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Ruth & Review of Yearly Cycle: Sun 364 Days -- Sabbath, March 9, 2013

Yearly Cycle Duet 6:4 Eccl/Sirach 43:5 - 7..Aporcrypha Jubilees 6:32 35 Jubilees 6:36 - 38 Wisdom of Solomon 12:3 Questions: Meat: 1 Timothy 4:2 3 Romans 14:1 3 March 16the Daniel in the midst of the week Daniel 9:24 - 26 -- these are jubilees Daniel 9:26 Daniel 9:27 dispensation of time between Daniel and Christ Sundown March 15-sundown March 16 last day of year Sundown March 16- sundown March 17 FIRST DAY OF YEAR Waving of the sheath begin the day after the Passover Leviticus 23:9 11 Leviticus 23:12,13, 14 Joshua 5:10, 11 the waving of the sheaths Christ is our Passover Exodus 20:8 Sabbath every 7 days from the beginning of the year Leviticus 23:4, 5 16th sundown (end of the year), that same sundown is the beginning of the year Leviticus 23:6 I Corinthians 5:7 (Christs life is actually time; He fulfilled the law) Passover: March 29 EnochBenTziyon: Ruth An Israelite Ruth 1:1-2 Israelites going into the land Ruth 1:3 5 Deuteronomy 23:3 (the area of Moab which the Israelite took over)

Numbers 21:13 we were dealing with this land before we went into the land of Canaan. Numbers 21:15 24 areas of Moab that are being taken for Israel Numbers 21:25 26 -- We took that country Deuteronomy 2:32 37 In the plain of Moab we took there were no people left Numbers 32:1 5 here is Hebrews asking for a particular land Numbers 32:6 12 Numbers 33:48 52 Numbers 33:53 disposes Numbers 33:54 (The same way we went into Canaan and possessed it, the same way we took the plain out of Moab and possessed it) Here is the confusion: Ruth 1:1 country does not mean nation. She is from that part of the country we had taken from Moab. 1 Samuel 27:1 5 an example of a plain in the country separated from the nation itself Ruth 1:15 Ruth 1:16 17 (We took the plains of Moab on our way to Canaan thats where Ruth was from) Questions: Leviticus Have you heard of OPPT? (One People's Public Trust), worldwide movement that's Toally Satanic. Ruth 2:1, 2 Mathew 1:3 5 11 Ruth in the lineages of christ Ruth 3:7 18 the actual ritual of a kingsman with Ruth (ruth was born in the plains of Moab) Research: Ghanas Project Joseph

Bro. Gabar PM Teaching Numbers 7:33 Numbers 7:58 Numbers 7:72 Exodus 20:1 Exodus 20:17 Ruth 1:16 H430 Exodus 22:9

Isaiah 11:1-3 Isaiah 53:1 Matthew 27:12 Isaiah 53:7 Daniel 7:24 - 27

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