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Production Economics 135 (2012) 299307

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Integrated safety stock optimization for multiple sourced stockpoints facing variable demand and lead time
Hany Osman a,n, Kudret Demirli b,1
a b

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd.W., EV13.119, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Concordia University, 1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd.W., EV4.187, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3G 1M8

a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history: Received 16 March 2011 Accepted 2 August 2011 Available online 7 August 2011 Keywords: Supply chain Safety stock Order statistics Variable demand and lead time Benders decomposition technique

The safety stock placement problem of a multi-stage supply chain comprising multiple sourced stockpoints is addressed in this paper. Each stockpoint faces variability in its downstream demand and suppliers lead time. The maximum among these suppliers lead time is determined by employing concepts of order statistics. It is required to nd the ll rate and safety stocks at each stockpoint that leads to satisfying the end customer service level at minimum safety stock placement cost. Hence, the ll rates and the safety amounts are decided from a global supply chain perspective. Two models are proposed; a decentralized safety stock placement model and a centralized consolidation model. The decentralized model nds the safety amounts at each stockpoint required to face its underlying lead time demand variability. The consolidation model nds the consolidated safety amounts that will be kept in the relevant consolidation center at each stage. A Benders decomposition technique is developed to handle the nonlinearity and binary restrictions involved in the safety stock consolidation model. Strategies proposed by the consolidation model achieve 45.262% reduction in safety amounts that results in a cost savings ranging between 22.244.2% as compared to the strategies proposed by the decentralized model. & 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In this paper, the safety stock placement (SSP) problem of a supply chain including multiple sourced stockpoints is tackled. Each existing member in this supply chain faces variability in the upstream lead time and in the downstream demand. A graphical representation of the supply chain under consideration is depicted in Fig. 1. The chain is composed of an assembly facility at the most downstream stage, Tier1-suppliers at the intermediate stage, and Tier2-suppliers at the initial stage. The supplying and inventory strategies, currently employed throughout the supply chain, failed to satisfy the promised delivery dates of the end items. The primary reason behind this shortfall is the existence of unreliable suppliers that are unable to deliver materials on time. The secondary reason concerns the inventory systems employed throughout the chain. These systems are established based on random ordering decisions, which often lead to a stockout occurrence. Moreover, each member of the chain does not employ a proper safety stock policy to face the uctuation of customer demand and suppliers lead time.

Corresponding author. Tel.: 1 514 848 2424x7224; fax: 1 514 848 3175. E-mail addresses: (H. Osman), (K. Demirli). 1 Tel.: 1 514 848 2424x3160; fax: 1 514 848 3175. 0925-5273/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2011.08.004

A three-stage research is conducted to resolve this problem. In the rst stage, the supply chain is recongured and materials are redistributed to the highly reliable and coordinated suppliers (Osman and Demirli, 2010). In the second stage, a joint supply chain inventoryproduction system is proposed based on the deterministic assumptions of customer demand and suppliers lead time (Osman, 2011). At the third stage, presented in this paper, the variability of downstream demand and upstream lead time is considered while developing a safety stock placement policy through the supply chain. Such an integrated policy, established from a supply chain perspective, should specify sufcient safety amounts and ll rate at each stockpoint to achieve a prespecied end customer service level at minimum cost. Two SSP models are developed to establish two different SSP policies. The decentralized policy, characterizing the rst model, allows each stockpoint to independently handle the variability of its lead time demand. The centralized policy, characterizing the second model, aims at reducing the variability of lead time demand at each stage by pooling this variability at one stockpoint. Order statistics concepts are applied to determine the parameters of the lead time probability distribution at each multiple sourced stockpoint. The two policies can be implemented after deciding on cycle time and order amount of deterministic inventory systems. The decentralized model is solvable to optimality using the nonlinear commercial solver Minos, whereas a decomposition algorithm


H. Osman, K. Demirli / Int. J. Production Economics 135 (2012) 299307

T2-Suppliers (Components)

Raw components forecast

T1-Suppliers (Machining)

Demand forecast

Assembly Company

Raw Components

Machined Components

Fig. 1. Conguration of the supply chain under consideration.

based on Benders decomposition technique is developed to solve the centralized safety stock consolidation (SSC) model. A review of the literature of the SSP problem is given in the following section. The specic problem under study is dened in Section 3. Section 4 discusses the application of order statistics concepts to obtain the parameters of the lead time probability distribution at a multiple sourced stockpoint. The decentralized SSP model and the centralized SSC model are given in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. The Benders decomposition algorithm developed to handle the difculty of the mixed integer nonlinear SSC model is explained in Section 7. A comparison between the proposed centralized and decentralized strategies is demonstrated in Section 8. This section also shows the computational efciency of the developed decomposition method in solving the SSC model. The paper ends with summary and future extensions.

