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The Educated Man

Society has taught that proper education is a must to every individual. It is true but is it really all that matters? Is it really what makes a man an educated man? What about those who were not given the opportunity to study in a good school are they not quali ied to be an educated man? Education is any e!perience that has an e ect on the way one thinks" eels" or acts. In its narrow" technical sense" education is the ormal process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge" skills" customs and values rom one generation to another. # man is educated when they have been provided the skills that will enable them to be unctional members o society and at the same time having a good character.

Mr. $ovito Salonga proved that an educated man is a title not to be determined on what you know or what you have accomplished. #n educated man is not an individual who has read a thousand books and maga%ines. #n educated man is an individual who can distinguish what is worth reading and chooses to make relentless" rigorous analysis and evaluation at everything he reads. #n educated man is not an individual who has memori%ed acts and assembled in his mind a million data. #n educated man is an individual who is capable o sorting out and remembering acts and data that is relevant to have a sound basis &udgment. Educated men are not those re erred to as skilled engineers" the able trial lawyer" the talented musicians" the gi ted writer or the e!pert surgeon. #n educated man is more interested in the stimulation o mind and the

cultivation o a generous spirit than in the accumulation o degrees. #n educated man partly re ers to an individual who has read a lot" who remembers many acts and event and whose skill is able to provide or himsel and his amily. #n educated man understands that there is ar more important than the making o a living" it is a living o li e ' a good li e" a meaning ul li e" an abundant li e. The educated man lives this kind o a li e" because he has opened the windows o his mind to great thoughts and ennobling ideas( because he is not imprisoned by the printed page.

Education plays a vital role in the enhancement o our civili%ation. It gives us the knowledge to en&oy a good career and to sustain our daily living. )owever" it is not wisdom at all. It is &ust a stride in attaining what we want to know or what the society dictates what we should know. *eing an educated man is a great privilege which one has to honor. Education can take us places but one should remember that the oundation o this is having good character. That+s what makes a man an educated man.

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