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PART IV SECONDARY LITERATURE (continued) (For the Buddhist and Jain listings, and Hinduism in general, return to the

Contents page)
[C] Carvaka or Lokayata See a137.1.40; 344.4.43; 353.1.12; 404.4.23; 410.26.10; 560.4.44; 687.4.11; 751.31:88,110; 793.22.3; J586.7; Ac50; H525, 1198, 1399, 2280. e809.17.21, 853.2.0. et379.50.2, 809.17.4.t379.51.5.1, 410.16.7, 809.17:3,7,8 C1 E.B.Cowell, "The Carvaka system of philosophy", JASBe 31, 1862, 317-390 C2 Giuseppe Tucci, "Linee di una Storia del materialismo indiano", Atti della R. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Anno 320 (1923), Ser. 5; Memorie della Classe di scienze morali, storiche e filologiche, vol. 17 (Roma 1923), 242-310; ibid., Anno 323 (1926), ser. 6, vol. 2 (Roma 1926), 667-713. Reprinted GTOM 49-156 C2.1 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Lokayata and the doctrine of svabhava", POWSBSt 2, 1923, 93111. Reprinted CL 441-451 C3 Haraprasad Shastri, "Lokayata", DUB 1, 1925. Reprinted London 1925. Also reprinted in SHIP 2, 25-31 and in CL 377-383 C4 Giuseppe Tucci, "A sketch of Indian materialism", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 3444. Reprinted CL 384-393 C5 Richard Garbe, "Lokayata", ERE 8, 1926, 138 C6 Umesh Mishra, "The Carvaka system", PAIOC 4.1, Summaries 1926, 102-103 C7 Louis de la Vallee Poussin, "Materialism (Indian)", ERE 8, 1926, 493-494 C8 O.Strauss, "Die 'gebildeten' Carvakas", OL 1926, 907-910 C9 Dakshina Ranjan Shastri, "The Lokayatikas and the Kapalikas", PAIOC 6, 1930, 287297. Also IHQ 7, 1931, 125-137 C10 Dakshina Ranjan Shastri, A Short History of Indian Materialism. Calcutta 1930. Portion reprinted CL 394-431 C11 R. A. Schermerhorn, "When did Indian materialism get its distinctive titles?", JAOS 50, 1930, 132-138 C12 P.J.Abs, "Some early Buddhistic texts in relation to the philosophy of materialism in India", CIDO 1931, 157-159 C13 Walter Ruben, "Materialismus im Leben des alten Indien", ActOD 14, 1936: 128, 177 C14 G.N.Chakravarthy, "A critical estimate of the Carvaka system", PAIOC 9, Summaries 1937, 30 C15 D.R.Shastri, "The Carvaka philosophy", CHI 1, 473-492 C16 K.B.Krishna, "Indian materialism", Triveni 12.7-8, 1940, 10-23 C17 A. Moses, "The Carvaka theory of knowledge", PQ 18, 1942-43, 206-210 C18 B.A.Saletore, "Historical notices of the Lokayatas", ABORI 23, 1942, 386-397 C19 P.S.Sastri, "A new light on the Carvaka system of philosophy", PO 12, 1948, 69-73 C20 Dakshina Ranjan (Bhattacharya) Shastri, "The Carvaka philosophy", HPE 133-138 C21 Dakshina Ranjan Shastri, "Materialists, sceptics and agnostics", CHI 3, 168-186

C21.1 L.R.Joshi, "Carvaka philosophy - a critical study", JPA 1.3-4, 1953, 27-31 C22 Helmuth von Glasenapp, "Der altindische Materialismus", AS 8, 1954, 70-78 C23 K.N.Kar, "Logical empiricism and Carvaka and Buddhist systems of philosophy", JBurmaRS 37, 1954, 10-16 C24 Deviprasad Chattopadhyaya, Lokayata. Calcutta 1959 C25 M.Dambuyant, "Le materialisme dans l'Inde ancienne", Pensee 92, 1960, 89-98 C26 C.Rajagopalachari, "Materialist philosophy", VK 47, 1961, 401-402 C27 C.Kunhan Raja, "Carvaka system", PQ 36, 1963, 15-32 C28 Tarapada Bhattacharya, "God in the Carvaka system", CR 172, 1964, 201-206 C28.1 Krishnananda, Carvaka-samiksa. Hoshiarpur 1964 C29 K.V.Apte, "A note on Carvaka views referred to in the Surasundaricariar and Nanapancamikaho", JASBo 41-42, 1966-67, 150-152 C30 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Carvaka views on causation: an Advaita study", PB 71, 1966, 373-379 C31 Dakshin Ranjan Shastri, Carvaka Philosophy. Calcutta 1967 C32 Th. Stcherbatsky, "History of materialism in India". Translated from Russian by Harish C. Gupta. ISPP 10, 1968, 145-150. Reprinted CL 432-440 C33 David J. Kalupahana, "Two schools of materialism in Indian thought", Vidyodaya 2, 1969, 87-92 C34 Deviprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Indian materialism", VDIFO 72, 1970, 507-524 C35 Sadashiv N. Athavale, "Origin and growth of materialistic thought in ancient India", PBDFV 367-375 C36 B.N.Dasgupta, Materialism, Marxism, Determinism and Dialectic. Allahabad 1971 C36.5 S.K. Nanayakkarwa, "Carvaka", EnBud 3.4, 1971, 682-686 C37 Anima Sen Gupta, "The Carvakas: what they stood for", VK 58, 1971-72, 495-499. Reprinted ESOSIP 281-288 C38 I.D.Serebryakov, "Sources on the history and chronology of materialism in India", UCandB 78-81 C39 Keval Krishna Mittal, Materialism in Indian Thought. Delhi 1974 C40 G.V.Tagare, " propos Aryabhata and Lokayatas'", JASBo 49-50, 1974-76, 218 C41 D.P.Chattopadhyaya, "Lokayata materialism", ITAI 101-114 C42 K.C.Chattopadhyaya, "The Lokayata system of thought in ancient India", JGJRI 31, 1975, 137-156 C43 Jagdishwar Pandey, "The Ambhiyas: a Lokayata sect", JBRS 62, 1976, 39-43 C44 G.M.Bongard-Levin, "Aryabhata and Lokayatas", ABORI 58-59, 1977-78, 69-77 C45 Anima Sen Gupta, "Hedonistic tone of the Carvaka philosophy", ESOSIP 289-294. C46 Ganesh Thite, "Carvaka theory of Jaradgava". Purana 19, 1977, 180-182 C47 Janakiballav Bhattacharya, "The Carvaka philosophy", Philosophica 7.1 - 7.2, 1978 C48 Bijan Kumar Biswas, "The Carvaka on anumana", Philosophica 7.1, 1978, 1-5 C49 Robert Duquenn, "Heterodox views on the elements according to Buddhist testimonies", JIBSt 26.2, 1978, 9-14 C50 Arvind Sharma, "A note on the nomenclature for materialist in ancient India", Sambodhi 8, 1979-80, 34-38 C51 R.D.Hegde, "The nature and number of pramanas according to the Lokayata system", ABORI 63, 1982, 99-120

C52 M.N.Roy, Materialism. An Outline of the History of Scientific Thought. New Delhi 1982 C53 Arvind Sharma, "Carvaka in a new light", JOI 13, 1983, 263-264 C54 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Materialism in Indian philosophy", KISSC 196-227 C55 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Lokayata in ancient India" (summary), PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 348 C57 Symali Sanyal, "The Carvaka critique of certainty in knowledge", JDBSDU 8, 1984, 13-20 C57.1 B. M. Chamke, "Probability: a contribution to Charvaka philosophy", Darshana 26.1, 1986, 20-26 C58 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Lokayata in ancient India and China", ABORI 68, 1987, 393405 C58.1 M.S.Menon, "Caricature of 'Lokayata Darsana' or materialism in ancient India", SVUOJ 30-31, 1987-88, 81-86 C59 Arvind Sharma, "Did Prof. M. Hiriyanna revise his views about the Carvaka?", MO 15, 1989, 1-4 C59.1 N. P. Tiwary, "Conception of aparigraha (with special reference to Gandhi and Carvaka)", SVUOJ 32, 1989, 95-102 C60 Ananta Kumar Bhattacharya, "Carvaka darshana", translated by Mrinal Kanta Gangopadhyaya. CL 452-473 C61 Shubhada A. Joshi, "Indian empiricism", Darshana 31.2, 1991, 71-75 C62 H.L.Chandrashekara, "Materialists conception of soul and its logical implications", JMysoreU 52, 1990, 60-62 C62.1 Subhadra A. Joshi, "Indian empiricism", Darshana 31.2, 1991, 71-75 C62.5 Amiyansu Deb, "Materialism down the ages", Corpus 1992, 228-239 C63 Tabe E. Meindersma, "Carvaka and the materialists", WZKSOA 36, 1992, Supplement 299-306 C63.1 Dharmanand Sharma, "Some reflections on Lokayata philosophy", VIJ 30, 1992, 117-122 C64.1 Grigori Bongard-Levin, "Ancient Indian culture and materialism", HIndPh 1993, 1-15 C64.2 Pradeep P. Gokhale, "The Carvaka theory of pramana", PEW 43, 1993, 665-682 C65 Bhakti Srivastava, "The philosophy of Lokayata: an appraisal", RIPMC 126-135 C66 Bhagabat Kumart Shastri, Charvaka-Shashti (Indian Materialism). Calcutta, n.d. C68 H.N.Mishra, "Carvaka's concept of purusartha", JPS 2.1, 1994, 113-121 C68.1 G. Sundara Ramaiah, "A reconstruction of the doctrines of Lokayata from Buddhist sources",PNRBFV 1994, 265-276 C68.2 N.V.P.Unithiri, "Histodiamat interpretation of Indian philosophy", MO 17, 1995, 24-31 C69 Gunaseela Vitanage, "Materialist philosophy as during the time of the Buddha", Buddhist 66, 1995, 41-44; WFBR 33.4, 1996, 41-46 C69.3 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Five more Barhaspatya aphorisms", JIAP 35, 1996, 66-67 C69.5 Marc Ballanfat and Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat, Les Matrialists dans l'Inde Ancienne. Paris 1997

C70 Jasyantanuja Bandyopadhyaya, "Lokayata arthasastra and kamasutra: an inquiry into the 'lost' texts of a social philosophy", EssInP 513-554 C70.3 Ramakrsna Bhattacharya, "Carva/Lokayata philosophy: Perso-Arabic sources", Indo-Iranica 50, 1997, 85-94 C70.5 Katti Padma Rao, Charvaka Darshan: Ancient Indian Dalit Philosophy. Translated by D. Anjanayulu. Madras 1997 C71 M. Mostofa Kamal, "The epistemology of the Carvaka philosophy", JIBSt 46.2, 1998, 13-22 C73 R. Gopala Krishan, "Lokayata (Carvaka) school", MOPS 46; reprinted SaivS 34.3, 1999, 18-32 C74 L. S. Arjunwadkar, "The resurrection of Caraka", Makaranda 197-218 C85 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Perception and inference in the Carvaka philosophy", JASBe 42.1-2, 2000, 29-38 C85.3 RamakrishnaBhattacharya, "The significance of Lokayata in Pali", JDPaliUC 10, 2000, 39-46 C85.7 Bhaswati Bhattacharya Chakraborty, "The word and the world from the Carvaka standpoint", JJP 13.2, 2001, 5-14 C86 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Carvaka fragments: a new collection", JIP 30, 2002, 597-640 C87 Ramakrishna Bhattacharya, "Verses relating to svabhavavada: a collection", Sambodhi 25, 2002, 75-90 C91 Shubhadra Joshi, "The materialist tensions and the spiritualist fusions", JAIRI 7, 2004-2005, 143-148 C92 D. K. Kharwandikar, "The Carvaka system", IndPT 182-188 C95 Piotr Balcerowicz, "Monks, monarchs and materialists", JIP 33, 2005, 571-582 C96 Ram Krishna Bhattacharya, "What is meant by svabhavan bhutacintakah?", EMH 275-281 C100 Jo Miyhamaoto, "Lokayata in Tamil", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 103-107 C110 Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, "Comentators on the Carvakasutra: a summary", JIP 38, 2010, 419-430 C111 Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, "What the Carvaka originally meant: moe on the commentaries on the Carvakasutras", JIP 38, 2010, 529-542 C111.5 Krishna del Toso, "The stanzas on the Carvaka/Lokayata in the Skhalitapramathanayuktihetusiddhi", JIP 38, 2010, 543-552 C114 Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, "Two obscure Sanskrit words related to the Carvaka: pancagupta and kundakila", JIP 39, 2011, 161-171 C115 Bhupender Heera, Uniqueness of Carvaka Philosophy in Traditional Indian Thought. New Delhi 2011 C120 Eli Franco, "A note on the Sadvitayaprayoga", JIP 40, 2012, 219-224 (date unknown) G. Sundar Ramiah, "The doctrines of Carvaka", VidBhar 41-47

Return to Contents Page {Aj} Ajivika

See b379.67.395 Aj1 D.R.Bhandarkar, "Ajivikas", IA 41, 1912, 286-290 Aj2 K.B.Pathak, "The Ajivikas, a sect of Buddhist bhiksus", IA 41, 1912, 88-90 Aj3 Jarl Charpentier, "Ajivika", JRAS 1913, 669-674 Aj4 Beni Madhab.Barua, "The Ajivika", JDL 2, 1920, 1-80 Aj5 A. Banerji-Sastri, "The Ajivikas", JBRS 12, 1926, 53-62 Aj6 B.M.Barua, "Ajivika--what it means", ABORI 8, 1926-27, 183-188 Aj7 A.F.Rudolf Hoernle, "Ajivikas", ERE 1, 1926, 259-268 Aj8 N.Aiyasvami Sastri, "Ajivikas (from Tamil sources)", JSVRI 2.2, 1941, 403-422 Aj9 Arthur L. Basham, History and Doctrines of the Ajivikas. London 1951 Aj10 A.L.Basham, "Ajivikas", EnBud 1.2, 1963, 331-333 Aj11 A.L.Basham, "Ajivikism: a vanished Indian religion", BRMIC 22, 1971, 107-117 Aj12 Haripada Chakraborti, Asceticism in Ancient India in Brahminical, Buddhist, Jaina and Ajivika Societies. Calcutta 1973 Aj13 S.N.Ghoshal, "The attitude of the nirgranthas towards other religious sects as gleaned from the Uvasagadasa", JASBe 21.1-2, 1979, 49-53 Aj14 S.N.Ghoshal, "Kundakotiya in defense of the nirgrantha doctrine", JGJRI 36, 1980, 37-44 Aj15 Pranabananda Jash, "Doctrines of an obsolete sect", JainJ 17, 1982, 135-139 Aj16 Pranabananda Jash, "An obsolete heretical sect: early history and distribution in eastern India", JainJ 19, 1985, 75-83 Aj17 M. A. Dhaky, "The concept of 'time' in nirgrantha darsana", CTAM 1996, 66-67 Aj20 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The riddle of the Jainas and Ajivikas in early Buddhist literature", JIP 28.5-6, 2000, 511-529 Aj25 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Ajivika doctrine reconsidered", EJPR 153-178 Aj30 Johannes Bronkhorst, Echoes of Ajivikism in medieval Indian philosophy", RO 60.2, 2007, 239-248 Return to Contents Page {NV} Nyaya-Vaisesika See a47.16:110, 156; 50.4.5; 198.1.13; 221.1.172; 268.12:13,24; 278.1.20; 294.3.4; 344.4.43; 366.1.5; 379.67:582, 593, 404.4.17; 439.1.3; 440.8.2; 611.17.5; 809.17.10; 1395.3.65. J336.1, 497;3,5, 498.1.2, 545.5.5, 550; BL36,40,79; B1513.11.5, 1538.00, 1589.0, 1610.0, 1614.2.0; 1688, 1888.8, 2114. b11.17.5;75; J564.4; B1872, 1892; PM121.1; G142. d28. B1000, 1560.5. J316,446 NV0.1 H.T.Colebrooke, "On the philosophy of the Hindus: Part II-On the Nyaya and Vaisesika systems", TRAS 1, 1927, pp. 92-118. Reprinted ILAR 26-58 NV0.2 H.T.Colebrooke, "On the Nyaya system of philosophy and the correspondence of its divisions with those of modern science", BM 1, 1848-49, 276-293, 494-502 NV0.3 H.T.Colebrooke, Concerning criticism in Oriental matters in general and the Nyaya in particular", BM 2, 1849, 186-200 NV0.8 Pratnavidyalayira, "The Nyaya philosophy and Henry Thomas Colebrooke", BM 2, 1849, 127-132 NV1 J.R.Ballantyne, "On the Nyaya system of philosophy", Pan 1, 1866: 22, 38, 50

NV2 Hermann Jacobi, "ber tejas, vayu, akasa speciall in der Vaisesika Philosophie", ZDMG 29, 1875, 241-246 NV3 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "The influence of Buddhism on the development of Nyaya philosophy", JBTSI 6.3, 1898, 4-9 NV4 B.V.Kamesvara Aiyar, "Elements of Indian dialectics", SJ 3, 1898, 85-89 NV5 W.Handt, Die Atomische Grundlage der Vaisesika Philosophie. Roostock 1900 NV6 Haraprasad Shastri, "History of Nyaya-sastra from Japanese sources ", JASBe n.s.1, 1905, 177-180 NV7 V.Vedantatirtha, "Optimism in ancient Nyaya", JASBe n.s. 1, 1905, 177-180 NV8 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "The Buddhist version of the Nyaya philosophy", JBTSI 7.4, 1906, 6-16 NV9 V.Chakravarti, "The pramanas of Hindu logic", JASBe n.s. 6, 1910, 289-300 NV10 J.C.Chatterji, The Hindu Realism. Allahabad 1912; Delhi 1975 NV11 Ganganatha Jha, "Sadholal lectures on Nyaya", IT 4, 1912 - 8, 1916 NV12 V.Chakravarti, "The nature of moksa in the Nyaya and Vaisesika systems", JASBe n.s. 10, 1914, 93-95 NV13 M.Chakravarti, "History of Navya-nyaya in Bengal and Mithila", JASBe n.s. 11, 1915, 259-292 NV14 N.Ramanujacharya, "Nyaya philosophy", VK 2, 1915-16: 67, 103 NV15 Arthur Berriedale Keith, Indian Logic and Atomism. Oxford 1921; New York 1968 NV16 Satischandra Chatterjee, "On the ascertainment of pramana in the Nyaya system", SAMSJV III.1, 177-188 NV17 F.W.Thomas, "On the Indian doctrine of perception and error", ProcAristSoc 22, 1921-22, 23-42 NV18 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Viewpoints of Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy", POWSBSt 1, 1922, 27-45 NV19 Mysore Hiriyanna, "An Indian view of 'present' time", QJMS 14, 1924, 233-237. Also in IPS 1, 121-126 NV20 Gopinath Kaviraj, "History and bibliography of Nyaya-Vaisesika literature", POWSBSt 3, 1924 - 7, 1927. Also ISPP 2 - 3, 1961. Reprinted Calcutta 1962 NV21 Richard Garbe, "Nyaya", ERE 9, 1925, 422-424 NV22 Richard Garbe, "Vaisesika", ERE 10, 1925, 568-570 NV23 Paul Masson-Oursel, "L'atomisme indienne", RP 99, 1925, 342-368 NV24 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The Nyaya doctrine of pramana", JDL 16, 1927, 1-62 NV25 K.Gopalakrishnamma, "The Nyaya conception of valid thinking", QJAHRS 2, 1927, 73-80. Summarized in PAIOC 3, Summaries 1924, 153 NV26 Kshetreshachandra Chattopadhyaya, "A peculiar meaning of yoga", JRAS 1927, 854-858 NV27 Mysore Hiriyanna, "What is samavaya?", ProcIPC 3, 1927. Also IPS 1, 107-120. Also RIndPh 212-222 NV28 Hermann Jacobi, "Vita und avita", AIK 8-16 NV29 Hermann Jacobi, "Mimamsa und Vaisesika", ISCRL 145-165 NV30 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Vaisesika system", VK 16, 1929-30: 344, 461 NV31 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Nyaya conception of knowledge", PQ 5, 1930, 270-277 NV32 Henry N. Randle, Indian Logic in the Early Schools. Oxford 1930; Delhi 1968

NV33 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Nyaya conception of truth and error", RPR 1.2, 1931, 1924. Also IPS 1, 18-24 NV34 Saileswar Sen, "The historical origin of the distinction between svarthanumana and pararthanumana", JIH 10, 1931: 29, 187 NV35 Rasvihary Das, "Relations in modern Indian logic", CR 45, 1932, 143-160 NV36 T.R.V.Murti, "The theory of judgment in the Indian systems", PQ 8, 1932-33, 381393 NV37 Satischandra Chatterji, "Extraordinary perception in Indian philosophy", COJ 2, 1934-35, 165-181 NV38 Umesh Mishra, "Smrti theory according to Nyaya-Vaisesika", KBPCV 177-186 NV39 Malati Sen, "Some literary anecdotes: stories about Naiyayikas", COJ 2, 1934-35, 247-249 NV40 Jaideva Singh, "Some problems in connection with the Nyaya theory of perception", PQ 10, 1934, 225-235 NV41 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The conception of the soul in the Nyaya system", PQ 11, 1935-36, 156-163 NV42 G.Hanumantha Rao, "Dialectic of pramanya with special reference to Nyaya and Mimamsa", PAIOC 8, 1935, 329-335 NV43 Erich Frauwallner, "Beitrge zur Geschichte des Nyaya", WZKM 43, 1936, 263278 NV44 Umesh Mishra, Conception of Matter according to Nyaya-Vaisesika. Allahabad 1936 NV45 A.B.Dhruva, "Are the Samkhya and the Nyaya-Vaisesika realistic?", POS 39, 1937, 145-150 NV46 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Epistemology of Nyaya-Vaisesika and modern thought", PAIOC 8, Summaries 1937, 47-48 NV47 Saileswar Sen, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of salvation", CHI 1, 449-458 NV48 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The theory of paksata in Indian logic", PQ 14, 1938, 5259. Also CR 66, 1938, 287-292 NV49 Satischandra Chatterjee, The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge. Calcutta 1939, 1950 NV50 P.T.Raju, "The reality of negation", PR 50, 1941, 585-601 NV51 N.S.Sastri, "Syllogistic reasoning", JSVRI 3, 1942, 191-203 NV52 Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, "Negation according to Navyanyaya", JGJRI 1, 194344, 395-402 NV53 Dinesh Chandra Guha, "Upamanam or the special source of the valid knowledge called upamiti", PB 48, 1943, 367 ff. NV54 Sadananda Bhaduri, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika conception of mind", BCLV II, 38-47 NV55 Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, "Relation according to the new school of Indian logic (Navya-nyaya)", JGJRI 2, 1945, 389-401 NV56 A.S.V.Pant, "Doctrine of isvara in early Nyaya-Vaisesika works", PAIOC 12, 1946, 422-427 NV57 Sadananda Bhaduri, Studies in Nyaya-Vaisesika Metaphysics. Poona 1947; Delhi 1968 NV58 Tara Shankar Bhattacharya, "Navya-nyaya theory of perception of the entire denotation as connotation (samanyalaksana)", JGJRI 4, 1947, 95-105

NV59 C.Bulcke, The Theism of the Nyaya-Vaisesika. Calcutta 1947; Delhi 1968 NV60 Ganganatha Bhattacharya, "Contribution of Mithila to Nyaya-sastra", PAIOC 14.1, Summaries 1948 NV61 Srinivas Dixit, "The redundance of the vyatirekavyapti of the Nyaya system", PQ 23, 1950, 13-16 NV62 Gikai Matsuo, Study on Nyaya School. Ph.D.Thesis, Kyoto University 1950-51. Summarized in JSR 4, 1953, 179-182 NV63 Vibhuti Bhushan Bhattacharya, "Later Nyaya-Vaisesika", HPE 231-241 NV64 Satischandra Chatterjee, "Early Nyaya-Vaisesika", HPE 219-230 NV65 Surendranath Dasgupta, "An analysis of the epistemology of the new school of logic of Bengal", MCV 459-568 NV66 H.R.Kapadia, "A note on prthaktva", JUBo 21, 1952, 120-122 NV67 Edward Johnstone Machle, Mysticism and Realism in the Philosophical Systems of Nyaya-Vaisesika, James Bissett Pratt, and Friedrich, Baron von Hugel. Ph.D.Thesis, Columbia University 1952 NV68 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "The nature of knownness: the Nyaya view", CR 1953. Reprinted KKBLKO 151-166 NV69 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya theory of salvation", PB 58, 1953, 294296 NV70 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "Navya-nyaya", CHI 3, 125-150 NV71 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Pre-existence and immortality of the soul", OH 1, 1953, 247262 NV72 Ganganatha Jha, "Religion of the Nyaya and Vaisesika", CHI 3, 471-474 NV73 Gikai Matsuo, "The basic position of the Vaisesika philosophy", JIBSt 2.1, 1953, 37-39 NV74 Satkari Mookerjee, "Nyaya-Vaisesika", CHI 3, 91-124 NV75 Anantlal Thakkur, "Some lost Nyaya works and authors", PAIOC 17, 1953, 385394 NV76 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Visayata or knowledge-object relation in Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta", OH 2, 1954, 143-152 NV77 Brahmananda Gupta, "The nature of perception", OH 2-3, 1954-1955 NV78 Satkari Mookerjee, "Impediments to universalhood", Sarup 153-161 NV79 Karl H. Potter, "Are the Vaisesika gunas qualities?", PEW 4, 1954, 239-264 NV80 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Interpretation of Vaisesika categories", PQ 28, 1955, 217-226 NV81 Hari Mohan Jha, "The function of avacchedakata in Indian logic", PQ 28, 1955, 207-212 NV82 A.S.V.Pant, "Upamana as discussed in early Nyaya-Vaisesika texts", PAIOC 18, 1955, 392-396 NV83 G.Patti, Der Samavaya im Nyaya-Vaisesika System. Rome 1955 NV84 Karl H. Potter, "Logic and Nyaya", AP 26, 1955, 9 ff. NV85 Brahmananda Gupta, "Savikalpaka pratyaksa (judgmental perception) as visistajnana", OH 4, 1956, 107-114 NV86 Hari Mohan Jha, "Concept of avacchedakata in Indian logic", PatUJ 10, 1956, 2032

NV87 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Knowledge of knowledge: a meta-hypothetical study of Nyaya theory of knowledge", JPA 1957; reprinted KKBLKO 220-232 NV88 Agehananda Bharati, "The place of inductive reasoning in Navya-nyaya logic", JIBSt 5.1, 1957, 14-18 NV89 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "A study on the eternity of sound", CR 142, 1957, 61-71 NV90 Daniel H. H. Ingalls, "Human effort versus God's effort in the early Nyaya", FVSKB 228-235 NV91 Karl H. Potter, "More on the unrepeatability of gunas", PEW 7, 1957, 57-60 NV92 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Wittgenstein versus Naiyayika", CR 147, 1958, 27-44; reprinted in KKBLKO 107ff. NV93 Bishnupada Bhattacharya, "Connotation of words (a comparative study of the viewpoints of grammarians, Mimamsakas and Naiyayikas)", OH 5, 1958, 147-167 NV94 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, A History of Navya-Nyaya in Mithila. Darbhanga 1958 NV95 Srinivas Dixit, "A critical evaluation of the Vaisesika categories", PQ 31, 1958, 37-42 NV96 Hari Mohan Jha, "The analysis of negation in Navya-nyaya", JBRS 44, 1958, 177181. Also PQ 32, 1960, 283-288 NV97 Anima Sengupta, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika conception of soul (a critical exposition)", PB 63, 1958, 119-123 NV98 J.Frits Staal, "Means of formalization in Indian and Western logic", PICP 12.10, 1958, 221-228 NV99 Atsushi Uno, "The determination of terms in Navya-nyaya", JIBSt 7.1, 1958, 6165 NV100 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Is Nyaya-Vaisesika realistic?", CR 152, 1959, 4752 NV100.1 R. Das, "The problem of self-consciousness", SAJ 1, 1951-52, 83-92 NV101 E.I.Gosteeva, "Study of the atom in the Vaisesika system" (in Russian). VF 13, 1959, 93-98 NV102 J.S.Jetly, "Contribution of Jain writers to the Nyaya-Vaisesika literature", Bh 3, 1959-60, 105-128 NV103 Arjuna Misra, The Treatment of Universal in Nyaya-Vaisesika Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Lucknow University 1959 NV104 B.B.Banerjee, "The Nyaya philosophy", CR 158, 1960, 237-244 NV105 Vijay Lakshmi, Psychological Material in Nyaya and Vaisesika System. Ph.D.Thesis, Agra University 1960 NV106 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Doctrine of karana in grammar and logic", JGJRI 17, 1960, 63-69 NV107 Harsh Narain, "Concept of category in Nyaya tradition", Bh 4, 1960-61, 49-76 NV108 P.S.Sastri, "Akhandartha or the theory of judgment", PB 65, 1960, 296-304 NV109 L.P.N.Sinha, "Perceptual doubt", JBRS 46, 1960, 263-266 NV110 Atsushi Uno, "One aspect of extraordinary perception (samanyalaksanapratyaksa)", JIBSt 8.2, 1960, 38-41

NV111 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya view of the apprehension of cognitive validity", JPA 8.29-30, 1961, 1-14 NV112 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, Studies in Nyaya-Vaisesika Theism. Calcutta 1961 NV113 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika doctrine of qualities", PEW 11, 1961, 143-151 NV114 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Alaukikasannikarsa in Nyaya theory of perception", PAIOC 21, 1961, 286-294 NV115 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Reflections on the Indian theory of avayavipratyaksa", JIAP 1, 1961-62, 30-41. Reprinted in his Phenomonology and Ontology (The Hague 1970), 183-197 NV116 Harsh Narain, "Finding an English equivalent for guna", PEW 11, 1961, 45-52 NV117 Ernst Steinkellner, "Die Literatur des lteren Nyaya", WZKSOA 5, 1961, 149162 NV118 Atsushi Uno, "The ascertainment of truth of knowledge in the Nyaya-Vaisesika", JIBSt 9, 1961, 34-39 NV119 V.Varadachari, "Note on the pramanyavada of the Nyaya school", JGJRI 17.3-4, 1961, 265-274 NV120 V.Varadachari, "Anaikantika fallacy in the Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy", SVUOJ 4.1-2, 1961, 40-43 NV121 Dinesh Chandra Guha, "The technique of the insertion of paryapti (paryaptinivesa) in the Navya-nyaya dialectics", Bh 6, 1962-63, 65-94 NV122 C.N.Mishra, "The nature and status of recollection (smrti) in the Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy", JBRS 48, 1962, 69-76 NV123 Sitaramji Shastri, "A discussion connected with the darsanas", SPP 3.1, 1962, 811 NV124 Atsushi Uno, "The concept of vyapti in the Nyaya school", Acta Asiatica 3, 1962, 16-29 NV125 V.Varadachari, "A note on the mangalavada of the Nyaya-Vaisesika school", ALB 26, 1962, 28-35 NV125.5 George Chemparathy, Aufkommen und Entwicklung der Lehre einen Wesen in Nyaya und Vaisesika. Wien 1963 NV126 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Nyaya theory of self", IPC 8, 1963, 1-6 NV127 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "The intensional character of laksana and samkara in Navya-Nyaya", IIJ 8, 1964, 85-95 NV127.5 Jitendranath Mohanty, "The Nyaya theory of doubt", VJP 3, 1965, 15-35. Reprinted IPE 1, 351-372 NV128 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Der svabhavikasambandha: ein geschichtlicher Beitrag zur Nyaya-Logik", WZKSOA 8, 1964, 131-181 NV129 Dharmendra Nath Sastri, Critique of Indian Realism. Agra 1964 NV130 K.C.Varadachari, "Pratibha", BhV 24, 1964, 69-74 NV131 S.S.Barlingay, "The philosophy of samanya or jati", Shakti 2.7, 1965, 20-24 NV132 S.S.Barlingay, "Induction and Indian logic", Shakti 2.10, 1965, 20-28 NV133 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "Fallacy in Nyaya", V.V.Mirashi Felicitation Volume (Nagpur 1965). Reprinted in SILM 45-73

NV134 S.D.Joshi, "The Nyaya theory of the denotation of roots and verb-ending suffixes", Shridhar Shastri Ware Commemoration Volume (Wai 1965), 308-312 NV135 Hidenori Kitagawa, "On upadhi", JIBSt 27, 1965, 430-436 NV136 V.Varadachari, "Requisites of a good hetu", ABORI 46, 1965, 43-48 NV136.5 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Language and reality (a metaphysical essay). Anviksa 1, 1966, 13-23 NV137 Chandrodaya Bhattacharya, "The philosophy of Nyaya", JIAP 5, 1966 - 7.2, 1968, 58-69 NV138 Masaaki Hattori, "The characteristic features and the historical background of the Naiyayika arguments concerning atman", Journal of Philosophical Studies (Kyoto) 53.6, 1966, 5-6 NV139 Hemanta Kumar Ganguli, "The problem of generalisation and the limits of doubt", Anviksa 1.1, 1966, 1-12 NV140 Umesh Mishra, History of Indian Philosophy. Volume II: Nyaya-Vaisesika. Allahabad 1966 NV141 Jitendranath Mohanty, "Nyaya theory of doubt", VJP 3.1, 1966, 15-35. Reprinted in his Phenomenology and Ontology (The Hague 1970), 198-219 NV142 Giuseppe Pipitone, "Antologia Vaisesika", Vidya 13-14, 1966, 19-26 NV143 Priyaranjan Ray, "The theory of chemical combination in ancient Indian philosophy", IJHS 1, 1966, 1-14 NV144 S.N.Sen, "The impetus theory of the Vaisesika", IJHS 1, 1966, 34-45 NV145 Sushanta Sen, "The nature of samavaya (inherence)", VJP 3.1, 1966, 105-117 NV146 N.J.Shah, "On the early history and nature of nirvikalpaka pratyaksa in the Vaisesika and the Nyaya schools", JOI 16, 1966, 18-23 NV147 B.L.Sharma, "Paksata: the motivational conditions of inference according to Navya-Nyaya", Darshana 21, 1966, 103-107 NV148 V.Varadachari, "Conditions for the rise of perceptual cognition", SKBCV 248251 NV149 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "The concept of tarka in Navya-nyaya", Anviksa 2.2, 1967, 65-71. Reprinted in GMBNN 69-76 NV150 S.C.Chatterji, "Chemical theories of ancient India", IPC 12.2-3, 1967, 53-55 NV151 George Chemparathy, "Theism and early Vaisesika system", KAG 109-125 NV152 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of causation: an Advaitic study", IPC 13.4, 1968 - 14.2, 1969 NV152.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "The middle term", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 9, 1968, 229-232. Reprinted IPACR 139-142 NV153 Dinesh Chandra Guha, Navya Nyaya System of Logic: Some Basic Theories and Techniques. Varanasi 1968; Delhi 1979 NV154 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Indian theories of knowledge and truth", PEW 18, 1968, 321-334 NV155 Narayana Mishra, "The non-inherent causality and the special qualities of the soul", SVUOJ 11, 1968, 5-8 NV156 S.N.Mishra, Vaisesika Darsana. Varanasi 1968 NV157 Karl H. Potter, "Is Nyaya intensional or extensional?", JAOS 88, 1968, 711-717

NV158 Karl H. Potter, "Astitva jneyatva abhidheyatva", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 275280. Reprinted IPE 1, 299-304 NV159 Anima Sen Gupta, "Vaisesika categories", VK 55, 1968-69, 502-503 NV160 Siddheswar Varma, "Plurality--philosophical and grammatical--in Sanskrit tradition", SVUOJ 11, 1968, 1-4 NV161 Shodo Yamagami, "The concept of 'whole' in the orthodox school of Indian logicians" (in Japanese with English summary). TGK 55, 1968, 176-190 NV162 George Chemparathy, "The little-known fragments from early Vaisesika literature on the omniscience of isvara", ALB 33, 1969, 117-134 NV162.5 Hemanta Kumar Ganguly, "Metaphysics of meaning", Anviksa 2.1, 1967, 3848; 2.2, 1967, 13-24; 3.1, 1968, 61-72; 3.2-4.1, 1979, 71-84 NV163 A.S.V.Pant, "Epistemology in the Nyaya-Vaisesika system with special reference to sabda", PAIOC 25, 1969, 357-363 NV164 Anantlal Thakur, "Adrsta and dharma in the Vaisesika philosophy", Rtam 1.1, 1969, 51-58 NV165 V.Varadachari, "Scope and basis of laksana in the Nyaya-Vaisesika schools", Rtam 1.1, 1969, 143-149 NV166 Sunilkumar Bera, "Place of meaningful word in Navya-Nyaya philosophy", ProcIPC 1970, 38-45. Also Darshana 12.3, 1972, 20-25 NV167 Tarashankar Bhattacharya, The Nature of Vyapti according to the Navya-Nyaya. Calcutta 1970 NV168 Mrinalkanti Gangopadhyaya, "The concept of upadhi in Nyaya logic", JIP 1, 1970-71, 146-166 NV169 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Remarks on the Vaisesika concept of samanya", Anjali 137151 NV170 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Reference and existence in Nyaya and Buddhist logic", JIP 1, 1970-71, 83-110. Reprinted IPACR 231-258 NV171 Karunesha Shukla, "The Vaisesika schools", VIJ 8, 1970, 153-159 NV172 Anantlal Thakur, "Lost and little-known Nyaya works", Rtam 1.2, 1970, 31-38 NV173 Atsushi Uno, "Satpratipaksa as a fallacy in the Navya-nyaya", JIBSt 37, 1970, 1023-1035 NV175 Gopi Nath Bhattacharya, Application of Mimamsa to Nyaya. Ph.D.Thesis, Burdwan University 1971 NV176 Saranath Bose, "Some considerations on Nyaya-Vaisesika ontology", VJP 8.1, 1971, 31-34 NV177 George Chemparathy, "The number of qualities in isvara", JGJRI 27.1-2, 1971, 11-16 NV178 C.Sampurna, "The definition of perception in the Nyaya and the Advaita systems", RJRU 6-7, 1971, 81-91 NV179 Karunesha Shukla, "Origin of the Vaisesika system", SPP 11, 1971, 28-36 NV180 Hiranmoy Banerjee, "On a mistranslation of the terms visesya and prakara", PEW 22, 1972, 93-96 NV181 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "On the Nyaya view of consciousness", JIAP 11.1, 1972, 44-53

NV182 Dinesh Chandra Guha, "The import of certain expressions like 'either-or' etc., in the light of Navyanyaya, and its application to the complete meaning of the judgment", VJP 8.2, 1972, 45-47 NV183 Srinarayana Mishra, "Order of enumeration of the Vaisesika categories", SVUOJ 15, 1972, 129-136 NV184 Laxman C. Mullati, The Navya-Nyaya Theory of Inference. Ph.D.Thesis, University of British Columbia 1972 NV185 A.D'Almeida, Nyaya Philosophy: Nature and Validity of Knowledge. Alwaye 1973 NV185.5 Sunil Kumar Bera, Realist Philosophy of Language. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Madras 1973. Published Calcutta 1994 NV186 B.N.Hazarika, "Debates and symposia in Vedic India", JUG 24-25, 1973-74, 94101 NV187 Kishore Nath Jha, Problem of Self in Nyaya Philosophy. D. Litt. Thesis, Bihar University 1973 NV188 Chhabinath Mishra, "The nature of perception as elucidated in Vaisesika philosophy", RJRU 9, 1973, 1-7 NV189 Durga Madhav Praharaj, "A note on the ascertainment of vyapti", Darshana 13.4 (52), 1973, 35-40 NV190 C.Ramiah, "Avayavin--a central concept in the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of causation", IPC 18, 1973, 174-189 NV191 C.Ramiah, "Can we conceive of niranvaya-vinasa in Nyaya-Vaisesika?", IndPQ 1, 1973-74, 42-51 NV192 Viswanath Sen, "Nyaya concept of necessity in relation to vyapti", RBJ 6, 1973, 53-57 NV192.5 M.C.Bharatiya, "Definition of a cause in Nyaya-Vaisesika system", PICP 48, 1974, 113-116 NV193 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "The concept of paksata in Navya-nyaya", CDSFV 337-343. Reprinted in GMBNN 77-84 NV194 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Some features of Navya-Nyaya logic", PEW 24, 1974, 329-342 NV194.5 Hari Mohan Jha, "The Navya Nyaya technique of analysis", PICP 48, 1974, 116 NV195 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "A note on the Nyaya fallacy sadhyasama and petitio principii", JIP 2, 1974, 211-224 NV196 Umesh Mishra, Smrti Theory according to Nyaya-Vaisesika. Indological Research Series 3, Varanasi 1974 NV197 Karl H. Potter, "On the realistic proclivities of Navya-Nyaya as explicated by Bhattacharya", PEW 24, 1974, 343-348 NV198 Tomoyasu Takenaka, "The theory of the universal in Indian realism--on the proof of the reality of the universal and the relation between the universal and individuals" (summary). ToG 48, 1974, 9-11 NV199 Anantlal Thakur, "Peep into the less-known Nyaya authors and works", ISUD 3, 1974, 168-174

NV200 Anantlal Thakur, "The Mahabharata and the Nyayasastra", PAIOC 27, 1974, 403-408 NV201 Anantlal Thakur, "The Trairasikas and the Vaisesikas", VIRB 2, 1974, 45-47 NV202 R.K.Tripathi, "Categories in Nyaya and Kant", IPA 10, 1974-75, 29-32 NV203 Siddheshwar Varma, "The basic philosophical approach of the Vaisesika system", CDSFV 407-409 NV204 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Vyadhikaranabhava--a type of negation", WZKSOA 19, 1975, 199-212 NV205 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "To speak clearly", KCV; reprinted in KKBLKO 3-14 NV206 Kisor Chakrabarti, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of universals", JIP 3, 1975, 363382 NV207 Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, "Some comparisons between Frege's logic and NavyaNyaya logic", PPR 36, 1975-76, 554-563 NV208 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Conceptualizations of 'Being' in classical Vaisesika", WZKSOA 19, 1975, 183-198 NV209 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Causality in the Nyaya-Vaisesika school", PEW 25, 1975, 41-48 NV210 Keichi Miyamoto, "A study on natural philosophy in India--Vaisesika theory of pakajotpatti" (in Japanese with English summary). Skenk 225, 1975, 29-50 NV211 Jatilcoomar Mookerjee, "Vada", JDPUC 1, 1975, 81-95 NV212 Shinkan Murakami, "Arguments for the existence of atman in the Vaisesika philosophy" (summary). ARTU 25, 1975, 160 NV213 Karl H. Potter, "Some thoughts on the Nyaya conception of meaning", JIP 3, 1975, 209-216 NV214 Anantlal Thakur, "Perception in Nyaya philosophy", Bharata Manisha 1.1, 1975, 49-58 NV215 Atsushi Uno, "A study of pratiyogin", JIBSt 23.2, 1975, 7-13 NV216 B.M.Awasthi, "A critique of Nyaya theory of triple causation", QFT 250-253 NV217 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Double negation in Nyaya logic and in formal logic", JDPUC 2, 1976, 151-161 NV218 Sivajiban Bhattacharya, "Some principles and concepts of Navya-Nyaya logic and ontology", OH 24.1, 1976 - 25.1, 1977. Reprinted DoubtBK 201-244 NV219 Raja Ram Dravid, "Pramanya Vada", IndPQ 4, 135-146 NV220 Sarita Gupta, "Svarupa Sambandha--a peculiar relation of Navya-Nyaya", JGJRI 32, 1976, 181-186 NV221 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Zum Begriff der Substanz (dravya) in Vaisesika", WZKSOA 20, 1976, 141-166 NV222 Y. Krishan, "Role of the Nyaya-Vaisesikas in Indian religion and society", Prachya Pratibha 4.1, 1976, 67-74 NV223 A.K.Mukherjee, "The definition of pervasion in Navya-Nyaya", JIP 4, 1976, 150; 7, 1979, 107-152 NV224 Shinkan Murakami, "Arguments for the existence of atman in the Vaisesika philosophy" (in Japanese with English summary). TDBKN 25, 1976, 1-56 NV225 Mohini Mullick, "Implication and entailment in Navya-nyaya logic", JIP 4, 1976, 127-134

NV226 Harsh Narain, Evolution of the Nyaya-Vaisesika Categoriology. Volume I. Varanasi 1976 NV227 C.Ramaiah, "Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of numbers", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 129-134 NV228 J.L.Shaw, "Subject and predicate", JIP 4, 1976, 155-180 NV229 Esther A. Solomon, Indian Dialectics. Two volumes. Ahmedabad 1976, 1978 NV230 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Tarka and implication", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 91-102 NV231 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Sabdabodha as a separate type of pramana", JIP 5, 1977, 73-84. Reprinted in GMBNN 85-98 NV232 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "On anyonyabhava", ITaur 5, 1977, 37-42 NV233 Janakivallabha Bhattacharya, "The cognitive relation: would A.C.Ewing's view have been acceptable to the neo-logicians of India?", IndPQ 5, 1977-78, 65-80. Also CPP65-80 NV234 M.P.Marathe, "An ontological slum in Navya-nyaya", Philosophica 6.2, 1977 6.3, 1977 NV234.1 Allen Hillel Merkrebs, The Concept of Adrsta in Vaisesika Philosophy and An Explanation for the Law of Karma. University of Michigan 1977 NV235 Bimal Krishna Matilal, Nyaya-Vaisesika. Volume VI, Fascicule 2 of J. Gonda (ed.), A History of Indian Literature. Wiesbaden 1977 NV236 L.C.Mullatti, The Navya-Nyaya Theory of Inference. Dharwar 1977 NV236.1 A. S. Viswanatha Pant, "The theory of anumana as discussed in the early Vaisesika texts", JOR 47-55, 1977-86, 145-150 NV237 Karl H. Potter (ed.), Nyaya-Vaisesika up to Gangesa. Volume II of Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies. Delhi 1977. Published as Indian Metaphysics and Epistemology, Princeton, N.J. 1978 NV238 Nirmal Rani, "On the nature of satpaksi", KUJ 11,1977, 271-276 NV239 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Radhakrishnan's assessment of Navya-Nyaya", IPA 12, 1977-78, 217-226 NV240 Y.Wadhwani, "Heaven and hell in the Purva-mimamsa and the Nyaya-Vaisesika systems", BDCRI 37, 1977-78, 182-186 NV241 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "On injunctive sentences", GMBNN 99-104 NV242 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Navadvipa's contribution to Navya-nyaya", GMBNN 3-11 NV243 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika and other notions of freedom", Philosophica 7.4, 1978, 1-19 NV244 Bijon Biswas, "The Nyaya theory of perception", Philosophica 7.4, 1978, 1-14 NV245 Kisor Chakraborty, "Definitions of vyapti (pervasion) in Navya-nyaya: a critical survey", JIP 5, 1978, 209-236 NV246 Kisor Chakraborty, "Determination of universal concomitance", JIP 5, 1978, 291310 NV247 Kisor Chakraborty, "The Nyaya concept of svabhavikasambandha: a historical retrospect", JIP 5, 1978, 385-392 NV248 Kisor Kumar Chakraborti, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of negative entities", JIP 6, 1978, 129-144 NV249 G. Chemparathy, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika as interpreters of sruti", JD 3, 1978, 274-291

NV249.1 George Chemparathy, A discussion of the early Nyaya-Vaisesika on the nature of isvara", BhV 39.1, 1979, 31-38 NV250 Arjun Mishra, "Universals in Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 567-569 NV251 Curtis P. Oliver, "Perception in early Nyaya", JIP 6, 1978, 243-266 NV251.5 J. L. Shaw, "The Nyaya on existence, knowability and nameability", JIP 5, 1978, 255-266. Reprinted IPE 1, 305-316 NV252 John Vattanky, "Aspects of early Nyaya theism", JIP 6, 1978, 393-404 NV253 K.P.Bahadur, The Wisdom of Vaisheshika. Delhi 1979 NV253.1 George Chemparathy, "A discussion of the early Nyaya-Vaisesika on the notion of isvara", BhV 39.1, 1979, 31-38 NV254 Harsh Narain, "Anviksiki as dialectic", LSFV 579-592 NV255 Hari Shankar Prasad, "The Nyaya view of present time as duration", P 24-26, 1979-80, 201-212 NV256 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Arthapatti -- as a pramana", JUG 30-33, 1979-82, 171175 NV257 P.K.Sen et al. (eds.), Logic, Ontology and Action. JSP 1, 1979 NV258 Hans-Georg Tuerstig, "Ein Beitrag zur atom-theorie des Nyaya-Vaisesika Systems", AS 73, 1979, 9-22 NV258.1 Shailaja Bapat, "Samyoga and samavaya in Vaisesika system", CASSt 5, 1980, 161-167 NV259 V.K.Bharadwaj, "A theory of tarka sentences", PPR 41, 1980-81, 532-546 NV259.1 V. K. Nharadwaj, "Logic of the Nyaya anumana", PTA 1980, 61-69 NV260 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "On samsargamaryada in Navya-nyaya", PWIAI 79-84 NV261 Maya Das, "Prayojana with special reference to the Nyaya and the Advaita Vedanta", VJP 16-18, 1980-82, 70-77 NV262 Veena Gajendragadkar, "The Vaisesika categories: a logical perspective", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 107-120 NV263 Jayashree Gune, "The meaning of lin according to the Nyaya and the Vyakarana schools", PWIAI 155-168 NV264 Sarita Gupta, "Svarupa-sambandha--a peculiar relation of Navya-nyaya", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 247-252 NV265 Wilhelm Halbfass, "The Vaisesika concept of guna and the problem of universals", WZKSOA 24, 1980, 225-238 NV266 V.N.Jha, "Naiyayikas' concept of pada and vakya", PWIAI 85-94. Also SILLE 45-53 NV267 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Double negation in Navya-Nyaya", SISDI 1-10 NV267.1 C. Ramiah, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika conception of cause", PTA1980, 50-60 NV268 S.Sankaranarayanan, "Threefold inference of the Naiyayikas: a historical study", ALB 44-45, 1980-81, 107-l19 NV269 J.L.Shaw, "The Nyaya on cognition and negation", JIP 8, 1980, 279-302 NV270 Anantalal Thakur, "Members of the pararthanumana: later phases", CIS 123-131 NV271 K.K.Banerjee, "A note on the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of causality", JSP3 159190

NV272 Lawrence Davis, "Tarka in the Nyaya theory of inference", JIP 9, 1981, 105-120. Reprinted IPACR 153-168 NV272.1 Nirmala Rani Gupta, "The concept of rejoinder (jati) in Indian logic", BhV 44.3-4, 1981, 64-68 NV273 Arvind Sharma, "The concept of apavarga in Nyaya-Vaisesika", MO 14, 1981, 88-92 NV274 Virendra Shekhawat, "Nyaya syllogism and causal explanation", IndPQ 9, 198182, 391-404 NV275 A.L.Thakur, "The Mahabharata and the Nyayasastra", PBh 1, 1981, 94-99 NV276 John Vattanky, "The language of negation in Nyaya", JD 6, 1981, 7-17 NV277 A. Wezler, "Proposal for a joint Indo-German project in the field of NavyaNyaya literature and tradition", IIG 44-47 NV278 C.D.Bijelwan, The Analysis of Jnana and Ajnana in the Light of Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta. Madras 1982 NV279 Sri Jiban Biswas, "Some reflections on samanyalaksana", OH 30.2, 1982, 59-84 NV280 V.N.Jha, "On ubhayabhava, anyatarabhava and visistabhava", ABORI 63, 1982, 99-120. Also SILLE 146-153 NV289 Keiichi Miyamoto, "Anumana and nyaya of the Naiyayikas", JIBSt 30.2, 1982, 20-25 NV290 Yuko Miyasaka, "The concept of paryapti in Navya-nyaya", JIBSt 30.2, 1982, 17-19 NV291 Pradyot Kumar Mondal, "Some aspects of perception in old Nyaya", JIP 10, 1982, 357-376 NV292 P.K.Mukhopadhyay, "The philosophy of universals", JSP 4, 1982, 209-245 NV293 G. Oberhammer, "Transzendenz als Heil im lteren Nyaya", EDH 27-39 NV294 Hans-Georg Turstig, ber Entstehungsprozesse in der Philosophie des NyayaVaisesika-Systems. Wiesbaden 1982 NV295 S.R.Bhatt, "The Navya-nyaya theory of jati and samanya", Aruna-Bharati 23-33 NV296 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Some aspects of the Navya-nyaya theory of inference", JIAP 22.1, 1983, 36-56. Also DoubtBK 245-267. Reprinted ILAR pp. 162-182 NV297 B.David Burke, "On the measure parimandala", PEW 33, 1983, 273-284 NV298 George Chemparathy, L'autorit du Veda selon les Nyaya-Vaisesika. Louvain-laNeuve 1983 NV299 Satya Dev, "The secret of Nyaya", BVa 18.3-4, 1983, 18-21 NV300 R.D.Hegde, "A note on visesa", Sambodhi 11, 1983, 1-4 NV301 H.M.Joshi, "Some fragments of Indian logic", JOI 33, 1983, 265-271 NV302 Kenneth J. Perszyk, "'Virtue is not blue': Navya-nyaya and some Western views", JIP 11, 1983, 325-338 NV303 S.B.Raghunadacarya, Means of Valid Cognition according to Nyaya and Mimamsa. A Critical Study. Tirupati 1983 NV304 Arvind Sharma, "A point of intersection between the Nyaya theories of perception and error", Triveni 51.4, 1983, 41-43 NV305 Basavaraj Siddhasrami, "Upamana as a distinct pramana in Nyaya system", PTG 18.l, 1983, 20-22 NV306 L.P.N.Sinha, Nyaya Theory of Perception. New Delhi 1983

NV307 K.Vijayan, "Nyaya and yoga", Journal of Manuscript Studies 24, 1983, 4 pp. NV308 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Navya Nyaya theory of pervasion", JIAP 23.1, 1984. Reprinted DoubtBK 268-300 NV308.5 K. C. Dash, "Semantic analysis of simple sentence in Navya-Nyaya", JUJI 1.1, 1984, 65-73 NV309 Erich Frauwallner, "Der Navyanyayah", EFNW 43-55 NV310 Erich Frauwallner, "Der Navyanyayah, ein Artikel fr das 'Wrterbuch der Philosophie'", EFNW 57-62 NV311 Mrinal Kanti Gangopadhyay, Indian Logic in its Sources on Validity of Inference. New Delhi 1984 NV311.5 Dipak Ghosh, Abhavavimarsa. Varanasi 1984 NV312 Rachappa I. Ingalalli, "The concept of visayata in Navya-nyaya", ALB 48, 1984, 65-77 NV313 V.N.Jha, "On occurrence-exacting relations" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1983-85, 347 NV313.1 V.N.Jha, "Navya-nyaya philosophy", SVUOJ 27, 1982, 65-74 NV314 Sukla Kanungo, "The Nyaya notion of hybridity (samkara)", JIAP 23.2, 1984, 60-63 NV315 Madhusudan Maitra, "Verbal communication as a source of knowledge of negation: a critical estimate of Nyaya view" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 349-350 NV316 P.K.Mandal, "Some technicalities in Navya-nyaya explained", IndPQ 11, 198485, 51-66 NV317 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Grammaticality and meaninglessness", Amrtadhara 263272 NV318 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Knowing that one knows", JICPR 2.1, 1984, 19-48. Reprinted IPE 1, 143-172 NV319 S.N.Mishra, "Concept of bheda (difference) in Vaisesika philosophy" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 353-354 NV320 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "Is samavaya (inherence) an internal relation?", IndPQ 11.3, 1984, Student's Supplement 1-8 NV321 Harsh Narain, "Evolution of non-being as a Vaisesika category", AligarhJOS 1, 1984, 129-137 NV322 Gerhard Oberhammer, Wahrheit und Transzendenz. Eine Beitrag zur Spiritualitt des Nyaya. Wien 1984 NV323 Kenneth J. Perszyk, "The Nyaya and Russell on empty terms", PEW 34, 1984, 131-146 NV324 Kenneth J. Perszyk, "Negative entities and negative facts in Navya-nyaya", JIP 12, 1984, 237-263 NV325 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Time a substantive reality in Nyaya-Vaisesika", EAW 34, 1984, 233-266 NV326 Subhash Chandra Saha Roy, "Essential characteristics of valid inferences" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 365-366 NV327 Ananta Lal Thakur, "The Buddhist and orthodox Nyaya system", JDBSDU 8.1, 1984, 31-38

NV328 S.R.Bhatt, "The concept of pramanya in Navya-Nyaya school", RKV 17-28 NV329 Hirendra Nath Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya concept of vyaptigraha", IndPQ 12.4, 1985, Student Supplement 9-15 NV330 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Abstraction, analysis and universals: the Navya-nyaya philosophy", APCP 189-202 NV330.1 Sivajivan Bhattacharya, "Being in Aristotle and Navyanyaya", JASBe 27.4, 1985, 101-112 NV331 Douglas D. Daye, "Some epistemologically misleading expressions: 'inference' and anumana, 'perception' and pratyaksa", APCP 231-252 NV332 Bimal K. Matilal, "Awareness and meaning in Navya-nyaya", APCP 373-392. Reprinted CEBKM 114-132 NV332.1 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "On the theory of number and paryapti in Navyanyaya", JASBe 27.4, 1985, 13-21. Reprinted CEBKM 133-140 NV332.2 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Pandit Madhusudana Nyayacharya and Navya Nyaya studies", JASBe 27.4, 1985, 1-2 NV333 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "The traditional critique of Vaisesika category of samavaya: an appraisal", IndPQ 12.3, 1985, Student's Supplement 11-19 NV333.5 J.N.Mohanty, "Psychologism in Indian logical theory", APCP 203-211. reprinted IPACR 2, 143-152 NV334 Roy W. Perrett, "A note on the Navya-nyaya account of number", JIP 13, 1985, 227-234 NV335 Karl H. Potter, "A speech-act model for understanding Navya-nyaya epistemology", APCP 213-230 NV336 J.L.Shaw, "Proper names: contemporary philosophy and the Nyaya", APCP 327372 NV337 Lata Bapat, "Role and significance of drstanta in anumana", IPQ 13, 1986, Supplement 299-308 NV338 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The Navya-Nyaya theory of abstraction", FPS 312-329 NV338.0 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Navya-Nyaya theory of language and meaning", Presidential Address. Printed in K. Kunjunni Raja (ed.), Problem of Communication (Madras 1986, pp. 254-272 NV338.1 Arindam Chakravarti, "Understanding falsehoods: a note on the Nyaya concept of yogyata", JASBe 28.1, 1986, 10-11 NV339 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Vaisesika account of the phenomenon of dream", Philosophica 15-16, 1986-87, 179-184 NV339.1 Sitanath Goswami, "Validity of the Vedas--Nyaya view", Anviksa 8, 1986. Reprinted IndTrad II, 9-20 NV340 R.I.Ingalalli, "The concept of definition (laksana) in Nyaya", Philosophica 15-16, 1986-87, 162-167 NV341 V.N.Jha, "Avacchedakatva--a particular svarupasambandha? Why?", SILLE 118-125 NV342 V.N.Jha, "On the delimiting relation of a counterpositiveness", SILLE 126-136 NV343 V.N.Jha, "Temporal relation in Navya-Nyaya", SILLE 137-145 NV345 V.N.Jha, "The rationale of a yogic perception", SILLE 154-162 NV347 V.N.Jha, "Nature of sabdapramana in Nyaya-Vaisesika", SILLE 36-44

NV347.1 Shinkan Murakami, "Vaisesika theory of direct perception (pratyaksa) and verbal expression" (summary), TDBKN 36, 1986, 200-199 NV348 Sukharanjan Saha, "Kindred points in an old epistemology", OH 34.1, 1986, 1-46 NV349 Sabujkoli Sen (Mitra), "The concept of aprama (non-valid knowledge) in Nyaya school", VJP 23.2, 1986, 76-81 NV350 Walter Slaje, "Untersuchungen zur Chronologie einiger Nyaya-Philosophen", SII 11-12, 1986, 245-278 NV351 Walter Slaje, "Nihsreyasam im alten Nyaya", WZKSOA 30, 1986, 163-178 NV351.1 V.Varadachari, "Tamo'ri and Timirari", JOR 47-55, 1977-86, 151-156 NV352 V.K.Bharadwaj, "Implication and entailment in Navya-nyaya logic", JIP 15, 1987, 149-154 NV353 Chandidas Bhattacharya, "Can there be empirical evidence for general truth?", JIP 15, 1987, 333-348 NV353.1.Antonelle Comba, "Carakasamhita, Sarirasthana I and Vaisesika philosophy", in G.Jan Meulenfeld and Dominik Wujastyk (eds.), Studies on Medical History, Groningen Oriental Studies Vol. 2, Groningen 1987, pp. 43-61 NV354 Raghunath Ghosh, "A problem concerning Nyaya theory of nirvikalpaka pratyaksa", IndPQ 14, 1987, 209-216 NV355 Raghunath Ghosh, "Gopinath Kaviraj on the doctrine of pratibha with special reference to Nyaya-Vaisesika", MGKCV 58-65 NV355.1 P.K.Maity, "The Nyaya concept of self and some European parallels and contrasts:, RBJPS 2, 1987, 73-78 NV356 Pradyot Kr. Mandal, "Some problems of perception in Navya-Nyaya", JIP 15, 1987, 125-148 NV357 Ernst Prets, "Notes on the anadhyavasitahetvabhasa", WZKSOA 31, 1987, 131140 NV358 C. Ramaiah, "The problem of personal identity--Nyaya-Vaisesika perspective", IPA 20, 1987-88, 68-84 NV359 Cesare Rizzi, Introduzione al Nyaya. Bologna 1987 NV360 Sukharanjan Saha, Perspectives on Nyaya Logic and Epistemology. Calcutta 1987 NV361 Vibha, The Nyaya Concept of Abhava. Delhi 1987 NV362 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Prama-pramana and knowledge-justification", KKBLKO 233-251 NV363 Arindam Chakrabarti, "The end of life: a Nyaya-Kantian approach to the Bhagavadgita", JIP 16, 1988, 327-334 NV364 Sunil Kumar Das, The Nyaya Theory of Supernormal Perception. Calcutta 1988 NV365 Aruna Goel, Nyaya-Vaisesika and Modern Science. New York 1988 NV366 V.N.Jha, "Artha, visaya and karaka", SIRVJ 123-126 NV366.5 Rachappa Ingalalli, "Relation in Navya-nyaya", JKU 28, 21-21 NV367 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Sabdabodha and the problem of knowledgerepresentation in Sanskrit", JIP 16, 1988, 107-l22 NV367.1 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Nyaya critique of the Buddhist doctrine of no-soul", FTI 1988, 85-104. Reprinted JIP 17, 1989, 61-80. NV368 Sabita Mishra, "The origin and history of Navya Nyaya", PB 193, 1988, 430-435

NV369 Arati Mukherjee, A Critique of Verbal Testimony. Calcutta 1988 NV369.1 S. Revathy, "On the definition of 'definition' according to Nyaya", LP 2, 1988, 107-116 NV370 S. Sankaranarayanan, "Problem of definition in Indian logic", ALB 52, 1988, 114-127 NV370.1 B. Sansom, "Strawson and the Nyaya on meaning", Darshana 28.4, 1988, 42-52 NV370.5 J.L.Shaw, "The Nyaya on double negation", Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 29, 1988, 139-154. Reprinted 123-138 NV371 Toshihiro Wada, "Qualifier (visesana) in Navya-nyaya philosophy", JIBSt 37.1, 1988, 7-13 NV372 Asoka Chatterjee Sastri, "Determination and position of tarka: Naiyayikas vis-avis Sankarites", POSankara 156-166 NV372.1 Anant Lal Thakur, "Joy, suffering, and eternal bliss in Nyaya philosophy", NBLBS 53-58 NV372.1.5 M. Veeraiah, The Structure and Grounds of Inference in Nyaya and Aristotle. Tirupati 1988 NV372.2 Gokamohan Bhattacharya, "On avacchedaka in Navya-Nyaya", DharmaNirajan 1989, 182-189 NV373 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The empirical subject: a comparative study of Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta theories", POSankara 126-142 NV374 Nisith Nath Chakravorty, "Nyaya-Vaisesika atomism (paramanuvada): a critical exposition", VJP 25.2-26.1, 1989, 77-82 NV374.1 Amita Chatterjee, "Can there be an incontinent action in the Nyaya scheme of intentional action?", JJP 1.1, 1989, 60-74 NV374.1.1.Subhas Chandra Dash, "A note on avayavasakti vs. samudayasakti", SVUOJ 27, 1989, 103-108 NV374.2 Raghunath Ghose, "The role of tarka in the phenomenon of vyaptigraha", Purnatrayi 16.2, 1989, 1-8 NV375 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of anuvyavasaya in Nyaya logic: a phenomenological analysis", VJP 25.2-26.1, 1989, 32-38 NV376 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Observations on sattasambandha and the history of Vaisesika ontology", JAOS 109, 1989, 553-558 NV376.1 V. N. Jha, "Nature of sabdapramana in Nyaya-Vaisesika", Dharma-Nirajana 1989, 307-314 NV376.2 Harsh Kumar, "The Nyaya method of philosophy", Dharma-Nirajana 1989, 328-329 NV376.3 Shiv Kumar, "Nature of upamana in the Nyaya system, "Dharma-Nirajana 1989, 260-269 NV377 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Nyaya critique of the Buddhist doctrine of non-souls", SelfandC 173-192 NV378 Keiichi Miyamoto, "Artha according to the Naiyayikas and Vaisesika", Acta Asiatica 57, 1989, 1-10 NV378.1 Harsh Narain, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika categoriology: an appraisal:, DharmaNiranjana 1989, 205-217

NV379 Claus Oetke, "Zur interpretation der drei merkmale des logischen grundes", ZDMG, Supplement 7, 1989, 402-409 NV380 A.S.Viswanatha Pant, "The theory of anumana as discussed in the early Vaisesika texts", JOR 47-55, 1989, 145-150 NV381 K. Preisedanz, "On atmendriyamanorthasannikarsa and the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of vision", BIS 4-5, 1989, 39-48 NV381.1 S.Sankaranarayanan, "Liberation in early Nyaya-Vaisesika systems", ALB 53, 1989, 163-180 NV382 J.L.Shaw, "Singular existential sentences: contemporary philosophy and the Nyaya", RCT 211-240 NV382.1 John Vattanky, "On the causes of verbal knowledge", Purnatrayi 16.2, 1989, 23-30 NV383 Toshihiro Wada, "Describer (nirupaka) in Navya-Nyaya", ABORI 69, 1989, 183194 NV383.1 Vinayak P. Bhatta, "Theory of verbal cognition (sabdabodha)", BDCRI 49, 1990, 59-74 NV384 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Some features of the technical language of NavyaNyaya", PEW 40, 1990, 129-150. Reprinted IPACR 2, 101-122 NV385 Amita Chatterjee, "Can there be inconsistent action in the Nyaya scheme of intentional actions?", VJP 26.2, 1990, 49-62 NV386 Santimoy Chowhdury, "Is knowledge an act (kriya)?", VJP 27.1, 1990, 10-17 NV386.5 Antonelli Comba, "Universal (samanya) and particular (visesa) in Vaisesika Ayurveda", JEAS 1, 1990, 7-32 NV387 Vibha Gaur, The Navya Nyaya Logic (Concept of Abhava). Delhi 1990 NV388 Raghunath Ghosh, The Justification of Inference: A Navya-Nyaya Approach. Delhi 1990 NV388.1 P. I. Gradinarov, Phenomenology and Indian Epistemology: Studies in Nyaya Vaisesika. Transcendental Logic and Atomism. Sophia Indological Series 2, New Delhi 1990 NV388.2 H. Isaacson, A Study of Early Vaisesika and the Mimamsa. Thesis, U. of Groningen 1990 NV389 R.I.Ingalalli, Tadatmya-Sambandha: A Study in Relation of Identity. Sri Garib Dass Oriental Series 107. Delhi 1990, 1995 NV389.0.H.Isaacson, A Study of Early Vaisesika and the Mimamsa. Thesis, U. of Groningen 1990 NV389.01 S.D.Jhala, "Historical survey of Vaisesika literature", Sambodhi 14, 1990, 712 NV389.02 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika view of jivanmukti: an analysis:, VIJ 28, 1990, 111-120 NV389.1 Sukharanjan Saha, "Thought and language", JICPR 8.1, 1990, 17-56 NV390 Toshihiro Wada, Invariable Concomitance in Navya Nyaya. Delhi 1990 NV391 Hiranmoy Banerjee, "Kali Krishna Banerjee on metaphysics", JJP 3.1, 1991, 1-8 NV391.1 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Reason and revelation: some Indian themes and theories", JIAP 30.2, 1991, 47-71

NV391.2 Tushar Kanti Bhattacharya, "How is samavaya known? The Naiyayikas and the Vaisesikas", VJP 28.1, 1991, 69-76 NV392 Arindam Chakrabarti, "I touch what I saw", PPR 52, 1992, 103-116 NV393 Kisor Kumar Chakraborti and Chandana Chakraborti, "Toward dualism: the Nyaya-Vaisesika way", PEW 41, 1991, 477-492 NV394 Keshab Chandra Dash, Relations in Knowledge Representation: An Interdisciplinary Study in Nyaya, Mimamsa, Vyakarana, Tantra, Modern Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence. Delhi 1991 NV394.1 Subas Chandra Dash, "Samaya: the word-meaning relationship in Nyayavaisesika system", JOI 41, 1991, 57-66 NV395 Srilekha Datta, The Ontology of Negation. Calcutta 1991 NV395.1 Srilekha Datta, "On the nature of koti of samsaya", JJP 3.2, 1991, 35-44 NV395.2.D.D.Daye, "On the translation of the basic Nyaya language: paksa, hetu and drstanta", AspJ 3, 164-173 NV396 Raghunath Ghosh, "Some reflections on the Nyaya theory of action", IndPQ 18, 1991, 581-594 NV397 V.N.Jha, "On the formulation of the definition of paksata", Prajnajyoti 143-148 NV397.1.V.N.Jha, "Ultimate principle according to the Nyaya-Vaisesika", UAITD 129136 NV398 Daya Krishna (ed.), Samvada: A Dialogue between Two Philosophical Traditions. New Delhi 1991 NV399 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Knowledge, truth and pramatva", JNMP 169-182. Reprinted CEBKM 149-161 NV400 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Sabdabodha and the problem of knowledgerepresentation in Sanskrit", Prajnajyoti 179-191 NV401 Aruna Ranjan Mishra, "On the causality of sky", JIP 19, 1991, 133-142 NV402 Prabhat Misra, "The concept of tatparya in Indian philosophy of meaning", IndPQ 18, 1991, 595-608 NV403 J.N.Mohanty, "Recollections and response", JNMP 199-218 NV403.1 P.K.Mukhopadhyay, The Nyaya Theory of Linguistic Performance. Calcutta 1991 NV403.1 S. Revathy, "Why the asamavayikarana?", ALB 55, 1991, 98-103 NV403.2 Sukharanjan Saha, Meaning, Truth and Predication: A Reconstruction of Nyaya Semantics. Calcutta 1991 NV404 Ratna Datta Sharma, "Analysis of 'Nyaya' in classical Nyaya", JJP 3.1, 1991, 3362 NV405 J.L.Shaw, "Professor Mohanty on meaning and transformation in Indian philosophy", JNMP 143-168 NV406 J.L.Shaw, "Universal sentences: Russell, Wittgenstein, Prior and the Nyaya", JIP 19, 1991, 103-120 NV406.0 K.V ijayan, "The Vaisesika theory of atom:, Purnatrayi 18.2,1991, 27-34 NV406.01 O. Viswanathan Achari, "A few topics of science dealt with by Vaisesika", Purnatrayi 19.1, 1992,62-70 NV406.02 Toshihide Adachi, "Linga in the Vaisesika and the Mimamsa", Machikanayam Ronso (Philosophy) 26, 1992, 27-41

NV406.1 V.P.Bhatta, "Theory of nirupya-nirupaka-bhava", RelationsIP 67-78 NV406.2.Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Meaning and skepticism: some Indian themes and theories", PGI 1-20 NV406.3.J.Bronkhorst, "Quelques axiomes du Vaisesika", Les Cahiers de Philosophie 14, 1992, 95-10 NV407 Arindam Chakrabarti, "On knowing by being told", PEW 42, 1992, 421-440. Reprinted IPE 1, 331-350 NV407.0 Sadhan Chakrabarti, "Two faces of triple negation", JJP 4.1, 1992, 59-68 NV407.1 Nini Chanda, "The Cartesian problem of the duality of mind and body", JIAP 31, 1992, 39-52 NV407.2 B.K.Dalai, "Samavaya", RelationsIP 11-28 NV407.3 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Nyaya modal knowledge-base and relational representation:, RelationsIP 161-168 NV407.3.5 Keshab Chandra Dash, Logic of Knowledge Base: A Nyayayika Reader for Designing Computational Lexicon. Delhi 1992 NV407.4 Subas Chandra Dash, "Laksana in Nyaya system",. RelationsIP 109-120 NV408 Eli Franco, "Valid reason, true sign", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 660 NV408.1 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of 'relation' in Navya-Nyaya with special reference to jnapya-jnapaka-bhava relation", VJP 28.2, 1992, 33-41 NV408.2 Raghunath Ghosh, "Jnapya-jnapaka-bhava relation:, RelationsIP 79-88 NV408.3.Raghunath Ghose, "Some problems concerning the comprehension of meaning", PGI 157-164 NV408.4 Aruna Goel, "Visesa as a padartha in Vaisesika-darsana", VIJ 30, 1992, 73-88 NV409 Wilhelm Halbfass, On Being and What There Is. Albany, N.Y. 1992 NV409.1 K.N.Hota, "The qualifier and qualificand relation", RelationsIP 89-98 NV409.1.1 Kashinath Hota, "Instrumental cause of inferential cognition", JOI 42.1-2, 1992, 55-62 NV409.2 R.I.Ingalalli, "On relation of identity (tadatmya-sambandha)", RelationsIP 3548 NV409.3 V.N.Jha, "The paryapti-relation in Navya-nyaya", RelationsIP 49-60 NV409.3.5 V. N. Jha, "Prakara and samarga in sabdabodha", Vidya-Vratin 1992, 145154 NV409.4 Nirmala Kulkarni, "Samyogasambandha in Nyaya-Vaisesika", RelationsIP 1-10 NV410 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Pramana as evidence", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 659-660 NV410.1 Dilip Kumar Mohanta, "Syllogism: Aristotle and Nyaya", VJP 28.2, 1992, 2732 NV411 Arthur Nieuwendijk, "Semantics and comparative logic", JIP 20, 1992, 377-418 NV411.00 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Der frhe Nyaya: Bemerkungen zur inneren Gestalt seines Denkens" in A.W.van der Hoek, D.H.A.Kolff and M.S.Oort (eds.), Ritual, State and History in South Asia: Essays in Honour of J.C.Heesterman (Leiden 1992), 244-258 NV411.0.Claus Oetke, "Zur interpretation drei Merkmale des logischen Gundes" in XXIII.Deutscher Orientalistenlag, Ausgewhlte Vortrge, Stuttgart, 391-402

NV411.1 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "The Nyaya theory of sabdapramana", JOI 42.1-2, 1992, 39-48. Reprinted RKBSSS 34-47 NV411.2.Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophies, Volume VI. Indian Philosophical Analysis from Gangesa to Raghunatha Siromani. Ed. K.H.Potter and Sibajiban Bhattacharyya. Princeton, N.J. 1992 NV412 Ernst Prets, "Notes on the anadhyavasitahetvabhasa", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 658-659 NV412.1 H.V.Nagaraja Rao, "What is sabdabodha?", MO 16, 1992, 57-59 NV413 Brinda Sen, "The concept of kartrtva in the Nyaya-Vaisesika, IndPQ 19, 1992, 327-334 NV413.0 Brinda Sen, "Is akasa a proper noun?", JJP 4.1, 1992, 43-58 NV413.1 Baliram Sjukla, "The history of svarupasambandha", RelationsIP 29-34 NV414 Visvabandhu Tarkatirtha, "The Nyaya on the meaning of some words". Translated by J.L.Shaw. JIP 20, 1992, 41-88 NV415 John Vattanky, "The referent of words: universal or individual, the controversies between Mimamsakas and Naiyayikas", JIP 21, 1993, 51-78 NV416 John S. Vattanky, Development of Nyaya Theism. New Delhi 1993 NV416.1 Jyoti Prasad Bhattacharya, "Causal law regarding qualificative cognition", JJP 5.1, 1993, 1-12 NV416.2 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Mohanty on sabdapramana", in F.M.Kirkland and D.P.Chattopadhyaya (eds.), Phenomenology--East and West. Netherlands 1993 NV417 N.S.Dravid, "A pseudo-problem about Nyaya definition of inference and its pseudo-solutions", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 65-70 NV417.1 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "Grammarians and philosophers", RIBP 203-208 NV418 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Mysticisme et rationalit en inde: Le cas de Vaisesika", AS 47, 1993, 559-570 NV418.1 Plamen, Gradinarov, "Man and universe", PPIBPS 217-234 NV419 Harunaga Isaacson, "Yogic perception (yogipratyaksa) in early Vaisesika", SII 18, 1993, 139-160 NV419.0 V.N.Jha, "Meaning and referent", PPIBPS 166-174 NV419.0.5 Madhu Kapoor, "The nature and definition of word: some Navya-naiyayikas approach", JJP 5.1, 1993, 37-51 NV419.1 Victoria Lysenko, "The atomistic theory of Vaisesika problems of interpretation", CracowIS 1 (1992-1993), 189-198; also HIndPh 56-71 NV419.2.Claus Oetke, Studies on the Doctrine of Trairupya. Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, Heft 33, Wien 1993. NV420 Jagat Pal, "Nyaya inference: deductive or inductive?", IndPQ 20, 1993, 265-280 NV420.0 G.C.Pande, "Time in Buddhism", RandT 182-207 NV420.1 Vasant Parikh, "Concept of the individual self in the Nyaya-Vaisesika", Samamnaya 2, 1993, 79-91 NV420.2 Biswanarayan Shastri, Samavaya Foundation of Nyaya-Vaisesika. Delhi 1993 NV420.2.1 Brinda Sen, "A note on the claim that akamksa is padarthagata", VJP 30.1, 1993, 24-27 NV420.3 Bishwanath Sen, "Nyaya view of perception of composite objects", BRMIC 44, 1993, 251-257

NV420.3.1 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "Nature and criterion of truth: the Nyaya view", PPIBPS 130-156 NV420.4 J.C.Sikdar, "Bird's-eye view on Indian atomism", Dilip 19.1, 1993, 13-17 NV421 Heeraman Tiwari, "One and many: the early Naiyayikas and the problem of universals", Prabhakara-Narayan-Srih 206-232 NV422 Toshihide Adachi, "On the size and mobility of the atman in the early Vaisesika", AS 48, 1994, 653-664 NV423 S. S. Barlingay, "Paryapti relation:, JPS 2.1, 1994, 1-7 NV423.5 Vinayaka P. Bhatta, "Navya-Nyaya concept of samsargamaryada", BDCRI 5455, 1994-95, 149-156 NV424 Sibajiban Bhsttacharyya, "Epistemology of testimony and authority: some Indian themes and theories", KW 69-98 NV424.5 Tushar Kanti Bhattacharya, Samavaya and the Nyaya-Vaisesika Realism. Calcutta 1994 NV425 Visvabandhu Bhattacharya, "Proper names and individuals", KW 325-346 NV425.5 Uma Chattopadhyaya, "Computational semantics and Nyaya theory of upamana", IndS 202-213 NV426 Raghunath Ghose, "Can there be ontological argument in Nyaya-Vaisesika?", IndPQ 21, 1994, 119-128 NV427 Jan E.M. Houben, "Liberation and natural philosophy in early Vaisesika: some methodological problems", AS 48, 1994, 711-748 NV427.1 V. N. Jha, Contribution of Nyaya System of Indian Thought Structure. Calicut University Sanskrit Department Series 6, Calicut 1994 NV427.1.1 V. N. Jha, "Verbal decodingan ancient Indian approach", IndS 52-61 NV427.2 K. Kapoor, "Concept of padartha in language and philosophy", BDCRI 54-55, 1994-95, 197-222 NV428 Madhu Kapoor, "The nature of relationship between word and word-meaning (vrtti-svarupa): Nyaya view", JJP 6.2, 1994, 51-82 NV428.2 R. R. Karnik, "Knowledge base of Nyaya system", IndS 96-107 NV428.5 Satyajit Layak, "The treatment of chala in Nyaya darsana", CultInd 233-235 NV429 Victoria Lysenko, "'Atomistic mode of thinking' as exemplified by the Vaisesika philosophy of number", AS 48, 1994, 781-806 NV430 Bimal Matilal, "Understanding, knowing and justification", KW 347-366. Reprinted CEBKM 162-181 NV431 J.N.Mohanty, "Is there an irreducible mode of word-generated knowledge?", KW 29-60. Reprinted ExinP 35-55 NV432 Claudius Nenniger, "Samanyato-drsta anumanam--analogical reasoning in early Nyaya-Vaisesika", AS 48, 1994, 819-832 NV432.1 Claus Oetke, Vier Studien zum altindischen Syllogism. Philosophia Indica, Einsichten-Ansichten Volum 2. Reinbek 1994 NV432.5 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Apavarga in Nyaya and Bhedabheda soteriology", JOI 43.3-4, 179-184. Reprinted RKBSSS 68-78 NV433 Amit Kumar Sen, "Nyaya inference--deductive-inductive pattern", IndPQ 21, 1994, 179-184