2. Literature review Simpsons (1958) model can be considered as one of the initial works that dealt with demand uncertainty in multi-stage production and inventory systems. The model determines the combination of service times offered by each stage to satisfy customer orders at a predetermined service level. Inderfurth (1991) extends this work and establishes the optimal policy for divergent supply chains taking into account the impact of demand correlation on SSP using risk pooling effects. Inderfurth and Minner (1998) deal with different service measures that restrict the amount of safety stock. These measures are the probability of stockout occurrence and the probability of stockout amount. Their proposed model nds the safety amount that covers the demand uctuations during a time period called the coverage time. Minner (1997) derives the forward and backward recursive formulas to nd the optimal policy of these coverage times. Graves and Willems (2000) simplify the SSP problem from its stochastic nature to be a deterministic optimization problem. The customer demand is considered as a random variable while the replenishment lead time is assumed to be deterministic. The stochastic lead time demand is assumed to be bounded by a maximum value obtained from its mean and standard deviation. They consider only supply chains that can be represented as a spanning tree while general supply chains under the same assumptions are handled by Graves and Lesnaia (2004). Sitompul and Aghezzaf (2006) extend the problem addressed in Graves and Willems (2000) to consider capacity limitations. They state that the safety stock amounts have to be updated by a tabulated correction factor that relates safety stock with a measure representing the degree of capacity that covers demand variations. Further relationships between demand variability, capacity, delivery lead time, and safety stocks are investigated in Sitompul et al. (2008). Jung et al. (2008) propose a linear programming model that determines the base stock level under the dependency of service

measures at different stages of a supply chain. The inventory level at production facilities and the base stock level at warehouses are also constrained by the safety production capacity limit. Kim et al. (2005) deal with two echelon supply chains comprising single supplier and multiple retailers under non-stationary demand pattern. Two models are proposed based on the centralized and decentralized approaches of inventory control. Boulaksil et al. (2009) develop a mathematical model that allows backordering at each stage. The model does not state any assumptions about the demand distribution. Louly and Dolgui (2009) consider an assembly system facing constant demand and discrete distributed random lead time of delivering the assembled components. The model is valid for any discrete probability distribution. Persona et al. (2007) tackle the safety stock determination problem for assemble-to-order and make-to-order systems. Their cost-based analytical models consider demand as a normally distributed random variable while they consider a constant lead time of subassemblies delivery. The case of stochastic lead time and customer demand for a single stock is handled by Eppen and Martin (1988). An exponential smoothing model is proposed to estimate the unknown distribution parameters of lead time and demand. Hayya et al. (2009) develop a regression equation that represents optimal cost, order quantity, and safety stock factor in terms of cost parameters, standard deviation of demand, and standard deviation of lead time. Ettl et al. (2000) propose an inventory-queue model that establishes the base stock level at each store of a supply network. The nominal lead time at each store is assumed to be independent and identically distributed while demand is considered to be nonstationary. Saharidis et al. (2009) analyze two control polices for two echelon supply chains: base stock control and echelon base stock control. The demand follows Poisson distribution while the production time is exponentially distributed. Simchi-Levi and Yao (2005) propose a unied framework that integrates stages employing continuous review base stock inventory control. The lead time is assumed to be stochastic, sequential and exogenously determined with known probability distribution while the customer demand follows independent Poisson process. This paper addresses the problem of placing safety stocks in multiple sourced stockpoints located in a multi-stage supply chain. Each stockpoint in the supply chain undergo uncertainty in upstream lead time and downstream demand. The lead time and demand are considered as two independent normally distributed random variables. The overall objective is to nd the optimal SSP policy that achieves the end customer service level at minimum cost. Two SSP models are proposed to solve this problem. The two models establish the decentralized and centralized SSP strategies from a global supply chain viewpoint. In each strategy, the ll rates required at connected stockpoints are decided simultaneously in a sense that stockpoints possessing high holding cost are assigned low ll rates and stockpoints possessing low holding costs are assigned high ll rates. Prior to apply these models, parameters of the maximum lead time

H. Osman, K. Demirli / Int. J. Production Economics 135 (2012) 299307


probability distribution at each stockpoint are determined by applying order statistics concepts. The problem is described in details in the following section.

