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A! 0! C! D! E! 4! G! '! *!5

Re,-i e.ents fo Inte/ ally Colo ed Conc ete! Inte/ ally colo ed conc ete sla1s2on2/ ade! Inte/ ally colo ed conc ete side%al$s! Inte/ ally colo ed conc ete d i3e%ays! Inte/ ally colo ed conc ete patios! Inte/ ally colo ed conc ete oads! Inte/ ally colo ed conc ete pa $in/ lots! C- in/ of inte/ ally colo ed conc ete!


A! 0! C! D! E! *!3

Section 0567* 2 )o tland Ce.ent Conc ete )a3in/! Section 03300 2 Cast2in2place Conc ete! Section 03330 2 A chitect- al Conc ete! Section 03367 2 E8posed A// e/ate Conc ete! Section 06900 2 :oint Seale s; Colo ed sealants fo :oints!



ACI 30* <Specification fo St -ct- al Conc ete fo 0-ildin/s<!


0! C! D! E! 4! G! '! I! :! B! *!=

ACI 305!IR <G-ide fo Conc ete 4loo and Sla1 Const -ction<! ACI 303!* <Standa d Specification fo Cast2In2)lace A chitect- al Conc ete<! ACI 30= <Reco..ended ) actice fo >eas- in/? >i8in/? T anspo tin/ and )lacin/ of Conc ete!< ACI 307R 2 Reco..ended ) actice fo 'ot @eathe Conc etin/! ACI 306R 2 Reco..ended ) actice fo Cold @eathe Conc etin/! AST> C 309 2 Standa d Specification fo Li,-id >e.1 ane24o .in/ Co.po-nds fo C- in/ Conc eteA A.e ican Conc ete Instit-te! AST> C =9= 2 Standa d Specification fo Che.ical Ad.i8t- es fo Conc ete! AST> C 969 2 Standa d Specification fo )i/.ents fo Inte/ ally Colo ed Conc ete! ASS'TO >*9= 2 Che.ical Ad.i8t- es! NR>CA CI) 7 2 )lastic Sh in$a/e C ac$in/!


A! 0! -nde p o3isions of Section 0*300! >an-fact- e #s data sheets on each p od-ct specified? incl-din/; *! ) epa ation inst -ctions and eco..endations! 5! Sto a/e and handlin/ e,-i e.ents and eco..endations! 3! Installation .ethods! Desi/n >i8es; 4o each type of inte/ ally colo ed conc ete! Sa.ples fo Conc ete Colo Selection; >an-fact- e #s colo cha t o sa.ple chip setA indicatin/ colo additi3e n-.1e and dosa/e ate! S-1.ittals a e fo /ene al 3e ification of colo and .ay 3a y so.e%hat f o. conc ete finished in field! Sa.ples of 4o . 4acin/ >ate ials;Coo dinate s-1.ittal %ith .ate ials specified in Section CCCCC! D-alification Data; 4o fi .s indicated in <D-ality Ass- ance< A ticle? incl-din/ list of co.pleted p oEects!

C! D!

E! 4! *!7


A! 0! C! D!

>an-fact- e D-alifications; >an-fact- e %ith *0 yea s e8pe ience in the p od-ction of all p od-cts specified in this section! Installe D-alifications; An installe %ith 7 yea s e8pe ience %ith %o $ of si.ila scope and ,-ality! ) o3ide all .ate ials f o. the sa.e so- ce! Co.ply %ith the e,-i e.ents of ACI 30*! 0336025


>oc$2+p; ) o3ide a .oc$2-p fo e3al-ation of consistent colo and 3is-al appea ance of colo ed conc ete! *! Coo dinate .oc$2-p e,-i e.ents %ith .oc$2-ps specified in othe sectionsA sa.e .oc$2-p .ay 1e -sed fo .o e than one p- pose! 5! Const -ct at least one .onth 1efo e sta t of colo ed conc ete %o $? -sin/ .ate ials and .ethods to 1e -sed in act-al %o $! 3! Locate .oc$2-ps on site in a eas desi/nated 1y A chitect! >oc$ -p shall 1e; a! 4-ll siFe! 1! *0 feet 1y *0 feet "3 . 1y 3 .(! c! = feet 1y = feet "*!5 . 1y *!5 .(! d! CCCCCCCCCCCCC! =! Retain sa.ples of all .ate ials -sed in each .oc$2-p fo ison p- poses! 7! >oc$2-p .ay e.ain and 1e -tiliFed in the %o $! 6! Re.o3e .oc$2-p %hen no lon/e e,-i ed fo ison %ith finished %o $! ) econst -ction Confe ence; Cond-ct a e3ie% of p oced- es e,-i ed to p od-ce specified es-lts!