NV434 Badrinath Shukla, "On propositions: a Naiyayika response to a Russellian theory", KW 315-324 NV434.5 Visvabandhu Tarkatirtha (tr. J.L.Shaw), "The Nyaya on indexicals and the quantifier", JIAP 33.1-2, 1994, 40-72 NV435 J. Vattanky, "Is the God of the Naiyayikas transcendent?", HermE 215-222 NV435.5 K. Vijayan, "The Vaisesika theory of atom", CultInd 266-270 NV436 Toshihiro Wada, "The structure of the world in Indian realism and its schematization", Vacaspatyam 150-158 NV437 Joy Bhattacharya, "Nature of knowledge--a Nyaya exposition", BRMIC 46, 1995, 217-219 NV437.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Some aspects of the Navya-Nyaya theory of language", LLSI 1995, 217-219 NV438 Arindam Chakravarti, "Is Nyaya realist?", JICPR 12.2, 1995, 151-154. Reprinted DDIP 228-232 NV439 Kisor Kumar Chakrabarti, Definition and Induction: a Historical and Comparative Study. Monographs of the Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy 13, Honolulu 1995 NV440 N.S.Dravid, "Anomalies of the Nyaya-Vaisesika concept of self", IndPQ 22, 1995, 1-12 NV440.4 N. S. Dravid, "Nyaya is realist par excellence", JICPR 13.1, 1995, 169-173. Reprinted DDIP 243-246 NV440.6 Aruna Goel, "Concept and role of non-existence (abhava) in Nyaya-Vaisesika-a critical evaluation", MO 17, 1995, 147-154 NV440.6.5 Aruna Goel, "Moksa in Nyaya-Vaisesika: critical and comparative analysis", JMysoreU 57, 1995, 86-94 NV440.7 Nirmal Rani Goel, "The aims and objectives of chala, jati and nigrahasthana in Nyaya system", Srijnanamrtam 478-484 NV440.8 Madhu Kapoor, "Laksana-vrtti-svarupa: a defense from the Nyaya point of view", JJP 7.2, 1995, 17-32 NV441 Daya Krishna, "Is Nyaya realist or idealist?", JICPR 12.1, 1995, 161-163. Reprinted DDIP 225-228 (with responses) NV441.1 K. Krishnamoorthy, "Nature of mind according to Nyaya, Mimamsa and Vedanta", SSJ 197-201 NV441.5 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "A realist view of perception", in The Philosophy of P.F.Strawson (New Delhi 1995), 305-326. Reprinted CEBKM 182-200 NV442 Keiichi Miyamoto, "The concept of samjna according to the early Vaisesika", Sambhasa 16, 1995, 91-100 NV442.05 J.N.Mohanty, "Is Nyaya realism or idealism?", JICPR 13.1, 1995, 167-168. Reprinted DDIP 232-235 NV442.1 A. K. Rai, "Paksata in Navya-Nyaya", JIP 23, 1995, 1-8 NV443 Walter Slaje, "Asubhasamjna und pratipaksabhavana: Zur Tradition einer 'Vergegenwtigung der Wideswrtigen' in den Soteriologie des Nyaya", ZDMG 145, 1995, 109-124 NV443.5 John Vattanky, New perspectives in Nyaya research", CCIP 221-240 NV444 N. Veezhinathan, "On vyanjanavrtti", ALB 59, 1995, 249-258

NV445 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Appearance, reality, nothing, and the law of contradiction", PDK 1996, 1-16 NV445.1 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Nyaya: realist or idealist:", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 164. Reprinted DDIP 246-247 NV445.7 N. S. Dravid, "Aharya cognition in Navya Nyaya", JICPR 13.2, 1996, 164-168. Reprinted DDIP 341-346 NV445.8 N.S.Dravid, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika explanation of illusion", JIP 24, 1996, 3748 NV445.9 N.S.Dravid, "Nyaya is realist par excellence (a supplementary note)", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 164-166. Reprinted DDIP 243-246 NV446 Jonardon Ganeri, "'Akasa' and other names. Accounts of paribhasiki terms in Nyaya and Vaisesika texts", JIP 24, 1996, 339-362 NV446.1 Jonardon Ganeri, "Numbers as properties of objects: Frege versus the Nyaya", Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 3: Epistemology, Logic and Ontology after Matilal (Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, 1996) pp. 111-121 NV446.5 Daya Krishna, "Can Navya-Nyaya analysis make a distinction between sense and reference?", JICPR 13.1, 1996, 151. Reprinted DDIP 272-273 NV447 Keiichi Miyamoto, "The early Vaisesika on asamavayikarana and the term 'apeksa", ITBC 31-46 NV448 Ujjwala Panse, Some Issues in Nyaya, Mimamsa and Dharmasastra. Delhi 1996 NV448.0 S. Revathy, "On the meaning of the potential suffix (lin) according to the schools of Vyakarana, Mimamsa and Nyaya", SVUOJ 39, 1996, 89-98 NV448.1 Vijendra Shekhawat, "Problems of formalization in Samvada Sastra", JICPR 13.2, 1996, 77-96 NV449 Visvabandhu Tarkatirtha", "Cognition of cognition" (translated by J.L.Shaw). JIP 24, 1996: 165, 231. NV450 S.R.Bhatt, "Nyaya-Vaisesika", CEAP 132-154 NV451 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "A note on identity and mutual absence in Navyanyaya" RSB 1997, 224-230 NV452 Sibajiban Bhattacharya, "Introduction to the Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of language", EssInP 423-438 NV453 Visvabandhu Bhattacharya, "Pratibadhya-pratibandhaka-bhasya", with English summary by Sukha Ranjan Saha. EssInP 395-406 NV457 Arindam Chakrabarti, 'Why Nyaya remains realist: second round", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 165-166, Reprinted DDIP 273-276 NV458 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Seeing daffodils, seeing as daffodils, and seeing things called "daffodils"", RSB 1997, 119-127 NV459 Srilekha Datta, "An analysis of prama and pramana in Nyaya", EssInP 233-248 NV464 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of aharyajnana in Navya Nyaya: some reflections", JICPR 15.1, 1997, 119-127. Reprinted DDIP 347-354 NV465 Wilhelm Halbfass, "Happiness: a Nyaya-Vaisesika perspective", RSB 1997, 150163 NV465.2 Kashi Nath Hota, "On kevalavyatireka inference", BDCRI 56-57, 1996-97, 293-304 NV466 V.N.Jha, "Nyaya-Vaisesika theory of meaning",ABORI 87.1, 1997, 281-284

NV466.1 V. N. Jha, "Word and meaning: identical?" in Pandit Govind Jha Felicitationo Volume (ed. Anand Misra et al.)(Patna 1997), 76-81 NV466.0 Madhu Kapoor, "The nature of relation-seam (samsarga-maryada)", JJP 9.1, 1997, 39-59 NV466.1 Victoria Lysenko, "The Vaisesika notions of akasa and dis from the perspective of Indian ideas of space", BOr 417-448 NV467 D.K.Mehta, "Various topics in Nyaya", JICPR 15.1, 1997, 135-136 NV468 Madhabendra Nath Mitra, "Samavaya and the relation of predication", EssInP 212-232 NV470 Sujata Nar, "The concept of mind in the Nyaya-Vaisesika system", SVUOJ 50, 1997, 81-92 NV473 Claus Oetke, "Pragmatic principles and maxims of interpretation", SII 21, 1997, 133-152 NV473.5 Bruce M. Perry, "Early Nyaya and Hindu orthodoxy: anviksiki and adhikara", BOr 449-470 NV474 D. Prahladachar, "Difference between the various terms which Navya Nyaya uses frequently", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 160-164 NV475 D. Prahladachar, "On the Krodapatras: a brief discussion of some of the issues contained in this new genre of philosophical writings in India", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 999-120. Reprinted DDIP 354-382 NV475.5 Brinda Sen, "Understanding a sentence", JJP 9.2, 1997, 29-40 NV476 Sukharanjan Shah, "Savyabhicara hetvabhasa in Nyaya and Vaisesika schools", EssInP 407-422 NV477 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "Nyaya realism: some reflections", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 138-156. Reprinted DDIP 247-272 NV478 J. L. Shaw, "Descriptions: some contemporary problems and their solutions from the Nyaya perspective", JIAP 36, 1977, 39-62; 37, 1998, 53-76 NV479 Bacchu Lal Avasthi, "Re-organizing the categories of Nyaya-Vaisesika", RIST 18 NV479.5 Nandita Bandyopadhyaya, "Nyaya theory of tatparya", Anviksa 17, 1998, 3-9 NV480 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Logical principles in Navya-Nyaya", RIST 9-16 NV481 Achyutananda Dash, "Pariskara-prakriya in Navya-Nyaya: the model, the method and its conceptual re-organization", RIST 17-41 NV483 Ashok Kumar Goswami, "The term apta (purusa), aptopadesa and aptavakya in Nyaya philosophy", IndTrad I, 159-161 NV480 Kashi Nath Hota, "Dharma as a property", BDCRI 58-59, 1998-99, 279ff. NV491 Walter Slaje, "ber Wahrheit (Skt. tat-tva)", BIS 11-12, 1998, 239-258 NV500 V.N.Jha, Is 'ghato ghatah' necessarily a meaningless sentence in Navya-Nyaya framework?", JICPR 15.2, 1998, 171. Reprinted DDIP 299 NV502 Daya Krishna, "Have the neo-Naiyayikas been leading us up the garden path? A comment on the Krodapatras by D. Prahlada Char", JICPR 15.3, 1998, 123-140. reply by Prahlada Char, 141. Reprinted DDIP 382-412 NV505 R. Pathiaraj, "Language philosophy of Nyaya school", IndPQ 25, 1998, 205-212 NV507 Sveta Prajapati, Influence of Nyaya Philosophy on Sanskrit Poetics. Delhi 1998 NV508 Punita Sharma, Concept of Sentence Analysis in Nyaya Philosophy. Delhi 1998

NV512 Laksahira Gogoi Chutia, Studies on Laksana-vrtti. Aspects of Secondary Significance in Sanskrit Technical Literature. New Delhi 1999 NV513 Nandita Bandyopadhyaya, "Apasudradhikarana and its interpreters", Anviksa 18, 1999, 6-16 NV514 Francis X. Clooney, "The existence of God, reason, and revelation in two classical Hindu theologies", FPh 16, 1999, 523-543 NV515 Achyutananda Dash, "Sabdabodha, cognitive priority, and odd stories on prakaratavada and samsargatavada", JIP 27, 1999, 325-376 NV515.5 Achyutananda Dash, "Lost dimensions and turning points: samanyadikaranam", TPIST 42-68 NV516 Nilakantha Dash, "On the meaning of samanyalaksanapratyasatti", JICPR 16.2, 1999, 109-120 NV517 Nilakanta Dash, "Sense-object contacts, normal and supernormal: a turning point", TPIST 23-33 NV517.1 N.S.Dravid, "Navya-Nyaya view of tautology", JICPR 17, 1999, 134-136. Reprinted DDIP 300-302 NV517.2 N.S.Dravid, "Have the neo-Naiyayikas been leading us up the garden path?", JICPR 16.3, 1999, 134-139. Reprinted DDIP 412-418 NV517.3 Jonardon Ganeri, Semantic Powers. Meaning and the Means of Knowing in Classical Indian Philosophy. Oxford 1999 NV517.5 V.N.Jha, "Turning point in the history of development of the Nyaya-Vaisesika system", TPIST 16-22 NV518 Roy W. Perrett, "Is whatever exists knowable and nameable?", PEW 49, 1999, 401-414. Reprinted IPE 1, 317-330 NV519 Sushit Kumar Sarkar, "Implications involved in the Aristotelian and the Nyaya syllogism", PQJNMU 5, 1999, 59-74 NV520 J.L.Shaw, "Belief-sentences: contemporary philosophy and Nyaya", BRMIC 4950, 1999, 224-233 NV522 P. Sudarsan, "The logistics of argumentation: Habermas and Nyaya (a comparison)", IndPQ 26, 1999, 355-368 NV523 Anantalal Thakur, "Nyaya-Vaisesika studies and their revival", JASBe 42.1-2, 1999, 107-1187 NV525 V. P. Bhatta, "Meaning of the accusative desiderative", Makaranda 115-122 NV530 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Against immaculate perception; seven reasons for eliminating nirvikalpaka perception from Nyaya", PEW 50, 2000, 1-8 NV531 D. Prahlada Char, "Reaction on the expression 'ghato-ghatah' by V.N.Jha", JICPR 17.2, 2000, 168-170. Reprinted DDIP 302-303 NV531.5 Srilekha Datta, "The Nyaya view of sentence-meaning reconsidered", RRRPKS 217-227 NV532 Eli Franco, "The earliest extant Vaisesika theory of gunas", WZKS 44, 2000, 157-164 NV532.5 Jonardon Ganeri, "Rationality as a method of research into the Nyaya system", StudiaInd 7, 2000, 147-156 NV533 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Nyaya concept of tarka: an analysis", SICSL 89-94

NV533.1 Raghunath Ghosh, Knowledge, Meaning and Intuition: Some Theories in Indian Logic. Delhi 2000 NV533.4 V. N. Jha, "Meaning and referent in Indian perspective", Vanmayi 74-82 NV533.5 V. N. Jha, "Act and retribution in the Nyaya-Vaisesika system of Indian philosophy", SICSL 85-88 NV533.6 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Nyaya-Vaisesika view of jivanmukti", RKBSSS 2133 NV533.7 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Navya-Nyaya concept of svarupasambandha", RKBSSS 48-55 NV533.8 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Nyaya methodology: some aspects", RKBSSS 56-67 NV533.9 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Logic of Navya-Nyaya and its formality", RKBSSS 79-88 NV534 Stephen Phillips, "Two problems about perception and mental intermediaries in the Nyaya dualism: focus and 'extraordinary' sensory connection with perceived properties", JIPR 5, 2000, 1-14 NV534.5 C. Rajendran, "Influence of Nyaya-Vaisesika psychology on Alamkarasastra", TSPM 46-51 NV534.7 S. Revathy, "Advaita and Navyanyaya on God, soul and the world", TVOS 25.1-2, 2000, 167-201 NV535 Sukharanjan Saha, "The thesis of nirvikalpaka in Nyaya and Vaisesika", JIPR 5, 2000, 111-124 NV536 Brindha Sen, "A note on some identity-sentences: Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta", IndPQ 27, 2000, 195-200 NV537 J.L.Shaw, "Knowledge: some contemporary problems and their solutions from the Nyaya perspective", ConK 244-261 NV538 J. L. Shaw, "Conditions for understanding the meaning of a sentence: the Nyaya and the Advaita Vedanta", JIP 28, 2000, 273-293 NV540 John Vattanky, The Nyaya Theory of Inference. Richmond 2000 NV541 John Vattanky, "Is theism central to Nyaya?", IndPQ 27, 2000, 411-420 NV543 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "A note on formalism in Indian logic", JIP 29.1-2, 2001, 17-23 NV543.5 Reeta Bhattacharya, "A short introduction to the Nyaya theory of knowledge", Anviksa 23, 2001, 68-74 NV544 Monima Chadha, "Perceptual cognition: a Nyaya-Kantian approach", PEW 51, 2001, 197-209 NV544.8 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Truth, recognition of truth, and thoughtless realism: Nyaya without Fregean fetters", P20WCP 12, 41-60 NV544.9 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Reply to Stephen Phillips", PEW 51, 2001, 114-115 NV545 Kisor Kuma Chakrabarti, Classical Indian Philosophy of Mind. The Nyaya Dualist Tradition. Delhi 2001 NV545.5 N.S.Dravid, "Is Nyaya realist or idealist? Has the debate ended? A rejoinder," JICPR 18.1, 2001, 196-204. Reprinted DDIP 235-242 NV545.6 N.S.Dravid, "Further observations on the Navya Nyaya view of tautology: on the note of Dr. Raghunath Ghosh published in the JICPR Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 170171 under the heading 'A note on identity relation'", JICPR 18.1, 2001, 256-258

NV546 Raghunath Ghosh, "Is samanya real? A critique of the Vaisesika view", IndPQ 28, 2001, 363-372 NV546.1 Raghunath Ghosh, "A logical illumination of tadatmya relation in Navya Nyaya", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 227-235 NV547 Kuniko Hosono, "Necessity in the Nyaya-school", JIBSt 49.2, 2001, 17-21 NV547.3 V. N. Jha, Dictionary of Nyaya Terms. Paris 2001 NV547.7 Subhash Kak, "Physical concepts of the Samkhya and Vaisesika systems", LTC 413-437 NV548 Daya Krishna, "Nyaya: realist or idealist. Is the debate ended, the argument concluded?', JICPR 18.1, 2001, 179-196. Reprinted DDIP 276-298 NV548.8 Keiichi Miiyamoto, "Universals and particulars in the early Vaisesika", WL 123-132 NV549 Yasutaka Muraya, "The impermanence of sabda in classical Vaisesika", WL 133148 NV550 Stephen H. Phillips, "There's nothing wrong with raw perception: a response to Chakrabarti's attack on Nyaya's nirvikalpaka pratyaksa", PEW 51, 2001, 104-113, with reply by Arindam Chakrabarti, do 114-115 NV555 Vladimir Schokhin, "What are the sixteen padarthas of Nyaya? An attempt to solve the dilemma of long standing", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 107-128 NV557 Rajaram Shukla, "On krodapatra", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 224-227 NV560 B.N.K.Sharma, "An inbuilt weakness in the Nyaya view of paratah-pramanya", BNKSRP 35-36 NV561 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "Prahlada Char's observations on the question whether Nyaya is realist or idealist", JICPR 19.1, 2001, 194-195 NV561.5 John Vattanky, "General definition of fallacy", RBJP 7, 2001, 53-69 NV562 Toshihiro Wada, "The analytical method of Navya-Nyaya", JIP 29, 2001, 519530 NV562.1 Toshihiro Wada, "Liberation in early Navya-Nyaya", WL 107-122 NV563 T. Aryadevi, "Navya Nyaya theory of interpretation", ITH 446-451 NV564 Arindam Chakrabarti, "In what sense is Nyaya realist" (third round)", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 190-193 NV565 D. Prahlada Char, "Observations on some of the points raised by Prof. Daya Krishna while discussing whether Nyaya is 'realist' or 'idealist'", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 187-189 NV565.1 D. Prahlada Char, "Development of the Nyaya school of philosophy during the 18th century and onwards", DIPECO 156-181 NV565.2 D. Prahlada Char, "Krodapatra", DIPECO 188-208 NV565.3 D. Prahlada Char, "Nyaya-realist or idealist? Response to the reaction this note received", JICPR 19.3, 2002, 169-174 NV565.5 Amitabha Dasgupta, "Sabdabodha and the epistemic primacy of sense: an exercise in comparative philosophy of language", PLCIT 99-136 NV565.6 Raghunath Ghosh, "In search of the seed of laksana", PLCIT 147-154 NV565.7 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Naive realism, Nyaya realism and the causal theory", CEBKM 97-113 NV565.8 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "Some issues of Nyaya realism", CEBKM 141-148

NV567 Arun Mishra, "Is drstanta necessary in an inferential process?", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 169-178 NV568 S. Perukarini, "Nyaya-Vaisesika padarthas--an evaluation", ITH 363-374 NV569 S. Revathy, "Liberation: a comparative view of Nyaya and Advaita", TVOS 27.2, 2002, 119-133 NV571 Prayash Sarkar, "Placing Nyaya epistemology properly in the Western tradition", PQJNMU 8.3-4, 2002, 133-146 NV572 P. N. Sastri, "Sabdabodha according to Nyaya system", ITH 375-388 NV572.5 Brinda Sen, "A Nyaya interpretation of proper names", PLCIT 137-146 NV572.5 John Vattanky, "Word--a separate sense of valid knowledge", PLCIT 23-38 NV573 Rupa Bandyopadhyaya, "Dreamless sleep. An analysis of the Advaita, Madhva and the Nyaya theories", PerspC 58-72 NV573.5 Sarbani Banerjee, "Theory of Nyaya: some observations", IndPQ 30, 20-03, 103-110 NV573.7 V. P. Bhatta, "Theory of expressive power", BDCRI 62-63, 2002-2003, 209216 NV574 K. Chenohulakshmi, "Emergent evolution and arambhavada: a comparison", IndPQ 30, 2003, 371-379 NV574.0 B. K. Dalai, "On the concept of anyathasiddha", Pramodasindhu 152-161 NV574.1 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Computational Sanskrit: a fresh approach on karaka theory of Navya-Nyaya philosophy", JUJI 8, 2003, 21-28 NV574.2 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Navya-Nyayaa brief profile", VarPl 229-235 NV574.4 V.N.Jha, "Functions of sakti and tatparya in Nyaya-Vaisesika", VarPl 203-206 NV574.5 Birgit Kellner, "The logical reason called virodha in Vaisesika and its significance for connection-based theories of reasoning", P12WSC Vol. 10.2, 2003, 87-120 NV574.6 R.N.Mukherji, "Reply to the query about abhava published in JICPR 19.2", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 183-194 NV574.7 P.K.Mukhopadhyay, "Explaining consciousness: an alternative philosophical perspective", PhilandS 82-110 NV575 Claus Oetke, "Indian logic and Indian syllogism", IIJ 46.1, 2003, 53-69 NV576 Takuyu Ono, "Anyataratva as prakranasama-hetvabhasa. The Nyaya procedure of judging two inferences conflictive with each other", JIBSt 51.2, 2003, 20-22 NV577 Madhusudana Penna, "Samanyalaksanapratyasatti in Indian logic", Pramodasindhu 168-176 NV578 C. Rajendran, "Influence of Nyaya-Vaisesika on Alankarasastra", VarPl 207-214 NV579 S. Revathy, "Liberation, a comparative view: Nyaya and Advaita", TVOS 27.2, 2003, 119-133 NV579.5 Sukharanjan Saha, Epistemology in Pracina- and Navya-Nyaya. Jadavpur 2003 NV579.5 Proyash Sarkar, "What happened to the Naiyayika attempt of understanding perception in causal terms?", RBJP 9, 2003, 17-33 NV580 J.L.Shaw, The Nyaya on Meaning: a Commentary by Pandit Visvabandhu.Kolkata 2003 NV581 J. L. Shaw, Some Logical Problems Concerning Existence. Kolkata 2003

NV581.1 J.L.Shaw, "Consciousness: mental states and minda comparative study", PhilandS 244-287 NV581.2 J. L. Shaw, "The relevance of Indian philosophy of language in contemporary Western philosophy", JIAP 42.1-2, 2003, 12-37 NV581.3 Navjyoti Singh, "Theory of experiential contiguism", PhilandS 111-159 NV581.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, Development of Nyaya Philosophy and its Social Context. Delhi 2004 NV581.8 Monima Chadha, "Perceiving particulars-as-such is incoherenta reply to Mark Siderits", PEW 54, 2004, 382-389 NV582 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Seeing without recognizing? More on demanding perceptual content (comment and discussion)", PEW 54, 2004, 365-366 NV582.5 Jonardon Ganeri, "Ratonality as a method of research into the Nyaya system", EIPRL 353-362 NV583 Klaus Glashoff, "On Stanislaw Schayer's research on Nyaya", JIP 32, 2004, 295319 NV584 Katsunori Hirano, "The two types of cognitive process: the Vaisesika philosophy", TMSR 421-430 NV584.4 Arbind Kumar Jha, The Nyaya Philosophy: Epistemological Education. New Delhi 2004 NV584.5 V.N.Jha, "Treatment of natural property and contextual property in Navyanyaya", TMSR 431-438 NV584.5.1 V. N. Jha, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika system of Indian philosophy as logic", IndPT 46-63;glossary 271-326 NV585 Viktoria Lysenko, "The human body composition in statics and dynamics: Ayurveda and the philosophical schools of Vaisesika and Samkhya", JIP 32, 2004, 31-56 NV586 Gauri Mahulikar, "Anviksikias beneficial to philosophy", JAIRI 6, 2003-2004, 99-104 NV588 Masanobu Nozawa, "Svasvamisambandha in the Vaisesika system", TMSR 403420 NV590 Stephen H. Phillips, "Perceiving particulars blindly: remarks on a NyayaBuddhist controversy", PEW 54, 2004 NV591 Satyamurti, "Is salvation a nonexistence in the Nyaya school?, ABORI 84, 2004, 143-150 NV592 Taisei Shida, "The theory of truth in the classical Nyaya system on the condition of pravrtti and the means of justification", Sambhasa 24, 2004, 115-128 NV592.5 Mark Siderits, "Perceiving particulars: a Buddhist defense", PEW 54, 2004, 367-382 NV593 Saulius Sileikis, "Being and becoming in Nyaya-Vaisesika", AOV 5, 2004 NV594 Toshihiro Wada, "The origin of Navya-nyaya and its place within the history of Indian logic", TSMR 439-462 NV596 Joy Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya theory of knowledge", BRMIC 56, 2005, 201-205 NV596.1 Joy Bhattachayra, "Is the self eternal?a Nyaya exposition", VK 92, 2005, 428429

NV597 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The empirical subject: a comparative study of Nyaya and Advaita Vedanta theories", TVOS 30.2, 2005, 82-102 NV598 B.K.Dalai, Problem of Inherence in Indian Logic. Delhi 2005 NV599 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Distinctive feature of Navya-Nyaya" EnIW2, 3-7 NV599.3 Mrinal Kanta Gangopadhyay, "The Nyaya-Buddhjist controversy", JASBe 47.4, 2005, 7-11 NV599.5 R. I. Ingalalli, "Ethical values in Nyaya philosophy", FacInd 177-182 NV600 Patrick Nyman, "On the meaning of yathartha", JIP 33, 2005, 533-570 NV601 Bhagaban Panda, "Concept of trtiyalingaparamarsa and its necessity", FacInd 242-247 NV602 T. R. Sharma, "Buddhism: a way to integration of body, mind and spirit", EnIW2, 197-200 NV602.3 Baliram Shukla, "(Tejas) Energy and its forms (Vaisesika view)", FacInd 191195 NV603 John Vattanky, "Nyaya theory of implication and interpretation", JD 30, 2005, 293-304 NV604 Joy Bhattacharya, "The Nyaya theory of dream", JIAP 45, 2006, 92-98 NV605 Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, "On the language of Navya-Nyaya: an experiment with precision through a natural language", JIP 34, 2006, 5-13 NV605.5 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "Some features of Navya-Nyaya semantic theory", PCRSIT 1, 689-704 NV605.6 Sibajiban Bhattahcaryya, "Some formal features of Navya-Nyaya", PCRSIT 1, 321-346 NV606 P. Bilimoria, "Prameyas and J. L. Shaw", CPJLS 1-38 NV608 Monioma Chadha, "Yet another attempt to salvage pristine perceptions!", PEW 56, 2006, 333-342 NV609 Arindam Chakrakborty, "Knowledge from trusted tellings and its preventers", SPIP 30-52 NV610 M. K. Chakraborty, "Nyaya-negation: some comments and questions", CPJLS 84-94 NV611 D. Prahlada Char, "The concept of anumana: alternative views", PCRSIT 1, 409418 NV611.1 D. Prahlada Char, "Avayava: members of an inference", PCRSIT 1, 319-446 NV611.2 D. Prahlada Char, "Paksata", PCRSIT 1, 447-466 NV611.3 D. Prahlada Char, "Paramarsa", PCRSIT 1, 467-480 NV611.4 D. Prahlada Char, "Reply to query by Daya Krishna on anuyogi and pratiyogi published in JICPR 22.1", JICPR 23.4, 2006, 200-202 NV611.5 Prahlada Char, "Discussion on vyapti and samanadhikaranya", JICPR 23.1, 2006, 221-222 NV612 Srilekha Datta, "Meanng and truth of a sentence", CPJLS 142-151 NV612.1 Srilekha Datta, "The concept of abhava", PCRSIT 1, 85-96 NV614 Jonardon Ganeri, "Number", PCRSIT 523-546 NV615 Paul Gochet, "Epistemic logic and Shaw's Nyaya on indexicals", CPJLS 66-83 NV616 Nirmalya Guha, "Valid cognition in Navya-Nyaya: a reconsideration", IndPQ 33, 2006, 215-220

NV617 R.I.Ingalalli, "Independence of sabdapramana (testimony as autonomous source of knowledge)", SPIP 90-97 NV618 V.N.Jha, "Nyaya theory of linguistic communication", SPIP 1-6 NV618.1 V. N. Jha, "Pada and vakya", PCRSIT 1, 645-651 NV619 Gangadhar Kar, "The genesis of a verbal cognition and the temporal sequence of its antecedents", SPIP 118-134 NV619.5 Sung Yang Kong, "Die Carakasamhita in der Geschichte der indischen Philosophie: .Nyaya and Carakasamhita", WZKSOA 50, 2006, 143-176 NV620 David Lumsden, "Noun phrases, sentences and truth", CPJLS 109-121 NV622 Shyamapada Misra, "The Nyaya view of vyapti", PCRSIT 1, 289-308 NV623 R. Mukhopadhyay, "Towards a theory of predication", CPJLS 134-141 NV623.5 Sharda Narayanan, "Nature of sound as per sastra", JICPR 23.4, 2006, 121-132 NV624 G. C. Nayak, "Adrsta", PCRSIT 1, 135-144 NV625 Srinivasa Rao, "Logical value", ES3WB 564-607 NV627 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Samsaya", PCRSIT 1, 243-256 NV628 J. L. Shaw, "The relevance of Indian philosophy of language to contemporary Western philosophy", CPJLS 175-221 NV632 Blyth Sensom, "Strawson and Shaw's Nyaya on meaning", CPJLS 122-133 NV633 Bali Ram Shukla, "Relation (sambandha)", PCRSIT 1, 51-56 NV634 Hemanta Kumar Tarkatirtha, "Hetvabhasa: the Nyaya theory", PCRSIT 1, 481506 NV634.5 V. P. Bhatta, "Theory of validity as authoritativeness (pramanyavada), ascertainment of validity (jnaptivada)", BDCRI 66-67, 2006-2007, 349-366 NV634.6 Ramkrishna Bhattacharya, "Will the true anulambhika please stand up?", Anviksa 28, 2007, 13-18 NV634.8 D. Prahlada Char, "Nyaya-Vaisesika approach to knowledge", SHPOL 134-145 NV635 Jonardon Ganeri, "Epistemology in pracina and navya Nyaya", PEW 57, 2007, 120-123 NV635.5 Raghunath Ghosh, "The role of tatparya in sabdabodha", Anviksa 28, 2007, 21-31 NV636 Nirmalya Guha, "Pervasion in Nyaya: some confusions and clarificatoins", JICPR 24.3, 2007, 117-139 NV637 K.N.Hota, "On the two-fold character of an object", BDCRI 66-67, 2006-2007, 287-294 NV238 K. G. Kumary, "Causes for vakyarthajnana", JSORI 9.1, 2007 NV640 Victoria Lysenko, "Origins of the idea of universal: the Vaisesika or Vaiyakarana", CIPR 27-46 NV642 C. Krishna Kulty Nair, "Tarka in Tarkasastra", JSORI 9.1, 2007 NV643 Masaobu Nozawa, "On the Vaisesika definition of moksa", EMH 385-400 NV645 Ernst Prets, "Implications, derivations and consequences: prasanga in the early Nyaya tradition", Pramanakirti 669-682 NV648 S. Revathy, "Influence of Nyaya syllogism on Advaita Vedsnta", SHPL 163-172 NV648 J. A. F. Roodbergen, "Praise and blame of Grammarians, Naiyayikas and Mimamsikas", ABORI 87, 2007, 105-121

NV648.5 A.C.Sarani, "An Indian approach to sense and reference", Anviksa 28, 2007, 32-46 NV649 K. K. Ambikadevi, "Nyaya traditions in Kerala", JSORI 9.2, 2008. NV649.3 Rupa Bandyopadhyay, "An analysis of the Vaisresika category of substance with special emphasis on the five elemental substances", PRCSIT 2, 99-120 NV649.4 Srilekha Datta, "Gunas (qualities) in Nyaya-Vaisesika ontology", PRSCIT 2, 121-148 NV650 P. N. Laijamma, "Nyayasastra as a Pramanasastra", JSORI 9.2, 2008 NV650.2 Arun Ranjan Mishra, Nyaya Concept of Cause and Effect Relationship. Delhi 2008 NV650.5 Biswambhar Pahi, "Making constructive use of history: groundwork for a Nyaya-Vaisesika philosophy of mathematics", JICPR 25.3, 2008, 1-38 NV651 S. Sivakumar, "Nyaya and Vaisesika: two sister systems of Indian philosophy", JSORO 9.2, 2008 NV652 Joerg Tuske, "Teaching by example: an interpretation of the role of upamana in early Nyaya philosophy", AsPOxford 18, 2008, 1-16 NV656 Achyutananda Dash, "Sentence structure and the cognitive representation of accusative case endings", GloryST 230-250 NV6 NV657 V. N. Jha, "The Nyaya-Vaisesika model of understanding consciousness", ESLI 69-88 NV657.4 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "A note on 'the difference of difference'", ESLI 189-198 NV657.5 P. K. Mukhopadhyay, "A transparency theory of language", JICPR 26.1, 2009, 1-28 NV657.6 Gaurinath Sastri, "A survey of Navya-Nyaya literature", ESLI 21-42 NV657.7 Jayadev Ganguly Shastri, "Vayu rupabhavan: how do we know it?", ESLI 149204 NV657.7.5 Sucharita Som, "The Nyaya definition of ahamkara", JICPR 26.4, 2009, 5786 NV657.8 Anantalal Thakur, "Members of the pararthanumana: later persepctives", ESLI 240-248 NV658 Matthew Dasti, "Pramana are factive: a response to Stephen H. Phillips", PEW 60, 2010, 535-540 NV660 Jonardon Ganeri, "The study of Indian epistemollgy: questions of methoda reply to Matthew Dasi and Stephen H. Phillips", PEW 60, 2010, 535-540 NV661 V. N. Jha, "Nyaya-Mimamsa interpretation of Panini 2.3.1", GloryST 65-70 NV663 Kyo Kano, "On the lingas of atman", FVTC 3-28 NV665 Shashiprabha Kumar, "The concept of dharma in Vaisesika", GloryST 77-82 NV670 Piotr Balcerowicz, "What exists for the Vaisesika?", LBIP 241-348 NV680 Eli Franco, "The discussion of pramanas in the Spitzer Manuscript", LECI 121138 NV690 Katsunori Hirono, "New light on the commentary texts in ancient India", IPTS 135-156 NV695 Birgit Kellner, "The logical reason called virodha in Vaisesika: its significance for connection-based theories of reasoning", LECI 87-120

NV700 Claus Oetke, "Pramana, logic and belief", LBIP 39-64 NV710 Takanori Suzuki, "Text, context and author's intention: two frames of reference in the Vaisesika school", IPTS 157-182 NV720 J. L. Shaw, "Navya-Nyaya on subject-predicate and related pairs", JIP 38, 2010, 625-642 NV730 Johannes Bronkhorst, "A note on nirvikalpaka and savikalpaka perception", PEW 61, 2011, 373-379 NV733 Matthew R. Dasti, "Indian rational theology: proof, justification and epistemic liberality in Nyaya's argument for God", AsPOxford 21, 2011, 1-22 NV738 Matthew R. Dasti, "Parasitism and disjunctivism in Nyaya epistemology", PEW 62, 2012, 1-15 2738740 Nirmalya Guha, "Tarka as cognitive calidation", JIP 40, 2012, 47-66

Return to Contents Page {PM} Purva-Mimamsa See a22.1.88.2; 221.1:29, 165.1, 167; 268.9.13; 294.2:8, 11.1; 379.67:573,574,597, 609.8; 406.02; 455.2:32,33; 642.1.2; 712.2.2; 712.3.1; 8098.17.25; 915.1.1; 948.11.3; 1324.9.4.1. J82,348; AB418.1; B1859.9.5, 1892, 1940.5, ; NV29, 42, 93, 175, 240, 303, 394, 407.02, 415, 441.1, 525, 647, 661; G120, 1566.2. bB1872; NV448; G142. dNV388.2. e389.0 PM1 J.R.Ballantyne, "The eternity of sound", Pan 1, 1866: 68,86 PM2 A.V.Gopalacharia, "Purvamimamsa", BV 6, 1901:649, 695, 737 PM3 S.Kuppuswami Sastri, "The Prabhakara school of karmamimamsa", PAIOC 2, 1920, 407-412 PM4 Arthur Berriedale Keith, The Karma-Mimamsa. London 1921 PM5 K.A.Nilakantha Sastri, "The Mimamsa doctrine of works", IA 50, 1921: 211, 240 PM6 Pasupatinath Sastri, Introduction to the Purva Mimamsa. Calcutta 1923 PM7 P.V.Kane, Brief Sketch of the Purva-Mimamsa System. Poona 1924 PM8 S.Kuppuswami Sastri, "Further light on the Prabhakara problem", PAIOC 3, 1924, 474-482 PM9 Richard Garbe, "Mimamsa", ERE 8, 1926, 648 PM10 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Mimamsa view of error", ProcIPC 2, 1926. Also UPS 1, 31-38. Also RIndPh 15-24 PM11 Gopinath Kaviraj, "The Mimamsa manuscripts in the Government Sanskrit Library (Benares)", POWSBSt 6, 1927, 165-196 PM12 Ksitish Chandra Chatterjee, "Misconceptions about some terms in Mimamsa literature", IHQ 4, 1928, 783-787 PM13 Satkari Mookerjee, "Critical estimate of the Mimamsa theory of soul from the Buddhist standpoint", CR 33, 1929, 220-236 PM14 Ajarananda, "Purvamimamsa", VK 17, 1930-31, 431 PM15 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Prabhakaras--old and new", JOR 4, 1930, 99-140. Also IPS 2, 49-59

PM16 Otto Strauss, Die lteste Philosophie der Karma-Mimamsa. Berlin 1932 PM17 T.R.Chintamani, A Short History of Purvamimamsa Sastra. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Madras 1933 PM18 Otto Strauss, "Mimamsa, die altindische Rituallehre in ihrer methodischen Bedeutung", ZMR 48, 1933, 257-272 PM19 Ganganatha Jha, "Karma-marga and the two Mimamsas", KK 1, 1934, 282-283 PM20 R.S.Venkatarama Sastri, "Verbal testimony in Purvamimamsa", VK 21, 1934-35, 22 PM21 T.R.Chintamani, "History of Purvamimamsa literature", JOR 11-12, 1937-38, Supplement PM22 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The origin and development of the Bhatta and Prabhakara Schools in Purvamimamsa", IC 6, 1939, 141-150 PM23 Ganganatha Jha, "Purvamimamsa", JSVRI 1.1, 1940, 3-6 PM24 Janakivallabha Bhattacharyya, "Prabhakara view of negation", PAIOC 11, Summaries 1941, 109 PM25 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Bhavabhuti and Mimamsa", Chettiar 490-495 PM26 Ganganatha Jha, Purva-Mimamsa in its Sources. Banaras 1942, 1964 PM27 P.C.Divanji, "Purusartha, daiva and niyati", ABORI 26, 1944-45, 142-151 PM28 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The doctrine of niyoga", JOR 15, 1945, 37-47. Also IPS 2, 8796 PM29 C.Kunhan Raja, "Bhagavadgita and the Mimamsa", ALB 10, 1946, 9-22. Also PQ 21, 1949, 193-202 PM30 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Aim and scope of Purvamimamsa", JGJRI 5, 1947-48, 48-51 PM31 D.T.Tatacharya, "Rgveda and the Purvottaramimamsa methods of interpretation", JSVRI 9.l-2, 1948 PM32 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Dharma--its definition and authority", JGJRI 7, 1949-50, 29-42 PM33 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Mimamsaka conception of bhavana", Vak 1, 1951, 80-87 PM34 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Arthavadas", Sarup 165-172 PM35 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Purva-Mimamsa", HPE 268-271 PM35.1 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Mukhya and gauna words in language", DCRIB 14, 1952, 183-194 PM36 C.Kunhan Raja, "In defence of Mimamsa", ALB 16, 1952: 115, 168 PM37 Gopikamohan Bhattacharya, "Import of sentence (anvitabhidhanavada)", OH 1, 1953, 77-84 PM38 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The origin of the Prabhakara school of Mimamsa", PAIOC 16, Summaries 1953, 132 PM39 Yogendranath Tarka-Vedantatirtha, "Different view of ancient Mimamsa" (synopsis). OH l, 1953, 100-102 PM40 P.Tarkabhusana, "Purvamimamsa", CHI 3, 151-167 PM41 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Elliptical sentence--Indian theories", PAIOC 19.2, 1957, 126129 PM42 P.T.Raju, "Activism in Indian thought", ABORI 39, 1958, 185-226

PM43 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Some doctrinal differences between the Prabhakara schools of Mimamsa and their sources", AOR 15, 1958-59: 1, 1-8; 2, 1-9 PM44 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Categories according to the Prabhakaras", AOR 15, 1959, 9 pp. PM45 S.Sreekrishna Sarma, "Syntactical meaning--two theories", ALB 23.1-2, 1959, 4162 PM46 Kevalananda Sarasvati (ed.), Mimamsakosa. Volumes 5-6, Wai 1960-62. Volume 7, 1966 PM47 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Final release according to Mimamsakas", JMU 31, 1960, 219-223 PM48 Govardhan P. Bhatt, Epistemology of the Bhatta School of Purva Mimamsa. Varanasi 1962 PM49 P.S.Sastri, "The relation between the two Mimamsas", PB 67, 1962, 36-80 PM50 Esther A. Solomon, "The problem of omniscience (sarvajnatva)", ALB 26, 1962, 36-80 PM51 K.C.Varadachari, "Logic of the Mimamsa", ProcIPC 1962. Also Darshana 14, 1964, 1-11 PM52 T.K.Gopalaswamy Aiyyangar, "A pre-Nyaya school of Mimamsa", JGJRI 20-21, 1963-65, 71-84 PM53 Balbir Singh Gauchwal, "The Good in the Prabhakara school of Purvamimamsa", PQ 36, 1984, 217-224 PM54 Sushanta Sen, "The Mimamsa concept of universal", VJP 1.1, 1964, 78-86 PM55 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "The Mimamsa views on causation: an Advaitic approach", PB 71, 1966, 249-252 PM56 Dhirendra Sharma, "Epistemological negative dialectics of Indian logic-abhava versus anupalabdhi", IIJ 9, 1966, 291-300 PM57 Vachaspati Upadhyay, Theory of Self-Validity of Knowledge in Mimamsa Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Calcutta 1967 PM58 Giuseppina Scalabrino Borsani, Le Doctrine Gnoseologiche della Mimamsa. Torino 1968 PM59 Erich Frauwallner, Materialien zur ltesten Erkenntnislehre der Karmamimamsa. Wien 1968 PM60 Atsushi Uno, "Mimamsa views on the verbal judgment-abhidhana and abhihitanvaya", JIBSt 34, 1969, 917-925 PM61 Kunio Harikai, "ber die Authentizitt der arthavada", JIBSt 19.2, 1970, 42-48 PM62 R.Balasubrahmaniam, "The two Mimamsas", PB 76, 1971, 259-267 PM63 Gangesh Tryambak Deshpande, "Purva Mimamsa: the Indian science of law", in his Indological Papers: Volume I (Nagpur 1971) PM64 S.G.Moghe, "Paribhasas of Vyakarana and the Mimamsa rules of interpretation--a comparative study", FRSD 90-100 PM65 K.R.Potdar, "Concept of god-hood (devatva) according to the Mimamsakas", PBDFV 360-366 PM66 G.V.Devasthali, "Prof. M. Hiriyanna as an exponent of Mimamsa", MO 5, 1972, 120-125 PM67 Kanta Gupta, "Niyoga in ancient India", JDBSUD 2.1, 1972, 20-32

PM68 K.T.Pandurangi, "Prof. Hiriyanna on Purva-Mimamsa", MO 5, 1972, 11?-119 PM69 G.P.Bhatt, "The evolution of Purva Mimamsa", Smrtigrantha 248-250 PM70 Krishna Gopal Goswami, "Incarnation of law from Mimamsa standpoint", CDSFV 359-364 PM71 S.D.Joshi, "The Mimamsa theories of verbal denotation", VIJ 12, 1974, 139-144 PM72 Charles Malamoud, "Convergence d'un raisonnement mimamsaka et d'un motif potique de l'Atharvasamhita", ITaur 3-4, 1975-76, 307-312 PM73 S.G.Moghe, "Sayana's equipment of Purva-Mimamsa", JOI 24, 1975, 257-268 PM74 N.S.Junankar, "The Mimamsa concept of dharma", CIDO 29, 1976, 363-366 PM75 Pradipa Kumar Mazumdar, The Philosophy of Language in the Light of Paninian and the Mimamsaka Schools of Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1977 PM76 S.G.Moghe, "The Dattalacandrika and Purvamimamsa", SVUOJ 21-22, 1978-79, 61-68 PM77 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Purva Mimamsa and Puranic interpretation", Puranam 20, 1978, 276-277 PM78 V.V.Bhide, "The concept of the sentence and the sentence- meaning according to the Purva-Mimamsa" PWIAI 137-142 PM78.1 K.N.Chatterjee, "Deities in Mimamsa--verbal or physical?", BhV 39.3, 1979, 2630 PM79 M.G.Dhadphale, "Mimamsa and Vyakarana on multiple meaning (especially synonymity)", PWIAI 57-68 PM80 V.N.Jha, "The upamanapramana in Purvamimamsa", ABORI 61, 1980, 87-99 PM80.1 V.N.Jha, "On the Mimamsaka's general definition of pramana", CinSasVol 1622 PM81 Haruo Kurata, "Samyogaprthaktvanyaya as a basis of the theory of moksa", JIBSt 28.2, 1980, 13-18 PM82 P.D.Navathe, "On the Mimamsa doctrine of ekavakyata", PWIAI 189-194 PM82.1 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Pramanas in the Prabhakara-Mimamsa", ITaur 15-16, 1989-90, 319-324 PM83 Jayadeva Ganguly Shastri, "Vayu rupabhavavan: how do we know it?", CIS 79-84 PM84 Y. Krishan, "Purva Mimamsa and the doctrine of karma", JGJRI 38-39, 1982-83, 152-164 PM85 D.N.Shanbhag, "The theory of error of the Prabhakara Mimamsakas", KUJ 26, 1982, 17-24 PM85.5 V. Swaminathan, "In defense of a Prabhakara standpoint", PM85.5 PM86 Atsushi Uno, "The Mimamsaka vyaptivada" (in Japanese with English summary). HDBK 42, 1982 - 43, 1983 PM87 Othmar Gachter, Hermeneutics and Language in Purva Mimamsa. Delhi 1983 PM88 Shlomo Biderman, "Orthodoxy and philosophy in India: philosophical implications of the Mimamsa school", OHDI 73-84 PM88.1 Edwin Gerow, "Language and symbol in Indian semiotics", PEW 34, 1984, 245260 PM88.2 Bijayananda Kar, "The problem of sentential meaning in the Purvamimamsa philosophy of language", VJP 21.1, 1984, 60-79

PM89 S.G.Moghe, "Paribhasas of Vyakarana and Mimamsa rules of interpretation--a comparative study", SPM 14-27 PM90 S.G.Moghe, "Purva-Mimamsa and astrological interpretation", SPM 43-57 PM91 S.G.Moghe, "Purva-Mimamsa and Pauranic interpretation", SPM 58-67 PM92 S.G.Moghe, "The position of Haradatta as a Mimamsaka", SPM 165-178 PM93 S.G.Moghe, "Mm. Dr. P.V.Kane's view on Purva-Mimamsa", SPM 238-255 PM94 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Theory of illusion of the Prabhakara Mimamsa" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 360 PM95 Saral Jhingram, "The ritualistic tradition of Mimamsa and Hindu morality", JRS 13.2, 1985, 58-61 PM96 G. Srinivasan, "The infrastructure of the Indian value-system as the basis for the development of human personality", IPA 18, 1985-86, 15-32 PM96.5 Sitanath Goswami, "Eternality of the Vedas--Mimamsa-Vedanta view", Anviksa 9, 1986. Reprinted IndTrad II, 21-41 PM97.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Mimamsa doubts about God" (abridged), Philosophy of Religion Reader, 1987, 133-146 PM97.2 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Dharma Prabha", Felicitation Volume in Honour of Professor B.M.Srikanthia (Bangalore 1987), 347-355 PM98 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Tantra and prasanga", AligarhJOS 3, 1986, 77-80 PM99 Francis X. Clooney, "Why the Veda has no author: language as ritual in early Mimamsa and post-modern theology", JAAR 55, 1987, 659-686 PM100 Sadashiv A. Dange, "Moral value and the Purva-Mimamsa", HSAJIS 59-67 PM100.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Mimamsa doubts about God" (abridged). Philosophy of Religion Reader 1987, 133-146 PM100.2 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Dharma Prabha", Felicitation Volume in Honour of Professor B. M. Srikanthia (Bangalore 1987), 347-355 PM100.3 G. L. Chaturvedi, "Operation of the law of karma according to Bhatta school of Mimamsa", Darshana 27.1, 1987, 84-88 PM100.4 V. N. Jha, "The upamana-pramana in Purvamimamsa", SILLE 1986, 77-91 PM100.5 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Theory of illusion of the Prabhakar Mimamsa", JGJRI 43, 1987, 75-80 PM101 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "The two Mimamsas--not one scriptural authority", TVOS 12, 1987, 183-196 PM102 Jean-Marie Verpoorten, "Le droit l'adhyayana selon la Mimamsa", IIJ 30, 1987, 23-30 PM103 Jean-Marie Verpoorten, Mimamsa Literature. Wiesbaden 1987 PM103.0 B.K.Dalai, "Bhatta refutation of inherence: a critique", DCRIB 47-48, 1988-89, 23-26 PM103.1 B.B.Chaubey, "Fundamental principles of the Purva-Mimamsa system", LP 2, 1988, 117-126 PM104 Francis X. Clooney, "Devatadhikarana: a theological debate in the MimamsaVedanta tradition", JIP 16, 1988, 277-298 PM104.1 P.K.Dalai, "Bhatta's refutation of inherence: a critique", BDCRI 47-48, 198889, 23-26

PM105 B.K.Matilal and P.K.Sen, "The context principle and some Indian controversies over meaning", Mind 97, 1988, 73-97 PM105.5 M. Srimannarayana Murti, "Intention of the speaker according to the Grammarians", SVUOJ 30-31, 1987-88, 20-34 PM106 K. Kunjunni Raja, Mimamsa Contribution to Language Studies. Calicut University Sanskrit Series 2, Calicut 1988 PM107 R.N.Sarma, Mimamsa Theory of Meaning. SGDOS 75, 1988 PM107.0 Rajendra Nath Sharma, "Theory of illusion of the Prabhakara Mimamsa", JGJRI 43, 1987, 75-80 PM107.1 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Triputipratyaksavada of the Prabhakara Mimamsa", JUG 34, 1988, 236-239 PM107.2 Rajendranath Sarma, "A note on the bhavana of Mimamsakas", LP 2, 1988, 133-140 PM107.2.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "The idea of authorless revelation (apauruseya)", in Roy W. Perrett (ed.), Indian Philosophy of Religion (Dordrecht 1989), 143-166 PM107.2.2 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Hindu-Mimamsa against scriptural evidence on God", Sophia (Victoria) 28.1, 1989, 20-31 PM107.2.1 Hemanta Kumar Ganguli, "The rational and the irrational in ancient Mimamsa", NHRI 139-152 PM107.3 K.N.Hota, "Prabhakaras on the nature of arthapatti", VIJ 27, 1989, 109-114 PM108 Hiroshi Marui, "What prompts people to follow injunctions? An elucidation of the correlative structure of interpretations of vidhi and theories of action", Acta Asiatica 57, 1989, 11-30 PM109 S.G.Moghe, "Purva-mimamsa and rasa interpretation", MO 15, 1989, 39-51 PM110 Subodh Kumar Pal, "A note on the Mimamsa conception of apurva", VJP 25.226.1, 1989, 50-52 PM111 Ujjwale Panse, A Reconstruction of the Third School of Purvamimamsa. Delhi 1989 PM112 Sheldon Pollock, "Mimamsa and the problem of history in traditional India", JAOS 109, 1989, 603-610 PM113 N.N.Sarma, Verbal Knowledge in Prabhakara Mimamsa. Delhi 1989 PM114 Rajendra Nath Sharma, "Epistemology of the Prabhakara Mimamsa", MO 15, 1989, 25-30 PM115 John A. Taber, "The theory of the sentence in Purva-Mimamsa and Western philosophy", JIP 17, 1989, 407-430 PM115.1 V.K.Chari, "The limits of the meaning of a sentence", ALB 59, 1990, 42-53 PM116 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Hindu doubts about God: towards a Mimamsa deconstruction", IPQ 30, 1990, 481-500. Reprinted IPE 4, 87-106 PM 116.1 K. Harikai, The Hermeneutics of Classical India. The Study of Arthavada and Mantra of the Mimamsa School. Kyoto 1990 PM117 Subodh Kumar Pal, "Mimamsaka's polemic against the notion of a personal God", VJP 27.1, 1990, 39-46 PM117.1 R. N. Sarma, Verbal Knowledge in Prabhakara Mimamsa. SDOS 60. Delhi 1990 PM118 John A. Taber, "The Mimamsa theory of self-recognition", PEW 40, 1990, 35-38

PM118.1 B.B.Chaubey, "The ultimate as seen in the Purva-Mimamsa systems", UAITD 115-122 PM118.2 S.G.Moghe, "Purva-Mimamsa and Dharma-Sastra", JGJRI 47, 1991, 145-156 PM119 Ujjwala Panse, "Prabhakaras on negation", Kalyanamittam 265-268 PM120 H.S.Prasad, "The context principle of meaning in Prabhakara Mimamsa", Kalyanamittam 283-45 PM121 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Is anvitabhidhana preferable to abhihitanvaya?", Kalyanamittam 179-182 PM121.1 G. Prathapa Simha, Arthapatti: A Criticaland Comparative Study of the Views of Purva Mimamsa, AdvaitaVedantaand Nyaya Vaisesika Systems. Tirupati 1991 PM122 Shlomo Bideman, "Dharma in Hinduism: the limits of interpretation", IntptR 111-128 PM123 V.K.Chari, "Sabdapramanya: an analysis of the Mimamsa argument", JOR 5562, 1986-92, 96-105 PM123.0 Krishnanath Chatterjee, "Deities in Mimamsa", Corpus 171-173 PM123.1 Francis X. D'Sa, "Mimamsa and hermeneutic: the hermeneutic concern of the Mimamsa", WZKSOA 36, 1992, Supplement 273-292 PM123.2 B.K.Swain, "Mimamsa view of pindapitryajna", ALB 56, 1992, 22-30 PM123.3 Daya Krishna, "Mimamsa before Jaimini: some problems in the interpretation of sruti in the Indian tradition", JICPR 9.3, 1992, 103-112 PM123.5 Raghunath Ghosh, "The concept of dharma in Purvamimamsa", JRS 22.1, 1993, 73-78 PM123.6 K.N.Hota, "The varieties of arthapatti: the stand of the Prabhakara school", BhV 53.1-2, 1993, 50-53 PM124 K.T.Pandurangi, "The concept of tyaga in Purvamimamsa and in Bhagavadgita", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 117-119 PM124.1 Daya Krishna, "Does Mimamsa treat the theory of karma as purva paksa?", JICPR 11.2, 1993, 127. Reprinted DDIP 203204 PM124.2 K.T.Pandurangi, "A note on the concepts of nitya-karma, naimittika-karma and kamya-karma", JICPR 11.2, 1994, 118-121 PM124.3 Alexei Pimonov, "On the correlation of the philosophical and ritualistic aspects of Mimamsa", HIndPh 1993, 96-106 PM124.4 K. Kunjunni Raja, "Buddhist and Mimamsa views on laksana", RIBP 1993, 195-207 PM124.8 P. K. Acharya, "Knowledge representation in Mimamsa", IndS 162-167 PM127 G.P.Bhatta, "Mimamsa as a philosophical system: a survey", StudinM 3-26 PM128 Shlomo Biderman, "Escaping the paradox of scripture: the Mimamsa solution", StudinM 87-104 PM129 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Autpattika: the 'originary' signifier-signified relation in Mimamsa and deconstrucive semiology", StudinM 187-206 PM130 Francis X. Clooney, S.J., "The principle of upasamhara and the development of Vedanta as an Uttara Mimamsa", StudinM 271-278 PM130.1 Subhas Chandra Dash, "History of laksana", JASBe 36.1, 1994, 79-88 PM130.2 F. X. d'Sa, "The happening of tradition. The Mimamsa's Vedapramanam", HermE 1994, 75-96

PM131 Kunio Harikai, "On the three-fold classification of the arthavada", StudinM 299312 PM131.5 B. Kar, "Anvtiabhidhana and abhihitanvayavada", IndS 62-80 PM132 Hajime Nakamura, "Problem of categorical imperative in the philosophy of Prabhakara school: a brief note", StudinM 169-185 PM132.1 K. T. Pandurangi, "A note on the concepts of nitya-karma, naimittikakarma and kamya-karma", JICPR 11.2, 1994, 317-346 PM133 Hari Shankar Prasad, "The content principle of meaning in Prabhakara Mimamsa", PEW 44, 1994, 317-346 PM134 K. Kunjunni Raja, "Mimamsa views on sentence-meaning: some problems", StudinM 207-214 PM135 P.T.Raju, "Activisim in Indian thought", StudinM 131-168 PM136 Tomoyasu Takenaka, "The theory of anumana in the Bhatta Mimamsa: niyama and the means to determine niyama", StudinM 105-116 PM137 Albrecht Wezler, "Credo, quia occidentale: a note on Sanskrit varna and its misinterpretation in literature on Mimamsa and Vyakarana", StudinM 221-242 PM138 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Authorless voice, tradition and authority in the Mimamsa: reflections in cross-cultural hermeneutics" Sambhasa 16, 1995, 137160 PM139 R. K. Das Gupta, "Vivekananda on Purva-Mimamsa", BRMIC 46, 1995, 174-180 PM140 Y. Krishan, "Nitya and naimittika karma in the Purva Mimamsa", ABORI 75, 1995, 177-184 PM141 Daya Krishna, "The Mimamsaka versus the Yajnika--some further problems in the interpretation of sruti in the Indian tradition", JICPR 12.2, 1995, 63-80. Comments on this paper by N.S.R.Tatacharyaswami, Surya Prakash Shastri, E.S.Varadacarya, Laxminarayan Murti Sharma, N.K.Ramanuja Tatacharya and N.S.Ramanuja Tatacharya, JICPR 12.3, 1995, 139-144 PM141.5 E. Easwaran Nampoothiry,m "Mimamsa in Kerala",Vidyotini 1995, 55-61 PM142 Sampat Narayana and Sri RamSharma, "Does Mimamsa treat the theory of karma as a purvapaksa? Two responses to the query", JICPR 12.1, 1995, 163-166. Reprinted DDIP 216-223 PM142.5 A Ramulu, A Study of the Differences between Bhatta and Prabhakara Schools (Mimamsa). Jagadavpur, dt. Medak, A.P. 1995 PM142.6 Dipak Ghosh, "Syncretism in Mimamsa system of Indian philosophy", OH 38.1, 1996, 15-21 PM142.6.5 Rajendra Nath Sharma, "Laksana in Prabhakara-Mimamsa", VIJ 33-34, 19951996, 195-198 PM142.7 R. Thanjaswami Sarma, ed. Mimamsamanjari. New Delhi 1996 PM142.8 Sabujkoli Sen (Mitra), "The Bhatta definition of prama and the problem of dharavahika pratyaksa: an analysis", VJP 32.1, 1995-96, 9-95 PM143 R.C.Pandeya and Manju, "Purva Mimamsa and Vedanta", CEAP 172-188 PM143.5 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Philosophy and Vedic exegesis in the Mimamsa", BOr 359-372 PM150 Uma Pandey, "Dialogue between the two Mimamsas as one science", JGJRI 5253, 1996-97, 81-86

PM161 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Does the Veda have an author? A reply to Professor Stephen H. Phillips", AS 52, 1998, 5-14 PM165 K.N.Hota, "The varieties of arthapatti: the stand of the Prabhakara school", ResIn 138-141 PM176 S.G.Moghe, Studies in Applied Purva-Mimamsa. Delhi 1998 PM178 A. Ramanna, "Pramana-Mimamsa", ResIn 142-147 PM180 Srikanta Samanta, "The concept of nirvikalpaka pratyaksa in the Mimamsa system", JICPR 15.3, 1998, 79-86 PM183 Ujjwale Panse, "Turning points in Mimamsa epistemology", TPIST 34-41 PM184 Eli Franco, "A Mimamsaka among the Buddhists: three fragments on the relationship between word and object", ManSC 2, 269-286 PM184.5 Kei Kataoka, "Reconstruction of the dharma-abhivyakti-vada in the Mimamsa tradition", WL 167-182 PM185 Lawrence McCrea, "The hierarchical organization of language in Mimamsa interpretive theory", JIP 28.5-6, 2000, 429-459 PM185.5 Mangala Mirasdar, "Mimamsa and the modern law", ABORI 81, 2000, 287-291 PM185.7 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Concept of jivanmukti and the Prabhakara scnool", RKBSSS 6-12 PM186 C. Ram-Prasad, "Knowledge and action I: Means to the human end in Bhatta Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta; II: Attaining liberation in Bhatta Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta", JIP 28, 2000, 1-41 PM190 Daniel Arnold, "Of intrinsic validity: a study on the relevance of Purva Mimamsa", PEW 51, 2001, 26-53 PM190.5 Nandita Bandyaopadhyay, "The Prabhakara and the early Vaisesika and the world of things: a brief comparison", Anviksa 23, 2001, 21-27 PM191 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The origin of Mimamsa as a school of thought", Vidyarnavavandanam 83-104 PM193 Kishore Nath Jha, "Mimamsa, the science of interpretation", LTC 309-373 PM194 V. N. Jha, "On the Mimamsaka's general definition of pramana", JUJI 6, 2001, 169-172 PM196 C. Rajendran, "Influence of Purvamimsmsa on Alamkarasastra", ALB 65, 2001, 73-82 PM197 Tara Chatterjee, "Svatah-pramanyavada in Mimamsa", KFIP 41-64 PM198 Rupendra C. Das, "The Mimamsaka on yogaja pratyaksa: a critique", IndPQ 29, 2002, 419-434 PM200 Ujjwala Jain, Mimamsa Philosophy of Language. Delhi 2002 PM2001 Mohini Mullick, "Word and act: Purva Mimamsa's prescriptions for heaven", PLCIT 197-208 PM2002 S. Panneerselvam, "Can action be the import of all sentences?--a dialogue with the Prabhakaras", PLCIT 181-196 PM203 Thangaswami Sharma, "Development of the literature pertaining to the Mimamsa system of philosophy from A.D. 16th century to A.D.20th century", DIPECO 7996 PM203.5 Ujjwala Jha, "Some Recent Mimamsa Works in Sanskrit", SWIII 287-296 PM204 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Uttaramimamsa", CracowIS 4-5, 2002-2003, 113-120

PM207 Kei Kataoka, "The Mimamsa definition of pramana as a source of new information", JIP 31, 2003, 83-103 PM207.2 Hemlata Pandey, "Tatparya in Mimamsa system of philosophy", JDPUC 12, 2003, 68-75 PM207.5 D. N. Shanbhag, "The theory of error of the Prabhakara Mimamsakas", Pramodasiddha 115-126 PM207.6 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "The sentence-meaning: bhavana or niyoga?", Pramodasindhu 138-143 PM208 Francis X. Clooney, "Pragmatism and anti-essentialism in the construction of dharma in Mimamsasutra 7.1.1-12", JIP 32, 2004, 751-768 PM209 K. P. Jog, "The Mimamsa darsana", IndPT 63-79; glossary 327-351 PM210 Kiyotaka Yoshimizu, "The dual significance of a periodical sacrifice: nitya or kamya from the Mimamsa viewpoint", JP 32, 2004, 189-209 PM215 Dan Arnold, "Nobody is seen going to heaven: toward an eppistemology that supports the authority of the Vedas", BBB 59-114 PM218 Lars Ghler, "Was verstad die frhe Mimamsa unter einer vedischen Beisung (codana)", IKK 221-228 PM225 Sindhu Sadashiv Dange, "Arthavada", PIPV 2530284 PM228 Ujjvala Jha, "Purvamimamsa thought before Jaimini", PIPV 25035 PM230 M.Rama Jois, "The Mimamsa rules of interpretation", PIPV 575-613 PM233 Markandey Katju, "The Mimamsa principle of interpretation", PIPV 615-625 PM236 Shahiprabha Kumar, "The concept of veda-apauruseyatva", PIPV 2350251 PM240 K. T. Pandurangi, "The concept of moksa in Purvamimamsa", PIPV 367-371 PM241 K. T. Pandurangi, N. Veezhinathan and K.E.Devanathan, "Utilisation of Purvamimamsa nyaya in Vedanta", PIPV 389-428 PM242 K.T.Pandurangi, "Exposition of dharma as the central theme of Purvamimamsa", PIPV 175-233 PM243 K. T. Pandurangi, "Semantics of Purvamimamsa", PIPV 131-171 PM244 K. T. Pandurangi, "Metaphysics and ontology of Purvamimamsa", PIPV 101-129 PM245 K. T. Pandurangi, "The epistemology of Purvamimamsa", PIPV 53-100 PM246 K. T. Pandurangi, R. Krishnamurthy Shastri, K.E.Devanathan and Veera Narayan Pandurangi, "The review of Purvamimamsa doctrines in Vedanta", PIPV 429-452 PM247 K. T. Pandurangi, "The pespective and the scope of Purvamimamsa", PIPV 3-23 PM250 S. Revathy, "Criticism of Buddhism by Purvamimamsa", PIPV 529-566 PM253 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Vedanta and Mimamsa", MVIC 1-92 PM256 Ujjwala Jha, "Mimamsakas' sakti re-established", FacInd 154-166 PM259 Rajendra Nath Sharma, "Hindu law and the Mimamsadarsana", FacInd 248-253 PM259.3 G. Misra, "Scop and limits of sruti as a pramana: perspective from Purva Mimamsa and Advaita Vedanta", SPIP 108-118 PM259.4 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Karma's suffering; the Mimamsa solution to the problem of evil", IECTC 171-190 PM259.4.5 V.N.Jha, "Sabdanityatva", PCRSIT 757-760 PM259.5.7 V.N.Jha, "Rules for interpretations of scriptural texts", PCRSIT 789-792 PM259.5 Kunio Harikai, "The Mimamsa interpretation of the particle hi in Brahmana literature: is anumana possible in the Veda?", EMH 303-314

PM259.7 Jan C. Heesterman, "For the sake of dharma: an essay on the term dharmamatra", EMH 285-302 PM260 Walter Slaje, "Yajnavalkya-brahmanas and the early Mimamsa", MVIC 155-158 PM262 D.T.Tatacarya, "Rgveda and the Purvottama Mimamsa", SVUOJ 50, 2007, 63-70 PM265 Lawrence McCrea, "Playing with the system: fragmentation and individualizaiton in late pre-colonial Mimamsa", JIP 36, 2008, 575-585 PM268 Shivani Sharma, "Dharma and Brahman: the fondations of Indian culture", VIJ 45-46, 2007-2008, 162-169 PM270 Elisa Freschi, "Desidero ergo sum: the subject as the desiring one in Mimamsa", RDSO 80, 2009, 51-62 PM275 Goda Venkateswara Sastri, "Mimamsa nyayas in modern life", JOR 78-80, 20062009, 55-66

Return to Contents Page {S} Samkhya See a22.1.192;; 47.16.46; 48.1.90; 50.5:6,7; 137.1.37;174.2.7; 174.10.22; 175.1:75, 76.1; 220.1.4; 245.1.4; 258.1.2; 294.3.16; 294.5.4; 302.4.3; 344.9.200; 379.15.30; 379.67:46,341; 404.8.3; 455.2.25; 560.4.17; 560.4.31; 716.2.4; 809.22.27; 1036.14.3. J82,111,201,239,317,348,446,519; AB29, 330, 453, 463. B47, 55, 75, 275, 775, 983, 1418.5, 1537. NV45, 547.7, 585. Y117 b137.1.6 S0 H.T.Colebrooke, "On the drift of the Samkhya philosophy", BM 3, 1850, 281-288 S1 E. Roer, Lecture on the Samkhya Personality. Calcutta 1854 S2 C.B.Schluter, Aristotles' Metaphysik eine Tochter der Samkhya-Lehre des Kapila. Munster 1874 S2.1 Robert Hoskins, The Samkhya Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Boston University 1886 S3 Richard Garbe, Samkhya und Yoga. Strassburg 1896 S4 Richard Garbe, Die Samkhya Philosophie. Leipzig 1897, 1917 S5 Ch. Schoebel, "Le doctrine de l'existence d'aprs les systmes Yoga, Vedanta et Samkhya", CIDO 2, 1893, 396-404 S6 Charles Carroll Everett, "The psychology of the Vedanta and Samkhya philosophies", JAOS 20, 1899, 300-316 S7 E.Washburn Hopkins, "Notes on the Svetasvatara", JAOS 22, 1901, 380-387 S8 Joseph Dahlmann, Die Samkhya-Philosophie als Naturlehre und Erlsungslehre. Berlin 1902 S9 K.L.Haldar, "The Samkhya philosophy--how to interpret it", HR 11, 1905, 140-144 S10 Otto Schrader, Bibliography of Samkhya Yoga Samuccaya Works. 1906 S11 K.L.Haldar, "Samkhya doctrine of evolution", HR 15, 1907, 587-598 S12 Satischandra Vidyabhusana, "Samkhya philosophy in the land of the lamas", JASBe n.s. 3, 1907, 571-578 S13 V.N.Raya, Samkhya Philosophy of Kapila. 1911 S14 T.G.Anantachari, A Comparative Study of the Samkhya System with the Other Systems. Trichinopoly 1913 S15 Otto Strauss, "Zur Geschichte des Samkhya", WZKM 27, 1913, 257-275

S16 Hermann Jacobi, "ber das Verhltnis des Vedanta zum Samkhya", Kuhn 30-39 S17 M. Senart, "Rajas et la thorie indienne des trois gunas", JA 6, 1915, 151-188 S18 Chamupati, "Kapila and Dayanand", VMGS 10, 1917, 843-848 S19 Hermann Oldenberg, "Zur Geschichte der Samkhya-Philosophie", NKWKG 19171919 S20 R.G.Bhandarkar, "The Samkhya philosophy", IPR 2, 1918-19, 193-209. Also CWRB l, 62-78 S21 S.V.Gokhale, "Prof. A.B.Keith's Samkhya System", JIIP 2.3 - 2.4, 1919 S22 S.V.Gokhale, "The metaphysic of evil from the viewpoint of the Samkhya philosophy", JIIP 2.1, 1919 - 2.2, 1919 S23 L. Berndl, "ber das Samkhya", ZBVG 3, 1921: 31, 97 S24 B.N.Mukerjee, "God in Samkhya", VMGS 14, 1921, 413-418 S25 I.Tiwari, "The concept of purusa in Samkhya philosophy", SAMSJV III.1, 41-52 S26 Haraprasad Shastri, "Chronology of the Samkhya literature", JBRS 9, 1923, 151-162 S27 Arthur Berriedale Keith, The Samkhya System. Second edition. Calcutta 1924, 1949 S28 Erich Frauwallner, "Unterschungen zum Moksadharma", WZKM 32, 1925 - 3, 1926. Also JAOS 45, 1925, 51-67 S29 Richard Garbe, "Guna", ERE 6, 1925, 454-455 S30 Richard Garbe, "Samkhya", ERE ll, 1925, 189-192 S31 Gopinath Kaviraj, "The problem of causality: Samkhya-Yoga view", POWSBSt 4, 1925, 125-151 S32 A.K.Majumdar, "The doctrine of evolution in the Samkhya philosophy", PR 34, 1925, 51-69 S33 V.B.Srikhande, "The nature of the Self", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 105-119. Also RIndPh 275-288 S34 R.R.Iyengar, "Mahabharata philosophy--Moksadharma", IHQ 2, 1926, 509-515 S35 D.K.Laddu, "Some aspects of the Samkhya system as viewed by the Vedantist", SAMV I, 261-276 S36 A.K.Majumdar, "The personalistic conception of nature as expounded in the Samkhya philosophy", PR 35, 1926, 53-63 S37 A.K.Majumdar, "The doctrine of bondage and release in the Samkhya philosophy", PR 35, 1926, 253-266 S38 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The Samkhya system: some critical considerations", PQ 2, 1926, 265-282 S39 K.Sendinath Aiyar, "The Samkhya darsana and Brhadaranyaka Upanisad", Jignyasa 1.2, 1927, l-6 S40 Erich Frauwallner, "Zur elementlehre des Samkhya", WZKM 34, 1927, 1-5 S41 E.Hultzsch, "Samkhya und Yoga im Sisupalavadha", AIK 78-83 S42 Shyama Ch. Chatterji, "Satkaryavada of Samkhya", PQ 4, 1928-29, 280-283 S43 F. Lipsius, "Die Samkhyaphilosophie als Vorluferin des Buddhismus", JSG 15, 1928, 106-114 S44 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Samkhya theory of knowledge in relation to some other Eastern and Western theories", PQ 4, 1928-29, 39-66. Also SPR 164-201 S45 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Samkhya view of error", PQ 1929. Also IPS 1, 25-30

S46 E.H.Johnston, "Some Samkhya and Yoga conceptions of the Svetasvatara Upanisad", JRAS 1930, 855-878 S47 J. Ghosh, Samkhya and Modern Thought. Calcutta 1930 S48 A.K.Majumdar, Samkhya Conception of Personality. Calcutta 1930 S49 Jean Przyluski, "La thorie des guna", BSOAS 6, 1930-32, 25-36 S50 Carolyn A.F. Rhys Davids, "Samkhya logic", TDG 6.7, 1930, 35-42 S51 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Samkhya system", VK 17, 1930-31, 129 S52 K.A.Krishnaswamy Aiyar, "The Samkhya system", VK 19, 1932-33, 466 ff. S53 Kalipada Bhattacharya, "Some problems of Samkhya philosophy and Samkhya literature", IHQ 8, 1932, 509-520. Also SHIP 2, 42-53 S54 Carolyn A.F.Rhys Davids, "Samkhya and original Buddhism", IHQ 9, 1933, 585587 S55 Surendranath Dasgupta, "Is Samkhya non-Vedic?", IC 1, 1934-35, 79-80 S56 J.K.Majumdar, "Isvara in Samkhya philosophy", KK 1, 1934, 149-156 S57 F.Otto Schrader, "Vedanta and Samkhya in primitive Buddhism", IC 1, 1934-35, 543-552 S58 K.R.Srinivasiengar, "Emergent evolution: an Indian view", PR 43, 1934, 598-606 S59 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Some difficulties of the Samkhya system", PQ 11, 193536, 146-151 S60 N.S.Junankar, The Criticism of the Samkhya Philosophy in the Texts of Other Indian Systems. B.Litt.Thesis, Oxford University 1935 S61 M.Ledrus, "An introduction to Samkhya", NR 1, 1935, 274-283 S62 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Samkhya theory of evolution in the light of modern thought", PAIOC 8, 1935, 383-393 S63 S.N.Roy, "Problem of error in Samkhya", PQ 12, 1936, 38-45 S64 R.S.N.Venkataraman, "The place of feeling in conduct in Indian philosophy: Samkhya-Yoga", PQ 12, 1936, 157-176 S65 J.Goyandka, "Prakrti and purusa", KK 4, 1937, 745-753; 18, 1953, 536-542 S66 E.H.Johnston, Early Samkhya. RASPPF 15, 1937. Reprinted Delhi 1974 S67 V.Misra, "Introduction au Samkhya", ET 42, 1937, 130-139 S68 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Omniscience", IHQ 14, 1938, 280-292. Also WMN 80-92. Also CPSSS 77-86 S69 H.R.Rangaswami Aiyangar, "An old Samkhya definition of inference", PAIOC 10, Summaries 1939, 66-67 S70 R.Brakell Buys, "Het Samkhyastelsel", TWP 33, 1939, 69-75 S71 S.K.Saksena, "The nature of buddhi according to Samkhya-Yoga", PQ 18, 1942-43, 139-146. Reprinted SSEIP 82-89 S72 B.A.K.Rao, "Theory of relativity and the Samkhya system", PQ 17, 1941-42, 131137 S73 T.S.Mahabale, "Emergent evolution and Samkhya philosophy", RPR 12.1-2, 1943, 55-64 S74 Gnaneswarananda, "Improvement of personality by controlling the gunas", VATW 8, 1945, 142-150 S75 P.C.Divanji, "Bhagavadgita and Samkhya philosophy", JGJRI 7, 1949-50, 187-213

S76 P.Chakravarti, Origin and Development of the Samkhya System of Thought. CalSS 30, 1952 S77 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Samkhya system", PEIP 51-58. Also CHI 1, 317-329 S78 N.Subrahmania Sastri, "Bibliography of Indian philosophy: Samkhya system", JSVRI 13.l, 1952, 52 pp. S79 Satkari Mookerjee, "Samkhya-Yoga", HPE 242-257 S80 Katayanidas Bhattacharya, "The concept of subtle body in Samkhya philosophy", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 113 S81 George P. Conger, "A naturalistic approach to Samkhya-Yoga", PEW 3, 1953, 233240 S82 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The Samkhya", CHI 3, 41-52 S82.1 P. D. Padhye, "Some difficulties of the Samkhya system", JPA 1.2, 1953, 1-3 S83 V.Raghupati, "A new approach to the Samkhya philosophy", JBHU 2.1, 1953, 76-84 S84 Tsuruji Sahota, "The development of the conception of purusa" (summary). JSR 4, 1953, 188-190 S85 G.V.Devasthali, "Samkhya in the Bhagavadgita", JUP 3, 1954, 130-138 S85.1 Katyayanidas Bhattacharya, "The concept of subtle body in the Samkhya philosophy", JPA 1.3-4, 1954, 23-24 S86 William F. Goodwin, "Theories of consciousness and liberation in the Samkhya philosophy and the philosophy of George Santayana", PQ 27, 1954, 201-206. Also ProcIPC 29.l, 1954, 41-51 S87 William F. Goodwin, "Samkhya and the philosophy of Santayana", ARWEP 127134 S88 K.Kimura, "Samkhya theory (II)", BK 8.1, 1954, 70-73 S89 T.Murakami, "Samkhya theory (I)", BK 8.1, 1954, 64-69 S90 Srinivas Dixit, "The meaning of guna in the Samkhya system", JUP 5, 1955, 69-74 S91 Indukala Jhaveri, "Concept of kala and akasa in the Samkhya-Yoga system", JOI 5, 1955-56, 417-419 S92 S.T.Kenghe, "Samkhya theory of evolution", OT 1, 1955, 53-58. Summarized PAIOC 16, Summaries 1951, 247 S93 Gikai Matsuo, "The characteristics of buddhi in Samkhya philosophy", JIBSt 3.2, 1955, 452-456 S93.1 Mukhyananda, "The Samkhya, modern Western science, and Advaita Vedanta", VK 82, 1955: 86, 142, 180, 265 S94 F.Otto Schrader, "Samkhya, original and classical", ALB 19, 1955, 1-2 S95 Nils Simonsson, Indisk filosofi. Samkhya. Stockholm 1955 S96 Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya, "Studies in Samkhya philosophy", KCBSP I, 127214 S97 Susil Kumar Maitra, "Samkhya realism: a comparative and critical study", SPR 202217. Also RIndPh 130-143 S98 K.Mallik, "Godhead in Samkhya", PQ 29, 1956, 23-28 S99 Walter Ruben, "The beginning of the epic Samkhya", ABORI 37, 1956, 174-189 S100 J.A.B.Van Buitenen, "Studies in Samkhya", JAOS 76, 1956 - 77, 1957. Reprinted SILP

S101 Richard V. de Smet, "Elements of permanent value in Samkhya", OT 3.2-4, 1957, 133-156 S102 Indukala H. Jhaveri, "Process of parinama in the Samkhya-Yoga system", ABORI 37, 1957, 296-299 S103 Indukala H. Jhaveri, "Concept of akasa in Indian philosophy", ABORI 37, 1957, 300-307 S104 Esho Yamaguchi, "On acetana and ajna in the Samkhya system", JIBSt 5.1, 1957, 33-36 S105 Jayadeva Yogendra, "Samkhya in the Moksa-parvan", JUBo 26, 1957, 55-59 S106 N.P.Anikeev, "Materialism and atheism of the Samkhya system at the beginning of the middle ages" (in Russian). Vestnik moskovskogo Ouoniversitata 1958, 61-77 S107 Erich Frauwallner, "Zur Erkenntnislehre des Klassische Samkhya-system", WZKSOA 2, 1958, 84-139 S108 C.T.Kenghe, "The concept of prakrti in the Samkhya philosophy", PO 23.1-2, 1958, 1-7 S109 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya in Mahabharata", VK 45, 1958-59, 423-428 S110 B.C.Chaudhri, "The reality behind Samkhya philosophy", Vikram 3, 1959, 84-88 S111 Nirgunananda, "The Vedanta and Samkhya theory of many purusas", PB 64, 1959, 340-343. Reprijted SRV 12.2, 1989, 9-15 S112 K.T.Pandurangi, "Concept of gunas in the Samkhya system", JKU 3.2, 1959, 19-23 S113 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Spinoza and Samkhya", JPA 6, 1959 - 8.29-30, 1961 S114 G. Srinivasan, "Spinoza and Samkhya", JPA 6, 1959 - 7, 1960 S114.1 Bratindra Kumar Sen Gupta, "The basic conception in perception in Samkhya and Advaita", JAssamRS 13, 1959, 45-47 S115 B.Suryacaitanya, "The Samkhya darsana", PB 64, 1959, 424-430 S116 B.K.Sengupta, "Traces of Samkhya doctrines in the Srimadbhagavatam", IHQ 35, 1959, 327-332 S117 J. Yogendra, "The problem of prakrti and purusa relationship in atheistic Samkhya and theistic Yoga", JUBo 28 (Arts) 1969, 146-153 S118 V.M.Bedekar, "Moksadharma studies: place and function of the psychical organism", ABORI 40, 1960, 262-298 S119 S.K.Chattopadhyaya, "In defence of Samkhya dualism", PQ 32, 1960, 245-256 S120 Priti Kanji Lal, Concept of Mind in the Samkhya-Yoga System: An Analytical Study. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Lucknow 1960 S121 D.D.Vadekar, "The Samkhya arguments for the purusa", PQ 32, 1960, 257-260 S122 K.C.Varadachari, "Logic of Samkhya", SVUOJ 3, 1960, 27-34 S123 Bengali Baba, "Importance of the Samkhya-Yoga in the Vedic structure of society", PO 26.1-2, 1961, 12-23 S124 Latika Chattopadhyaya, Self in Samkhya Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Visvabharati University 1961 S125 J.Dash, "Logical and metaphysical arguments for purusa in the Samkhya", PQ 34, 1961, 187-192 S126 Paul Hacker, "The Samkhyization of the emanation doctrine shown in a critical analysis of texts", WZKSOA 5,1961, 75-112. Also Purana 4, 1962, 298-338. Also PHKS 167-204