4. Stochastic lead time of multiple-sourced stockpoints The problem of multiple sourced inventory systems has been investigated by researchers to gure out the effect of order splitting on the lead time distribution, in which the entire order is distributed among multiple sources instead of being replenished from a sole source (Sculli and Wu, 1981; Pan, 1987; Pan et al., 1991; Ramasesh et al., 1991). The effect of order splitting on minimizing the stockout risk is investigated in Kelle and Miller (2001). Another problem relating to a multiple-sourced stochastic inventory system arises when the lead time is considered as the maximum among the multiple sources lead times. An assembly system is a common example that exhibits this approach of calculating lead time, where assembly cannot start until all the required components have been received. Also, a production batch of a single item may require all the raw material supplied from multiple vendors to be processed in one production run. In the problem studied in this paper, a multiple-sourced stockpoint faces the problem of determining delivery lead time of its input material. If a stockpoint receives material from n sources considering their lead time as independent and identically normally distributed random variables, the maximum among these n variables equals the maximum of a random sample of size n taken from a normally distributed population (Clark, 1961). The determination of this maximum can be found by consulting order statistics distributions and moments (David and Nagaraja, 2003). The mean of this random variable is the expected lead time that will be used along with its variance in calculating the reorder point and the safety stock. The expected value of the ith order statistics for a set of independent standard normal random variables X1, X2, y, Xn is given by Eq. (1) where i represents the order. If i equals n, it represents the maximum of this order statistics. Z 1 n! i1 n i EXi xffxg f1fxg f xdx 1 i1!ni! 1 Godwin (1949) establishes tables of mean, variance and covariance of normally distributed order statistics of size 10 or less. For samples of 20 or less, tables of the expected value of the ith order statistics are established by Teichroew (1956). For larger sample sizes of 2(1) 100(25) 250(50) 400, Harter (1961) presents the expected values of normally distributed order statistics. Federer (1951), Blom (1958), Westcott (1977), and Royston (1982) introduce algorithms to approximate the expected values of order statistics. These algorithms apply numerical methods and do not provide closed form solutions to nd moments of order statistics. Simchi-Levi and Yao (2005) consider such a case of lead time representation in their model and apply the approximation method introduced by Clark (1961) to determine the lead time at assembly facilities. Clark (1961) nds the maximum among a nite set of random variables through successive iterations that require searching in the standard normal table each time. However, searching in the normal table is time-consuming and is found to be difcult to put into a computer code. Further inventory models that incorporate explicit forms for determining the maximum lead time at assembly facilities have to be introduced to facilitate handling the difculty of variable lead time. The algorithm introduced by Ozturk and Aly (1991) is applied here to approximate parameters of the normally distributed lead time at each stockpoint. The algorithm approximates the expected value and variance of normally distributed order statistics using the generalized lambda distribution. In particular, the moments of generalized lambda distributed order statistics are used as an approximation to the moments of standard normally distributed order statistics. In addition to providing results with small errors, the algorithm proposed by Ozturk and Aly (1991) is straightforward and needs less computational efforts compared to Clarks (1961).

3. Problem description and assumptions At each supplier and the assembly facility depicted in Fig. 1, there is a stockpoint facing a stochastic environment. Such an environment is characterized by volatile downstream demand and upstream lead time. The lead time is dened here as the time elapsed in shipping materials from one stockpoint to its successor. An integrated inventoryproduction system is designed throughout the chain to determine the optimal delivery intervals (T), replenishment sizes (Q), and production sequence, Osman (2011). This integrated system ignores variability of downstream demand and upstream lead time. A new strategy has to be established so as to allocate sufcient safety amounts at appropriate places throughout the supply chain. The overall objective of the new safety stock strategy is to fulll the end customer demand at a predened service level representing a percentage of demand satised from stock. The new strategy, which minimizes the SSP costs, should specify the optimal ll rate and the safety stock required at each stockpoint from a supply chain point of view. Having established the order amounts (Q) based on deterministic assumption of customer demand, the new strategy proposed by this paper species the reorder point (r). The supply chain possesses three settings related to the replenishment and production polices, these settings are stated below: 1. A single item can be replenished from multiple suppliers. 2. Replenishment cycle time (T) is common among members of a given stage. 3. Production can start upon receiving shipments ordered from the multiple sources. The rst and third assumptions call for applying order statistics concepts to nd the delivery time used in safety stocks calculations. Since each stockpoint receives material from multiple sources, the lead time for receiving an item is considered as the maximum among these multiple sources lead times. Consequently, this maximum is considered as a random variable having a probability distribution with certain parameters. Section 4 illustrates the application of order statistics to nd parameters of the probability distribution of the maximum lead time. The problem is solved in two different approaches; in each approach a safety stock placement model is developed. The rst model, called the SSP model, is established based on the decentralized approach of allocating safety stocks. Following this approach, each stockpoint is required to keep sufcient safety amounts from each item at its site to face the variability of lead time demand. The second model, called the SSC model, is formulated based on the centralization principles of safety stock distribution. In this approach, the safety amounts required at all stockpoints of a given stage are consolidated at the most relevant stockpoint at this stage. This stockpoint is chosen based on its capacity limitation, the holding cost, and the paid credits to the stockpoints. Stockpoints preferred to be consolidation centers are required to cope with the variations of lead time demand of other stockpoints by shipping a sufcient amount of stock to their downstream stage. In return, a consolidation center will be given an amount of credits to cover their responsibilities for holding the consolidated safety amounts. Consolidating safety stocks will result in smaller amounts of safety stocks compared to the decentralized approach. Reduction in safety stocks is a consequence of pooling the lead time demand variability at each stage.


