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Beefy Three-Cheese Enchiladas Recipe

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Kalamazoo Restaurants"et $%& 'ff Cou#ons 'n The Best (estaurants )n *a+ama,oo! Sign -#. ///!0i1ingSocia+!com Chicken Enchiladas RecipesBro/se chicken enchi+adas reci#es! (eci#es ready in under 2% minutes!///!Ha+fHourMea+s!com Medi ast: Save !i" #oda$3 4eeks Free Food! Sa1e 53%%. Medifast V)P Program! 0imited 'ffer///!Medifast6!com7V)P %ome Cookin" Ads Cooking (eci#es Beef (eci#es

Me8ican Food (eci#e Cooking Cheese

Chicken 9nchi+adas

Make this tasty beef and cheese enchi+adas reci#e for a crowd or free,e into #ortions for fami+y mea+s! &rep #ime: 2% minutes Cook #ime: 2% minutes #otal #ime: :% minutes 'n"redients:

2 #ounds ground beef 3 Tab+es#oons gar+ic #ressed or minced 3 Tab+es#oons ground cumin 6 Tab+es#oon chi+i #o/der ;< ounces mi+d sa+sa or #icante sauce =for use /ith beef mi8> 6?673 #ounds cream cheese softened and cut into chunks : cu#s shredded Cheddar cheese : cu#s shredded Monterey @ack cheese 2 red or green #e##ers fine+y cho##ed 2: =:?inch> torti++as ;< ounces mi+d sa+sa or #icante sauce =for to##ing> ;?673 cu#s shredded cheddar or Monterey @ack cheese

&reparation: (ote: These instructions are for make?ahead free,er mea+s =: mea+s of : ser1ings each>! Ho/e1er if you are cookin" or a crowd sim#+y use a +arge #an and ski# the free,ing instructions! For a chicken 1ersion substitute shredded cooked chicken for the ground beef! )n a stock #an o1er medium heat bro/n "round bee ! Drain and return to #an! '1er medium heat add "arlic cumin chi+i #o/er and salsaA stir to combine! 4hen mi8ture is heated add cream cheese chunks stirring unti+ me+ted! Stir in Cheddar cheese Monterey @ack cheese and #e##ers! (emo1e from heat and set aside! Assemb+e enchi+adas by #+acing 673 cu# beef?and?cheese mi8ture onto each torti++a and ro++ing! P+ace : enchi+adas in each container! Co1er /ith #+astic /ra# #ressing do/n to c+ing to food! Package sa+sa in snack bags 6 cu# #er mea+! Package cheese in snack bags 27; cu# #er mea+! P+ace a #ackage of sa+sa and cheese in each container and co1er! Free,e!

Defrost in refrigerator! Preheat o1en to 2$% degrees F! (emo1e +id sa+sa cheese and #+astic /ra#! S#read sa+sa o1er enchi+adas and co1er +oose+y /ith foi+ to #re1ent drying! Bake unti+ bubb+y around edges and hot in the center about 2% minutes! (emo1e foi+ and s#rink+e /ith cheese during the +ast $ minutes of baking! 0et stand at room tem#erature 6$ minutes before ser1ing! Bie+dC 2: ser1ings Dutrition information #er one enchi+adaC ;23 ca+ories 32 grams #rotein 3E grams fat 6E grams carbohydrate 6 gram fiber E$ mi++igrams cho+estero+ FF6 mi++igrams sodium (eci#e SourceC Cooking Among Friends, Meal Planning and Preparation Delightfully Simplified by Mary Tennant and Becki Visser =Cooking Among Friends> (e#rinted /ith #ermission!


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Beef Enchiladas Recipe

73434 Beef Enchiladas /recipe/view /7343

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Me ican is one of the most pop!lar choices of ethnic foods" Man# people opt to eat Me ican for a dinner o!t" Beca!se most recipes are also simple to make$ these spic# dishes from so!th of the %order often top the list of go to meals for %!s# families" &sing '!st a few ingredients pro%a%l# alread# in the pantr#$ this recipe for %eef enchiladas comes together (!ickl#"

) po!nd *ro!nd %eef )/+ c!p ,hopped -nion ) package taco seasoning ) can .)/ 01"2refried %eans )/+ c!p 'arred salsa + c!p Me ican3%lend shredded cheese

) can .)0 o12 enchilada sa!ce )+ )+ corn tortillas

4irections )"Preheat oven to 3506" +"7pra# a 8 )3 %aking dish lightl# with cooking spra#" 3",ook chopped onions and gro!nd %eef in a large skillet" 4"Add taco seasoning$ refried %eans$ salsa and a%o!t 9 c!p shredded cheese" Mi well" 5"Po!r a small amo!nt of enchilada sa!ce onto a rimmed plate or %aking sheet" /"4ip a corn tortilla into the sa!ce" 7pread a spoonf!l of the meat and %ean mi t!re onto the tortilla" 7"Roll !p and place in a 8 )3 %aking dish" :",ontin!e with the remaining tortillas adding more sa!ce as #o! go" 8";hen all tortillas are filled and rolled$ po!r remaining enchilada sa!ce over the enchiladas" )0"Bake for +0 min!tes" ))"Remove dish from oven and top with remaining shredded cheese" )+",ontin!e %aking !ntil cheese is melting or a%o!t )0 min!tes"

7ervings< )+ Prep time< ) ho!r ,ook =ime< 30 min!tes

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