S127 M.M.Kothari, Modern Evolution (of the West) and Parinamavada (of India). Ph.D.Thesis, University of Rajasthan 1961 S128 Umesh Mishra, "Pramanas and their objects in Samkhya", ALB 25, 1961, 371-380 S129 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Bhagavata-Purana and Kapila-Samkhya", SPP, special number, March 1961, 15-24 S130 K.C.Varadachari, "Studies in Samkhya philosophy", SVUOJ 4.1-2, 1961, 21-35 S131 Ram Suresh Pandey, A Comparative Study of Samkhya Philosophy in Mahabharata and the Puranas. Ph.D.Thesis, Gorakhpur University 1962 S132 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "The Samkhya philosophy in the Carakasamhita", ALB 26, 1962, 193-205 S133 Anima Sengupta, Chandogya Upanisad: Samkhya Point of View. Kanpur 1962 S134 Anima Sengupta, "In defence of Samkhya purusa and its multiplicity", PB 67, 1952, 52-55. Also ESOSIP 28-36 S135 K.C.Varadachari, "Samkhyan theory of knowledge", SVOJ 1962 S136 K.C.Varadachari, "Samkhyan God and souls", SVOJ 1962 S137 K.C.Varadachari, "Samkhyan analogies", SVOJ 1962 S138 Tarapada Bhattacharya, "The Samkhya and God", CR 169, 1963, 226-232 S139 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "The gunas of prakrti according to the Samkhya philosophy", PEW 13, 1963, 61-72 S140 Anima Sengupta, "Ethics of the Samkhya philosophy", VK 50, 1963-64, 605-608 S141 Minoru Hara, "Pasupata and Samkhya-Yoga", JOR 34-35, 1964-66, 76-87 S142 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "The Buddhacarita and the Samkhya of Arada Kalama", ALB 28, 1964, 231-241 S143 Hiravallabha Sastri, "Samkhyadarsana", P 10.1, 1964, 86-94 S144 Anima Sengupta, Influence of Samkhya on the Ayurveda. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Calcutta 1964 S145 Anima Sengupta, "Katha Upanishad: Samkhya point of view", PB 69, 1964 - 70, 1965 S146 Anima Sengupta, "The basic principles of the classical Samkhya philosophy", ESOSIP 1-8 S147 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya in the Mahabharata", ESOSIP 9-20 S148 H.S.Sinha, "Psychological bipolarity in Samkhya system", MRJ 1, 1964, 73-79 S149 J.A.B.Van Buitenen, "The large atman", HistR 4.1, 1964, 103-114 S150 Adidevananda, "Theistic Samkhya in the Bhagavata", PB 70, 1965, 393-396 S151 Bhupendranath Bhattacharya, Samkhya Theory of Evolution and its Influence on Later Works. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Calcutta 1965 S152 Anima Sengupta, "The Samkhya conception of subha and asubha (good and evil)", PB 70, 1965, 454-463 S153 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya theory of knowledge: determinate and indeterminate", PB 70, 1965, 257-261 S154 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya conception of tanmatra: a critical exposition", VK 52, 1965-66, 315-318 S155 Brij Behari Choubey, "Samkhya concept of self", IPC 11.4, 1966, 37-46 S156 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Theism of Pre-Classical Samkhya. Mysore 1966 S157 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and the upamana pramana", VK 52, 1966, 483-485

S158 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya on validity and invalidity of knowledge", VK 53, 1966-67, 248-254 S159 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya approach: analysis of human experience", VK 53, 1966-67, 329-330 S160 Anima Sengupta, "Meaning of svatah-grahyatva in regard to pramanya and apramanya", VK 53, 1966-67, 430-432 S161 G.Srinivasan, "Sartre and Samkhya", AP 37, 1966, 540-545 S162 Tapo Nath Chakravarti, "Matter according to the Samkhya system of thought", KAG 80-102 S163 K.C.Das, "A comparative study of the concept of the unconscious in SamkhyaYoga and Freudian psychology", ProcIPC 1967, 167-173 S164 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "The three qualities of the Samkhya system", KAG 126-135. Also CIDO 26, 1969, 385-390. Reprinted in SILM 93-109 S165 C.T.Kenghe, "Samkhya and yoga", YM 9.4, 1967, 23-41 S166 P.M.Modi, "Scriptural source of the Samkhya dualism", JOI 17, 1967-68, 230-236 S167 Anima Sengupta, Katha Upanisad: Samkhya Point of View. Kanpur 1967 S168 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Time in Samkhya-Yoga", VJP 4.1, 1967, 72-89 S169 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta", PB 72, 1967, 392-395 S170 Anima Sengupta, "Inference: Samkhya point of view", PB 72, 1967, 216-220 S179 I.K.Taimni, "The 'I' and its attenuation", AB 89, 1967-68, 23-35 S180 Esho Yamaguchi, "A consideration of pratyayasarga", JIBSt 30, 1967, 972-979 S181 S.Bhattacharya, "The concept of videha and prakrtilaya in the Samkhya-Yoga system", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 305-312 S182 Francis Victor Catalina, A Study of the Self Concept of Samkhya-Yoga Philosophy. Delhi 1968 S183 K.C.Das, "Samkhya philosophy: its attitude towards God and morality", JUG 19, 1968, 28-34 S184 C.T.Kenghe, "The problem of the pratyayasarga in Samkhya and its relation with Yoga", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 365-373 S185 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Buddhi and purusa", JYI 14, 1968-69, 4-6 S186 Paul Mus, "O finit purusa?, LRCV 539-564 S187 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Time in Samkhya-Yoga", IPQ 8, 1968, 406-426 S188 Anima Sengupta, "Advaita Vedanta and Samkhya on erroneous perception", VK 55, 1968-69, 233-236 S189 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya conception of liberation", PB 73, 1968, 151-155 S190 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta: a comparative study", in M.P.Pandit 50th Birthday Commemoration Volume (ed. A.V.Shastri) (Pondicherry 1968), 130-140 S191 Yogendra, "About prana", JYI 14, 1968-69, 145-147 S192 S.Bhattacharya, "The visesa and the avisesa", SMFV 487-499 S193 K.C.Das, "The role of will in Kant and Samkhya", JUG 20, 1969, 80-84 S194 Megumu Honda, "Samkhya in the Buddhagotra", JIBSt 35, 1969, 434-441 S195 Gerald J. Larson, "Classical Samkhya and the phenomenological ontology of JeanPaul Sartre", PEW 19, 1969, 45-58 S196 Anima Sengupta, Classical Samkhya: A Critical Study. Lucknow 1969

S197 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya philosophy: its source", VK 56, 1969-70, 346-352 S198 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and the Taoism of ancient China", JOI 19, 1969-70, 228-233 S199 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and the Advaita Vedanta", VK 56, 1969-70, 52-56 S200 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and drstisrstivada of the Bhamati school", VK 56, 1969-70, 267-270 S201 G.Srinivasan, "The dialectic of the individual", AP 40, 1969, 242-245 S202 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Samkhya-Yoga theory of causality: an Advaitic study", CR n.s. 2, 1970-71, 45-60 S203 C.B.Dvivedi, "Samkhya framework of mind, senses and intellect and its relationship with language and thought", P 16, 1970-71, 171-184 S204 Tuvia Gelblum, "Samkhya and Sartre"., JIP 1, 1970-71, 75-82 S205 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta on inference", VK 57, 1970-71, 406-408 S206 Esho Yamaguchi, "The concept of purusa in the Samkhya system of philosophy", JOR 40-41, 1970-72, 167-178 S207 Sumitrosankar Banerjee, "Prakrti and creation", IPC 16.3, 1971, 223-237 S208 K.S.Joshi, "On Samkhya-Yoga dualism", YM 14.1-2, 1971, 65-75 S208.5 H. Mishra, "Is Samkhya atheistic?", PAOPA 3, 1971, 60-63 S209 S.Joshi, "Relative idealism of the Samkhya system", Darshana 44, 1971, 91-96 S210 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya on validity and invalidity of knowledge", TBIC 79-86 S211 S.R.Talghatti, "Concept of purusa in the Samkhya philosophy", JUP 35, 1971, 1029 S212 A.L.Hiremath, "The Samkhya-Yoga systems", MO 5, 1972, 126-130 S213 Rocque Lobo, Samkhya-Yoga und sptantiker Geist: eine Unterschung der Allegerse des Origines im Lichte der indischen philosophie. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Munich 1972 S213.5 Gerald J. Larson, "A possible mystical interpretation of ahamkara and the tanmatras in the Samkhya", in Arabinda Basu, etc., Sri Aurobindo: A Frech Garland of Tributes (Pondichery 1973), 79-87 S214 Shinkan Murakami, "The Samkhya philosophy with regard to the arguments of the negation of ego" (summary). ARTU 23, 1973 S215 Deva Brata Sen, "Samkhya conception of purusa", KUJ 7, 1973, 227-230 S216 Anima Sengupta, Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta: A Comparative Study. Patna 1973 S217 Asha Tandon, Critical Study of the Psychic Elements in the Systems of Samkhya and Yoga. Ph.D.Thesis, Allahabad University 1973 S218 Anima Sengupta, "The Samkhya-Yoga conception of personality", VK 61, 197475, 256-260 S219 I.N.Sinha, "Anisvaravada of the dualistic Samkhya", VK 61, 1974-75, 24-26 S220 D.T.Tatacharya, "The suksmavisesas of Samkhya", CDSFV 396-399 S221 Muktaram Banerjee, "Evolution of the cosmos in the Samkhya philosophy", CR n.s. 1, 1975-76, 164-168 S222 Kumar Nath Bhattacharya, The Concept of Isvara in Samkhya-Yoga. Ph.D.Thesis, Burdwan University 1975 S223 K.C.Das, Concept of Personality in Samkhya-Yoga and the Gita. Gauhati 1975

S224 Namita Kar, "A note on Samkhya on kaivalya", PAOPA 5, 1975, 63-64 S225 Gerald J. Larson, "The notion of satkarya in Samkhya: toward a philosophical reconstruction", PEW 25, 1975, 31-40 S226 Harsh Narain, "Vedic origins of the Samkhya dialectic", Sambodhi 4.1, 1975, 21-34 S227 P.K.Sasidharan Nari, "Concept of purusa in the Samkhya system", AOR 25, 1975, 565-569 S228 Klaus Ruping, "Zur Emanationslehre im Moksadharma", SII 2, 1976, 3-10 S229 Deba Brata Sen, "The Samkhya conception of guna, its relevance in sadhana", KUJ 10, 1976, 332-336 S230 D.P.Sen, "A review of the Samkhya theory of knowledge", QFT 209-216 S231 Anima Sengupta, "Does man really seek relief from pain (the Samkhya-Yoga view)", VK 62, 1975-76, 55-58 S232 D.Sen Sharma, "A fresh light on the twofold creation in the Samkhya system", ABSP 7, 1975-76, 13-18 S233 K.P.Sinha, "The problem of isvara in the Samkhya philosophy", JUG 26-27, 197576, 7-19 S234 Narayan Kumar Chatterji, "Epistemology: an approach from the Samkhya and Yoga systems of thought", CR n.s. 2, 1976-77, 133-170 S235 A.G.Javadekar, "Modern ecology and the relevance of Samkhya", JOI 25, 1976, 260-264 S236 D.P.Sen, "A review of the Samkhya theory of knowledge", QFT 209-216 S237 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya-Yoga on seer and seen", VK 63, 1976-77, 52-54 S238 Y.K.Wadhwani, "Subtle bodies postulated in the classical Samkhya system", Sambodhi 5.1, 1976-77, 29-40 S239 Bijayananda Kar, Analytical Studies in the Samkhya Philosophy. Bhubaneshwar 1977 S240 J.Frank Kenney, "The concept of suffering in classical Samkhya", JD 2, 1977, 295301 S241 A.M.Patel, "Samkhya thought in Srimad-Bhagavata Purana", PTG 11.3, 1977, 2638 S242 Frank Podgorski, "Samkhya-Yoga meditation: psycho-spiritual transvaluation", JD 2, 1977, 152-163 S243 Subhash Ch. Saha Ray, "Fallacies of perception", Philosophica 6.4, 1977, 1-6 S244 Anima Sengupta, "Philosophy of Samkhya: its value in the present age", ESOSIP 173-177 S245 Anima Sengupta, "Logic in the Samkhya school", ESOSIP 178-181 S246 Anima Sengupta, "Samkhya and the Taoism of ancient China", ESOSIP 212-219 S247 Nagin J. Shah, "Rajas and karman", Sambodhi 6.1-2, 1977, 57-62 S248 David Bastow, "An attempt to understand Samkhya-Yoga", JIP 5, 1978, 191-208 S249 Michael Hulin, Samkhya Literature. Wiesbaden 1978 S250 G.D.Khare, "The Samkhya cult in the Bhagavadgita", PTG 12.3, 1978, 14-32 S251 Ashok Malhotra, "The philosophy of Sartre versus Samkhya-Yoga", Asian Thought and Society 3.7, 1978, 68-81 S252 P.K.Sasidharan, "Gunas and their contradictory traits in Samkhya philosophy", JMKU 7.2, 1978, 55-56

S253 Anima Sen Gupta, "Samkhya and the Advaita Vedanta", VK 65, 1978, 124-128 S254 Janaki Ballabha Bhattacharya, "Theist version of Samkhya", Our Heritage Special Number. Sanakrit College 150th Anniversary 1824-1974 (Calcutta 1979), 243258 S255 V.G.Rahurkar, "The Samkhya as depicted in the Mahabharata", Rtam 11-15, 197983, 315-322 S256 David White, "Proto-Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta in the Bhagavadgita", PEW 29, 1979, 501-508 S257 Meera Chakravorty, "The problem of purusabahutva and bhoktrbhava in Samkhya darsana", PAIOC 29, 1980, 435-441 S258 Shivnarayan Joshi, "Is parama-samya possible?", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 293-298 S259 Stephen A. Kent, "Valentinian gnosticism and classical Samkhya: a thematic and structural comparison", PEW 30, 1980, 241-260 S259.1 Shiv Kumar, "Samkhya-Yoga definition of pramana", CASSt 5, 1980, 99-110 S260 P.K.Sasidharan, "A critical notes on the way to attain the goal of life in the Samkhya and the Yoga philosophies", JMKU 9.2, 1980, 19-22 S261 Anima Sen Gupta, "Basic approach of Samkhya-Yoga philosophy", VK 67, 1980, 176-180 S262 P.K.Sasidharan, "A critical note on the way to attain the goal of life in Samkhya and Yoga philosophies", MKUJ 9.2, 1980, 19-22 S263 Alex Wayman, "Some accords with the Samkhya theory of tanmatra", CIS 115-122 S264 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Yoga and sesvara Samkhya", JIP 9, 1981, 309-320 S265 Shiv Kumar, "Knowledge and its gnosis in Samkhya-Yoga", ABORI 62, 1981, 1732 S266 Shiv Kumar, "Nature of perception in Samkhya-Yoga", SVUOJ 24.l-2, 1981, 59-76 S266.1 G. Srinivasan, "The problem of subjective change in Samkhya", Darshana 21.1, 1981, 71-76 S267 Heinz Zimmerman, "Vor-Samkhyistisches und Proto-Samkhyistisches in ltern Upanisaden", AS 35.2, 1981, 185-200 S268 Hans Bakker, "On the origin of the Samkhya psychology", WZKSOA 26, 1982, 117-148 S269 M.K.Bannerjee, "General systems philosophy and Samkhya-Yoga: some remarks", PEW 32, 1982, 99-104 S270 B.C.Bera, "The wisdom of Samkhya in the Gita", VK 69, 1982, 293-297 S271 R.S.Bhattacharya, "Is Kapila the founder of the Samkhya-system identical with the destroyer of the sons of King Sagara?", Puranam 24, 1982, 190-207 S272 Latika Chattopadhyay, Self in Samkhya Philosophy. Calcutta 1982 S273 Stephen A. Kent, "Early Samkhya in the Buddhacarita", PEW 32, 1982, 259-278 S274 N.V.Koppal, "The problem of truth and error in Samkhya and Yoga doctrines", PTG 17.1, 1982, 29-39 S275 V.G.Rahurkar, "The Samkhya as depicted in the Mahabharata", PAIOC 30, 1982, 399-405 S276 Rama Ray, "Is parinamavada a doctrine of causality?", JIP 10, 1982, 377-396 S277 Anima Sen Gupta, "The concept of divine grace in Samkhya Yoga", VK 69, 1982, 440-444

S278 Deba Brata Sen Sharma, "Prakrtilina in the Samkhya-Yoga systems and pralayakala in the Trika system", JGJRI 38-39, 1982-83, 277-290 S279 Johannes Bronkhorst, "God in Samkhya", WZKSOA 27, 1983, 149-164 S280 Shiv Kumar, Samkhya Thought in the Brahmanical Systems of Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1983 S281 Gerald James Larson, "An eccentric Ghost in the machine: formal and quantitative aspects of the Samkhya-Yoga dualism", PEW 33, 1983, 219-234. Also IASWRP 1-30. S281.1 Gerald J. Larson, "McClain's mathematical acoustics and classical Samkhya philosophy", Journal of Socialand Biological Structures 6, 1983, 161-167 S282 Prithwindra Mukherjee, Le Samkhya. Sources. Meditations. Applications. Paris 1983 S282.5 Frank R. Podgorski, "Immortality in Samkhya", IASWRP 43-48 S283 Daniel P. Sheridan, "The Bhagavatapurana: Samkhya at the service of nondualism", Puranam 25, 1983, 225-234 S284 Nellai K. Subramanian, "The impact of Samkhya on Cankam literature", PHT 211226 S285 Tripurananda, "Samkhya as presented in the Gita", VK 70, 1983, 398-402 S286 M.C.Bhartiya. "Function of manas in Samkhya philosophy" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 333. Also Meerut University Sanskrit Research Journal 9.2, 1984, 73-76 S287 Kumarnath Bhattacharya, "Liberation of purusa according to Samkhya-Yoga" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 334-335 S287.1 Lallanji Gopal, "The mulikarthas in Samkhya", IHR 11, 1984-85, 45-55 S287.2 Pitambar Jha, "The concept of citta", YM 23.1, 1984, 63-80 S287.2.5 S. V. Kandaswamy, "A comparative study of Samkhya and Saiva Siddhanta", JTS 26, 1984, 1-24 S287.3 Gopal Chandra Khan, "A note on the Samkhya concept of moksa", DM 1, 1984, 45-49 S288 Shiv Kumar, Samkhya-Yoga Epistemology. Delhi 1984 S288.1 Shiv Kumar, "Samkhya-Yoga concept of time:, ABORI 64, 1984, 1298-135 S289 Surendramohan Mishra, "On the problem of God in the Samkhya", VIJ 22, 1984, 178-183 S290 Hari Shankar Prasad, "Time and change in Samkhya-Yoga", JIP 12, 1984, 35-49 S290.1 Aruna Goel, "The concept of liberation in Samkhya-Yoga", Darshana 25.3, 1985, 71-75 S291 N. Jayashanmukham, "The development of Sri Aurobindo's philosophy, its relation to the Samkhya, and its relevance to the modern age", IPQ 18, 1985-86, 169-180 S292 Rodney J. Parrott, "The experience called 'reason' in classical Samkhya", JIP 13, 1985, 235-264 S293 Tapasyananda, "Samkhya and the Gita", VK 72, 1985, 55-58 S294 Tapasyananda, "The Bhagavata Samkhya and its background", VK 72, 1985: 245, 286 S295 Shujun Motegi, "On tanmatra", JIBSt 68, 1986, 953-958 S296 Rodney J. Parrott, "The problem of the Samkhya tattvas as both cosmic and psychological phenomena", JIP 14, 1986, 55-78

S296.5 Amalia Pezzali, "Evoluzione e involuzione dellla prakrti secondo il Samkhya", Atti del Terzo Convegno nazionale di Studi Sancriti (ed. O. Botto). (Torino 1986), 39-46 S297 M.S.Shastri, "Samkhya and Yoga", QJMS 77, 1986, 217-230 S297.1 Vladimir Shokhin, "Classical Samkhya about the ultimate elements of the material world", in Wolfgang Morgenroth (ed.), Sanskrit and World Culture: Proceedings of the 4th World Sanskrit Conference of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies (Berlin 1986), 556-559 S298 Gerald J. Larson, "Introduction to the philosophy of Samkhya", Samkhya 3-103 S98.5 Peter Connolly, The Concept of "prana" in Vedic Literature and its Development in the Vedanta, Samkhya and Pancaratra Literature. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Lancaster 1987 S299 B. David Burke, "Transcendence in classical Samkhya", PEW 38, 1988, 19-29 S299.5 Alpana Chakraborty, "Mind-body dualism of Descartes and Samkhya: a comparative study", Darshana 28.1, 1988, 47-51 S299.6 S. J. Chakravarty, "From Samkhya to Buddhism", FTI 1988, 66-72 S300 M.R.Yardi, "Samkhya and Yoga in the Moksadharma and the Bhagavadgita", ABORI 68, 1987, 309-319 S301 V. Brodov, "The materialism of the Samkhya philosophy", GAISE 145-151 S301.01 V. K. Shokhin, "Samkhya and Buddhism: a few notes", Darshana 28.1, 1988, 52-55 S301.1 Brahmachari Suryachaitanya, "The Samkhya darsana", SRV 12.1, 1988, 25-37 S302 Dharmamegha Aranya, Epistles of a Samkhya-Yogin. Madhupur, Bihar 1989 S303 S. Kak, The Riddle of Samkhya. Delhi 1989 S303.1 Nirgunananda, "The Vedanta and the Samkhya theory of many purusas", SRV 12.2, 1989, 9-15 S303.6 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Self as consciousness in classical Samkhya", SelfandC 79-103 S304 Satya Vrat, "Identification of Sastitantra", Ajaya-Sri 585-590 S304.1 Christopher Chapple, "The unseen seer and the field-consciousness in Samkhya and Yoga", PPC 53-70 S305 K.P.Nampoothiri, The Concept of Apavarga in Samkhya Philosophy. Delhi 1990 S306 Rodney J. Parrott, "The worth of the world in classical Samkhya", ABORI 71, 1990, 83-108 S306.1 Rodney J. Parrott, "Soteriology of prakrti: the world as guru in classical Samkhya", ABORI 70, 1990, 65-88 S307 Koki Aruga, "Some problems of anumana in Samkhya", JIBSt 39.2, 1991, 11-13 S308 Saradindu Banerji, "Avidya, ahamkara and psycho-analysis", JIAP 30.1, 1991, 119 S308.0 H. L. Chandrasekhara, "The concept of prakrti and purusa in Samkhya", JMysoreU 54, 1992, 105-112 S308.1 K.P.Jog, "The ultimate in the Samkhya philosophy", UAITD 77-80 S309.1 Prabhakar Mishra, "The concept of change and the satkaryavada of the Samkhya system", PBh 6, 1992, 151-154

S310 Lalaji Gopal, "The Samkhya: its origin and historical evolution", PrabhakaraNarayan-Srih 237-243 S310.0 S.N.Kandwamy, "A comparative study of Samkhya and Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 27.2, 1993, 27-50 S310.0.1 Shiv Kumar, "God and universe: the Samkhya-Yoga view", PPIBPS 235-244 S310.0.2 Paul Schweizer, "Mind/consciousness dualism in Samkhya-Yoga philosophy", PPR 53, 961-963 S310.1 Anima Sengupta, "Philosophy of Samkhya: its value in the present age", RIPMC 160-164 S311 S.G.M.Weerasinghe, The Samkhya Philosophy: A Critical Evaluation of its Origin and Development. Delhi 1993 S311.1 Vladimir Shokhin, "Ancient Samkhya-Yoga: an aspect of the tradition", HIndPh 87-95 S311.2 Mukta Biswas, "The concept of Samkhya and Yoga philosophy as reflected in Kalidasa's works", VIK 31, 1993-94, 123-128 S312 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The qualities of Samkhya", WZKSOA 38, 1994, 309-322 S313 H. L. Chandrasekhara, "The epistemology of Samkhya", JMysoreU 56.1-2, 1994, 129-132 S313.5 T. S. Rukmani, "The concept of jivanmukti in the Advaita-Vedanta and SamkhyaYoga traditions", PNRBFV 1994, 311-318 S314 R. K. Das Gupta, "Vivekananda on Samkhya", BRMIC 46, 1995, 174-180 S314.5 Kunt Axel Jacobsen, Prakrti: the Principle of Matter in the Samkhya and Yoga Systems of Thought. Ph.D.Thesis, University of California at Santa Barbara 1994 S315 Knut A. Jacobsen, "The anthropocentric bias in Eliade's interpretation of the Samkhya and the Samkhya-Yoga system of religious thought", Religion 25, 1995, 213-226 S315.0 Subodh Kumar Pal, "A note on Samkhya denial of a creator God", VJP 31.2, 1995 S315.1 M. P. Rege, "Samkhya theory of matter", Prakrti 3, 115-118 S315.5 Christopher Key Chapple, "Living liberation in Samkhya and Yoga", LLHT 1996, 115-130 S316 Knut A. Jacobsen, "The female pole of the Godhead in Tantrism and the prakrti of Samkhya", Numen 63, 1996, 56-81 S316.1 Thomas Manickam, "Human person perspectives of Samkhya and Gita", JD 21, 1996, 5-16 S316.2 S. Revathy, "The Samkhya theory of perceptual cognition", ALB 60, 1996, 251260 S316.8 Lallanji Gopal, "Samkhya--theistic or atheistic?", JGJRI 52-53, 1996-97, 21-34 S317 Indira Mahalingam, "Samkhya-Yoga", CEAP, 1997, 155-171 S318 A. C. Palit, "The Sakhya path to liberation", PB 102, 1997, 747-751 S319 Vladimir Schokhin, "Samkhya on the ends of man (purusartha)", ZII 21, 1997, 199-212 S320 Pradip Kumar Sengupta, "Indian philosophy of transcendence: Samkhya", BRMIC 48, 1997: 331, 388, 43

S330 Knut A. Jacobsen, "Kapila, founder of Samkhya and avatara of Visnu", OS 67, 1998, 69-86 S341 Peter Bisschop and Hans Bakker, "Moksadharma 187 and 239-241 reconsidered", AS 53, 1999, 459-472 S343 John Brockington, "Epic Samkhya: texts, teachers, terminology", AS 53, 1999, 473-490 S344 Johannes Bronkhorst, "The contradiction of Samkhya on the number and the size of the different tattvas", AS 53, 1999, 679-692 S347 Eli Franco, "Avita and avita", AS 53, 1999, 563-578 S349 Luis O. Gomez, "Seeing, touching. Counting, accounting. Samkhya as formal thought and intuition", AS 53, 1999, 693-712 S350 Masaaki Hattori, "On Sesvara-Samkhya", AS 53, 1999, 609-618 S351 Jan E.M. Houben, "Why did rationality thrive, but hardly survive in Kapila's system? On the pramanas, rationality and irrationality in Samkhya (part I)", AS 53, 1999, 491-512 S352 Michel Hulin, "Reinterpreting ahamkara as a possible way of solving the riddle of Samkhya metaphysics", AS 53, 1999, 713-722 S354 Knut A. Jacobsen, Prakrti in Samkhya-Yoga: Material Principle, Religious Experience, Ethical Implications. Asian Thought and Culture 30. New York 1999 S356 Gerald J. Larson, "Classical yoga as neo-Samkhya: a chapter in the history of Indian philosophy", AS 53, 1999, 723-732 S358 Angelika Maliner, "Prakrti as samanya", AS 53, 1999, 619-644 S360 Shujun Motegi, "The teachings of Pancasikha in the Moksadharma", AS 53, 1999, 513-536 S361 Shinkan Murakami, "What is caitanya--eternal or non-eternal?", AS 53, 1999, 645666 S363 T.S.Rukmani, "Samkhya and Yoga: where they do not speak in one voice", AS 53, 1999, 733-754 S365 Peter Schreiner, "What comes first (in the Mahabharata): Samkhya or Yoga?", AS 53, 1999, 755-778 S366 Ernst Steinkellner, "Die altesten Satze zur Theorie der Eahrnehmung in Indien: Eine Sammlung von Fragmenten des klassischen Samkhya-systems", Psychologie des Bewusstseins, Bewusstseins der Psychologie. Giseher Guttmann zur 65. Geburtstag (ed. T. Slunecker). WUV 1999 S367 Raffaela Torella, "Samkhya as samanyasastra", AS 53, 1999, 553-562 S369 Albrecht Wezler, "On the origins of the guna-theory. Struggling for a new approach (I): Wrestling with Frauwallner", AS 53, 1999, 537-552 S370 Ian Whicher, 'Classical Samkhya, Yoga, and the issue of final verification", AS 53, 1999, 779-798 S372 Koichi Yamashita, "Parinama-vada: some aspects of the Samkhya view", BudCompL 125-145 S372.5 Kkoki Aruga, "Bondage in Samkhya", WL 61-74 S373 Rahaysam Brahmachari and Baidyanath Basu, "Origin of the universe: modern and Samkhya views", BRMIC 51, 2000, 268-281

S374 Lallanji Gopal, Retrieving Samkhya.History: an Ascent from Dawn to Meridian. New Delhi 2000 S375 Rupa Bandyopadhyay, "Whose bondage? Whose Liberation? An analysis of the concepts of bondage and liberation from the Samkhya perspective", RBJP 7, 2001, 132-142 S376 Deepti Dutta, Samkhya, a Prologue to Yoga. New Delhi 2001 S377 D. Himalayanath, "Bhagavad Gita as a historical document: a study of SamkhyaYoga", JRJRI 57, 2001, 245-252 S378 Shojun Motegi, "The knower in the Samkhya", WL 47-60 S379 Roy W. Perrett, "Computationality, mind and value: the case of Samkhya-Yoga", AsPOxford 11, 2001, 5-14 S382 V. Shekhawat, "Samvada Ganita or Pratika Anviksiksi", JICPR 18.1, 2001, 163178 S383 Sunirmalananda, "What Samkhyans teach us", VK 88, 2001, 178-181 S384 Debabrata Das, Samkhya Philosophy and Zoroastrianism. VK 89, 2002, 107-109 S385 Knut A. Jacobsen, Prakrti in Samkhya-Yoga: Material Principle, Religious Experience, Ethical Implications. Delhi 2002 S386 Gerald James Larson, "Samhya philosophy's relevance for modern science", BRMIC 53, 2002: 148, 198 S387 Sudipta Dutta Roy, "Sabda pramana in Samkhya", JICPR 19.3, 2002, 85-94 S388 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "The Samkhya argument for the self and some related issues", JICPR 19.1, 2002, 99-124; 20.1, 2003, 125-152 S390 Sunirmalananda, "Some thoughts on Samkhya philosophy", BRMIC 53, 2002, 319321 S392 Dharmamegha Aranya, So Have We Heard. Translated by Ilndira Gupta. Madhupur 2003 S394 Bijayananda Kar, The Samkhya Philosophy. An Analytical Study. Second edition, revised and enlarged. New Delhi 2003 S396 Gerald James Larson, "World view in Samkhya and modern science", BRMIC 54, 2003, 506-517 S400 Angelika Molina, "Completeness through limitations on the classification of tattvas in Samkhya philosophy", BIS 15-17, 2003, 307-326 S404 K. V. Raghupati, "Therapeutic value of yama and niyama", VK 90, 2003, 189-192 S405 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "The Samkhya argument for the self and some related issues", JICPR 20, 2003, 125-152 S406 Joy Bhattacharya, "The essentials of Samkhya ontology", Kalyan Bharati 8, 2004 S408 M. D. Paradkar, "The Samkhya system", IndPT 3-35; glosary 219-270 S410 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "Manyness of selves: Samkhya and K.C.Bhattacharyya", PEW 54, 2004, 425-457 S412 D. N. Tiwari, "Notes and queries", JICPR 21.4, 2004, 193-194 S414 Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyay, "Illusory knowledgea Samkhya-Yoga approach", CR 11.1-2, 2005, 98-103 S415 Kolla Chenchulakshmi, The Concept of Parinama in Indian Philosophy: A Critical Study with reference to Samkhya-Yoga. New Delhi 2005

S416 Knut A. Jacobsen, "In Kapila's cave: a Samkhya-Yoga renaissance in Bengal", TPY 333-350 S417 P. Pratap Kumar, "The Samkhya-Yoga ifluence on Srivaisnava philosophy with special reference to the Pancaratra system", TPY 129-142 S418 P.K.Sasidharan Nair, The Samkhya System. New Delhi 2005 S424 V. V. Sovani, A Critical Study of the Samkhya System. Delhi 2005 S426 Mukta Biswas, Samkhya: Yoga Epistemology. New Delhi 2006 S428 Dewabrata Dasa, Reflections on Samkhya Philosophy: a Twenty-First Century Approach. Kolkata 2007 S430 Sudipta Dutta Roy, Philosophies of Samkhya and Locke: Views of Matter and Self. Delhi 2006 S431 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "Nature of man in Samkhya philosophy", BRMIC 57, 2006, 270-276 S432 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "Concept of matter in Samkhya philosophy", BRMIC 57, 2006, 541-546 S434 Johannes Bronkhorst, "On the nature of pradhana", EMH 373-384 S435 Mikel Burley, Classical Samkhya and Yoga. An Indian Metaphysics of Experience. New York 2007 S440 Deepti Dutta, Samkhyaa Prologue to Yoga. A Study of its Development through Ancient Texts. Delhi 2007 S443 Meena P. Pathak, "The tenets of Samkhya philosophy in the Varyupurana", JOI 56, 2006-2007, 67-73 S445 Roy W. Perrett, "Samkhya-Yoga ethics", IECTC 149-160 S450 Samkhya Philosophy. EITCH, Volume 21. 2008 S460 Marzema Jakubczak, "Living liberation (jivanmukti) in Samkhya and Yoga", EIPRL 363-372 S462 Knut A. Jacobsen, Kapila: Founder of Samkhya and Avatara of Visnu (with a translation of Kapilasurisamvada). New Delhi 2008 S464 Alex Wayman, "Some accords with the Samkhya theory of tanmatra", ESLI 232239 S465 Philipp A. Maas, "Valid knowledge and belief in classical Samkhya-Yoga", LBIP 371-380 S467 Shujun Motegi, "Early concepts ofl logic in Samkhya", LBIP 351-370 S470 Tom Pynn, "The things of this world are asks the infinite assumesintroducing Samkhya and Yoga philosophy.", ATAC 76-92 S472 Srinivasa Rao, "Computing machines and conciousness: a look from Samkhyan perspective", JICPR 26.3, 2009, 1-10 S475 Ian Whicher, "Unifying knowledge of prakrti: samadhi-with-seed", Sambhasa 28, 2010, 1-82 Return to Contents Page {Y} Yoga See a220.1.4; 294.3.16; 379.67:110,324,451; 410.26.4. J148, 149, 201, 348, 446. AB330, 452.2.1, 453; YB120.1. B47, 55, 62, 349, 368, 929, 1537, 1586. S3, 5, 10, 31, 41, 46, 64,

71, 79, 81, 91,102, 117, 123, 141, 163, 168, 181, 184, 187, 202, 208, 212, 218, 223, 231, 234, 237, 242, 248, 251, 260, 261, 262, 264-266, 269, 274, 277, 278, 281, 287, 288, 290, 297, 300, 302, 304.1-2, 310.0.2, 311.1, 313.5, 315, 317, 376, 379. S415-417, 426, 435, 445, 460, 470. AV604, 1077. b131.1.9.1, 637.7.109 Y1 N.C.Paul, A Treatise on the Yoga Philosophy. Benares 1851; Bombay 1899 Y2 Anonymous), "Yogadarsana", SDCh 5, 1881, 1-196 Y3 Taylor, The Yoga Philosophy. Bombay 1882 Y3.5 Ksitish Chandra Chakravarti, Lectures on Hindu Religion, Philosophy and Yoga. Calcutta 1893 Y4 B.R.Chatterji, Yoga Philosophy. Sukkur 1894 Y5 E.Washburn Hopkins, "Yoga-technique in the great epic", JAOS 22, 1901, 333-379 Y6 Huxley, Yoga: Hindu Delusions, with its Explanation. Madras 1902 Y6.5 William Walker Atkinson, The Hindu-Yoga Science of Breath. Chicago 1903 Y7 Ramacharaka, The Hindu-Yogi Science of Breath. Chicago 1903. Translated into German as Die Kunst des Atmans der Hindu-Yogis. Freiburg 1958 Y8 Dharmananda Mahabharati, The Yogi and His Message. Calcutta 1904. Y9 T.M.Nathubhoy, "Pranayam, or the suspension of breath", Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay 8, 1904, 209-324 Y10 Ramacharaka (William Walker Atkinson), Fourteen Lessons in Yoga Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. Chicago 1904, 1911; Bombay 1977; Rombord, England 1983; New York 2005 Y11 Ramacharaka, Hatha Yoga; or the Yogi Philosophy of Physical Well-being. Chicago 1904, 1905 Y12 P.T.Srinivasa Aiyangar, "The physiology of the nervous system according to the Hindus", Theosophical Review 39, 1906, 327-337 Y13 Charles Byse, "La thosophie hindoue ou la philosophie des Yoga", Revue de theologie et de philosophie 39, 1906, 457-485 Y14 Ramacharaka (William Walker Atkinson), A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga. London 1906, 1908; Bombay 1905-1906, 1960. Translated into Spanish, Buenos Aires 1990s Y15 Poul Tuxen, Yoga. Kopenhavn 1911 Y16 R.B.S.C.Vasu, An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy. SBH 15.4, Allahabad 1915 Y17 K.N.Aiyar, Yoga: Lower and Higher. Madras 1916 Y18 Ramacharaka, Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism. London 1917 Y19 F.I.Winter, "The Yoga-system and psychoanalysis", Qu 10, 1917-18, 182-196 Y20 Chamupati, "The practice and philosophy of Yoga", VMGS 11, 1918, 25-33 Y21 Charles R. Lanman, "The Hindu Yoga-system", Harvard Theological Review 11, 1918, 335-375 Y22 S.V.L.Varman, The Shabd-Yoga. Jhelum 1918 Y23 J. Haughton Woods, "La thorie de la connaissance dans le systme du Yoga", JA (11th series) 11, 1918, 385-390 Y24 E.H.Leuba, "The Yoga system of mental concentration and religious mysticism", JP 16, 1919, 197-206 Y25 G.R.S.Mead, "A word on yoga", Quest 11, 1919-20, 380-394

Y26 Annie Besant, An Introduction to Yoga. Madras 1920 Y27 Surendranath Dasgupta, "Yoga psychology", Qu 13, 1921-22, 1-19. Also PAIOC 3, 1924, 427-438 Y28 O.A.H.Schmitz, Psychoanalyse und Yoga. Dharmstadt 1923 Y29 Surendranath Dasgupta, Yoga as Philosophy and Religion. London 1924; Delhi 1973, 1978 Y30 Panduranga Sarma, "An outline of the history and teaching of the Natha Panthiya Siddhas", PAIOC 3, 1924, 495-502 Y31 J.F.C.Fuller, Yoga. A Study of the Mystical Philosophy of the Brahmins and Buddhists. London 1925 Y32 H. Gomperz, Die indische Theosophie vom geschichtlichen Standpunkt gemeinverstandlich dargestellt. Jena 1925 Y33 Anandacarya, Yoga of Conquest. Gaurisamkarmath 1926; Hoshiarpur 1971 Y34 Richard Garbe, "Yoga", ERE 11, 1925, 831-833 Y35 Heinrich Zimmer, Kunstform und Yoga im indischen Kultbild. Berlin 1926 Y36 F. Hartmann, Samadhi. Der Yoga Schlaf. Second edition, Leipzig 1927 Y37 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Some aspects of the history and doctrines of the Nathas", POWSBSt 6, 1927, 19-43 Y38 Rudolf von Lossow, "Yogaschlung und Seelenwanderung", Die Gegenwart 57, 1928, 253-256 Y39 R. Rosel, Die psychologischen Grundlagen der Yoga-Praxis. Stuttgart 1928 Y41 John Woodroffe, Shakti and Shakta. Madras 1929 Y42 Surendranath Dasgupta, Yoga Philosophy in Relation to Other Systems of Indian Thought. Calcutta 1930; Delhi 1974 Y43 J.W.Hauer, Der Yoga im Licht der Psychotherapie. Leipzig 1930 Y44 Hermann Jacobi, "ber das Ursprngliche Yoga-system", Sitzungsberichte der Konigliche Preusssischen Akademie der Wissenschaft 1930, 322-332 Y45 S.D.Ramayandas, Introduction to Laya Yoga. London 1930 Y46 Vasant Gangaram Rela, The Mysterious Kundalini. Bombay 1930 Y47 Jean Filliozat, "Sur le 'concentration oculaire' dans le Yoga", Yoga-Forschung I.1 (Harburg-Wilhelmsburg), 1931, 93-102. Translated as "On 'ocular concentration' in Yoga" by M. Shukla, RPY 269-291 Y48 J.W.Hauer, "Yoga und Zeitwende" in H. Palmiee (ed.), Yoga 1.1 (Harburg 1931) Y49 Kuvalyananda, Asanas. Bombay 1931, 1971 Y50 Kuvalyananda, Pranayama. Bombay 1931, 1966 Y51 P.V.Pathak, The Heyapaksha of Yoga, or Towards a Constructive Synthesis of Psychological Material in Indian Philosophy. Ahmedabad 1931 Y52 Ernest Wood, Seven Schools of Yoga. Madras 1931 Y53 John Woodroffe, "Kundalini sakti", Yoga 1, 1931, 65-73 Y54 John Woodroffe, The Serpent Power. Madras 1931 Y55 Heinrich Zimmer, "Lehren des Hathayoga, Lehrtexte", Yoga 1, 1931, 45-62 Y56 S. Lindquist, Die Methoden des Yoga. Lund 1932 Y57 J.A.Ghosh, A Study of Yoga. Calcutta 1933; Delhi 1977 Y58 Umesh Mishra, "Place of Yoga among the various schools of Indian thought" (reference lost)

Y59 P.V.Pathak, "A critique of the psychological material of Yoga praxis in Indian philosophy", JUBo 2, 1933, 89-96 Y60 Elizabeth Scharpe, The Philosophy of Yoga. London 1933 Y61 Paul Brunton, The Secret Path. London 1934 Y62 Geraldine Coster, Yoga and Western Psychology. London 1934; Delhi 1968, 1974 Y63 O. Frobe-Kapteyn (ed.), Yoga und Meditation im Osten und im Westen. Zurich 1934, 1956 Y64 Gopinath Kaviraj, "The life of a yogin", POWSBSt 9, 1934, 1-15 Y65 Aurobindo Ghose, Lights on Yoga. Howrah 1935 Y66 Ernest Wood, Raja Yoga: The Occult Training of the Hindus. Paris 1935 Y67 Mircea Eliade, Yoga: essai sur les origines de la mystique indienne. Paris 1936 Y68 A.D.Aiyar, The Ramayana as an Illustration of Yoga Sastra. Kumbakonam 1937 Y69 Paul Brunton, Yogis. Verborgene Weisheit Indiens. Hamburg 1937. Translated as A Search in Secret India, London 1947 Y70 S.B.Dasgupta, "Freudian and Yoga conceptions of repression", PQ 13, 1937, 148154 Y71 Surendranath Dasgupta, "An interpretation of the Yoga theory of the relation of mind and body", CHI 1, 38-48 Y72 V.Ramachandra Dikshit, "Synthesis of Patanjali's Yogasastra", CHI 1, 368-379 Y73 Mircea Eliade, "Cosmical homology and Yoga", Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art 1937, 188-203 Y74 Olivier Lacombe, "Sur le Yoga indien", Etudes Carmelitaines 27, 1937, 107 ff. Y75 Heinrich Zimmer, "Umrisse indischer Seelenfhrung", Reich der Seele 2, 1937, 5859 Y76 K.T.Behanan, Yoga: A Scientific Evaluation. London 1938 Y77 Santinatha, Sadhana or Spiritual Discipline--Its Various Forms. Poona 1938 Y78 Boris Sacharow, Theorie und Praxis des Yoga. Riga 1939 Y79 A.K.Banerjee, "Philosophical background of yoga", KK 7, 1940, 57-64 Y80 Gopinath Kaviraj, "An introduction to the study and practice of yoga", KK 7, 1940, 6-19 Y81 Jaideva Singh, "The role of bhavana in moral and spiritual development", PQ 16, 1940-41, 199-207 Y81.5 Krishnananda, The Mystery of Breath. New York 1941 Y82 S.M.Sreenivasachar, "The unconscious in Yoga and psychoanalysis", PQ 17, 194142, 261-268 Y83 Jean Filliozat, "Les limites des pouvoirs humains dans l'Inde", Limites de Humaines (Etudes carmelitaines), Paris 1943, 23-38 Y84 Mahendranath Sircar, "Samadhi", VK 30, 1943-44: 117, 168, 199 Y85 Hari Vinayak Date, The Yoga of the Saints. 1944; New Delhi 1974 Y86 Sivananda, Gyana Yoga. Rishikesh 1944; Delhi 1973 Y87 J. Monchanin, "L'Inde et la contemplation", Dieu Vivant 3, 1945 Y88 K.C.Varadachari, "Yoga psychology in the minor Upanishads", JGJRI 3, 1945-46, 47-62. Also JSVRI 8, 1947, 116-141 Y89 C.D.Deshmukh, "Some clear advantages of the methods of Yoga over those of modern psychoanalytical schools", PQ 20.3, 1946, 193-198

Y90 C.D.Deshmukh, "The analysis of the psyche in the new psychology and Yoga philosophy", PAIOC 13.2, 1946, 318-321 Y91 Jean Filliozat, "Les origines d'un technique mystique indienne", RP 136, 1946, 208220 Y92 Pavitrananda, Common Sense about Yoga. Calcutta 1946 Y93 P.H.Plott, Yoga on Tantra. Leiden 1946. Translated by Rodney Needham as Yoga and Tantra, The Hague 1966 Y93.5 Emil Abegg, Yoga. Basel 1947 Y93.8 Aprabuddha, The Science of Yoga. Two Volumes. Nagpur 1949, 1957 Y94 K. Pal, "Yoga and psychoanalysis", PB 52, 1947: 119, 173, 204 Y95 Emil Abegg, "Die Anfange des Yoga. Der Klassische Yoga", Ciben Zeitschrift 1948, 4122-4138 Y96 Mircea Eliade, Techniques du Yoga. Paris 1948. Translated into Italian as Tecniche dello yoga, Torino 1952 Y97 K.C.Varadachari, "Yoga psychology", PKCV 229-234 Y98 Alain Danielou, Yoga: The Method of Re-Integration. London 1949. Reprinted as Yoga: Master of the Secrets of Matter and the Universe, Rochester, Vt. 1991 Y99 Jean Filliozat, "Taoisme et Yoga", Dan Viet-nam 3 (August 1949), 113-120 Y100 Mani D. Patel, Christian Prayer and Raja Yoga. Study in Correlation. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Southern California 1949 Y101 A.K.Banerji, "Meaning of citta in Patanjali's Yoga", PB 55, 1950, 284-289. Translated into French in LB 62, 1958, 183-193 Y102 Theos Bernard, Hatha Yoga. London 1950 Y103 Theos Bernard, Heaven Lies Within Us. An Exposition of an Indian Yoga. 1950 Y104 Hubert Risch, Le Hatha Yoga. Dissertation medicale, Paris 1950 Y105 Hans Schar, Erlsungsvorstelungen und ihre psychologischen Aspekt. Zurich 1950 Y106 Sivananda, Yoga Vedanta Dictionary. Rishikesh 1950; Delhi 1973 Y107 Sivananda, Sichere Wege zum Lebenserfolg und Zur Gotterkenntnis. Zurich 19501954 Y108 Sivananda, Raja Yoga. Theory and Practice. Rishikesh 1950 Y109 Yatishwarananda and J. Herbert, Les Yogas hindoues et autres tudes. Paris 1950 Y109.5 Harvey Day, About Yoga: The Complete Philosophy. London 1951,1952; New York 1954 Y110 Jean Herbert, Wege zum Hinduismus. Zurich 1951 Y111 Gustav Schmeltz, stliche Weisheit und westliche Psychotherapie. Stuttgart 1951 Y112 Akhilananda, Mental Health and Hindu Philosophy. London 1952 Y113 A.K.Banerji, "Phenomenology of yoga", PB 57, 1952,384-388 Y114 Haridas Bhattacharya, "Yoga psychology", CHI 3, 53-90 Y115 Harvey Day, About Yoga. The Complete Philosophy. London 1952 Y116 P.C.Divanji, "Karmayoga tradition", JOI 1, 1952, 229-237 Y116.5 J. Filliozat, "Continence et sexualit dans le bouddhisme et les disciplines de Yoga", Mystique et continence (Paris 1952), 70-81. Translated by M. Shukla as "Continence and sexuality in Buddhism and in the discipline of Yoga", RPY 327339

Y117 Theotonius A. Ganguly, Purusa and Prakrti (Self and Nature). A Philosophical Appraisal of Patanjala-Samkhya-Yoga. Ph.D.Thesis, Notre Dame University 1952 Y118 Roger Godel, Essais sur l'experience liberatrice. Paris 1952 Y119 C.Kerneiz, Hatha-Yoga. Munchen 1952 Y120 Pavitrananda, Was Yoga ist. Zurich 1952 Y121 Sivananda, Konzentration und Meditation. Munich 1952 Y121.5 Harvey Day, The Study and Practice of Yoga. New York 1953, 1955. Translated into Spanish as El yogsa: teoria y practica, Barcelona 1972 Y122 Werner Bohm, Chakras. Lebenskrafte und Bewusstseinkraft im Menschen. Munchen 1953 Y123 Jnanananda Deva, The Philosophy of Union. Bhaktiyogadarsanam. Translated by Nityapadananda. Navadvip 1953, 1968 Y124 Jean Filliozat, "Le Yoga", in L.Renou and J. Filliozat (eds.), L'Inde Classique 2, 1953, 44-55 Y125 Jacques Masui (ed.), Yoga, Science de l'Homme Integral. Paris 1953 Y126 N. Mishra, "Samskaras in Yoga philosophy and Western psychology", PEW 2, 1953, 308-316 Y127 Mahendranath Sircar, "Yoga and stature of being", PB 58, 1953, 180-181 Y128 Sivananda, Kundalini-Yoga. Munchen 1953, 1955 Y130 I.M.Spath, Yoga--Wege der Befreiung. Zurich 1953 Y131 Alan W. Watts, "Indian psychology and modern psychiatry", American Journal of Psychoanalysis 13.1, 1953, 25-30 Y132 Therese Brosse, "Contributions to the experimental study of altruism. Instrumental explorations", FTASG 1-12 Y133 Maryse Chooisy, Essai sur les techniques indiennes de la sublimation. La metaphysique des Yogas. Geneve 1954 Y134 P.C.Divanji, "Brhad-Yogi Yajnavalkya-Smrti and Yoga Yajnavalkya", ABORI 34, 1954, 1-29 Y135 Mircea Eliade, Le Yoga, Immortalit et libert. Paris 1954. Translated as Yoga: Immortality and Freedom. London 1958 Y136 K.C.F.Feddersen, "Yoga und Arzt", Medizionischer Monatsspiegel 2, 1954 Y137 J. Hohlenberg, Der atmende Gott. Yoga und der europaische Mensch. Translated to German from Danish. Hamburg 1954 Y138 Jacques Masui, "Introduction to the study of Yoga", FTASG 13-22 Y139 Jacques Masui, "The principal yogas: a summary of their aims and disciplines", FTASG 85-92 Y140 Boris Sacherow, Die verborgenen Seite des Yoga. Munchen 1954 Y141 Sivananda, Der dreifache Yoga. Budingen-Gettenbach 1954 Y142 Sivananda, Die ersten Stufen des Yoga. Budingen-Gettenbach 1954 Y143 Sivananda, Hatha Yoga. Gelnhausen 1954-56 Y144 Sivananda, Kriya-Yoga. Gelnhausen 1954-56 Y145 Ch. Waldemar, Das Geheimnis des Kaiser-Yoga.Sersheim 1957 Y146 Agehananda Bharati, "Lebensregeln und yoga: meditation in indischer Monetum", Universitas 10, 1955, 1177-1185 Y147 Harvey Day, The Study and Practice of Yoga. New York 1955

Y148 Gerbrand Dekker, "Der Kundalini Yoga", AS 9, 1955, 45-64 Y149 Jean Filliozat, "L'arrire-plan doctrinal du Yoga", Ent 1955, 13-20. Translated by M. Shukla as "Yoga and its underlying doctrine", RPY 365-373 Y150 J.Gouillard, Der Herzensgebet. Mystik und Yoga der stkirche. Munchen 1955 Y151 Gunde Rao Harkare, "In defence of Yoga philosophy", PAIOC 19, 1955, 460-463 Y152 C.Kerneiz, Der Karma-Yoga. Munchen 1955 Y153 Jules Monchanin, "Yoga et hsychasme", Ent 1955, 1-12 Y154 Sivananda, Tantra-Yoga, Nada-Yoga, Kriya-Yoga. Rishikesh 1955 Y155 Sivananda, Yoga-Asanas. Madras 1955 Y156 Sivananda, bungen zu Konsentration und Meditation. Munchen 1955 Y157 M.N.Tolani, "Psychoanalysis and Yoga", URS 1955, 72-79 Y158 Y.S.Bharati, Secrets of Yoga. Delhi 1956 Y159 Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya, "Studies in Yoga philosophy", KCBSP I, 215-238 Y160 K.R.Dhawan, "Yoga und seine psychologistischen Bedeutungen", Medizinische Klinik 1956, 2231-2233 Y161 W.Holmann, G.S.Mukerji and W.Spiegelhoff, "Stoffwechsel, Atmung und Kreislauf bei Yogaubungen", Artzt und Sport 4, 1956 Y162 Q.F.Miravite, Concept of Citta in Yoga. Ph.D. Thesis, Visvabharati University 1956 Y163 Prem Nath, "The philosophy of Yoga", PB 61, 1956, 145-149 Y164 M. Scaligero, "Sketch of a psychology founded on Yoga", EAW 6, 1956, 342-348 Y165 Aram M. Frenkian, "La thorie du sommeil, d'aprs les Upanisads et le Yoga", Studia et Acta Orientalia (Bucarest) 1, 1958, 149-162 Y166 Mohan Singh, Botschaft eines Yoga. Zurich 1956 Y167 Sivananda, Yoga Vedanta Sutras. Rishikesh 1956 Y168 Ernest Wood, Yoga Dictionary. New York 1956 Y169 Paramahamsa Yogananda, Meditations zur Selbstverwirklichung. Munchen 1956 Y170 L.Holldack, "Die Asanas oder Krperhaltungen der Hatha-yoga", Krankengymnastik 9, 1957, 164 Y171 J. de Marquette, L'essence de l'hindouisme, dieux, cultes, yoga. Paris 1957 Y172 A. Frenkian, "La theorie du sommeil d'aprs les Upanisads et le Yoga" (reference lost) Y173 Marie Potel, Le divine reallisation synthese des Yogas. Saint-Maux-la-Varenne 1957 Y173A B.J.Riha, Hatha-Yoga. Villach 1957 Y174 Boris Sacharow, Yoga aus dem Urquell. Stuttgart 1957, 1977 Y175 A. Schulze, "Yogaubungen", Krankengymnastik 9, 1957, 51 Y176 Ch. Waldermar, Das Geheimnis des Kaiser-Yoga. Sersheim 1957 Y178 J.W.Hauer, Der Yoga. Ein indischer Weg zum Selbst. Stuttgart 1958 Y179 Fritz Held, "Studie zur Psychologie der Meditation am Modell der indischen Lehren", Zeitschrift fur Psychologie und Psychotherapy 6, 1958, 249-261. Also in Zeitschrift fur Psychotherapy und medizinische Psychologie 5, 1955, 122-133 Y180 Gustav R. Heyer, "Yoga und psychotherapie", Jahrbuch fur Psychologie und Psychotherapy 6, 1958, 330-355 Y181 Sivananda, Sadhana. Rishikesh 1958, 1967

Y182 Y.Brahmalingaswamy, "Yoga and scientific thought", Triveni 29, 1959, 278-289 Y183 Lucien Ferrer, tude et pratique du Hatha-Yoga par l'image. 1959 Y184 S.S.Goswami, Hatha Yoga. London 1959 Y185 Ramamurti S. Mishra, Fundamentals of Yoga. New York 1959 Y186 V.K.Palekar, Science of Yoga. Nagpur 1959 Y187 M.P.Pandit, Kundalini Yoga. A Brief Study of Sir John Woodroffe's 'The Serpent Power'. London 1959 Y188 Boris Sacharow, Kriya Yoga. Schopfheim 1959 Y189 S.P.Srivastava, "Yogic and psychoanalytic techniques of tension-reduction and personality-adjustment", AnnualJP 1, 1959-60, 31-40 Y190 Ernest Wood, Yoga. London 1959, 1975 Y190.5 Abhedananda, The Yoga Psychology. Calcutta 1960, 1973, 1983 Y191 J. Brune, "Yoga et training autogens", Critique 1960, 798 Y192 James Hewitt, Yoga. London 1960 Y193 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Sadhana. Studien und bungshefte zum Raja- und Kriya-Yoga. Heidenheim 1960 Y194 Wladimir Lindenberg, Yoga mit dem Augen eines Arztes. Berlin 1960 Y195 V.P.Varma, "The origins of Yoga", JGJRI 17, 1960-61, 52-58 Y196 Roy Agard, The Still Mind. A Western Interpretation of Patanjali's Yoga. London 1961 Y197 J.Wilhelm Hauer, "Ist der Yoga ein Weg zum Heil?", Kairos 3, 1961, 189-195 Y198 Hans Jacobs, Western Psychotherapy and Hindu Sadhana. London 1961. Published in German as Indische Weisheit und westliche Psychotherapie. Munchen 1965 Y200 Tej Singh, "Positive methods of Patanjali Yoga", IPC 6, 1961, 344-349 Y201 Ernest Wood, Grundris der Yogalehre. Stuttgart 1961 Y202 Yogigupta, Yoga and Yogic Powers. New York 1961 Y203 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Conzentration und schopferisches Denken. Heidenheim 1962 Y204 K. Sasamoto, "Samadhi and hypnotism", Psychologie 5, 1962, 73-74 Y205 Sivananda, Conquest of Fear. Rishikesh 1962 Y206 B.S.Agnihotri, "The concept of yoga in the Bhagavata Purana", JBRS 49, 1963, 178-185 Y206.5 Therese Brossard, Etudes instrumentales des dechniques du yoga: experimentation psychosomatique. Preceded by Jean Filliozat, La natur du yoga dans sa tradition. Paris 1963, 1976 Y207 Therese Brosse, (ed.), tudes instrumentales des techniques du Yoga. Paris 1963 Y208 Jean Filliozat, "La nature du yoga dans sa tradition", in Th. Brosse (ed.), tudes instrumentales 1963, i-xxviii. Translated by M. Shukla as "The nature of yoga in its traditions", RPY 355-414 Y209 C.G.Jung, "Zur Psychologie stlicher Meditation", Gesammelte Werke, Band 11, 1963, 605-621 Y210 C.G.Jung, "ber den indischen Heilingen. Vorwort zur H. Zimmer, Der Weg zum Zelbst", Gesammelte Werke, Band 11, 1963, 622-632 Y211 Kuvalyananda and S.L.Vinekar, Yogic Therapy: Its Principles and Methods. New Delhi 1963

Y212 Dietrich Langen, Archaische Ekstase und asiatische Meditation mit ihren Beziehungen zum Abendland. Stuttgart 1963 Y213 J. Leeming, Yoga and the Bible. London 1963 Y214 Sivananda, Necessity for Samnyasa. Rishikesh 1963 Y215 Sivananda, Thought Power. Rishikesh 1963 Y216 Anton Zigmund-Cerbu, "The Sadangayoga", HistR 3, 1963, 128-134 Y217 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Heilkraft in Yoga. 1964 Y218 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Bewusste Atempflege. Munchen 1964 Y218.5 Aurobindo J. Jani, An Analysis of Certain Basic Psychological Concepts in the Yoga System. M.A.Thesis, Duke University 1964 Y219 Gerhard R.F. Oberhammer, "Gott, Urbild der Emanzierten Existenz im Yoga des Patanjali", Zeitschrift fur Katholische Theologie 86.2, 1964, 197-207 Y220 D. Schlinghoff, Ein Buddhistische Yogalehbruch.Berlin 1964 Y221 D.Schlinghoff, "Yogavidhi", IIJ 7, 1964, 146-155 Y222 Sivananda, Licht, Kraft und Weisheit. Gelnhausen 1964 Y223 Sivananda, Die berwindung der Furcht. Gelnhausen 1964 Y224 Jurg Wunderli, Yoga und Medizin. Zurich 1964 Y224.5 Haridas Chaudhuri, Integral Yoga: the Concept of Harmonious and Creative Living. Wheaton, Ill. 1965 Y225 Harshananda, "The Patanjala Yoga darshana", PB 7, 1965, 57-64 Y226 K.S.Joshi, "Is samadhi a state of concentration?", PQ 38, 1965, 55-59 Y227 K.S.Joshi, "The concept of liberation in Yoga philosophy", JUS 16.1, 1965-67, 7894 Y228 Ramakant Sinari, "The method of phenomenological reduction and Yoga", PEW 15, 1965, 217-228 Y229 A.K.Sinha, "Yoga and Western psychology", MRJ 1.2, 1965, 79-92 Y230 Sivananda, Practice of Karma Yoga. Rishikesh 1965 Y231 I.K.Taimni, The Science of Yoga. Second edition. Madras 1965 Y232 Alfonso Verdu, Abstraktion und Intuition als Wege zur Wahrheit in Yoga und Zen. Munchen 1965 Y233 S.L.Vinekar, "Mind as a sentient radiating energy in Yoga", YM 8.2, 1965, 31-40 Y234 Adidevananda, Yoga as a Therapeutic Fact. Mysore 1966 Y235 Adolf Janacek, "Negative impulse in nidra", JYI 11.7, 1966, 101-103 Y236 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Stages in yoga", POWSBSt; reprinted AOIT Y237 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Citta made of three gunas", JYI 12, 1955, 5-6 Y238 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Categories of citta", JYI 12, 1966, 37-39 Y239 Ram Ugra Mishra, "The cloud of virtue", JYI 12, 1966, 68-70 Y240 Odeyamadath Kunjappa Nambiar, Walt Whitman and Yoga. Bangalore 1966 Y241 Kumar Pal, Yoga and Psychoanalysis. New Delhi 1966 Y242 M.P.Pandit, Shining Harvest. Studies in Yoga, Philosophy and Mysticism. Madras 1966 Y243 Genjun H. Sasaki, "Yoga and psychology", UPHSJ 14, 1966, 1-36 Y244 Saraswati Satyananda, Dynamics of Yoga. Edited by A.M.Patwardhan. Monghyr 1966 Y245 Tej Singh, Secrets of Patanjala Yoga. Farukhabad 1966, 1969

Y246 Tej Singh, "Yogic klesas and actualism", IPC 11.4, 1966 - 14.3, 1969 Y247 Shri Yogendra, "God in Yoga", JYI 12, 1966: 49, 65 Y248 Abhedananda, How to Be a Yogi. ACW 3, 3-79 Y249 Abhedananda, Yoga Psychology. ACW 3.83-319 Y250 Abhedananda, Yoga, Its Theory and Practice. ACW 3. 323-433 Y251 Abhedananda, True Psychology. ACW 3.438-598 Y252 Abhedananda, Thoughts on Yoga, Upanishad and Gita. ACW 10, 315 ff. Y252.5 Haridas Chaudhuri, Being, Evolution, and Immortality: an Outline of Integral Philosophy. Wheaton, Ill. 1967, 1974 Y253 Chinmayananda, Meditation and Life. Madras 1967 Y253.5 Harvey Day, Practical yoga. Wellingsborough, England 1967 Y254 Chandra Bal Dwivedi, "Yogadarsana: a nucleus towards the synthesis of Indian psychology", PB 72, 1967, 69-75 Y254.5 Gnaneswarananda, Yoga for Beginners. Chicago 1967, 1975; Madras 1976, 1990 Y255 S.S.Goswami, Jesus Christ and Yoga. London 1967 Y256 E.M.Hoch, "Bhaya, shoka, moha" in W.Bitter (ed.), Abendlandische Therapie und stliche Weisheit (Stuttgart 1967), 139-160 Y257 Harisamkara Josi, Vedic Yogasutra. Varanasi 1967 Y258 Kanhaiya Lal Kalla, The Influence of Yoga Philosophy on Hindi Poetry. Dehradun 1967 Y259 D.D.Meteyev, "Hatha Yoga: the Indian system of physical training", JYI 13, 196768: 134, 151, 167, 182 Y260 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Yoga in Markandeya Purana", JYI 13, 1967-68: 85, 116 Y261 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Prakrti-purusa relation", JYI 13, 1967-68, 148-149 Y262 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Yoga in Garuda Mahapurana", JYI 13, 1967-68, 164-167 Y263 D.Seyfort Ruegg, "On a Yoga treatise from Quizil", JAOS 87, 1967, 157-165 Y264 T.R.Sharma, "The seven bhumikas of Yoga in the sectarian Upanisads", Smrtigrantha 281-286 Y265 Tej Singh, "The theory of Yoga philosophy", IPC 12.4, 1965 - 16.2, 1971 Y266 V.M.Bedekar, "Yoga in the Moksadharmaparvan of the Mahabharata", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 43-52 Y267 Paul Brunton, Die Philosophie der Wahrheit--Tiefster Grund des Yoga. Zurich 1968 Y268 Paul Brunton, Entdocke dich selfst. Meditation und Yoga. Zurich 1968 Y269 William J. Flagg, Yoga or Transformation. New York 1968 Y270 T.R.Kulkarni, "Empirical basis of yoga", YM 10.3, 1968, 1-10 Y271 Ram Ugra Mishra, "Total destruction of citta", JYI 14, 1968-69, 131-133 Y272 Victor Ordonez, An Exposition of the Concept of Man's Nature in the Yoga System of Hindu Philosophy. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Santo Tomas (Manila) 1968 Y273 Sivananda, Erfolg in Leben und Selbstverwirklichung. Weilheim 1968 Y274 A.N.Upadhye, "On some under-currents of the Natha-Sampradaya or the Carpatasataka", JOI 18, 1968-69, 198-206 Y275 Shri Yogendra, "Vedanta Yoga", JYI 14, 1968-69, 65-74 Y276 Shri Yogendra, "Purity citta", JYI 14, 1968-69, 161-164 Y277 Jean Filliozat, "Taoisme et yoga", JA 1969, 41-88

Y278 Surendra Singh Majithia and Y.G.Krishnamurti, The Great Yogic Sermon. Bombay 1969 Y279 James McCartney, Yoga. The Key to Life. New York 1969 Y280 Corrado Pensa, "On the purification concept in Indian tradition, with special regard to Yoga", EAW 19.1-2, 1969, 194-228 Y281 Ramakrishnananda, "Introduction to Yoga philosophy", BV 4, 1969, 179-189 Y282 Vedule Satyananda Rao, Sri Prabhuji's Lectures Divine on the Theory, Practice and the Technology of Raja Yoga. Edited by N. Sarojani. Alamura 1969 Y283 Eva Ruchpaul, Hathayoga. Heidenheim 1969 Y284 Edith B. Schnapper, "An approach to yoga", AP 40, 1969: 5, 60 Y286 U.A.Asrani, "Reflections on samadhi and the sahaja state", MP 7, 1970, 124-128 Y287 B.L.Atreya, "Yoga and modern life", Darshana 40, 1970, 1-10 Y288 Suddhananda Bharati, Secrets of Sama Yoga. Madras 1970 Y289 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "It is the yogi who can translate the works on Yoga", JYI 16, 1970-71, 136-138 Y290 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "What yogins have to say in vyadhi", JYI 16, 1970-71 - 21, 1974-75 Y291 Dakshinamurti, Yoga. Madurai 1970 Y291.5 Harvey Day, Yoga para Mujeres. Barcelona 1970, 1974 Y292 Brahmachari Dhirendra, Yogasanavijnana. The Science of Yoga. New York 1970 Y293 Dhanjoo N. Hista and Vimalananda Avadhuta, "An introduction to the medical physics of yoga", Cosmic Society 8.11, 1970, 6-9 Y294 C.B.Hills, "Yogic method of knowing", Darshana 39, 1970, 3-13 Y295 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga and religion", Bhavan's Journal 17.7, 1970 Y296 Hermann Jacobi, On the Original System of Yoga. Translated by R.D.Vadekar. YM 13.3, 1970 - 15.4, 1973 Y297 Gaspar M. Koelman, Patanjala Yoga. Poona 1970 Y298 Raghunathashastri Kokaje, Smarta Yoga. Translated by C.T.Kenghe. Lonavla 1970 Y299 James M. McCartney, Yoga: The Key to Life. Bombay 1970 Y300 Troy Organ, "The yogic man", Darshana 39, 1970, 14-18 Y301 R.Puligandla, "Phenomenological reduction and yogic meditation", PEW 20, 1970, 19-34 Y302 Genjun H. Sasaki, "Variety of psychological-Yogic interaction", Shakti 7.2, 1970, 56-81 Y303 Satchidananda, Integral Hatha Yoga. New York 1970 Y304 Kiran Shankar, "The science of the five-fold yama", Cosmic Society 8.4, 1970, 2830 Y305 Lal Amarendra Singh, Yoga Psychology: Methods and Approaches. Varanasi 1970 Y306 Lalan Prasad Singh, "The kundalini yoga", Cosmic Society 8.6, 1970, 9-14 Y307 Phulgendra Sinha, Yoga: Meaning, Values and Practice. Patna 1970 Y308 Sivananda, Fourteen Lessons in Raja Yoga. Rishikesh 1970 Y309 Sivananda, Practice of Yoga. Rishikesh 1970 Y310 I.K.Taimni, "The nature of samadhi", AB 91.2, 1970: 167, 236 Y311 Yogesvarananda, First Steps to Higher Yoga. Rishikesh 1970 Y312 Anandacarya, Kalima Rani, or Lecture on Yoga. Second edition. Hoshiarpur 1971

Y313 Bettina Baumer, "Meditationspraxis im heutigen Indien", Stimmen der Zeit 187.2, 1971, 98-104 Y313.5 Harvey Day, Yoga Illustrated Dictionary. Bopmbay 1971, 1974; New York 1977 Y314 G. Feuerstein, "The essence of yoga", RofY 1-47 Y315 G. Feuerstein, "The meaning of suffering in Yoga", RofY 86-94 Y316 Georg A. Feuerstein and Jeanine Millar, A Reappraisal of Yoga. London 1971 Y316.1 Georg Feuerstein, "Studies in classical yoga", YQR 1-5, 1971-72 Y317 C.T.Kenghe, "The concept of samapatti and samadhi in the Patanjala Yogasastra", FRSD 145-148 Y318 C.T.Kenghe, "The concepts of viparyaya and avidya in the Yogasastra and depth psychology", Darshana 41, 1971,93-96 Y319 C.T.Kenghe, "The concept of vitarka in the Patanjala Yogasastra", Darshana 41, 1971, 39-42. Also JYI 17, 1971-72, 20-25 Y320 C.T.Kenghe, "Some further observations on the problem of the original Yogayajnavalkya", ABORI 52, 1971, 49-65 Y321 Andre von Lysebeth, Pranayama. La dynamique du souffle. Paris 1971 Y322 Andre von Lysebeth, Durch Yoga zum eigenen Selbst. Munchen 1971 Y323 Kumar Pal, "Comparison of Yoga and psychoanalysis", Darshana 41, 1971, 49-67 Y324 Purvezji Jamshedji Saher and Dharma Nirvana, Die Verborgene Weisheit. Wege zum tranzendentalen Bewusstsein. Wuppertal 1971 Y325 Sivananda, Kundalini Yoga. Rishikesh 1971 Y325.1 Karel Werner, "The existential situation ofman in European and Indian philosophy and the role of Yoga", YQR 2, 1971, 9-36 Y326 Yogendra, Facts about Yoga. Bombay 1971 Y327 Akhandananda, Pranayama, Jaipur 1972 Y328 A.C.Bhaktivedanta, The Perfection of Yoga. Los Angeles 1972 Y329 Taja Bhavan, "Yoga and Western psychology", YWW 72-8 Y330 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "A wrong translation of Sivasamhita-verse", JYI 18, 1972-73, 166-169 Y331 Siddheswar Bhattacharya, Study of the Yoga Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Darbhanga University 1972 Y332 George Burch, Alternative Goals in Religion: Love, Freedom, and Truth. Montreal 1972 Y333 S.C.Chakravarty, "The Yoga and the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo", Anviksiki 5.34, 1972, 1-13 Y333.5 Harvey Day, Karma Yoga: The Philosophy of Contentment. New York 1972 Y334 Didaaraji and Mahajot Sahai, Yogakosa (Sanskrit-English), Volume I.1-2, Lonavla 1972 Y335 Georg A. Feuerstein, "Studies in classical yoga", Yoga Quarterly Review 1-5, 1972-73 Y335.1 G. Feuerstein, "Viparita-karani-mudra: a clarification", YQR 3, 1972, 7-18 Y336 Raghunath Krishna Garde, Principles and Practice of Yoga Therapy. Bombay 1972 Y337 Gitananda, Pranayama, the Science of Vital Control. Pondicherry 1972 Y338 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Synthesis of Yoga", BV 7, 1972, 177-185 Y339 S.R.Sundaram Iyengar, "The scope of yoga", YWW 64-71

Y340 P.V.Karambelkar, "Samyama", YM 15.2, 1972, 1-16 Y342 Gopi Krishna, The Secret of Yoga. Edited by Ruth Nanda Ansher. New York 1972. Translated into German as Die neue Dimension der Yoga. Bern 1975 Y343 R.Kulkarni, Upanishads and Yoga. Bombay 1972 Y344 Ch. W. Leadbeater, The Chakras. Wheaton 1972 Y345 Ruud Lohman, Das Haus des Leibes. Yoga-Ubungen fr das Bewusstsein. Translated from Dutch by Hugo Zulauf. Dusseldorf 1972 Y346 G.M.Patel, "Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita", PTG 6.2, 1972, 50-56 Y347 J.M.Patel, "Yama niyamas in Patanjala Yoga", PTG 7.1, 1972, 82-84 Y347.1 Corrado Pensa, "The powers (siddhis) in Yoga", YQR 5, 1972, 9-50 Y348 Corrado Pensa, "Observations and references for the study of Sadangayoga", YQR 4, 1972, 9-24 Y348.1 Corrado Pena, "The powers (siddhis) in Yoga", YQR 5, 1972, 9-50 Y349 Ramakrishnananda, "Introduction to Yoga philosophy", BV 7, 1972, 128-137 Y350 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Yama and niyama in Yoga", JYI 18, 1972-73, 119-122 Y350.1 J.H.Schulta, "Autogeneous training and Yoga", YQR 3, 1972, 19-30 Y351 L.K.L.Srivastava, "Purification of mind: its nature and significance", P 17.2, 1972, 105-112 Y352 Yogasakti, Yoga Sadhana. Bombay 1972 Y353 Saraswati Yogeshwarananda, Science of Soul. Rishikesh 1972 Y354 S.P.Atreya, "An introduction to Hatha Yoga", Darshana 13.1, 1973, 44-56 Y355 M.M.Bhamgara, "Yoga and ecology", YL 4.10-11, 1973 Y356 Agehananda Bharati, "Hinduism, psychotherapy and the human predicament", in Religious Systems and Psychotherapy (ed. Cox) 1973, 167-179 Y357 Stephen F. Brena, Yoga and Medicine: The Merging of Yogic Concepts with Modern Medical Knowledge. New York 1973 Y358 Sarath Chandra Chakravarti, Samadhi and Beyond. Calcutta 1973 Y359 Leon Cyboran, Filozofia Jogi. Proba mowej interpretacji. Warszawa 1973 Y359.5 Harvey Day, Yoga for the Athlete. London 1974 Y360 Brahmachari Dhirendra, Yoga Hilft Heilen. Freiburg 1974 Y361 Brahmachari Dhirendra, Yoga Progressiv. Freiburg 1974 Y362 Anthony Elenjimittam, "Meditation--Hindu Yoga", YL 4.7-9, 1973 Y363 Raghunath Krishna Garde, Biodynamics of Shadanga Yoga. Bombay 1963 Y364 Gitananda, "Yoga as a psychological therapy", YL 4.2, 1973, 16-23 Y365 Gitananda, "Siddhis and riddhis", YL 4.10-11, 1973 Y366 K.S.Gopal, "Hatha Yogic disciplines of pranayama and asanas", YL 4.4, 1973, 2627 Y367 K.S.Gopal and S.Lakshmanam, "Some observations on Hatha Yoga--the bandhas", YL 4.1, 1973, 3-18 Y368 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Yoga--Arbeit am Selbst. Munchen 1973 Y369 S.R.Sundaram Iyengar, "Psycho-therapy and Yoga system", YL 4.2, 1973, 8-15 Y369.5 Jyotirmayananda, Jnana yoga (Yoga Secrets of Wisdom). Miami, Fla. 1974 Y370 C.Kerneiz, Karma yoga ou l'action dans la vie selon la sagesse hindoue. Paris 1973 Y371 C.Kerneiz, Postures et respirations du Hatha Yoga. Paris 1973

Y372 C.Kerneiz, La relaxation le lumire du yoga. Paris 1973 Y373 C.Kerneiz, Le Yoga. Paris 1973 Y374 Gerald J. Larson, "Mystical man in India", Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 12, 1973 Y375 B.C.M.Mascarenhas, Yoga and Christian Thought. Bombay 1973 Y377 Dilip Kumar Roy and Indira Devi, Der Weg der grossen Yogis. Weilheim 1973 Y378 A.Sambucy and J.J.Laubry, Pour comprendre le yoga et les lois brahmaniques. Paris 1973 Y379 Saraswati Satyananda, Kundalini Yoga. Monghyr 1973 Y380 Saraswati Satyananda, Taming the Kundalini. Monghyr 1973 Y381 Saraswati Satyananda, Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha. Compiled from lectures. Monghyr 1973 Y382 I.K.Taimni, Glimpses into the Psychology of Yoga. Madras 1973 Y383 Jean Varenne, Le yoga et la tradition hindoue. Paris 1973. Translated by Derek Coltman as Yoga and the Hindu Tradition. Chicago 1976. Y384 Yogiraj Ravi Brahmacarya, "Organic yoga", YL 5.12, 1974, 1-15 Y385 Walter Ames Compton, Hatha Yoga. New York 1974 Y386 Meenakshi Devi, "Pranayama--the control of the vital life force", YL 5.6, 1974, 38 Y387 Paul Drago, Pathways to Liberation. An Essay on Yoga-Christian Dialogue. New Delhi 1974 Y388 Georg Feuerstein, The Essence of Yoga. London 1974 Y389 Gitananda, "Kriyas and prakriyas of pratyahara", YL 5.3, 1974, 11-16 Y390 Gitananda, "Dharana--concentration", YL 5.4, 1974, 7-12 Y391 Gitananda, "Bindu concentration", YL 5.6, 1974, 9-18 Y392 Gitananda, "Concentration points and bija mantras for Hatha Yoga asanas", YL 5.7, 1974, 3-12 Y393 Gitananda, "Mandala pranayama", YL 5.8, 1974, 3-6 Y394 Gitananda, "The theory and technical practice of the triple restraint of the breath as taught in Rishi yoga", YL 5.9, 1974, 19-24 Y395 Gitananda, "Dhyana-meditations", YL 5.10-12, 1974 Y396 K.S.Gopal, V.Anantharaman, S.Balachander and S.D.Nishith, "The cardiorespiratory adjustments in pranayama, with and without bandhas, in Vajrasana", YL 5.9, 1974, 11-18 Y397 C.T.Kenghe, "Yoga as depth psychology", JDBSUD 2, 1974, 1-14 Y398 Gopi Krishna, Higher Consciousness. The Evolutionary Thrust of Kundalini. New York 1974. Translated into German as Hoheren Bewusstsein. Freiburg 1975 Y399 Friso Melzer, Konzentration, Meditations, Kontemplation. Kassel 1974 Y400 Ramamurti S. Mishra, Vollendung durch Yoga. Munchen 1974 Y401 Narayan, Shanti Yoga: the Yoga of Mental Peace. New Delhi 1974 Y402 Ruth Reyna, "Yoga", HinduReg 4, 1974 - 5, 1975 Y403 Kirpal Singh, The Crown of Life. A Study in Yoga. Delhi 1974 Y404 Sivananda, Mind: Its Mysteries and Control. Rishikesh 1974 Y405 Neelam Srivastava, Critical Study of Sanskrit Commentaries on the Patanjala Yogasutras. Ph.D.Thesis, Allahabad University 1974