H. Osman, K. Demirli / Int. J. Production Economics 135 (2012) 299307

Table 1 Comparison between the absolute error in estimating the mean of the maximum among n standard normal random variables using Ozturk and Aly (1991) and Clark (1961). n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ozturk and Aly (1991) 0.00019 0.00029 0.00074 0.00122 0.00146 0.00151 0.00171 0.00195 0.00208 Clark (1961) 0.00000 0.00130 0.00260 0.00130 0.00070 0.00000 0.00060 0.00130 0.00210

a multi-stage supply chain. Another original aspect of this model concerns the relation between the ll rates that are established from a supply chain perspective. Each item moves throughout the network on a path that starts from the T2-suppliers stage until it reaches the company. The expected ll rates at the stockpoints placed on a given path should result in satisfying the end customer service level. This is ensured through satisfying the constraint setting that service level as a lower bound on the multiplication of these ll rates. Parameters and decision variables of the proposed nonlinear model are dened below. 5.1. Nomenclature Indices and sets

Table 1 shows a comparison between these two approximation methods. The second column of the table represents the upper bound of the error in estimating the maximum among a set of random variables using the algorithm proposed by Ozturk and Aly (1991). Clarks (1961) error values are depicted in the third column. Clarks (1961) error results are subjected to increase if an approximation method is used instead of searching in the normal table. The inverse distribution function of the generalized lambda distribution proposed by Ramberg and Schmeiser (1972) is shown in Eq. (2) where l1, l2, l3 and l4 are the parameters of the distribution. For 0, 0.1975, 0.1349 and 0.1349 given values of these parameters, Schmeiser (1977) shows that the maximum absolute error through approximating the standard normal distribution by the generalized lambda distribution is 0.001. Eqs. (3) and (5) represent the closed form, given by Ozturk and Aly (1991), to approximate the mean and the variance of standard normally distributed order statistics. The b function used to calculate the variance is shown in Eq. (7). F 1 p l1 pl3 1pl4

i j k

index set of supply chain stages, i 1,2,y,I index set of stockpoints at a given stage j 1,2,y,Ji index set of items, k 1,2,y,K

Parameters hijk slk qijk dijk lijk sdijk holding cost of item k at stockpoint j in stage i per unit time service level required to be met of item k order quantity of item k at stockpoint j in stage i mean demand of item k at stockpoint j in stage i mean lead time of item k at stockpoint j in stage i standard deviation of demand for item k at stockpoint j in stage i standard deviation of lead time for item k at stockpoint j in stage i standard deviation of lead time demand for item k at stockpoint j in stage i 01 matrix that species whether or not item k passes through the stockpoint r at the most downstream stage and the stockpoint s at the intermediate stage, and the stockpoint t at the most upstream stage

slijk sijk



Ci Cni 1 l2 Cn 1 Cr r
r  Y k1


l3 1

Decision variables 4 Fijk EZ ijk 5 Zijk 6 7 ll rate of item k at stockpoint j in stage i standardized stockout quantity for a standard normal distribution for item k at stockpoint j in stage i standard normal deviate for item k at stockpoint j in stage i


b2l3 i, t2bl3 i, t l4 bi, t 2l4 mi l1 2 l2 2 bi, t

t ni 1 x1!y1! x y1!

Where and

bx, y

The parameters mi and vi of the standard normally distributed order statistics are used to drive the mean E(Xi) and the variance Var(Xi) of the original order statistics. If the n lead times at a given stockpoint are represented by identical normal distributions having mean m and variance s2, parameters of the maximum lead time distribution are given by Eqs. (8) and (9) where i equals n. EXi m smi Var Xi s2 vi 8 9

The mean lijk and variance slijk of the delivery time of item k at stockpoint j placed in stage i are calculated using Eqs. (8) and (9), respectively. Eq. (10) represents the standard deviation of lead time demand in the case of variable demand and variable lead time. Eq. (11) shows the relationship between the standardized stockout quantity per order cycle and the ll rate of a single item at a given stockpoint, Tersine (1988). This equation is extended in the model to determine the ll rates at the stockpoints existing in the supply chain. q sijk lijk sd2 d2 sl2 10 ijk ijk ijk sl 1



5. Decentralized safety stock placement model The proposed SSP model is discussed in this section. The contribution of this model is the incorporation of the service per units demanded (i.e., ll rate) as a measure of service in

Eqs. (12)(16) show the decentralized SSP model. The model is coded using AMPL, Fourer et al. (2003), and is solvable to optimality using Minos. Min SSHC
Ji X I X K X i1j1k1

