Mathematics - Year 6: Name: Class

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DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST PAPER UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of: 15 subjective questions. 2. Answer all questions. 3. The diagrams in the questions provided are not drawn to scale unless stated. 4. The marks allocated for each question are shown in brackets. 5. This question paper must be handed in at the end of the examination. Paper Allocated Marks Marks Scored

1 Total


Percentage (%) Grade

Grade E : 0% - 19% Grade D : 20% - 39% Grade C : 40% - 59% Grade B : 60% - 79% Grade A : 80% and above

This paper consists of 3 printed pages. Paper 2 : Subjective Questions (20 marks) Show your working. It may help you to get marks.


Write sixty thousand and sixteen in numerals. [ 1 mark ]


Round off 470 639 to the nearest thousands. [ 1 mark ]


78 348 6 = [ 1 mark ]

4 016 396 5 = [ 2 marks ]

Divide 14 585 by 5, then round off the quotient to the nearest hundreds. [ 2 marks ]

A box contains 4 508 sweets. Mr. Khalid buys 16 such boxes of sweets. How many sweets does Mr. Khalid buy ? [ 2 marks ]

Table 1 shows the number of books in a library. English 71 906 Mandarin 8 365 Bahasa Melayu 52 617

Table 1 How many books are there altogether ? [ 2 marks ]

Pak Abu has RM180. He shares the money equally among his wife and his 3 children. How much money does each child get ? [ 3 marks ]

Puan Badariah bought 7 books that costs RM84. All the books are of the same price. What is the price of 3 such books ? [ 3 marks ]


Table 2 shows the number of newspapers that John sold in two days. Saturday 145 Table 2 Every day 180 newspapers are supplied to his shop. How many newspapers have not been sold in that two days ? [ 3 marks ] Sunday 170


******** END OF PAPER 2 ********

Paper 1 Objective Questions (30 marks) For each question, circle the letter with the correct answer. 1 Three million three hundred thirty thousand and thirteen in numerals is A B C D 3 303 013 3 303 030 3 330 013 3 330 030

650 000 = A B C D 0.065 million 0.65 million 6.5 million 65 million

What is the value of the digit 5 in the number 6 050 892 ? A B C D 50 500 5 000 50 000

Diagram 1 is a number line. X DIAGRAM 1 Which of the following is most likely the value of X ? A B C D 3 100 000 3 250 000 3 500 000 3 750 000

3 million

4 million

Which of the following numbers when rounded off to the nearest hundred thousands becomes 5 000 000 ? A B C D 4 935 617 4 955 617 5 285 617 5 985 617

1.28 million 58 196 = A B C D 1 221 804 1 222 804 69 914 69 804

The product of 51 608 and 49 lies between A B C D 2.2 million and 2.3 million 2.3 million and 2.4 million 2.4 million and 2.5 million 2.5 million and 2.6 million

102 400 25 = A B C D 496 4 096 4 906 4 960

6 000 3 372 6 = A B C D 438 562 2 628 5 438


Which of the following is not correct ? A B C D 300 30 x 8 = 2 160 (300 30) x 8 = 2 160 300 + 30 x 8 = 540 300 30 x 8 = 60


There are 280 coloured pencils in a box. 165 of the pencils are blue. 90 of the pencils are yellow and the rest are red pencils. How many red pencils are there ? A B C D 25 115 190 255


The sum of 3 numbers is 250. The first number is 70. The second and the third number are the same. What is the second number ? A B C D 320 180 90 60


RM144 is shared between Sufi and Shafiq. Sufi gets 2 times as much money as Shafiq. How much money does Sufi get ? A B C D RM288 RM96 RM72 RM48


Ikmal had RM100. Zahrul had RM90. Each of them bought a story book that cost RM15. What is their total amount of money left ? A B C D RM75 RM85 RM160 RM175


Zulkipli had 1 200 greeting cards. He packed the cards in bundles of 60. After he has packed 15 bundles, how many cards have not been packed yet ? A B C D 300 900 2 100 4 800 ******* END OF PART TWO ********


* For teachers only. Unit 1 : WHOLE NUMBERS Part 1 : Subjective Questions No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Allocated Mark(s) 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 Marking Guidelines
P1 : 60 016 P1 : 471 000 N1 : 13 058 K1 : N1 : N1 : N1 : K1 : N1 : K1 : N1 : K2 : N1 : K1 : K1 : N1 : K1 : K1 : N1 : 4 016 1 980 2 036 2 917 2 900 4 508 x 16 72 128 71 906 + 8 365 + 52 617 132 888 180 4 RM45 84 7 12 x 3 RM36 180 x 2 or 145 + 170 360 315 45 1 mark when multiplication is done before subtraction.


K1 : 180 3 N0 : 45 (without RM) K2 : 84 7 x 3 or equivalent N0 : 36 (without RM) K2 : (180145)+(180170) or equivalent

Part 2 : Objective Questions No. 1 4 7 10 13 Answer C B D A B No. 2 5 8 11 14 Answer B B B A C No. 3 6 9 12 15 Answer D A D C A

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