Y406 Ernst Sturmer, Der Yoga-Report. Wien 1974 Y407 Satyakam Varma, "A physiologist's view of astangayoga", Hindutva 5.4, 1974, 1118 Y408 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "Wrong views about the practice of padmasana", JYI 20, 1975, 93-95 Y409 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "Are the yogangas to be practiced successively?", JYI 21, 1975-76, 179-183 Y410 Dhirendra Brahmachari, Yoga--Yogic Suksma, Vyayana. New Delhi 1975 Y411 G.S.Chhina and Baldev Singh, "The state of research in Yoga", YL 6.12, 1975, 3-9 Y412 Digambar, Collected Papers on Yoga. Lonavla 1975 Y413 Swami Digambar, "Some thoughts about a few concepts in yoga", DCPY 29-32 Y414 R.R.Diwakar, "Yoga: the science and art of conscious human evolution", DCPY 110 Y415 Anthony Elenjimittam, "Introduction to Yoga philosophy", YL 6.7, 1975, 12-13 Y416 Georg Feuerstein, Textbook of Yoga. London 1975 Y417 Gitananda, "Yoga nidra", YL 6.11, 1975, 6-16 Y418 Gitananda, "Samadhi--cosmic consciousness", YL 6.1, 1975, 17-23 Y419 Gitananda, "The therapeutic value of Hatha Yoga", YL 6.7, 1975, 14-16 Y420 Gitananda, "Yoga--an ancient system to attain spiritual unity: applicable to modern man", YL 6.8, 1975, 3-5 Y421 K.S.Gopal, A.Nataranjan and S. Ramakrisna, "Biochemical studies in foreign volunteers practising Hatha Yoga", YL 6.9, 1975, 3-12. Criticism by Gitananda, 13-16 Y422 K.S.Gopal, V.Anantharam, S.D.Nishita and O.P.Bhatnagar, "The effect of yogasanas on muscular tone and cardio-respiratory adjustments", YL 6.5, 1975, 3-11 Y423 Richard Lowell Hittleman, Yoga: the Eight Steps to Health and Peace. New York 1975 Y424 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga and religion", BVa 10, 1975, 155-159 Y425 C.T.Kenghe, Yoga Depth-Psychology and Para-Psychology. Two volumes. Varanasi 1975-76 Y426 Gopi Krishna, "The importance and some implications of a scientific investigation of the phenomenon of kundalini", Dilip 2.5, 1975, 43-54 Y427 Gopi Krishna, The Awakening of Kundalini. New York 1975 Y429 Satya Prakash, Patanjala Raja Yoga. New Delhi 1975 Y430 Ram Kumar Rai, Encyclopedia of Yoga. Varanasi 1975 Y431 Mahajot Sahai, "Yoga concepts corresponding to consciousness", DCPY 23-28 Y432 R.G.Kokaje Shastri, "A historical review of yoga", DCPY 11-22 Y433 Harish Chandra Vidyalankar, "Yoga through the classical age", YL 6.12, 1975, 1011 Y434 Vasudev V. Vyas, "Yoga and Ayurveda--their several relationships", YL 6.2-3, 1975 Y435 Jayadeva Yogendra, "Karma yoga philosophy of yogis", JYI 20, 1975, 116-120 Y436 Ajaya, Yoga Psychology. A Practical Guide to Meditation. Glenview, Ill. 1976 Y437 T.R.Anantram, "Yoga as science", P 21-23, 1976-77, 68-72

Y438 U.A.Asrani, "Hatha yoga, raja yoga, jnana yoga", YL 7.10-12, 1976 Y438.5 Swami Rama (Rudolph Ballantine) and Swami Ajaya (Allan Weinstock), Yoga and Psychotherapy: The Evolution of Consciousness. Glenwiew, Ill. 1976 Y439 V.M.Bhat, Yogic Powers and God Realization. Bombay 1976 Y440 Brahmananda, "Yoga and life", AISC 220-223 Y440.5 Roger Clerc, Yoga de l'energie; du physique au psychique. Paris 1976 Y441 Paul Copeland, "The physiology of stress and yoga", YL 7.4, 1976, 3-6 Y442 M.L.Harote, "Rationale of asanas", YM 18, 1976, 10-14 Y443 Gitananda, "Hasthe bindu manrahanam. Acupressure points on the hands", YL 7.9, 1976, 17-24 Y444 K.S.Gopal, V.Anantharaman, S.D.Nishita and U.P.Bhatnagar, "The effect of Yoga asanas on muscular tone and cardio-respiratory adjustments", YL 7.2, 1976, 11-18 Y445 B.S.Gupta, "Yoga and para-psychology", PY 59-66 Y446 Otto Albrecht Isbert and Irene Hobart, Der volle Yoga (Purna Yoga). Freiburg 1976 Y447 S.Janakiraman, "Principles of Yoga therapy", YL 7.1, 1976, 3-12 Y448 P.V.Karambelkar, "Yama-niyama", YM 18, 1976, 102-109 Y448.5 Kevin and Venika Kingsland, Complete Hatha Yoga. Newton Abbott, England 1976; New York 1983 Y449 Kumaraswami, "The secret of yoga", AISC 83-93 Y450 B.Kuppuswamy, "Yoga and self-actualization", Darshana 16.1, 1976, 13-16 Y451 Manuvaryaji, "Yoga and its scope", PY 23-30 Y452 G.S.Melkote, "Yoga--a science", YL 7.1, 1976, 13-16 Y453 L.F.Mooney, Storming Eastern Temples. A Psychological Explanation of Yoga. London 1976 Y454 Ramakant Pandey, "Yoga: the mechanics of consciousness", P 21-23, 1976-77, 7392 Y455 S.L.Pandey, "A non-Patanjala Raja yoga", YM 18, 1976-77, 98-101 Y456 Raghunath Safaya, Indian Psychology: A Critical and Historical Analysis of the Psychological Speculations in Indian Philosophy. New Delhi 1976 Y457 D.B.Sen, "Yoga vibhutis, a philosophical study", PY 13-22 Y458 B.L.Sharma, "Yoga: a way of life", PY 31-36 Y459 Siddheswarananda, Le meditation selon le Yoga-Vedanta. Paris 1976 Y460 Sivananda, Divine Nectar. Delhi 1976 Y462 S.L.Vinekar, "Scientific basis of yoga", YM 18, 1976-77, 89-97 Y463 Selvarajan Yessudian, Yoga Week by Week. Exercises and Meditations for all the Year Round. London 1976 Y463.5 Usharbudh Arya (Swami Veda Bharati), Superconscious Meditation. Honesdale, Penn. 1977 Y464 U.A.Asrani, Yoga Unveiled. Delhi 1977 Y464.1 B.L.Atreya, "Yoga-siddhis and parapsychology", Darshana 17.2, 1977, 5-14 Y465 Chidananda, Practical Guide to Yoga. Shivanandanagar 1977 Y466 Meenakshi Devi, "The spiritual 'yes' and 'no'", YL 8.3, 1977, 11-15

Y467 Josef Dvorak, "The concept of prana in relation to the non-respiratory activity of the respiratory system", YL 8.6, 1977, 3-6 Y468 Jean Feys, "Patanjala Yoga and integral yoga", PhilR 205-209 Y469 Jajneshwar Ghosh, The Study of Yoga. Second edition. Delhi 1977 Y470 Gitananda, "Kundalini: the eternal sakti of yoga and tantra", YL 8.2, 1977, 19-24 Y471 Gitananda, "Bhakti path vs. yoga: devotional submission vs. union", YL 8.4, 1977, 1-14 Y472 Gitananda, "Prana--a scientific view", YL 8.6, 1977, 7-12 Y473 Gitananda, Yoga Samyama (Raja Yoga). Pondicherry 1977 Y474 Gitananda, "Yoga: step-by-step", YL 8.10-11, 1977 Y475 K.S.Gopal, S.Lakshmanam and M.Batmanabne, "A study on the effect of bandhas in pranayama on pulse rate, heart rate, blood pressure and pulse pressure", YL 8.1, 1977, 11-15 Y476 Gopi Krishna (interviewed by Evelyn Ferrentini", "Yoga and kundalini shakti", YL 8.1-2, 1977 Y477 James Hewitt, Gesund und Selbstbewusst durch Yoga. Munchen 1977 Y478 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga--a path to Atma Darshan", BVa 12, 1977, 125-126 Y479 Sally Janssen, "Yoga--a way of life", YL 8.8, 1977, 17-22 Y480 R.K.Karanjia, Kundalini Yoga. New Delhi 1977 Y481 C.Lakshmikanthan, "Yoga and the heart", YL 8.9, 1977, 15-20 Y482 Gerhard Oberhammer, Strukturen yogischer Meditation. Unterschungen zur Spiritualitt des Yoga. OAWV 13, 1977 Y483 O.V.Raiah, "Streamlining research on yoga: unique features of yoga",YL 8.11, 1977, 3-11 Y484 R. Santhanam, "The effect of practice of selected asanas on energy expenditure", YL 8.5, 1977, 11-16 Y485 Arvind Sharma, "Self-realization in Yoga and Jungian psychology", JASBo 52-53, 1977-78, 251-259 Y486 J.Clement Vaz, "Yoga as a spiritual philosophy", PTG 11.4, 1977, 24-31 Y487 J.Clement Vaz, "Yogic mental prayer", Dilip 4.1, 1977, 34-37 Y488 Karel Werner, Yoga and Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1977 Y489 Saraswati Yogeshwarananda, Bahiranga Yoga: First Steps to Higher Yoga. Translated by Ram Pujari Sastri. Rishikesh 1977 Y490 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "An ill-conceived Yogic practice", Hindutva 9.5, 1978, 16-17 Y490.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "The historical eight limbs of yoga", Hinduism (London) 1979, 89-94 Y490.5 Nuddhananda, Chela, Moola Bandha: the Mater Key. Monghyr, Bihar 1978. Y491 Giulio Cogni, "The unitary interpretation of the world through Yoga and Vedanta and parapsychology", ITaur 6, 1978, 125-132 Y492 Harold G. Coward, "Jung's encounter with Yoga", Journal of Analytical Psychology 23, 1978, 339-357 Y493 P.Y.Deshpande, The Authentic Yoga. London 1978 Y494 Gitananda, "Samadhi: an imploding state of enstatic consciousness", YL 9.1, 1978, 9-19

Y495 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga defined", BVa 13, 1978, 173-175 Y495.1 K.D.Kanev, "About the Yogist mental concentration:, Darshana 18.4, 1978, 1-9 Y496 G.Oberhammer, "Das Transzendenzerfahrung, Vollzughorizont des Heils. Das Problem in Indischer und Christlicher Tradition", Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 5, Wien 1978 Y497 Sangam L. Pandey, "Non-Patanjala Rajayoga", WIP 103-107 Y498 R.Ravindra, "Is religion psychotherapy? an Indian view", Religious Studies 14, 1978, 251-260 Y499 T.S.Rukmini, "The theory of knowledge in the Yoga system", JGJRI 34.1-2, 1978, 81-90 Y500 O.P.Sachdeva, Yoga and Depth Psychology. Delhi 1978 Y501 Udupa Singh and Settiwar, "Studies on physiological, endocrine and metabolic response in practice of yoga", YL 9.2, 1978, 13-19 Y502 Frits Staal, "On and around Yoga", JIP 6, 1978, 177-188 Y503 R.S.Bhattacharya, "What is the means other than the isvara-pranidhana?", LSFV 485-489 Y504 Joan Cooper, The Ancient Teaching of Yoga and the Spiritual Evolution of Man. London 1979 Y505 Harold Coward, "Mysticism in the analytical psychology of Carl Jung and the yoga psychology of Patanjali: a comparative study", PEW 29, 1979, 323-326 Y506 Sailendra Bejoy Das Gupta, Kriya Yoga and Swami Sriyukteshvar. Calcutta 1979 Y507 Nileshvari Y. Desai, "Exposition of yoga in the Markandeya-Purana", JOI 29, 1979, 66-73 Y507.5 J. Filliozat, "Seience et Yoga", Yoga et Vie 22, 28 (Paris 1979, 1981). Translated by M. Shukla as "Science and Yoga", RPY 461-470 Y508 Oscar Marcel Hinze, Tantra Vidya. Based on Archaic Astronomy and Tantric Yoga. Delhi 1979 Y509 Mahesh Mehta, "Kundalini in the light of Vedanta and Yoga", Indica 16, 1979, 127-142 Y510 Rohit Mehta, "Yoga--the slaying of the mind", AB 100, 1979, 5-7 Y511 K.B.Shankar Rao, "Yoga--a lesson of experience", VK 66, 1979, 325-328 Y512 R.K.Shringy, Yoga of Effortless Action. Varanasi 1979 Y513 Vijananda, "Meditation according to Ashtanga-yoga", VK 66, 1979, 422-426 Y514 R.Balambal, "Concept of God in Yoga", AOR 30.1, 1980, 1-3 Y515 Ronald Maxwell Barnes, A Study of the Psychological Structures of Transcendental Yoga and Ignatian Meditation as Allied Phenomena. Ph.D.Thesis, Duquesne University 1980 Y516 John B.S.Coats, "Integral approach to Yoga", AB 102, 1980, 95-100 Y516.5 T.K.V.Desikachar, Religiousness in Yoga: Lecture on Theory and Practice. Ed. by Mary Louise Skelton and John Ross Carter. Washington, D.C. 1980 Y517 Georg Feuerstein, The Philosophy of Classical Yoga. Manchester 1980 Y518 B.K.S.Iyengar, "Yoga and the asanas", BVa 15.2, 1980, 40-46 Y519 Shiv Kumar, "Concept of isvara in Yoga", AICL 48-51 Y520 Marlene Meixner, Verhaltensandrung durch Yoga-training. Ph.D.Thesis, Innsbruck 1980

Y520.2 Mahajot Sahai, "Asamprajnata yoga", YM 21.1-2, 1980, 77-80 Y520.8 Usharbudh Arya (Swami Veda Bharati), Mantra and Meditation. Honesdale, Penn. 1981 Y521 M.V.Baxi, "Freudian psychoanalysis and psycho-dynamics of Yoga", VJP 10, 1981-82, 136-144 Y521.5 Bernard Bouanchaud and Rene Recape, La pratique du yoga. Paris 1981 Y522 Chidananda, "Yoga: its implications, objectives and its place in your life", VK 68, 1981, 450-455 Y523 S.K.Das, Glimpses of Divine Light. Treasury of Important Yoga Systems with their Secret Techniques. New Delhi 1981 Y524 Harshananda, "Attainment of yoga: maladies and remedies", VK 68, 1981,493-497 Y524.5 Krishnananda, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Yoga. Shivanandanagar 1981, 1983 Y525 B.Kuppuswamy, "Yoga and altered states of consciousness", VK 68, 1981, 419424 Y526 Anima Sen Gupta, "The theistic aspect of Yoga philosophy", VK 68, 1981, 424430 Y527 S.Shankaranarayana, "Yoga and tantra", VK 68, 1981, 462-466 Y528 H.L.Sharma, The Psychodynamics of Yoga. Delhi 1981 Y529 Someshwarananda, "Dharana: some yogic practices", VK 68, 1981, 479-484 Y530 Virupakshananda, "The Yogic view of life", VK 68, 1981, 488-492 Y531 Trevor Leggett, Encounters in Yoga and Zen: Meetings of Cloth and Stone. London 1982 Y531.5 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Die Gottesfahrung in eder yogischen Meditation", OHCHB 145-166 Y532 S.S.Raghavachar, "Visishtadvaita and Yoga", VK 69, 1982: 56, 98, 172. Also SRamanuja 6.4, 1983, 5-21 Y533 Ranganathananda, "The science of consciousness in the light of Vedanta and Yoga", PB 87, 1982, 144-148 Y534 Arion Rosu, "Yoga et alchemie", ZDMG 132, 1982, 363-379 Y535 Janet Irene Warren, The Therapeutic and Developmental Potential of Two Traditional Eastern Psychologies. DSW, U. of California at Berkeley, 1982 Y536 Vivian Worthington, History of Yoga. London 1982 Y537 Selvaraj Yesudian, "Yoga and bhoga", BVa 17.4, 1982, 37-38 Y538 Amitabha Banerjee, "Yoga's conception of a composite substance", JIAP 21.2, 1983, 24-32 Y539 T.R.Anantharaman, "Yoga-vidya and yoga-vidhi", Dilip 9.5, 1983, 7-20 Y539.5 John Borelli, "Impression and archetype in the cognitive theories of classical Yoga and analyitical psychology", IASWRP 120-161 Y539.7 John B. Chethimatam, "Yoga and immortality", IASWRP 79-102 Y540 Roy Eugene Davis, "Is the practice of yoga useful to people in today's world?", Dilip 9.3, 1983, 29-31 Y541 S.Gopalan, "On yoga", PhOR 47-56 Y541.1 S.S.Raghavachar, "Visistadvaita and yoga", SRV 6.4, 1983, 5-21 Y543 Debi Prasad Sen, "The secret of mantra yoga", AB 105, 1983, 339-342

Y544 Debi Prasad Sen, "Yoga as meostasis", AB 104, 1983, 461-464 Y545 K.Seshadri, "Yoga therapy", VK 70, 1983, 326-328 Y546 Yatiswarananda, "Yoga and supersensuous experience", PB 88, 1983, 95-100 Y547 Giridhar Yogeshwar, "Yogic cleansings: the satkarmas", VIJ 21, 1983, 68-72 Y547.5 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, Yoga Psychology of Patanjali and Some Other Aspects of Indian Psychology. Calcutta 1984 Y548 H.P.Devaki, "Origin of Yoga philosophy", (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 342 Y549 Mahesh M. Mehta, "Vrttijnana and svarupajnana. Advaita and Yoga views" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 351 Y550 Ramakant Pandey, "Yoga: the psychodynamics of biofield", P 29.2-30.1, 1984, 6370 Y551 Frank R. Podgorski, Ego: Revealer-Concealer. A Key to Yoga. Lanham, N,Y. 1984 Y552 T.S.Rukmini, "Two interpretations of samprajnata samadhi", RandP 199-206 Y552.1 T.S.Rukmini, "Samprajnata samadhi in the Patanjala Yoga system", JGJRI 40, 1984, 47-58 Y553 J.K.Sarkar, "Anatomical and physiological basis of raja yoga", PB 89, 1984, 388396 Y554 Shraddhananda, "Mantra-yoga", PB 89, 1984, 411-414 Y555 Viniya Wanchoo, "The yoga of suffering", PB 89, 1984, 258-265 Y555.5 Usharbudh Arya (Swamil Veda Bharati), Philosophy of Hatha Yoga. Honesdale, Penn. 1985 Y556 Shrikant Bahulkar, "On the nine categories of yogins (mentioned in the commentaries on Yogasutra I.20-22)" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 376-377 Y557 Motilal Pandit, "Pre-Patanjali sources of yoga", PTG 19.3, 1985, 42-58 Y557.0 A. C. Paranjpe, "Parapsychology and Patanjali's Yoga", JIndPsych 4, 1985, 13-20 Y557.0.5 Bernard Bouanchaud, Le Yoga: comment l'adapter a la personalite. Paris 1986 Y557.1 Georg Feuerstein, "Jnana-yoga and the way of radical understanding", YM 25.12, 1986, 1-24 Y557.2 Albrecht Frenz, Yoga in Christianity. Madras 1986 Y558 Motilal Pandit, "An outline of Yogic philosophy and praxis", PTG 20.3, 1986, 2267 Y558.0 Frank Podgorski, "Two models of spiritual journey Yoga and Confucius", JCP 12, 1985, 23-48 Y558.1 T.S.Rukmani, "Avidya in the system of Yoga and an analysis of the negation in it", ALB 50, 1986, 526-534 Y559 Karunesha Shukla, "The Natha Yoga in the Indian tradition", JGJRI 41, 1986, 3756 Y560 Jodh Singh, "Riddhis and siddhis: a religious perspective", JRS 14, 1986, 43-49 Y561 Vishwanath Prasad Verma, "The philosophy of life: hathayoga, samadhiyoga and bhaktiyoga", VIRB 5, 1986, 195-224 Y562 Karel Werner, "Yoga and the old Upanishads", PIRKW 1-8 Y563 Yogeshwar, Simple Yoga and Therapy. Madras 1986 Y564 Shri Arabuddha, The Science of Yoga. Nagpur 1987 Y565 P. Bandyopadhyaya, Yoga Sadhana and Samadhi. Calcutta 1987

Y566 Gopinath Bhattacharyayya, "An analytical study of Yoga philosophy", BRMIC 38, 1987, 217-227 Y567 M.V.Bhole, "Comparison of two yoga techniques--uddiyana bandha and uddiyanaka with Mueller's and Valsalva manoevres on the basis of breathing patterns and intra-gastric pressure changes", SYogaC 151-161 Y568 Bhutesananda, "The relevance of yoga in today's life", PB 92, 1987, 93-98 Y569 R.G.Chaturvedi, "The nescient Yoga", SYogaC 35-47 Y570 F. Chenet, "Bhavana et creativit de la conscience", Numen 34, 1987, 45-94 Y571 Harold Coward, "'Desire' in Yoga and Jung", JICPR 5.1, 1987-88, 57-64 Y571.5 C. B. Dwivedi, "On Yogadarsana's asampramosa doctrine of memory", JIndPsych 6, 1987, 1-6 Y572 Georg Feuerstein, "The concept of God (isvara) in classical Yoga", JIP 15, 1987, 385-398 Y572.1 Bernard Guay, "Yoga: the tradition and the question of therapy", YM 27.1-2, 1987-88, 128-150 Y572.2 P. Jha, "Klesoccheda yogah", YM 26.3-4, 1987-88, 124-129 Y572.3 V. K. Jha and M. V. Bhole, "Technique of siddhisadhana as found in selected Sanskrit texts on Yoga", YM 26.3-4, 1987-88, 111-122 Y573 Chand Prakash Mehra, "Secrets of mind control or citta nirodha", SYogaC 48-60 Y573.1 Mahesh Mehta, "The dynamics of self-knowledge in Advaita and Yoga: vrttijnana and svarupajnana", BhP 45-47, 1985-87, 92-98 Y574 R. Mehta, The Secret of Self-Transformation: A Synthesis of Tantra and Yoga. Calcutta 1987 Y575 H.R.Nagendra, "The basis for an integrated approach in Yoga therapy", SYogaC 72-89, 101 Y576 Manindra Chandra Panchatirtha, "Sat Cakra Nirupanam--location and determination of six cakras or lotuses", MGKCV 246-260 Y577 Swami Rama, "Dimensions of Yoga", SYogaC 11-22 Y577.1 G. S. Sahay, "Vibhuti and its spiritual importance", YM 26.3-4, 1987-88, 103-110 Y577.2 Peri Subbaraya, "Is the enquiry of Yoga and Samkhya clinical?", YM 26.1, 1987, 58-67 Y577.3 M. V. Bhole, "Sandhi, samadhi and vyadhi: some considerations", YM 28.2, 1989, 44-53 Y577.4 M. V. Bhole and Mahesh Dove, "Adhi, vyadhi, and pranagati: some considerations", YM 28.2, 1989, 44-53 Y577.5 M. L. Harote, "Asana: a historical and definitional analysis", YM 28.2, 1989, 2943 Y577.6 Pitambar Jha, "Astamagga and astangayoga: a comparative study", YM 27.3-4, 1988-89, 59-66 Y577.8 Robin Munro, A.K.Ghosh and Daniel Kalish, Yoga Research Bibliography. Cambridge, Enbgland 1989 Y578 Andre Padoux, "Yoga and ritual", SIRVJ 85-92 Y578.1 K.P.Sinha, "The problem of isvara in Yoga", JUG 35, 1989-90, 1-8 Y578.6 Anandamurti, Yoga Psychology. Calcutta 1990

Y579 Chetananda, Dynamic Stillness. Part One: The Practice of Trika Yoga. Cambridge 1990 Y579.0 Gerald J. Larson, "Is South Asian yoga 'philosophy', 'religion', noth or neither", in U. Bianchi, ed., Proceedings of the 16th Congress of the International Association of the History of Religions (Rome, 1990), 201-270 Y579.1 K.K.Shah, "Yoga", IHDAB 148-160 Y579.2 I.K.Taimni, "Yoga and the common man", IHDAB 161-176 Y579.3 Adidevananda, "What is yoga?", TL 14.5, 1991, 4-14 Y580 Anindita Balslev, "The notion of klesa, and its bearing on the Yoga analysis of mind", PEW 41, 1991, 77-88 Y580.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, Yoga, Meditation and the Guru. New Delhi 1993 (same as Y583.4.1) Y580.2 R.Boegle, Yoga - Ein Weg fur dich, Einblick in die Yogalehre. Zurich 1991 Y581 A.N.Dwivedi, Yoga, Its Nature, Form, and Scope. New Delhi 1991 Y581.0 J. Filliozat, "Le yoga et les substances", Yoga et Vie 26, 1980. Translated by M. Shukla as "Yoga and psychotropic substances", RPY 471-475 Y581.1 Lallanji Gopal, "Aristas in the Yogic tradition", Prajnajyoti 333-342 Y581.2 B.R.Modak, "The ultimate in the Yoga system", UAITD 55-58 Y581.3 N.T.Nair, The Yoga Philosophy. Singapore 1991 Y582 Moti Lal Pandit, Towards Transcendence: A Historico-Analytical Study of Yoga as a Method of Liberation. New Delhi 1991 Y582.1 Subhash Ranade, "Yoga and Ayurveda", TL 14.3, 1991, 67-77 Y582.5 Carol Fedun, "Ways of perfection East and West: the mysticism of Yoga and St. John of the Cross", IJIS 2.2, 1992, 87-140 Y583.1 Catherin Kiehnle, "Patanjala Yoga and Nath Yoga: the pranava", ZDMG Supplement 9, 1992, 514-515 Y583.2 S. Kandanarayan, "The sciences of the unseen forces III: the science of concentration or yoga", Dilip 18.1-2, 1992, 28-29 Y583.2.0 A.G.S.Kariyawasan, "Hatha-Yoga", EnBud 5, 1992, 416-418 Y583.2.1 B.R.Modak, "The ultimate in the Yoga system", UAITD 55-58 Y583.4 Radha Sivananda Swami, Kundalini Yoga. Delhi 1992 Y583.4.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, Yoga, meditation and the Guru. New Delhi 1993 (same as Y580.1) Y583.4.2.Tara Michael, "La valeur libratrice de la prise de posture (asana) dans le Yoga classique", L'Herme, 1993, 138-157 Y584 Rajeshwi Rama, Hatha Yoga for All. Delhi 1993 Y584.1 Mrtyunjaya Rao, Insight into Yoga: The New Socratic Didactic Method. Delhi 1993 Y585 Aviyogi Suran, Cyclopedia of Yoga. Two volumes. Meerut 1993 Y585.1 Kali Sankar Bose, "Yoga, yogic exercise (asanas) and meditation", JASBe 36.1, 1994, 30-34 Y586 Gavin and Yvonne Frost, Tantric Yoga: The Royal Path to Raising Kundalini Power. Delhi 1994 Y586.0 Koichi Yamashita, Patanjali Yoga Philosophy with reference to Buddhism. Calcutta 1994

Y586.1 (see Y587) Y586.2 (see Y588) Y586.9 S. Gopalan, "Radhakrishnan's approach to yoga", NEPSR 1995, 129-142 Y587 Thomasd Kadan Kavil, "Holiness and culmination of Yoga", JD 20, 1995, 254-269 Y588 Ras Koche, Stilling the Brain: the True Patanjali Yoga: a Scientific Interpretation. Bombay 1995 Y588.5 Gerald Larson, "Classical Yoga philosophy and some issues in the philosophy of mind", RelST 13-14.1, 1995, 36-51 Y589 Frank R. Podgorski, "Paths to perfection: Yoga and Confucianism", AsPOxford 4, 1995, 151-164 Y589. P. V. Krishna Rao, "Yoga: its scientific and applied aspects", JIndPsych 13.2, 1995 Y590 Ravi Ravindra, "Yoga and the quintessential search for holiness", JD 20, 1995, 245-253 Y591 Arundhati Sarasvati, "Yoga: a holistic approach to mental health", JD 20, 1995, 287-296 Y592 Ian Whicher, "Cessation and integration in classical Yoga", AsPOxford 5.1, 1995, 47-58 Y592.5 Bernard Bouanchaud and Rene Recape, Le Yoga: premiers pas. Palaisseau 1996 Y593 Koichi Yamashita, Patanjali Yoga Philosophy with Reference to Buddhism. New Delhi 1995 Y593.2 T. R. Anantharaman, Ancient Yoga and Modern Science. Delhi 1996 Y593.5 V. P. Chaudhury, "Vedantic view of Yoga", in Vestal Studies in Vedic and Sanskrit Literature. Dr. Dharmendra Kumar Gupta Commemoration Volume (=Dharmendraparamitam)(ed. Raghu Nath Airi and Raman Kumar; New Delhi 1996), 60-62 Y594 Jeffrey Gold, "Plato in the light of Yoga", PEW 46, 1996, 17-32 Y594.1 Jaydev Jani, "Treatment of Yoga in the Satsangvivaranam", Srijnanamrta. 1996, 290-301 Y595 B.C.Joshi, "The autonomic nervous system in relation to Yoga", Darshana 36.4, 1996, 56-67 Y601 S. Piano, Enciclopedia dello Yoga. Torino 1996 Y603 Frank R. Podgorski, "Paths to perfection: Yoga and Confucius", MSAP 125-144 Y610 Ian Whicher, "Cessaiton and integratio in classical Yoga", MSAP 92-108 Y619 Subhas Chandra Dash, "Yoga and personality development", QJMS 88.1, 1997, 1927 Y621 Yohanan Grinshpon, "Experience and observation in traditional and modern Patanjala Yoga", BOr 557-566 Y626 George Kalamaras, "The center and circumference of silence" Yoga, poststructuralism, and the rhetoric of silence", IJHS 1.1, 1997, 3-18 Y631 H.R.Nagendra, "Yoga and holistic health", VK 84, 1997, 179-183 Y638 N. E. Sjoman, "Speculations on the origins of the Yoga system", JASBo 72, 1997, 152-158 Y641 Ian Whicher, "The final stages of purification in classical Yoga", ALB 61, 1997, 144

Y642 Ian Whicher, "Nirodha, yoga praxis and the transformation of the mind", JIP 25, 1997, 1-67 Y647 Kriyananda, The Spiritual Science of Kriya Yoga. Chicago 1998 Y650 Raman Dass Mahatyagi, New Horizons of Yoga and Tantra. Varanasi 1998 Y654 G.K.Pungaliya, Yogasastra. Science of Attaining and Experiencing Nirvana. Poona 1998 Y658 Ian Whicher, The Integrity of the Yoga Darsana: a Reconsideration. New York 1998 Y661 Yatishwarananda, "Yoga and Western psychology", BRMIC 49-50,1999, 68 Y662 Stephen Cope, Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. New York 1999 Y664 M.G.Gupta, Essentials of Yoga: Aspects of Indian Mysticism. Agra 1999 Y666 Gerald James Larson and Ian Whicher, "On the integrity of the Yoga Darshana", IJHS 3.2, 1999, 193-199 Y667 Santidev, Encyclopedia of Indian Mysticism Volume Five: Mysticism and Yoga Tantra. New Delhi 1999 Y669 Kath Watson, The Little Book of Yoga: a Yoga Manual: the Cakras (Chakras). Duncan, B.C. 1999 Y671 Gerald James Larson, "Classical yoga philosophy and some issues in the philosophy of mind", ConK 132-151 Y675 Sures Chandra Banerji, A Companion to Yoga with glossarial index and bibliography. Calcutta 2000 Y677 R.Boegle, Im Einklang mit dem inneren Mond, 28-Tage-Yoga fuer Frauen. Muenchen 2000. Y677.5 A. A. Bornstein, "Notes on states of consciousness in yoga", JUJI 6, 2000, 1-10 Y678 Bhagirathaprasada Tripathi, Shakti, Shiva and Yoga. Varanasi 2000 Y679 Mikal Burley, Hatha Yoga (Its Context, Theory and Practice). Delhi 2000 Y682 Gregory P. Fields, "Liberation as healing in classical Yoga", JIPR 5, 2000, 15-25 Y684 R.I.Ingalalli, "Pramanas in Yoga philosophy and mental health", PTG 34.4, 2000, 28-36 Y688 Rakan Singh Sindhu, "Yoga as dynamic system in six schools of Indian philosophy", KUJ 34, 2000, 105-109 Y691 Ian Whicher, "Patanjali's classical Yoga a: an epistemological emphasis", ConK 322-340 Y692 Ian Whicher, The Integrity of the Yoga Darshana: a Reconstruction of Classical Yoga.New Delhi 2000 Y693 Ian Whicher, Tradition and Transformation. Richmond 2000 Y694 R. S. Bajpai, The Splendour and Dimensions of Yoga. Two volumes. New Delhi 2001 Y695 Narayan Kumar Chattopadhyaya, "The concept of nidra in the Patanjala-Yoga system", CR 10, 2001, 91-96 Y695.5 P. M. Dinesh, "Patanjala Yoga", JKU 42, 1999-2001, 76-79 Y696 Ashok Kumar Malhotra, An Introduction to Yoga Philosophy. Aldershot 2001 Y697 James Morley, "Inspiration and expiration: Yoga practice through Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of the body", PEW 51, 2001, 73-82 Y699 Vinod Verma, Patanjali and Ayurvedic Yoga. Delhi 2001

Y705 Georg Feuerstein, The Yoga Tradition. Delhi 2000 Y706 Chidananda, The Philosophy, Psychology and Practice of Yoga. Tehri Garhwal 2002 Y706.4 B.K.S. Iyengar, The Tree of Yoga: Yoga Vrksa. Boston 2002 Y707 Yohanon Grinshpon, Silence Unheard: Deathly Otherness in PatanjalaYoga. Albany, N.Y. 2002 Y710 K.V.Raghupathi, "Dimensions of Yoga", VK 89, 2002, 67-68 Y711 Sundar Sarukkhai, "Inside/outside: Merleau-Ponty/Yoga", PEW 52, 2002, 459-478 Y712 Ch. Srikrishna, "Yoga: a way for harmonious living", SRP 163-168 Y712.5 Roderick Wahsner, YogaLebensphilosophie und Erfahrungs wissenschaft. Frankfurt-am-Main 2002 Y713 Ian Whicher, "Revisioning classical Yoga: getting it right with prakrti", StudinR 31, 2002, 195-208 Y713.1 Ian Whicher, "An overview of the Astanga Yoga", ALB 66, 2002, 87-112 Y713.2 Adiswarananda, Meditation and its practices: a definitive guide to techniques and traditions of mediation in Yoga and Vedanta. Woodstock, Vt. 2003 Y713.3 Klaus Butzenbarger, "Subjekt, objekt and prozell in Yoga", BIS 15-17, 2003, 99132 Y713.8 Georg Feuerstein, The Deeper Dimension of Yoga: Theory and Practice. Boston 2003 Y714 P. Govindarajan, "What is Yoga?", VK 90, 2003, 430-432 Y716 Harasingh Charan Panda, Yoga-Nidra: Yogic Trance. New Delhi 2003 S718 Joseph Sen, "Freedom of mind: Locke and some Yogic parallels", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 103-112 Y721 Vinod Verma, "Astanga Yoga and its timeless wisdom", VarPl 321-327 Y721.5 Akhandananda, The Siddha Yoga Message for 2004. South Fallsburg, N.Y. 2004 Y722 Joseph S. Alter, Yoga in Modern India: the Body between Science and Philosophy. Princeton 2004 Y725 D. S. Dhillon, "Sikhism and the Yoga tradition", CIPY 137-144 Y732 Kireet Joshi, "Yoga: science and technology of consciousness", CIPY 3-10 Y734 Jyotirmayananda, "What is yoga?", Dilip 30.1, 2004, 33-40 Y736 R. N. Lakhotia, "Yoga and vegetarianism", Dilip 30.3, 2004, 32-34 Y737 B. Mukhopadhyay and S. Renukadevi, "Cakra meditation in achieving altered states of consciousness", CIPY 130-136 Y739 Keshav Sharma, "The science of kriyayoga", CIPY 177-190 Y740 Siddhinathananada, "Yoga darsana", PB 109, 2004, 155-159 Y743 Adiswarananda, The Spiritual Quet and the Way of Yoga: the goal, the journey and the milestones. Woodstock, Vt. 2005 Y744 Bernard Bouanchaud, Le yoga individual: methode et practiques. Palaisseau 2005 Y745 David Buchta, "The Vedantic refutation of Yoga", JVaisS 14.1, 2005, 181-208 Y745.1 Ellen Goldberg, "Hathayoga sadhana and the paradox of self-cultivation", JD 30, 2005, 3-72 Y745.3 A. Ramaswamy Iyengar, "On sthitaprajna and yogarudha", EnIW2, 47-51 Y745.5 Kunt A. Jacobsen, "Introduction: Yoga traditions", TPY 1-28

Y746 Nitin Korpal and Ganesh Shankar, Hatha Yoga for Human Health. New Delhi 2005 Y747 N. G. Kulkarni, "The Yoga of Patanjali", IndPT 36-46; glossary, 219-270 Y747.3 P. G. Lalye and Kak Muk, "A note on yogaksema", EnIW2m 44-46 Y747.5 Patrick Mahaffey, "Jung's depth psychology and Yoga sadhana", TPY 385-408 Y747.3 Moti Lal Pandit, The Discolsure of Being.A Study of Yogic and Tantric Methods of Enstasy. New Delhi 2005 Y747.7 Hukam Chand Patyal, "The concept of karman in the Yoga-system", FacInd 183190 Y748 T. K. Rajagopalan, Hidden Treasures of Yoga. Delhi 2005 Y749 Ramsvarup, Yoga: a Divine Vedas Philosophy. Kangra 2005 Y749.5 P. C. Sahoo, "Pranayama in Y oga and Vedic ritual", FacInd 237-241 Y750 Graham M. Schweig, "The Varja Gopikaras: master of yoga", JvaisS 14.1, 2005, 281-294 Y752 Gordon Stavig, "Swami Vivekandna, Samkhya and modern physics II: mahat and akasa", VK 92, 2005, 189-216 Y753 Saral Jhingram, "Yoga: an experience of unification with the universe", JRS 36, 2005, 56-67 Y754 Ian Whicher, "The liberating role of samskara in classical Yoga", JIP 33, 2005, 601-630 Y760 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Le yoga: enstase et ideologie religieuse", LFDP 79-89 Y768 David Frawley, Yoga and the Sacred Fire. Self-Realization and Planetary Transformation. Delhi 2006 Y772 Rajarshi Muni, Yoga: A Synthesis of Psycholigcal Metaphysics. Delhi 2006 Y775 N. V. C. Swamly and Heisnan Jina Devi, "Patanjala Yoga and scientific value system", VK 93, 2006: 101, 151 Y780 R. Venkata Reddy, "Meditation in Yoga and Vedanta: a comparison", PappuSV 149-156 Y782 Gudrun Buhnemann, Twenty-Four Asanas in Yoga: A Survey of Traditions with Illustrations. New Delhi 2007 Y783 K. V. Raghupati, "What is suffering?a Yoga view", VK 94, 2007, 103-105 Y783.1 Eric Rothgery, A Student's Guide to the History and Philosophy of Yoga. London 2007 Y783.5 S. Vijaya Kumari, "Ayurveda and the science of yoga", QJMS 99.2, 2008, 68-75; 100.2, 2009, 101-106 Y783.9 Gerald James Larson, "The notion of 'God' in Y oga philosophy: a new approach to 'worship' and 'prayer'", BRMIC 59, 2008, 74-83 Y784 Gerald James Larson, "The philosophy of Yoga", EnIndPh 12, 2008, 21-159 Y784.5 Philip Maas, "The concepts of the human body and disease in classical Yoga and Ayurveda", WZKSOA 31, 2007-2008, 125-162 Y74.7 Gregor Maehle, Ashtanga Y oga: Practice and Philosophy. New Delhi 2008 Y785 Andrew J. Nicholson, "Samadhi: the numinous and cessation in Indo-Tibetan yoga", PEW 58, 2008, 157-159 Y790 Yoga Philosophy. EITCH, Volume 20. 2008

Y795 Kolla Chenchulaksmi, Yoga. The Ancient Tradition in a New Millennium. Ambala Cantt., 2009 Y798 Chenchulaksmi Kolle, "Facets of Yoga", VK 96, 2009, 291-296 Y799 Gerald James Larson, "Differentiating the concepts of 'yoga' and 'tantra' in Indian literary history", JAOS 129, 2009, 487-498 Y800 Chidatman Jee Maharaj, Yoga Philosophy. New Delhi 2009 Y805 Philipp Andre Maas, "The so-called yoga of suppression ion the Patanjala Yogasastra", YPMASC 263-282 Y8067 P. J. Mazumdar, The Circle of Fire. The Metaphysics of Yoga. Berkely, Aclif. 2009 Y810 Therapeutic References in Traditional Yoga Texts. Edited by Manmath M. Harote, Vijay Kant Jha and Perimal Devnath. Lopnavla 2010 Y810.5 R. I. Ingalalli, "Origin and History of Yoga", Journal of Bihar Philosophical Research, Patna, 2010-11, 88-100 Y812 Johannes Bronkhorst, Chrisopher Key Chapple, Laruie L. Patton, Geoffrey Samuel, Stuart Ray Sarbacker and Vesna Wallace, "Contextualizing the history of Yoga in Geoffrey Samuel's The Origions of Yoga and Tantra: a review sym[psoi,", IJHS 15, 2011, 303-357 Y815 Som Dev Vasudeva, "Hamsamitthi'Patanjalayoga is nonsense'", JIP 39, 2011, 123-145 Return to Contents Page {G} Grammarian (Vyakarana) Philosophy See a47.16.114;, 182; 530.1.4; 809.17.13. NV263, 394, 640, 648. PM64, 75, 79, 89, 137. bPM75 G1 V.S.Sowani, "The history and significance of upama", ABORI 1, 1918-20, 87-98 G2 B.Liebich, "ber den sphota", ZDMG 77, 1923, 208-219 G3 Umesh Mishra, "Physical theory of sound and its origin in Indian thought", AUS 2, 1926, 229-290 G4 Siddhesvar Varma, "Analysis of meaning in Indian semantics", JDL 13, 1926, 1-38 G5 Otto Strauss, "Altindische Spekulationen ber die Sprache und ihre Probleme", ZDMG 81, 1927, 99-151 G6 N.H.Purandhare, "A few thoughts on semantics", ABORI 10, 1929, 127-146 G7 Prabhat Chandra Chakravarti, The Philosophy of Sanskrit Grammar. Calcutta 1930 G8 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "The doctrine of sphota", JAU 1, 1932 - 2, 1933 G9 P.C.Chakravarti, The Linguistic Speculations of the Hindus. Calcutta 1933 G10 K.C.Chatterji, "The critics of Sanskrit grammar", JDL 24, 1934, 21 pp. G11 P.C.Chakravarti, "Spiritual outlook of Sanskrit grammar", JDL 25.1, 1934, 1-11 G12 Thomas Burrow, "Indian theories on the nature of meaning" (summary). TPS 1936, 92-93 G13 Gaurinath Sastri Bhattacharya, "A study in the dialectics of sphota", JDL 29.4, 1937, 1-115. Reprinted Delhi 1980 G14 Johann Schropfer, "Ein Werk ber die Philosophies der Sanskrit-Grammatik", AO 9, 1937, 427-429

G15 K.A.Subramania Iyer, "Who are the anityasphotavadinah?", PAIOC 8, 1937, 258263 G16 K.M.K.Sharma, "The doctrine of the sphota", KVRACV 509-516 G17 Betty Heimann, "Sphota and artha", PVKF 221-227 G18 Louis Renou, "Les connexions entre le rituel et la grammaire en Sanskrit", JA 233, 1941-42, 105-165 Reprinted in J.F.Staal (ed.), A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians, Studies in Linguistics 1, Cambridge, Mass. 1972, 435-469 G19 K.A.Subramania Iyer, "Pratibha as the meaning of a sentence", PAIOC 10, 1941, 326-332 G20 K.A.Subramania Iyer, "Concept of guna among the Vaiyakaranas", NIA 5, 1942, 121-130 G21 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Word and sense", ABORI 23, 1942, 424-430 G22 K.M.K.Sarma, "Vak before Bhartrhari", PO 8.1-2, 1943, 21-36 G23 T.V.Kapali Sastry, "Sphota and the spoken word", Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual 4, 1945 G24 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Nada, bindu and kala", JGJRI 3, 1945-46, 47-62. Also FRSD 174-182 G25 K.A.Subramnia Iyer, "The vaiyakarana conception of 'gender'", BharKau 1945, 291307 G26 Betty Heimann, "Form not 'apart' but 'a part' of meaning as exemplified in Sanskrit literature", UCR 6, 1947, 23-28 G27 K.A.Subramania Iyer, "The doctrine of sphota", JGJRI 5, 1947, 121-147 G28 R.B.Athavale, "Sabdabodha--a study", PAIOC 14.1, Summaries 1948, 111-113 G29 K.A.Subramania Iyer, "The point of view of the Vaiyakaranas", JOR 18, 1948-49, 84-96. Summarized in PAIOC 15, Summaries 1949, 44-45 G30 Siddheswar Varma, "Sanskrit as a medium of conveying the concept of abstraction", Indian Linguistics 11, 1949-50, 138-141 G31 K.A.Subrahmania Iyer, "The conception of action (kriya) among the Vaiyakaranas", JGJRI 8, 1950-51, 165-168 G32 John Brough, "Audumbarayana's theory of language", BSOAS 14.1, 1951, 73 ff. G33 John Brough, "Theories of general linguistics in the Sanskrit grammarians", Transactions of the Philological Society (Oxford) 1951, 27-46 G34 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Bhavana, the leading concept of verbal cognition", BhV 13, 1952, 25-32 G35 John Brough, "Some Indian theories of meaning", Transactions of the Philological Society (Oxford) 1953, 161-179 G36 Louis Renou, "Les speculations sur le language", in Louis Renou and Jean Filliozat, L'Inde classique, tome 2 (Paris 1953), 79-84 G37 K.A.Subramania Iyer, "The concept of upagraha among the Vaiyakaranas", JOR 23, 1953-54, 79-88. Summarized in PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 240 G38 E.R.Sreekrishna Sarma, Die Theorien der alten indischen Philosophie ber Wort und Bedeutung, ihre Wechselbeziehung, so wie ber syntaktische Verbindung. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Marburg 1954 G39 K.Kunjunni Raja, "The theory of suggestion in Indian semantics", ALB 19, 1955, 20-26

G40 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Indian theories on homophones and homonyms", ALB 19, 1955, 193-222 G41 K.A.Subramania Iyer, "The concept of dravya among the vaiyakaranas", PAIOC Summaries 18, 1955, 54-56 G42 Bishnupada Bhattacharya, "Constitution of words: sphota theory and its opponents", OH 4, 1956, 217-226 G43 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Sphota: the theory of linguistic symbols", ALB 20, 1956, 84-118 G44 P.S.Sastri, "Meaning and the word", OT 2.1, 1956, 99-130 G45 Ram Shankar Bhattacharya, "Some broad aspects on Indian grammar and the theory of sphota", JGJRI 15, 1957-58, 83-92 G46 Chandra Bhai Gupta, "Vyanjana as suggestive power", PAIOC 19.2, 1957, 59-62 G47 Betty Heimann, Terminology: Significance of Prefixes. London 1957 G48 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Akamksa: the main basis of syntactic unity", ALB 21, 1957, 282295 G49 Louis Renou, "Grammaire et vedanta", JA 245, 1957, 121-132 G50 K.Kunjunni Raja, "The Indian influence on linguistics", JMU 30, 1958, 93-111 G51 K.Kunjunni Raja, "The elliptic sentence--Indian theories", ALB 22, 1958, 25-31 G52 Gaurinath Sastri, "Nature of absolute in the philosophy of grammar", PQ 31, 1958, 217-218 G53 Satya Vrat, "Studies in Sanskrit semantics", PO 23.3-4, 1958, 1-14 G54 Thomas Burrow, The Sanskrit Language. London 1959 G55 Erich Frauwallner, "Das Endringen der Sprachtheorie in die indischen philosophischen Systeme", ITag 230-243 G56 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Tatparya as a separate vrtti", PAIOC 20.2, 1959, 319-332 G57 D.Seyfort Ruegg, Contributions l'histoire de la philosophie linguistique indienne. PICI 7, Paris 1959 G58 E.R.Sreekrishna Sarma, "Syntactic meaning--two theories", ALB 23, 1959, 41-61 G59 Richard V. de Smet, "Language and philosophy in India", PICP 2.10, 1960, 47-54 G60 Bimal Krishna Matilal, "The doctrine of karana in grammar and logic", JGJRI 17, 1960, 63-69. Also PAIOC 20, 1961, 303-308 G61 Kalika Charan Pandeya, "The theory of sabdabrahman and sphota", JGJRI 17, 1960-61, 235-255. Also see Bh 6.2, 1962-63, 102-104 G62 Louis Renou, "La thorie des temps du verbe d'aprs grammariens sanskrits", JA 248, 1960, 305-337. Reprinted in J.F.Staal (ed.), A Reader on the Sanskrit Grammarians (Cambridge, Mass. 1972), 478-499 G63 J.Frits Staal, "Correlations between language and logic in Indian thought", BSOAS 23, 1960, 109-122 G64 K.V.Abhyankar, A Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar. Calcutta 1961 G65 Bishnupada Bhattacharya, A Study in Language and Meaning. Calcutta 1962 G66 Arthur L. Herman, "Sphota", JGJRI 19, 1962-63, 1-21 G67 J.F.Staal, "Negation and the law of contradiction in Indian thought: a comparative study", BSOAS 25, 1962, 52-71 G68 Ram Chandra Pandeya, The Problem of Meaning in Indian Philosophy. Delhi 1963 G69 K.Kunjunni Raja, Indian Theories of Meaning. Adyar 1963

G70 E.R.Sreekrishna Sharma, "Controversies over sabda", Jnanamuktavali 1963, 182193 G70.1 Mukunda Madhava Sarma, "Some observations on the theory of sphota", JAssamRS 17, 1963, 47-58 G71 S.S.Barlingay, "Theories of language in Indian logic", IPQ 4, 1964, 94-109 G72 Madeleine Biardeau, Thorie de la connaissance et philosophie de la parole dans le brahmanisme classique. Paris 1964 G73 T.N.Dave, "Upakrama-upasamhara--as a criterion for textual interpretation", SPP 4.1, 1964, 4-17 G74 Mukund Madhava Sharma, "Some observations on the sphota theory", CIDO 26, Summaries 1964, 228-229 G75 V.Anjaneya Sharma, "The sabda-brahman and the prasthanatraya", SVUOJ 8, 1965, 31-35 G76 J.F.Staal, "Reification, quotation and nominalization", in A-T.Tymieniecka and C.Parsons (ed.), Contributions to Logic and Methodology in Honor of J.M.Bochenski (Amsterdam 1965), 151-167 G77 S.D.Joshi, "Adjectives and substantives as a single class in 'parts of speech", JUP 25, 1966, 19-30. Also PCASS-A 9, 1966 G78 G.Marulasiddaiah, Sabdavrttis, Power of Words. Mysore 1966 G79 B.K.Matilal, "Indian theorists on the nature of the sentence (vakya)", Foundations of Language 2, 1966, 377-393 G80 J.F.Staal, "Indian semantics, I", JAOS 86, 1966, 304-310 G81 George Cardona, "Anvaya and vyatireka in Indian grammar", ALB 31-32, 1967-68, 313-352. Summarized in Proceedings of the 27th International Congress of Linguists, 313-314 G82 Siegried Lienhard, "Einige Bemerkungen ber sabdabrahman und vivarta bei Bhavabhuti", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 215-220 G83 T.S.Nandi, "The problem of sabdasaktimuladhvani or suggestion based on the power of the word", JOI 18, 1968-69, 101-125 G84 Siddheswar Varma, "Plurality--philosophical and grammatical--in Sanskrit tradition", SVUOJ 11, 1958, l-4 G85 B.P.Rajapurohit, "Some parallels between Indian and Western semantics", JKU 13, 1969, 72-81 G86 J.F.Staal, "Sanskrit philosophy of language", Current Trends in Linguistics 5, 1969, 449-531 G87 Veluri Subba Rao, The Philosophy of a Sentence and Its Parts. New York 1969 G88 Siddheswar Varma, "Object-philosophical and grammatical--in Sanskrit", SVUOJ 12, 1969, 39-44 G89 Ashok Aklujkar, "Ancient Indian semantics", ABORI 51, 1970, 11-29 G90 Vidya Niwas Misra, "Structural meaning: an Indian standpoint", PICL 10.2, 1970, 555-559 G91 Ramananda Acharya, "A peep into the concepts of cause and instrument", Anviksa 5.2, 1971, 88-92 G92 S. Al-George, "Laksana, 'grammatical role'", JGJRI 27.3-4, 1971, 213-221

G93 Pradip Kumar Mazumdar, "A philosophical approach to the meaning of particles", PAIOC 26, 1972, 256-258 G94 M.S.Narayanamurti, "Philosophy of Sanskrit grammar", SVUOJ 16, 1973, 37-54 G95 P.Thirujnanasambandham, "Problems of meaning", VRSFV 183-187 G96 Kali Charan Sastri, Bengal's Contribution to Sanskrit Grammar in the Paninian and Candra Systems. Part One: General Introduction. Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Series 53. Calcutta 1972 G97 Siddheshwar Varma, "The concept of 'agent'--philosophical and grammatical--in Sanskrit", JGJRI 28.l-2, 1972, 713-721 G98 Siddheswar Varma, "Purpose--philosophical and grammatical--in Indian tradition", SVUOJ 15, 1972, 11-16 G99 J.G.Arapura, "Some perspectives on Indian philosophy of language", University of Rajasthan Studies in Sanskrit and Hindi 6, 1973-74, 1-32 G100 B.K.Matilal, "The notion of substance and quality in ancient Indian grammar", in Acta et communicationes Universitatis Taruensis (Finland) II.2, 1973, 384-405 G101 Jag Deva Singh, "Study of language", KUJ 7, 1973, 199-203 G102 S.Datta Kharbas and Rama Nath Sharma, Sanskrit Grammar: A Bibliography of Selected Western Language Materials. Rochester 1974 G103 G.V.Devasthali, "Vakya according to the Munitraya of Sanskrit grammar", CDSFV 206-215 G104 Jan Gonda, "Nimitta", CDSFV 233-240 G105 M.Srimannarayana Murti, Sanskrit Compounds. A Philosophical Study. ChSSt 93, 1974 G106 T.R.V.Murti, "Some comments on the philosophy of language in the Indian context", JIP 2, 1974, 321-331 G107 Siddheswar Varma, "Separation, philosophical and grammatical, in Indian tradition", VIJ 12, 1974, 468-471 G108 G. Cardona, "Paraphrase and sentence analysis: some Indian views", JIP 3, 1975, 259-282 G109 Manjulika Guha, "Sphota theory", JASBe 17, 1975 G110 S.D.Joshi, "Sabdabodha and theories of verbal denotation", SVUOJ 18, 1975, 2132 G111 K.Krishnamoorthy, "Tatparya and dhvani", AOR Silver Jubilee Volume 1975, 2133 G112 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Vyanjana: suggestive function of language", AOR Silver Jubilee Volume 1975, 602-607 G114 J.F.Staal, "The concept of metalanguage and its Indian background", JIP 3, 1975, 315-354 G115 Hari Mohan Mishra, "Sanskrit and semantics", Proceedings of the First Sanskrit Conference 2.2, 1976, 86-90 G116 K.A.Subramania Iyer, "Sanskrit and the philosophy of language", Proceedings of the First Sanskrit Conference 2.2, 1976, 70-81 G117 Satyakam Varma, "The philosophy of universal grammar", SVSI 1976, 160-184 G118 Siddhesvara Varma, "Relationship--philosophical and grammatical--in Indian tradition", VIJ 14, 1976, 1-4

G119 S.D.Joshi and J.A.F.Roodbergen, "Vakyasamskara and padasamskara", JASB 5253, 1977-78, 142-148 G120 Pradipa Kumar Mazumdar, The Philosophy of Language in the Light of Paninian and the Mimamsaka Schools of Indian Philosophy. Calcutta 1977 G121 Hartmut Scharfe, Grammatical Literature. In A History of Indian Literature. Wiesbaden 1977 G122 J.M.Shukla, "Bhava and abhava according to the grammarians", JASB 52-53, 1977-78, 260-267 G123 Krishna Sivaraman, "The Saiva and the Grammarian perspective of language", LIPR 19-32 G124 V.S.Joshi, "'Para vak' and Sanskrit grammarians", in V.S.Joshi, Papers on Sanskrit Grammar (1980), 34-35 G125 Harold Coward, The Sphota Theory of Language. Delhi 1980, 1986 G126 Pradyot Kumar Mandal, "Jnana and vikalpa as in grammarian philosophy", VJP 16-18, 1980-82, 24-40 G127 M.S.Narayana Murti, "Divisions of time according to Indian grammarians", ALB 46, 1982, 12-24 G128 V.N.Jha, "The structure of a sabdabodha", D.N.Shastri Felicitation Volume 1982, 77-82 G129 George Cardona, Linguistic Analysis and Some Indian Traditions. Poona 1983 G130 V.N.Jha, "Problem of error: the views of the grammarians", ABORI 66, 1986, 231238. Also SILLE 92-100 G131 Vidyut Aklujkar, Primacy of Linguistic Units. Pune 1987 G131.0 Lakahira Gogoi-Chutia, "Some observations on the relation between laksana and vyanjana", BSCV 68-75 G131.1 M. Srimannarayana Murti, "Intention of the speaker according to Grammarians", SVUOJ 30-31, 1987-88, 20-34 G132 Ashok Aklujkar, "Pramanya in the philosophy of the Grammarians", SIRVJ 15-28 G132.1 Keshab Chandra Dash, "Sanskrit nominal compound--a linguistic study", LP 2, 1988, 99-106 G132.2 Laksahira Goroi-Chutia, "A note on the concept of laksana in the Vyakarana literature", JUG 34, 1988, 203-210 G132.5 B.K.Matilal and P.K.Sen, "The context principle and some Indian controversies over meaning", Mind 97, 1988, 73-97. Reprinted IPACR 2, 259-284 G133 V.D.Hegde, "Perception according to the Vyakaranasastra", MO 15, 1989, 67-76 G133.05 Avanindra Kumar, "Grammarians on dhvani", Dharma-Nirajana 1989, 395-407 G133.1 K. Subrahmanyam, "The divergent views on sphota theory", SVUOJ 27, 1989, 52-57 G134 V.K.Chari, "The limits of the meaning of a sentence", ALB 54, 1990, 42-53 G134.0 V.V.Bhandare, "Ultimate or basic principle in the system of grammar", UAITD 207-216 G134.1 V.N.Jha, "Philosphy of language: an Indian perspective", Sambodhi 17, 1990-91, 60-67 G135 Bimal Krishna Matilal, The Word and the World: India's Contribution to the Study of Language. Delhi 1990

G135.1 V.P.Bhatta, "Accusative case endings after words standing for time and distance and their meanings", BDCRI 51-52, 1991-92, 115-124 G135.2 V.N.Jha, "Ancient Indian theories on language comprehension", MO 16, 1992, 15-19 G135.3 S. D. Joshi and J. A. F. Roodbergen, "On ekasesa", Vidya-Vratin 1992, 101-110 G135.3.5 Andre Padoux, "Parole et dlivrance. Une mystique base phonmatique", L'herme 1993, 196-204 G135.4 Jai Singh, "Sphotavada", Darshana 33.3, 1993, 71-75 G136 K.Kunjunni Raja, "Linguistic competence and performance--at different levels", JOR 55-62, 1986-92, 122-129 G136.0 Vanashree, "The Indian philosophy of language and modern European language consciousness", Prajna 36-38, 1990-93, 45-50 G136.1 Avanindra Kumar, "Word denotation: theories of Sanskrit grammarians", PPIBPS 193-204 G137 Harold Coward, "The world of sound as understood by Hindu grammarians", JVaisS 2.2, 1994, 35-46 G138 P. P.Gokhale, "Language and the world: some classical Indian approaches vis-a-vis the analytical Western approach", IndPQ 21, 1994, 317-328 G138.2 J.N.Mohanty, "is there an irreducible mode of word-generated knowledge", KW 29-50. Reprinted ExinP 35-55 G138.5 Gayatri Rath, "Language-theory: an Indian perspective", VUJ 31, 1993-94, 109122 G139 Jonardon Ganeri, "Vyadi and the realist theory of meaning", JIP 23, 1995, 403-428 G140 Noriyuki Kudo, "The notion of karaka discussed by the Grammarians", JIBSt 44.1, 1995, 11-15 G140.5 B. Prasannakumary, "Introduction to the philosophy of language", VIJ 33-34, 1995-96, 123-126 G141 Hideyo Ogawa, "An action (kriya) and its cognition: grammarians' approach", JIBSt 44.1, 1996, 5-10 G141.5 Gayatri Rath, "Sentence indivisibility: Indian and Western approach", VIJ 33-34, 1995-96, 113-122 G142 Peter H. Scharf, The Denotation of Generic Terms in Ancient Indian Philosophy: Grammar, Nyaya, and Mimamsa. Philadelphia, Pa 1996 G145 Apurba Chandra Barthakuria, The Philosophy of Sanskrit Grammar: A Critical Study of Karaka. Calcutta 1997 G150 Hideyo Ogawa, "Paniniyas on yogyata and sakti", JIBSt 46.1, 1997, 13-18 G160 Ganesh Prasad Pande, "The concept of time in Indian grammatical tradition", Sambhasa 18, 1997, 97-124; 20, 1999, 21-62 G163 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Les elements linguistiques porterus de sens dans la tradition grammaticale du Sanskrit", in HEL 20, 1998, 29-39 G164 Raghunath Ghosh, "Is configuration (akrti) denoted by a word?", IndPQ 25, 1998, 443-454 G165 Achyutananda Dash, "The term karaka and its principal and subordinate nature", ResIn 110-118

G166 Karunasindhu Das, "A Vyakarana perspective on disambiguation", SVUOJ 42, 1999, 43-56 G167 M.M.Deshpande, "Evolution of the notion of authority (pramanya) in the Paninian tradition", HEL 20.1, 1998, 5-28 G168 V. Shekhawat, "Theory of vakya or proposition", JICPR 15.2, 1998, 65-80 G175 Uma Vaidya, "Philosophical notions applied on Sanskrit grammar", JASBo 74, 1999, 196-202 G176 S.P. Verma, "Some traditional views on language and their relevance",KUJ 32-33, 1998-99, 89-91 G176.5 Nandita Bandyopadhyaya, "Understanding a karaka", Anviksa 19, 2000, 9-17 G177 V. Swaminathan, "A textual problem in Advaita Vedanta and Vyakarana", SVUOJ 43, 2000, 1-8 G177.5 Junzo Tanizawa, "Indian grammarian's theory of proper names", WL 249-262 G178 Indravadan B. Raval, "Non-traditional interpretation of word in Vyakarana", JOI 50, 2001, 23-27 G180 D. N. Tiwari, "Regarding sphota", JICPR 18.4, 2001, 129-156 G180.5 James Benson, "How names work in grammar", ILSGC 3-24 G180.7 Saroja Bhate, "Exegetics of Sanskrit grammar", ILSGC 73-86 G180.8 Johannes Bronkhorst, "Yaska and the sentence: the beginning of sabdabodha?", Subhasini 44-62 G181 Amitabha Dasgupta, "Sabdabodha and the epistemic primacy of sense: an exercise in comparative philosophy of language", PLCIT 99-136 G182 Madhav M. Deshpande, "Karakas: direct and indirect relationships", ILSGC 150161 G182.5 Jan E. M. Houben, "Semantics in the history of South Asian thought: three observationson the emergence of semantics in the Sanskrit tradition", ILSGC 202222 G182.7 Robert A. Hueckstedt, "Some later arguments on iko yam aci", ILSGC 44-52 G183 V. N. Jha, "Language and reality: some reflections from Indian philosophy of language", PLCIT 15-22 G184 E. G. Kahrs, "Some observationson the sthanasambandha", ILSGC 25-43 G185 K. S. Prasad, The Philosophy of Language in Classical Indian Tradition. New Delhi 2002 G186 Peter M. Scharf, "Panini, Vivaksa and karaka-rule-ordering", ILSGC 121-149 G187 Prabal Kumar Sen, "Abhihitanvaya, anvitabhidhana and ananvitabhidhana: some basic problems", PLCIT 155-180 G188 John Vattanky, "Word--a separate means of valid knowledge", PLCIT 23-38 G189 Ashok Aklujkar, "Where do laksanaika- and laksyaika-caksuska apply?", BDCRI 62-63, 2002-2003, 167-188 G189.5 Nandita Bandyopahyaya, "Concept of paribhasa as developed in the Paninean school of grammar", Anvika 24, 2003, 23-29 G190 Ganesh Prasad Pandey, "The concept of time in Indian grammatical tradition", Sambhasa 23, 2003, 79-106 G195 Ashok Aklujkar, "Can the Grammarians' dharma be a dharma for all?", JIP 32, 2004, 687-732

G198 Piyali Pandit, Basic Principles of Indian Philosophy of Language. Calcutta 2004 G198.5 Bhagyoalata Pataskar, "Yaska's reflections on the 'meaning of a word'", JOOI 53, 2003-2004, 17-26 G199 Raghbir Singh, "Expressiveness of corrupt words: Grammarians' view", VIJ 41-42, 2003-2004, 131-139 G199.5 Reeta Bhattacharya, "Scientific mind behind the notion of [ratyahara in the Paninian system", Anviksa 25, 2004, 23-26 G200 D. N. Tiwari, "Language and substance (in the light of Vaiyakarana philosophy)", JICPR 21.2, 2004, 127-164 G205 E. Aussant, "L'autonymie dans la tradition grammaticale sanskrite paniniensia", HEL 27.1, 2005, 73-92 G205.5 N. S. Ramanuja Tatacarya, Sabdabodhamimamsa: An Inoquiry into Indian Theories of Verbal Cognition Vakyavakyarthavicaratmakah prathamabhasya. Part 1: The Sentence and its Significance. Pondichery 2005. Part 2: Case Terminations and their Significance. Pondichery 2006 G206 Pratap Bandyopadhyay, "Vyanjana: the suggestive functio of word and meaning in Indian semantic speculations", PCRSIT 705-720 G206.1 Nandita Bandyopadhyay, "The Paninian on the question whether motion can be perceived", Anviksa 27, 2006, 16-23 G206.5 Raghbir Singh, "An analhsis of grammatical adhyasa: a word-meaning relation", VIJ 43-44, 2005-2006, 98-107 G207 Saroja Bhate, "Adhyasa and Bauddha padartha", PCRSIT 721-726 G208 Ajodhya Nath Hota, Sphota, Pratibha and Dhvani. Delhi 2006 G209 S.D.Joshi and J.A.F.Roodbergen, "On karaka, vibhakti and samasa", PCRSIT 1, 621-644 G210 Pradip Kumar Majumdar, "Samkhya", PCRSIT 547-562 G210.1 Pradip Kumar Mazumdar, "The meaning of prefix and particle", PCRSIT 1, 661672 G210.2 Pradip Kumar Mazumdar, "The meaning of verbs and verb-endings", PCRSIT 673-684 G210.8 Rama Nath Sharma, "Systematization of Sanskrit grammar", PCRSIT 1, 581-608 G210.9 Rama Nath Sharma, "Sphotavada:", PCRSIT 761-774 G211.3 Ramshankar Tripathi, "Nitartha and neyartha texts", PCRSIT 789-811 G212 Emilie Aussant, "A case of vyakarana oxymoron: the notion of anvarthasamjna", JIP 35, 2007, 133-148 G215 George Cardona, "On the position of vyakarana and Panini", EMH 693-710 G218 K. Kapoor, "Philosophy of language in the Vaiyakarana tradition", PB 112, 2007: 463-468, 530-535 G220 S.Vijaya Kumari, "The theory of sphota", JSORI 9.1, 2007 G223 Sharda Narayanan, "The nature of sound as per sastra", ABORI 87, 2007, 93-104 G230 Johannes Bronkhorst, "A note on Kashmir and orthodox Paninian grammar", LTK 271-280 G234 Narayan R. Joshi, "Sphota doctrine in semantics demystified", ABORI 88, 2008, 183-197

G240 E. Aussant, "Neemmer/penser sa langue et celle des autres: le cas de grammariens du sanskrit et des prakrit", HEL 31, 2009, 89-116 G243 B. K. Dalai, "Vakuyasesa: a less understood concept",GloryST 254-266 G246 Shankarji Jha, "Syntactic elements in the light of Sanskrit grammar (words and meanings)", GloryST 251-258 G250 Anirvanindra Kumar, "Denotation of word: universdal or particular?", GloryST 208-216 G255 Sebastian Alackapally, "The sphota of language and the experienc of sabdadvaita", JD 35, 2010, 203-214 Return to Contents Page {AV} Advaita Vedanta See a22.1:93, 95; 30.1.15; 47.16.114; 131.1.129; 159.1.1; 221.1:19,97, 130.1,141.2, 294.2:5,9, 317.1.90; 363.4.9; 363.5.60; 404.4.9; 582.11:1,3; 582.27.19; 637.3:10,12,18; 637.7.7; 962.9.12; 962.36.1; 1030.5.2. J64, 6.9, 74, 89, 348, 383, 564.8.1, 642. AB304, 452. DV7. MB43, 113, 130, 132, 196.5, 237.7, 247, 257, 262. B7, 92, 127, 241, 275, 323, 373,379, 391, 434, 436, 502, 509, 520, 1541.1, 1603.1, 1614:7, 7.1, 1627, 1839, 1889.8, 1897.5, 2055: 6-7. 499, 428, 442. NV76, 152, 178, 261, 278, 441.1, 534.7, 538.373, 569, 597, 648. PM55, 121.1, 130. 143, 246, 253, 269.3, S5, 6, 16, 35, 57, 93.1, 111, 114.1, 130, 143, 169, 188, 190, 199, 200, 202, 205, 216, 253, 256, 303.1, 313.5, 573. G177. SS85. Y491.509. 533. b317.1.91; 809.22.12. S216. Y106,167,745; B1614.7.1; PM121.1. dAB256.1 AV1 Vans Kennedy and C.G.Haughton, "The Vedanta system", AJMR n.s. 18, 1835: 94, 212 AV2 Vans Kennedy, "On the Vedanta system", TRAS III, 1835, 412-436 AV3 Anon., "Vedanta--what is it?", CR 4, 1845, 43-61 AV4 J.R.Ballantyne, "On the ontology of the Vedanta", Pan 2, 1867: 91, 136, 162 AV5 Pramoda Dasa Mitra, "A dialogue on the Vedantic conception of Brahma", JRAS Second series 10, 1878, 33-48 AV6 P. Regnaud, "Le maya", RHR 12.3, 1883 AV7 E.R.Beierlein, Die Lehre der Vedanta. Dresden 1889 AV8 Manilal .Nabhubhai.Dvivedi, Monism or Advaitism. Bombay 1889 AV9 E.S.von Seeheim, "Das Wesen des Menschen im Sinne der Vedantalehre", Sphinx 7, 1889, 208-209 AV10 Paul Deussen, "The philosophy of the Vedanta in its relations to the occidental metaphysics", JASBo 13,1890-94, 330-340. Reprinted Bombay 1893. Also SPP 12.1,1972, 1-12 AV11 E.S.von Seeheim, "Die Vedanta-Lehre", Sphinx 9, 1891, 84-90 AV12 F.Max Muller, Three Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy. 1894. Reprinted Varanasi 1967 AV13 M.G.Bhattacharya, Lecture on the Vedanta Philosophy. Agra 1895 AV14 M.N.Dvivedi, The Imitation of Samkara. Bombay 1895 AV15 R.N.Apte, The Doctrine of Maya. Bombay 1896 AV16 N.V.Iyer, "Advaita philosophy", BV 1, 1896: 6, 19, 34, 43

AV17 J.J.Goodwin, "Pantheism and the Vedanta",PB 2, 1897, 54 ff. AV18 Charles Johnston, "Studies in the Vedanta", CR 104, 1897, 277-303 AV19 K.Mal, "Some reasons for the superiority of the Vedanta over other systems", PB 2, 1897, 31 ff. AV20 L. Baijnath, "The philosophy of Advaita", CIDO 11, 1897, 99-142 AV21 B.F.Waldo, "Methods of the Vedanta", BV 1897, 117-120 AV22 A.Hillebrandt, "Maya", WZKM 13, 1899, 316-320 AV23 M.S.Tripathi, A Sketch of the Vedanta Philosophy. Bombay 1901 AV24 F.J.Alexander, "Discourses on the Vedanta". PB 11, 1902; 17, 1908: 5, 26, 86 AV25 Narmadashankar Devshankar Mehta, Vedanta Siddhanta-Bheda or an Account of Various Followers of Sankaracharya Schools. 1902. Reprinted Delhi 1985 AV25.5 Abhedananda, Vedanta Philosophy: Divine Heritage of Man. New York 1903 AV26 N.V.Aiyar, "Ethics of the Vedanta", AOTV 72-83 AV27 S.Tattvabhushan, "The Vedanta in outline", AOTV 1-24. Also IR 4, 1903: 395, 468 AV28 S.Tattvabhushan, "The Vedantic doctrine of future life", AOTV 84-107. Also IR 4, 1903, 601-606 AV29 S.Tattvabhushan, "Ethics of the Vedanta", HR 7, 1903, 522-528 AV30 S.D.Aiyer, "Knowledge, belief and will", BV 9, 1904: 85, 139, 193 AV31 Paul Deussen, Vedanta und Platonismus im Lichte der Kantischen Philosophie. Berlin 1904 AV32 V.J.Kirtikar, "Vedanta and its Hegelian critics", EAWBo 3, 1904: 549, 649 AV33 Otto Schrader, Maya-Lehre und Kantianismus. Berlin 1904 AV34 Swarupananda, "Hindu culture and the doctrine of maya", HR 11, 1905, 49-56 AV35 V.J.Kirtikar, "Pantheism and the Vedanta", IR 6, 1905, 627-633 AV36 Bodhananda, "Renunciation", VM 2, 1906-07, 84-92 AV37 Paul Deussen, Das System des Vedanta. Second edition. Leipzig 1906. Translated by Charles Johnston as The System of the Vedanta, Chicago 1912; Delhi 1972; New York 1973 AV38 V.J.Kirtikar, "Ethics of the Vedanta", IR 7, 1906, 94-102 AV39 T.C.R.Iyengar, "Monism of Vedanta", VM 3, 1907-08, 84-100 AV40 E.Greaves, "Maya", EAWBo 7, 1908, 828-834 AV41 V.J.Kirtikar, "Avidya--nescience", IR 9, 1908, 420-425 AV42 G.Ramchandra Aiyar, A Few Thoughts on the Science of the Self or Atma-Vidya in Seven Discourses. Srirangam 1909 AV43 P.D.Shastri, The Doctrine of Maya in the Philosophy of the Vedanta. London 1911 AV44 P.T.Srinivasa Aiyangar, "Consciousness, mind and body", BV 17, 1912 - 18, 1913 AV45 H.Leone, "The Vedantic absolute", ME n.s. 21, 1912, 62-78 AV46 K.S.Iyer, "Ethical aspect of the Vedanta", VK 1, 1914-15 - 3, 1916-17 AV47 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The ethics of the Vedanta", IJE 24, 1914, 168-183 AV48 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The Vedanta philosophy and the doctrine of maya", IJE 24, 1914, 431-451 AV49 Sharvananda, "Advaitism or mayavada", VK 1, 1914-15, 301-395 AV50 P.D.Shastri, "The doctrine of maya in Indian philosophy", CR 2, 1914, 227-238 AV51 P.Narasimham, "The Vedantic good", Mind n.s. 24, 1915,37-59

AV52 Paul Carus, "Vedantism, its intrinsic worth and its vagaries", Mon 26, 1916, 298 ff. AV53 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The Vedantic approach to reality", Mon 26, 1916, 200231 AV54 S.L.Sardar, "How Kant proved a fundamental tenet of the Vedanta philosophy", VK 3, 1916-17, 295 ff. AV55 Arthur Avalon, "Sakti and maya", IPR 1, 1917, 121-135 AV56 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The training of the Vedantin", The Karnataka 1917. Also in PEIP 1-18 AV57 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Is Vedanta theology or philosophy?", IPR 1, 1917-18, 321323 AV58 R.Naga Raja Sarma, "The doctrine of maya", IPR 1, 1917-18, 349-357 AV59 G.R.Malkani, Problem of Nothing. Amalner 1918 AV60 G.R.Malklani, "Advaitism and nihilism", JIIP 1, 1918: 113, 118, 174 AV61 P.D.Shastri, "The doctrine of maya", IPR 2, 1918-19, 67-72 AV62 G.Dandoy, "An essay on the doctrines of the unreality of the world in Advaita", Catholic Herald of India (Calcutta) 1919 AV63 G.R.Malkani, "The individual and the Absolute", JIIP 2.l-3, 1919 AV64 M.R.Oak, "The world and the individual: Nietzsche and the Vedanta", JIIP 2.22.3, 1919 AV64.1 Madhavamamda. "The influence of Vedanta on human thought", PB 25, 1920, 275-278 AV65 G.R.Malkani, Metaphysics of Energy. Amalner 1920 AV66 Kokilesvar Bhattacharya, "On Vedanta", JDL 7, 1921, 95-112 AV66.1 Bhavacaitanya, "Neo-Platonism and Vedanta", PB 26, 1921, 36-39 AV67 Surendranath Dasgupta, "The logic of the Vedanta", ProcAristSoc 22, 1921-22, 139-156 AV68 N.K.Datta, The Vedanta: its Place as a System of Metaphysics. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1921 AV69 Abhaya Kumar Gupta, "Two ancient schools of the Vedanta", JDL 7, 1921, 275282 AV69.1 Madhavananda, "The place of upasana in the Vedanta", PB 26, 1921, 221-225 AV70 K.S.Ramasvami Sastri, "Some aspects of the Vedanta", VK 8, 1921-22, 10 ff. AV71 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Higher and the lower Brahman", JMysoreU 5, 1921, 3239 AV72 B.Raychaudhuri, The Fundamental Principles of Samkara-Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1922 AV73 N.K.Dutt, "Vedantism", CR 12, 1924, 417-430 AV74 V.J.Kirtikar, Studies in Vedanta. Bombay 1924 AV75 J.F.Pessein, "Advaita philosophy", PAIOC 3, Summaries 1924, 161-164 AV76 Kokileswar Sastri, "Place of ethics and religion in the Samkara system", JDL 11, 1924, 149-171 AV77 K.Vidyaratna, Advaita Philosophy. Calcutta 1924 AV78 J.Banerjee, "Introduction to Advaita philosophy", CR 16, 1925, 58-70 AV79 N.K.Brahma, "Vedantic intuition", ProcIPC 1, 1925,166-173

AV80 N.K.Dutt, "The monistic theories and the Vedanta", CR 17, 1925, 41-57 AV81 V.S.Iyer, "One of India's contributions to philosophic thought", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 197-210 AV82 J.F.Pessein, Vedanta Vindicated. Trichinopoly 1925 AV83 R.Nagaraja Sarma, "Is Advaitism an adequate answer to Buddhism?", ProcIPC 1, 1925, 197-210 AV84 K.S.Ramasvami Sastri, "Advaita", VK 12, 1925-26, 356 ff. AV85 Mahendranath Sircar, The System of Vedantic Thought and Culture. Calcutta 1925; New Delhi 1975 AV86 Saccidananda Yogisvara, Jivabrahmaikyavedantarahasya, translated from Tamil to English by K.R.Aiyar. Srirangam 1925 AV87 K.Sundaram Aiyar, The Vedanta. Its Doctrine of Divine Personality. Srirangam 1926 AV88 K.Sundaram Aiyar, "Doctrine of experience as the one Self", VK 13 1926-27 - 15, 1928-29 AV89 Kokilesvara Bhattacharya, An Introduction to Advaita Philosophy. Second edition. Calcutta 1926 AV90 D.Mackichen, "Advaita", ERE 1, 1926, 19-20 AV91 G.R.Malkani, "Creation or illusion", PQ 2, 1926, 107-111 AV92 B.Chandrasekhara, "Meaning of maya", VK 14, 1927-28, 58 ff. AV93 S.Majumdar, "State of the emancipated soul according to Vedanta", VK 14, 192728, 334 ff. AV94 G.R.Malkani, A Study of Reality. Amalner 1927 AV95 Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, "The doctrine of maya--some problems", ProcIPC 6, 1927, 683-689 AV96 Sharvananda, "Concept of the Self", VK 14, 1927-28, 93 ff. AV97 Sharvananda, "Self-knowledge", VK 14, 1927-28, 290 ff. AV98 Mahendranath Sircar, "Vedantic conception of God", CR 22, 1927, 153-175 AV99 I.D.Tawakley, La Doctrine de la Maya et ses Bases Psychologiques. Paris 1927 AV100 Atulananda, "Teachings of Vedanta", VK 15, 1928-29, 94 ff. AV101 Bodhananda, Lectures on Vedanta Philosophy. New York 1928. AV102 P.Chaitanya, "Renunciation as an ideal in life", VK 15, 1928-29, 416 ff. AV103 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "The import of a proposition in Vedanta philosophy", PQ 4, 1928-29, 264-279 AV104 K.Gopalakrishnamma, "The Advaitin's theory of external reality", PAIOC 5, Summaries 1928, 101-102 AV105 M.S.Modak, Vedanta and Spinoza: A Comparative Study. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1928 AV106 P.Mukhopadhyaya, Introduction to Vedanta Philosophy. Calcutta 1928 AV107 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Caitanya (knowledge) in Advaita", JMysoreU 2, 1928, 55-78 AV108 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Problem of superimposition (adhyasa) in Advaita Vedanta", JMysoreU 2, 1928, 139-160 AV109 H.K.Raja Rao, "Concept of relation", VK 15, 1928-29, 424 ff. AV110 S.K.Belvalkar, Vedanta Philosophy. Part I: Lectures 1-6. Poona 1929

AV111 U.C.Bhattacharjee, "Vedanta and Vedantist", IHQ 5, 1929: 408, 646 AV112 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Mayavada", JDL 19, 1929, 1-87 AV113 Rasvihary Das, "Vedantism and theism", PQ 5, 1929-30, 49-58 AV114 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Problem of nescience (ajnana)", JMysoreU 3, 1929, 167-188 AV115 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Appearance and reality", VK 16, 1929-30, 412 ff. AV116 P.S.Basu, Bergson et le Vedanta. Montpelier 1930 AV117 S.K.Das,"Towards a systematic study of the Vedanta", CR 35, 1930, 371-396 AV118 S.T.Das, "Bradley from the standpoint of Samkara-Vedanta", CR 36, 1930, 239248 AV119 I.B.Hart, "The old doctrine of maya and modern science", AP 1, 1930, 212 ff. AV120 V.Subrahmania Iyer, "Avasthatraya. (A unique feature of Vedanta)", ZII 8, 1930, 89-106 AV121 S.N.Maitra, "Love in Advaita Vedanta", VK 17, 1930-31, 287 ff. AV122 S.N.Maitra, "Advaitism in the religious experiences and thoughts of the bhaktas", VK 17, 1930-31, 447 ff. AV123 K.Prasad, "Vedanta solution of the problem of evil", Ph 5, 1930, 62-71 AV124 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Concept of substance", VK 17, 1930-31, 304 ff. AV125 Kokilesvar Sastri, "The absolute reality and God", VK 17, 1930-31, 327 ff. AV126 Kokilesvar Sastri, "What is maya and why is it anirvacaniya?", VK 17, 1930-31, 373 ff. AV127 Kokilesvar Sastri, "One end works in nature and in finite self", VK 17, 1930-31, 373 ff. AV128 Mahendranath Sircar, "Spiritual implications of mayavada", PAIOC 5, 1930, 1041-1057 AV129 C.T.Srinivasan, "Vedanta as science of reality", Triveni 3, 1930, 103-108 AV130 S.K.Das, Towards a Systematic Study of the Vedanta. Calcutta 1931, 1937 AV131 E.P.Horrwitz, "Buddhists in disguise", VK 18, 1931-32, 456 ff. AV132 G.R.Malkani, "Are there many souls?", PQ 7, 1931, 125-133 AV133 G.R.Malkani, "Vedantic mysticism", PQ 6, 1931, 221-231 AV134 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Time and eternity", VK 18, 1931-32, 66 ff. AV135 Kokilesvar Sastri, A Realistic Interpretation of Samkara-Vedanta. Calcutta 1931 AV136 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Jiva's state of samsara or false predication and how to get rid of it", VK 18, 1931-32: 288, 333 AV137 K.S.Ramasvami Sastri, "Uttara Mimamsa",VK 18, 1931-32: 138ff. AV138 T.R.V.Murti, "Rational basis of Advaitism", PQ 6, 1934, 57-81 AV139 G.Dandoy, L'ontologie du Vedanta. Paris 1932 AV140 Rasvihary Das, "Sleep and consciousness", CR 44, 1932, 253-260 AV141 S.K.Das, "Vedanta in the making", VK 19, 1932-33: 172, 224, 260, 308 AV142 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, Six Ways of Knowing. London 1932. Revised, Calcutta 1960 AV143 Jagadisvarananda, "Taoism and Vedanta", RPR 3.2, 1932, 164-l76 AV144 Jagadisvarananda, "Devotion in Advaitism", AP 3, 1932, 808 ff. AV145 M.Lakshmi Narasinha, "The aham-pratiti in Advaita", PQ 8, 1932-33, 289-297 AV146 J.F.Pessein, "High value of avidya", RPR 3.2, 1932, 177-180

AV147 Asutosh Shastri, "Is Vedantism mysticism?", PQ 8, 1932-33, 148-155 AV148 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Maya in Vedanta: why is it called such?", RPR 3.2, 1932, 152-163 AV149 C.T.Srinivasan, "Is Vedanta a science of reality?", JAU 1, 1932: 1, 121 AV150 Hari Mohan Bhattacharya, "The doctrine of maya and the results of modern science:", HMBSP 1-15 AV151 Rasvihary Das, "Theory of ignorance in Advaitism", Ajnana 73-114 AV152 Anagarika Govinda, "Concept and reality", VK 21, 1933-34, 174 ff. AV153 Jagadisvarananda, "Advaita and sannyasa", QJMS 24, 1933, 100-106 AV154 G.R.Malkani, "Ajnana", Ajnana 3-69 AV155 T.R.V.Murti, "Ajnana", Ajnana 117-226 AV156 M.Mukherjee, "Two types of subjectivism in monistic Vedanta", IHQ 9, 1933, 913-922 AV157 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Karma samnyasa", VK 20, 1933-34, 345-352 AV158 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Reason and revelation", VK 20, 1933-34, 291 AV159 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Sarvamukti or universal salvation", VK 20, 1933-34, 177 AV160 Dasaratha Sarma, "The Advaita Vedanta in the 7th century", IA 62, 1933, 78 AV161 R.Nagaraja Sarma, "Vedanta and psycho-analysis", AP 4, 1933, 490 ff. AV162 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Vidya and avidya", COJ l, 1933-34: 252, 283, 303, 351 AV163 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Brahman in Samkara Vedanta", COJ 1, 1933-34, 117-122 AV164 Kokilesvar Sastri, "The world in Samkara Vedanta", COJ 1, 1933-34: 25, 41 AV165 P.C.Divanji, "The practical side of the Advaita doctrine", RPR 5.2, 1934, 162178 AV166 A.Mukherjee, "Scientific analogies in elucidation of Vedantic ideas", RPR 5.2, 1934, 153-161 AV167 A.C.Mukerji, "The place of God in Advaita", PQ 10, 1934-35, 260-271 AV168 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "The place of God in Advaita", PQ 10, 1934-35, 236-259 AV169 P.T.Raju, "The absolute and negation", RPR 5.1, 1934, 47-60 AV170 R.Ramanujachari, "Vedanta on freedom and moral responsibility", JAU 3.2, 1934: 17, 6, 160 AV171 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Divine purpose in Samkara Vedanta", COJ 2, 1934-35, 205214 AV172 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Two viewpoints in the Vedanta", COJ 2, 1934-35, 145-149 AV173 R.Sama Sastry, "Avidya psychology", KBPCV 139-150 AV174 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "Disciplinary prelude to the study of Vedanta", VK 21, 193435, 218 ff. AV175 B.S.Stoffer, The Modernizing of the Vedanta. Chicago 1934 AV176 A.Bhattacharya, "Brahman and the world", JDL 28, 1935 AV177 Benodbehari Majumdar, "A glimpse of the Vedantic theory of non-perception", CR 57, 1935, 42-49 AV178 P.T.Raju, "The message of Samkara Vedanta to our times", Triveni 7, 1935, 562571. Also PICP 8, 1938, 804-812 AV179 K.S.Ramasvami Sastri, "Advaita and its critics", KK 2, 1935, 627-632 AV180 A.K.Banerjee, "Problem of evil in divine creation", VK 23, 1936-37: 15, 35 AV181 H.Banerjee, "Three stages of Vedanta philosophy", VK 23, 1936-36, 258 ff.