hijk sijk Zijk


H. Osman, K. Demirli / Int. J. Production Economics 135 (2012) 299307


Subject to F1rk F2sk F3tk Z slk k 1, 2, . . .K , r 1, s 1, 2, . . .J2 , 13

6. Centralized safety stock consolidation model The inventory consolidation problem has been studied in the literature to examine the effect of consolidation on inventory cycle stock and safety stock savings (Maister, 1976; Zinn et al., 1989; Mahmoud, 1992; Evers and Beier, 1993; Tallon, 1993; Evers, 1995; Caron and Marchet, 1996; Evers and Beier, 1998; Tyagi and Das, 1998; Das and Tyagi, 1999; Ballou and Burnetas, 2003; Ballou, 2005; Wanke, 2009). The consolidation models discussed in these papers are developed given that both cycle stock and safety stock of decentralized locations are consolidated in one or more centralized locations. In this case, the mean and variance of demand at a given consolidation center are calculated based on the portions of average demand moved from the decentralized locations to that center. Thus, the standard deviation of lead time demand at a consolidation center is affected by these portions. Our consolidation model conceptually handles another case, in which the cycle stock is kept at the decentralized locations and consolidation is applied only on the safety stocks. This is because our proposed model is designed to deal with the variability of suppliers lead time and customer demand of an integrated production inventory system. In such a case, the cycle stock is preferred to be close enough to the production line in order to facilitate shipping on the promised delivery dates. So, the variability of lead time demand at each stockpoint will be satised by the safety amounts consolidated at the centralized locations. The standard deviation of lead time demand at a consolidation center is calculated through pooling the variability of lead time demand of the decentralized locations. A common instance of an integrated production inventory system is a multi-stage supply chain facing the economic lot and delivery scheduling problem. In this problem, it is required to decide on cycle times, cycle stocks, and production sequence at each production facility. The deterministic case of the economic lot and delivery scheduling problem (ELDSP) has been studied in Hahm and Yano (1992, 1995a, 1995b, 1995c), Khouja et al. (1998), Khouja (2000, 2003), Jensen and Khouja (2004), Clausen and Ju (2006), Ghomi et al. (2006), Kim et al. (2006), Torabi and Jenabi (2009), and Osman (2011). The stochastic case of the ELDSP has not been tackled yet. In addition to this unique way of consolidating safety stock, the proposed SSC model differs signicantly in four aspects from those consolidation models studied in Maister (1976), Zinn et al. (1989), Mahmoud (1992), Evers and Beier (1993, 1998), Tallon (1993), Evers (1995), Caron and Marchet (1996), Tyagi and Das (1998), Das and Tyagi (1999), Ballou and Burnetas (2003), Ballou (2005), and Wanke (2009). First, the service level considered in the proposed SSC model represents the probability of stockout amount while the service level employed in these papers is the probability of stockout occurrence. Probability of stockout amount is more informative than probability of stockout occurrence since it shows how many of the demanded units are not satised. Second, the safety factor associated with the service level in the proposed SSC model is a decision variable while that used in other models appearing in the above cited papers is a known parameter. Moreover, in the proposed SSC model, the value of that factor is decided upon from the viewpoint of the whole supply chain while its value is set by each consolidation center prior to solving the models proposed by these papers. Third, none of the above cited models applies the criteria used in our model to select a consolidation center. They focus only in the reduction in cycle and safety stocks. In our model, a consolidation center is chosen according to its capacity limit, the holding costs and the amount of credits that will be given to the center. Fourth, our model handles a multistage supply chain in which at each stage there will be a consolidation center. The ll rates established at these consolidation centers are determined from a supply chain perspective, not from an individual perspective, to achieve the end customer service level at minimum cost.

t 1, 2, . . ., J3 : Ukrst 1


1Fijk qijk


i 1, 2, . . ., I

j 1, 2, . . ., Ji k 1, 2, . . ., K


h i Zijk EZ ijk 0:38984228 2 4 1:75294 0:4442135EZ ijk 0:07061455EZ 2 ijk EZ


3 5 15

0:17592241 0:0012267386 0:044212641 EZ ijk 0:00030570313

i 1, 2, . . .I EZ ijk , Fijk , Zijk Z 0

j 1, 2, . . ., Ji i 1, 2, . . ., I

k 1, 2, . . ., K j 1, 2, . . ., Ji k 1, 2, . . ., K


Objective function (12) minimizes the safety stock holding cost throughout the supply chain. The amount sijk Zijk is the safety stock of item k that should be kept at stockpoint j in stage i per cycle. The desired service level of item k is satised through Eq. (13). This constraint is considered only when the parameter Ukrst equals 1. For the case handled in this paper, the entries Ukrst specify whether or not item k passes through stockpoint r located at the most downstream stage where i 1, and stockpoint s located at the intermediate stage where i 2, and stockpoint t located at the most upstream stage where i 3. This equation ensures that each path of a given item k on the network will yield a service level greater than or equal to the desired one. The multiplication of the ll rates on a given path gives the model the exibility to assign high ll rate to the stockpoints having low holding cost and assign lower ll rate at the stockpoints having high holding cost. Eq. (14), which is driven from Eq. (11), calculates the standard stockout quantity E(Z)ijk of item k at stockpoint j in stage i. Browns (1967) nonlinear approximation is shown in Eq. (15). This convex nonlinear approximation is applied instead of searching in statistical tables to nd value of Zijk for a given value of E(Z)ijk. The drawback of this function is that it does not provide a reasonable approximation for the large absolute values of E(Z) close to 4.5. The non-negative restriction on the decision variables is insured by the last constraint. The reorder point of each item k at stockpoint j in stage i can be directly determined by adding the safety stock sijk Zijk to the average lead time demand lijk dijk . When a stockpoint undergoes order crossover effects, resulting from receiving a recently placed order before an order placed earlier, the lead time demand distribution should be replaced by either the effective lead time demand distribution or the shortfall distribution. If the effective lead time demand distribution is employed, m and s2 appearing in Eqs. (8) and (9) should refer to the effective lead time distribution. The effective lead time can be obtained from the original lead time by considering the time elapsed between placing the rst order and receiving the rst delivery, Hayya et al. (2009). Mean and variance of the shortfall distribution are calculated in Robinson et al. (2001). Shortfall and lead time demand distributions have the same mean, while the variance of the shortfall distribution is less than or equal to the variance of the lead time demand distribution. So, if the shortfall distribution is employed, the standard deviation of lead time demand sijk in Eq. (14) is replaced by the standard deviation of the shortfall distribution. So, either to work on the effective lead time demand or the shortfall distributions, our proposed model is still valid to handle stochastic lead times with order crossover.


