle, etc. 8ou shoul# %e a%le to calculate the volu$e of these, also) +#RK !#RM&'(S: :ork 4 &;orce )& .istance) ;orce 4:eight :ork for ith seg$ent 4 ;orce#istance <ookes =aw for s'rings: ; 4 k0 &where k4s'ring constant) ;orce for re'resentative rectangle &when $oving flui#s) 4 &weight>volu$e)volu$e &8ou will %e given g 4 acceleration #ue to gravit8 4 (- ft>sec- 4 +. $>sec-) ?ewtons @etho# ;or$ula for 0n &re# %o0 , 'g.((5) Be a%le to use the "ntegral Ta%les in the %ack of 8our %ook &8ou #o not nee# to $e$oriAe these) @i#'oint /ule &'g.4+6)* Tra'eAoi# /ule &'g.4+!)* Si$'sons /ule &'g.52-) &8ou #o not nee# to $e$oriAe the for$ulas for these or for the error %oun#s on 'g.4++ an# 52(, %ut 8ou shoul# un#erstan# an# %e a%le to use the$) """. ,e able to wor- .R#,' MS of the following t/pes:

Bvaluate #efinite an# in#efinite integrals using %asic integral for$ulas &like 15,1 , -1,44 on 'g.(+!).

Bvaluate #efinite an# in#efinite integrals using su%stitution &like 1!,46, 51 , !2 on 'g.426,42!). ;in# the area of a given region where 8ou have to sketch the gra'h, the re'resentative rectangle, la%el the rectangle, fin# the area of the re'resentative rectangle an# set u'>evaluate the integral re'resenting the area &like 15,- on 'g.4-2). ;in# the volu$e of a soli# of revolution using #isks, washers or shells &8ou sketch the gra'h, #raw the re'resentative rectangle, la%el the rectangle, fin# the volu$e of the re'resentative sha'e, set,u'>evaluate the integral re'resenting the volu$e) &like 11,1 on 'g.4(2, 14,-2 on 'g.4(6,4(!). ;in# the volu$e of a given soli# with unifor$ cross,sectional area &8ou sketch it in a coor#inate s8ste$ an# #raw an# la%el the re'resentative slice, fin# the volu$e of the re'resentative slice, set,u'>evaluate the integral re'resenting the volu$e) &like 14( , 45on 'g.4(!). ;in# the work to stretch a s'ring &like 1!,1- on 'g.441), 'ull a ca%le>ro'e &like 1 1(,1 on 'g.441,44-), $ove a li9ui# &like 11+,-6 on 'g.44-). 3''ro0i$ate integrals using @i#'oint, Tra'eAoi# or Si$'sons rules &like 1!,1 on 'g.525). Bsti$ate error or #eter$ine how large a value of n to use to guarantee a s'ecifie# accurac8 &like 11+,-- on 'g.525). Cse ?ewtons @etho# to a''ro0i$ate the solution to an e9uation &like 15, , 1( -- on 'g.(( ). Bvaluate #efinite an# in#efinite integrals using a Ta%le of "ntegrals &like 1 5,(2 on 'g.4+( , 4+4). DD;or so$e integrals, 8ou will %e aske# to set the$ u' onl8, not evaluate the$ 'lease 'a8 attention to the instructions. DDEou will %e aske# to gra'h so$e si$'le regions :"T<FCT 3CCBSS TF 3 C3=CC=3TF/ &gra'hs will %e si$ilar to those on the Basic Gra'h sheet 'asse# out at the %eginning of the 9uarter). DDEou will %e aske# to evaluate so$e integrals :"T<FCT 3CCBSS TF 3 C3=CC=3TF/ &8ou shoul# %e a%le to use the %asic integration rules an# u,su%stitution). DD;3"=C/B TF "?."C3TB 3 CFF/."?3TB SESTB@ F/ T"CH @3/HS F? EFC/ SHBTC<BS :"== /BSC=T "? 3 G/3.B F; 0 ;F/ T<B I/FB=B@ &" cant #eter$ine if 8our work is correct if " #ont know how 8ou set it u'). Be a%le to work an8 'ro%le$ si$ilar to one worke# in class, assigne# for ho$ework, inclu#e# on a han#out or si$ilar to %ook e0a$'les. "f 8ou have an8 9uestions, 'lease contact 8our instructorJ

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