AV182 Asutosh Bhattacharya Sastri, Studies in Post-Samkara Dialectics. Calcutta 1936 AV183 Asutosh Bhattacharya, "Different types and stages of emancipation in Samkara's school of Vedanta", PB 41, 1936, 603-605 AV184 P.G.Dutt, "Doctrine of maya", PQ 12, 1936, 31-37 AV185 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The place of feeling in conduct: according to the Advaita", ProcIPC 12, 1936. Also PEIP 88-95 AV186 A.C.Mukerji, "Place of reasoning in Advaita philosophy", AUS 12, 1936, 117129 AV187 Satkari Mookerjee, "Concept of ajnana in Vedanta philosophy", IHQ 3, 1936, 99-108 AV188 P.T.Raju, "Nature of vitanda and its relation to the methodology of Advaita", PQ 12, 1936, 52-59 AV189 G.D.Rao, "Problem of evil", VK 23, 1936-37, 338 ff. AV190 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Reason and intuition in Vedanta", VK 23, 1936-37, 109 ff. AV191 B.L.Sharma, "Authority and obedience in Vedanta", IJE 46, 1936, 350-363 AV192 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Our waking and dreaming worlds in Samkara Vedanta", KK 3, 1936, 57-61 AV193 Mahendranath Sircar, "Metaphysical and spiritual implications of the Advaita Vedanta", KK 3, 1936, 29-40 AV194 A.K.Banerjee, "Man and the universe", VK 24, 1937-38, 386 ff. AV195 S.N.Bhattacharya, "The doctrine of maya", PB 42, 1937, 139-144 AV196 Rene Guenon, L'homme et son devenir selon le Vedanta. Fifth edition, Paris 1974. Italian translation, Bari 1937. Translated into English as Man and His Becoming according to the Vedanta, London 1945 AV197 M.Laksminarasimhiah, "The jiva in Advaita", PAIOC 8, 1937, 336-351 AV198 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The Vedantic idea of release", KK 4, 1937, 529-535 AV199 P.T.Raju, "Doctrine of maya", VK 24, 1937-38, 91 ff. AV200 Pranaveshananda, "Modern thought and Vedanta", VK 24, 1937-38: 427, 468 AV201 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "What Vedantism is", PB 42, 1937: 529, 598 AV202 Devabrata Sinha, "Vedanta as religion and philosophy", AUS 13, 1937, 61-136 AV203 Tejasananda, "Vedanta and science", CHI 1, 527-535 AV204 A.C.Das, "Notion of truth and criterion of falsity", CR 66, 1938, 185-196 AV205 V.Krishnamacharya, "Avidya in Advaita Vedanta", BKA 19-20 AV206 M.Ledrus, "Advaita and creation", NR 8, 1938, 256-269 AV207 B.S.Naik, "Theory of predication in Vedanta", PQ 14, 1938, 214-220 AV208 P.T.Raju, "Approaches to absolutism", VK 25 25, 1938-39, 296 ff. AV209 Sadhu Santinatha, Mayavada or the Non-Dualistic Philosophy (Vedanta). Poona 1938 AV210 Sadhu Santinatha, The Critical Examination of the Non-Dualistic Philosophy. Poona 1938 AV211 Kokilesvar Sastri, "How susupta state benefits our waking state", AP 6, 1938, 384 ff. AV212 Asutosh Shastri, "Some Vedantic views on universal causation", PB 43, 1938 44, 1939

AV213 Asutosh Shastri, "Two-fold universal cause: a Vedantic view", PB 43, 1938, 281284 AV214 Asutosh Shastri, "A critical study of the Advaita conception of illusory causation", PB 43, 1938, 18-20 AV215 P.D.Shastri, "The Vedantic conception of peace", PB 43, 1938, 119-120 AV216 S.Srikantha Sastri, "Advaitacaryas of the 12th and 13th centuries", IHQ 14, 1938, 401-408. Summarized in PAIOC 8, Summaries 1937, 85-86 AV217 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "An Advaitin's plea for continuity", JMU 10, 1938, 1-8 AV218 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Akhandartha", JOR 12,1938, 289-294. Also CPSSS 186-190 AV219 P.S.Venkatachala Sastrigal, "Ananda in Advaitavedanta", BKA 77-78 AV220 Siddhesvarananda, "Universe as a 'mind-construction'", VK 25, 1938-39, 90 ff. AV221 Otto Strauss, "Knowledge", VK 25, 1938-39, 10 ff. AV222 Asutosh Bhattacharya, "The monistic interpretation of ajnana and its inferential proof", IC 6, 1939, 45-52 AV223 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Knowledge and reality", PB 44, 1939, 610 ff. AV224 T.A.Venkatesvar Dikshitar, "Dream psychology in the Hindu system of thought", PAIOC 10, Summaries 1939, 78-79 AV225 Mysore Hiriyanna,"Advaita conception of time", PO 4, 1939, 47-48 AV225.5 Krishnananda, Let There Be Light, New York 1939 AV226 H.P.Maiti, "Arthapatti and epistemological possibilities of doubt", PQ 14, 1939, 314-321 AV227 G.R.Malkani, "Problem of suffering in the light of the Vedanta", VK 26, 193940, 11 ff. AV228 A.C.Mukerji, "Paul Deussen's interpretation of Vedanta", AUS (Phil.) 1939, 1-24 AV229 A.C.Mukerji, "The rational foundation of Advaita philosophy", PQ 14, 1939, 257-266 AV230 P.T.Raju, "Advaita and the moral paradoxes", VK 26, 1939-40, 252 ff. AV231 P.T.Raju, "Idea of superimposition and the sphere of mind", CR 70, 1939, 50-66 AV232 P.T.Raju, "The cultural significance of Advaita philosophy", IC 6, 1939, 15-22 AV233 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Philosophy of Advaita", NIA 2, 1939, 86-98 AV234 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Advaita Vedanta", QJMS 30, 1939-40: 207, 332, 418 AV235 Kokilesvar Sastri, "Maya in Samkara-Vedanta: its objectivity", POS 37, 1939: II, 327-342 AV236 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "A vindication of Advaitic transcendentalism", PQ 14, 1939, 291-302 AV237 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Jivanmukti", PQ 14, 1939, 303-313. Also CPSSS 244251 AV238 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "On the nature of sublation", NIA 2, 1939, 1-5. Also CPSSS 191-196 AV239 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "The apparent and the real self", PB 45, 1940, 408-412 AV240 D.C.Chattopadhyaya, "The preacher of nondualism: his qualifications", PB 45, 1940, 321-323 AV241 Rasvihary Das, "The falsity of the world", VK 27, 1940, 133-134

AV242 Deshikananda, "God and the problem of evil", PB 45, 1940: 354-360 AV243 Deshikananda, "A philosophic view of the ultimate", PB 45, 1940: 503, 565 AV244 S.N.Mitra, "Advaita and morality--an Advaitic transformation of will", VK 26, 1940, 407-414 AV245 Nikhilananda, "Vedanta and science", PB 45, 1940, 55-61 AV246 N.K.Pantulu, "Triple basis of the Vedanta", QJMS 31, 1940, 110-128 AV247 G.Hanumantha Rao, "The development of the Advaita doctrine of antahkarana in relation to perception", PQ 16, 1940-41, 183-191 AV248 Anilbaran Roy, "Advaita of the Gita", CR 76, 1940, 297-308 AV249 Satsvarupananda, "The conception of maya", VK 27, 1940, 44-45 AV250 Siddhesvarananda, "Purusartha--the ladder of life according to the Vedanta", VK 27, 1940, 212-219 AV251 Otto Strauss, "Some scholastic remarks on the mahavakya 'tattvamasi'", WoolCV 251-252 AV252 Otto Strauss, "Jiva and paramatman", DRBV 141-152 AV253 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Advaita, causality and human freedom", IHQ 16, 1940, 331-369. Also CPSSS 201-232 AV254 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Karma and fatalism", PQ 16, 1940-41, 81-88. Also CPSSS 233-238. Also TVOS 28.2, 2003, 61-72. AV255 M.Yamunacharya, "The Vedantic doctrine of intuition", PQ 16, 1940-41, 157163 AV256 B.B.Chaitanya, "Avidya and adhyasa", VK 27, 1941, 466-470 AV257 B.B.Chaitanya, "The problem of 'becoming'", PB 46, 1941, 362-366 AV258 P.M.Modi, "Relation between the two aspects of Brahman", IHQ 17, 1941, 160171 AV259 P.T.Raju, "The Vedantic attitude toward matter", HR 74, 1941-42, 31-38 AV260 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The category of difference in Vedanta", PQ 17, 1941-42, 100104 AV261 Mahendranath Sircar, "A neo-Vedantic conception of reality", CR 79, 1941, 229236 AV262 C.T.Srinivasan, "Causality and Vedanta", VK 28, 1941-42, 332-338 AV263 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Jnanad eva tu kaivalyam", PQ 17, 1941-42, 138-143. Also CPSSS 239-243 AV264 N.K.Brahma, "Vedantic transcendence", CR 82, 1942, 1-12. Also PQ 18, 194243, 51-62 AV265 Adidevananda, "Modern science and Vedanta", VK 29, 1942-43, 185-188 AV266 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The ethics of Advaita", VK 29, 1942-43, 109-113. Also PEIP 83-87 AV267 R.K.Iyer, "The Advaita doctrine", KK 9, 1942, 670-674 AV268 G.R.Malkani, "Kant and Vedanta", PQ 18, 1942-43, 1-8 AV269 G.R.Malkani, "A justification of mayavada", PQ 18, 1942-43, 221-249 AV270 A.Moses, "Vedantic theory of truth and error", PQ 18, 1942-43, 118-124 AV271 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Word and sense", ABORI 23, 1942, 424-430 AV272 N.K.Brahma, "Is the world unreal?", PB 48, 1943: 430, 492, 511

AV273 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The place of reason in Advaita", RPR 12.1-2, 1943, 13-18. Also IPS 1, 45-52 AV274 Christopher Isherwood, "What is Vedanta?", VATW 7, 1944, 164-176 AV275 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The implications of the doctrine of maya", PB 49, 1944, 153 ff. AV276 Indra Sen, "Is mayavada defensible", PQ 20, 1944, 68-95 AV277 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "Self, world and the Absolute in Advaitavada", VK 31, 194445: 98, 123 AV278 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Aspects of Advaita", VK 31, 1944-45 - 33, 1946-47 AV278.5 Roma Bose, Sufism and Vedanta. Calcutta 1945, 1964 AV279 Roma Chaudhuri, "Vedanta and Sufi monism", PB 50, 1945, 16-20 AV280 D.R.Deshpande, "Mayavada", JUBo 14, 1945, 57-68 AV281 Dinesh Chandra Guha, "The conception of jiva or the individual soul in the Advaita Vedanta philosophy", PB 50, 1945, 176-178 AV282 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Definition of Brahman", JGJRI 2, 1945, 287-293. Also IPS 1, 98-103 AV283 H.G.Narahari, "Advaitic account of the theory of karma", JGJRI 3, 1945, 349369 AV284 W.N.Pandit, The Place of Bhakti in Advaita Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Nagpur University 1945 AV285 P.Nagaraja Rao, A Comparative Study of the Religious Philosophy of A.N.Whitehead and the Advaita Vedanta of Samkara. Ph.D.Thesis, Banaras Hindu University 1945 AV286 T.B.Rao, "Dreamless sleep (susupti) in Vedanta", VK 32, 1945-46, 97 ff. AV287 Sharvananda, "Vedanta and communism", PB 50, 1945, 253-255 AV288 Siddhesvarananda, "Search after reality on the external plane", VK 32, 1945-46: 74, 135 AV289 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "The phenomenon theory of Advaita", VK 32, 1945-46, 60 ff. AV290 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Advaita--realistic aspect", VK 32, 1945-46, 203 ff. AV291 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Pure practical Advaita", VK 32, 1945-46, 33 ff. AV292 P.N.,Srinivasachariar, "Practical Advaita", VK 32, 1945-46, 138 ff. AV293 B.Kuppuswamy, "Imagery and the antahkarana theory of perception", JMU 7, 1946, 17-23 AV294 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The roots of Advaita in the Rgveda", DCKRPV 319-335 AV295 P.Negre, "Vedanta" (in Spanish). Pensiamento 2, 1946, 415-432 AV296 Maung Aung Pa, "What Advaita owes to Buddhism", MB 54, 1946, 8-11 AV297 Prajnananda, "Knowledge and the Absolute", PB 51, 1946, 101-106 AV298 C.Rajagopalachari, Vedanta: The Basic Culture of India. New Delhi 1946 AV299 P.T.Raju, "Arthapatti, its logical significance", PAIOC 13, 1946, 308-314 AV300 S.V.Ramamurti, "Advaita and mathematics", IR 47, 1946, 7-8 AV301 P.S.Sastri, "An examination of the Advaitic theory of jivanmukti", PAIOC 13, Summaries 1946, 7-8 AV302 S.Kuppuswami Sastri, Compromises in the History of Advaitic Thought. Madras 1946 AV303 Yatiswarananda, "God and the problem of evil", VATW 9, 1946, 114-122

AV304 Abhedananda, Attitude of Vedanta towards Religion. Calcutta 1947 AV305 A.L.Gregson, A Rational Justification of the Main Principles of Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of London 1947 AV306 Paul Hacker, "Vedanta-studien", WDO 1947, 242 ff. AV307 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Maya", AP 1947, 1950. Also PEIP 88-95 AV308 Prabhavananda, "Samsara and moksa", VATW 10, 1947, 123-127 AV309 Laksminarasimha Sastri, "Advaita and bhakti", KK 13, 1947-48 - 17, 1951-52 AV310 Siddhesvarananda, "Expose de la metaphysique de l'Advaita fonde sur l'analyse des trois tats", Psyche 2, 1947, 1045-1060 AV311 A.S.Nataraja Ayyar, "Quintessence of the Vedanta as a nyayaprasthana", PAIOC 14, Summaries 1948, 144 AV312 G.Watts Cunningham, "How far to the land of yoga? An experiment in understanding", PR 57, 1948, 573-590 AV313 A.Minakshisundaram Iyer, "Science and Advaita", KASGJ 22-32 AV314 K.B.Iyer, "The practical value of Advaita philosophy", BVK 1.1, 1948, 8-10 AV315 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Advaita in relation to European philosophical and religious thought in ancient and medieval times", KASGJ 13-18 AV316 T.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The Vedanta and the trend of modern science", KASGJ 41-47 AV317 R.Krishnamurthy, "Advaita and mathematics", KASGJ 61-64 AV318 S.Laksminarayana, "St. Tayumanavar, an exponent of Advaita philosophy", KASGJ 65-78 AV319 S.Laksminarayana, "Emerson, an apostle of Advaita in the Western world", KASGJ 79-92 AV320 S.V.Ramamurthi, "Advaita as the culmination of mathematics", KASGJ 60-61 AV321 Rama Tirtha, Mathematics and Vedanta (Vedanta Practised). Lucknow 1948 AV322 Siddhesvarananda, Essai sur le metaphysique du vedanta. Translated by M. Sauton et al. Angers 1948 AV323 K.S.Venkataraman, "Advaita and politics", KASGJ 19-21 AV324 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta--a philosophy of world-understanding", PB 54, 1949, 437-39 AV325 Deshikananda, "The rationale of evil in this world", VK 36, 1949-50, 545-552 AV326 C.K.Handoo, "Freedom as envisaged by the Vedanta", VK 36, 1949-50, 379-384 AV327 M.K.V.Iyer, "Intellect and intuition", BVK 1.3-4, 1949, 1-3 AV328 T.B.Rao, "The four mahavakyas of Advaita", VK 36, 1949-50, 456-468 AV329 P.Sankaranarayanam, "Jnanamarga", BVK 1.3-4, 1949, 4-8 AV330 P.N.Srinivasachariar, Aspects of Advaita. Madras 1949. Portions reprinted TVOS 18.2, 1993, 57-86; 19, 1994, 77-108; 20.2, 1995, 59-84 AV330.5 Ajarananda, The Word and the Cross in Ancient India. Bangkok 1950 AV331 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, Doctrine of Maya. Second edition.Calcutta 1950 AV332 P.J.Chaudhury, "Physical indeterminism in the light of Vedanta", PB 55, 1950, 491-494 AV333 P.J.Chaudhury, "The concept of maya", PB 55, 1950, 237-241 AV334 Paul Hacker, Unterschungen ber Texte des Frhen Advaitavada. I.Die Schle Sankaras. WAW 6, 1960

AV335 Adya Prasad Misra, Bhakti in Samkara Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Allahabad 1950 AV336 N.A.Nikam, "Plato's conception of the dialectic and the Vedanta: an interpretation", SB 73-79 AV337 Nityabodhananda, "The Vedantic approach to the problems of civilization", PB 66, 1950, 403-408 AV338 Sambuddhananda, "Vedanta, the perennial philosophy", PB 55, 1950, 277-279 AV339 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "There is an unchanging atman", VK 37, 1950-51, 28 ff. AV340 P.J.Chaudhury, "Aesthetics--a Vedantic view", B 56, 1951, 414-419 AV341 Haridas Chaudhury, "The Vedanta as purnadvaitavada", Mahendra 145-158 AV342 A.C.Das, "The awareness of ignorance", CR 118, 1951, 89-105 AV343 G.R.Malkani, "Some criticisms of the traditional concept of ajnana", Sarup 143152 AV344 G.R.Malkani, "Vedanta and the ethical consciousness", Mahendra 158-166 AV345 Nikhilananda, "The nature of Brahman in the Upanishads--the Advaita view", EEWP 234-248 AV346 P.T.Raju, "Vedanta and absolutism", PAIOC 13, 1951,287-292 AV347 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Vedanta, its influence on the changing world", PB 56, 1951, 46-48 AV348 B.K.Sengupta, "The problem of perception in Advaita Vedanta", IHQ 27, 1951, 287-292. Summarized in PAIOC 16, Summaries 1951, 214-220 AV349 Nalini Kanta Brahma, "Philosophy of the Vedanta", BRMIC 3.11, 1952, 214-220 AV350 P.J.Chaudhury, "The ground of things", VK 39, 1952-53, 504 ff. AV351 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta phenomenology", PB 57, 1952: 303, 330 AV352 A.C.Das, "Brahman and maya in Advaita metaphysics", PEW 2, 1952, 144-154 AV353 A.V.Gopalachariar, "Sad Vidya", BVK 4.3-4, 1952 - 5.3, 1953 AV354 Jan Gonda, "Maya", TVP 1, 1952, 3-62 AV355 Paul Hacker, "Die Lehre von den Realittsgraden im Advaita Vedanta", ZMR 36, 1952, 277-293. Reprinted in PHKS 120-136. Translated into English by John Taber, PhilCon 137-152 AV355.5 Krishnananda, The Realization of the Absolute. Rshikesh 1952, 1972 AV356 Nikhilananda, "The three states (avasthatraya)", PEW 2, 1952, 66-75 AV357 C.Kunhan Raja, "Where ancient thought and modern science meet", ALB 16, 1952, 59-86 AV358 P.T.Raju, "Post-Samkara Advaita", HPE 287-304 AV359 Saradananda, "The Vedanta, its theory and practice", VATW 15, 1952, 13-19. Also AOTV 108-123 AV360 Hari Prasad Shastri, "Atman--the Self", SK 3, 1952, 35-42 AV361 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "The Advaitic concept of God, soul and world", BVK 4.1, 1952, 9-10 AV362 P.S.Sastri, "Higher immediacy", PB 57, 1952, 221-226 AV363 P.S.Sastri, "Jivanmukti and avidya", PB 57, 1952, 345-349 AV363.5 V.A.Ramaswami Sastri, "Sastra--an independent pramana", DCRIB 12, 195152, 437-441 AV364 J.Stewart-Wallace, "Vedanta and the West", HJ 51, 1952-53, 113-120

AV365 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "The theories of drstisrsti and srstidrsti", PQ 26, 1953, 43-50. Reprinted PB 106, 2001, 569-573 AV366 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Post-Samkara Advaita", CHI 3, 255-280 AV367 Krishnachandra Bhattacharya, "The Advaita and its spiritual significance", CHI 3, 245-254. Also KCBSP I, 109-126 AV368 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Concept of saksin in Advaita Vedanta", OH 1, 1953, 69-76 AV369 Roma Chaudhuri, "The Vedantic conception of Brahman as saccidananda", PB 58, 1953: 419, 463, 497 AV370 A.C.Das, "Christian and Indian spiritual ethics", VQ 18, 1953. Reprinted in his Studies in Philosophy (Calcutta 1962) AV371 Gambhirananda, "Some positive aspects of Advaita Vedanta", PB 58, 1953, 5659 AV372 Paul Hacker, Vivarta. WAW 5, 1953 AV373 K.A.K.Iyer, "Philosophy of the Advaita", CHI 3, 219-236 AV374 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Essentials of Vedanta", CHI 3, 211-218. Also VSIPT 221235 AV374.1 D. S. Jatakey, "The metaphysical nature of the 'illusory'", JPA 1.2, 1953, 11-14 AV375 G.R.Malkani, Vedantic Epistemology. Amalner 1953 AV376 G.R.Malkani, "The spirit of Vedantic philosophy", PQ 26, 1953, 25-34 AV376.1 G. R. Malkani, "Our notion of reality", JPA 1.2, 1953, 1-3 AV377 P.M.Modi, "State of union with Brahman", GRSJ 15, 1953, 105-111 AV378 A.Sulochana Nachane, "From wonderland to reality in Advaita", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 256-257 AV379 B.K.Sengupta, "The philosophy of Advaita Vedanta", PB 58, 1953, 176-178 AV380 Hari Prasad Shastri, "Maya--the power of the Lord", SK 4, 1953, 3-6 AV381 Vivekananda Tirtha, "Illusory world", BVK 5.2, 1953, l-6 AV382 K.S.Varma, "Doctrine of maya", AUJR 1, 1953, 33-41 AV383 Candrodaya Bhattacharya, "On avidya or ignorance", PQ 27, 1954: 43, 79, 141 AV384 D.Chandler, "A dialogue on the meaning of Vedanta", VATW 105, 1954, 48-53 AV385 A.C.Das, "Advaita Vedanta and liberation in bodily existence", PEW 4, 1954, 113-124 AV386 P.D.Devanandan, The Concept of Maya. Calcutta 1954 AV387 Kurt F. Leidecker, "Awareness, cosmic and individual", VK 41, 1954-55, 130 ff. AV388 G.R.Malkani, "The synthetic view of Vedanta", ARWEP 184-192 AV389 M.R.Oke, "Philosophical essays", Srimant Pratpseth Amrita Jubilee Volume 3, 1954 AV390 T.M.P.Mahadevan, Time and the Timeless: Principal Miller Lectures 1953. Madras 1954 AV391 Devabrata Sinha, "Study on the Advaita theory of knowledge: the concept of selfillumination", CR 131, 1954, 53-64 AV392 Devabrata Sinha, "Concept of saksin in Advaita Vedanta", OH 2, 1954, 325-332 AV393 V.P.Varma, "Marxism and Vedanta", VQ 20, 1954, 131-152 AV394 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "The rational approach to Advaita philosophy", BRMIC 6, 1955, 73-84 AV395 N.B.Chakraborty, "Falsity of falsity", OH 3, 1955, 249-254

AV396 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, Self and Falsity in Advaita Vedanta. Calcutta 1955 AV397 P.J.Chaudhury, "Materialism versus mentalism (relative standpoints of modern science and Vedanta)", PB 60, 1955, 19-26 AV398 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta as a scientific metaphysics", PB 60, 1955: 331, 362 AV399 P.Chenchiah, "The Vedanta philosophy and the message of Christ", IJT 4.2, 1955, 18-23 AV400 A.De, The Development of the Vedanta Conception of Avidya. M.A.Thesis, University of London 1955-56 AV401 Arthur Isenberg, "Advaita Vedanta", JOR 25, 1955-56, 9-18 AV402 R.K.Iyer, "The conquest of maya", KK 19, 1955, 692-696 AV403 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Avasthatraya", VSIPT 285-309 AV404 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "Is Vedanta theology or philosophy?", VSIPT 235-250 AV405 V.Subrahmanya Iyer, "What does Vedanta signify to a modern mind?", VSIPT 251-266 AV406 G.R.Malkani, "A note on liberation in bodily existence", PEW 5, 1955, 69-74 AV407 P.S.Naidu, "Indiscipline and individuality", VK 42, 1955-56, 293 ff. AV408 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Preface to Vedanta", PB 60,1955: 406, 461,493 AV409 P.T.Raju, "Vrtti or psychosis", PAIOC 16, 1955, 347-350 AV410 H.Sarasvati, "The ego and the self" (translated by Alain Danielou). ALB 19, 1955, 241-312 AV411 P.S.Sastri, "Philosophy of history and the Vedanta", PB 60, 1955, 11-13 AV412 B.K.Sengupta, "The Vedantic theory of knowledge", IAC 3, 1955, 288-291 AV413 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Synthetic Vedanta", JMU 27, 1955, 305-344 AV414 Helmut von Glasenapp, "Das Gleichnis in der Vedanta Philosophie", BonnOS n.s. 3, 1955, 87-100 AV415 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "The concept of saksin as a unique Advaitic principle of knowledge', PAIOC 18, 1955, 492-498 AV415.5 Abhishiktananda, Ermies du Saccidananda: un essai d'integration chretienne de la tradition monastique de l'Inde. Paris 1956. Reprinted Tournai 1957. Translated in German, Salzburg 1962. Translated into English as Saccidananda: a Christian Approach to Advaitic Experience. Delhi 1974, 1984 AV416 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "The nature of ignorance", JPA 3.11-12, 1956, 7-16; reprinted in KKBLKO 252-261 AV417 N.B.Chakraborty, "Place of reasoning in Advaita philosophy", PQ 29, 1956, 177184 AV418 M.H.Das, "Phenomena and the Noumena: a study in Advaita in the light of Kant", Bh 1, 1956-57, 65-91 AV419 W.Heinrich, Verklrung und Erlsung im Vedanta. Salzburg 1956; Munchen 1962 AV420 John Levy, The Nature of Man according to the Vedanta. London 1956 AV421 S.K.Maitra, "Worldliness, unworldliness and other-worldliness", SPR 67-78 AV422 P.B.Mukerji, "The atom and the Vedanta", PB 61, 1956, 52-55 AV423 K.R.Rao, "Vedanta and the modus operandi of paranormal cognition", PQ 29, 1956, 35-38 AV424 P.S.Sastri, "Logic of being in Vedanta", PB 61, 1956: 418, 457, 486

AV425 P.S.Sastri, "Reality of the appearance", PB 61, 1956, 175-178 AV426 Mahendranath Sircar, "The Vedantic view of life", PB 61, 1956, 408-410 AV427 D.B.Shesh, Problem of Individuality and its Implications for Modern Idealism and Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, Agra University 1956 AV428 S.N.Bhattacharya, "Maya and avidya", PB 62, 1957, 234-237 AV429 P.J.Chaudhury, "Science and Vedanta", BRMIC 8, 1957, 188-190 AV430 Dhirendra Mohan Datta, "Inward and outward Advaita Vedanta", PQ 30, 1957, 165-172 AV431 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Drg-drsya-viveka", IPS 1, 135-137 AV432 Mysore Hiriyanna, "Advaitic conception of time", IPS 1, 104-106 AV433 S.K.Maitra, Main Problems of Philosophy, an Advaitic Approach. Two volumes. Calcutta 1957, 1962 AV434 G.R.Malkani, "Discussion: inward and outward Advaita Vedanta", PQ 30, 1957, 201-206 AV435 T.P.Ramachandran, "From cause to ground", JMU 28, 1957, 205-212 AV436 Louis Renou, "Grammaire et Vedanta", JA 245, 1957, 121-134 AV437 P.S.Sastri, "The logic of relations in Vedanta", PB 62, 1957: 424, 462, 507 AV438 P.S.Sastri, "Nature of implication", PQ 30, 1957, 19-40 AV439 P.K.Sundaram and S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Dialectics of difference", JMU 29, 1957, 31-62 AV440 A.K.R.Chaudhuri, "Advaita analysis of the knowledge problem", JASBe 24, 1958, 1-2 AV441 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta as phenomenology", BRMIC 9, 1958, 56-63 AV442 N.S.Dravid, "Is Advaita unrealistic?", JPA 5, 1958, 184-188 AV443 D.S.Jakatey, "Is Advaita unrealistic?", JPA 5, 1978, 178-183 AV444 A.G.Javadekar, "Double-edged catuskoti of Advaita Vedanta", JUB 7, 1958, 5358 AV445 Peter Mar, "The Trinity and saccidananda", IJT 7, 1958, 92-98 AV446 T.R.V.Murti, "The two definitions of Brahman in the Advaita", PQ 30, 1958. Also StIndT 52-87 AV447 P.Nagaraja Rao, Introduction to Vedanta. Bombay 1958, 1960 AV448 Raymondo Panikkar, "Der isvara des Vedanta und der Christus der Trinitt: ein philosophisches problem", PICP 12.10, 1958, 153-160. Also Antaios 2, 1961, 446-454 AV449 Johannes J. Poortman, "Die Frchtbarkeit der Grundgedankern des Vedanta fr die abendlndische philosophische Problematik", PICP 12, 1958, 179-188. Also KSS 51, 1959-60, 438-445. Translated into Dutch in Handeligen van het Vlaanes Filologen congres (Leuven 1959) AV450 S.S.Raghavachar, "Way of self-surrender and Vedanta", VK 45, 1958, 101 ff. AV451 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Advaita metaphysics (its religious significance)", PB 63, 1958, 74-79 AV452 P.S.Sastri, "Logic of change in Advaita", PB 63, 1958: 406, 449, 489 AV453 P.S.Sastri, "Principle of non-contradiction", PQ 30, 1958, 223-236 AV453.1 P.S. Sastri, "Negation in Indian idealism", JUS 7, 1958, 55-69

AV454 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Elements of Advaita in other schools of thought", JMU 30, 1958, 69-74 AV455 P.K.Sundaram, "Trtiyalingaparamarsa", JMU 30, 1958, 75-78 AV456 P.K.Sundaram, "Some reflections on jivanmukti in Advaita", JMU 30, 1958, 121134 AV457 K.C.Varadachari, "Logic of Advaita" in Narla Golden Book (1958). Also in Advent 1961 AV458 N.R.Warhadpande, "Doctrine of maya", JPA 5, 1958, 83-93 AV459 Abhedananda, The Vedanta Philosophy. Calcutta 1959 AV460 Akhilananda, "Time and eternity--the Vedantic viewpoint", JBR 27, 1959, 114117 AV461 R.Balasubramanian, "The significance of negative and affirmative Vedantic texts", JMU 31, 1959, 23-42 AV462 V.M.Bedekar, "The Moksadharma studies", ABORI 40.3-4, 1959, 262-288 AV463 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The real, the unreal and the illusory", PQ 31, 1959, 221-230 AV464 P.J.Chaudhury, "Deontological Vedanta", BRMIC 10, 1959, 169-181 AV465 P.J.Chadhury, "Vedanta as transcendental phenomenology", PPR 20, 1959-60, 252-263 AV465.5 Vedanta Through Letters from Swami Chinmayananda. Madras 1959 AV466 Isvarananda, "Nature and function of reason in Vedanta", VK 46, 1959, 246 ff. AV467 G.R.Malkani, "Ultimate reality", PQ 32, 1959, 21-30 AV468 K.Satchidananda Murty, Revelation and Reason in Advaita Vedanta. Waltair 1959; Delhi 1974 AV469 Hajime Nakamura, "Vedanta philosophy as seen from the scriptures of early Jainism", JOI 8, 1959, 148-155 AV470 R.S.N.Ramakrishnan, "A study in Advaita philosophy", VK 46, 1959, 258-259 AV471 A.N.Rao, "Relativity of bheda (difference) and abheda (nondifference) and of truth", VK 46, 1959, 287 ff. AV472 S.S.Raghavachar, "Place of reason in Advaita", JMysoreU 19, 1959-60, 29-48 AV473 Nityabodhananda, "Freedom and value", VK 46, 1959, 508 ff. AV474 P.S.Sastri, "Status of maya", ABORI 40, 1959, 185-211 AV475 P.S.Sastri, "Contradiction and metaphysics", PB 64, 1959, 210-218 AV476 S.Vittala Sastri, "Advaita and the method of realizing it", BRMIC 10, 1959, 250254 AV477 K.Savithri, "Conception of God in Advaita", VK 46, 1959, 215 ff. AV478 Veeramani Prasad Upadhyaya, Lights on Vedanta. ChSSt 6, 1959 AV479 Veeramani Prasad Upadhyaya, "Significance of karma in Advaitism", PAIOC 20, 1959, Vol. II, 333-342 AV480 R.K.Aiyer, Outlines of Vedanta. 1960 AV481 B.K.Chattopadhyaya, "Pitfalls in the history of Vedanta philosophy", IPC 5, 1960 AV482 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta as a scientific philosophy", PB 65, 1960: 183, 266 AV483 Smet, "Theological method and Vedanta", OT 4.1-2, 1960, 20-35 AV484 Govind Chandra Dev, "The doctrine of maya in Vedanta: what it implies", JASP 5, 1960, 148-163

AV485 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The Advaita conception of man", Religion and Society 7.34, 1960, 13-16 AV486 G.R.Malkani, "The logical and the mystical in Advaita Vedanta", PQ 32, 1960, 261-266 AV487 Giuseppe Morichini, "Early Vedanta philosophy", EAW 11, 1960, 33-39 AV488 H.B.Phillips, "Advaita Vedanta: according to scripture and according to reason", PB 65, 1960 AV489 C.Kunhan Raja, "Revelation and reason in Advaita Vedanta", PQ 33, 1960, 161168 AV490 Satprakasananda, "Isvara and his maya (from the nondualistic standpoint)", PB 65, 1960, 290-296 AV491 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Concept of consciousness in Advaita philosophy--not a study in the Advaita philosophy", PQ 34, 1961, 155-164 AV492 Vidyashankar Bharati, "Advaita and the theory of illusion", KK 25, 1961, 333339 AV493 P.J.Chaudhury, "A scientific approach to Vedanta", BRMIC 12, 1961, 235-243 AV494 P.J.Chaudhury, "Vedanta and ontology", PQ 34, 1961, 125-127 AV495 Roma Chaudhuri, "Is Vedanta dogmatic?", PB 66, 1961, 368-373 AV496 P.G.Kulkarni, "Is Advaita Vedanta unrealistic?", OT 5.1-3, 1961, 31-40 AV497 Hanshamdas Rattanmal Malkani, Metaphysics of Advaita Vedanta. Amalner 1961 AV498 Ganeswar Misra, "A study in the Vedanta theory of meaning", PQ 34, 1961, 171178 AV499 P.M.Modi, "Brahman: simultaneously sakara and nirakara: a forgotten period in the history of Indian (Vedanta) philosophy", SPP special number, March 1961, 37-42 AV500 T.P.Ramachandran, The Concept of Vyavaharika in Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Madras 1961 AV501 R.S.N.Ramakrishnan, "World in the Advaita system", VK 47, 1961, 519-521 AV502 R.M.Sharma, Advaita Vedanta: A Critical and Comparative Study of its History and its Tenets. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Agra 1961 AV503 J.Frits Staal, Advaita and Neoplatonism. Madras 1961 AV504 P.K.Sundaram, "The removal of nescience", JMU 33, 1961, 21-32 AV505 A.G.Krishna Warrier, Concept of Mukti in Advaita Vedanta. MUPS 9, 1961 AV505.5 Atmananda (Krishna Menon), Atmanirvrti: Freedom and Felicity in the Self. Trivandrum 1946, 1962; Haarlem 1955; Auxtin, TX 1983 AV506 George Bosworth Burch, "Principles and problems of monistic Vedanta", PEW 11.4, 1962, 231-238 AV507 M.S.Chowdhury, "The Advaita answer to Karl Marx", Darshana 5, 1962, 105109 AV508 Jagannath Das, "The akhandartha, the a priori and Advaita metaphysics", PQ 34, 1962, 229-232 AV509 A.G.Javadekar, "Reality of the world in Samkara Vedanta", JUB 11, 1962, 81-90 AV510 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The role of knowledge", Darshana 5, 1962, 6-9 AV511 G.R.Malkani, "Science and Advaita Vedanta", EPM 5-9 AV512 E.R.Marozzi, "Psychoanalysis and Vedanta", EPM 368-375

AV513 Hajime Nakamura, "The Vedanta as noticed in medieval Jain literature", in Indological Studies in honor of W. Norman Brown' (New Haven 1962), 186194 AV514 R.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "The status of the world phenomenon in the Advaita philosophy", SPP 2.2, 1962, 35-41 AV515 Ruth Reyna, The Concept of Maya. Bombay 1962 AV516 P.K.Sundaram, "Realism of Samkara and the world-illusion", EPM 384-394 AV517 Siddhinathananda, "The knowledge of ultimate truth (an Advaitic view)", Religion and Society 9.2, 1962, 28-35 AV518 Bede Thum, "Zum Problem der Gotteserkenntnis im Advaita-Vedanta", Kairos 4, 1962, 42-46 AV519 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "The nature of ultimate truth (an Advaitic view)", Religion and Society 9.3, 1962, 14-27 AV520 Advaitagranthakosa, prepared at Upanishad Brahmendra Mutt of Conjeeveram. Calcutta 1962 AV521 R.Krishnaswami Aiyar, The Great Equation. Bombay 1963 AV522 R.C.Bhadwe, "Vedanta darsana and the future of man", Vid 6, 1963, 78-99 AV523 Chandrodaya Bhattacharya, "The objects of the Advaitic transcendental consciousness", PQ 36, 1963, 179-187 AV524 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Notes on the relation between subject and object", CR 166, 1963, 207-210 AV525 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Final emancipation of Advaita Vedanta", CR 167, 1963, 233-266 AV526 Paul Hacker, "Die idee der Person im Denken von Vedanta-Philosophen", Hinduism 30-52. Also Studia Missionalia 13, 1963, 30-52. Reprinted PHKS 270292. Translated into English by Hugh van Skyhawk, PhilCom 153-176 AV527 Ramana Maharshi, Erase the Ego (compiled by Rajeswarananda). Bombay 1963 AV528 A.C.Mukerji, "The place of God in Advaita", RIndPh 369-381 AV529 T.R.V.Murti, "Illusion as confusion of subjective functions", RIndPh 25-39 AV530 Sangam Lal Pandey, "The old Advaita Vedanta", JGJRI 20-21, 1963-65, 167-234 AV531 Arthur L. Herman, "Maya", AO 34, 1963, 231-237 AV532 Krishnananda, The Realisation of the Absolute. Sivanandanagar 1964 AV533 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "The two mayas", PQ 36, 1963, 195-201 AV534 P.N.Srinivasachari, "Pure Advaita of Swami Vivekananda", JOI 13, 1963, 31-47 AV535 Anthony J. Alston, Early Post-Samkara Advaita. Ph.D.Thesis, Banaras Hindu University 1964. Summarized BHUab 4, 1965, 74-76 AV536 Ananyananda, "Self-knowledge", BRMIC 16, 1965, 265-305 AV537 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Absolute and the individual", CR 170, 1964, 8-32 AV537.5 V.K.Chari, Whitman in the Light of Vedantic Mysticism: an Interpretation. Lincoln, Nebraska 1964, 1969, 1976 AV538 Roma Chaudhuri, "An objection against brahmakaranavada", PB 69, 1964, 5862 AV539 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The jivanmukta's way of life", PB 69, 1964, 428-434 AV540 A.G.Javadekar, "Constructive reinterpretation of Advaita Vedanta", PQ 37, 1964, 1-10

AV541 A.G.Javadekar, "Some aspects of the Vedanta psychology", MRJ 1.2, 1964, 93101 AV542 K.Krishnamoorthy, "Vaisnavism and Advaitism", PB 69, 1964, 200-204 AV543 G.R.Malkani, "The relation of false identity", PQ 37, 1964, 141-150 AV544 Nityabodhananda, "Maya and will", PB 69, 1964, 451-459 AV545 K.E.Parthasarathy, "The soul of Vedanta", AP 35, 1964, 108-112 AV546 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Ontology of Advaita. Mulki 1964 AV547 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "Maya and mayavada: a critical retrospect", VK 51, 1964, 302-305 AV548 Satchidananda Sarasvati (ed.), Vedantins Meet (A Symposium on Samkara's Advaita). Holenarsipur 1964 AV548.1 Satchidanandendra, Vedantaprakriyapratyabhijna. 1964. Translated by A.J.Alston as The Method of the Vedanta, London 1989 AV549 V.Anjaneya Sarma, "On theories of the self in Advaita", SVUOJ 7, 1964, 75-78 AV550 Hari Prasad Shastri, "Subject-object in Advaita", SK 15.4, 1964, 125-127 AV551 Satprakasananda, "The sum and substance of Advaita Vedanta", PB 69, 1964, 9093 AV552 P.K.Sundaram, "Superimposition", VK 51, 1964, 352-355 AV553 Edward Thornton, "Jungian psychology and the Vedanta", AP 35, 1964, 159-163 AV554 Cheomil Velayachich, "Yusmad-asmad relation as starting-point in philosophy", JOR 34-35, 1964-66, 54-57 AV555 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "A new angle on the problem of unreality in Advaita", PB 69, 1964, 108-l15 AV555.5 Abhishikananda, Sagesse hindoue, mystique chretiene, du Vedanta a la Trinite. Paris 1965, 1991 AV556 A.V.Subramania Aiyer, "George Santayana and Vedanta", VK 52, 1965-66, 263285 AV557 Gade Ankayya, Vedanta Glossary. Guntur 1965, 1978 AV558 B.L.Atreya, "Vedanta and psycho-synthesis: possibility of cooperation between them", Psychics International 2.2, 1965, l-7 AV559 Jayachamaraja Wadiya Bahadur, "Advaita philosophy", Srngeri Souvenir 1965, 62-64 AV560 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "The position of God in Advaita philosophy", CR 175, 1965, 135-140 AV561 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "The position of 'I' in Advaita philosophy", CR 175, 1965, 179-186 AV562 Roma Chaudhuri, "Advaita Vedanta conception of the soul", VK 52, 1965-66, 25-27 AV563 Eliot Deutsch, "Levels of being", Darshana 20, 1965, l-9 AV564 Eliot Deutsch, "Karma as a 'convenient fiction' in the Advaita Vedanta", PEW 15, 1965, 3-12. Reprinted IPE 4, 243-252 AV565 A.Krishnaswamy Iyer, Vedanta or The Science of Reality. Revised edition, Holenarsipur 1965 AV566 S.Y.Krishnaswamy, "Misconception about maya", Srngeri Souvenir, Madras 1965, 93 ff.

AV567 A.C.Mukerji, "The crux of monism", PQ 38, 1965, 1-14 AV568 Paul Hacker, "Relations of early Advaitins to Vaisnavism", WZKSOA 9, 1965, 147-154. Reprinted PHKS 205-212; also PhilCon 33-40 AV569 S.S.Roy, The Heritage of Samkara. Allahabad 1965 AV570 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "An examination of avidya: some fundamentals in the metaphysical history of Advaita", PAIOC 22, 1965, 246-248 AV571 Devaprasada Sinha, The Idealist Standpoint. Santiniketan 1965 AV572 Smarananda, "Transcendence and immanence in Vedanta", PB 70, 1965, 22-27 AV573 Tapasyananda, "Concept of the Absolute in Vedanta", VK 52, 1965-66, 12-14 AV573.7 Abhishiktananda, Le rencontre de l'Hindouisme et la Chrisitanisme. Paris 1966. Translated into German by Christian Hackbarth-Johnson, Innsbruck 2005 AV574 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "The Advaita concept of falsity--a critical study", OH 14.2, 1966, 84 pp. AV575 Sudhindra Chandra Chakravarti, "The ethical aspect of Advaita", PB 71, 1966, 409-414 AV576 Sudhindra Chandra Chakravarti, "The doctrine of adhyasa (superimposition)", VJP 2.2, 1966, 75-89 AV577 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Language and reality", Anviksa 1.1, 1966, 13-23 AV578 K.Sarat Chandran, "The doctrine of maya", BKBCV 230-237 AV579 A.K.Chatterjee, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 165-169 AV579.5 Sanjukta Gupta, "The concept of jiva: Gaudiya Vaishnavism compared with that of Advaita Vedanta", Anviksa 1, 1966, 69-76 AV580 Daya Krishna, "Vedanta--does it really mean anything?", Conspectus 2.2, 1966, 20-28 AV581 Smet, "Maya or ajnana?", IPA 2, 1966, 220-225 AV582 Eliot Deutsch, "The self in Advaita Vedanta", IPQ 6.1, 1966, 5-21 AV583 N.S.Dravid, "A critical formulation of the maya doctrine", IPA 2, 1966, 208-214 AV584 S.Gopalan, "Maya and social progress", IPA 2, 1966, 246-254 AV585 Sanjukta Gupta, "The concept of jiva in Gaudiya Vaishnavism as compared with that of Advaita Vedanta", Anviksa 1.1, 1966, 69-76 AV586 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Advaita Vedanta is essentially a value philosophy", PB 71, 1966, 293-306 AV587 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The universe: its ontological status according to Advaita Vedanta", PB 71, 1966 AV588 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Bhakti from the Advaitic standpoint", VK 52, 1966, 477-483 AV589 A.G.Javadekar, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 170-178 AV590 Brahmachari Madhavan, "Advaita Vedanta--a bird's-eye view", VK 52, 1966, 443-450 AV591 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedanta and Buddhism", IPA 2,1966, 281-288 AV592 G.R.Malkani, "The Absolute and the individual", PQ 39, 1966, 47-54 AV593 G.R.Malkani, "A discussion of Daya Krishna's views on Advaitic adhyasa", PEW 16, 1966, 81-83 AV594 Manasvir Ramgopal G. Molhatta, Vedanta in Practice. Translated from Hindi by B.Bhattacharya. Bombay 1966

AV595 Harold Barry Phillips, "An application of the Aristotelian categories to Vedanta", VK 53, 1966-67: 283, 324 AV596 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 161-164. Also VKSS 1968-69, 229-232 AV597 P.Nagaraja Rao, The Philosophy of A.N.Whitehead in the Light of the Advaita Vedanta of Samkara. Tirupati 1966 AV598 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Criticism of the Advaitic concepts of experience, language and reality", VK 53, 1966-67, 449-453 AV599 Ruth Reyna, "Advaita Vedanta and modern challenges", Darshana 22, 1966, 7787 AV600 Manoranjan Sastri, "Advaitavada or philosophy of non-dualism in Kamarupa", BKBCV l16-127 AV601 P.S.Sastri, "Adhyasa: metaphorical structure of experience", PB 71, 1966, 342344 AV602 Santosh C. Sengupta, "The concept of maya", IPA 2, 1966, 196-207 AV603 B.H.Shreedhara, "The riddle of the Absolute", SVUOJ 9, 1966, 21-26 AV604 Siddheswarananda, Meditation according to Yoga-Vedanta. Translated from French by V.A.Thyagarajan. Puranattukara 1966 AV605 Ram Pratap Singh, "Radhakrishnan's substantial reconstruction of the Vedanta of Samkara", PEW 16, 1966, 5-32 AV606 P.K.Sundaram, "The non-difference of effect from cause", VK 53, 1966-67, 291293 AV607 K.C.Varadachari, "Vedanta", VK 52, 1966, 469-477 AV608 K.C.Varadachari, "A critique of dialectical Advaita", SVUOJ 9, 1966, 39-44 AV609 N.Veezhinathan, "The locus of avidya", IPA 2, 1966, 238-242 AV610 Kalyan Kumar Bagchi, "Maya, thought and subjectivity", VJP 4.1, 1967, 111116. Also in ProcIPC 1967, 81-85 AV611 Nirod Baran Chakravarty, The Advaita Concept of Falsity. Calcutta 1967 AV612 Eliot Deutsch, "Types of philosophical problems in classical Vedanta", CIDO 27, 1967, 354 AV613 N.K.Devaraja, "Contemporary relevance of Advaita Vedanta", ProcIPC 1967, 111 AV614 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The great illusion", PB 72, 1967, 253-262 AV615 Bernard Kelly, "A Thomist approach to the Vedanta", SCR 1, 1967, 164-170 AV616 Adya Prasad Misra, The Development and Place of Bhakti in Samkara Vedanta. Allahabad 1967 AV617 P.M.Modi, "The doctrine of prasthanatrayi--is it valid?", JOI 17, 1967-68, 53-58 AV618 Hajime Nakamura, "The particular nature of the Vedanta", KAG 159-165 AV619 Nityabodhananda, "Freud, Jung and Vedanta", PB 72, 1967, 489-497 AV620 Om Prakash Sharan, "The law of karma and rebirth", BMI 3.2, 1967, 15-27 AV621 P.S.Sastri, "Nature of difference", PB 72, 1967, 369-377 AV622 Shantananda, "Science of all sciences, Vedanta", BV 2, 1967, 145-150 AV623 A.L.Shivarudrappa, "Virasaivism and Advaita", SBECCV 363-369 AV624 Ramakant Sinari, "The phenomenological attitude in Samkara Vedanta", ProcIPC 1967, 57-68

AV628 Debabrata Sinha, "An approach to Vedanta", BRMIC 18, 1967, 365-370 AV629 I.K.Taimni, "Maya or the great illusion", Theosophist 87, 1967: 113, 167 AV630 V.P.Varma, "Contribution of Vedanta to world culture", BMI 3.1, 1967, 167-178 AV631 T.K.Gopalaswamy, "Pre-Samkara Upanisadic philosophy as expounded by Kalidasa", JGJRI 24, 1968, 179-186 AV632 Ananyananda, "Some phases of Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 19, 1968, 333-343 AV633 R.Balasubramaniam, "The Advaita view of liberation", in Sankara and Shanmata AV634 Siddheswar Rameshwar Bhatt, The Philosophy of Pancharatra: An Advaitic Approach. Madras 1968 AV635 Grace E. Cairns, "Time, eternity and social progress in the Advaita Vedanta of T.M.P.Mahadevan", Darshana 31, 1968, 64-68 AV636 Satischandra Chatterjee, "The Vedantic way of life", DMDV 65-70 AV637 S.K.Chattopadhyaya. "Advaitism as the philosophy of transcendence", ProcIPC 1968, 69-76 AV638 A.C.Dharmraj, "Christian mysticism is not Vedantic monism", IPC 13.3, 1968, 37-42 AV639 A.C.Dharmraj, "Union or communion (Christian and Vedantic points of view)", IPC 13.4, 1968 - 14.2, 1969 AV639.5 R. R. Dravid, "The Advaita theory of universals", VandB 134-146 AV639.8 Daya Krishna, "Adhyasaa non-Advaitic beginning in Samkara Vedanta", PEW 18, 1868. Reprinted IPACP 370-380 AV640 Sengaku Mayeda, "The Advaita theory of perception", WZKSOA 12-13, 196869, 221-240 AV641 Angelo Morretta, Il Pensiero Vedanta. Roma 1968 AV642 Mukhyananda, "The concept of God in Vedanta", BRMIC 19, 1968, 303-318 AV643 Hajime Nakamura, "The circumstances of the formulation of the Vedanta school", SPC 184-193 AV644 Hajime Nakamura, "The Vedanta philosophy as was revealed in Buddhist scriptures", in Mandan Mishra (ed.), Pancamrtam (Delhi 1968), 1-76 AV645 Hajime Nakamura, "Vedanta philosophy in philosophical and religious works", JGJRI 24, 1968, 47-64 AV645.5 C.P.M.Namboodiry, "Advaita and Indian tradition", VandB 167-186 AV646 Harold Barry Phillips, "Maya: an interpretation", VK 55, 1968-69, 150-158 AV647 Harold Barry Phillips, "Maya: a fresh assessment", VK 55, 1968-69: 303, 350, 382 AV648 S.O.Ramkrishna, "The role of reason (yukti) in Advaita Vedanta", Research Journal of Philosophy (Ranchi) 1.2, 1968 AV649 P.Nagaraja Rao, The Heritage of Vedanta. Madras 1968 AV650 M.T.Sahasrabudhe, A Survey of the Pre-Samkara Advaita Vedanta. Poona 1968 AV651 Lambert Schmithausen, "Zur advaitischen Theories der Objecterkenntnis", WZKSOA 12-13, 1968-69, 329-360 AV652 K.Seshadri, "Echoing accounts: Vedanta and Emerson", VK 55, 1968-69, 42-45 AV653 Bhoomananda Tirtha, Brahma Vidya Abhyasa, or Reality and the Method to Trace It. Paralam 1968, 1970

AV654 B.N.Bhatta, "Samkaracarya's Advaita and Pratyabhijna system--a comparison", JOI 19, 1969-70, 53-59 AV655 Richard Brooks, "The meaning of 'real' in Advaita Vedanta", PEW 19, 1969, 385398 AV656 Kshitish Chandra Chakravarti, Vision of Reality. Calcutta 1969 AV657 Pritibhusan Chatterji, "Concept of liberation and its relevance to philosophy (an Advaitic approach)", IPA 5, 1969, 67-75 AV658 Eliot Deutsch, Advaita Vedanta: A Philosophical Reconstruction. Honolulu 1969. Portion reprinted in IWP 1997, 24-32 AV659 Paul Hacker, "Essere e spirito nel Vedanta", Filosofia e vita (Nuova series) 10, 1969 (No. 4. Ott-Dic) 26-46, 293-319. Translated into English by Wilhelm Halbfass, PhilCom 187-210 AV660 K.A.Krishnaswamy Iyer, "The fundamentals of Vedanta" in KAKICW AV661 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The special relevance of Advaita Vedanta to modern times", PB 74, 1969, 422-428 AV662 A.G.Javadekar, "A valuational discrepancy in Advaita Vedanta", in Sankara and Shanmata AV663 T.M.P.Mahadevan, The Philosophy of Beauty with special reference to Advaita Vedanta. Bombay 1969 AV664 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The Advaita view of time", SMFV 500-503 AV665 Satya Deva Mishra, "The theory of appearance in Samkara Vedanta", IPA 5, 1969, 272-290 AV666 Raimundo Panikkar, "Advaita and bhakti", BDCV 230-239 AV667 D.Prithipal, Advaita Vedanta: Action and Contemplation. Varanasi 1969 AV668 T.P.Ramachandran, The Concept of the Vyavaharika in Advaita Vedanta. Madras 1969 A669 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Three Lectures on Advaita as Philosophy and Religion. Mysore 1969 AV670 V.Anjaneya Sarma, "The language of Samkara's Advaita", VK 56, 1969-70, 386390 AV671 C.Sampurna, "Intentionality in Brentano and Vedanta", IPA 5, 1969, 217-225 AV672 S.P.Singh, "The Absolute in Vedanta", Darshana 36, 1969, 61-64 AV673 B.Sitamahalaksmi, "The concept of bhakti in Advaita", in Sankara and Shanmata AV674 P.K.Sundaram, "Liberation in Advaita", IPA 5, 1969, 63-66 AV675 I.K.Taimni, "The nature of mind according to Vedanta", AB 91.1, 1969-70, 317332 AV676 V.P.Upadhyaya, "Samkara's Advaita", CIDO 26, 1969, 494-497 AV677 N.Veezhinathan, "Preceptors of Advaita", in Sankara and Shanmata AV678 Edward Albertson, Vedanta. Los Angeles 1970 AV679 Bhabas Chandra Chaudhuri, "Vedanta and Einstein", Cosmic Society 8.6, 1970, 36-42 AV680 Eliot Deutsch, "Vedanta and ecology", IPA 6, 1970, 79-88 AV681 N.K.Devaraja, "Contemporary relevance of Advaita Vedanta", PEW 20, 1970, 129-136. Reprinted NKDPRC 161-170 AV682 R.K.Garg, "A discourse on saccidananda", UMCV 65-80

AV683 Paul Hacker, "Cit and nous, or the concept of spirit in Vedantism and in Neoplatonism", Vortrag gehalten von der Internationalen Gesellschaft fr Erforschung des Neoplatonismus 1970. Reprinted PHKS 320-337; also NIT 161180; also PhilCom 211-226 AV684 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "To know Brahman is to become Brahman", MP 6, 1970, 230-233 AV685 G.V.Kulkarni, "Contribution of Sri Raman Maharsi to the Vedantic mysticism", MP 6, 1970, 160-166 AV686 John Levy, Immediate Knowledge and Happiness (Sadyomukti): The Vedantic Doctrine of Non-Duality. Revised edition, London 1970 AV687 T.M.P.Mahadevan, The Insights of Advaita. Mysore 1970 AV688 N.A.Nikam, Vedanta: Delight of Being. Mysore 1970 AV689 Troy Organ, "An interpretation of maya", VJP 6.2, 1970, 51-56 AV690 R.Puligandla, "Professor Deutsch on karma", Darshana 38, 1970, 27-33. Also KIAP 10.2, 1971, 42-49 AV691 Ramchandra Dattatreya Ranade, Vedanta: The Culmination of Indian Thought. Bombay 1970 AV692 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Ontology of Advaita", BV 5, 1970, 42-56 AV693 K.L.Seshagiri Rao, "On truth: a Vedantic perspective", Srngeri Souvenir, Srirangam 1970, 9-14 AV694 C.Sampurna, "Concept of person in Strawson and Vedanta", IPA 6, 1970, 181188 AV695 P. Sankaranayanan, What is Advaita? Bombay 1970 AV696 Bhoomananda Tirtha, Vedantic Way of Living. Paralam 1970 AV696.5 Abhishiktananda, Eveil a soi-eveil a Dieu. Paris 1971. Expaned and translated into German as Die Gegenwarten Gottes erfahrung, Mainz 1980 AV697 S.S.Barlingay, "Mayavada or a critical examination of the theory of worldillusion", FRSD 263-278 AV698 Devaprasad Bhattacharya, "Advaita views on causality", TBIC 177-193 AV699 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "Advaita and Western thought", IPA 7, 1971, 3-18 AV700 Sudhindra Chandra Chakravarty, "The Advaita doctrine of the highest ideal and the means of its realisation", VJP 7.2, 1971, 42-59 AV701 Pritibhushan Chatterji, "Advaita theory of causality", ProcIPC 1971, 121-138 AV702 Roma Chaudhury, "The Vedantic conception of Brahman as saccidananda", TBIC 161-176 AV703 Roma Chaudhury, "Sufism and Vedanta", TBIC 311-322 AV704 Richard V. de Smet, "Questioning Vedanta", IPA 7, 1971, 97-105 AV705 Haridas, Message of Vedanta in the Age of Modern Science. Calcutta 1971 AV706 Oscar Marcel Hinze, "Parmenides' Auffahrt zum Licht und der Tantrische Yoga", Symbolon 7, 1971, 53-79 AV707 P.K.Jain, "Vedantic conception of illusion: a critical analysis", JainJ 6, 1971-72, 50-59 AV708 Ganeswar Misra, "What is right and wrong in and about Samkara's Vedanta", CR n.s. 3, 1971-72, 321-322

AV708.5 R. C. Mohapatra, "The concept of jivanmukri in Advaita Vedanta", PAOPA 3, 1971, 39-43 AV709 R.N.Mukherji, "Pramanyavada and some problems of svatahpramanyavada in Advaita Vedanta", Anviksiki 4.4, 1971, 14-35 AV710 Nityabodhananda, La notion de maya dans la pense indienne et le thme de l'absurde chez Camus. Doctoral dissertation, University of Paris 1971 AV710.5 D. M. Praharaj, "A note on the doctrine of maya", PAOPA 3, 1971, 47-48 AV711 Prajnananda, "Indefinable maya in Advaita Vedanta", TBIC 139-160 AV712 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Jnana in Advaita philosophy", PB 76, 1971, 411-414 AV713 P.Nagaraja Rao, Religion in the Changing World. Belgaum 1971 AV714 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Sri Samkara's Advaita and its relevance to our age and problems", BV 6, 1971, 28-43 AV715 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The realist encounter with Advaita", IPA 7, 1971, 106-112 AV716 Pabitra Kumar Roy, "Vedanta and Western philosophy", IPA 7, 1971, 86-96 AV717 Sadananda Giri, "Spiritual practice of Advaita Vedanta", TBIC 97-104 AV718 Saccidanandendra Sarasvati, Essays on Vedanta (Matter and Method). Holenarsipur 1971 AV719 Satprakashananda, The Goal and the Way. The Vedantic Approach to Life's Problems. St. Louis, Mo. 1977 AV720 Satswarupananda, "A critique of Advaita philosophy", TBIC 87-96 AV721 David C. Scott, "Causation and creation in Advaita and Visistadvaita Vedanta", JRS 3.2, 1971, 51-61 AV722 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "The problem of perception in Advaita Vedanta", FRSD 357-262 AV723 Santosh Chandra Sen Gupta, "The metaphysics of inwardness", Srngeri Souvenir, Srirangam 1971, 81-85 AV724 K.Seshadri, "Advaita Vedanta and Western thought", IPA 7, 1971, 44-49. Also AP 43, 1972, 386-390 AV724.5 Candradhar Sharma, "The Advaita tradition in Indian philosophy", PAOPA 3, 1971, 1-8 AV725 Ramakant Sinari, "Pure consciousness as the ontological assumption in Samkara Vedanta", Anviksiki 4.1-2, 1971, 37-42 AV726 Jadunath Sinha, Problems of Post-Samkara Advaita Vedanta. Calcutta 1971 AV727 G.Srinivasan, "Heidegger and Advaita Vedanta", IPA 7, 1971, 76-85 AV728 Padma Sudhi, "Vedanta and modern Christian theology", PTG 6.1, 1971, 98-108 AV729 Jnanananda Bharati, "An introduction to the study of Vedanta", VK 58, 1971-72: 33, 93, 173, 227, 258, 295, 347, 379, 414 AV730 R.K.Tripathi, "Advaita Vedanta and Western thought", IPA 7, 1971, 36-43 AV731 K.Pichu Aiyar, The Role of Advaita Philosophy: A Study. Madras 1972 AV732 N.V.Banerjee, "The foundations of Advaita Vedanta", CRIP 23-36 AV733 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Advaita concept of subjectivity", VJP 8.2, 1972, 122. Also PhilEW l-16 AV734 Karuna Bhattacharya, "Santarasa et Advaita, propos d'un livre recent", JA 1972, 89-106

AV735 Richard V. de Smet, "Is the concept of 'person' congenial to Samkara Vedanta?", IPA 8, 1972, 199-205 AV736 Arthur Isenberg, "Advaita Vedanta", SPP 12.1, 1972, 13-23 AV737 D.S.Jakatey, "The notion of 'non-difference' in Advaita Vedanta", PTG 6.2, 1972, 81-85 AV738 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedantic meditation and its relation to action", IPA 8, 1972, 215-226 AV739 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedanta in the United States", MHBCV 223-232 AV740 Satkari Mookerjee, Modern Polity and Vedanta. Calcutta Sanskrit College Research Series 81, 1972 AV741 Hajime Nakamura, "Early Vedantic scholars subsequent to the Brahmasutra", SIAAC 1, 1972, 165-170 AV742 Hajime Nakamura, "Vedanta philosophy in pure literary works", S.K.De Memorial Volume (Calcutta 1972), 129-144 AV743 Prabhavananda, The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta. Madras 1972 AV744 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Prof. M.Hiriyanna and the theory of maya", MO 5, 1972, 97-104 AV745 S.N.L.Shrivastava, "The Gita and the school of Vedanta", PTG 6.2, 1972, 39-49 AV746 Hari Keshab Sen, "The infinite in Vedanta and the mathematical theory of infinity", BRMIC 23, 1972, 241-247 AV747 Ramakant Sinari, "The phenomenological attitude in the Samkara Vedanta", PEW 22, 1972, 281-290 AV748 B.Sitamahalakshmi, "Concept of bhakti in Advaita Vedanta", BITC 1972 (Jan.June) 1-49 AV749 N.Veezhinathan, "The locus and content of modal ignorance in Advaita", IPA 8, 1972, 282-294 AV749.1 Yogeshananda, "Existentialism and Vedanta", YQR 3, 1972, 31-52 AV750 Yogesvarananda, Science of Soul. Second edition. Rishikesh 1972 AV751 J.G.Arapura, "Maya and the discourse about Brahman", PTT 109-121. Reprinted HEVT 23-38 AV752 Jogiraj Basu, "Advaita Vedanta and modern physics", JUG 24-25, 1973-74, 8493 AV753 Richard W. Brooks, "Some uses and implications of Advaita Vedanta's doctrine of maya", PTT 98-108 AV754 Mohan Chaitanya, "Right knowledge and its implications", MP 10, 1973, 67-70 AV755 Ksitish Chandra Chakravarty, "The Vedantic concept of ignorance", BRMIC 24, 1973, 281-286 AV756 Roma Chaudhuri, "Nirgunatva of Brahman", RBJ 6, 1973, 101-106 AV757 Eliot Deutsch, "The multileveled ontology of Advaita Vedanta", in E.Gerow and M.D.Lang (eds.), Studies in the Language and Culture of South Asia (Seattle 1973), 151-160 AV758 M.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "Transcendent character of Advaitic experience", VK 60, 1973-74, 279-283 AV759 S.Karunakaran, "Concept of Being according to Advaita Vedanta", IPA 9, 197374, 25-32

AV760 A.G.Javadekar, "Epistemological appeal to the existence of God", PTG 8.1, 1973, 53-61 AV761 Kashinath, The Scientific Vedanta. New Delhi 1973 AV762 Olivier Lacombe, "Reflexions on Sri Ramana Maharsi", GWAM 183-194 AV763 Ganeswar Misra, "Avidya, adhyasa and other related concepts", BUUJH 7, 1973, 1-6 AV764 Tapati Mukhopadhyaya, "Logical significance of the Vedantins' distinction between jiva and jivasaksi", BUUJH 7, 1973, 55-60 AV765 Jayashri Nag (Sengupta), Two Works on Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, Visvabharati University 1973 AV766 K.P.Parthasarathy, "Vedanta in practical life", PTG 8.1, 1973, 26-32 AV767 S.S.Raghavachar, "Karnataka and Vedanta", Srikantha 239-244 AV768 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Relevance of Vedanta to modern life", VK 60, 1973-74, 273-279 AV769 V.Madhusudana Reddy, "Anandamaya Brahman and world creation", IPA 9, 1973-74, 33-42 AV770 Saccidanandendra Sarasvati, Intuition of Reality. Holenarsipur 1973 AV771 Satprakashananda, "The applicability of Vedanta to modern life", PB 78, 1973, 90-94 AV772 Frithjof Schuon, "Atma-maya", SCR 7, 1973, 130-138 AV773 Peter Schreiner, "Some remarks about the function of reason in modern Advaita philosophy", Anviksiki 6.3-4, 1973, 114-122 AV773.5 B.N.K.Sharma, Lectures on Vedanta. Dharwad 1973 AV774 A.K.Sinha, "The Vedantic ideals of human existence", Hindutva 4.5, 1973, 11-29 AV775 C.R.Swaminathan, "The karma theory of the Advaitins", Smrtigrantha 10-14 AV776 V.Swaminathan, "Advaita", SVUOJ 16, 1973, 19-24 AV777 Yogesvarananda, The Science of Divinity or Brahma Vigyana. Translated from Hindi by M.L.Sharma. Rishikesh 1973 AV778 Abhishiktananda, Saccidananda: A Christian Approach to Advaita Experience. Delhi 1974 AV779 S.P.Atreya, "Four states of experience", Darshana 14.3 (55), 1974, 1-10 AV780 S.R.Bhatt, "The concept of maya", IndPQ 2, 1974-75, 65-70 AV781 Kalidas Bhattacharya, "The Absolute as pure consciousness", Sambodhi 3.2-3, 1974 - 3.4, 1975 AV782 L.S.S.Chakravarty, "Summum bonum of life: Vedantic view", SBL 93-117 AV783 Bani Deshpande, The Universe of Vedanta. Bombay 1974 AV783.5 Jyotirmayananda, Waking, Dream and Deep Sleep. Miami, Fla. 1974 AV784 Jacob Kattakkal, Ethics of Advaita. Ph.D. Thesis, Kerala University 1974 AV784.5 Krishnananda, Meditation, its Theory and Practice. Shivanandanagar 1974 AV785 B.R.Kulkarni, "Ethical and religious aspects of Absolutistic philosophy", CSFV 365-372 AV786 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Contemporary relevance of the insights of Advaita", ContIP 109-132 AV787 T.P.Meenakshisundaram, "Advaita in Tamil", JMU 46.2, Part I, 1974, 1-67

AV787.5 S.R.Mukherjee, "An inquiry into the metaphysics of atman", PICP 48, 1974, 28-40 AV788 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Reality and categories of thought: the Advaitic perspective", IPA 10, 1974-75, 21-28. Also PB 82, 1977, 213-218 AV789 Ruth Reyna, "Mayavada and science", Hindutva 4.10, 1974, 6-12 AV790 Ruth Reyna, "Concept of no-time in Advaita Vedanta", Hindutva 5.3, 1974, 9-12 AV791 Brahmanandendra Sarasvati, "A correct understanding of the concept of maya in Vedanta", PTG 9.1, 1974, 63-72 AV792 Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Advaita Vedanta", Hindutva 5.1, 1974, 16-18 AV793 Deba Brata Sen, "Pancakosa and Panca Kancuka--a study in comparison", CDSFV 385-391 AV794 Gummaraju Srinivasan, Essentials of Vedanta. Bangalore 1974 AV795 Narendra V. Soosania, Dialogues on the Atman. Lund 1974 AV796 L.K.L.Srivastava, "The purpose of the attainment of jivanmukti", Darshana 14.4 (56), 1974, 1-8 AV797 P.K.Sundaram, "Akhandartha", IPA 10, 1974-75, 183-187 AV798 Vireswarananda, "The place of bhakti in Advaita Vedanta", PB 79, 1974, 300309 AV799 Pratibha Acharya, "Self-realisation in Jung and Vedanta", CR n.s. 1, 1975-76, 127 AV800 R.Balasubramanima, "On the locus of avidya", JMU 47.2, Part II, 1975, 39-54 AV801 Kalidas Bhattacharya, A Modern Understanding of Advaita Vedanta. LDS 47, 1975 AV802 G.L.Chaturvedi, "The Advaita Vedanta theory of perception: a restatement", ABSP 7, 1975-76, 93-100 AV803 S.S.Cohen, Advaitistic Sadhana. Varanasi 1975 AV804 Jagannath Das, "The authority of the srutis and the smrtis: the Sankarite way", PAOPA 5, 1975, 7-12 AV805 D.V.Gundappa, Advaita, Faith and Practice. Bombay 1975 AV806 K.J.Krishnaswami, "Avidya and vidya (ignorance and learning)--a study in Vedanta", VK 62, 1975-76, 147-152 AV807 Laxman Prasad Mishra, "Place and importance of reason in Vedanta", IPC 20, 1975, 175-183 AV808 Satya Deva Mishra, "The Advaitic concept of abhasa", VRFV 267-289 AV809 Yogini Nighoskar, "Adhyasa", PTG 10.l, 1975, 14-20 AV810 Nityabodhananda, "Some modern trends in psycho-analysis in the light of the Vedanta", PB 80, 1975, 110-114 AV811 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Advaita as a philosophy of science", PICP 1975. Reprinted WIP 390-408 AV812 C.M.Pathak, "A conceptual re-translation of the key Vedantic terms", Bharata Manisha 1.2, 1975, 55-58 AV813 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, "Identifying maya", PB 80, 1975, 424-426, 431 AV814 Yashdev Shalya, "A Vedantic conception of man, history and society", VJP 12, 1975-76, 43-55

AV815 Ram Murti Sharma, "Modern monism and the Vedanta of Samkara", VIJ 13, 1975, 305-310 AV816 K.Subrahmanyam, "Grace in Vedanta", GSSVIC 23-30 AV817 P.K.Sundaram, "The symbol and meditation in Advaita", JMU 47.1, Part III, 1975, 48-59 AV818 P.K.Sundaram, "Advaita and the problem of religious language", AOR 25, 1975, 145-155 AV819 N.Veezhinathan, "The nature and destiny of the individual soul in Advaita", JMU 47.1, Part II 1975, 1-38 AV820 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "Advaitic ethics--a re-examination", VRFV 499-508 AV821 G.Adhikari, "A comment on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 40-60 AV822 J.G.Arapura, "Can one participate in the Vedantic gnosis (jnana) through thought alone?", KCV II,475-486 AV823 R.Balasubramaniam, Advaita Vedanta. Madras 1976 AV824 R.Balasubramaniam, "Some problems in identity mysticism", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 477-494 AV825 Jnananda Bharati, An Introduction to Vedanta. Thankarai, Madurai Dt., 1976 AV826 S.R.Bhatt, "A note on vidya and avidya", KCV I, 93-96 AV827 Dilip Bose, "On the book 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 136-143 AV828 Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya, "Further notion on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 246-271 AV829 Bani Deshpande, "Erudite quackery on Vedanta philosophy", MonV 61-107 AV830 Richard V. de Smet, "Chinks in the armour of avidya", KCV I, 77-84 AV831 S.A.Dange, "On the controversy regarding the book 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 287-290 AV832 Jagadish Dasgupta, "'The Universe of Vedanta'-- a total repudiation of Marxism", MonV 202-214 AV833 S.H.Divatia, "Maya: a note", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 513-514 AV834 M.Farooqi, "A historical distortion in 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 117-118 AV835 D.V.Gundappa, "Advaita and bhakti", PTG 10.2, 1976, 12-15 AV836 P.Gupta, "Some comments on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 215-219 AV837 T.K.John, "Deep sleep experience: a probe into its philosophical import", ABORI 57, 1976, 117-127 AV838 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vidya and avidya", KCV I, 69-76 AV839 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Time and timelessness", JD 1, 1976, 324-330 AV840 Ganeswar Misra, The Advaita Concept of Philosophy: Its Method, Scope and Limits. Bhubaneshwar 1976 AV841 K.P.Mishra, "Vidya and avidya", KCV I, 97-100 AV842 P.R.Nambiar, "Discussion on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 152-155 AV843 V.Raghavan, "The Visnu-Purana and Advaita", Purana 18, 1976, 149-152. Reprinted Purana 32.1, 1990, 50-53 AV844 Anil Rajimwale, "Comments on 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 165-176 AV845 G.Ramakrishna, "Neither Marxism nor Vedanta", MonV 272-286 AV846 G.J.Ramarao, "'The Universe of Vedanta': the halo and the hollowness", MonV 220-245