H. Osman, K. Demirli / Int. J. Production Economics 135 (2012) 299307

In the SSP model proposed in Section 5, each stockpoint is responsible for dealing with its ongoing uctuations in demand and lead time by keeping adequate safety amounts. Consolidation is applied here to centralize the safety amount of each item to be located in one place at each stage. As such, if any stockpoint faces demand or lead time positive variations, the consolidation center is required to ship an amount sufcient to meet such variations to the downstream stage. The impact of consolidation is a reduction in the total safety amounts of each item stored at each stage. This reduction is a result of applying variability pooling concept to the variability of lead time demand. Eq. (17) shows the pooled variability at stage i for each item k, where each entry s2 ijk is obtained from Eq. (10). v u J uX sik t s2 17 ijk

7. Decomposition of the centralized safety stock consolidation model The difculty of the SSC model lies in the binary variable Xijk, and Browns nonlinear approximation given by (23). The binary variable hinders Minos from solving this model since it is a nonlinear solver, while Eq. (23), prevents Cplex from solving the model directly. Consequently, the model is decomposed into a binary master problem solved using Cplex and a continuous nonlinear sub-problem solved using Minos. This kind of decomposition follows the generalized Benders decomposition technique (Geoffrion, 1972).

7.1. Master problem The master problem is solved to nd the optimal values of the complicating binary variables Xijk, where these values are then sent to the sub-problem. If the sub-problem is infeasible to those given values of the complicating variables Xijk, a feasibility cut shown in Eq. (27) is added to the master problem. The feasibility cut used here is the combinatorial cut proposed by Codato and Fischetti (2006). According to the model constraints, it is better to apply this cut only to those stockpoints that show insufcient capacity in a previous infeasible iteration s. This accelerates the master problem toward reaching a feasible 01 combination by minimizing the number of Xijk candidates included in the cut. The s s parameters Xijk and Zik are the recorded values of the binary variable Xijk and the standard normal Zik at the infeasible iteration s. The cut searches for new combinations of 01 values of the binary variables that were not considered infeasible before. To guide the master problem to the best Xijk combination for the sub-problem, the optimality cut given by Eq. (28) is added after each feasible iteration of the sub-problem. The multiplier lijk appearing in this cut reects the change in the sub-problem objective function when the associated Xijk changes from 0 to 1. This multiplier lijk is calculated as follows: since each stage i accepts only one Xijk to be 1 over the subscript j, the sub-problem is solved ik(j 1) times to evaluate the change lijk due to replacing the Xijk leveled at 1 by the other binary variables Xijk leveled at 0. Based on the passed values lijk from the sub-problem, the optimality cut (28) gives more opportunity to assign 1 to the Xijk variable that has minimum value of the multiplier lijk. In the classical BD approach, this multiplier is the dual variable associated with constraint (28). The dual variable cannot be used in the optimality cut (28) because its returned values by the subproblem are non-negative. This non-negativity is a result of the positive increase hijk Xijk in objective function (29) associated with increasing Xijk from 0 to 1. The master problem is thus stated as follows: Min MP
Ji X I X K X i1j1k1