4! *!6


A! 0! *!6

Co.ply %ith .an-fact- e #s inst -ctions! Deli3e to site o 1atch plant in o i/inal? -nopened pac$a/in/! Sto e in d y conditions!



En3i on.ental Re,-i e.ents; Sched-le place.ent to .ini.iFe e8pos- e to %ind and hot s-n 1efo e .ate ials a e applied! 5! A3oid placin/ conc ete if ain? sno%? o f ost is fo ecast %ithin 5=2ho- s! ) otect f esh conc ete f o. .oist- e and f eeFin/! 3! Co.ply %ith p actices desc i1ed in ACI 307R and ACI 306R!


0! C! D! E!

)lant2>i8ed Conc ete; Sched-le deli3e y of conc ete to p o3ide consistent .i8 f o. 1atchin/ -ntil discha /e! >aintain 1atch eco ds fo each 1atch! Conc ete )a3in/; Sched-le place.ent to .ini.iFe e8pos- e to %ind and hot s-n 1efo e c- in/ .ate ials a e applied! 4o .ed Conc ete; Sched-le %o $ to .ini.iFe diffe ences in place.ents and c- in/ conditions! Apply c- in/ co.po-nd as soon as fo .s a e st ipped! Tilt2+p Conc ete; Sched-le %o $ to .ini.iFe diffe ences in ti.e that panels e.ain on castin/ sla1 to .ini.iFe diffe ences in c- in/ conditions! Apply c- in/ co.po-nd to panels as soon as they a e p-t into place! )ROD+CTS

)ART 5 5!*




Accepta1le >an-fact- e ; L! >! Scofield Co.pany? %hich is located at; =*77 Scofield Rd! A Do-/las3ille? GA 30*3=A Toll 4 ee Tel; H002H0029900A Tel; 66029502 6000A 4a8; 660295026066A E.ail; e,-est info "infoIscofield!co.(A @e1; %%%!scofield!co. Re,-ests fo s-1stit-tions %ill 1e conside ed in acco dance %ith p o3isions of Section 0*600!

0! 5!5


A! 0!

>ini.-. Ce.ent Content; 7 sac$s pe c-1ic ya d of conc ete! Sl-.p of conc ete shall 1e consistent th o-/ho-t ) oEect at = inches o less! At no ti.e shall sl-.p e8ceed 7 inches! If s-pe plasticiFe s a e allo%ed? sl-.p shall not e8ceed H2inches! Do not add calci-. chlo ide to .i8 as it ca-ses .ottlin/ and s- face discolo ation! S-pple.ental ad.i8t- es shall not 1e -sed -nless app o3ed 1y .an-fact- e ! Do not add %ate to the .i8 in the field! Add colo ed ad.i8t- e to the .i8 acco din/ to .an-fact- e #s % itten inst -ctions in p e.eas- ed 1a/s? not 1y %ei/ht of ce.ent content! EJEC+TION

C! D! E! 4! )ART 3 3!*


A! 0! 3!5

Do not 1e/in installation -ntil s-1st ates ha3e 1een p ope ly p epa ed! If s-1st ate p epa ation is the esponsi1ility of anothe installe ? notify A chitect of -nsatisfacto y p epa ation 1efo e p oceedin/!


A! 0! C! 3!3

Clean s- faces tho o-/hly p io to installation! ) epa e s- faces -sin/ the .ethods eco..ended 1y the .an-fact- e fo achie3in/ the 1est es-lt fo the s-1st ate -nde the p oEect conditions! ) otect adEacent s- faces %ith plastic sheetin/ d- in/ colo ha dene application!



Inte/ ally Colo ed Conc ete; Apply co.po-nd fo inte/ ally colo ed conc ete acco din/ to .an-fact- e #s inst -ctions -sin/ .an-fact- e #s eco..ended application techni,-es! Apply co.po-nd at consistent ti.e fo each po- to .aintain close colo consistency! C- in/ co.po-nd to 1e the sa.e colo as the colo ed conc ete and s-pplied 1y sa.e .an-fact- e of the colo ed ad.i8t- e!




) eca-tions .-st 1e ta$en in hot %eathe to p e3ent plastic c ac$in/ es-ltin/ f o. e8cessi3ely apid d yin/ at s- face as desc i1ed in CI) 7)lastic Sh in$a/e C ac$in/ p-1lished 1y the National Ready >i8ed Conc ete Association! Do not co3e conc ete %ith plastic sheetin/!

D! 3!=


A! 0!

) otect installed p od-cts -ntil co.pletion of p oEect! To-ch2-p? epai o eplace da.a/ed p od-cts 1efo e S-1stantial Co.pletion! END O4 SECTION


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