AV847 Srinivasa Rao, "Anatman, anirvacaniyakhyati and Advaita", PEW 26, 1976, 7174 AV848 Rina Roy, "Some contemprary reflections on maya", VJP 13, 1976-77, 67-73 AV849 D.P.Sen, "Avidya and its relation to vidya", KCV I, 85-92 AV850 S.G.Sardesai, "The social role of Vedanta", MonV 108-116 AV851 Mohit Sen, "'The Universe of Vedanta'--an outrageous attack on MarxismLeninism", MonV 108-116 AV852 Ram Murti Sharma, "Concept of vrtti", PURB 7.2, 1976, 99-102 AV853 K.D.Sikdar, "On 'The Universe of Vedanta'", MonV 144-151 AV854 Harbans Singh, "'The Universe of Vedanta'--a total repudiation of Marxism", MonV 196-201 AV855 Debabrata Sinha, "Consciousness--the Vedantic predicament", KCV II, 487-498 AV856 Jnananda Bharati Swaminaha, An Introduction to Vedanta. Calcutta 1976 AV857 Kapil N. Tiwari, Dimensions of Renunciation in Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1977 AV858 Kapil N. Tiwari, "Origin and development of the idea and institution of renunciation in Vedanta", IndPQ 4, 1976-77, 575-596 AV859 N.Vanamamalai, "Vedanta and Marxism", MonV 177-195 AV860 S.P.Varma, "Contemporary relevance of Advaita Vedantic conception of mukti", VK 63, 1976-77: 312, 383 AV861 N.Veezhinathan, "On the annihilating factor of the knowledge of the self", AOR 26, 1976, 1-7 AV862 Vishadananda, "Saktimaya and bodhamaya practices and attainments", BV 11, 1976, 181-193 AV863 H.Amaram, "Science and Vedanta--II. Principle of objectivity", Dilip 4.5, 1977, 18-26. "III.Evolution of life", 4.6, 1977, 17-22 AV864 Ashokananda, "Free will or predestination?", PB 82, 1977: 122, 168 AV865 Kali Krishna Banerjee, "Essentials of Advaitism", BRMIC 28, 1977: 3, 27 AV866 Kamala Chatterjee, "Thou art that", JIAP 16.1, 1977, 37-46 AV867 V.B.Cholkar, "From the philosophy of Upanisads and Vedanta", JOI 27, 1977, 17-26 AV868 Joseph Damrell, Seeking Spiritual Meaning: The World of Vedanta. Beverly Hills, Calif. 1977 AV869 Umesh Chandra Das, "Problems and justifications of the theory of drstisrsti", JIP 5, 1977, 151-162 AV870 Niranjan Dhar, Vedanta and the Bengal Renaissance. Calcutta 1977 AV870.1 Dipak Ghosh, "A comparative approach towards the concept of ananda of the Samkara-Vedanta", IndTrad I, 173-174 AV870.3 Sitanath Goswami, "Body of a free man--a poser", Prof. Rama Rajan Mukherjee Felicitation Volume. Reprinted IndTrad I, 37-43 AV870.4 Sitanath Goswami, "Influence of Advaitism in Indian life", IndTrad I, 44-54 AV870.5 Sitanath Goswami, "Meaning of the sentence 'tat tvam asi'", IndTradI 62-66 AV871 A.G.Javadekar, "Ascending scale of the Advaita Vedanta", ABORI 58-59, 197778, 659-666 AV872 Nilima Kushari, "Kant and drstisrsti", JIAP 16.2, 1977, 1-12 AV873 Mukhyananda, "Determinism and free will", PB 82, 1977, 218-224

AV874 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Philosophy of karma in prasthanatraya:, PTG 11.3, 1977, 49-55 AV875 P.Nagaraja Rao, "The Vedanta philosophy and its relevance to contemporary problems", Dilip 3.2, 1977, 28-35 AV876 P.S.Sastri, "Experience and consciousness", PB 82, 1977, 232-237 AV877 P.S.Sastri, "Advaita and determinate negation", Glory of India 1.2-3, 1977, 1-12 AV878 Satprakasananda, "The search for the one in the many", PB 82, 1977: 255, 299 AV879 Satprakashananda, The Goal and the Way: The Vedantic Approach to Life's Problems. St. Louis 1977 AV880 Peter Schreiner, "Zum Verhltnis von bhakti und Advaita im Bhagavata-Purana", ZDMG, Supplement 19, 941-954 AV881 Arvind Sharma, "W.T.Stace on mysticism: an Advaitic approach", VJP 14, 197778, 30-34 AV882 P.K.Sundaram, "Radhakrishnan and the concept of maya", IPA 12, 1977-78, 251274 AV883 R.Thangasami, "The philosophy of Advaita", TVOS 2, 1977: 232, 319 AV884 Kapil N. Tiwari, "Self-knowledge and Advaitic liberation", JD 2, 1977, 22-34 AV885 N.Veezhinathan, "The interpretation of the great-sayings (maha-vakyas) of the Upanisads", AOR 27, 1977, 1-8 AV886 N.Veezhinathan, "Karmas that are useful for the rise of the knowledge of self", TVOS 2, 1977, 149-155 AV887 N.Veezhinathan, "On the relative strength of perception and verbal testimony", TVOS 2, 1977, 239-254 AV888 P.B.Vidyarthi, "Sin and avidya in Christianity and Vedanta", PhilR 361-367 AV889 A.G.Krishna Warrier, God in Advaita. Simla 1977 AV890 J.G.Arapura, "Some special characteristics of sat (being) in Advaita Vedanta" in M. Sprung (ed.), The Question of Being (College Park 1978). Reprinted as "Sat (being) in Vedanta", HEVT 5-22 AV891 R.Balasubramaniam, "Karma and Advaita", IndPQ 6,1978-79, 567-569 AV892 R.Balasubramaniam, "Advaita: an overview", PTAIP 42-69 AV893 K.S.R.Datta, "The Visnu-Purana and Advaita", Puranam 20, 1978, 193-196 AV894 Anthony Elenjimittam, "The Vedanta as the cosmic religion", MP 15, 1978, 164165 AV895 N. Gangadharan, "Means for liberation", TVOS 3, 1978, 183-187 AV896 Tuen Goudriaan, Maya: Divine and Human. Delhi 1978 AV897 Harinamananda, "A scientific view of Advaita Vedanta", BVa 13, 1978, 50-54 AV897.3 Herbert Herring, Reflections on Vedanta. Madras 1978 AV897.5 William m. Indich, The Advaita Theory of Consciousness. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Hawaii (Honolulu) 1978 AV898 Arthur Isenberg, "Advaita Vedanta", SPP 18-19, 1978-79, 30-40 AV899 H.M.Joshi, "Concept of maya in Advaita Vedanta", SPP 18-19, 1978-79, 45-61 AV900 Leta Jane Lewis, "Vedanta and religious harmony", PB 83, 1978, 458-466 AV901 J.J.Lipner, "The Christian and Vedantic theories of originative causality : a study in transcendence and immanence", PEW 28, 1978, 53-68

AV902 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Eka bhakti (the place of devotion in Advaita)", TVOS 5, 1978, 191-205. Also VK 65, 1978: 13, 76 AV903 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Concept of moksa in Advaita Vedanta",VK 65, 1978, 364368 AV904 Bharati Krsna Tirthaji Maharaja, Vedic Metaphysics. Delhi 1978 AV905 J.L.Mehta, "Heidegger and Vedanta: reflections on a questionable theme", IPQ 19, 1978, 121-150. Reprinted in JLMIW 221-268 AV906 Jagat Mitya, "The kosas", Dilip 5.6, 1978, 18-28 AV907 Nityabodhananda, "Freedom and value: East and West", VK 65, 1978, 369-372 AV908 Uma Pande, "Advaita Vedanta and social integration", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 493503 AV909 Rewati Raman Pandey, "The Advaitic theory of causation", EAW 28, 1978, 291298 AV910 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Justice in Vedanta", PTG 13.4,1979, 1-6 AV911 Jayendra Sarasvati, "Brahman and the world", TVOS 5, 1978, 341-347 AV912 V.A.Sarma, "The Vivarta--a positive approach", BVa 13, 1978, 162-171 AV913 P.S.Sastri, "Concept of individual in Advaita", Glory of India 2.3, 1978, 5-9 AV914 K.Seshadri, "The concept of freedom", VK 65, 1978, 376-377 AV915 Arvind Sharma, "A distinction between sopadhisesa and nirupadhisesanirvana", PBR 3.3, 1978, 114-117 AV916 Arvind Sharma, "A note on the word advaita", VK 65, 1978, 235-237 AV917 Ramlal Singh, "An Advaitic emendation of Kant: a study in comparative metaphysics", IndPQ 6, 1978-79, 175-184 AV918 S.P.Singh, "The fundamentals of Vedanta", LNMCV 426-430 AV919 D.Sinha, "Cognitive language in Vedanta", SKF 213-228 AV920 Debabrata Sinha, "Reflections on some key terms in Advaita Vedanta", LIPR 3342 AV921 D.Arka Somayaji, "The metaphysics of Advaita under a modern perspective", SVUOJ 21-22, 1978-79, 69-74 AV922 P.K.Sundaram, "Concept of change", JMU 49.2.2, 1977, 83-92 AV923 Radhakrishnan Swamiji, "Brahman, the Absolute", BVa 13, 1978, 89-93 AV924 Tapasyananda, "God in Advaita", VK 65, 1978, 84-89 AV925 N.Veezhinathan, "On the identity of maya and avidya", TVOS 3, 1978, 188-195 AV926 N.Veezhinathan, "Liberation--its nature and its means in Advaita", TVOS 5, 1978, 213-218 AV927 Vimalananda, "Rudiments of freedom", VK 65, 1978, 373-376 AV928 Mark B. Woodhouse, "Consciousness and Brahman-Atman", Mon 61, 1978, 109124 AV929 Hari Prasad Bhattacharya, Status of the World in Advaita Vedanta. Varanasi 1979 AV930 Roma Chaudhuri, "Some critical reflections on the nirvisesavada of Advaita Vedanta." Our Heritage Special Number. Sanskrit College 150th Anniversary 1824-1979, 7-96 AV930.5 Chinmayananda, Vedanta, the Science of Life. Bombay 1979, 1982 AV931 S.H.Divatia, "Empirical basis of Vedanta", PTG 13.4, 1979, 27-29

AV932 Leta Jane Lewis, "The Vedantic conception of immortality", PB 84, 1979, 103l10 AV933 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The place of meditation in Advaita Vedanta", VK 66, 1979, 404-407 AV934 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Vedantic meditation and its relation to action", TVOS 4, 1979, 351-369 AV935 Harsh Narain, "Nihilism and Advaitism", Prajnaloka 25-32 AV936 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Vedanta and social service", PTG 13.4, 1979, 1-6 AV937 P.S.Sastri, "Appearance of reality", Glory of India 3.2, 1979, 1-14 AV938 K.P.Sinha, "On the concept of Advaita", JUG 30-33, 1979-82, 69-76 AV939 G.Srinivasan, "Heidegger and Advaita Vedanta", IAC 28.2, 1979, 16-23 AV940 Tandradevan, Aspects of Truth in Advaita. Madras 1979 AV941 N.Veezhinathan, "Manifestation and positive nature of avidya", TVOS 4, 1979, 72-81 AV942 N.Veezhinathan, "Does avidya conceal the witness-self?", TVOS 4, 1979, 95-100 AV943 Gopinath Bhattacharya, "Some basic tenets of Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 31, 1980: 34, 67, 83, 108, 134 AV944 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Perception (pratyaksa) in Advaita Vedanta", PEW 3, 1980, 35-44 AV945 Chinmayananda, Vedanta. The Science of Life. Part 2: The Art of Living. Compiled by K.V.K.Thanpuran. Bombay 1980 AV946 David Hall, "Praxis, karman, and creativity", PEW 30, 1980, 57-64 AV947 William M. Indich, "Can the Advaita Vedanta provide a meaningful definition of absolute consciousness?", PEW 30, 1980, 481-494 AV948 William M. Indich, Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1980 AV949 Jacob Kattackal, Religion and Ethics in Advaita. Freiburg 1980 AV950 Jacob Kattackal, "The rational foundation of Advaita dharma: a departure from Mimamsa", JD 5, 1980, 380-388 AV951 Eric Lott, Vedantic Approaches to God. London 1980 AV952 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Advaita sadhana", VK 67, 1980, 401-404 AV953 T.G.Mainkar, The Making of the Vedanta. Delhi 1980 AV954 Harimohan Mishra, "Adhyasa in Advaita Vedanta: is linguistic analysis possible at all?", IndPQ 8, 1980-81, 385-392 AV955 T.R.V.Murti, "Revelation and reason in Vedanta", JMU 1980. Reprinted in StIndT 57-71 AV956 Sita Krishna Nambiar, "Teaching Vedanta", AICL 52-56 AV957 T.P.Ramachandran, The Concept of the Vyavaharika in Advaita Vedanta. Madras 1980 AV958 A.Ramamurty, "What is Advaita?", PB 85, 1980, 497-506 AV959 K.B.Ramakrishna Rao, Advaita Vedanta: Problems and Perspectives. Mysore 1980 AV960 Ram Murti Sharma, "Vedantic concept of liberation (mukti)", CIS 172-176 AV961 S.Subrahmanya Shastri, "Eligibility for the study of Vedanta", CIS 138-144 AV962 Sivananda, Essence of Vedanta. Shivanandanagar 1980 AV963 Siddhinathananda, "'Advaita", VK 67, 1980, 134-137

AV964 Padma Sudhi, "Existentialism and Vedanta", PB 85, 1980, 58-62 AV965 P.K.Sundaram, Advaita Metaphysics. Madras 1980 AV966 R.Thangaswami, Advaita-Vedanta Literature. A Bibliographical Survey. MUSS 36, 1980 AV967 Vinita Wanchoo, "Vedanta and the modern world: is Vedanta a philosophy of escape?", PB 85, 1980 - 86, 1981 AV968 A.G.Krishna Warrier, "The logic of nivrtti in Advaita", ALB 44-45, 1980-81, 229-240 AV969 Ananyananda, "The fruition of jnanayoga", VK 68, 1981, 401-408 AV970 Ramakant Angiras, "Brahma-drsti of Vedanta", VIJ 19, 1981, 147-149 AV971 J.G.Arapura, "Transcendent Brahman or transcendent void: which is ultimately real?" in A.M.Olson and L.S.Rouner (eds.), Transcendence and the Sacred (South Bend, 1981). Reprinted as "Transcendence and the transcendent via the doctrines of brahman and sunyata", HEVT 39-59 AV972 Purusottama Bilimoria, "Akanksa: 'expectancy' in sentential- comprehension--an Advaita critique", JIP 9, 1981, 85-100 AV972.1 Purushottam Bilimoria, "Pramana and contradictions", BhV 41.1-2, 1981, 4042 AV973 George Cardona, "On reasoning from anvaya and vyatireka", StIndPh 79-104 AV974 Jagannath Chakravorty, "Vivekananda's vision of new India in the light of Advaita", BRMIC 32, 1981, 3-6 AV975 Prakash Chandra, "St. Augustine and the Vedanta", VK 68, 1981, 23-27 AV976 Kamala Chatterjee, "The analogy of image in Advaita Vedanta", JIAP 20.1, 1981, 33-50 AV977 J.C.Creighton, "Modern science and Vedanta", Dilip 7.3, 1981, 11-15 AV978 Mariasusai Dhavamony, "Vedantic philosophy of religion", IPQ 21, 1981, 51-69 AV979 S.H.Diwatia, "The concept of maya and its relevance to modern times", VK 68, 1981, 64-65 AV980 S.H.Diwatia, "The concept of maya: a view-point", PTG 15.4, 1981, 30-38 AV981 Arthur Isenberg, "Advaita Vedanta", Dilip 7.3, 1981, 7-11 AV982 K.A.Krishnaswamy Iyer, "Vedanta or the science of reality", Dilip 7.4, 1981, 1425 AV983 Stephen Kaplan, Maya, Mind and Holography. Ph.D.Thesis, Temple University 1981 AV984 Lokeswarananda, "Buddhism and Vedanta", Bulletin of Tibetology n.s. 1.2, 1981, 1-33 AV985 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Dhyana Yoga and jnana in Advaita", VK 68, 1981, 440-444 AV986 B.R.Modak, "Why does man suffer?", Dilip 7.5, 1981, 12-16 AV987 T.R.V.Murti, "Aspects of Advaita Vedanta", JMU 53.1-2.2, 1981, 1-12 AV988 R.V.Raghavan, "Vedanta", Dilip 7.6, 1981, 3-5 AV989 Ramaswamy, "Vedanta: a teaching tradition", Dilip 7.5, 1981, 7-12 AV990 S.Kuppuswami Sastri, "Compromises in the history of Advaitic thought", KSBC 74-88 AV991 Chandrasekharendra Sarasvati, "The state of jivanmukti", TVOS 6, 1981, 9-21 AV992 Jayendra Sarasvati, "Maya", TVOS 6, 1981, 131-140

AV993 S.N.L.Sharma, "The nondoctrine of nondualism", VK 68, 1981, 20-23 AV994 John B. White, "God and the world according to Advaita Vedanta", IPQ 21, 1981, 185-194 AV995 Kamala Chatterjee, "Is there only one finite self?", JIAP 21.1, 1982, 1-8 AV996 Tara Chatterjee, "The concept of saksin", JIP 10, 1982, 339-356. Reprinted KFIP 9-24 AV997 Giridhari Lal Chaturvedi, The Concept of Self-Luminosity of Knowledge in Advaita Vedanta. Aligarh 1982 AV998 Aditi De, The Development of Maya and Avidya, with special reference to the Concept of Vivarta. An Interpretation of Samkara Philosophy. Patna 1982 AV999 Andrew Fort, Turiya and the Catuspad Doctrine in Advaita Vedanta: An Inquiry into an Indian "States of Consciousness" Doctrine. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Pennsylvania 1982 AV1000 Narayan M. Kansara, "The vivarta and avikrtaparinama in the Vedantamimamsa", RSSI 79-98 AV1001 Leta Jane Lewis, "The place of prayer in Vedanta", PB 87, 1982, 144-148 AV1002 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The concept of divine grace in Advaita", VK 69, 1982, 418-421 AV1003 D. Pathak, "The metaphysics of mayavada", PBh 2, 1982, 184-196 AV1004 S.S.Raghavachar, "The place of negation in Advaita", PB 87, 1982, 23-26 AV1005 K.S.Rangappa, "Some causes of confusion in philosophic understanding", BVa 17.3, 1982, 13-17 AV1006 Ch. Sreenivasa Rao, Vedanta: Some Modern Trends. Bombay 1982 AV1008.Subbaraidu, "Advaita siddhanta", HinduReg 13.2, 1982, 11-15 AV1009 Sukha Ranjan Saha, Advaita Theory of Illusion. Calcutta 1982 AV1010 V.A.Sarma, "A critique of etiology", BVa 17.2, 1982, 39-44 AV1011 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Advaita", Dilip 8.2, 190-82, 3-6 AV1012 Arvind Sharma, "The significance of the guru being a srotriya", Dilip 8.2, 1982, 6-8, 11 AV1013 Sampooram Singh, "The concept of maya in the light of modern physics", PB 87, 1982, 60-64 AV1014 R.S.Srivastava, "Vedanta and neo-Vedanta--a comparative study", PhOR 80-83 AV1015 B.V.Subbaraidu, "Advaita siddhanta", HinduReg 12, 1982, 11-15 AV1015.5 Abhishiktananda, Les yeux de lumiere. Paris 1979. Translated as The Eyes of Light, Denville, New Jersey 1983 AV1016 M.R.Rajagopala Ayyangar, "Why should there be three diverse systems of religious thought while all of them accept the Upanishads as authority?", Dilip 9.2, 1983, 27-30 AV1017 K.P.Bahadur, The Wisdom of Vedanta. New Delhi 1983 AV1017.5 Giuseppine Scalabrino Borani, Aspects et evolutions du systeme Vedanta au cours des siecles du Moyen Age. Louvain-la-Neuve 1983 AV1018 Michael von Bruck, "Trinitarian theology--Hegelian vis--vis Advaita", JD 8, 1983, 283-295 AV1019 Bhabas Chandra Chaudhuri, "The Vedanta 'merger' of diverse ideological cults in the 'one ' Vedanta reality: a brief discussion", BVa 18.3-4, 1983, 37-43

AV1020 Andrew Osum Fort, Turiya and the Catuspad Doctrine in Advaita Vedanta: an Inquiry into Indian 'States of Consciousness'. Ph.D.Thesis, Pennsylvania State U. 1983 AV1021 Bina Gupta and William C. Wilcox, "Are all names of the Absolute synonyms?", PEW 33, 1983, 285-294 AV1022 Berthold Hager, Die Entwicklung des Maya-Begriffs im Indo-Arischen. Freiburg 1983 AV1022.1 Kazi Nurul Islam, "The origin of concept of maya: some controversies examined", DUS 43.2, 1983, 21-35 AV1023 Stephen Kaplan, "Mind, maya and holography: a phenomenology of projection", PEW 33, 1983, 367-378 AV1024 K.Krishnamoorthy, "Advaita thought", MP 20, 1983, 161-165 AV1025 Bithika Mukerjee, Neo-Vedanta and Modernity . Varanasi 1983 AV1026 Hajime Nakamura, A History of Early Vedanta Philosophy. Part I. Delhi 1983. Translated Trevor Leggett, Delhi 1990 AV1027 D.A.Ramamurthy, "What is Advaita?", TL 6.5, 1983, 7-22 AV1028 V.Rangarajan, "Advaita--from the Vedas to Sri Samkara", BVa 18.3-4, 1983, 22-28 AV1029 Ram Murti Sharma, "Drstisrstivada--an analysis and critical appraisal", Sambodhi 12, 1983-84, 1-8 AV1030 Ram Murti Sharma, "The Advaita and I-sense", Sambodhi 12, 1983-84, 9-16 AV1031 Ram Murti Sharma, "The Advaitic sat", Sambodhi 12, 1983-84, 17-22 AV1032 V.A.Sarma, "Brahma-vicara in Advaita", BVa 18.1, 1983, 1-12 AV1031.1 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Elements of Advaita in other schools of thought", TL 6.3, 1983, 6-10 AV1033 Varahur Kalyanasundara Sastri, "The supreme Brahman is nirvisesa", translated by R. Balasubramaniam. TVOS 8, 1983: 335, 407 AV1034 V.S.V.Gurusvami Sastri, "The theories of error", translated by J.R.S.Vasan Ramanam. TVOS 8, 1983, 395-400; 9, 1984, 69-72 AV1035 Basavaraj Siddhasrama, "The nature of self and knowledge according to Advaita Vedanta", PTG 17.4, 1983, 52-55 AV1036 Debabrata Sinha, The Metaphysics of Experience in Advaita Vedanta. A Phenomenological Approach. Delhi 1983 AV1037 Esther A. Solomon, "Avidya in Vedanta", Sambodhi 11, 1983, 57-81 AV1038 Helen Tiffin and Arvind Sharma, "Metaphysics and literary form: Advaita Vedanta in three novels of Raja Rao", Religion 13, 1983, 359-374 AV1039 S.Vijayakumar, "Concept of avidya in Advaita Vedanta and Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 18, 1983, 112-120 AV1040 Y.K.Wadhwani, "Is there a double retribution according to the Upanisads and the Vedanta?", VIJ 21, 1983, 39-52 AV1041 Editor, "Understanding Advaita", PB 89, 1984: 402, 442 AV1041.5 R. Balasubramanina, "Der Seinsprozess des Offenbarung", SAOCP 37-68 AV1042 Donald A. Braue, Maya in Radhakrishnan's Thought. Delhi 1984 AV1043 Michael von Bruck, "The Advaitic experience and meditation", IPA 17, 198485, 135-152

AV1044 Eliot Deutsch, "A radical discontinuity in being: a dialogue", RPRP 95-112 AV1045 Andrew O. Fort, "The concept of saksin in Advaita Vedanta", JIP 12, 1984, 277-290 AV1046 Bhabani Ganguli, "Manas in the Advaitic tradition" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 343-344 AV1047 Bina Gupta and William C. Wilcox, "Tat tvam asi: an important identity statement or a mere tautology?", PEW 34, 1984, 85-94 AV1048 R.I.Ingalalli, "The Advaita conception of knowledge", VK 71, 1984, 376-380 AV1048.1 Kazi Nurul Islam, "Anirvacaniyakhyati: a new defence and a new interpretation", JASP 29.2, 1984, 91-106 AV1049 Leta Jane Lewis, "Creation and man in Vedanta", PB 89, 1984, 169-174 AV1050 Mukhyananda, "Vedanta and modern science", VK 71, 1984, 219-221 AV1051 E. Easwaran Nampoothiry, "Contribution of Kerala to Advaita Vedanta literature", VIJ 22, 1984, 184-194. Also summarized in PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 171172 AV1052 A.Parthasarathy, Vedanta Treatise. Second edition. Bombay 1984 AV1053 Padmasri Sadashiva Rathasarma, "Lord Jagannath and Vedanta philosophy", in Daityari Panda and Sarat Chandra Panigrahi (eds.), The Cult and Culture of Lord Jagannath (Cuttack 1984), 78-89 AV1054 O.P.Sachdeva, "Doctrine of avidya in Vedanta" (summary). PAIOC 32, 198485, 364-365 AV1054.1 K. Saratcharan, "Advaita Vedanta and modern physics", TL 6.6, 1984, 4-12 AV1055 Arvind Sharma, "Saccidananda Brahma: what does it mean?", IPQ 24, 1984, 63-72 AV1056 Ram Murti Sharma Sastri, "Modern monism and the Vedanta", Bharati. Bulletin of the College of Indology. Professor R.B.Pandeya Volume (ed. L.K.Tripathi) (Varanasi 1971-1984), 73-78 AV1057 S.Subrahmanya Sastri, "Advaita", TL 7.4-6, 1984-85, 45-51 AV1058 Varahaur Kalyanasundara Sastri, "No plurality whatsoever here", translated by R. Balasubramaniam. TVOS 9, 1984: 78, 175 AV1059 V.R.Kalayanasundara Sastri, "Jiva is brahman itself, not different from it", translated by R. Balasubramaniam, TVOS 9, 1984, 291-298 AV1060 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Difference is not real", translated by R. Balasubramaniam. TVOS 9, 1984, 383-391 AV1060.1 Yooshisugu Sawai, The Faith of Ascetics Among Smartas: A Study of the Samkaran Tradition of Srngeri. Ph.D.Thesis, Harvard University 1984 AV1061 Siddhinathananda, "The tenets of Advaita philosophy", VK 71, 1984, 168-170 AV1062 E.A.Solomon, "Brahmajnana and mukti" (summary) PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 365366 AV1063 G.Srinivasan, "Postulates and problems of Vedanta", JMU 56.1.2, 1984, 1-31 AV1064 David Applebaum, "A note on pratyaksa in Advaita Vedanta", PB 90, 1985, 301-304 AV1065 Maheswari Arulchelvam, "Knower, known and knowledge in Advaita philosophy", SLJH 11, 1985, 37-46

AV1065.1 Purushottama Bilimoria, "Tatparya - intentionality in sentential comprehension in Advaita linguistics", Annali Sesione Orientale, Seminario Di Studi Asiatici (Naples, Italy 1985), 599-627 AV1066 Kamala Chatterji, "Brahman's creation of the world", JIAP 24.2, 1985 - 25.1, 1986 AV1066.5 Chinmayananda, Vedanta: a Self-Study. Bombay 1985, 1991 AV1067 R. de Smet, "Spiritual values of Advaita Vedanta and social life", IPA 18, 198586, 101-124 AV1068 S.P.Dubey, "The Advaitic concept of truth", PB 90, 1985, 348-352 AV1069 Tapash Sankar Dutta, "Impact of Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta on Vivekananda", VK 72, 1985, 180-182 AV1069.1 K.A.Neelakantha Elayath, "Types of sentences in Advaitavedanta", SVUOJ 28, 1985, 71-76 AV1070 Anthony Elenjimittam, "Vedantic gnosis for blessedness", Dilip 11.3-5, 1985 12.5, 1986 AV1071 Andrew O. Fort, "Dreaming in Advaita Vedanta", PEW 35, 1985, 377-386 AV1072 Phyllis Granoff, "Scholars and wonder-workers: some remarks on the role of the supernatural in philosophical contexts in Vedanta hagiographies", JAOS 105, 1985, 459-468 AV1073 Rachappa I. Ingalalli, "The Advaita doctrine of mahavakya", PB 90, 1985, 5560 AV1074 M.N.Venkatarama Iyer, "Advaita in relation to European philosophic and religious thought in ancient and medieval times", Dilip 11.3-5, 1985, 6-11 AV1075 T.M.P.Mahadevan, Superimposition in Advaita Vedanta. New Delhi 1985 AV1077 Mahesh Mehta, "The dynamics of self-knowledge in Advaita and Yoga: vrttijnana and svarupajnana", Bulletin d'etudes indiennes 6, 1988, 92-98 AV1077.1 N. Malle, "Austin to Advaita", Darshana 25.4, 1985, 80-82 AV1078 N.D.Mehta, Vedanta Siddhanta Bhede. Delhi 1985 AV1079 A.J.Motilal, "Vedantic approach to Hinduism", VK 72, 1985, 333-337 AV1080 A.C.Paranjpe, "The identity theory of prejudice: a perspective from the intellectual traditions of India", JAAS 20, 1985, 232-244 AV1081 A.Ramamurty, "Vedanta and modern understanding", PB 90, 1985, 305-309 AV1082 Candrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Maya and Brahman--a mathematical interpretation", TVOS 10, 1985-86, 177-181 AV1083 Jayendra Sarasvati, "Bhakti as a means of realization", TVOS 10, 1985-86, 7-10 AV1083.5 Arvind Sharma, "Upamana in Advaita Vedanta: a case of ontology influencing epistemology?", Darshana 25.4, 1985, 57-60 AV1084 R.M.Sharma, Some Aspects of Advaita Philosophy. Delhi 1985 AV1085 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Mukti not a state of stone", TVOS 10, 1985-86, 7381 AV1086 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Nondifference in supreme identity", TVOS 10, 1985-86: 165, 289 AV1087 V.S.V.Guruswami Sastri, "The dream state and the deep sleep state (in the exposition of Advaita philosophy)", TVOS 10, 1985-86, 58-66 AV1088 Debi Prasad Sen, "Advaitism in Tantra", BRMIC 36,1985, 27-59

AV1089 Debabrata Sinha, "Human embodiment: the theme and the encounter in Vedantic phenomenology", PEW 35, 1985, 239-248 AV1090 Esther A. Solomon, "Avidya--its svarupa and visaya", Sambodhi 13, 1985, 7999 AV1091 Madan Mohan Agrawal, "Treatment of reasoning in Advaita Vedanta", EAW 36, 1986, 101-104 AV1092 John G. Arapura, Gnosis and the Question of Thought in Vedanta. Dordrecht 1986 AV1093 John G. Arapura, "Language and knowledge in the theology of Karl Barth and Vedanta", HEVT 179-201 AV1094 J.G.Arapura, "The notion of avidya (ignorance) in Vedanta", HEVT 60-83 AV1095 Saradindu Banerji, "Autoeroticism, narcissism and Vedantism", JIAP 25.1, 1986, 27-38 AV1096 Jan Bresky, "Brahman and ein soif: the infinite and finite in two mystical traditions", JRS 14, 1986, 14-25 AV1097 Satchidananda Dhar, "Liberation in Zen and Vedanta", PB 91, 1986, 70-72 AV1097.0 D.B.Gangoli, The Magic Jewel of Intuition. Holenarsipur 1986 AV1097.1 M. Aji Narayana Iyengar, "Advaita and Visistadvaita", SRV 10.1, 1986 - 11.1, 1987 AV1098 H.M.Joshi, "Concept of maya in Advaita Vedanta", HMJKV 56-78 AV1099 R.V.Khedkar, Vedanta Philosophy and Religion. A Handbook. Delhi 1986 AV1100 Saroj Kulshrestra, The Concept of Salvation in Vedanta. New Delhi 1986 AV1101 B.R.Modak, "Gurudev Ranade's approach to Vedanta", PTG 20.4, 1986, 28-42 AV1102 G.C.Nayak, "Does Advaita Vedanta advocate illumination through analysis?", VJP 23.2, 1986, 20-30 AV1103 Rewati Rawan Pandey, "An Advaitic appraisal of the concept of saksin", JGJRI 42, 1986, 143-154 AV1103.1 Rasmiyakha Pati and Bijayananda Kar, "Is Advaita mukti non-analytical?", Darshana 26.3, 1986, 64-69 AV1104 R. Puligandla and Donald Matasz, "Appearance and the laws of logic in Advaita Vedanta", IPQ 26, 1986, 75-85 AV1105 T.P.Ramachandran, "The nature and significance of karma according to Advaita", TVOS 11, 1986-87, 238-248 AV1106 T.P.Ramachandran, "Rajayoga according to Advaita", TVOS 11, 1986-87, 4250 AV1107 Anantanand Rambachan, "Where words fail: the limits of scriptural authority in the hermeneutics of a contemporary Advaitin", PEW 37, 1987, 361-371 AV1108 K.B.Ramakrsna Rao, "Suffering in Advaita Vedanta", SIP 186-200 AV1108.1 S. Ranganath, "The nature of adhyasa", TL 8.6, 1986, 39-41 AV1109 Glyn Richards, "Gandhi's concept of truth and the Advaita tradition", Religious Studies 22, 1986, 1-14 AV1110 Arvind Sharma, "Is Advaitic metaphysics compatible with belief in the kingdom of heaven on earth?", VK 73, 1986, 262-263 AV1111 Ram Murti Sharma, "The Advaita and I-sense", StudIndCult 113-122

AV1112 Ram Nath Sharma, "The status of reason and revelation in Advaita Vedanta", Rtambhara III, 14-17 AV1113 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya Shastri, "Advaita Vedanta according to Swami Vivekananda", BRMIC 37, 1986, 3-8 AV1114 M.P.L.Sastry, "Sadhana in Advaita", StudIndCult 319-326 AV1115 S. Rama Chandra Sastry, "The place of bhakti" in Advaita", StudIndCult 240244 AV1116 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Jnani tvatmaiva me matam", translated by R.Balasubramanian. TVOS 11, 1986-87, 91-99 AV1117 Daniel P. Sheridan, Advaitic Theism in Bhagavata-Purana. 1986 AV1118 Priti Sinha, Philosophy of Advaita: A Transition from Samkara to Sri Aurobindo. Varanasi 1986 AV1119 Kim Skoog, The Epistemological Status of Liberative Knowledge (with special reference to Advaita Vedanta). Ph.D.Thesis, University of Hawaii 1986 AV1120 Daniel Thattackara, Emerson the Advaitin. A Study of the Parallels between Emerson and Samkara's Advaita Vedanta. 1986 AV1121 D.K.Tripathi, Revelation, Intuition and Reason in Samkara Vedanta. Faizabad 1986 AV1122 R.K.Tripathi, "Advaita Vedanta and Neoplatonism", NIT 233-292 AV1123 W.S.Urqhart, The Vedanta and Modern Thought. Delhi 1986 AV1123.1 Maheshwari Arulchelva, "The undifferentiated and the differentiated aspects of Godheadin Advaita thought", SLJH 13, 1987, 59-66 AV1124 R. Balasubramanian, "Avidya and the illusory world", TVOS 12, 1987, 16-40 AV1125 Nancy F. Bauer, "Advaita Vedanta and contemporary Western ethics", PEW 37, 1987, 36-50 AV1126 G.J.Darling, An Evaluation of the Vedantic Critique of Buddhism. Calcutta 1987 AV1127 Ganesh Prasad Das, "Advaita Vedanta and linguistic analysis", VJP 24.1, 1987, 101-108 AV1127.1 A.O.Fort, "Dream and sleep in later Advaita Vedanta", ALB 51, 1987, 157175 AV1127.2 Bhireshwar Ganguly, "Mrs. Gopinath Kaviraj's views on Vedanta, Tantra, and Marxism", Navonmesa 19987, 66-72 AV1128 Raghunath Ghosh, "The phenomenon of linguistic analysis in Vedanta", VJP 24.1, 1987, 94-100 AV1129 Bede Griffiths, "Advaita and Christian faith", MP 24, 1987, 181-183 AV1130 John Grimes, "The dilemma of avidya", IndPQ, Student's Supplement 14.3, 1987, 1-9 AV1131 R.I.Ingalalli, "Role of reason in Advaita", VK 74, 1987, 333-336 AV1132 Steven Kaplan, Hermeneutics, Holography and Indian Idealism. Calcutta 1987 AV1133 Bijayananda Kar, "Moksa as value and jnana as method in Samkara Vedanta", VJP 24.1, 1987, 14-22. Reprinted VPIP 45-54 AV1134 Jankinath Kaul, "A comparative view of two schools of Indian thought with special reference to Kashmir", MGKCV 397-401 AV1135 Visvalids V. Kline, "Analytic philosophy and Advaita", POV 33-41 AV1136 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Elucidation of contentment", TVOS 12, 1987, 49, 157

AV1137 Mahesh Mehta, "The Advaita critique of 'difference'", POV 78-91 AV1138 Donald A. Metesz, "Karma and moksa in Vedanta: reality vs. appearance", DK 188-220 AV1139 J.N.Mohanty, "Consciousness in Vedanta", POV 8-17 AV1140 Mukhyananda, "Maya and its cognates", VK 74, 1987, 365-369 AV1141 G.C.Nayak, "Does Advaita Vedanta advocate illumination through analysis?", VJP 23.2, 1987, 20-30 AV1141.1 G. C. Nayak, "Maya: the Advaitin's Gordian knot", GCNPR 1, 1987, 49-53. Reprinted GCNPR 2, 58-65 AV1141.2 G. CC. Nayak, "Tolerance in Advaita", GCNPOR 1, 61-66. Reprinted GCNPR 2, 75-82 AV1142 R. Puligandla, "Modern physics and Advaita Vedanta", POV 182-197 AV1143 T.P.Ramachandran, "Bhakti in Advaita", TVOS 12, 1987, 61-76 AV1143.1 Sri Maha Sannidham, "Attributes of a jivanmukta", TL 10.2, 1987, 11-16 AV1145 Yoshitsugu Sawai, "The nature of faith in the Sankaran Vedanta tradition", Numen 34, 1987, 18-44 AV1146 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Is the individual self illusory?", VJP 24.l, 1987, 30-36 AV1147 Arvind Sharma, "The Vedantic concept of God", POV 114-131 AV1148 Arvind Sharma, "On Brahma-laksana: a contribution to Advaita Vedanta", VK 74, 1987, 256-258 AV1148.5 Ram Murti Sharma, "Sacrifice in the Vedanta philosophy", SICE 83-87 AV1149 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Futility of instruction--not in Advaita, but only elsewhere", TVOS 11, 1986-87, 386-395; 12, 1987, 101-114 AV1150 Debabrata Sinha, "On immortality and death--notes in a Vedantic perspective", POnV 170-181 AV1151 R. Balasubramanian, "The liberated-in-life", TVOS 12.4 - 13.1, 1988, 33-44 AV1152 R. Balasubramanian, "Brahman--the source of all", TVOS 13.2, 1988, 30-36 AV1153 D. Chatterjee, "Karma and liberation in Samkara's Advaita Vedanta", PonV 158-169 AV1154 H.S.Varada Desikacharya, "The concept of attributive consciousness or dharmabhutajnanam", Consciousness 161-172 AV1155 K.A.Neelakantan Elayath, "The Advaita theory of meaning", ALB 52, 1988, 94104 AV1155.1 D.B.Gangoli, The Relevance of Vedanta in Modern Age and Civilization. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series 2. Bangalore 1988 AV1156 H.K.Ganguli, Radicalism in Advaita Vedanta: A Comparative Critique of Swami Vivekananda. Calcutta 1988 AV1156.1 Sitanath Goswami, "Some principle concepts of Advaita Vedanta", OH 36.1, 1988, 19-32 AV1157 Bede Griffiths, "Advaita and Christian faith", MP 25, 1988, 181-184 AV1157.5 Mishke Jambor, "If all is Brahman then why are there any illusions?", Darshana 28.2, 1988, 26-33 AV1158 Visvaldis V. Klive, "Analytic philosophy and Advaita", PonV 33-41 AV1158.1 K. Krishnamoorthy, "Anubhava of Advaita", TL 11.1, 1988, 30-33

AV1159 U.A.Vinay Kumar, "Existence of self and adhyasa in Advaita", JIP 16, 1988, 201-216 AV1160 Mahesh Mehta, "The Advaitic critique of 'difference'", PonV 78-91 AV1161 S.L.Pandey, "Vedanta social philosophy", 1988; reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 24-39; 26.2, 2001, 76-87 AV1162 R. Puligandla, "Modern physics and Advaita Vedanta", PonV 182-1976 AV1163 S.S.Raghavachar, Studies in Vedanta. Mysore 1988 AV1164 T.P.Ramachandran, "Advaita cosmology", TVOS 12.4 - 13.1, 1988. 93-116 AV1165 G. Sundara Ramaiah, "Language, sentences and Brahman in Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 12.4-13.1, 1988, 117-124 AV1166 Ram Kumar Ratnam, "Duhkha: Advaitic perspective", IndPQ 15.2, 1988, Student Supplement 13-24 AV1167 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Non-duality is what is known through the Vedanta", TVOS 12.4-13.1, 1988, 143-162 AV1168 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Maya is not the Lord's intelligence", TVOS 13.2, 1988, 79-89; 13.3, 1988, 94-103 AV1169 Arvind Sharma, "Was Ramakrishna an Advaitin?", ALB 52, 1988, 83-93 AV1170 Karan Singh, "Vedanta in the nuclear age", IICQ 15, 1988, 23-30 AV1170.1 S. Srinivasan, "Atmabodha--its relevance to modern times", TL 11.1, 1988, 50-55 AV1171 A.D.Vallooran, In Search of the Absolute. A Critical Study of the Advaitic Philosophy of Religion as Interpreted in the Works of T.M.P.Mahadevan. Shillong 1988 AV1172 S.M.S.Varadacharya, "Concept of sentient, insentient and supreme Brahman in Vedanta", Consciousness 117-126 AV1173 N. Veezhinathan, "The preceptors of Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 13.2, 1988, 3036 AV1174 N. Veezhinathan, "Liberation--its nature and its means in Advaita", TVOS 13.3, 1988, 57-76 AV1174.05 M. M. Agrawal, "A note on satta-traividhya-vada", Dharma-niranjana 1989, 322-327 AV1174.1 J.G.Arapura, "An inquiry into the vyavaharika truth", IPA 21, 1989-90, 1-7 AV1175 Atmaramananda, "Advaita for the masses", PB 94, 1989, 217-225 AV1176 R. Balasubramanian, "The Absolute and God according to Advaita Vedanta", POSankara 24-37 AV1177 S.R.Bhatt, "An exionoetic approach to Vedantic philosophy of education", POSankara 433-439 AV1178 Abheda Nanda Bhattacharya, "The Advaitic view of Self", POSankara 42-50 AV1179 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "Consciousness (caitanya)", BRMIC 40, 1989: 190, 224 AV1179.1 Bijan Biswas, "Advaitins on sabdaparoksatva: a critique", OH, 37.1, 1988, 114 AV1179.1.5 Mariasusai Dhavamony, "The self as consciousness: Samkara's Advaita", SelfandC 32-43

AV1179.2 K.N.Neelakantan Elayath, "Sentence and its meaning in Advaita Vedanta", JOI 39, 1989, 51-56 AV1180 Ramchandra Gandhi, "A note on 'Advaita and annihilation'", POSankara 453454 AV1180.1 D.B.Gangolli, The Reality Beyond All Empirical Dealings. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series I. Bangalore 1989 AV1180.7 M. G. Hampiholi, "Advaita concept of liberation (moksa)", JKU 33,1989-90, 165-172 AV1181 A.L.Herman, "Advaita and religious relativism", RadhCentVol 34-40 AV1182 R.I.Ingalalli, "The Advaita concept of truth", PTG 23.4, 1989, 25-34 AV1183 Bijayananda Kar, "National integration, secularism and Advaita philosophy of value", POSankara 393-403. Reprinted VPIP 17-28. Also TVOS 28.2, 2003, 3850 AV1184 Hideki Kiyoshima, "The concept of anirvacaniya in early Advaitavedanta", Acta Asiatica 57, 1989, 45-60 AV1185 Leta Jane Lewis, "Renunciation in Vedanta", PB 94, 1989, 493-497 AV1186 G. Sundara Murthy, "A critique of the stages of reality as advocated by the Advaitins", DhP 18.8-9, 1989, 46-54 AV1187 Sangam Lal Pandey, The Advaita View of God. Allahabad 1989 AV1188 S.L.Pandey, "The idea of spiritual value", POSankara 307-316. Reprinted TVOS 28.2, 2003, 61-72 AV1188.1 Sangam Lal Pandey, "Pre-Samkara Advaita", IPA 21, 1989-90, 63-74 AV1189 Karl H. Potter, "The development of Advaita Vedanta as a school of philosophy", RadhCentVol 71-99. Reprinted JICPR 9, 1992, 135-158, with comments by V.Venkatachalam, G.C.Pande, S.L.Pandey, Ram Murti Sharma, and Sibajiban Bhattacharyya. Potter's response to comments in JICPR 10.2, 1993, 114-116. Reprinted with comments in DDIP 3-70 AV1189.1 Sujata Purkayastha, "The Advaitic concept of jivanmukti and the problem of acvidya-lesa", JUG 35, 1989-90, 42-46 AV1190 G.N.Ramachandran, "Vedanta and modern epistemology", POSankara 363-379 AV1191 A. Ramamurty, "The concept of Advaita: a re-evaluation", POSankara 88-103 AV1192 Anantananda Rambachan, "The value of the world as the mystery of God in Advaita Vedanta", JD 14, 1989, 287-297 AV1193 Som P. Ranchan, An Adventure in Vedanta (J.D.Salinger--the Glass family). Delhi 1989 AV1194 S. Ranganathan, "The concept of jivanmukti", TVOS 13.4, 1989, 28-32 AV1195 S. Revathy, "The doctrine of maya in Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 14.3, 1989, 5588; 14.4, 1990, 65-80 AV1196 Sukharanjan Saha, "Svaprakasatva, saksijnana, and saksin", POSankara 51-67 AV1196.1 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "Dr. Radhakrishnan--the true Advaitin", JUG 35, 198990, 38-41 AV1197 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "No 'I'-sense in sleep and liberation", TVOS 13.4, 1989, 97-105 AV1198 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "The Self is never ahamartha", TVOS 14.1-2, 1989, 117-125

AV1198.1 Yajneshwart S. Sastri, "Doctrine of maya--a critical study", Sambodhi 16, 1989, 18-41 AV1199 Satchidanandendra Sarasvati, The Method of the Vedanta. Tr. A.J.Alston. New York 1989. Also London 1989 AV1200 S.K.Sen, "Is the individual self illusory?", POSankara 68-74 AV1200.5 R.L.Singh, "An axiological view of avidya", POSankara; reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 39-54 AV1201 Tapasyananda, "Swamiji's contribution to Vedantic thought", PB 94, 1989, 1317 AV1202 P.P.I.Vaidyanathan, "Perception-knowledge-reality", TVOS 13.4, 1989, 57-90 AV1203 N. Veezhinathan, "On the concept of the knowledge of Brahman", TVOS 14.12, 1991, 38-58 AV1203.01 M.A.Venkatakrishna, "Advaita and Visistadvaita", SRV 12.4, 1989 - 14.2, 1991 AV1203.1.1 Ashokananda, Meditation, Ecstasy and Illumination: An Overview of Vedanta. Calcutta 1990 AV1203.2 R. Balasubramanian, "Can difference be perceived?", TVOS 15.2-3, 1990, 1732 AV1203.3 R. Balasubramanian, "The Advaita view of liberation", TVOS 15.4, 1990, 4355 AV1203.4 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita Vedanta: its unity with other systems and its contemporary relevance", Indian Philosophical Systems (1990); reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 93-116 AV1204 Bhupendra Das, "The Advaita theory of liberation", IPQ 17.4, 1990, Students' Supplement 1-22 AV1205. G.P.Das, "An Advaita Vedantic concept of prayer", TVOS 15.2-3, 1990, 64-73 AV1205.1 K.N.Neelakantan Elayath, "The ethical interpretation of tattvamasi", MO 16, 1990, 111-114 AV1205.2 D.B.Gangolli, On Knowledge of the Ultimate Reality. Satchidanand VaakJyoti Series 5. Bangalore 1990 AV1205.3 D.B.Gangolli, The Philosophical Science of Vedanta. Satchidanand VaakJyoti Series 7. Bangalore 1990 AV1205.4 D.B.Gangolli, The Quintessence of Pristine Pure Vedanta. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series 6. Bangalore 1990 AV1205.5 D.B.Gangolli, A Broad Outline of Vedanta. Bangalore 1990 AV1205.6 Harshananda, A Dictionary of Advaita Vedanta. Bangalore 1990 AV1206 T.K.Venkatarama Iyer, "The Vedanta and the trend of modern science", Dilip 165, 1990, 4-12 AV1206.5 A. G. Javadekar, "Advaita as paramartha and vyavahara", Darshana 30.1, 1990, 1-18 AV1207 N. Jayashanmukham, "The jivanmukta", PB 95, 1990, 507-510. Also TVOS 15.1, 1990, 67-74 AV1208 Hari Mohan Joshi, "Status of world in Advaita Vedanta", Glory of Knowledge 108-122 AV1208.1 J. Krishnan, "On the definition of avidya", TVOS 15.4, 1990, 56-64

AV1209 B.R.Shantha Kumari, "Advaita as immanent metaphysics", TVOS 14.4, 1990, 21-42 AV1210 Leta Jane Lewis, "God in Vedanta", PB 95, 1990, 251-254 AV1211 Mayawati, "The concept of maya", Glory of Knowledge 166-169 AV1212 Haramohan Mishra, A Study in Advaita Epistemology. Delhi 1990 AV1212.1 J.N.Mohanty, "N.V.Banerjee's critique of Advaita Vedanta", PNVB 47-54. Reprinted ExinP 216-223 AV1212.2 Michael Warren Myers, Their Conceptual Sphere is Where the Cow Wanders: Metaphor and Model from Veda to Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Hawaii 1990 AV1213 R. Prescott, "The scientist, the philosopher and the Vedantin", PB 95, 1990, 288-289 AV1213.1 S. Revathy, "Critique of difference", TVOS 15.1, 1990, 50-56 AV1213.2 S. Revathy, "Falsity--is it real or false?", TVOS 15.2-3, 1990, 83-88 AV1214 Satyavrat Shastri, "Was Panini an Advaitin?", Glory of Knowledge 31-33 AV1215 Arvind Sharma, "Karma and reincarnation in Advaita Vedanta", JIP 18, 1990, 219-236 AV1216 Arvind Sharma, "Are Brahman and Sunyata identical?", PB 95, 1990, 317-318 AV1216.1 Arvind Sharma, "Ramana Maharsi on the theories of creation in Advaita Vedanta", JICPR 8.1, 1990, 77-92 AV1217 B.R.Sharma, "Relation of language and reality in Advaita Vedanta", Glory of Knowledge 146-155 AV1217.1 Varahur Kalyana Sundara Sastri, "Justification for scripture being the pramana" (translated by R. Balasubramanian). TVOS 15.1, 1990, 109-115; 15.2- 3, 1990, 118-128 AV1217.2 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Essence of the inquiry into superimposition", TVOS 15.4, 1990, 75-86 AV1218 Karan Singh, "Vedanta in the nuclear age", POSankara 347-355 AV1219 R.L.Singh, "An axiological view of avidya", POSankara 75-87 AV1220 V.R.Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Justification for the sublation of perception by scripture", TVOS 14.4, 1990, 116-124 AV1220.5 Purnananda Shaw, Morality and Religion in Advaita and Visistadvaita. Delhi 190 AV1221 Debabrata Sinha, "Towards a philosophical anthropology from a Vedantic perspective: a hermeneutic explanation", NKDPR 17-42 AV1222 T.L.S.Sprigge, "Advaita Vedanta and Western Absolute idealism", POSankara 253-275 AV1222.1. S. Srinivasan, "The sublime path of yoga", TL 13.1, 1990, 40-46 AV1222.2 Lalit Krishna Lal Srivastava, Advaitic Concept of Jivanmukti. Delhi 1990 AV1223 N.Veezhinathan, "Interpretation of Vedantic texts", POSankara 1-10. Also TVOS 14.4, 1990, 81-96 AV1223.1 N.Veezhinathan, "The philosophy of Advaita", SIndSt 432-443 AV1224 N. Veezhinathan, "The importance of the great saying (mahavakyas of the Upanisads)", TVOS 15.1, 1990, 57-66 AV1224.5 M. A., Venkatakrishna, "The doctrine of maya", SRV 13.3, 1990, 9-11

AV1225 Purnanand Shaw, Morality and Religion in Advaita and Visistadvaita. Delhi 1990 AV1226 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita Vedanta: its unity with the other systems and its contemporary relevance", BRMIC 42, 1991: 67, 109 AV1227 Deviprasad Bhattacharyya, "Bhakti: the Vedantic way par excellence", BRMIC 42, 1991: 131,176,205 AV1228 Sibajiban Bhattacharyya, "The nature of consciousness", BRMIC 42, 1991: 15,42 AV1228.1 Tara Chatterjee, "An attempt to understand svatah pramanya in Advaita Vedanta", JIP 19, 1991, 229-248. Reprinted KFIP 25-40 AV1228.0 George Chemparathy, Vedanta Old and New: Change in Continuity. Utrecht 1991 AV1228.1.5 G.R.Franci, "Dal Vedanta alla bhakti al Vedanta", Alti del Quarto e del Quinto Convegno Nazionale di Studi Sanscriti (Torino 1991), 45-51 AV1228.2 D.B.Gangolli, Deliberation on the Ultimate Reality. Culminating in Intuitive Experience. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series 4. Bangalore 1991 AV1228.3 D.B.Gangolli, Vedanta: the Only Consummate Spiritual Experience. Satchidananda Vaak-Jyoti Series 8. Bangalore 1991 AV1229 John Grimes, An Advaitic Perspective on Language. Delhi 1991 AV1230 John Grimes, "Some problems in the epistemology of Advaita", PEW 41, 1991, 291-301 AV1230.5 Jitatmananda, Holistic Science and Vedanta. Bombay 1991 AV1230.8 Daya Krishna, "Vedantadoes it really mean anything?", IPACP 357-369 AV1231 Basant K. Lal, "Vedanta and the contemporary problem of man's estrangement", BRMIC 42, 1991, 227AV1231.1 A. Rama Murty, "Hindu attitude to other religions: an Advaitic approach", JRS 19.2, 1991, 45-54 AV1232 Lance E. Nelson, "Reverence for nature or the irrelevance of nature? Advaita Vedanta and ecological concern", JD 16, 1991, 282-301 AV1232.0 Piyali Palit, "Epistemology in monism: an Advaita Vedanta approach", JJP 3.2, 1991, 45-56 AV1232.1 N.C.Pande, Maya in Physics. Delhi 1991 AV1232.2 Rewti Raman Pandey, Scientific Temper and Advaita Vedanta. Varanasi 1991 AV1233 Walter Schultlz, "The contribution of Advaita Vedanta to the quest for an effective reassertion of the eternal", JD 16, 1991, 387-397 AV1233.05 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Doctrine of maya--a critical study", Sambodhi 16, 1991, 18-41 AV1233.08 K. B. Archak, A Primer of the Advaita Vedanta. Dharwad 1992 AV1233.1 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita Vedanta on the problem of enworlded subjectivity", PhIP 77-93 AV1233.1.1 Francis X. Clooney, "Hearing and seeing in early Vedanta: an exegetical debate and its implications for the study of religion", JOR 56-62, 1986-92, 213226 AV1233.2 Ganesh Prasad Das, "Advaita Vedanta and linguistic analysis", VJP 28.2, 1992, 56-63

AV1233.2.0 N.K.Devaraj, "Self and freedom: the Vedantic and phenomenological perspectives", PGI 79-86 AV1233.2.1 K.N.Nilakantsa Elayath, "The ethical interpretation of tattvamasi", MO 16, 1992, 111-114 AV1233.3 N. Jayashanmukhan, "The waking life and its conquest: a teaching of Advaita Vedanta", ALB 56, 1992, 47-55 AV1233.3.0 V. R. Kalayanasundara Sastri, "Scripture", Advaitasiddhantasara I, Madras 1992, 12-17; reprinted TVOS 29, 2004, 69-77 AV1233.3.1 Lita Jane Lewis, "The Vedantic concept of maya", PB 97, 1992, 247-252 AV1233.4 Thomas Manningezhath, "Advaita critique of the sphota and Sabdabrahman", JD 17, 1992, 178-195 AV1233.5 Tanya Mukherjee, "Vedanta: a rejuvenating power", PB 97, 1992, 448-452 AV1233.6 Harsh Narain, "Nihilism and Advaitism", Prajnaloka 1, 1979, 25-32 AV1233.7 G.C.Nayak, "Tolerance in Advaitaa study of the unique culture of transcendence", TIC 121-130 AV1233.8 Ramindra Kumar Pande, "Cessation of nescience as a fifth kind of reality in Advaita Vedanta: an appraisal", SVUOJ 35, 1992, 109-118 AV1234 Raphael, The Pathway of Non-Duality: Advaitavada. Delhi 1992 AV1234.1 S.Revathy, "Sruti and arthapatti in respect of avidya", ALB 56, 1992, 99-115 AV1234.2 V. Kutumba Sastry, "On tatparya-lingas", TVOS 17, 1992, 72-84 AV1234.3 K. Srinivas, "The nature of reality in Advaita", TVOS 17, 1992, 58-71 AV1235 T.P.Subrahmanyam, Vedanta in Prose and Verse. Hyderabad 1992 AV1235.1 Raghunath Chintaman Bhadwe, Vedanta Darshan: A Survival Guide for the Modern Man. Pune 1993 AV1235.2 Francis Xavier Clooney, Theology after Vedanta: an Experiment in Comparative Theology. Boulder, Colo. 1993, 1997, 1999 AV1236 Michael Comans, "The question of the importance of samadhi in modern and classical Advaita Vedanta", PEW 43, 1993, 19-38 AV1236.0 Wade H. Dazey , "The role of bhakti in the Dasanami order", LDSBDM 147172 AV1236.1 Viswanath Sitarama Gautamah, Vedanta Kosah (A Dictionary of Vedanta). Madras 1993 AV1236.5 V. Pramacle Kumari, "The concept of reality in Advaita Vedanta", VIJ 31, 1993-94, 159-168 AV1237 Michael W. Myers, "Tat tvam asi as Advaitic metaphor", PEW 43, 1993, 229242 AV1237.0 G.C.Nayak, "Freedom--some ethical and metaphysical aspects: Vedanta view", PPIBPS 329-336 AV1237.1 Ladapuram Varadachari Rajagopal, A Critique of Vedanta. New Delhi 1993 AV1237.1.05 B. C. Obula Reddy, "Advaita concept of upamana", Darshana 33.3, 1993, 52-54 AV1237.2 Sahananda, "The relevance of Vedanta today", BRMIC 44, 1993: 155, 191, 255, 262 AV1237.3 Vashdev Shalya, "Vedanta conception of man, history and society", PPIBPS 259-269

AV1238 Ram Murti Sharma, Encyclopedia of Vedanta. Delhi 1993 AV1239 K. Sundarama Iyer, Aspects of Advaita. Srirangam n.d. AV1240 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, Advaita and Modern Thought. Srirangam n.d. AV1241 Advaita Grantha Kosa Samgraha, prepared by a disciple of Sri Istasiddhindra Sarasvati Swami of the Upanisad Brahmendra Mutt, Kanchipuram n.d. AV1242 Bijayananda Kar, "Samkara Advaita on truth, reality and value", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 37-44 AV1243 A.K.Chatterjee, "The concept of saksi in Advaita Vedanta", JICPR 10.2, 1993, 45-64 AV1243.1 G. R. Malkani, "Philosophical truth", TVOS 18.2, 1993, 40-52 AV1243.2 Candrasekarendra Sarasvati, "Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 18.1, 1993, 75-90 AV1244 Arvind Sharma, The Experiential Dimension of Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1993 AV1245 Walter Slaje, "BAU 4.3.14 (M16) und die Entwicklung des subjektiven Illusionismus in lteren Vedanta", SII 18, 1993, 223-250 AV1245.1 Tathagatananda, "The fundamental teachings of Vedanta", PB 98, 1993, 343351 AV1245.2 M. Vedantalakshmi, "Ontological status of the world in Advaita", TVOS 18.2, 1993, 125-135 AV1247 N.S.Rugmini, "Disciples of Samkara", TL 17.1, 1994, 27-31 AV1247.1 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita: an overview", TA 1-25 AV1247.2 R. Balasubramanian, "The Absolute and God", TA 26-42 AV1247.3 R. Balasubramanian, "The one and the many", TA 43-72 AV1247.4 S.P.Banerjee, "Vedanta and neo-Vedanta: some reflection", TA 141-161 AV1247.5 R.Bhatt, "Some reflections on Advaita Vedantic concepts of maya and avidya", TA 109-128 AV1253 N.S. Dravid, "The illusoriness of the world", TA 129-140 AV1254 S.P.Dubey, "Freedom and equality in the Advaitic tradition", JPS 2.1, 1994, 6674 AV1254.3 K.N.Neelakantan Elayath, "Advaita and language", CultInd 73-78 AV1254.6 Dipak Ghosh, "Doctrinal alliance with sabdaparoksa in Advaita philosophy", CultInd 229-232 AV1255 John Grimes, Problems and Perspectives in Religious Discourse: Advaita Vedanta Implications. Albany, N.Y. 1994 AV1255.5 Kashinath, The Philosophy of Scientific Advaita. New Delhi 1994 AV1256 R.S.Kaushal, The Philosophy of the Vedanta: a Modern Scientific Perspective. New Delhi 1994 AV1257 B.R.Shantha Kumari, "Transformation metaphysics: Advaita as a model", TA 178-206 AV1258 Basant Kumar Lal, "Vedanta and values of a technological society", JPS 2.1, 1994, 8-18 AV1259 Basant Kumar Lal, "The Advaitic drsti: a recent sample", TA 122-178 AV1260 Kenneth Liberman, "A case for convergence in Tibetan and Vedantin meditative practices", JICPR 11.2, 1994, 55-68 AV1260.5 Tapti Maitra, A Constructive Study of Advaita Conception of Mind. Poona 1994

AV1261 Bhabani Charan Mukherji, Vedanta and Tagore. New Delhi 1994 AV1261.1 S.L. Pandey, "Reason and jnana: a reconstructionist view", JRS 24, 1994, 3646 AV1262 T.P.Ramachandran, "The place of Advaita in Indian philosophy: a metaphilosophical approach", TA 201-234 AV1262.2 S. Revathy, "The sadvidya sections of the Chandogyopanisad: a study from the Advaita and the Dvaita standpoints", SVUOJ 38, 1994, 105-114 AV1262.4 N. S. Rukmani, "Disciples of Samkara", TL 17.1, 1994, 27-31 AV1262.5 P.N.Srinivasachari, "Aspects of Advaita", TVOS 19, 1994, 77-108; 20.2, 1995, 59-84 AV1262.6 Junzo Tanizawa, "Advaitin's theory of laksana and Paninian grammar", JIBSt 43.2, 1994, 17-21 AV1263 N. Veezhinathan, "The concept of maya-avidya", TA 73-86 AV1264 N.Veezhinathan, "The locus, content, and removal of avidya", TA 87-108 AV1264.1 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita", TVOS 20.1, 1995, 118-138; 20.2, 1995, 130154 AV1264.2 Anindita N. Balslev, 'Radhakrishnan as the exponent of Advaita Vedanta on the question of encounter of religions", NEPSR 1995, 211-224 AV1264.3 A. N. Bhattacharya, "The Advaita view of Self (Brahman as existenceknowledge-bliss)", Darshana 35.3, 1995, 73-75 AV1264.4 Beatrice Bruteau, "Remain in bhavamukha: the empowering of a new wholeness", PB 100, 1995, 373-379 AV1264.5 Arindam Chakrabarti, "Sleep-learning or wake-up call? Can Vedic sentences make us aware of Brahman?", PKSM 1995, 157-168 AV1264.8 Richard de Smet, "Focussing on Brahman-Atman", CCIP 34-68 AV1265 Peter Forrest, "Maya and the pluralist predicament", AJP 73, 1995, 31-48 AV1265.5 John Grimes, "Two paradigms of religious language", PKSM 1995, 177-186 AV1265.6 Wilhelm Halbfass (ed.), Philology and Confrontation. Paul Hacker on Traditional and Modern Vedanta. Albany, N.Y. 1995 AV1265.7 Rachappa I. Ingalalli, "Knowledge and truth according to Swami Vivekananda's neo-Vedanta", PB 100, 1995, 872-879 AV1267 Daya Krishna, "What exactly is meant when we talk of different types of philosophical texts in the Indian tradition? Different forms of Advaita: what do they mean?", JICPR 12.3, 1995, 153 AV1267.5 Sengaku Mayeda, "Murty and Advaita Vedanta", PKSM 1995, 121-131 AV1267.5.1 Michael W. Meyers, Let the Cow Wander: Modeling the Metaphors in Veda and Vedanta. Honolulu 1995 AV1267.6 E. Easwaran Nampoothiry, "Contribution of Kerala to Advaita Vedanta literature", Vidyotini 1995, 40-49 AV1267.7 Nityasthananda, "Reflections on consciousness", PB 100, 1995, 829-833 AV1268 B.N.Pande, "The Vedanta and Sufism: a comparative study", IAC 44.3, 1995, 125-147 AV1268.1 S. L. Pandey, "Vedantic motifs of theism", TVOS 20.2, 1995, 22-41 AV1268.2 S. L. Pandey, "Vedantic approach to God", TVOS 20.1, 1995, 53-77 AV1269 B.L.Raina, Vedanta: What Can It Teach? Delhi 1995

AV1269.1 S. Revathy, "Advaita and other orthodox schools", TVOS 20.2, 1995, 85-104 AV1269.3 Rajendra Nath Sarma, "A note on the mahavakyas of the Advaita Vedanta", JUG 37, 1995, 63-66 AV1269.5 Tathagatananda, "The individual and the supreme", PB 100, 1995, 526-531 AV1269.6 Francis Vinaeth, "In search of an Advaita understanding of Christian experience", CCIP 241-260 AV1269.7 Adiswarananda, "Awakening of spiritual consciousness: the Vedanta pont of view", PB 101, 1996, 369-376 AV1269.7.5 K. P. Aleaz, Christian Thought through Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1996 AV1269.8 R. Balasubramanian, "Daya Krishna's retrospective delusion", JICPR 14.1, 1996, 137-156. Reprinted DDIP 80-106 AV1269.8.2 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya, "The unique concepts of Advaita Vedanta", JIAP 35, 1996, 1-10 AV1269.8.5 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Is maya the material cause of the world?", VK 83, 1996, 302-306 AV1269.8.6 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Is the question of morality irrelevant in Advaita Vedanta?", PB 101, 1996, 335-337 AV1269.7 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "What is the status of jiva (individual soul) in the Sankarite Advaita Vedanta", Darshana 36.3, 1996, 64-65 AV1269.9 S. H. Dixit, "The atmavada of Advaita Vedanta and the anatmavada of the Buddha", BudIA 1996, 102-113 AV1269.9.5 Sitanath Goswami, "Some principal concepts of Advaita Vedanta", MMSFV 84-91 AV1269.9.6 R. I. Ingalalli, "Logic of tattvamasi", PTG 31.2, 1996, 11-23 AV1270 B.R.Rajan Iyer, Rambles in Vedanta. Delhi 1996 AV1270.3 Basant K. Lal, "The Vedanta drsti: a recent Indian sample", StudIHC 4, 67-80 AV1270.5 Mukhyananda, "Modern science and Advaita Vedanta", VK 83, 1996: 367, 412 AV1270.7 G. C. Nayak, "Vedantic morality--a critical appraisal", RelST 15.2-3, 1996, 40-44 AV1270.8 G.C.Nayak, "Ethical considerations in Vedanta--a scientific approach", JD 21, 1996, 204-209 AV1270.9 S.L.Pandey, "Margins of theism", TVOS 21.1, 1996, 45-59 AV1270.9.5 S. Maheswara Pillai, "The mind and its functions: a Vedantic thought", VIJ 33-34, 1995-96, 203-206 AV1271 A. Ramamurty, Advaita: A Conceptual Analysis. Delhi 1996 AV1272 Srinivasa Rao, "Two 'myths' in Advaita", JIP 24, 1996, 265-279 AV1273 Arvind Sharma, The Philosophy of Religion and Advaita Vedanta. University Park, Pennsylvania 1995 AV1273.3 B.R.Shanthakumari, "Advaita: a metaphysics of standpoints", TVOS 21.1, 1996, 67-82 AV1273.7 Gomathi Ramanathan, "Bhakti in Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 21.2, 1996, 180188 AV1274 Ram Murti Sharma, The Veda and Vedanta. Delhi 1996

AV1275 N.S.Siddharthan, "Non-duality in Zen Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta", BudIA, 1996, 218-224 AV1275.5 M. Vedantalakshmi, "Individual self in Advaita", TVOS 21.2, 1996, 137-158 AV1275.8 Michael Zammit, "Morals and society in the light of Advaita Vedanta", MSAP 109-118 AV1276 Asoke Chatterjee Sastri, "Verses of the Samkarite school of Advaita Vedanta: a retrospection", MMSFV 84-91 AV1277 Adiswarananda, "The meaningful liberation", PB 102, 1997, 398-404 AV1277.5 Subhash Anand, "Jivan-mukti or liberation in this life", PC 179-208 AV1278 Krishna S. Arjundwadker, "A rational approach to Vedanta", ABORI 87.1, 1997, 223-234 AV1279 Tapobrota Bharadwaj, "Adventures of a layman in the realm of Vedanta", PB 102, 1997: 302, 353 AV1280 Joy Bhattacharyya, "Sri Ramakrishna, the epitome of Advaita", BRMIC 48, 1997, 121-124 AV1281 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacarya Sastri, "Advaita Vedanta, or the philosophy of nondualism in the Upaniads", EssInP 1-16 AV1282 Suresh Chandra, "An illusive historiography of the view that the world is maya: Professor Daya Krishna on the historiography of Vedanta", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 123-132 AV1283 Francis X. Clooney, "Binding the text: Vedanta as philosophy and commentary", TCon, 1997, 47-68 AV1284 R. K. Das Gupta, "Western response to Vedanta", BRMIC 48, 1997: 22, 73, 171 AV1284.1 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Vivartavada vs. drsti-srstivada", VK 84, 1997, 306313 AV1285 Eliot Deutsch, "Outline of an Advaita Vedanta aesthetics", RSB, 1997, 336-347 AV1286 N.S.Dravid, "Different forms of Advaitism: What do they mean? A reply", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 157-159 AV1286.5 Andrew O. Fort, "Jivanmukti and social service in Advaita and Neo-Vedanta", BOr 489-504 AV1287 Ardhendu Sekhar Ghosh, "Parallelism between modern physics and Vedanta", PB 102, 1997, 636-639 AV1288 Minati Kar, "Advaita view of reality and appearance", EssInP 17-28 AV1289 Satyaranjan Kar, "Vedanta, the Bhagavad-Gita and Sri Ramakrishna", BRMIC 48, 1997, 117-120 AV1290 Daya Krishna, "Is tattvam asi the same type of identity statement as 'the evening star is the same as the morning star'?", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 167 AV1290.0001 V. Prameela Kumari, "Means of liberation in Advaita Vedanta", VIJ 3536, 1997-98, 153-157 AV1290.001 Suchita Y. Mehta, "The concept of dream in Kevalavaita Vedanta", JOI 47, 1997, 237-249 AV1290.002 Suchita Y. Mehta, "Eka jivavada - aneka jivavada", JOI 47, 1997, 55-60 AV1290.0 Joseph Milne, "Advaita Vedanta and typologies of multipliclity and unity: an interpretation of nondual knowledge", IJHS 1.1, 1997, 165-188

AV1290.5 Srimati Mukherjee (Ray), "Radhakrishnan's critique of maya as illusion", Darshana 27.4, 1997, 57-60 AV1290.7 P. Narasimha, "Verbal knmowledge as preceptor. The untenable Advaita view of irresolvable contradictions", SVP 30.2-3, 1997, 24-31 AV1291 S. Panneerselva, "A rejoinder to Daya Krishna", JICPR 14.3, 1997, 150-152 AV1292 M. Prabhakara Rao, "A critique on Brahman-realization", JICPR 14.2, 1997, 7182 AV1293 Indrani Samyal, "What is it that we are ignorant of?", EssInP 29-46 AV1294 Satchidananendra Sarasvati, The Method of the Vedanta (A Critical Account of the Advaita Tradition). Delhi 1997 AV1295 Arvind Sharma, The Rope and the Snake. A Metaphorical Exploration of Advaita Vedanta. New Delhi 1997 AV1295.5 Asoke Chatterjee Sastri, "An observation on some verses of the Advaita school", JASBe 39, 1997, 25-30 AV1295.7 S. R. Swaminathan, Vedanta and Shelley. Portland, Ore. 1997 AV1296 P.V. Narayana Swamy, "The way to freedom from prakrti", PB 102, 1997, 680684 AV1298 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita", TVOS 23.1, 1998, 49-61 AV1300 J.K.Barthaku, "A journey towards essence of Mandukya Upanisad for a theory of time", IndPQ 25, 1998, 15-48 AV1301 S.M.Bhatkande, "Identity of Brahman and Atman", DHCCR 157-164 AV1302 S.R.Bhatt, "Some reflections on Advaita Vedanta concepts of maya and avidya", DHCCR 103-118 AV1303 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Maya in the light of Swami Vivekananda", PB 103, 1998, 541-546 AV1304 T. S. Devadoss, "The universality of Vedanta", SaivS 33, 1998, 16-24 AV1305 N. S. Dravid, "A note on 'Is "tat tvam asi" the same type of identity statement as "the morning star is the evening star"', IndPQ 25, 1998, 533-546 AV1310 Andrew O. Fort, Jivanmukti in Transformation: Embodied Liberation in Advaita and Neo-Vedanta. Albany, N.Y. 1998 AV1311 Frederic F. Frost, "The making of worlds in Advaita Vedanta", PEW 48, 1998, 387-405 AV1313 N. Gangadharan, "Advaitic concepts in the Tirumandiram", TVOS 23.2, 1998, 106-116 AV1314 J. Krishan, "Relation between pure consciousness and mind", TVOS 23.2, 1998, 117-138 AV1315 Daya Krishna, "Is 'tat tvam asi' the same type of identity statement as 'the morning star is the evening star?'", IndPQ 25, 1998, 1-14 AV1316 Daya Krishna, "The myth of the prasthanatrayi", JICPR 16.1, 1998, 85-92. Comments by Prema Nanda Kumar at JICPR 16.3, 1999, 140 AV1320 G. Mishra, "The parliament of philosophies--majority view condemned: a critique of Daya Krishna's view of Vedanta in the first millennium A.D.", JICPR 16.1, 1998, 135-144. Reprinted in DDIP 127-138 AV1321 Laxman Prasad Mishra, The Doctrine and Discipline of Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 1998

AV1322 Lance E. Nelson, "The dualism of nondualism: Advaita Vedanta and the irrelevance of nature", PEBG 61-88 AV1323 Prabuddhananda, "Consciousness in Vedanta", PB 103, 1998, 268-272 AV1324 Ranganathananda, "Vedantic view of evolution", PB 103, 1998, 9-17 AV1325 Srinivasa Rao, "Prabhakara Rao on 'Brahman-realization'", JICPR 15.2, 1998, 128-132 AV1326 Candrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 8-21 AV1327 Dayananda Sarasvati, "Tradition of Advaita", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 34-55 AV1328 Pradip Kumar Sengupta, "Indian philosophy of transcendence: Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 49, 1998: 75, 132, 187, 217, 276, 318 AV1328.1 Vidyasankar Sundaresan, "On Prasamkhyana and Parisamkhyana: meditation in Advaita Vedanta, Yoga, and Pre-Samkaran Vedanta", ALB 62, 1998, 51-89. AV1329 Swahananda, "Social implications of Vedanta", BRMIC 49, 1998, 396-403 AV1330 S.R.Swaminathan, "Vedanta and Shelley's philosophy of love", VQ 7.2, 1998, 25-42 AV1335 Tattvavidananda, "Mulavidya, avasthividya, and tulavidya", BRMIC 49, 1998, 224-225 AV1335.00 N. Veezhinathan, "Advaita in the works of Kalidasa", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 122-131 AV1335.0 Krishna S. Arjundwadkar, "Some challenging words and readings", ABORI 79, 1999, 213-220 AV1350.01 Atmapriyananda, "Vedanta and mathematical logic", PB 104, 1999: 579, 613 AV1350.03 Milind M. Beedkar, "The role of the philosophy or Vedanta in human resourcd development", JOI 49.1-2, 1999, 69-73 AV1350.05 S.M.Bhatkande, "Identity of Brahman and Atman", DHCCR 157-164 AV1350.06 S.R.Bhatt, "Some reflections on Advaita Vedanta concepts of maya and avidya", DHCCR 103-118 AV1351 Bijan Biswas, "Pratyaksa and its two dimensions: Advaita Vedanta perspective", IndPQ 26, 1999, 37-58 AV1355 S.V.Bokil, "A note on 'tattvamasi'", IndPQ 26, 1999, 425-434 AV1361 R.K.Dasgupta, "Vedanta through the ages", BRMIC 49-50, 1999, 211-218; 51, 2000: 15, 87, 121, 155, 216 AV1364 Martha Doherty, A Contemporary Debate in Advaita Vedanta: Avidya and the Views of Swami Satchidananendra Saraswati. Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard U. 1999 AV1364.5 Dhruv S. Kaji, Yet Another Book on Vedanta. Mumbai 1999 AV1365 Dipak Ghosh, "An instrumentality to moksa in the Advaita concept", Vanmayi 64-67 AV1365.1 Bijayananda Kar, "Vedanta concept of purusartha", VJP 34.1, 1999, 1-13 AV1365.3 Bob Kindler, "Non-dual truth as spiritual practice", PB 104, 1999, 583-584 AV1365.9 D. Nasy, "Vedanta and human rights", PB 104, 1999, 854-859 AV1366.0 G.C.Nayak, "The concept of saksicaitanya in Advaita Vedanta", PQJNMU 5, 1999, 55-62 AV1366.1 Candrasekharendra Sarasvati, "Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 8-21 AV1366.2 Dayandna Sarasvati, "Tradition in Advaita", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 34-55

AV1366.3 Arvind Sharma, "A problem in the epistemology of Advaita Vedanta", PB 104, 1999, 716-723, with comments by K.H.Potter, N.B.Chakraborty, M.Ramachandra, S.P.Dubey, Arati Bhattacharya and Hiranmoy Banerjee AV1363.4 Asoke Chatterji Sastri, "An observation of some verses iof the Samkaraschool", Vanmayi 43-48 AV1366.3.5 V. Kutumba Sastry, "Phenomenological Advaita Vedanta", SVUOJ 42, 1999, 29-42 AV1366.4 Yajneshwar S. Shastri, "Nature of the universe: views of Vedanta and modern science", BhV 59, 1999, 7-20 AV1366.6 P.K.Sundaram, "Advaita and the problem of religious language", PB 104, 1999, 230-231 AV1336.8 N. Veezhinathan, "Advaita in the works of Kalidasa", TVOS 24.1, 1999, 122131 AV1366.9 Sandra Kay Woodson, Callicott's Criteria for Environmental Ethics and Advaita Vedanta. M.A.Thesis, Colorado State U. 1999 AV1367 Srimohan Bhattacharya, "The use of the word prama: valid cognition in Advaita Vedanta", ConK 83-92 AV1368 A. Kanthamani and S.V.Bokil, "Are mahavakyas identity vakyas? A note on 'tattvamasi'", IndPQ 26, 1999, 415-434 AV1370 G. Mishra, "Turning points in Vedanta in second millennium A.D.: intellectual ratiocination and spiritual discourse in Advaita Vedanta", TPIST 1-15 AV1370.5 S.L. Pandey, "Pre-Samkara Advaita", AdV 3-28 AV1371 Muni Narayana Prasad, Karma and Reincarnation: the Vedantic Perspective. Contemporary Research in Hindu Philosophy and Religion 2. New Delhi 1999 AV1373 M. Prabhakara Rao, "A rejoinder to Prof. Srinivasa Rao entitled 'A critique of Brahman realization'", JICPR 17.1, 1999, 142-144 AV1374 S. Revathy, "The illusoriness of the world", AdV 340-378 AV1376 Sanjay Kumar Shukla, "Saksi: its nature, role and status in Advaitic tradition", IndPQ 26, 1999, 575-588 AV1379 Radhavallabh Tripathi, "Mahavakya and liberation", TPIST 151-157 AV1380 K.P.Aleaz, A Convergence of Advaita Vedanta and Eastern Christian Thought. Delhi 2000 AV1383 Atmapriyananda, "Understanding Vedanta in the light of completeness and consistency. Questions in the formalism of mathematical logic", VCA 59-76 AV1384 Ramesh Sadashiv Balsekar, Advaita, the Buddha, and the Unbroken Whole. Ed. Susan Waterman. Mumbai 2000 AV1385 Anindita N. Balslev, "The question of 'I' in Advaita Vedanta: reviewing the contributions of K.C.Bhattacharya", VCA 77-87 AV1387 Hiranmoy Banerjee, "Advaita Vedanta: a contemporary perspective", VCA 8893 AV1389 Bhajananda, "Alienation and neo-Vedanta",VCA 94-114 AV1391 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya Shastri, "The unique concepts of Advaita Vedanta", VCA 115-125