Throughout the SSC model given by Eqs. (18)(26), the previously dened decision variables are used to represent each stage instead of each stockpoint. For example, the decision variable Fijk appears here as Fik to symbolize the ll rate of item k required at stage i to meet the service level slk of this item k. A binary decision variable Xijk is dened to decide on which stockpoint j is used to hold the consolidated safety amount of each item k at stage i. Two more parameters are introduced, cij that represents the total capacity of stockpoint j in stage i, and the motivation cost wijk that indicates the amount of money paid by the supply chain partners to stockpoint j in stage i as an incentive to take the burden of handling the consolidated safety stock of item k. Through objective function (18), these motivating dollars along with the holding cost are used to select the most relevant stockpoint among the feasible candidates to be the safety consolidation center of item k at stage i. Constraint, given by Eq. (19), ensures that the consolidated safety amount of item k is assigned to only one stockpoint among the available Ji stockpoints at stage i. Capacity restriction of stockpoint j at stage i to hold one or more items is satised through Eq. (20). Min SSCC Subject to
Jj X j1 K X k1 I Y i1 Ji X I X K X i1j1k1

wijk Xijk hijk sik Zik Xijk


Xijk 1

i 1, 2, . . ., I

k 1, 2, . . ., K


sik Zik Xijk r cij i 1, 2, . . ., I j 1, 2, . . ., Ji


Fik Z slk

k 1, 2, . . ., K


wijk Xijk a



Pi 1Fik J j 1 qijk q P Ji 2

i 1, 2, . . ., I

k 1, 2, . . ., K



Subject to Constraints (19), (24)

Ji I X X K X

Zik EZ ik 0:38984228 2 3 1:75294 0:4442135EZ ik 0:07061455EZ 2 ik 4 5 :17592241 0:0012267386 EZ 0 0:044212641 EZ :00030570313

ik ik


Ji I X X


1Xijk Z 1
K X k1

s 0 i 1 j 1 k 1:Xijk

s 1 i 1 j 1 k 1:Xijk

s 1, 2, . . ., S 23

i 1, 2, . . ., I

j 1, 2, . . ., J :

i 1, 2, . . ., I Xijk is binary

k 1, 2, . . ., K j 1, 2, . . ., Ji k 1, 2, . . .K k 1, 2, . . ., K

s s sik Zik Xijk 4 cij


i 1, 2, . . ., I i 1, 2, . . .I


a Z SPt
EZ ik , Fik , Zik Z 0 25

Ji X I X K X i1j1k1

t lt ijk Xijk Xijk t 1, 2, . . ., T


H. Osman, K. Demirli / Int. J. Production Economics 135 (2012) 299307


7.2. Sub-problem The sub-problem nds the optimal values of E(Z)ik, Zik, and Fik t for the given values Xijk of the complicating variables Xijk at any feasible iteration t. The sub-problem is given by the following equations: Min SP
Ji X I X K X i1j1k1

hijk sik Zik Xijk


of cost parameters, 22.244.2% cost savings can be achieved annually as shown in the second-to-last column. The last column shows the percentage reduction in safety stock size attainable through applying the centralization model. This percentage reects the portfolio effect of SSC, introduced by Zinn et al. (1989), shown in equation (33). Up to 62% of the safety amounts resulting from the decentralized model can be saved if the consolidation model is employed. Portfolio Effect 1 Sum of safetystock at consolidation centers Sum of safety stock at decenterlized locations 33

Subject to Constraints (20)(23) and (25)

t : lijk Xijk Xijk

i 1, 2, . . ., I

j 1, 2, . . ., Ji

k 1, 2, . . ., K


The algorithm iterates between both problems until an optimal solution is obtained. This can be attained when the lower bound (31) obtained from the relaxed master problem equals the upper bound (32) resulting from the restricted sub-problem. Equality of both bounds implies that no more improvement in the values of the complicating variables can be achieved. LB
Ji X I X K X i1j1k1 Ji X I X K X i1j1k1 Ji X I X K X i1j1k1 t wijk Xijk a



t wijk Xijk

t hijk sik Zik Xijk


8. Computational experiments The computational efciency of solving the SSC model through decomposition as well as the savings that can be obtained from distributing safety stock based on the obtained results of this model are evaluated in this section. Experiments were conducted on AMD SempronTM processor 3400 1.8 GHz and 1 GB of RAM. A comparison between the SSP model and the SSC model is shown in Table 2. Results are tabulated for seven different supply chain congurations. The rst stage of the chain is a single stockpoint while the number of stockpoints at Tier-1 and Tier-2 stages are shown in the second and third columns. The SSC model gives less safety amount than the SSP model as a result of introducing the safety pooling concept into the consolidation model. The motivation cost, shown in the ninth column, is the rst term of the objective function (18) which represents the amount of money paid to the selected centers. The assumed range in which the annual holding cost per unit takes its input values is $50$150, while the assumed range of the motivation cost per class of item per year is $30,000$50,000. The third-to-last column shows the cost savings that can be attained by applying the SSC model. Based on the assigned ranges

Each of the seven problem instances of the multi-item model is solved directly using Minos in less than a second. Table 3 illustrates the computational experiments regarding the SSC model. Ten different problems with different values of input parameters are tested to check the computational efciency of the proposed consolidation model and solution methodology. The number of feasibility and optimality cuts added to the master problem differs from problem to another. For example, in the sixth problem all the stockpoints have enough capacity to handle any number of products. Thus, no feasibility cuts are added to the master problem as depicted in the fth column. In contrast, in the seventh problem, 219 feasibility cuts are added to the master problem in order to provide feasible Xijk solutions to the sub-problem. Because of the efciency of the lijk multiplier used in formulating the optimality cuts, the number of these cuts throughout the experiments is considered to be low, ranging from 430 cuts as shown in the sixth column. The drawback of the multiplier lijk is the time it takes to be calculated. As shown in the last three columns of the table, the solution time of the master and subproblems is very short compared to the total time of solving a problem. This indicates that most of the solution time of a given problem is consumed in calculating the multipliers at each iteration. The third-to-last column demonstrates the efciency of the proposed BD method to reach the optimal solution of the SSC model. The solution time elapsed to solve any of the 10 different problems is very short, between 10 and 83 s.