AV1392 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya Sastri, "The concept of freedom according to Advaita Vedanta", JIAP 39, 2000, 1-4 AV1395 S.V.Bokal, "Reflections on Dravid's mahavakyas again", IndPQ 27, 2000, 339344 AV1398 Arindam Chakraborti, "God as the teacher, the teacher as God: notes towards a critique of the concept of an omniscient guru in the devotional Advaita of Jnaneshwari (Gita)", VCA 159-173 AV1399 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "Advaita, Visistadvaita and Dvaita as different stages of Vedanta", VCA 174-186 AV1400 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, "The concept of freedom--the Advaita approach", JIAP 39, 2000, 42-47 AV1401 Shyam Kumar Chattopadhyaya, The Philosophy of Samkara's Advaita Vedanta. New Delhi 2000 AV1402 John B. Chetthimattam, "Vedanta as a method for inter-religious theology", VCA 187-203 AV1404 Michael Comans, The Method of Early Advaita Vedanta. Delhi 2000 AV1404 Bhupendra C. Das, "Advaita Vedanta as jnanalaksana: a critique", IndPQ 27, 2000, 247-258 AV1405 R. K. Das Gupta, "Swami Vivekananda's idea of Vedanta", VCA 204-213 AV1407 B.U.Deshpande, "Dravid and the identity-statements: some difficulties", IndPQ 27, 2000, 201-204 AV1409 N.S.Dravid, "Mahavakyas again", IndPQ 27, 2000, 335-338 AV1411 David Frawley, Vedantic Meditation. Lighting the Flame of Awareness. Berkeley, Calif. 2000 AV1412 Ghananda, "Disciplines of Vedanta", VK 87, 2000: 351, 383 AV1412.5 Sitanath Gosvami, "Vedanta as a philosophy", BRMIC 51, 2000, 446-449 AV1412.8 Shoun Hino, "Historical perspective on Vedanta", WL 183-194 AV1413 Alan Hunter, "Chinese Buddhism and Vedanta", VCA 255-279 AV1413.1 Mazemma Jakubczak, "Living liberation (jivanmukti)", StudiaInd 7, 2000, 171-180 AV1413.2 S.N.Kandaswamy, "Advaita in Tamil", AdV 443-469 AV1413.3 Bijayananda Kar, "Samkara's Advaita on truth, reality and value", VPIP 29-38 AV1413.4 Bijayananda Kar, "The Vedanta concept of purusartha: a philosophical appraisal", VPIP 145-156 AV1414 Gerald James Larson, "Relevance of Vedanta in the new millennium", BRMIC 51, 2000: 251, 305, 543 AV1414.5 Halina Marlewicz, "Vedantic exegesis of Taitiriyopanisad 2.1", StudiaInd 7, 2000, 245-254 AV1415 Godabarisha Mishra, "Dissolution of mind and erosion of impressions. Manonasa and vasanaksaya in Advaitin's scheme of liberation", TVOS 25.1-2, 2000, 278-312 AV1416 J.N.Mohanty, "Advaita Vedanta as philosophy and as religion", VCA 280-291. Reprinted ExinP 105-113 AV1418 Mumukshananda, "Vedanta: concepts and application through Sri Ramakrsna's life", VCA 292-316

AV1420 Sulachana A. Nachane, A Survey of Post-Samkara Advaita Vedanta. Edited by Ravindra Kumar Pande. Delhi 2000 AV1420.1 G.C.Nayak, "The concept of saksicaitanya in Advaita Vedanta with reference to the Upanishads", PQJNMU 6, 2000, 55-62 AV1420.3 Nihsreyasananda, "Vedantic approaches", VK 87, 2000, 232-236 AV1420.4 Nihsreyasananda, "Relevance of nondualism", VK 87, 2000, 267-270 AV1420.7 Pitambarananda, "On the goal of life", VK 87, 2000, 153-155 AV1421 Prabhananda, "Swami Vivekananda's concept of service: a feather in Vedanta's cap", VCA 217-335 AV1423 M. Prabhakara Rao, "A critique on the concept of jiva", JICPR 17.2, 2000, 117142 AV1424 S. Revathy, "The illusoriness of the world", AdV 340-378 AV1424.1 S. Revathy, "Pre-Samkara Advaita", AdV 3-28 AV1424.3 T.S. Rukmini, "Vedanta and the Bhakti Traditions", FIC 125-147 AV1424.5 S. Sankaranayanan, "Post-Samkara Advaita: the Bhamati tradition", AdV 285339 AV1425 Arvind Sharma, "Who speaks for Hinduism? A perspective from Advaita Vedanta", JAHR 68, 2000, 751-759 AV1425.1 Arvind Sharma, "Sacred scriptures and the mysticism of Advaita Vedanta", MySS 169-183 AV1426 Ram Murti Sharma, "The Vedanta and conflict resolution", SICSL 67-78 AV1427 J. L. Shaw, "The Advaita Vedanta on meaning", VCA 360-373; also BRMIC 51, 2000: 83, 126, 161, 265 AV1428 Pradip Kumar Sengupta, "Vedanta and the future of man", BRMIC 51, 2000: 83, 126, 161, 265 AV1428.5 Ramakant Sinari, "Advaita as contemporary Indian philosophy form the beginning of the 19th century", AdV 379-442 AV1429 Shivananda, Practice of Vedanta. Shivanandanagar 2000 AV1430 K.S.Sivakumar, "Swami Vivekananda's ethical perception of the Vedantic oneness", VK 87, 2000, 358-361 AV1430.3 Vidyasankar Sudarshan, "Conflicting hagiographies and history: the place of Sankaravijaya texts in Advaita tradition", IJHS 4, 2000, 109-184 AV1430.4 V. Swaminathan, "A textual problem in Advaita Vedanta", SVUOJ 43, 2000, 1-8 AV1430.4.1 Tattvamayananda, "Advaita Philosophy and National Integration", FIC 119124 AV1430.5 Tathagatananda, "The concept of soul or self in Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 51, 2000, 395-401 AV1431 D. N. Tiwari, "Advaita critique of experience", IndPQ 27, 2000, 133-150 AV1433 N. Veezhinathan, "Post-Samkara Advaita: the Vivarana tradition", AdV 242284 AV1435 Huna Xinchuan, "Religious and cultural interflow between Indian Vedanta and Chinese Buddhism and Taoism", VCA 374-378 AV1438 Bibhuti S. Yadav, "Mispredicated identity and postcolonial discourse", Sophia 39.1, 2000, 78-131

AV1438.5 K.P.Aleaz, "An interpretation of the person and function of Jesus from within Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 52, 2001, 468-471 AV1438.7 R. Balasubramanian, "Advaita Vedanta: its unity with other systems and its contemporary relevance", Indian Philosophical Systems. Reprinted TVOS 26.1, 2001, 93-116 AV1439 Gauri Chattopadhyaya, Advaitic Ontology and Epistemology: a Critical Reassessment. Allahabad 2001 AV1439.1 Karunasindhu Das, "A Vedanta perspective on disambiguation", PVB 20, 2001, 62-68 AV1439.2 R.K.Das Gupta, "Vedanta in Bengal", BRMIC 52, 2001: 147, 196, 231, 267, 321, 353, 399, 479 AV1439.5 N. Usha Devi, "'If there were no snakes at all'. Reply to query published in the JICPR Vol. 7, no. 3", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 245-246 AV1439.8 Bharta Dhruva, "Mahavakyas and their application", VK 88, 2001, 222-233 AV1440 N. S. Dravid, "A postscript to the discussion on the mahavayas", IndPQ 28, 2001, 93-96 AV1440.1 Lionel Fernandes, "A Christian reflects on the Vedanta", CTB 45-64 AV1440.2 T.N.Ganapathy, "The philosophy of the Tamil siddhas and Advaita: a study in parallelism", TVOS 26.1, 2001, 55-79 AV1440.3 Alan Hunter, "Chinese Buddhism and Vedanta", PB 105, 2001: 116, 172 AV1440.5 Rajesh Kumar Jha, "Post-modernism and Advaita spirituality", RDSPPIWP 185-196 AV1440.7 Dhreev S. Kaji, Yet Another Book on Vedanta: Common Sense about Uncommon Wisdom. New Delhi 2001 AV1441 A Kanthamani, "Are Dravid's mahavayas Fregean mahavayas?", IndPQ 28, 2001, 97-99 AV1441.1 A. Kanthamani, "What is it to be a witness consciousness (saksin)", IndPQ 28, 2001, 1-147 AV1441.2 Bob Kindler, "What is solid yet subtle?", PB 105, 2001, 329-331 AV1441.2.5 Sashi Prabha Kumar, "Pratibodhaviditam as saksi caitanya", TVOS 26.2, 2001, 87-102 AV1441.3 B.R.Shantha Kumari, "Jagat, jiva and Brahman: Advaita view", TVOS 26.1, 2001, 117-129 AV1441.3.5 G.M.Mallica, "Advaita in Srimad-Bhagavata", TVOS 26.2, 2001, 103-116; 26.1, 2001, 45-71 AV1441.4 G. Mishra, "Doing Advaita--Malkanian way", JICPR 18.4, 2001, 249-261 AV1441.5 G. C, Nayak,"The Advaita philosophy of value", JUJI 7, 2001, 125-131 AV1441.5.5 L. Antony Saveri Raj, "The radical trinity : Raimon Panikkar's re-vision of Advaita and the trinity", CTB 178-191 AV1441.6 M. Prabhakara Rao, "Brahman-world illusion in Advaita Vedanta", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 129-146 AV1441.8 C.S.Shah, "Advaita Vedanta as the quest for knowledge", VK 88, 2001, 139141 AV1442 Ramesh Kumar Shastri, "Dreamless sleep and some related philosophical issues", PEW 51, 2001, 210-231

AV1444 Karan Singh, "Vedanta and the challenge of modern times", BRMIC 52, 2001, 11-17 AV1445 R. L. Singh, "An axiological view of avidya:, TVOS 26.1, 2001, 39-55 AV1446 Tathagatananda, "The fundamental teachings of Vedanta", BRMIC 52, 2001: 18, 62, 117 AV446.5 Tattwanayananda, "Advaita philosophy and the 'dharma' ideal", PB 106, 2001, 547-550 AV1447 Tattwavidananda, "Concept of existence in Advaita Vedanta", PB 105, 2001, 271-275 AV1449 Augustine Thottakara, "A Vedantic perspective of ecology", JD 26, 2001, 9-27 AV1451 D.N.Tiwari, "'Suppose Mr. X realizes the Advaitic Brahman: will he be able to make that claim (not just speak, etc.) by making the statement ahambrahmasmi? Will he be able to tell Mr. Ytattvamasi and sarvam khalvidam brahma?' Reply to the queries of U.A.Vinay Kumar published in JICPR 17.3", JICPR 18.2, 2001, 247 AV1451.5 N. Veezhinathan, "On the cause of the world", TVOS 26.1, 2001, 80-86 AV1452 Brahmaprana, "Vedanta: death and the art of dying", PB 107, 2002, 605-620 AV1453 Chidananda, "Vedantic wisdom: the way to real happiness", VK 89, 2002, 253256 AV1454 Maya Das, "Tattvamasi: a discussion on Advaita method, meaning and metaphysics", PQJNMU 8, 2002, 13-20 AV1455 Thomas A. Forsthoeffel, Knowing Beyond Knowledge. Epistemollogies of Religious Experience in Classical and Modern Advaita. Aldershot, England; Burlington, Vt. 2002 AV1455.5 Rajesh Kumar Jha, "The response of non-dualism (Advaita) to the problem of individualism", JRS 33, 2002, 21-35 AV1456 Jojo Joseph, "Trinitarian experience of a Christian and Advaitic experience of a Hindu", JD 27, 2002, 207-231 AV1456.5 Stephen Kaplan, "Vidya and avidya: simultaneous and coterminous?a holographic model to illuminate the Advaita", PEW 57, 2002 AV1457 Paul Y. F. Loke, "The transcendental self", TVOS 27.1, 2002, 130-147 AV1458 Suryakant Maharane, "Husserl's phenomenology: an Advaita Vedanta perspective", PQJNMU 8.3-4, 2002, 83-92 AV1459 V. Malavalli, "Einstein's relativity and relation to Vedantic thought", JIBSt 51.1, 2002, 13-7 AV1459.5 G. M. Mallica, "Advaita in Srimad-Bhagavata", TVOS 26.2, 2001, 103-116; 27.1, 2002, 45-71 AV1459.7 Satya Deva Misra, "The concept of saksi caitanya in Samkara's Vedanta", IndicSt1 114-122 AV1460 G. S. Murty, Paratattvaganitadarsana. Egometry or Principles of Transcendental Philosophy or Mathematical Truth. Delhi 2002 AV1461 Samir Nath, Dictionary of Vedanta. Delhi 2002 AV1464 William Page, "A case for counter-superimposition", BRMIC 53, 2002, 159-162 AV1465 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Problem of avidya and avidyasraya", RKBSSS 100113

AV1465.1 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "On the fifth definition of mithyatva", RKBSSS 122129 AV1466 Parfulle Kumar Panigrahi, The Theory of Zero-Existence. Maya, the Power Divine. New Delhi 2002 AV1467 M.S.Muralidharan Pillai, "Advaita interpretation of mahavakyas", ITH 495-499 AV1468 Pitambarananda, "The challenge before Vedanta today", BRMIC 53, 2002: 1220, 78-82 AV1468.2 Prabuddhananda, "Consciousness is supreme", PB 107, 2002, 413-415 AV1468.4 S. V. Raman, "Advaita Bhagwad Gita: its relevance in quantum meditation", Dilip 28.4, 2002, 8-14 AV1468.5 Chakravarti Ram-Prasad, Advaita Epistemology and Metaphysics. An Outline of Indian Non-Realism. London 2002 AV1469 P.S.Roodurmun, Bhamati and Vivarana Schools of Advaita Vedanta. Edited by Kanshi Ram. Delhi 2002 AV1470 M. Schmcker, "Zur Kontroverse um die Erkenntbarkeit des Unterschiedes in Advaita- und Visistadvaita-Vedanta", SH3 131-152 AV1471 Sevaprana, "Why do we suffer?", PB 107, 2002, 207-212, 257-261 AV1473 B.N.K.Sharma, "Mahavakyas and via negativa methodology", BNKSRP 19-22 AV1474 B.N.K.Sharma, "Perception and configuration of saksi in Dvaita and Advaita schols--an appraisal", BNKSRP 37-40 AV1475 Ram Murti Sharma, Encyclopedia of Vedanta. Second edition. Three volumes. Delhi 2002 AV1476 Henry Simoni-Wastila, "Maya and radical particularity: can particular persons be one with Brahman?", IJHS 6, 2002, 1-18 AV1479 Jaidev Singh, "Role of bhavana in moral and spiritual development", PB 107, 2002, 309-312 AV1477 Karan Singh, "Vedanta in the nuclear age", IICQ 28.4, 2002, 145-151 AV1479 Gopal Stavig, "Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Indian Vedantists on mysticism, salvation and heavenly existence", JD 27, 2002, 149-168 AV1479.0 Sharada Subramanian, "On the problem of evil with special reference to Vedanta", TVOS 27.1, 2002, 96-113 AV1479.1 G. L. Suthar, "Dr. Madhusudana Oja's approach toward establishing conformity between the Veda and the Vedanta", Madhya Bharati 52, 2002, 81-86 AV1479.2 N. Veezhinathan, "Interpretation of Vedantic texts", TVOS 27.1, 2002, 33-44 AV1479.2.1 N. Veezhinathan, "The nature of the jiva according to Advaita", TVOS 27.2, 2002, 108-118 AV1479.3 Ramesh S. Balsekar, Advaita, the Buddha, and the Unbroken Whole. Bombay 2003 AV1479.3.5 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, A Dictionary of Advaita Vedanta. Kolkata 2003 AV1479.4 V. A. Devasenapathy, "World perspective of Indian philosophy", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 51-60 AV1479.5 N. Usha Devi, "BEING-Being-being: the Advaitic perspective", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 147-160 AV1479.6 N. Usha Devi, "What is the difference, if any, between abhava and anupalabdhi?", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 184-186

AV1479.7 N. Usha Devi, "Comments on Brahman-world illusion in Advaita Vedanta: a critique:, JICPR 20.2, 2003, 200-207 AV1479.7 S.P.Dubey, "The method of early Advaita", PB 108, 2003, 130-132 AV1480 Bina Gupta, Cit: Consciousness. New Delhi 2003 AV1482 K. N. Hota, "The grounds for accepting arthapatti as a distinct pramana", JGJRI 48-49, 2002-2003, 289-296 AV1483 V. R. Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Jiva is Brahman itself, not different from it", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 73-79 AV1484 S. N. Kandaswamy, "The encounter between Saiva Siddhanta and Advaita", ThV 690-724 AV1485 Bijayananda Kar, "Bhavarupa-Avidya: a new analysis", Parampara 130-140 AV1485.1 Bijayananda Kar, "National integration, secularism and Advaita philosophy of value", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 38-50 AV1485.2 Bijayananda Kar, "The Vedantic concept of purusartha", BrB 39-50 AV1486 Daya Krishna, "Freeing philosophy from the 'prison-house' of 'I-centricity'", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 125-143 AV1487 Gauri Mahullikar, "Trends of assimilation and integration in Vedanta philosophy", SVUOJ 46, 2003, 87-101 AV1488 M.S.Manhas, The Holy Vedantic Life. New Delhi 2003 AV1488.3 Halina Marlewicz, Advaita Vedanta Hermeneutics of Revelation KeyStatements as "Mythicising" of Transzendenz". MTEIE 249-280 AV1488.5 G. Mishra, "Jivanmukti and jivanmukta", VarPl 191-202 AV1488.6 Godabarisha Mishra, "Maya-avidyaa phenomenological problematic", BrB 23-38 AV1489 K. Narain, The Fundamentals of Advaita Vedanta. Varanasi 2003 AV1489.5 S. L. Pandey, "The idea of spiritual value", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 61-72 AV1490 R.C.Pradhan, "R. Balasubramanian on Wittgenstein: the search for Advaitic roots", Parampara 212-228 AV1490.5 Ramakrishna Puligandla, "Consciousness, cosmology, and science: an Advaitic analysis", TVOS 28.1, 2003, 120-129 AV1491 S.V.Raman, "Advaita in Bhagwad Gita: its relevance in quantum meditation", Dilip 29.1, 2003, 13-20; 29.2, 2005, 29-36 AV1491.5 Ranganathananda, Democratic Administration in the Light of Practical Vedanta. Mylapore, Chennai 2003 AV1492 Nagaraja Rao, "Bhagavan Ramana Mahrishithe restorer of Advaita", VarPl 236-240 AV1493 Srinivasa Rao, "Advaita Vedanta and modern physics: some reflections", BrB 173-188 AV1492.5 Ramesh Kumar Sharma, "A reply to A. Kanthasuri's comments on my views concerning consciousness vs. dreamless sleep", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 208-213 AV1492.7 V. A. Sarma, "On differences in some readings in the Advaita texts", SarupaSarabham 83-94 AV1492.8 V. R. Kalyanasundara Sastri, "Jiva is Brahman itself, not different from it", TVOS 28.2, 2003, 73-79

AV1493 Marcus Schmcker, "The object of perception: the debate in Advaita and Visistadvaita", Parampara 341-362 AV1494 Umamaheshwari Shankar, "Acarya parampara in Advaita tradition", JAIRI 5, 2002-2003, 1-14 AV1494.8 Karan Singh, "Some thoughts on Vedanta", VarPl 362-369 AV1495 Debabrata Sinha, "Ananda--the notion and the theme: a perspective", Parampara 178-190 AV1497 D.N.Tiwari, "A reply to the queries of Jagat Pal publishedin JICPR Vol. 3, July-Sept. 2000", JICPR 20.2, 2003, 187-188 AV1497 N. Veezhinathan, "Conceptual divide between Advaita and Visistadvaita", ThV 239-276 AV1497.1 N. Veezhinathan, "The nature of the jiva according to Advaita", TVOS 27.2, 2003, 108-118 AV1497.2 N. Veezhinathan, "On mithyatva", TVOS 28.1, 2003, 104-119 AV1497.5 Ashok Vohra, "Jaganmithyaan alternative interpretation", BrB 1-10 AV1498 Annette Wilke, "Der vedische Weltburger. Zur Globalisierung des Advaitavedanta0parampara zwischen Traditionalilsmus und auto-Orientalismus", RelimS 321-356 AV1498.3 Adiswarananda, The Vedanta Way to Peace and Happiness. Woodstock, Vt. 2004 AV1498.5 T. N. Ganapathy, "Rambling thoughts on Tamil siddhas and Advaita", TVOS 29, 2004, 173-178 AV1499 Minati Kar, "Perennial values in Vedanta philosophy", Kalyan Bharati 8, 2004 AV1499.1 Paul Y. E. Lok, "Liberation in Advaita", TVOS 29, 2004, 121-144 AV1499.3 G. Mishra, "Vivekananda as a post-Samkara Advaitina", TVOS 29, 2004, 220-236 AV1499.5 Robert Powell, Dialogues on Reality: An Exploration into the Nature of our Ultimate Identity. Delhi 2004 AV1500 Ramakrishna Puligandla, "Consciousness, cosmology and science; an Advaitic analysis", AsPOxford 14, 2004, 147-154 AV1500.2 Ramaswarup, Vedanta and Eternal Vedas Philosophy II. Kangra 2004 AV1500.3 Charles Rathkopf, "Hindu philooph", TVOS 29, 2004, 194-206 AV1500.5 Arvind Sharma, Sleep as a State of Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta. Albany, N.Y. 2004 AV1500.6 Arvind Sharma, Advaita Vedanta: an Introduction.Delhi 2004 AV1500.6.5 K. Srinivas, "The social significance of Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 29, 2004, 174-203 AV1500.7 Satyaswarupananda, "Dreams and deep sleep", VK 91, 2004: 229, 258 AV1500.8 N. Veezhinathan, "The theme of consciousness in Indian culture", CIPY 76-89 AV1500.9 N. Veezhinathan, "OPn the notion of the phenomenal world", TVOS 29, 2004, 207-219 AV1500.9.5 Radhasyan Brahmachari and Baidyanath Basu, "Vedanta and modern science", BRMIC 56, 2005, 396-402 AV1501 John Bussanick, "The roots of Platonoism and Vedanta: comments on Thomas McEvilly", IJHS 9, 2005, 1-20

AV1501.5 Nirod Baran Chakraborty, Practical application of Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 56, 2005, 153-159 AV1502 Bhupendra Chandra Das, "Spinoza's substance and Vedanta-Brahman", UPEWP 157-162 AV1505 Martha Doherty, "A contemporary debate among Advaita Vedantins on the nature of avidya", JIP 33, 2005, 209-241 AV1506 Gambhirananda, "Vedanta in practice", PB 110, 2005, 151-163 AV1507 N. Gazabas, "Advaita and gnosticism", IHR 32.1, 2005 AV1507.5 Bart Gruzalski, "Modern philosophical fragmentation versus Vedanta and Plato", DCI 349-362 AV1507.5 D. Haimalayanath, "Vedanta at the development paradigm" a critique", JGJRI 60-61, 2004-2005, 301-314 AV1507.8 Shashiprabha Kumar, "Ontological quest from Veda to Vedanta", SelfSV 4758 AV1507.9 Shashiprabha Kumar, "Significance of sadhanacatustaya in Vedanta", SelfSV 108-125 AV1508 Mukhyananda, "Vednta as an investigative system", PB 110, 2005, 22-27 AV1508.5 Raphael Neelamkavil, "Reconstructing the foundations of Vedanta metaphysics: a pluriversal model for philosophizing", JD 30, 2005, 337-364 AV1509 Pitambarananda, "Individual being and universal being", PB 110, 2005, 219-221 AV1509.5 R. C. Pradhan, "Social dimensions of Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 30.1, 2005, 35-53 AV1509.8 T. P. Ramachandran, "The Advaita view of life", TVOS 30, 2005, 132-146 AV1510 Ranganathananda, "Vedanta and science", BRMIC 56, 2005, 285-291 AV1510.5 Srinivasa Rao, "Advaita as the foundation of morality", TVOS 30, 2005, 102125 AV1511 Satyamayananda, "Beyond illusions", PB 110, 2005, 566-570 AV1513 Sunirmalananda, Insights into Vedanta: Tattvabodha. Chennai 2005 AV1513.5 Sebastian Velassery, "Transcendent Brahman and the problematic of ultimate reality in Vedanta: a phenomenological approach", PURB 32.1-2, 2005, 112-124 AV1514 Namboodri R. Jeevan Babu, "Vedanta philosophy and Sartrean existentialism", PappuSV 193-198 AV1514.5 Adiswarananda, The Four Yogas: a Guide to the Spiritual Path of Action, Devotion, Meditation and Knowledge. Woodstock, Vt. 2006 AV1514.8 S. Balakrishnan, "Self-enquiry, knowledge and liberation", TVOS 31.1, 2006, 152-159 AV1515 Ganesh Prasad Das, "Aham brahmasmi: its logical foundation and value implications", PapuSV 81-96 AV1516 Sanghamitra Dasgupta, "Real, uinreal and false in Advaita vedanta", IndPQ 33, 2006, 75-84 AV1516.1 D. Nirmala Devi, "Ego and desire", PB 111, 2006, 651-653 AV1516.2 N. Usha Devi, "Anirvacaniyata: recasting the Advaita assertion", JICPR 23.2, 2006, 164-184 AV1516.3 Shree Jahannatha (Swami), "Ultimate reality in Advaita and Tantra", PappuSV 157-164

AV1516.4 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Advaita through sabdaparoksatva: is it testimonial or perceptual?", SPIP 135-141 AV1516.5 Prabalal Janaki, "The echo of Vedanta in Tyagaraja's musical compositions", PappuSV 140-148 AV1516.7 J. P. Johnson, "Advaita and aletheia: a comparative analysis of Hindu and Chinese metaphysics", PappuSV 212-229 AV1517 Ashmita Khasnabish, Jouissance as Ananda. Lexington 2006 AV1519 Kanchi Mahasrami, "Veda and Vedanta: do they conflict with each other?", Dilip 32.1, 2006, 37-39 AV1520 Godabarisha Mishra, "Tat tvam asi: understanding in the tradition of Samkara", PappuSV 67-80 AV1521 Rabindra Kumar Pande, "Buddhist philosophy as presented in Advaita Vedanta works", VIJ 43-44, 2005-2006, 214-225 AV1522 K. T. Pandurangi, N. Veezhinathan and K. F. Devanathan, "Utilisation of Purvamimamsa Nyaya in Vedanta", PIPV 389-428 AV1523 Krishnan Unni Pettapallath, "Is Vedanta a life-negating philosophy?", VK 93, 2006, 70-72 AV1524 R. C. Pradhan, "Transcendental philosophy and Advaita Vedanta", TVOS 31.1, 2006, 75-92 AV1525 R. Puligandla, "Consciousness, cosmology and science: an Advaitic analysis", PappuSV 31-42 aV1526 T. P. Ramachandran, "The philosophy of the soul in Srimad-Bhagavata ", TVOS 31.1, 2006, 102-125; 32, 2007, 31-58 AV1527 C. L. Ramakrishnan, "The triad of yogas", TVOS 31.2, 2006, 112-141 AV1528 V. V. Raman. "Transcendence in modern science and in classical Vedanta", PappuSV 251-265 AV1530 Ranganathananda, "Human relationships in Vedanta", VK 93, 20-06, 452-460 AV1530.1 Arvind Sharma, Sea-Shell as Silver. A Metaphorical Excursion into Advaita Vedanta. New Delhi 2006 AV1530.3 Dinesh Chandra Bhattacharya Shastri, "The concept of freedom according to Advaita Vedanta", BRMIC 57, 2006, 347-348 AV1530.6 Sukha Ranjan Shah, "Vedanta as the art of living", BRMIC 57, 2006, 533-540 AV1530.9 Satyamayananda, "The Self and the Atman", PB 111, 2006, 590-595 AV1535 K. Srinivas, "The Advaitic understanding of self and human rationality", PappuSV 43-58 AV1545 Sthaneshwar Timalsina, Seeing and Appearance. Aachen 2006 AV1560 N. Veezhinathan, "Rta, rna, and dharma", ES3WB 608-625 AV1561 Vipashananda, "Vidya and avidya", PB 111, 2006, 647-650 AV1562 Paravrajika Vrajaprana, "To be or to become? Vedanta's approach to the study and practice of virtues", BRMIC 57, 2006: 78, 127 AV1563 Anindita N. Balselv, "An exploration of subjectivity in Advaita Vedanta", ARC The Journal of the Faculty of Religious Studies, McGill University 35, 2007 AV1563.5 Brahmesananda, "Soul and God", VK 94, 2007, 356 AV1564 Brahmesananda, "Nature of mind and ego", VK 94, 2007, 307-312 AV1565 Ravindra K. S. Chaudhury, Wittgensteinian Philosophy and Vedanta. 2007

AV1567 N. Usha Devi, Advaita Vedanta: a Logico-Cognitive Approach. Kochi 2007 AV1567.2 P. Syamala Devi, "Mysticism and Advaita", SIPSR 233-240 AV1568 Stuart Elkman (Swami Atmajnananda), "What to do with the world", EMH 467472 AV1570 Thomas A. Forsthoeful, Knowing Beyond Knowledge. Epistemologies, Religious Experience in Classical and Modern Advaita. Delhi 2007 AV1570.0 Bina Gupta, "Freedom in Indian philosophy", JICPR 24.3, 2007, 35-58 AV1570.5 N. Hariharan, "Importance of vyavaharika in Advaita", TVOS 32, 2007, 5-22 AV1571 Stephen Kaplan, "'Vidyas and 'avidya: simultaneous and coterminous?a holographic model to illuminate the Advaita debate", PEW 57, 2007, 178-203 AV1572 Jitendra Nath Kar, "Vedanta and human personality", VK 94, 2007, 272-276 AV1572.2 Lance E. Nelson, "Krishna in Advaita Vedanta: the Supreme Brahman in human form", KAS AV1572.3 Arun Kumar Ojhe, "The enigma of maya: a reappraisal", JICPR 24.2, 2007, 175-192 AV1572.5 K. V. Raghupathi, "Mind and its functioning", VK 94, 2007, 17-20 AV1573 Chakravarti Ram-Prasad, "Studies in Advaita Vedanta: towards an Advaita theory of consciousness", PEW 57, 2007, 107-110 AV1573.4 Srinivasa Rao, "The 'ontological gap' and the sadasadvilaksana of Advaita metaphysics: are they logically sound?", JICPR 24.2, 2007, 21-32 AV1573.5 S. Revathy, "The problem of the one and the many", TVOS 32, 2007, 77-110 AV1574 T. S. Rukmani, "Yoga in Aamkara's Advaita Vedanta", ABORI 87, 2007, 123134 AV1574.3 Goda Venkateswara Sastry, "Falsity of the world", TVOS 32, 2007, 111-132 AV1574.7 S. N. Shastri, "Adhyasabhasya", TVOS 32, 2007, 133-174 AV1575 Marcus Schmucker, "Debates about the object of perception in the traditions of Advaita and Visistadvaita", MVIC 115-158 AV1576 Sanat Kumar Sen, "Advaita: its spiritual significance", BRMIC 58, 2007, 487491 AV1579 Siddheswarananda, "God and mana Vedantic view", VK 94, 2007, 252-253, 332-336 AV1579.1 Siddheswarananda, "Three states of consciousness", VK 94, 2007, 214-225 AV1579.2 Siddheswarananda, "Understanding reality as sat-chid-ananda", VK 94, 2007, 132-135 AV1579.3 Siddhewarananda, "Understanding nirvikalpaka-samadhi", VK 94, 2007, 371374 AV1579.4 Siddheswarananda, "Real and unreala Vedantic study", VK 94, 2007, 8-11 AV1584 N. Veezhinathan, "The testtat tvam asiits interpretation", TVOS 32, 2007, 175-184 AV1587 Vireshananda, "Understanding the inherent divinity", VK 94, 2007, 67-72 AV1588 Bruce G. Woldenberg, "Relevance of Advaita Vedanta in a Christian and scientific age", JD 32, 2007, 105-113 AV1590 Vedanta Philosophy. EITCH Volume 18, 2008 AV1592 Douglas L. Berger, The Veil of Maya. Schopenhauer's System and Early Indian Thought. Binghamton, N.Y. 2008

AV1594 Maria Hughes, "The stilled minds: Bonaventur's illumination theory and the Vedanta school", JD 33, 2008, 73-84 AV1595 Jeffrey D. Long, "Advaita and Dvaita: bridging the gap", JVaisS 16.2, 2008, 4970 AV1598 Sumitra Purkayastha, A New Look into Advaita Vedanta: Prof. G. R. Malkani's Contribution. Kolkata 2008 AV1600 A. Ramamurty, Advaita: a Conceptual Analysis. New Delhi 2008 AV1603 S. Ranganath, Essentials of Advaita. Bangalore 2008 AV1605 S. Balakrishnan, "The concept of God in Advaita", Dilip 34.1, 2008, 38-40 AV1606 Pravrajika Brahmaprana, "Consciousness in Advaita Vedanta", PB 113, 2008, 359-362 AV1608 Neil Dalal, "Contemplative practice and textual agency in Advaita Vedanta", MTSR 21, 2009, 15-27 AV1612 Stephen Kaplan, "Grasping at ontological straws: overcoming reductionism in the Advaita Vedantaneuroscience dialogue", JAAR 77, 2009, 238-274 AV1613 Subodh Kapoor, A Short Introduction to Vedanta. New Delhi 2008 AV1617 Narasimhananda, "Beyond distinctions", PB 113, 2008, 628-632 AV1618 Nityasthananda, "What is reality?", PN 113, 2008, 287-289 AV1622 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The mahavakyas: their role in sadhana", PB 113, 2008, 305-307 AV1623 Ramnath Pandey, "Concept of karman in Vedanta", VIJ 45-46, 2007-2008, 151157 AV1624 Polugam Suchanana Sastri, "Advaita thought in Valmiki RamayanA", dILIP 34.2, 2008, 8-9 AV1627 Sthaneswar Tinalsin, Consciousness in Indian Philosophy: The Advaita Doctrine of 'Awareness only'. New York 2008 AV1630 Yuktananda, "The principles of Vedanta", BRMIC 59, 2008, 141-148 AV1634 Krishna Bhattacharya, "Superimposition in the Advaita Vedanta", Anviksa 30, 2009, 76-78 AV1635 Brahmedananda, "The atman cannot be realized by a weakling", PB 114, 2009, 318-322 AV1640 Chidatman Jee Maharaj, Vedanta Philosophy. New Delhi 2009 AV1642 Godabarisha Mishra, "Integrating yusmad with asmad: rethinking Advaita paradigm of social liberation", VIJ 47, 2009, 239-245 AV1645 Lakshmi Ramakrishnaiyer, "Yoga for evoluti of human consciousness", PB 114, 2009, 326-329 AV1650 Shashiprabha Kumar, "The significance of sadhanacatusthaya in Vedanta", FVTC 61-78

Return to Contents Page {VV} Visistadvaita Vedanta, includilng Pancaratra See a48.1.57; 962.36.1; 1395.3.65. NV514; AV721,1097.1,1203.01, 1220.5, 1225, 1470, 1497, 1575. Y532,542

VV1 R.G.Bhandarkar, "The Ramanujiya and the Bhagavata or Pancaratra systems", CIDO 7, 1886, Ariseke section 101-110 VV2 A.Govindacarya, "The astadasabhedas, or the eighteen points of doctrinal differences between the Tengalais (southerners) and the Vadagalais (northerners) of the Visistadvaita Vaisnava school of South India", JRAS 1910, 1103-1112 VV3 A.Govindacarya, "Tengalai and Vadagalai", JRAS 1912, 714-717 VV4 George A. Grierson, "Note on 'Tengalai and Vadagali'", JRAS 1912, 717-719 VV5 P.T.Srinivas Iyengar, "Visistadvaitam", JRAS 1912, 1073-1074 VV6 T.Rajagopalachary, "Visistadvaitam", VK 1, 1914-15: 244, 282 VV7 M.K.Tathacharia, "Doctrine of prapatti or self-surrender to God", VK 1, 1914-15, 105 ff. VV8 V.Rangachari, "The successors of Ramanuja and the growth of sectarianism among the Srivaisnavas", JASBo 24, 1914-17, 102-136 VV9 T.A.Gopinatha Rao, The History of Sri Vaisnavas. Madras 1923 VV10 George A. Grierson, "Prapatti-marga", ERE 10, 1925, 151 VV11 C.D.Iyengar, "Hinduism as followed by the Visistadvaitins", TSV 1, 1932-33: 243, 345, 423, 519 VV12 K.C.Varadachari, "Concept of lila in Visistadvaita philosophy", JBHU 1.1, 1937, 39-47 VV13 M.Yamunacharya, "A note on Visistadvaita cosmology", PAIOC 10, Summaries 1939, 73-74 VV14 K.C.Varadachari, "The Visistadvaitic theory of perception and perceptive error", JSVRI 2, 1941, 345-346 VV15 K.C.Varadachari, "Dehatmadharma in Visistadvaita philosophy", PAIOC 11, Summaries 1941, 113-114 VV16 K.C.Varadachari, "The theory of fulguration or emanation", KK 9, 1942, 198-204 VV17 K.C.Varadachari, "Doctrine of the six places or centres", KK 9, 1942, 442-446 VV18 G.R.Malkani, "Visistadvaitism", AP 15, 1944, 129 ff. VV19 S.K.Saksena, "An examination of Ramanuja's criticism of ego-less consciousness", PQ 20, 1944, 54-99 VV20 K.C.Varadachari, "The evolution of the concept of sesa", BCLV II, 123-126 VV21 P.N.Srinivasachariar, Philosophy of Visistadvaita. Adyar 1946 VV22 Adidevananda, "Pancaratra and Visistadvaita", VK 36, 1949-50, 225-226 VV23 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Visistadvaita", VK 37, 1950-51, 66 ff. VV24 M.Yamunacharya, "Human personality and its destiny according to Visistadvaita", PO 15, 1950, 120-129 VV25 P.N.Srinivasachariar, "Ramanuja (Visistadvaita)", HPE 305-321 VV26 K.C.Varadachari, "Visistadvaita", JSVRI 14, 1953, Supplement (36 pp.) VV27 A.N.K.Aiyangar, "The three sects (rahasyatraya) of Visistadvaita", ALB 19, 1955, 223-231 VV28 K.D.Bharadwaj, "The doctrine of surrender", KK 19, 1955, 685-691 VV29 K.D.Bharadwaj, "The attributes of God", KK 20, 1955-56: 385, 404 VV30 Rakesh Gupta, "The Alvars and Vaisnava religious sects", UPHSJ 3, 1955, 126143 (reference problematic)

VV31 R.Srinivasa Raghavacharya, "Some facts about Visistadvaita", JSVRI 16, 1955, 46-56 VV32 M.Yamunacharya, "Aspects of the deity in Visistadvaita philosophy", PQ 28, 1955, 191-196 VV33 K.D.Bharadwaj, "General survey of the philosophy of Visistadvaita", KK 21, 1956-57 - 22, 1957-58 VV33.1 V. Varadachari, "Prapatti", JOR 42-47, 1952-57, 46-56 VV34 Krishna Datta Bharadwaj, "The nature of God (acc. to Ramanuja school)", IPC 3, 1958: 6, 67, 142, 215 VV35 P.K.Parthasarathy, "Sarira-sariri-bhava in Visistadvaita", KK 22, 1958, 177-179 VV36 R.Ramanujachari, "God and the world (in Visistadvaita Vedanta)", Half Way 8792 VV37 K.D.Bharadwaj, "The attributes of God", IPC 4, 1959: 23, 148 VV38 K.D.Bharadwaj, "The modes of divine manifestation", IPC 4, 1959, 213-219 VV39 K.Seshadri, "Visistadvaita and identity-in-difference", JPA 6, 1959, 19-24 VV40 K.C.Varadachari, "Visistadvaita", POS 93, 1960, 442-449 VV41 K.D.Bharadwaj, "God and the world", IPC 6, 1961, 278-282 VV42 Y.G.Siddhapparadhya, Sakti-Visistadvaita. Balehonnur 1961 VV43 R.Ramanujachari, "Prapatti-marga", EPM 376-383 VV44 V.Varadachari, "Antiquity of the term Visistadvaita", ALB 26, 1962, 177-181 VV45 Krishna Datta Bharadwaj, "The doctrine of surrender", IPC 9.2, 1964, 25-31 VV46 S.R.Bhatt, "An organismic approach to reality", IPC 11.2, 1966, 16-20 VV47 Harshananda, "Srivaisnavism through the ages", PB 71, 1966, 23-30 VV48 N.S.Anantharangachar, Philosophy of Sadhana in Visistadvaita. Mysore 19667 VV49 S.S.Raghavachar, "Virasaivism and Vaisnavism", SBECCV 369-379 VV50 K.Seshadri, "Ritual, ethics and mysticism in Visistadvaita", VK 55, 1968-69, 423426. Also VPR 141-146 VV51 K.S.Narayanachar, "The concept of relation in Visistadvaita", PTG 4.1, 1969, 161184 VV52 K.C.Varadachari, Visistadvaita and its Development. Tirupati 1969 VV53 M.A.Narayana Ayyangar, The Way to Santi. Gauribandur 1970 VV54 T.K.G.Aiyangar, "Nyasa Brahma vidya", Pratibhanam 73-83 VV55 R.Balasubramaniam, "Visistadvaita and the Chandogya text VI.ii.1", JMU 42.1-2, 1970, 135-158 VV56 R.Rangachari, "Visistadvaita", SaivS 5, 1970, 95-101 VV57 Yatindra Ramanujacharya, "Essentials of Visistadvaita philosophy", TBIC 235246 VV58 K.Seshadri, "Visistadvaita--its mystical and metaphysical undertones", JMU 32.12, 1971, 22-46 VV59 K.R.Sundararajan, "The scheme of yogas in Visistadvaita", Darshana 41, 1971, 35-48 VV60 K.E.Parthasarathy, "Philosophical bases of prapatti yoga or surrender", PTG 7.1, 1972, 22-46 VV61 Muneo Tokunaga, "Historical development of the concept of prapatti" (summary). SKenk 211, 1972

VV62 Adidevananda, "Pancharatra and Visistadvaita", VPR 223-226 VV63 S.B.Dasgupta, "The Vaishnava view of life", VPR 175-183 VV64 K.S.Narayanachar, "The concept of paramapurusartha (summum bonum) in Visistadvaita", SBL 64-92 VV65 John C. Plott, A Philosophy of Devotion: A Comparative Study of Bhakti and Prapatti in Visistadvaita and St. Bonaventura and Gabriel Marcel. Delhi 1974 VV66 A.Srinivasa Raghavan, "Visistadvaita and Ramayana", VPR 131-140 VV67 R.Ramanujachari, "Vedanta as a view and a way of life", PTP 507-518 VV68 R.N.Sampath, "Centre and summit of self-surrender", BITC 1974 (July-Dec.) 4560 VV69 K.Seshadri, "The conception of amsa in Visistadvaita", VPR 57-63 VV70 K.Seshadri, "The concept of man in Visistadvaita", VPR 172-174 VV71 T.Sundarachariar, "Visistadvaita and the epics", VPR 184-187 VV72 Agnihotram Ramanuja Tathachariar, "Visnu Purana and Visistadvaita", VPR 188197 VV73 K.C.Varadachari, "Yogangas and bhakti", VPR 156-161 VV74 K.C.Varadahcari, "Visistadvaita", VPR 31-40 VV75 V.Varadachari, "Antiquity of the term 'Visistadvaita'", VPR 109-112 VV76 Siddheshwar Rameshwar Bhatt, Studies in Ramanuja Vedanta. New Delhi 1975 VV77 M.N.Narasimhan, "Nature and destiny of the finite soul (Visistadvaita view)", PTG 10.1, 1975 - 11.2, 1977 VV78 S.S.Raghavachar, "Saiva-Siddhanta, Visistadvaita, Dvaita", ITAI 301-317 VV79 S.Gopalan, "Karma-yoga: the Visistadvaitic interpretation", IPA 11, 1976, 141148 VV80 V.K.S.N.Raghavan, "The metaphysical tenets of Visistadvaita", AOR 26, 1976, 17 VV81 Arvind Sharma, "A note on the meaning of the term visistadvaita", VK 63, 197677, 408-410 VV82 N.Jagadeesan, History of Sri Vaishnavism in the Tamil Country (Post-Ramanuja). Madurai 1977 VV83 N. Jayashanmukham, "Triple bondage and triple liberation: Visistadvaita view", PB 82, 1977, 65-67 VV84 M.Narasimhacharya, "Radhakrishnan on the Visistadvaita philosophy", IPA 12, 1977-78, 237-250 VV84.5 R. Rajagopalan, "Soulits 'birth' and 'exit'", SRV 2.3, 1979, 76-80 VV85 N.Subbu Reddiar, Religion and Philosophy of Nalayira Divya Prabandam with special reference to Nammalvar. Tirupati 1977 VV86 M.Narasimhacharya, "The Visistadvaita philosophy", PTAIP 1-22 VV87 Arvind Sharma, Visistadvaita Vedanta. New Delhi 1978 VV88 K.K.A.Venkatachari, The Manipravala Literature of the Srivaisnava Acaryas. Ananthacarya Res. Inst. Series 3, Bombay 1978 VV88.1 K. K. A. Venkatachari, "History and study ofimportance of Rahasya Traya in Srivaisnavism", SRV 2.3, 1979, 67-75 VV88.3 Ramanuja Prasad, "Divisibility of divnity", SRV 2.4, 1979, 64-68 VV88.6 R. Rajagopalan, "Soundits 'birth' and 'exit'", SRV 2.3, 1979, 76-80

VV89 V.K.S.N.Raghavan, History of Visistadvaita Literature. Delhi 1979 VV89.1.5 K. V. Soundara Rajan, "Some aspects of Visnu worship", SRV 2.4, 1979, 18726 VV89.2 R.N.Safaya, "Psychology in Visistadvaita", SRV 2.2, 1979 - 2.3, 1979 VV89.3 L. Srinivasan, "The ideal Srivaisnava", SRV 2.2, 1979, 34-48 VV89.4 K.K.A.Venkatachar, "Historical study of importance of rahasyatraya in Srivaisnavism", SRV 2.3, 1979, 67-75 VV90 Cassian R. Agere, "Prapatti-yoga: a study in the Visistadvaita theology of the sadhanas", VJP 16-18, 1980-82, 1-11 VV91 Harshananda, "Prapatti or self-surrender", VK 67, 1980, 405-408 VV92 K.P.Jog, "Visistadvaita Vedanta concept of mahavakya", PWIAI 215-222 VV93 J.Parthasarathy, "The prapatti marga", SIR 85-118 VV94 S.S.Raghavachar, "Sadhana in Visistadvaita", VK 67, 1980, 441-446 VV94.1, S. S. Raghavachar, "The Pancaratra", SRV 3.2, 1980, 13-23 VV95 R.N.Safaya, "Psychology in Visistadvaita", SIR 61-84 VV95.1 R.N.Sampath, "Humanism in Visistadvaita", SRV 3.2, 1980, 5-12 VV96 V.S.Sampathkumaracharya, "Prapatti in Visistadvaita", BVa 16.3, 1981, 47-51 VV96.1 Garudadwaja, "Visistadvaita philosophy", SRV 5.3, 1982 - 6.1, 19982 VV97 Alkondavilli Govindacharya, "God as a Visistadvaitin envisions", Dilip 8.3, 1982, 8-11 VV97.0 J. Parthasarathi, "Nathamuni and his bhakti-prapatti yoga", SRV 6.2, 1983, 1737 VV97.1 S.S.Raghavachar, "Visistadvaita and yoga", SRV 6.4, 1983, 5-21 VV98 N.C.Ramanujachary, Living in the Absolute: Studies in Visistadvaita Philosophy. Madras 1985 VV98.1 r. Tiruamali, "Visistadvaita and mystical experience", JOR 47-55, 1977-86, 192205 VV98.1 V.Varadachari, "Visistadvaita and other systems of Hindu thought", SRV 9.3, 1986, 9-18 VV98.4 K. Narayanachar, "A note on the earliest use of the term 'visistadvaita' in our literature", SRV 10.2, 1987, 63-64 VV99 S.M.S.Varadachari (ed.), Visistadvaita Kosa. Volume II. Melkote 1987 VV99.1 S.S.Raghavachar, "Vedanta Visistadvaita", SRV 10.3, 1987, Supplement 26 pp. VV100 K.S.N.Raghavan, "Visistadvaita and other systems of Indian philosophy", JMU 59.1, 1987, 73-76 VV101 Francis X. Clooney, "'I created land and sea': a Tamil case of God-consciousness and its Srivaisnava interpretation", Numen 35, 1988, 238-259 VV101.1 M. Narasimhachary, "The concept of purusakara in Srivaisnavism", LP 2, 1988, 211-230 VV101.2 M. Narasimhachary, "Paramabhakta-Paramatma relationship according to Sri Ramanuja's Sampradaya", BBR 56-67 VV102 Bibliography: Visistadvaita Works. Two volumes. Melkote 1988 VV102.0 Sanjukta Gupta, "The Pancaratra attitude to mantra", UnM 224-248 VV102.1 S.S.Raghavachar, "The Pancharatra", SRV 13.1, 1989, 49-57

VV102.1.5 Jai Narain Mullick, "Surrender to God is a sure way to God-realization", SRV 12.2, 1989, 46-55 VV102.2 M. Narasimhacharya, "The impact of SriRamanuja's Vaishnavism on the North Indian schools of thought", BITC 1986-88, 1989, 189-201 VV103 R. Tirumalai, "Visistadvaita and mystical experience", JOR 47-55, 1989, 192-205 VV103.1 V.Varadachari, "Sane living", SRV 12.2, 1989, 28-35 VV103.5 N. Jagadeesan, "Does Sri Vaishnavism preclude yoga?", CPTV 125-128 VV103.6 N. Jagadeesan, "Protest and non-conformism in Sri Vaishnavism", CPTV 190205 VV103.7 N. Jagadeesan, "Sri Vaishnavisma case study i integration", CPTV 206-216 VV104 Carl A. Keller, "'Wir sind niemandem untertan'. Die Befreiung des Menschen im Sudindischen Shivaismus", IID 123-136 VV104.1 V.S.Sampathkumaracharya, "What is Visistadvaita?", SRV 13.3, 1990, 61-64 VV104.2 V. S. Sampathkumar, "Kainkarya", SRV 14.1, 1990, 31-32 VV105 Francis X. Clooney, "Nammalvar's glorious Tiruvallaval: an exploration in the methods and goals of Srivaisnava commentary", JAOS 111, 1991, 260-276 VV105.0 Kaustubha Nand Pande, "Concept of the pramanas in manomayaprakasika according to Visistadvaita philosophy", JICPR 8.3, 1991, 83-92 VV105.1 P. Sekar, "The nature of self", SRV 14.1-4, 1991 VV106 Robert C. Lester, "The practice of renunciation in Srivaisnavism", JOR 55-62, 1986-92, 77-95 VV106.1 P. Srirama Murti, "Form and function of relation in Visistadvaita philosophy", RelationsIP 185-190 VV107 M. Narasimhachary, "Definitions of the term 'purusakara'", JOR 55-62, 1986-92, 174-178 VV107.1 Nancy Ann Nayar, Poetry as Theology: The Srivaisnava Stotra in the Age of Ramanuja. Wiesbaden 1992 VV108 Sylvia Stark, "Svetasvataropanisad 3.8-3.11 in the light of Visistadvaita", WZKSOA 37, 1992, 187-194 VV108.1 Grard Colas, "Le dlivrance spirituelle selon l'cole du Visistadvaita", L'Herme 180-195 VV109 S.M.Srinivasa Chari, Vaishnavism: Its Philosophy, Theology and Religious Discipline. Delhi 1994 VV109.0 Francis X. Clooney, S.j., The Art and Theology of Srivaishnava Thinkers. Madras 1994 VV109.0.5 S. Rajagopalan, "Srivaisnavism", SRV 17.1-4 VV109.1 A. Srinivasaraghavachariar, "Visistadvaita (pan-organismal monism)", Dilip 20.1, 1994, 17-18 VV110.1 Toshira Mikami, "Aspects of the argument against the inference of God in the Visistadvaita Vedanta", JIBSt 45.1, 1996, 4-9 VV111 Nancy A. Nayar, "The Srivaisnava Stotra: synthesizing the Tamil and Sanskrit Vedas", JVaisS 2.1, 1993, 55-78

VV112 Nancy A. Nayar, ed. and tr., Praise-Poems to Visnu and Sivava. The Stotras of Ramanuja's Immediate Disciples. Ananthacarya Ind. Res. Inst. Series 23, Bombay 1994 VV113 A. Srinivasaraghavachariar, "Visistadvaita (pan-organismal monism)", Dilip 20.1, 1994, 17-18 VV114 Nancy Ann Nayar, "The Bhagavadgita and Srivaisnavism: multilevel contextualism", JVaisS 3.2, 1995, 115-142 VV114.5 J. Rangaswami, "Mysticism of Srivaisnavisman outlook", JTS 47-48, 1995, 215-231 VV115 Katherine K. Young, "Theology does help women's liberation" Srivaisnavism, a Hindu case study", JVaisS 3.4, 1995, 173-232 VV115.2 Francis Xavier Clooney, Seeing Through Texts: Doing Theology among the Srivaisnavas of South India. Delhi 1996, 1997, 1999 VV115.5 M. A. Laksmithathachar, "Concept of time from the point of view of Visistadvaita Vedanta" (reference lost) VV116 Toshira Mikami, "Aspects of the argument against the inference of God in the Visistadvaita Vedanta", JIBSt 45.1, 1996, 4-9 VV116.5 S. Padmarabhan, "Maya and avidya: the Visistadvaita view", SRV 19.4, 1996, 37-40 VV116.6 Harapriya Rangarajan, Ramanuja Sampradaya in Gujarat: a Historical Perspective. Bombay 1996 VV116.6.5 V.N.Seshagiri Rao, "The theory of meaning in Visistadvaita", JMysoreU 58, 1996, 14-24 VV116.6.6 S. Satyamurthi Ayyangar, "Omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence", SVR 20.2-3, 10-18 VV116.6.8 P. Narasimha, "Some perspectives on the causality of Brahman", SRV 20.4, 1997, 25-32 VV116.7 Vasudha Narayanan, "Oral and written commentary on the Tiruvayamoli", TCon 1997, 85-108 VV117 Patricia Mumme, "History, myth, and Srivaisnava hagiography: lessons from Biblical scholarship",JVaisS 5.2, 1997, 157-184 VV118 Patricia Y. Mumme, "Haunted by Sankara's Ghost: the Srivaisnava interpretation of Bhagavadgita 18.66", TCon 1997, 69-84 VV120 S. K. Pankaja, "The supremacy of goddess Laksmi in Visistadvaita", JOI 47, 1997, 251-258 VV131 Francis X. Clooney, S.J., "'For bhakti is synonymous with upasana", JVaisS 6.1, 1998, 117-140 VV141 Thomas J. Hopkins, "Orthodoxy vs. devotionalism: tension and adjustment in the Vaisnava tradition", JVaisS 6.1, 1998, 5-16 VV149 Patricia Y. Mumme, "Models and images for a Vaisnava environmental theology: the potential contribution of Srivaisnavism", PEBG 133-162 VV156 J. Rangaswami, "Mysticism of Srivaisnavism--an outlook", JASSt 15.2, 1998, 113-127 VV158 Kandadai Seshadri, Srivaishnavism and Social Change. Calcutta 1998

VV160 Thomas A. Forsthoefell and Patricia Y. Mumme, "The monkey-cat debate in Srivaisnavism", JVaisS 8.1, 1999, 3-34 VV163 Y. Subramanian, "The florification of Sri in Sri Vaisnavism: an afterthought in search of earlier reference", JAsSt 17.1, 1999, 121-134 VV165 Yatindradasa, "Vishishtadvaita Vedanta" the synthesis of science and spirituality", Dilip 25.3, 1999, 13-15 VV166 Yatindradasa, "Vaisnavism and Srivaisnavism", SRV 22.2, 1999, 7-18; 22.3, 1999, 19-26 VV167 Yatindradasa, "Yoga as upasana", SRV 22.3, 1999, 33-38 VV167.4 Yatindradasa, "Visistadvasitathe philosophy of Vedic religion", SVR 23.2, 2000, 23-32 VV167.5 Yatindradasa, "VisistadvaitaPsychology of consciousness", SRV 23.3, 2000, 9-21 VV168 Yatindradas, "Work as worship in Visistadvaita", SRV 23.4, 14-23; 24.1, 2000, 6-16 VV169 T. S. Govindarajan, "The greatness of prapatti", SRV 24.2, 2001, 20-22 VV170 Balaji Hebbar, "Does BG 18.66 teach a short-cut (laghupaya) to salvation or not? A synopsis of the Ramanujite and the Madhvite perspectives", JVaisS 9.2, 2001, 209-213 VV170.5 Chakravarthy Raghavan, ed., Visistadvaitakosa. Tirupati 2001 VV170.7 S. S. Raghavachar, "Visistadvaita", SRV 24.3-25.2-3 VV170.9 L. Srinivasan, "Pre0eminence of the preceptor", SRV 24.2, 2001, 32-39 VV171 C. Umakantham, "The nature and destiny of soul in Visistadvaita", SVUOJ 44.12, 2001, 97-107 VV171.5 Yatindradasa, "Knowledge of the self in Visistadvaita", SRV 24.2 - 25.2-3, 2002 VV171,7 P. Govindarajan, "Self as knower in Visistadvaita", SRV 25.2-3, 2002, 57-64 VV172 Stephen Jenkins, "Beyond nirvana", JVaisS 10.2, 2002, 81-98 VV174 L. Srinivasan, "Divine descents", SRV 25.2-3, 2002, 7-28 VV175 Yatindradasa, "Visistadvaita--the philosophy of Vedic religion", Dilip 28.1, 2002, 17-22 VV177 Ramesh M. Dave, "Navya-visistadvaita", ThV 537-573 VV178 P. Govindarajan, "Isavasya and Visistadvaita", SRV 26.2-3, 2003, 13-16 VV178.1 P. Govindarajan, "'Self' as knower in Visishtadvaita", Dilip 29.4, 2003, 17-20 VV179 Prema Nandakkumar, "The Srivaishnava commentatorial tradition", PB 108, 2003, 268-271 VV180 P.M.Narasimhacharya, "The tradition of Vaisnavism from its origin through Yamuna", ThV 41-77 VV182 V.K.S.N. Raghavan and G. Mishra, "Visistadvaita after Vedanta Desika", ThV 167-204 VV183 K.K.A.Venkatachari, "Acarya parampara in Srivaisnavism (Tenkalai and Vatkalai)", JAIRI 5, 2002-2003, 15-20 VV183.5 Yatindradasa, "Isvasya and Visistadvaita", SRV 26.2-3, 2003, 13-16 VV183.6 Yatindradasa, Prapattithe way to surrender", SRV 26.2-3, 2003, 17-23 VV184 Francis X. Clooney, "Srivaisnavism in dialogue", JVaisS 13.1, 2004, 103-124

VV185 Gerhard Oberhammer, Materialien zur Geschichte der Ramanuja-Schule VII. Zur spirituallen Praxis der Zufluchtnehmens beig Gott(saranagatih) vor Venkatanatha. Wien 2004 VV190 Mangalam R. Paramesvaram, Studies in Srivaishnavism. Winnipeg 2005 VV195 Sucharita Adhuri, "Sruti and smrti in Ramanuja's Vedanta", JVaisS 15.1, 2006, 193-220 VV198 Pranab Kr. Bhattacharyya, "Bhakti movement and its influence onthe development of Sri-Vaisnavism in eastern India", JAIH 23, 20-05-2006, 41-60 VV200 Marzanna Czerniak-Drozdzowicz, ed., Tantra and Visistadvaitavedanta. Krakow 2006 VV205 K. E. Parthasarathy, "Nammazhvar and Visistadvaita philosophy", Dilip 32.3, 2006, 34-35 VV207 N. S. Anantha Rangacharya, Visistadvaita Epistemology and Doctrine of Matter. Bangalore 2006 VV208 S. K. Belvalkar, "The Ramanujiya text of the Bhagadvadgita", SVUOJ 50, 2007, 97-104 VV210 Srilata Raman, Self-Surrender (prapatti) to God in Srivaisnavism: Tamil Cats and Sanskrit Monkeys. London 2007 VV215 Gerhard Oberhammer, Materialien zu Gescichte derRamanuja-Schule IX. Wien 2008 VV220 Marcus Schmucker, "Yogic perception according to the later tradition of the Visistadvaita Vedanta", VPMASC 283-298 VV223 Yatindradasa, "Visistadvaitathe philosophy ofo Vedic religion", SVR 23.2, 2009 VV225 Francis X. Cloonery SJ, "An observer's reflections on a constructive Srivaisava response to pluralism", JVaisS 19.1, 2010, 69-80 VV226 Francis X. Clooney, "Uruvelippatu: a Tamkil practi e of visualization and its significance in Srivaisnavism", JOR 81-82, 2009-2010, 209-224 Return to Contents Page {SS} Saiva Siddhanta See aS310.0, 287.2.5; AV1039, 1484; KS63; VV7 SS1 M. Coomaraswamy, "Synopsis of the Saiva Siddhanta", JRASCB 3, 1856-58, 187197 SS2 C. EBert Kennet, "Notes on the Saiva Siddhanta", IA 2, 1873, 343-345 SS3 K.R.Srinivasa Diksitar, Transmigration of Souls. Translated from Tamil. Chidambaram 1891 SS4 L.D.Barnett, "Notes on the Saiva Siddhanta", LM n.s. 10, 1909, 271-277 SS5 J.M.Nallaswami Pillai, Studies in Saiva Siddhanta. Madras 1909 SS6 Hilko.Wiardo Schomerus, Der Saiva-Siddhanta. Leipzig 1912. Translated into English by Fita-S. Ambikarpahan. SaivS 11, 1976: 61, 107. Translated into English by Mary Law as Saiva Siddhanta, an Indian School of Mystical Thought presented as a system and documented from the original Tamil sources. Edited by Humphrey Palmer. Delhi 2000

SS7 J.E.Carpenter, "Saints and philosophers among the Tamil Saivas", HJ 18, 1919-20, 470-485 SS7.1 D. Paul Chetty, New Light upon Indian Philosophy or Swedenborg and Saiva Siddhanta. London 1923 SS8 K.Subrahmanyam, "The metaphysics of the Saiva Siddhanta system", PAIOC 3, 1924, 569-582 SS9 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Truth in the Saiva Siddhanta", JMU 2, 1929, 111-127. Also IPA 14, 1980-81, 81-100 SS10 S.Sankaranarayana, "An historical survey of Saiva Siddhanta", AP 1, 1930, 28-30 SS11 S.Shivapadasundaram, The Saiva School of Hinduism. London 1934 SS12 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Substance and attribute in Saiva Siddhanta", JOR 8-9, 1934-35, 97-103. Also CPSSS 178-185 SS13 A.P.Arokiasamy, The Doctrine of Grace in Saiva Siddhanta. Trichinopoly 1935 SS14 C.V.Narayana Iyer, Origin and Early History of Saivism in South India. Madras 1936 SS15 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "Saivism and Tamil genius", SKACV 246-251. Also CPSSS 400-406. Also IPA 14, 1980-81, 184-190 SS16 C.V.Sankara Row, "Saiva-Siddhanta view of perception", PAIOC 10, Summaries 1939, 59 SS17 Maraimagal Adigal, The Saiva Siddhanta as Philosophy of Practical Knowledge. Madras 1941, 1966; Tirunelveli 1966 SS18 C.M.R.Chettiar, "Saiva Siddhanta philosophy", KK 8, 1941, 675-677 SS19 S.S.Pillai, "Philosophy of Saiva-Siddhanta", VK 29, 1942-43, 18-26 SS20 A.P.Arokiasamy, "The God-guru conception", VK 31, 1944-45, 58 ff. SS21 N.S.Sastri, "Saiva Siddhanta", JSVRI 5, 1944, 39-50 SS22 T.G.S.Pillai, Introduction and History of Saiva Siddhanta. Annamalai 1948 SS23 M.Rajamanickam, Development of Saivism in South India. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Madras 1950 SS24 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "Saiva Siddhanta", HPE 369-390 SS25 John H. Piet, A Logical Presentation of the Saiva-Siddhanta Philosophy. Madras 1952 SS26 V.Ponniah, The Saiva Siddhanta Theory of Knowledge. Annamalai 1952, 1962 SS27 R.Ramanujachari, "Saiva Siddhanta", JAU 17, 1952, 106-143 SS28 V.Paranjoti, Saiva Siddhanta. Revised edition London 1954 SS29 S.S.Pillai, "Saiva Siddhanta", JAU 19, 1954, l-50 SS30 S.Arumuga Mudaliyar, "Saiva Siddhanta works (sattiram and tottiram) in Tamil in the days of the Vijayalaya line of Cholas (9th to the 13th centuries A.D.)", PAIOC 18, 1955, 589-596. Also BhV 23, 1963, 76-79 SS31 T.M.P.Mahadevan, The Idea of God in Saiva Siddhanta. Annamalai 1955 SS32 Y.S.Bharati, "Saiva Siddhanta", JAU 20, 1956, 25-56 SS33 V.A.Devasenapathi, Saiva Siddhanta. Madras 1958 SS34 V.Paranjoti, "The uniqueness of the Saiva Siddhanta concept of God", IJT 7, 1958, 86-91 SS35 K.M.Balasubrahmanyam, Special Lectures on Saiva Siddhanta. Annamalainagar 1959

SS36 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Saivism in South India", Religion and Society 6.3, 1959, 1723 SS37 K.Seshadri, "Saiva Siddhanta as religion and philosophy", TC 8, 1959, 172-177 SS38 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Man in Saiva Siddhanta", Religion and Society 7.3-4, 1960, 7-12 SS39 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "The Pratyabhijna system and the Saiva Siddhanta", CPSSS 418-422 SS40 V.A.Devasenapathi, "The place of the soul in Saiva Siddhanta", EPM 452-459 SS41 S.Kilandram, "The doctrine of creation in Saiva Siddhanta", Religion and Society 9.2, 1962, 20-29 SS42 P.Muthurasu, "The doctrine of creation in Saiva Siddhanta", Religion and Society 9.2, 1962, 11-19 SS43 V.A.Devasenapathi, Of Human Bondage and Divine Grace. Annamalainagar 1963 SS44 M.Dhavamony, "Saiva and Saiva-Siddhanta", in Religious Hinduism SS45 Suddhananda Bharati, "Lights on Saiva Siddhanta", in CLSS SS46 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Conception of soul in Saiva Siddhanta", VK 52, 1965-66, 3233 SS47 T.M.P.Mahadevan, "The idea of God in Saiva Siddhanta", in CLSS SS48 K.Vajravelu Mudaliar, "Saiva Siddhanta" in CLSS SS49 M.Balasubramania Mudaliar, "Saiva Siddhanta" in CLSS SS50 T.S.Kandaswami Mudaliar, "Sources of Saiva Siddhanta", in CLSS SS51 G.Subrahmanya Pillai, "Introduction and history of Saiva Siddhanta", in CLSS SS52 S.Satchidanandam Pillai, "Saiva Siddhanta" in CLSS SS53 R.Ramanujachari, "Saiva Siddhanta" in CLSS SS54 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Saiva Siddhanta and social concern", SaivS 1, 1966, 171-172 SS55 John R. Grace, "Human will in Saiva Siddhanta, a paradoxical unity", SaivS 1, 1966, 301-304 SS56 T.P.Meenakshisundaram, "Saivism and Tamil literature", SaivS 1, 1966, 33-42 SS57 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "Saiva Siddhanta for the modern world", SaivS 1, 1966, 924 SS58 N.Murugesa Mudaliar, "The place of Saiva Siddhanta in Indian philosophic thought", SaivS 1, 1966, 125-130 SS59 B. Natarajan, "Science and Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 1, 1966, 62-64 SS60 Ruth Reyna, "Saiva Siddhanta and modern science", SaivS 1, 1966, 173-175 SS61 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Essence of Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 1, 1966, 292 SS62 C.N.Singaravelu, "Saiva Siddhanta the great reconciler", SaivS 1, 1966, 288-291 SS63 Agnihotram Ramanuja Tatacharya, "Problem of soul in theistic philosophy", SaivS 1, 1966, 168-170 SS64 P. Tirugnanasambandan, "Saiva Siddhanta and Kashmir Shaivism", SaivS 1, 1966, 29-32 SS65 M. Dhavamony, The Doctrine of Bhakti according to the Saiva-Siddhanta. Thesis, Oxford University 1967-68 SS66 John R. Grace, "Understanding of man in Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 2, 1967, 125-136 SS67 H. P. Malladevaru, "Virasaivism and Saiva Siddhanta", SBECCV 345-363 SS68 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "Siddhanta Saivam, the end of ends", SaivS 2, 1967, 67-72

SS69 S.M.Muthian, Saiva Sithantham in Relation to Science. Jaffna 1967 SS70 A.S.Narayana Pillai, "The central dichotomy: pati and pasu. Siddhanta's explication", SaivS 2, 1967: 87, 122 SS71 K. Vajravelu Mudaliar, "The Vedas and Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 3, 1968, 67-71 SS72 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, The Relevance of Saiva Siddhanta Philosophy. Annamalainagar 1968 SS73 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "Siva drsti or the doctrine of non-alien-ness", SaivS 3, 1968, 185-187 SS74 C.N.Singaravelu, "Greek thought and Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 4, 1969, 37-42 SS75 J. Chenna Reddy, "Virasaivism as evolved from Saivasiddhanta", SVUOJ 13, 1970, 21-26 SS76 Devasenapathi, "The concept of God", IPA 7, 1971. Also SaivS 11, 1976, 15-20 SS77 Mariasusai Dhavamony, Love of God according to Saiva Siddhanta. Oxford 1971 SS78 Ignatius Hirudayam, "The concept of God in Saiva Siddhanta and in modern Catholic thought", IPA 7, 1971, 184-194 SS79 K.Vajravel Mudaliar, "Some thoughts on Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 6, 1971, 65-77 SS80 P. Thirugnanasambandham, "Concept of mukti in Saivism", JMU 43.1-2, 1971, 4753. Also SaivS 8, 1973, 110-115 SS81 N.Murugesa Mudaliar, "The quintessence of Tamil philosophic thought", VRSFV 170-176 SS82 M.Arunachalam, "Concept of God in Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 7, 1972, 89-93 SS83 S.P.Annamali, "Grace in classical Saiva Siddhanta literature", GSSVIC 1-16 SS83.5 T. M. Arunachalam, "An Advaitin on Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 10, 1975. Reprinted SaivS 34.3, 1999, 13-20 SS84 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Grace in traditional Saiva Siddhanta thought", GSSVIC 17-22 SS85 T.Dayanandan Francis, "Conformities and differences between grace in Saiva Siddhanta, Vedanta, Islam and Christianity", GSSVIC 87-98 SS86 Inatius Hirudayam, "Grace in Saiva-Siddhanta-Vedanta from the Christian point of view", GSSVIC 31-44 SS87 K.Subrahmanyam, "Grace in Vedanta", GSSVIC 23-30 SS88 P. Alalasundaram, "The concept of God--according to Saiva Siddhantam", SaivS 11, 1976, 136-138 SS89 M. Arunachalam, "The concept of consciousness in Saiva Siddhanta", IPA 11, 1976, 65-73 SS90 P. Thirugnanasambandhan, "Concept of consciousness--the Saiva-Siddhanta perspective", IPA 11, 1976, 74-83 SS91 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Radhakrishnan on the Saiva Siddhanta", IPA 12, 1977-78, 275-279 SS92 N.Subbu Reddiar, "The Alvars' concept of salvation", SVUOJ 20, 1977, 53-60 SS93 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Freedom according to Saiva Siddhanta", VK 65, 1978, 378379 SS94 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Invitation to Saiva Siddhanta", PTAIP 23-41 SS95 Carl-A. Keller, "Dieu, l'ame et le monde selon le Saiva-Siddhanta", AS 32, 1978, 97-111

SS96 Xavier Irudayaraj, "World-view and salvation according to Saiva Siddhanta", JD 4, 1979, 268-277 SS97 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, The Relevance of Saiva Siddhanta Philosophy, Annamalinagar 1979 SS98 Ratna Ammaiyar Navaratnam, Siddhanta Saivam in Essence and Manifestation. Annamalinagar 1979 SS99 T.B.Siddalingaiah, Origin and Development of Saiva Siddhanta up to 14th Century. Madurai 1979 SS100 P. Thirugnanasambandham, "Saiva Siddhanta and Dvaita Vedanta", SaivS 14, 1979, 163-171 SS101 R.Balasubramanian, "On the epistemic status of samsaya--a study with special reference to Saiva Siddhanta", IPA 14, 1980-81, 215-236 SS102 Helene Brunner, "Le Saiva-Siddhanta, 'essence' du Veda (tude d'un fragment du Kamikagama)", ITaur 8-9, 1980-81, 51-66 SS103 V.A.Devasenapathi, "An outline of the Siddhanta epistemology", IPA 14, 198081, 191-202 SS104 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Basic concepts of Saiva Siddhanta", IPA 14, 1980-81, 39-80 SS105 Xavier Irudayaraj, "Discipleship and spiritual directions in the light of Tamil Saivite tradition", JD 5, 1980, 279-290 SS106 K. Vajravelu Mudaliar, "The epistemology of Saiva Siddhanta", IPA 14, 1980-81, 117-122 SS107 K. Loganathan Muttarayan, "Saiva Siddhanta as a system of psychology", SaivS 15, 1980, 53-65 SS108 V.Ramakrishnan, "An attempt at understanding the Saiva theory of perception", IPA 14, 1980-81, 123-132 SS109 Arvind Sharma, "Dvaita Vedanta and Saiva Siddhanta--the nature of soteriological gradation", SaivS 15, 1980, 155-157 SS110 G. Sundaramoorthy, "Development of epistemology in the Sanskrit works on Saiva Siddhanta", IPA 14, 1980-81, 133-141 SS111 P. Thirugnanasambandhan, "The bearing of Saiva Siddhanta epistemology on its metaphysics", IPA 14, 1980-81, 101-116. Also SaivS 16, 1981, 45-56 SS112 Chacko Valiaveltil, Liberated Life-Ideal of Jivanmukti in Indian Religions, especially in Saiva Siddhanta. Madras 1980 SS113 Muru Pazha Rathinam Chettiar, "The fundamentals of Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 16, 1981, 33-37 SS114 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "Sri Lanka's contribution to Saiva Siddhanta thought", SaivS 16, 1981, 88-97 SS115 C.N.Singaravelu, "The special features of Saiva Siddhanta", BITC 1981, 37-52 SS116 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Yoga in Saiva Siddhanta", VK 69, 1982, 224-225 SS117 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Concept of divine grace in Saiva Siddhanta", VK 69, 1982, 467-470 SS118 Rama Ghose, "The concept of grace as envisaged in Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 17, 1982, 67-78 SS119 Jaidev Singh, "Concepts of Siva, sakti, pasu, pasa and liberation in Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 17, 1982, 89-91

SS120 P. Thirugnanasambandan, "Sanskrit sources of Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 17, 1982, 172-181 SS121 Maheswary M. Arulchelvam, "Concept of liberation in Saiva Siddhanta", PHT 112 SS122 M. Arunachalam, "The impact of the orthodox darsanas in Tamil literature", PHT 193-210 SS123 David C. Buck, "Siddhanta: siddhi and Saiva", ESEHD 59-74 SS124 V.A.Devasenapathy, "Karma and grace in Saiva Siddhanta", ESEHD 7-18 SS125 V.A.Devasenapathi, "The Bhagavadgita and Saiva Siddhanta", VK 70, 1983, 463465 SS126 Jean Filliozat, "The role of the Saivagamas in the Saiva ritual system", ESEHD 81-86 SS127 S.Gangadharan, "The concept of pasa", PHT 63-78 SS128 Raghunath Ghosh, "The Shivayajna of Coochbehar: a philosophic observation", NBUR 4.2-5, 1983-84, 149-155 SS129 Rajam Jayaraman, "The grades of mukti in Saiva Siddhanta", BVa 18.3-4, 1983, 44-45 SS130 C. Kannayeram, "Rudiments of Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 18, 1983, 139-143; 19, 1984: 38, 94 SS131 N.R.Murugavell, "Human integration and human fulfilment in Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 18, 1983, 57-66 SS132 K. Loganathan Muttarayan, "The empirical foundation of Saiva Siddhanta system", SaivS 18, 1983: 20, 67 SS133 C.V.Singaravelu, "The application of Saiva Siddhanta to daily life", PHT 91-104 SS134 Radha Thiagarajan, A Study of Mysticism in Tiruvacakam. Madurai 1983 SS135 P. Thirugnanasambandhan, "Recovery of self in Saiva Siddhanta", PHT 27-40 SS136 T.R.Damodaran , "Saiva Siddhanta mss.", JTSML 32, 1984, 1-3 SS136.1 T.R.Damodaran, "An introduction to the Sanskrit mss. on Saiva Siddhanta availablein our Library", JTSML 32, 1984, 3 pp. SS136.5 V. A. Devasenapati, "Das Absolute in den Weisen seiner Selbstoffenbarung", SAOCB 197-218 SS137 Carl-A. Keller, "Aspiration collective et experience individuelle dans la bhakti shivaite de l'Inde du Sud", Numen 31, 1984, 1-21 SS138 Arvind Sharma, "Jivanmukti and bhakti", SaivS 19, 1984, 107-l10 SS139 Rohan A. Dunuwila, Saiva Siddhanta Theology. A Context for Hindu-Christian Dialogue. Delhi 1985 SS140 H.P.Malladevaru, "The Saivagamas, their extent and authority", ITaur 13, 198586, 103-114 SS141 Motilal Pandit, "Saiva Siddhanta", PTG 20.1, 1985, 13-43 SS141.5 Nicholapillai Maria Savari, Die Metaphysik des Shaiva-Siddhanta Systems. Diss. theologisches Reihen, Band 8. St. Ottilien 1985 SS141.8 Maheshwari M. Arulchelvan, "Niskala and sakala in Siddhanta philosophy", JTS 30, 1986, 38-41 SS142 S. Arulsamy, "Spiritual journey in Saiva Siddhanta", JD 11, 1986, 37-61

SS143 V.A.Devasenapathi, "The absolute in his mode of self-revelation", SaivS 21, 1986, 115-131 SS144 R. Gopalakrishnan, "The concept of iruvinaippu--a study", JMU 58, 1986, 97-103 SS145 Pushpendra Kumar, Principle of Sakti. Delhi 1986 SS146 H.P.Malladevaru, "The authority (pramanya) of the Saivagamas", StudIndCult 224-234 SS147 R.S.Vedachalam Pillai, "The theistic aspect of Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 21, 1986, 52-59 SS148 P.S.Somasundaram, Tirujnanasambandhar: Philosophy and Religion. Madras 1986 SS148.5 S. Arulsamy, Saivism, a Perspective of Grace. New Delhi 1987 SS149 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Human development from a Saiva standpoint", SaivS 22, 1987, 27-32 SS150 R. Gopalakrishnan, "The concept of peace with special reference to Saiva Siddhanta", JMU 59.1, 1987, 15-22 SS151 Moti Lal Pandit, Saivism: A Religio-Philosophical History. New Delhi 1987 SS152 C.N.Singaravelu, "Saiva Siddhanta in Hindu philosophy", SaivS 22, 1987: 77, 119 SS153 K. Sivaraman, "Saiva Siddhanta and religious pluralism", MIRRP 151-170 SS154 C.M.Ramachandra Chettiar, "Saiva Siddhanta philosophy", SaivS 23, 1988, 77-80 SS155 Richard H. Davis, "Cremation and liberation: a revision of a Hindu ritual", HistR 28, 1988, 37-53 SS156 Vidya Dehajia, Slaves of the Lord. The Path of the Tamil Saints. New Delhi 1988 SS156.1 R. Gopalakrishnan, "Self-knowledge and self-identity with special reference to Saiva Siddhanta", JMU 60, 1988, 49-54 SS156.2 R. Gopalakrishnan, "The metaphysical implications of sabda according to the Saiva Siddhanta", JMU 60, 1988, 62-69 SS157 Jayacandra Sen, Philosophical Anthropology in Saiva Siddhanta. Delhi 1989 SS158 Joseph Jaswant Raj, Grace in the Saiva Siddhantham and in St. Paul. Two volumes. Madras 1989 SS159 G.V.Tagare, "SiddHanta Shaivism in the North", SaivS 25, 1990, 67-68 SS159.1 F. Sferre, "Aspetti della speculazione linguistica nello Saivasiddhanta", RDSO 65, 1991, 311-357 SS160 Helene Brunner, "Jnana and kriya: relation between theory and practice in the Saivagamas", RSET 1-60 SS161 Richard H. Davis, "Becoming a siva, and acting as one in Saiva worship", RSET 107-120 SS162 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 26.1-2, 1992, 27-40; 26.3-4, 1993, 6-16; 27.1, 1993, 3-17 SS162.4 T. N. Ganapathy, The Philosophy of the Tamil Siddhas. New Delhi 1993 SS162.5 A. Gunanayagam, "Saiva Siddhanta", JSidST 1993, 11-20 SS163 H.P.Malladevaru, "The pramanya of the Saivagamas", Corpus 325-331 SS163.1 M. Balasubramania Mudaliar, "Grace of Lord Siva", SaivS 17.1, 1933 SS163.1.5 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "Sri Lanka's contribution to Saiva Siddhanta thought", JSidSt 1993, 25-34 SS163.2 S. Sambasiva, "Mysticism in Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 27.2, 1993, 16-28

SS163.2.5 K. Sivapadasundaran, "Saiva Siddhanta in historical perspective", JSidSt 1993, 21-24 SS163.2.5.5 V. A. Devasenapati, "Saivism from Tamil sources--Saiva Siddhanta", SOHT 26-35 SS163.2.6 M. Dhavamony, "The creative word in Saiva Siddhanta and Christianity: SivaSakti of Arulnanti and the Logos of St. John", La parole creatrice in India e nel Mondo Oriente (Pisa 1994), 131-143 SS164 Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat, "The concept of adhvan in Sivasiddhanta", WZKSOA 38, 1994, 421-433 SS164.0 S. Gangadharan, "Concept of pasa in Saiva Siddhanta and the Tamil contributions", SOHT 265-270 SS164.1 Satya Deva Misra, "Saiva Siddhanta and Kashmir Saivism", Srijnanamrtam 276282 SS164.2 S. Thiagarajan, "Tirumandiram and Saiva Siddhanta", Saiva Siddhanta 28.1-2, 1994, 10-21 SS164.5 Ignatius Hirudayan, "God experience ion Siva Siddhanta", SaivS 29, 1995, 4-12 SS164.7 M. S. Kalanidhi, "Saiva Siddhanta and mental health", SaivS 29, 1995, 34-43 SS164.7.3 Joseph Jaswant Ra, "Contribution to the Saiva Siddhanta and to inter-religious dialogue", CCIP 141-158 SS164.7.5 K. I. Koppedrayar, "Siva worship as a means of knowing", SaivS 30, 1996, 47-60 SS164.8 S. Krishnarajah, "Theory of anumana in Saiva Siddhanta", SaivS 29, 1995, 1333 SS165 Karen Pechilis Prentiss, "A Tamil lineage for Saiva Siddhanta philosophy", HistR 35, 1996, 231-257 SS165.5 P. Ramanathan, "The mystery of godliness", SaivS 29, 1996, 19-40 SS166 Chacko Valiaveetil, "Living liberation in Saiva Siddhanta", LLHT 1996, 219-238 SS166.5 K. Ganesalingam, "Soul is neither sat nor asat", SaivS 32, 1997, 11-16 SS166.6 Ignatius Hirudayam, "Saiva Siddhanta spirituality", PC 237-272 SS166.8 V. S. George Joseph, "Pati, the panacea for all diseases", SaivS 32.1, 1997, 3137 SS167 Thomas Manninezhath, "Salvation in Saiva Siddhanta", JD 22, 1997, 165-186 SS167.5 Nityananda Giri, "Source of all bliss: mysticism of Saiva Siddhanta', MSC 3772 SS168. G.V.Saroja, "Saiva Siddhanta", JASBe 79, 1997, 70-72 SS169 Sivapriya, "Saivism, the natural universalism", SaivS 37.2, 1997, 38-43 SS170 S.R.Jayavelu, "Mysticism of co-creativity", SaivS 33.1, 1998, 12-17 SS171 C.N.Singavelu, "Saiva Siddhanta--the great reconciler", SaivS 33.1, 1998, 19-22 SS172 K. Ganesalingam; "Relevance of Saiva Siddhanta for the next century", SaivS 34.3-4, 1999, 6-14 SS173 K. Cuppiramaniya Pillai, Saiva Siddhanta. Durban 1999 SS180 Dominic Goodall, "Problems of name and lineage: relationships between South Indian authors of the Saiva Siddhanta", JRAS 10, 2000, 205-216 SS183 Jrg Gengnagel, "The Saiva Siddhanta acarya as mediator of religious identity", CCERHI 77-92

SS185 J. X. Muthupackian, Mysticism and Metaphysics in Saiva Siddhanta. New Delhi 2001 SS186 S. C. Nandimath, Theology of the Saivagamas. A Survey of the Doctrines of Saiva Siddhanta and Veerasaivism. Thiruvananthopur, Kerala 2001 SS188 C. N. Singaravelu, "Saiva Siddhanta in daily life", SaivS 36.1-2, 2001, 18-32 SS190 R. Balasubramanian, "Towards the emergence of Saiva Siddhanta", Sandhan 2.2, 2002, 17-56 SS192 C. Sam Christopher, "Saiva Siddhanta philosophy a Dravidian philosophy", JTS 62, 2002, 83-90 SS194 S.N.Kandaswamy, "The philosophy of Saiva Siddhanta", JICPRSpI 2002, 77-94 SS193 T. N. Ganapathy, "The philosophy and mysticism of the Tamil siddhas", ThV 763-789 SS198 R. Gopalakrishnan, Essentials of Saivism. Lewisham, London 2003 SS200 V. Rathinasabapathy, "Saiva Siddhanta after Umapati Sivacarya", ThV 651-689 SS202 R. Gopalakrishnan, "The problem of evila Saiva Siddhanta perspective", SaivS 39.1, 2005, 1-12 SS204 M. Kandaswamy, "Anavam", SaivS 39.1, 2005, 29-32; 39.2, 2005, 3-11 SS204.1 M. Kandaswamy, "Avasthai (avatthai)", SaivS 39.2, 2005, 26-34 SS204.2 M. Kandaswamy, "The splendid life of eternal bliss", SaivS 39.3, 2005, 17-20 SS205 B. R. Shantha Kumari, "Pasu: Saiva Siddhanta view", UPEWP 55-71 SS206 M. Kuppuswamy, "Hindu philosophythe message of the cosmic dance", SaivS 39.1, 2005, 25-28 SS207 R. N. Misra, "Beginning of Saiva Siddhanta and its expanding space in central India", Samarasya 285-306 SS209 F. M. Nallaswami Pillai, "Lack of publicity for agama and Siddhanta literature", SaivS 39.4, 2005, 14-17 SS213 C. N. Singaravelu, "The forms which Lord Siva takes", SaivS 39.3, 2005, 3-16; 39.4, 2005, 24-25 SS216 G. Sethuraman, "History of Saiva Siddhanta", JIH 35, 2006, 26-41 SS217 R. Gopala Krishnan, "Social concern of Saiva Siddhanta", Saiva Siddhanta 44.2, 2007, 3-6 SS217.5 M. Balasubramania Mudaliar, "The grace of Lord Siva", Saiva Siddhanta 44.2, 2007, 7-24 SS218 Francesco Sferra, "Materials for the study of the levels of sound in the Sanskrit sources of the Saivasiddhanta", MTMHB 443-474 SS220 Koya Tamura, "Characteritics of the study of Tamil Saiva Siddhanta", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 45-50 SS223 K. Ganesalingam, "Siddhanta views of Bharatha", Saiva Siddhanta 41.4-42.1, 2007-2008, 3-16 S224 R. Go palakrishna, The concept of bhakti in Saiva Siddhanta", Saiva Siddhanta 41.4-42.1, 2007-2008, 17-29 SS230 Andrea Acxi, "Glimpses of early Saiva Siddhanta: echoes of doctrines ascribed to Brhaspati in the Sanskrit-old Javanese Vrhaspatitattva", IIJ 54, 2011, 209-229

Return to Contents Page {KS} Kashmir Saivism See a47.16.154.2;;; 379.67.613.6.1; 441.1.14; 698.1.20; B1627.0; SV80; BL132.5; AV654; S278; SS64, 164.1. d461.7.1 KS1 J.C.Chatterji, Kashmir Saivism. KSTS 2, 1912 KS2 Mahendra Nath Sircar, "Saivism", SAMV 316-351 KS3 K.C.Pandey, "The meaning of sruti in the philosophical literature of Kashmir", JOR 13, 1939, 167-175 KS4 K.A.S.Aiyer and K.C.Pandey, "Saiva theory of relation", PAIOC 9, 1940, 603-617 KS5 S.P.Bhattacharya, "Corner stones of rasa ideology and the Saiva darsanas of Kashmir", PAIOC 13, 1946, 253-267 KS6 K. Guru Dutt, Kashmir Saivism. Bangalore 1949 KS7 A.P.Karmarkar, The Religions of India. Volume I: The Vratya or Dravidian Systems. Lonavla 1950 KS8 Sivaprasad Bhattacharya, "Kashmir Saiva Darsana's impress on alamkaras in Alamkarasastra", JOI 1, 1952, 245-252 KS9 K.C.Pandey, "Kasmira Saivism", HPE 381-392 KS10 K.S.Nagarajan, "The Saiva philosophy of Kashmir", PAIOC 18, 1955, 449-452 KS11 K.C.Pandey, "The Svatantryavada of Kashmir and the voluntarism of Schopenhauer", PAIOC 16, 1955, 310-321 KS12 J. Rudrappa, "Kashmir Saivism", QJMS n.s. 45, 1955: 160, 229 KS13 Raniero Gnoli, "Vrttikara and karikakara", EAW 6, 1956, 293-294 KS14 A.N.Upadhye, "Prakrit language and Kashmir Saivism", FVSKB 192-195 KS15 Deva Brat Sen Sharma, Man and His Destiny According to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir. Ph.D.Thesis, Banaras Hindu University 1958 KS16 Laxmi Nidhi Sharma, Aspects of Kashmir Saivism in relation to Advaita Vedanta. Ph.D.Thesis, Banaras Hindu University 1960 KS17 R.K.Kaw, "Distinctive features of the pratyabhijna system", PAIOC 21, 1961, 253-270 KS18 Andre Padoux, Recherches sur la symbolique et l'energie de la parole dans certains textes tantriques. Paris 1963 KS19 R.C.Dwivedi, "Kashmir Saivism and Tantric Buddhism", CIDO 26, Summaries 1964, 103-104 KS20 Navjivan Rastogi, "Concept of Siva as a category in Kashmir Saivism", IPC 9.3, 1964, 9-17 KS21 Navjivan Rastogi, "Kali as a metaphysical concept in the Krama system of Kashmir Saivism", JGJRI 22, 1965-66, 39-54 KS22 R.K.Kaw, The Doctrine of Recognition (Pratyabhijna Philosophy). Hoshiarpur 1967 KS23 J.Rudrappa, "Virasaivism and Kashmir Saivism", SBECCV 327-344 KS24 Deba Brata Sen Sharma, "The conception of individual self in the Trika philosophy of Kasmira", KUJ 1, 1967, 391-399

KS24.1 R. Ganoli, "Morte e sopravicenzo ninile saivismo Kashmiro", RDSO 43, 1968, 101-120 KS25 R.K.Kaw, "Concept of maya in Kashmir Saivism", IPC 13.2, 1968, 6-10 KS26 G.Mukhopadhyaya, "Reality as viewed in the Trika system of philosophy", ABORI 48-49, 1968, 231-240 KS26.5 L.S.Sharma, "Abhasavada", VandB 147-166 KS27 J.Rudrappa, Kashmir Saivism. Mysore 1969 KS28 Deba Brata Sen, "The conception of the Absolute in the Trika system of Kashmir", ABORI 51, 1970, 151-161 KS29 Steven J. Kupetz, The Non-Dualistic Philosophy of Kashmir Saivism: an Analysis of the Pratyabhijna School. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota 1972 KS30 Shiahir Kumari Jha, Critical and Comparative Study of Pratyabhijna Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Darbhanga University 1972 KS31 Kamalakar Misra, "Person in the light of Pratyabhijna philosophy", IPA 8, 1972, 206-214 KS32 Rahul Pandita, "History, literature and philosophy of Kashmir Saivism", Hindutva 3.1, 1972, 206-214 KS33 L.N.Sharma, Kashmir Saivism. Varanasi 1972 KS34 Raniero Gnoli, "Gli Agama scivaiti nell'India settrentrionale", ITaur 1, 1973, 61-70 KS35 Shubha Nag, A Critical Survey of the Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and Kashmir Shaivism. Ph.D.Thesis, Jabalpur University 1973 KS36 Sudha Sahai, "Pratyabhijna philosophy as propounded by the Skanda Purana", Purana 16, 1974, 139-142 KS37 Deba Brata Sen, "Pancakosa and pancakancuka--a study in comparison", CSFV 385-391 KS38 J.N.Sinha, "Sivasakti, the world and the sambhava means to liberation in the Pratyabhijna Saivism", Rtam 2-6, 1975, 81-88 KS38.1 Swami Tejomayananda, Introduction to Kashmir Saivism. Oakland, Calif. 1975, 1977 KS39 Devabrata Sen, "Introduction to Trika philosophy", Bharata Manisha 2.l, 1976-77, 7-12 KS39.1 R. Torella, "Il Sardhatrisati-kalottaragama", RDSO 50, 1976, 279-318 KS40 B.N.Pandit, Aspects of Kashmir Saivism. Srinagar 1977 KS41 Navjivan Rastogi, "Recognition in Pratyabhijna school: a study in epistemology", ABORI 58-59, 1977-78, 841-861 KS43 Pierre Sylvain Filliozat, "A dualistic school of Saivism", QJMS 69, 1978, 180-190 KS44 Navjivan Rastogi, Krama Tantricism of Kashmir. Volume One. Delhi 1978 KS45 Ram Shankar Mishra, "The concept of supreme consciousness", JGJRI 36, 1980, 131-138 KS46 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The concept of purnahamta in the Trika philosophy of Kashmir", CIS 153-164 KS46.5 Harish Chandra Das and D. Pandra, Tantricism: a Study in the Yogini Cult. New Delhi 1981 KS47 Rewati Raman Pandey, "The concept of creation in the Kasmira Saivism", JGJRI 37, 1981, 291-300

KS47.1 Andre Padoux, "Un japa tantrique: Yoginihrdaya II, 171-191", MCB 20, 1981, 141-154 KS48 M.S.G.Dyczkowski, The Doctrines and Practices associated with the Kashmiri Saiva Concept of Spanda. D.Phil, Oxford University 1982 KS49 Deba Brata Sen Sharma, The Philosophy of Sadhana with special reference to Trika Philosophy of Kasmira. Karnal 1983 KS50 G.L.Chaturvedi, "Concept of knowledge in Advaita Vedanta and Kashmir Saivism-a comparison" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 337-338 KS51 Uma Pandey, "The problem of evolution and involution in Kashmir Saivism" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 355 KS52 D.B.Sen Sharma, "Nature of divine grace according to Kashmir Saivism" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 367 KS53 Koshelya Walli, "Lalleshwari's contribution to Kashmir Saiva philosophy" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 371-372 KS54 Paul E. Murphy, Triadic Mysticism. The Mystical Philosophy of the Saivism of Kashmir. Delhi 1986 KS55 K.S.Nagarajan, "Pratyabhijna in Kashmir Saiva philosophy", TL 9.1, 1986, 30-36 KS56 A.N.Pandey, "Abhijnana in the Ramayana and the Pratyabhijna philosophy", VIJ 24, 1986, 90-93 KS57 I.C.Chatterji, Kashmir Shaivism. Leiden 1986 KS58 Gavin D. Flood, "The concept of a person in the cosmical hierarchy of Kashmir Saivism", PIRKW 88-110 KS58.1 Manotosh Ch. Chaudhuri, "The origins of Saivism and the emergence of the Trika system", JASBe 29.3, 1987, 1-14 KS58.1.5 Arlene Mazak Breunin, "The tantric structure of akhanda mahayoga", MGKCV 1987, 7-29 KS58.2 R.C.Dwivedi, "Yoga according to the Kashmir Saivism", ABORI 68, 1987, 407411 KS59 Mark S.G. Dyczkowski, The Doctrine of Vibration: An Analysis of the Doctrines and Practices Associated with Kashmir Shaivism. Ithaca 1987 KS60 Mark S.G. Dyczkowski, The Canon of the Shaivagama and the Kubjika Tantras of the Western Kaula Tradition. Ithaca 1987 KS61.1 R.C.Dwivedi, "Siva: a symbol of self-critical and active consciousness", LP 2, 1988, 141-146 KS62 M.S.G.Dyczkowski, "Abhavavada--a forgotten Saiva doctrine", MGKCV 107-119 KS63 R. Gopalakrishnan, "Kashmir Saivism and Saiva Siddhanta--a comparative study", JMU 59.2, 1987, 15-21 KS63.1 Jankinath Kaul, "A comparative view of two schools of Indian thought with special reference to Kashmir", MGKCV 1987, 397-401 KS64 Govinda Gopal Mukherjee, "Creation as viewed in the Trika system II", VK 74, 1987, 291-294 KS64.1 Andre Padoux, "On some aspects of Tripurasundari's worship according to Yoginihrdaya" the role of bhavana", MGKCV 1987, 120-128 KS65 Rewati Raman Pandey, "The Pratyabhijna concept of man--a contemporary reassessment", MGKCV 85-93

KS65.1 B. N. Pandit, "Philosophy of Saktism", MGKCV 129-150 KS66 Navjivan Rastogi, "Gopinath Kaviraj on Kashmir Saivism", MGKCV 30-33 KS66.1 Girija Sarma, "Matrka in Kashmir Saivism", MGKCV 1987, 78-84 KS67 Jaideva Singh, "The significance of spanda in spiritual life", MGKCV 1987, 1-6 KS68 Lakshman Joo, Kashmir Shaivism. The Secret Supreme. Albany, N.Y. 1988 KS69 Gavin D. Flood, "Shared realities and symbolic forms in Kashmir Saivism", Numen 36, 1989, 225-247 KS69.5Balajinnatha Pandita, History of Kashmir Saivism. Srinagar 1989 KS70 D.B.Sen Sharma, "Aspects of the philosophy of Kashmir Section--II", JASBe 31.12, 1989, 47-51 KS71 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The concept of pure consciousness in Kashmir Shaivism", MGKCV 73-77 KS73 Mark S.G. Dyczkowski, Self Awareness, Own Being and Egoity. Varanasi 1990 KS74 Alexis Sanderson, "The visualisation of the deities of the Trika", in L'Image Divine. Culte et Meditation dans l'Hindouisme (Paris 1990), 31-88 KS74.1 Alexis Sanderson, "Mandala and Agamic identity in the Trika of Kashmir", in A. Padoux, ed., Mantras et Diagrammes Rituelle dans l'Hindouisme (Paris 1990), 169-214 KS75 R.C.Dwivedi, "Yoga according to the Kashmir Saivism", Prajnajyoti 311-314 KS75.1 Surinder Pal, "Summum bonum of pratyabhijna philosophy", PURB 22.1, 1991, 121-124 KS76 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The relation of vak and artha: its metaphysical implications in the philosophy of Trika Saivism", Prajnajyoti 361-369 KS77 Gavin D. Flood, "Techniques of body and desire in Kashmir Saivism", Religion 22, 1992, 47-62 KS77.1 Navjivan Rastogi, "The yogic disciplines in the monistic Saiva tantric traditions of Kashmir: threefold, fourfold, and six-limbed", RSET 247-280 KS77.2 Alexis Sanderson, "The doctrines of the Malinivijayottaratantra", RSET 281-310 KS77.3 Debabrata Sen Sarma, "Concept of bliss in Kashmir Saivism", Corpus 436-441 KS77.4 Raffaele Torella, "The Pratyabhijna and the logical-epistemological school of Buddhism", RSET 327-346 KS78 Kamalakar Mishra, Kashmir Saivism: The Central Philosophy of Tantrism. Portland, Ore. 1993 KS79 Gavin D. Flood, Body and Cosmology in Kashmir Saivism. Lewiston,.Y. 1993 KS79.5 Agasthya, "Kashmir Saivism", SOHT 151-155 KS79.5.5 Bettina Baumer, "The play of the three worlds: the Trika concept of lila', GatP 35-49 KS80 R.C.Dwivedi, "Kashmir Saivism (KS) and the Vedanta of Samkara", RIBP 209215 KS80.5 R. C. Dvivedi, "Kashmir Saivism and the Vedanta of Samkara", PNRBFV 1994, 319-326 KS80.6 John Hughes, Self-Realization in Kashmir Shaivism: the Oral Teachings of Swami Laksman Joo. Albany, N.Y. 1994; Delhi 1997 KS81 Enrica Garzilli, "The unique position of the Spanda school among the others of the Trika system of Kasmir", IJTS 1.1, 1995, 1-16

KS81.1 John Hughes, "Moksa and the means of attainment in Kashmir Saivism", JD 20, 1995, 270-286 KS82 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "Kashmir Shaivism", BRMIC 46, 1995, 210-216, 267-273 KS82.5 Gerhard Oberhammer, ed., Im Toid gewinnt der Mensch sein Selbst. Das Phnonen des Todes in asiatischen und abenlandischen Religions traditon. OAWV 624, 1995 KS83.1 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The concept of Kali in Kashmir Saivism", CultInd 249253 KS84 Bettina Bumer, "Sun, consciousness, and time: the way of time and the timeless in Kashmir Saivism", CTAM 1996, 73-77 KS84.5 Enrica Garzilli, "The unique position of the Spanda school among the others of the Trika system of Kmir", JISSA 4, 1996, 43-64 KS85 Paul E. Muller-Ortega, "Aspects of jivanmukti in the Tantric Saivism of Kashmir", LLHT 1996, 187-206 KS85.1 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The nature of the supreme knowledge and its descent in the world in the eyes of Advaita Saiva school of Kashmir", Srijnanamrtam 235243 KS86 Candrasekhara Sivacarya, Saktivisistadvaitatattvatrayavimarsah. Varanasi 1996 KS86.2 Bettina Baumer, "Aesthetics of mysticism or mysticism of aesthetics? The approach of Kashmir Saivism", MSC 329-350 KS86.3 Bettine Baumer, "The four spiritual ways (upaya) in Kashmir Saiva tradition", HSPCM 1-22 KS86.5 H.N.Chakravarty, "Divine recognition: pratyabhijna", MSC 179-200 KS87 Harsha V. Dehejia, Parvatidarpana: An Exposition of Kashmir Saivism through the Images of Siva and Parvati. Delhi 1997 KS87.5 Jankinath Kaul, "Saktipata: grace in Kashmir Saivism", MSC 247-262 KS88 Balajinatha Pandita, Specific Principles of Kashmir Saivism. New Delhi 1997 KS89 B.N.Pandit, "The divine way; Sambhavopaya in Kashmir Saivism", MSC 217-228 KS90 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "Cosmogeny and prama in Trika Darsana of Kashmir", EssInP 95-120 KS100 David Lawrence, "The mythico-ritual syntax of omnipotence", PEW 48, 1998, 542-622 KS101 David Lawrence, "Siva's self-recognition and the problem of interpretation", PEW 48, 1998, 197-231 KS108 David Peter Lawrence, Rediscovering God with Transcendental Argument. A Contemporary Interpretation of Monistic Kashmir Saivism. Albany, N.Y. 1999 KS110 Kamala Kar Mishra, Kashmir Shaivism: The Central philosophy of Tantrism. Delhi 1999 KS115 Rafaele Torella, "'Devi uvaca', or the theology of the perfect tense", JIP 27, 1999, 129-138 KS120 Lalita Deodhar, "The concept of mala in Kashmir Saivism", WIT 163-175 KS123 N. Gangadharan, "Basic tenets of Kashmir Saivism: an analysis", SICSL 127-130 KS125 Hirohisa Toda, "The ways of mystical realization in Kashmir Saivism", WL 263280

KS127 Jurgen Hanneder, "Sahib Kaul's presentation of Pratyabhijna philosophy in Devinamavilasa", LPEIM 399-418 KS130 Alexis Sanderson, "History through textual criticism in the study of Saivism", LPEIM (?) KS132 M. G. Chitkar, Kashmir Shaivism: Under Siege. New Delhi 2002 KS137 G.V.Tagare, The Pratyabhijna Philosophy. Delhi 2002 KS137.5 Bettina Bumer, "Beauty and anandasakti in Kashmir Saivism", Saundarya 3543 KS137.6 Bettina Baumer, Trika Grundthemen des Kaschmirischen Sivaismus. Innsbruck 2003 KS138 Shoun Hino, "Liberation in Kashmir Saiva philosophy", TMSR 725-734 KS139 Kamalakar Mishra, "Kashmir Saiva Advaitism", ThV 574-622 KS140 Motilal Pandita, The Trika Philosophy of Kashmir. New Delhi 2003 KS141 Narendra B. Patil, "Acarya parampara in northern Saiva tradition of Kashmir Saivism", JAIRI 5, 2002-2003, 71-75 KS144 L. N. Sharma, "Silence, sunya and Siva: a Kashmir Saivic perspective", JIJS 6, 2003, 48-60 KS146 Kailash Pati Mishra, ""Nature of consciousness and Yoga in Kasmira Saiva tantra", CIPY 123-129 KS146.8 Jean Naudou, "Temps relatif et temps absolue dans le bouddhisme tantrique ert la Shivaism Kashmirien:, DCH 661-674 KS147.5 Andre Padoux, "Corps et mantra: de la presence des mantras dans le corps:m DCH 563-578 KS148 Prabha Devi, "The significance of tantra rahasya", Samarasya 63-66 KS149 John R. Dupuche, "The doctrine of recognition (pratyabhijna) and interreligious dialogue", Samarasya 431-440 KS150 Makhan Lal Kokiloo, "Concept of fullness (purnata) in Kashmir Saivism", VFBHC 101-120 KS153 Jeffrey S. Lidke, "Interpreting across mystical boundaries: an analysis of samadhi in the Trika-Kaula tradition", TPY 142-180 KS153.4 Annette Wilke, "A new theology of bliss. 'Vedantization' of tantra and 'Tantrization" of Advaita Vedanta in the Lalitatrisatibhasya", Samarasya 149-175 KS153.7 Gavin Flood, "Can we attain wisdom? A non-dualist probvlewm in Saiva philosophy", JCP 33, 2006, 409-420 KS154 Yohei Kawajiri, "A critique of the Buddhist doctrine of self-awareness in the Pratyabhijna school", JIBSt 54.3, 2006, 218 KS156 Shankarananda, The Yoga of Kashmir Saivism. Consciousness is Everything. Delhi 2006 KS159 Loriliai Biernecki, "Possession, absorption and the transformation of samavesa", EMH 491-505 KS162 Yohei Kawajiri, "The Pratyabhijna school and adhyavasayapeksa pramanyavadin or cognition and language", JIBSt 55.3, 2007, 238-239 KS163 Boris Marjanovic, "The means and practices of non-dual Kashmir Saivism", ABORI 87, 2007, 175-197 KS164 Alexis Sanderson, "The Saiva exegesis of Kashmir", MTMHB 231-423

KS165 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The spiritual life of Ramakishna and his gospel in the light of Kashmir Shaivism", BRMIC 59, 2008, 54-62; 60, 2009, 55-60; 60, 2009, 539-544 KS165.5 Raffaelle Torella, "Variazoni Kashmire sul tema della percepzione della yogin (yogipratyaksa)", RDSO 81, 2008, 35-58 KS166 Isabelle Rati, "Otherness in the Pratyabhijna philosophy", JIP 35 (4), 2007, 313370 KS166.5 Debabrata Sen Sharma, "The concept of purnahamta in the Trika philosophy of Kashmir", ESLJ 270-281 KS167 Isabelle Rati, "Le non-etre: une preuve de l'existence du Soi? Le notion d'abhava dans la philosophie de la Pratyabhijna", JA 298.2, 2010, 421-493 KS168 Yaticandra Dutta Amolil, "The Yogic exposition of sattarka in the monistic Saivism of Kasmira", JOI 58, 2009, 139-145 KS170 Ernst Fuerlinger, The Touch of Sakti. A Study in Non-Dualistic Trika Saivism of Kashmir. New Delhi 2009 KS175 Isabelle Rati, "Remarks on compassion and altruism in the Pratyabhijna philosophy", JIP 37, 2009, 349-366 KS180 Isabelle Rati, "The Dreamer and the Yogin - on the Relationship between Buddhist and Saiva Idealisms", BSOAS 73 (3), 437-478. Return to Contents Page {VS} Virasaivism See J166,193,315; B764, 2044.4, 2044.6; AV623; SS67, 75, 186; VV49; KS23, 86 VS1 W.E.Tomlinson, The Virasaiva. Bangalore 1870 VS2 R.C.Artal, A Short Account of the Reformed Shaiva or Veerasaiva Faith. Belgaum 1906 VS3 R.C.Carr, Monograph on Lingayats. Madras 1906 VS4 R.C.Artal, "A short account of the reformed Shaiva or Veerashaiva faith", Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay 8, 1909, 172-175 VS4.5 Alain Danielou, le destin du monde d'apres le tradition shivaite. Paris 1922 VS5 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Some aspects of Virasaiva philosophy", POWSBSt 2, 1923, 137158 VS6 F.Otto Schrader, "Lingayats and metempsychosis", WZKM 31, 1924, 313-317 VS7 V.B.Halabhavi, A Rationale of Lingayatism: Lingayats Are Prakrit Brahmins. Chikkodi 1926 VS8 Siddaramappa Dundappa Parvate, Virasaiva Philosophy of the Saivagamas. Hubli 1927 VS9 S.G.Sakharpekar, "Agamic Virasaivism", PAIOC 7, 1935, 399-404 VS10 M.S.Basavalingiah, "Conception of Brahma in Virasaiva philosophy", PAIOC 8, 1937, 313-321 VS11 V.T.Lakshmi, "The Lingayats: their religion and literature", Triveni 9.11, 1937, 4351 VS13 R. Chakravarti, Shakti Vishistadvaita or The Philosophical Aspect of Veerasaivism. Mysore 1938

VS14 S.Kumara, "The Virasaiva Weltanschauung", PB 46, 1941, 311 VS15 Navakalyanmath, Veerasaiva Weltanschauung. Dharwad 1941 VS16 C.V.Sankara Rau, "The doctrine of satsthala", JSVRI 2.1, 1941, 1-8 VS17 V.C.Yagati, "Theology of Virashaivism", JLCLEA 2.2, 1942, 1-7 VS18 V.C.Yagati, "Metaphysics of Virasaivism", JLCLEA 2.3, 1942, 1-7 VS19 S. Kumara, "The linga in Viraisaivism", PB 47, 1942, 181 ff. VS20 S.C.Nandimath, Handbook of Virasaivism. Dharwar 1942 VS21 M.P.Sakhare, History and Philosophy of Lingayat Religion. Belgaum 1942; Dharwad 1978 VS22 V.C.Yagati, "Virashaivism", JLCLEA 2.4, 1943, 1-11 VS23 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Saivism and Virasaivism", PB 48, 1943, 287 ff. VS24 K. Virabhadrappa, "Metaphysics of value", JLCLEA 5.3, 1945, 17-21 VS25 Navakalyanmath Kumarswamiji, Religion of Humanity. Dharwad 1946 VS26 Anil Kumar Sarkar, "Veerashaiva philosophy", JLCLEA 6.3, 1946, 101-105 VS27 S.M.Hunashal, The Lingayat Movement. Dharwar 1947 VS28 S.Kumara, The Virasaiva Philosophy and Mysticism. Dharwar 1949 VS29 Navakalmath Kumarswamiji, Veerasaiva Philosophy or Mysticism. Dharwad 1949, 1957, 1960 VS30 Navakalyanmath Kumarswamiji, Mirror of Veerasaivism. Dharwad 1950 VS31 K.A.Nilakanta Sastri, "A note on Virasaivism--its history and doctrine", PAIOC 18, 1955, 386-391 VS32 S.Kumara, "Virasaivism", HPE 393-400 VS33 P.Sama Rao, "The minor Veerasaiva vaanakaras", VK 38, 1951, 217-223 VS34 S.M.Hunashal, The Virasaiva. Ph.D.Thesis, Lucknow University 1956 VS35 Chidambar Kulkarni, "Anubhava mandapa", BV 22, 1962, 8-24 VS36 T.G.Kalghati, "Satsthala and gunasthana: a comparative study", PQ 36, 1963, 101110 VS37 N.C.Sargeant, Lingayats. Bangalore 1963 VS38 M. Yamunacharya, "Social philosophy as exemplified in the Karnataka schools of Saivism and Vaisnavism", IPA 2, 1966, 105-112 VS39 G.Marulasiddiah, "Virasaiva literature during the Vijayanagara empire (A.D.14001800)", KAG 136-139 VS40 T.A.Tyagarajappayuyar, "Saktivisistadvaita Darsana", SPP 7, 1967, 72-80 VS41 S.S.Wodeyar, "Virasaiva movement", SVUOJ 11, 1968, 43-46 VS42 H. Tipperudraswamy, Saranara Ambhava Sahitya. Translated as Veerasaiva Saints: A Study by S.M.Anguli. Mysore 1968 VS43 T.H.M.Sadashivarayya, Discourse of Veerasaivism: An Unwritten Chapter in the Religious History of India. Bombay 1968 VS44 Nijalinganna V. Kappal, A Study of Sivayoga as Preached and Practiced by Virashaiva Mystics. Ph.D.Thesis, Karnatak University, Dharwad 1968 VS45 V.S.Kambi, "Sunya in Virasaivism", JKU 6, 1970, 168-174 VS46 Raymond Allchin, "The attaining of the void--a review of some recent contributions in English to the study of Virasaivism", Religious Studies 7, 1971, 339-360 VS47 Kumarsvamiji, "Philosophy of Virasaivism", BV 6, 1971, 60-68

VS48 G.Marulasiddiah, "The Bhagavadgita and Virasaivism", Gitasamiksa 99-108 VS49 Jagadguru Matha Mahadeva, A Guide to Lingayatism. Dharwad 1973, 1982 VS50 Jagadguru Matha Mahadeva, Handbook of Lingayatism. Dharwad 1973, 1982 VS51 H.P.Malladevaru, Essentials of Virasaivism. Bombay 1973 VS52 V.S.Kambi, Satsthala in Virasaivism: A Philosophical Study. Ph.D.Thesis, Karnataka University 1975 VS53 Arvind Sharma, "Virasaivism", Indica 12, 1975, 101-113 VS54 Williiam Madtha, "Virasaivism and Christianity (an ecumenical dialogue on doctrine)", KUJ 20, 1976, 30-41 VS55 Mallikarjun Paraddi, "Virasaivism in Sanskrit literature", KUJ 20, 1976, 168-172 VS56 K. Salitamba, Veerasaivism in Andhra. Guntur 1976 VS57 Arvind Sharma, "Virasaivism and Sadvaisnavism: a comparison", ABORI 57, 1976, 103-106 VS58 M.S.Krishnamurthy, "Impact of Veerashaivism on the N. Indian saint", JMysoreU 38, 1977, 56-84 VS59 V.S.Kambi, "Forms of philosophical literature and Virasaiva works", SVUOJ 2122, 1978-79, 99-108 VS60 N.G.Mahadevappa, Virasaiva Concept of Shakti. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Mysore 1978 VS61 Prabhushankar, "The place of bhakti in Virasaivism", VK 65, 1978, 52-56 VS62 Prabhushankar, "Freedom according to Virasaivism", VK 65, 1978, 414-417 VS63 V.S.Kambi, Forms of Indian Philosophical Literature and Other Papers. Dharwad 1979 VS64 S.O.Ramakrishnan, "The meaning and significance of the Virasaiva concept of sunya", PTG 13.3, 1979, 15-30 VS65 K. Sami Lalitha, Saiva Nayanars and Sivasaranas: a Comparative Study of Philosophical and Religious Perspectives. Ph.D.Thesis, U. of Mysore 1980 VS66 T.N.Mallappa, "Origin and development of Veerasaiva religion and philosophy", BasavaJ 3, 1979, 430; 4, 1979: 9, 32; 5, 1980-81 VS67 S.V.Patil, "Nature of ultimate reality in Lingayat religion and philosophy", BasavaJ 4, 1979-80, 44-49 VS68 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "Virasaivism", SaivS 15, 1980, 89-96 VS69 K. Ishwaran, "Bhakti tradition and modernization: the case of Lingayatism", TMBM 72-82 VS70 Jagadguru Matha Mahadeva, Lingayatism. Bangalore 1982 VS71 V.Rathinasabhapathy, Perspectives in Virasaivism. Dharwad 1982 VS72 C.N.Venugopal, "Lingayat ideology of salvation: an enquiry into some of its social dimensions", Religion and Society 29.4, 1982, 2-18 VS73 K. Ishwaran, Religion and Society among the Lingayats of South India. New Delhi 1983 VS74 William Madthe, "Virasaivism and Christianity", JD 8, 1983, 271-282 VS75 M. Sadasivam, "Virasaiva", PHT 177-192 VS75.5 Alain Danielou, Gods of Love and Ecstacy: the Traditions of Shiva and Dionysius. rochester, Vt. 1984, 1992 VS76 H.P.Malladevaru, "Theory of changeless transformation" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 350

VS77 Mohan Lal Pandita, "Virasaivism", PTG 17.3,1984, 17-49 VS78 S.V.Patil, "Clarification of some concepts in Lingayat religion and philosophy", BasavaJ 9, 1984, 51-55 VS79 S.S.Raghavachar, "Two streams of the bhakti movement in Karnataka", PB 89, 1984, 188-192 VS80 B.M.Chamke, Heart of Virashaivism. Barsi 1985 VS81 Ramakanta Chakrabarty, Vaisnavism in Bengal 1486-1900. Calcutta 1985 VS81.5 M. Sivakumaraswamly, "Ritualism in some South Indian cults (Saivism and Virasaivism)", SICE 192-204 VS82 B.M.Chamke, Mystic Vision on Virashaivism. Barshi 1990 VS83 James Aerthayil, "Virasaivism: a Saivite sect in Karnataka", JD 14, 1989, 98-106 VS84 S. R. Gunjala, Lingayat Bibliography: A Comprehensive Source Book. Bhalki, Bidar 1989 VS84.1 K. Pratap, "Sakti in Virasaivism", MO 16, 1990, 91-95 VS85 Surinder Pal, "Vira-Saivism: a philosophical approach", PURB 22.2, 1991, 133140 VS85.1 Dineh Chekki, "Research on the Lingayat religion and society", Religion and Society 39.2-3, 1992, 8-11 VS85.1.1 K. Ishwaran, Speaking of Basava. Lingayat Religion and Culture in South Asia. Boulder, Col. 1992 VS85.2 Clement A. Marro, "The lingadiksa: a new birth", Religion and Society 39.2-3, 1992, 25-37 VS85.3 H.M.Marulasiddiah, "Social vision of Basava", Religion and Society 39.2-3, 1992, 12-16 VS85.4 S.S.Maruliah, "Lingayat response to Christian presentations", Religion and Society 39.2-3, 1992, 77-83 VS85.4.3 R. Blake Michael, The Origins of Virasaiva Sect. Delhi 1992 VS85.4.5 Siddharamappa Dundappa Parvata, Veerasaiva of the Shaivagamas. New Delhi 1991 VS85.5 David C. Scott, "The social visions of Basava and Jesus", Religion and Society 39.2-3, 1992, 3-7 VS85.6 Godwin Shiri, "Basava, casteism and untouchables", Religion and Society 39.23, 1992, 17-24 VS86 M. Sivakumara Swamy, "Form and function of relations in Virasaiva philosophy", RelationsIP 191-198 VS87 R. Blake Michael, The Origins of Virasaiva Sects. Delhi 1992 VS88 K. Pratap, "Sakti in Virasaivism", MO 16, 1992, 91-95 VS89 M.E.Prabhakar, "The social vision of Basava and Jesus: a Christian response", Religion and Society 39.2-3, 1992, 68-76 VS90 B.Virupakshappa, "The scientific nature of linga", Religion and Society 39.2-3, 1992, 38-50 VS91 Sadashiva Wodeyar, "History and theology of Veerasaivism", Religion and Society 39.2-3, 1992, 8-11 VS91.1 Suryakant B. Ghugare, Veerashaivism in India. Ghadinglej, Maharashtra 1995 VS92 Vijay Ramaswamu, Divinity and Deviance: Women in Virasaivism. Delhi 1996

VS92.1 Dan A. Chekki, Religion and Social System of the Virasaiva Community. Westport 1997 VS93 Robert J. Zydenbos, "Virasaivism, caste, revolution, etc.", JAOS 117, 1997, 525535 VS95 Mallikarjun Paraddi, "The influence of Siddhantasikhamani on the Vacana literature (with special reference to Basavesvara)", JKU 40-41, 1997-98, 92-99 VS98 Alessandra Cisillin, "What Goddess? Man in the Veerashaiva tradition", HMAA 93-119 VS100 R.I.Ingalalli, "Virasaivism and its philosophy", JICPRSpI 2002, 209-218 VS102 Dan A. Chakki, The Philosophy and Ethics of the Virasaiva Community. Lewiston 2003 VS103 N. G. Mahadevappa, "Vira-saivism", ThV 725-762 VS104 Chandrasekhar Sivayogi Rajendra Mahaswami, "Lingayatism through the ages", SOHT 162-168 VS105 H. H. J. Marularadhya, "Virasaivism and its origin", SOHT 220-227 VS108 V. P. Sastry, "Advent of aradhya-Virasaivism at Srisaila:, SOHT 156-161 VS112 H. H. J. Umapathy, "The concept of a Virasaiva faith in Skanda Purana", SOHT 205-214 VS116 Ram Ghose, "Sunya Sampadan: a mystical concept of Virasaivism", VFBHC 201-212 VS120 A. M. Jalihal, "The Virasaiva pathway to liberration", PTG 41.3, 2006, 58-77 VS130 Dan A. Chekki, "The Virasaiva and religious tradition: is it a religion distinct from Hinduism?", JOI 57, 2007-2008, 7-16 VS135 M. A. Jalihal, "Lingayatism (Virasaivism)", PTG 43.2, 2008, 43-53 Return to Contents Page {GS} Saivism, General, including Pancaratra and Pasupata See a22.1.208; 366.1.5; 379.15.41; 472.5.2; 637.7.67; 956.1.13; B2055.8, 2056.4; DV8; G123; SS44; VS23, 185; VV1,62. t809.17:7, 19 GS 0 F. Otto Schrader, Introduction to the Pancaratra and the Ahirbudhnya Samhita. Adyar 1916 GS1 R.W.Frazer, "Saivism", ERE 11, 1925, 91-96 GS2 Mahendranath Sircar, "Saivism", SAMV I, 316-351 GS3 R.G.Bhandarkar, Vaisnavism, Saivism and Minor Religious Systems. CWRB 4, 1238. Reprinted Varanasi 1965; Poona 1982 GS3.1 Gopinath Kaviraj, "Notes on Pasupata philosophy", POWSBSt 9, 1934, 99-106 GS4 S.Suryanarayana Sastri, "The philosophy of Saivism", CHI 3, 387-399. Also CPSSS 423-436. Also IPA 14, 1980-81, 142-157 GS4.3 Dhirendra Nath Bose and Hiaralal Haldar, Tantras, Their Philosophy and Occult Secrets. Calcutta 1940, 1956, 1981; Delhi 1992 GS4.5 Pranbhat Chandra Chakrabarti, Doctrine of Saktism in Indian Literature. Patna 1940; New York 1986 GS4.7 Cintaharan Chakravarti, Tantras: Studies in Their Religion and Literature. Calcutta 1963, 1972, 1999

GS5 N.N.Sen Gupta, "The doctrine of sudden ecstasy in Saivism and Vaisnavism", PAIOC 10, 1941, 264-275 GS6 N.N.Sen Gupta, "Two technics of mystic contemplation", PQ 18, 1942-43, 125-132 GS6.1 Baladeva Upadhyaya, "The philosophy of the Pancharatras", PB 57, 1952, 289294 GS7 Akshaya Kumar Banerjee, "The contribution of Saivism to the spiritual culture of India", BRMIC 5, 1954, 227-234 GS8 K.Sivaraman, "The theory of nada", PAIOC 18, 1955, 453-459 GS8.1 Friedrich August Schulta, Die philosopisch-theologischen Lehren des PasupataSystems nach dem Pancarthabhasya und der Ratnatika. Bonn 1958 GS9 Prakash Chandra Varma, Histo ry of the Origin and Development of Saivism from the Earliest Times to the 13th Century. Ph.D.Thesis, Agra University 1958 GS10 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Saivism in South India", Religion and Society 6.3, 1959, 1723 GS11 Nundo Lal Kundu, Non-dualism in Saiva and Sakta Philosophy. Calcutta 1964, 1983 GS11.1 Brahmachari Madhavan, "Pancaratra Samhitas and their philosophy", VA 51, 1964-65, 504-507 GS12 M.P.R.Pillai, Development of Saivism in South India, A.D.300-1300. Dharmapura 1964 GS13 P. Banerjee, "Some aspects of the early history of Saivism", IAC 14, 1965, 215231 GS13.1 G.S.Bhatt, "The essential philosophy of the Pancaratra school", Darshana 6, 1966, 55-60 GS14 Bratindra Kumar Sengupta, "Towards a synthesis of the Saiva doctrines with the bhakti cult", SKBCV 227-231 GS15 V.A.Devasenapathi, "Human development from a Saiva standpoint", PHDEU 6772 GS16 G.T.Deshpande, "Saivism and Saktism", RIR75 625-657 GS17 R.Nagaswamy, "The origin and development of Saivism", in Sankara and Shanmata GS18 Jadunath Sinha, Schools of Saivism. Calcutta 1970, 1975 GS19 David Lorenzen, "The Kalamukhas of the Sakti-Parisad", ABORI 52, 1971, 97-139 GS20 David N. Lorenzen, The Kapalikas and Kalamukhas: Two Lost Saivite Sects. New Delhi 1972 GS21 R. Pandey, "Immortality in Saivism", JGJRI 28.1-2, 1972, 455-464 GS22 J. Chenna Reddy, "Saiva philosophy", SVUOJ 16, 1973, 9-18 GS23 K. Sivaraman, Saivism in Philosophical Perspective. Varanasi 1973 GS24 C.V.Narayana Ayyar, Origin and Early History of Saivism in South India. Madras 1974 GS25 Pranabananda Jash, History of Saivism. Calcutta 1974 G25.5 B.B.Sreenivasa Rao, "The description of Saivagamas", JHR 16.2, 1974, 63-66 GS26 T.P.Meenakshisundaram, "The Agamic conception of tattvas", VRFV 231-250 GS27 Rabindra Kumar Siddhantasastri, Saivism Through the Ages. New Delhi 1975

GS27.1 V.C. Srivastava, "The antiquity of the Pasupata Sect", in K.C. Chattopadhyaya Memorial Volume. Allahabad 1975, 109-125 GS27.5 Manoranjan Basu, Tantras: a General Study. Calcutta 1976 GS28 Susai M. Dhavamony, "Misticismo sivaita", Aevum 51.3-4, 1977, 239-251 GS29 Nilima Sharma, "Saivism in Assam", PhilR 346-348 GS30 N. Murugesa Mudaliar, "Bhakti in Saivism", VK 65, 1978, 49-52 GS31 V. Ramakrishnan, Perspectives in Saivism. Madras 1978 GS32 S. Gopalan, "Human fellowship and Saiva philosophy", IPA 14, 1980-81, 158-183 GS33 Carl Olson, "The Saiva mystic, self-sacrifice, and creativity", Religion 10, 1980, 31-40 GS34 V.S.Pathak, History of Saiva Cults from Inscriptions (700 A.D. to 1200 A.D.). Allahabad 1980 GS35 Carl Olson, "The Saiva mystic and the symbol of androgyny", Religious Studies 17, 1981, 377-386 G35.5 Bansidhar Biswal, "Saiva philosophy: an introduction", Darshana 23.1, 1983, 3440 GS36 S.S.Janaki, "Saivite mudras", Kalakshetra 5.1, 1983, 31-34; 5.4, 1983, 11-16 GS37 K. Srinivasa Santha, "The growth and development of Saivism in Mahabharata", SaivS 17, 1982, 195-202 GS38 Ishwar Chandra Tyagi, Shaivism in Ancient India (from the Earliest Times to c. A.D.300. New Delhi 1982 GS39 Tattvananda, Vaisnava Sects, Saiva Sects, Mother Worship. Calcutta 1984 GS39.1 R.K.Upadhyaya, The Concept of God in Saiva Tantra. Muzaffarpur 1984 GS39.2 Katsumi Mimaki, "Le philosophie des Saiva vue par un auteur tibtain du 14e sicle", MCB 22, 1985, 646-772 GS40 V. Ramakrishnan, "Some observations on the concept of dharma from the Saiva point of view", IPA 18, 1985-86, 62-74 GS40.7 L. M. Finn, "Saktism and modern physics--prescience or coincidence?", MGKCV 1987, 151-158 GS40.9 C. Singaravelan, "Theory and practice of bhakti cult in Nayanmars and Saiva saints", JTS 34, 1988, 1-14 GS41 R. Nagaswamy, Siva Bhakti. New Delhi 1989 GS41.5 Gerhard oberhammer, "The use of mantra in Yogic meditation: the testimony of the Pasupata", UnM 204-223 GS42 S. Shivapadasundaram, "Shaivaism", SaivS 24, 1989, 80-92 GS42.5 Carl-A. Keller, "'Wir sind neimandern untertan'. Die befreiung des Mensheing an sdindischen Shivaismus", IID 123-136 GS43 Siva Nandhi, "Saiva liberation theology", SaivS 25, 1990, 6-10 GS43.1 P.P.Apte, "The ultimate in the Pancaratra thought", UAITD 137-142 GS44 S. Rangachar, Philosophy of Pancaratra. Pandya (Karnatak) 1991 GS44.5 Grace E. Cairns, Man as Microcosm in Tantric Hinduism. New Delhi 1992 GS45 Sanjukta Gupta, "Yoga and antaryaga in Pancaratra", RSET 175-208 GS45.3 Gavin Flood, "The subject, the object, the path and the good: Saiva devotion in a monastic setting", LDSBDM 173-192

GS45.4 Chrisian Bouy, Les Natha-yogin et les Upanisads: etuded'historie de la litterature hindoue. Paris 1994 GS45.5 Helene Brunner, "The place of yoga in the Saivagamas", PNRBFV 1994, 425462 GS46 Mitsunori Matsubare, Pancaratra Samhitas and Early Vaisnava Theology. Delhi 1984 GS46.3 Nirmala G. Kamat, Bibliography of Aupadhika Bhedabheda. CASS, class H, no. 3. Poona 1994 GS46.4 Nirmala G. Kamat, Bibliography of Svabhavika Bhedabheda. CASS, Serie H, no. 4. Poona 1994 GS47 Giacomella Orofino, "On the Sadangayoga and the realization of ultimate gnosis in the Kalacakratantra", EAW 46.1-2, 1996, 127-144 GS48 G.V.Tagare, Saivism: Some Glimpses. Delhi 1996 GS55 Bettina Baumer, Mysticism in Shaivism and Christianity. New Delhi 1997 GS61 Hirohisa Toda, "Differences of view on thirty-six tattvas between the dualist and the monist in Saivism" (summary). TBKK 137, 1999, vii GS62 N. K. Singh, Saivism in Kashmir. Srinagar 2000 GS64 Andreas Bock-Raming, Untersuchungen zum Gottesvorstellung in der alteren anonymous literature des Pancaratra. Beitrage zur Indologie 34. Wiesbaden 2002 GS66 Gavin Flood, "The Saiva traditions", BCH 200-228 GS66.5 R. Balasubramanian, "The tradition of Saivism", ThV 1-40 GS67 R. Gopalakrishnan, Essentials of Saivism. Chennai 2003 GS70 Peter Bisschop, "Pancarthabhasya on Pasupatasutra I.37-39 recovered from a newly identified manuscript", JIP 33, 2005, 529-551 GS73 M. Kuppuswamy, "Saivism", SaivS 40.3, 2006, 3-5 GS78 Marzanna Czerniak-Drozdzowicz, "The nature of dharma and the Pancaratra tradition", RO 60.2, 2007, 198-211 GS80 Gerhard Oberhammer, "Ahirbudhnyasamhta 37: Ein beitrag zur Geschichte des saranagati", EMH 667-680 GS83 Tadananda, "Contemplative practic in Saivism", PB 112, 2007, 102-108 GS85 Judit Trxzsk, "The search in Saiva scriptures for meaning in Tantric ritual", MTMHB 485-516 GS88 Shaiva Philosophy. EITCH, Volume 22, 2008 GS89 Shakta Philosophy. EITCH, Volume 23, 2008 GS90 Subodh Kapoor, A Short Introducito to Sakta Philosophy. New Delhi 2008 GS94 K. S. Balasubramaniam, "Saktipata in Saivism", JOR 78-80, 2006-2009, 67-80 GS95 Chidatman Jee Maharaj, Shaiva Philosophy. New Delhi 2009 GS100 T. B. Siddhalingaiah, "Saivite devotional literature in Tamil and Kannada", JOR 78-81, 2006-2009, 33-46

Return to Contents Page {BD} Bhedabheda and Dvaitadvaita Vedanta See a530.1.5; 716.2.4. NV432.5

BD1 Sridhar Majumdar, "The Nimbarka school of Vedanta", CHI 1, 572-581 BD2 P.N.Srinivasachari, Bhedabheda or the Philosophy between Samkara and Ramanuja. Madras 1939 BD3 P.N.Srinivasachari, The Philosophy of Bhedabheda. Adyar 1950 BD4 P.N.Srinivasachari, "Bhedabheda school of Vedanta", CHI 3, 360-365 BD5 Mysore Hiriyanna, "The philosophy of Bhedabheda", IPS 1, 95-97 BD6 K.C.Pandey, "Dualism-cum-monism (Bhedabhedavada)", JGJRI 20-21, 1963-65, 245-262. Also CIDO 26, 1969, 413-420 BD7 V.K.Chaturvedi, "Dvaitadvaita Siddhanta and the Bhagavatam", IPC 11.1, 1966, 36-37 BD8 Jyotsna Deb, The Doctrine of Bhedabheda in the Light of Hegelian Identity in Difference. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Allahabad 1966 BD9 Madan Mohan Agarwal, "Liberation in Nimbarka Vedanta" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 329-330 BD10 R.C.Dwivedi, "Siva: a symbol of self-critical and active consciousness", SIRVJ 211-214. Also LP 2, 1988, 141-146 BD10.5 M. M. Agrawal, "Paramabhakta-Paramatma relationshp in Nimbarka's Vaishnavism", BBR 68-77 BD10.7 G. N. Mishra, "Bhakta-Bhagawan relation in Nimbarka, Caitanya and Sri Svaminarayan sects', BBR 159-166 BD11 N.G.Kamat, "Function of relation in Dvaitadvaita philosophy", RelationsIP 179184 BD12 Rasik Vihari Joshi, "The doctrine of bhedabheda", NHRI 206-213 Return to Contents Page {SUD} Suddhadvaita Vedanta See 317.1.94.5; Ac62; H4069.1 SUD0 Mulachandra T. Telivala, "Suddhadvaita philosophy. The system of Vallabhacarya", in Sripustipiyusa 1935 SUD1 J.G.Shah, "Nature of the universe according to Suddhadvaita", PAIOC 7, Summaries 1933, 1085-1087 SUD2 S.K.Maitra, "The philosophy of Suddhadvaita", BCLV I, 559-569. Also SPR 288309 SUD3 G.H.Bhatt, "The literature on the Gita in the Suddhadvaita school", ABORI 30, 1949, 131-134 SUD4 G.H.Bhatt, "Vallabha (Suddhadvaita)", HPE 347-357 SUD5 G.H.Bhatt, "The concept of mind in the Suddhadvaita Vedanta", PAIOC 17, Summaries 1953, 111 SUD6 A.D.Shastri, "Causation in the Suddhadvaita", BCGV 2, 1955, 20-26 SUD7 G.H.Bhatt, "Bhagavata in the Suddhadvaita Vedanta", IPC 1.1, 1956, 22-34 SUD8 P.M.Modi, "Conception of pusti in Suddhadvaita school", IPC 1.1-4, 1956 SUD9 B.M.Dhruva, Introduction to the Suddhadvaita School of Philosophy of Sri Vallabhacarya. Bombay 1960

SUD10 P.M.Modi, "Suddhadvaita Vedanta interpretation of Brahmasutra IV.1", BhV 2021, 1960-61, 164-169 SUD11 M.V.Joshi, "Concept of moksa in Vallabha Vedanta", SPP 3.2, 1963, 69-80 SUD12 Rameshchandra Sunderji Betai, "Kathakopanisad and the Vallabha Vedanta", IPC 9.1, 1964, 15-27 SUD13 G.H.Bhatt, "The literature on the Brahmasutras in the Suddhadvaita Vedanta", SIUM 73-79 SUD14 Radhey Shyam Rastogi, "Some thoughts on Atma Nivedana", IPC 12.2-3, 1967, 33-43 SUD15 M.V.Joshi, "Avikrtaparinamavada: or the theory of causation in VallabhaVedanta", SPP 10, 1970, 39-47 SUD16 M.V.Joshi, "The concept of Brahman in Vallabha Vedanta", JOI 22, 1973, 474483. Also SPP 13.2, 1973, 2-14 SUD17 M.V.Joshi, "The concept of pusti-bhakti in Vallabha Vedanta", FRSD 222-237 SUD17.00 Chinmayi Chatterjee, Studies in the Evolution of Bhakti Cult with special reference to Vallabha School. Two volumes. Calcutta 1976, 1981 SUD17.0 Edwin Allen Richardson, Mughal and Rajput Patronage of the Bhakti Sect of the Maharajas. The Vallabha Sampradaya 1640-1760 A.D. Ph.D.Thesis, University of Arizona 1979 SUD17.1 M.T.Telivala, "Suddhadvaita Brahmavada" (first published in Pustibhaktisudha in the 1920s), Telivala 1-47 SUD18 A.D.Shastri, "Suddhadvaita" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 409 SUD18.5 Gosvamy Shyam Manohar, "Antaryamin, aksara and purusottama (in the light of Vallabha Vedanta", BBR 93-113 SUD19 Catherine Clementin-Ojha, "La renaissance du Nimbarka sampradaya au XVIe sicle", JA 278, 1990, 326-376 SUD20 Goswamy Shyam Manohar, The Principle and Practice of Srikrsna-Worship in Vallabha-Sampradaya. Bombay, n.d. SUD20.5 Gautam Patel, "'Bhakti' according to Suddhadvaita", FIC, 87-104 SUD21 Raghunath Ghosh, "The avirbhava and tirobhava theory in Vallabha Vedanta: some philosophical problems", IndPQ 30, 2003, 553-562 SUD26 Radharani P., "Modern saints of Suddhadvaita: a solace to an ordinary bhakta", JD 29, 2004, 387-396 SUD30 Shandip Saha, "The movement of bhakti along a northwerst axis: tracing the history of the Pustimarga between the sixteenth and nineteenth century", IJHS 11.2, 2007, 299-318 Return to Contents Page {Ac} Acintyabhedabheda Vedanta See AV579.5, 585; BD10.7 Ac1 Dinesh Chandra Sen, Vaisnava Literature of Bengal. Calcutta 1917 Ac2 Melville T. Kennedy, Chaitanya Movement. Oxford 1925; New Delhi 1998 Ac3 S.K.Maitra, "Caitanya (Acintyabhedabheda)", HPE 358-368 Ac4 Kamalesh Ghosh, "The Gaudiya conception of reality", IPC 3, 1958, 231-235

Ac5 Radha Govinda Nath, "The acintyabhedabheda school", CHI 3, Second edition, 266386 Ac6 Edward C. Dimock, A Study of the Vaisnava-Sahajiya Movement in Bengal. Ph.D.Thesis, Harvard University 1959 Ac7 Kamalesh Ghosh, "The secular and the religious attitude: a study in Gaudiya Vaisnavism", IPC 4, 1959: 84, 144 Ac8 O.B.L.Kapoor, "The Absolute in Bengal Vaishnavism", AUJR 7, 1959, 13-22 Ac9 Sushil Kumar De, Early History of the Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Bengal. Calcutta 1961 Ac10 Edward C. Dimock, "Doctrine and practice among the Vaisnavas of Bengal", HistR 3, 1963, 83-105 Ac11 H. Bhattacharya, "Acintya-bheda-abheda-vada", IPC 9.4, 1964, 42-45 Ac12 Devkanya Arya, "Acintyabhedabheda or inconceivable difference-non-difference", PQ 38, 1965, 191-198 Ac13 (Anon.), Gita Darsan as Bhakti Yoga, as a Chaitanyite Reads It. Madras 1968 Ac14 M. Emmanuel Haq, "Impact of Islam on the Gaudian form of Vaishnavism", JASP 13, 1968-69, 125-136 Ac15 Devkanya Arya, "A note on the term acintyabhedabheda", CIDO 1969, 332-335 Ac16 Bhakti Bhattacharya, "Bhakti cult with special reference to acintyabhedabheda", SMFV 626-638 Ac17 Sudhindra Chandra Chakrabarti, A Critical Exposition of the Philosophical Foundations of Bengal Vaishnavism. Calcutta 1969; New Delhi 2004 Ac18 Prasad Kumar Maity, "The concept of bhakti in Gaudiya Vaisnavism", RBJ 4, 1971, 39-44 Ac19 Ramesh Chandra Srivastava, "Acintyabhedabheda", IPC 17, 1972, 132-137 Ac20 A.C.Bhaktivedanta, Rajavidya, The King of Knowledge. New York 1973 Ac21 Santosh Gupta, Conception of Bhakti in the Gaudiya Vaisnava Philosophy. Ph.D.Thesis, Kurukshetra University 1973 Ac22 A.C.Bhaktivedanta, "The perfection of yoga: pure love of Krsna", DhP 7.4, 1977, 31-40 Ac23 Ramakanta Chakravarti, "Gaudiya Vaisnavism in Bengal", JIP 5, 1977, 107-150 Ac24 Acyutananda, "The nature of supreme reality", DhP 8.1, 1978, 64-71 Ac25 Tapasyananda, "Acintyabhedabheda or the Chaitanya school of Vaishnavism", VK 66, 1979 - 67, 1980 Ac26 Joseph T. O'Connell, "Gaudiya Vaisnava symbolism of deliverance (uddhara, nistara)...from evil", JAAS 15, 1980, 124-135. Also TMBM 124-135 Ac27 Sushanta Sen, "Theological aspects of Bengal Vaisnavism", VJP 16-18, 1980-82, 148-161 Ac28 Ramachandra Brahmachari Vidyananda, "The six illustrious gosvamins of Vrndavan", DhP 13.2, 1983, 20-22 Ac29 Maya Das, "Prema: the Bengal Vaishnava concept", VJP 21.2, 1985, 105-116 Ac30 Manju Dube, Conceptions of God in Vaisnava Philosophical Systems. Varanasi 1984 Ac30.5 David L. Haberman, "Entering the cosmic drama: Lila-smarana meditation and the perfected body", SAR 5, 1985, 49-58

Ac31 Ranjit Kumar Acharjee, "Cultic aspects of Bengal Vaishnavism", PB 91, 1986, 358-363 Ac31.3 Tony K. Stewart, "Bhava and divinity in the Caitanya Bhagavata", SAR 6, 1986, 61-76 Ac31.5 O.B.L. Kapoor, "Relation between Krsna the highest Bhagwan and Radha the highest devotee in the school of Sri Caitanya", BBR 114-123 Ac32 M.M.Agrawal, "Nirguna Brahman in Vallabha and Caitanya schools", SIRVJ 293300 Ac33 N.N.Bhattacharyya, "Acintyabhedabheda", SCRLI 203-209 Ac33.5 Bhakti Sarup Bhagabat Goswami Maharaj, The Fundamentals of Gaudiya Vaisnava Darsana. Tr. Krishan Kishore Das Brahmacarya. Calcutta 1989 Ac34 Bimanbehari Majumdar, "Religion of love: the earliest medieval phase", MBMI 116 Ac35 R. Meena, "A note on the bhakti movement in Tamilnad", MBMI 187-190 Ac36 Prabhat Mukherjee, "Vaisnavism in medieval Orissa:, MBMI 232-24 Ac37 Durgadas Mukhopadhyaya, tr., Religion, Philosophy and Literature of Bengal Vaishnavism. Delhi 1990 Ac37.5 Sambidananda Das, The History and Literature of the Gaudiya Vaishavas and Their Relation to Other Modern Vaishnava Schools. Volume One. Madras 1991 Ac38 Steven J. Rosen (ed.), Vaisnavism. Contemporary Scholars Discuss the Gaudiya Tradition. New York 1992 Ac39 Jan K. Brzezinski, "Manjari-svarupa-nirupana (a translation of the Introduction)", JVaisS 1.3, 1993, 59-71 Ac39.00 Aloka Lahiri Chaitanya, Chaitanya Movement in Eastern India. Calcutta 1993 Ac39.0 Nirmala G. Kamat, Bibliography of Acintyabhedabheda. CASS, class H, no. 5. Poona 1994 Ac39.0.2 Suresh Candra Bhattacharya, Vaishnavism in Eastern India. Calcutta 1995 Ac39.0.5 Hermaba Chaturvedi, "Role of bhakti in Chaitanyism", Bharati 22-23, 1995-97, 49-57 Ac39.1 Raghunath Ghosh, "Some reflections on the concept of mukti in Vaisnava philosophy", JRS 25, 1995, 148-152 Ac40 Joseph T. O'Connell, "Karma in the Bhagavadgita: Caitanya Vaisnava view", JVaisS 3.2, 1995, 91-108 Ac41 Jan Brzezinski, "The parampara institution in Gaudiya Vaishnavism", JVaisS 5.1, 1996-97, 151-182 Ac42 Glen A. Hayes, "Vaisnava Sahajiya traditions", JVaisS 6.1, 1996-97, 183, 1996 Ac43 June McDaniel, "Divine love in Gaudiya Vaisnava and Catholic mysticism", JVaisS 5.1, 1996-97, 83-102. Reprinted in GV pp. 133-152 Ac44 Steven Rosen, "The meaning of Gaudiya Vaisnavism",JVaisS 5.1, 1996-97, 5-20. Reprinted GV pp. 5-19 Ac45 Asoke Chatterjee Sastri, "Srimadbhagavata and Caitanya-Sampradaya", JASBe 37.4, 1995, 1-14 Ac45.5 Sudhindra C. Chakravarti, "Bengal Vaisnavism", HSPCM 47-62 Ac46 Francis X. Clooney, "Hindu lobe and the practice of Catholicism", JVaisS 5.2, 1997, 9-28

Ac46.5 Rahul Peter Das, Essays on Vaisnavism in Bengal. Calcutta 1997 Ac47 Neal Delmonico, "Trouble in paradise: a conflict in the Caitanya Vaisnava tradition", JVaisS 8.1, 1999, 91-102 Ac48 Glen Alexander Hayes, "Vaisnava Sahajiya appropriations of Gaudiya Vaisnavism", JVaisS 8.1, 1999, 77-90 Ac50 G.C.Nayak, "The unique Vedantic synthesis in Jaggannath as Lokayata Brahma and Vaisnavism; a philospphical approach", QJMS 90.3, 1999, 79-95 Ac52 Amar Nath Chatterjee, Sri Chaitanya and the Chaitanya Movement. New Delhi 2001 Ac52.5 David L. Haberman, Acting as a Way of Salvation: A Study of Raganuga Bhakti Sadhana. New Delhi 2001 Ac53 Ranganayaka Mahapatra, "Sri Caitanya's bhakti movement", JAIRI 5, 2000-2001, 21-28 Ac55 Ranjit Kumar Acharjee, A Discourse on Bengal Vaisnavism. Kolkata 2002 Ac58 Meera Borah, The Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Assam, 1449- A.D. - 1826 A.D. New Delhi 2002 Ac62 Ranjit Kumar, A Discourse on Bengal Vaisnavism. Kolkata 2002 Ac64 Mans Broo, As Good as God: the Guru in Gaudiya Vashnavism. Abo, Finland 2003 Ac65 Jaikishan Prasad Khandelwal, "Acintya Bhedabheda", Pramodasindhu 180-182 Ac68 Sures Candra Banerjee, Sanskrit Culture of Bengal. Delhi 2004 AV69 Dipali Hazra, "Gaudiya Vaishnavismthe doctrine of Chaitanya", JHR 46.2, 2004, 91-97 Av69.5 K. Narain, The Philosophy of the Vallabha School of Vedanta. Varanasi 2004 Ac70 Jason D. Fuller, "Bhaktivinoda Thakura and the modernization of Gaudiya Vaishnavism", JVaisS 13.2, 2005, 75-94. Reprinted GV pp. 295-314 Ac73 Travis Chilcott, "Vedic authority in the Gaudiya Vaisnava tradition", JVaisS 15.1, 2006, 71-86. Reprinted GV pp. 117-132 Ac74 Ravi M. Gupta, "Making space for Vedanta canon and commentary in Caitanya Vaisnavism",IJHS 10, 2006, 75-90 Ac75 Shandip Saha, "A community of grace: the social and teleological world of the Pusti Marga varta literature", BSOAS 69, 2006, 225-242 Ac78 Sambidananda Das, (Complete Works) The History and Literature of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas and their relation to other medieval Vaishnava Schools. Chennai 2007 Ac79 Neal Delmonico, "Chaitanya Vaishnavism and the holy names", KAS Ac85 Ravi M. Gupta, "Bhakti and Vedsanta: do they mix? The case of Caitanya Vaishnavism", FVTC 143-153 Ac90 Graham M. Schweig, "Bhakti as a basis for religiouso pluralism: a theological sketch of Chaitanya Vaishnavism", JVaisS 19.1, 2010, 159-188 Return to Contents Page {DV}Dvaita Vedanta See a962.36:1,6A; 1005.1.2; J481,489; B2055.5; NV573; AV1262.2, 1595; SS100,109; VV170

DV1 A.Raghavendra Rao, "Purnaprajna Darsana Dvaita philosophy", MR 3, 1907: 21, 125 DV2 G.Venkoba Rao, "Sketch of the history of the Madhva acaryas", IA 43, 1914: 233, 262 DV3 G.A.Grierson, "Madhvas", ERE 8, 1926, 232-235 DV4 D.Srinivasa Char, "Critical remarks on pracinatikas", ZII 6, 1928, 187-199 DV5 D.Srinivasa Char, "A brief sketch of the Dvaita Vedanta literature", ZII 7, 1929, 169-178 DV6 R.Naga Raja Sharma, "Reign of realism in Indian philosophy", RPR 1.1, 1930, 1-15 DV7 C.T.Srinivasan, "Dvaita Advaita debate", VK 18, 1931-32 DV8 K.S.Ramaswami Sastri, "Brahma Mimamsa, Saivism and other systems", VK 19, 1932-33 - 20, 1933-34 DV9 R.B.Amarnath et al., "Sri Caitanya and the Madhvacarya sect", JAssamRS 2, 1934 10, 1943 DV10 M.A.Venkata Rao, "Notion of difference in Dvaita", QJMS 27, 1936-37, 13-25 DV11 S.Hanumantha Rao, "Hindu religious movements in medieval Deccan", JIH 15, 1936, 103-113 DV12 P. Nagaraja Rao, "Problems relating to verbal testimony with special reference to Dvaita Vedanta", PO 2, 1937-38, 212-221 DV13 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "Post-Vyasaraya commentators", IHQ 13, 1937 - 16, 1940 DV14 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "Post-Jayatirtha writers", JAU 7, 1937-38, 153-170 DV15 R.Naga Raja Sarma, Reign of Realism in Indian Philosophy. Madras 1937 DV16 H.Sundarajachar, "Of the three systems of Vedanta why Dvaita is preferable", PAIOC 8, Summaries 1937, 80 DV17 L.E.Parker, "About Dvaita Vedanta", AP 9, 1938, 80 DV18 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Inference in Dvaita Vedanta", NIA 1, 1938-39, 492-515 DV19 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "History of Dvaita literature: post-Madhva period", ABORI 19, 1938-39, 349-385 DV20 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "Post-Vyasaraya polemics", PO 4, 1939, 34-46 DV21 N.K.Narasimha Murty, "Free-will in Dvaita philosophy", PAIOC 9, 1940, 570-574 DV22 P. Nagaraja Rao, "Concept of definition in Madhva Vedanta", IC 7, 1940, 333-338 DV23 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "Some post-Vyasaraya polemics in the history of Dvaita literature", PAIOC 9, 1940, 584-594 DV24 H.N.Raghavendrachar, Dvaita Philosophy and its Place in the Vedanta. MUSIP 1, 1941 DV25 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, Svatantradvaita. Madras 1942 DV26 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "Doctrine of saksi", SB DV27 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "Nature of souls in Dvaita Vedanta", MSOS 1950 DV28 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "Conception of Brahman as saguna in Dvaita", MSOS 1951 DV29 P.S.Venkatasubbarao, "Sri Ramakrishna and Dvaita Siddhanta", KK 17, 1951-52, 637-644 DV30 P.S.Venkatasubbarao, "Grace in Dvaita Vedanta", KK 17, 1951-52, 504-507 DV31 H.N.Raghavendrachar, "Madhva (Dvaita)", HPE 332-337

DV32 P.S.Venkatasubbarao, "Jivadvaya samavesa", KK 18, 1952-53, 638-642 DV33 A.Venkata Rao, Purna Brahma Philosophy. Dharwar 1954 DV34 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "Dvaita Vedanta: Karnataka's exclusive contribution to Indian philosophy", KD 232-250 DV35 R.S.Ranchamukhi, "Religion and Dvaita philosophy" (reference lost) DV36 R.Naga Raja Sharma, "Vaisnava theology: its place in the sun", IPC 1.1, 1956, 5-8 DV37 R.Naga Raja Sharma, "Salvation in Vaisnava theology", IPC 1.2, 1956, 7-17 DV38 R. Naga Raja Sharma, "Vaisnava theology: the only world philosophy", IPC 1.4, 1956, 11-19 DV39 S.Srikanta Sastri, "Savikalpaka and nirvikalpaka vada" (reference lost) DV40 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Error, doubt and dream cognition in Dvaita Vedanta", JOR 12, 1958, 295-312 DV41 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, A History of Dvaita School of Vedanta and Its Literature. Two volumes. Bombay 1960-61 DV42 D.N.Shanbhag, Some Problems in Dvaita Philosophy Surveyed in Their Dialectical Setting. Ph.D.Thesis, Bombay University 1961 DV43 B.N.Krishnamurti Sharma, "The Madhva conception of authority (agama)", JGJRI 17.3-4, 1961, 257-264 DV44 K. Narain, An Outline of Madhva Philosophy. Allahabad 1962 DV45 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Nature and function of God in Dvaita Vedanta", SVUOJ 5, 1962, 28-33 DV46 K. Narain, A Critical Study of Madhva Criticism of the Samkara School of Vedanta. Allahabad 1964 DV47 V.V.Srinivasa Rao, "Religious teachers and philosophers of Vaishnavism in South India of the period from 1419-1491 A.D.", QJAHRS 30, 1964-65, 190-194 DV48 N.V.Subbanachar, "The Madhva psychology", IPC 11.3, 1966, 38-45 DV49 N.V.Subbanachar, "The meaning and significance of dvaita in Dvaita Vedanta", IPC 13.3-4, 1968 DV50 N.V.Subbanachar, "Madhva methodology", IPC 14.4, 1969 - 15.3, 1970 DV51 T.P.Ramachandran, "Dvaita Vedanta and its contribution to Indian philosophy", BITC 1971 I:1-96 DV52 T.P.Ramachandran, "Some distinctive features of Dvaita", IPA 7, 1971, 237-246 DV53 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The concept of God in Sri Madhva's Vedanta", IPA 7, 1971, 167-171 DV54 P.S.Venkatasubbarao, "Abhinava anyathakhyati or the Dvaita theory of error", FRSD 251-256 DV55 Ram Anant Kashyap and R. Purnaiya, An Introduction to Madhva Ontology. Bangalore 1973 DV56 Ignatius Puthiadam, "Svatantra visnuh--an analysis of the Dvaita concept of divine independence", GWAM 87-94 DV57 S.S.Raghavachar, "The concept of consciousness from the Dvaita standpoint", IPA 11, 1976, 90-100 DV58 T.P.Ramachandran, Dvaita Vedanta. New Delhi 1976 DV59 P. Nagaraja Rao, The Epistemology of Dvaita Vedanta. Adyar Library Series 107. Madras 1976

DV60 K.S.Gururaja, "The rainbow model of jivarasi", DhP 7.4, 1977, 41-48 DV61 K.T.Pandurangi, "Radhakrishnan's exposition of Dvaita Vedanta", IPA 12, 197778, 227-236. Also DhP 13.2, 1983, 23-33 DV62 S.S.Raghavachar, Dvaita Vedanta. Madras 1977 DV63 P.Nagaraja Rao, "Post-Madhva religious philosophy, an eminent successor", DhP 7.4, 1977, 1-9 DV64 D.N.Shanbhag, "Svapno'pi na mrsa", DhP 8.1, 1977, 1-9 DV65 M.G.Diggavi, "Jiva-brahmaikya, maya vis--vis dvaita", DhP 8.1, 1978, 28-31 DV66 Jeffrey Lunstead, "The development of logic in the Madhvite school", WZKSOA 22, 1978, 159-170 DV67 R. Narasimhachar, "The universe is not an illusion", DhP 8.1, 1978, 36-38 DV68 K.D.Tangod, "The nine gems of Dvaita Vedanta", PTG 13.1, 1978, 6-16 DV69 M.Rama Rao, "Concept of the jiva", DhP 9.5-6, 1980, 33-41 DV70 D.N.Shanbhag, "Dialectics and its place in Indian thought", DhP 9.10-12, 1980, 105-113 DV71 K.D.Tangod, "Ananda-taratamya in moksa", PTG 14.3, 1980, 7-12 DV72 M. Yamunacharya, "Types of personality according to Indian thought", DhP 11.2, 1981, 17-37 DV73 D.Prahladachar, "Rationality and relevance of Vedanta to social good", DhP 11.8, 1982, 40-43 DV74 C.R.Krishna Rao, "The supreme text--tattvamasi--that thou art", DhP 11.9-10, 1982 DV75 D.N.Shanbhag, Some Problems in Dvaita Philosophy and Their Dialectical Setting. Dharwar 1982 DV76 B.N.K.Sharma, "The criterion of truth and reality in Dvaita Vedanta", DhP 11.6, 1982, 10-15 DV77 B.N.K.Sharma, "Tat tvam asi", DhP 11.11, 1982, 17-37 DV78 Geoffrey Webster, "The Dvaita doctrine of difference", DhP 11.12, 1982, 16-18 DV80 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The concept of svatantrya", DhP 12.10, 1983, 1-16 DV81 Shalini S. Amonkar, "Dependence on purana in Vallabha and Madhva philosophy" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 373 DV82 K. Gomathi, "The concept of moksa in Dvaita Vedanta and role of isvara prasada in attaining it" (summary). PAIOC 32, 1984-85, 344 DV83 K.T.Pandurangi, "The concept of vairagya in Dvaita", DhP 13.9, 1984, 28-31 DV84 D.N.Shanbhag, "The concept of difference", DhP 13.7, 1984, 13-32 DV85 D.N.Shanbhag, "Visesavada", DhP 13.9, 1984, 12-22 DV86 Malaya Kumar Mohanty, "Controversy of bhakti and jnana in Madhva systems of South India", VIJ 23, 1985, 94-102 DV87 K.T.Pandurangi, "Is intuition a source of knowledge?", DhP 14.7, 1985, 33-41 DV88 I. Puthiadam, Visnu the Ever Free. A Study of the Madhva Concept of God. Madurai 1985 DV89 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The place of reasoning in Indian thought", DhP 17.5-6, 1987, 32-37 DV90 D.N.Shanbhag, "God-realisation: Dvaita view", DhP 17.11-12, 1988, 26-39

DV91 P. Nagaraja Rao, "The concept of death, rebirth and law of karma", DhP 14.10, 1985, 46-50 DV92 B.N.K.Sharma, "Some unique features of Madhvadarsan", DhP 15.6, 1986, 10-14 DV93 Y.K.Raghunatha Rao, "Tattvavada and modern science", DhP 16.5-6, 1987, 44-49 DV93.1 G. Mishra, "Abhinava-anyathakhyati (Dvaita theory of error)--a fresh appraisal", LP 2, 1988, 259-268 DV93.2 S. G. Mudgal, "Relation between Laxmi and Visnu in the Madhva theology", BBR 78-82 DV93.3 K. T. Pandurangi, 'Bhakta-Bhagawan relation and Sri Madhvacarya's Dvaita Vedanta", BBR 83-92 DV94 P. Nagaraja Rao, "Outlines of Sri Madhva's philosophy", DhP 18.4-5, 1988-89, 121 DV95 Subhasini R. Gandhi, "The relevance of Dvaita Vedanta and its impact on modern society", DhP 18.8-9, 1989, 35-45 DV96 B.N.K.Sharma, "Some striking features of Madhva sastra", DhP 19.11, 1989, 3441 DV96.5 B.N.K.Sharma, Lectures on Dvaita Philosophy. Chennai 1990 DV97 V.S.Lunjgraward, "Dvaitatattva alias Tattvavada", DhP 21.1, 1991, 34-44 DV97.1 B. Venkatesachar, Vedanta Deepika. A Collection of Articles on Vedanta. Bangalore 1991 DV98 P. Nagaraja Rao, 'The place of experience in tattvavada", DhP 21.1-2, 1991, 70-86 DV99 K.T.Pandurangi, "Philosophical implications of the doctrine of sarvasabdavacyatva", DhP 21.6-8, 1992, 38-44 DV100 E. Easwaran Nampoothiri, "The concept of God according to Dvaita philosophy", Vidyotini 1995, 50-54 DV100.5 V.N.Seshagiri Rao, "The role of reasoning in Dvaita", JMysoreU 57, 1995, 4551 DV101 B. N. K. Sharma, "Two main contributions of Dvaita Vedanta to Indian epistemology", JOR 53, 1996, 87-99 DV110 Deepak Sarma, "Regulating religious text: access to texts in Madhva Vedanta", JIP 27, 1999, 583-634 DV115 John Grimes, "Two philosophical presuppositions vis-a-vis Dvaita Vedanta", JVaisS 9.1, 2000, 5-20 DV120 Deepak Sarma, "Madhva virtue ethics and the Aptaguru, or 'reliable teacher'", JVaisS 9.1, 2000, 69-90 DV121 Deepak Sarma, "Let the apta (trustworthy) Hindu speak!", JAAR 68, 2000, 781790 DV126 V.M.Korwar, "A mathematician's view of Dvaita philosophy", PB 105, 2001, 227-228 DV130 B.N.K.Sharma, "Achievements of Dvaita Vedanta and its relevance to the modern world", BNKSRP 1-18. Also ThV 448-459 DV132 K. T. Pandurangi, "Epistemology of Madhva's Dvaita Vedanta", ThV 306-331 DV134 D. N. Shanbhag, "Metaphysics of Dvaita Vedanta", ThV 372-419 DV135 Deepak Sharma, An Introduction to Madhva Vedanta. Aldershot, England; Burlington, Vermont 2003

DV140 Valerie Stoker, "Concerning the canon in Dvaita Vedanta: Madhva's doctrine of 'all sacred love'", Numen 51, 2004, 47-77 DV145 Deepak Sharma, "Madhva Vedanta: the beginning or the end of an esoteric tradition?", JVaisS 13.2, 2005, 5-22 DV146 Deepak Sarma, Epistemoloogy and the Limitations of Philosophical Inquiry. Doctrine in Madhva Vedanta. London 2005 DV155 Bartley Chrisopher, "Epistemologies and the limitations of philosohical enquiry: doctrine in Madhva Vedanta", PEW 57, 2007, 126-128 DV158 Deepak Sharma, "Madhva Vedanta and Krishna", KAS DV160 Deepak Sharma, "A short note on basic Madhva philosophy", JVaisS 16.2, 2008, 27-34 DV163 P. Sasikala, "Concept of difference in Dvaita philosophy", JSORI 9.2, 2008 DV166 Deepak Sharma, "Madhva exclusivity: an instance of Vaisnava sectarianism", JVaisS 19.1, 2010, 109-116

(Dating unclear) DVDU 1Sitanath Goswami, "Bhakti in Madhva-system", IndTrad I, 77-85 [H] General Hinduism (For this Section, as well as Buddhism and Jainism, click on the Contents image below and follow the links on that page.)

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