9. Summary and future extensions In this paper, two safety stock placement models are proposed to place safety amounts in a multi-stage supply chain. The supply chain comprises multiple sourced stockpoints facing variable demand and lead time. An explicit form is applied to determine the characteristics of the lead time at the multiple-sourced stockpoints by applying order statistics concepts. The ll rate at each stockpoint is decided from a supply chain perspective to minimize the safety stock placement cost throughout the entire

Table 2 Comparison between the decentralized safety stock placement model and the centralized safety stock consolidation model. Problem number Number of Tier-1 Number of Tier-2 Number of Items Decentralized safety stock placement model Safety amount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 5 4 5 7 8 9 4 4 5 5 3 6 7 7 6 10 8 9 5 4 17213 27381 32252 38302 32632 28811 25702 Holding cost 1,612,850 2,553,660 2,885,072 3,414,066 2,707,316 2,512,972 1,446,542 Centralized safety consolidation model Cost savings ($) % Saving

Safety amount 8536 11905 17603 17423 15600 11040 9753

Holding cost ($) 820,520 1,180,046 1,667,517 1,623,960 1,261,791 1,066,621 511,836

Motivation cost ($) 423,100 406,000 578,020 524,200 580,860 373,000 296,000

Total cost ($) 1,243,620 369,230 1,586,046 967,614 2,245,537 639,535 2,148,160 1,265,906 1,842,651 864,665 1,439,621 1,073,351 807,836 638,706


Safety stock size 50.40957 56.52095 45.42044 54.51151 52.19417 61.6813 62.05354

22.89 37.89 22.17 37.08 31.94 42.71 44.15


H. Osman, K. Demirli / Int. J. Production Economics 135 (2012) 299307

Table 3 Computational efciency of the decomposition method used to solve the centralized safety stock consolidation model. Number Tier-1 Tier-2 Items Added cuts Feasibility 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 6 4 8 9 12 5 7 10 10 4 8 5 6 7 9 5 13 11 12 7 11 10 5 4 12 8 8 7 9 52 4 25 31 5 0 219 10 28 31 Optimality 17 6 18 30 7 4 18 4 23 5 Solution time (s) Total 21 29 40 46 10 26 59 16 83 17 Master-problem 3 0.46 2 1.4 0.4 0.15 20 0.6 2.5 1.5 Sub-problem 2.5 0.35 2.5 2.5 0.3 0.12 9 0.5 2 0.8

supply chain. The minimum cost can be achieved by assigning high ll rates to stockpoints possessing low holding costs and low ll rates to stockpoints having high holding costs. The rst model is developed based on the decentralized approach of safety stock allocation, in which each stockpoint keeps sufcient safety amounts to face its underlying variability in lead time demand. The second model benets from variability reduction, resulting from pooling the lead time demand variability, to consolidate safety stocks in consolidation centers. The consolidation center at a given stage is responsible for dealing with the variability of lead time demand encountered at that stage. In return to this responsibility, each consolidation center will be paid an amount of credits. These credits along with the capacity restrictions and holding costs at each center are the criteria deciding on selecting the consolidation center at each stage. The safety consolidation model includes nonlinear and integrality constraints that inhibit commercial solvers from handling it directly. A Benders decomposition method is developed to decompose this model into two problems. The resulting master and sub-problem problems are solvable directly by Cplex and Minos respectively. Computational experiments recorded in Table 3 show that the proposed decomposition method solves the nonlinear mixed integer safety consolidation model in a very short time, between 10 and 83 s. The comparison made between the decentralized and the safety consolidation models illustrated in Table 2 shows that cost savings between 22.17% and 44.15% can be accomplished by employing the consolidation strategies. A reduction, ranging between 45.4% and 62%, in safety stock can be achieved by applying the consolidation policy. The proposed safety stock placement models could be extended by considering other probability distributions rather than the normal distribution to represent lead time and demand variability. The SSC model assumes that stockpoints placed at a given stage employ the same cycle time. By relaxing this assumption the problem can be investigated with different cycle times at the stockpoints in the same stage. The decentralized and centralized approaches are compared based on the amount of safety stocks and the safety stock placement costs. Moving the decentralized safety amounts to the consolidation centers may affect on the delivery date at a downstream stage. The problem could be investigated further to consider the delivery performance in selecting a consolidation center and to study the effect of safety stock consolidation on the delivery time.

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