Impact On The Safety of Patients, Staff or Public (Physical/psychological Harm)

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Choos the appropriate descriptor for the risk issue you have identified.

Compare with the columns in same row to assess the severity on the scale of 1 to 5 to determine the consequence score. CONSEQUENCE DESCRIPTOR Domains 1 Negligible 2 Minor 3 Moderate
Moderate injury requiring professional intervention

4 Major
Major injury leading to longterm incapacity/disability Requiring time off work for >14 days

5 Catastrophic
Incident leading to death Multiple permanent injuries or irreversible health effects

Impact on the safety of Minimal injury requiring patients, staff or public no/minimal intervention Minor injury or illness, requiring minor intervention (physical/psychological harm) or treatment. No time off work

Requiring time off work for >3 Requiring time off work for days 4-14 days Increase in length of hospital stay by 1-3 days Increase in length of hospital stay by 4-15 days

Incorrect medication dispensed but not taken Incident resulting to bruise/graze Delay in routine transport for patient

Increase in length of hospital An event which impacts on stay by >15 days a large number of patients Mismanagement of patient care with long-term effects Removal of wrong body part leading to death or permanent incapacity Incident leading to paralysis

WRID/reportable incident

Wrong drug or dosage An event which impacts on a adminsitered with adverse small number of patients effects Wrong drug administered, with no adverse effects Physical attack with serious injury

Incident leading to tongterm mental health problem Multiple permanent injuries or irrreversible health effects Rape/serious sexual assault

Physical attack such as pushing, shoving or pinching Grade 4 pressure ulcer causing minor injury Self-Harm resulting to minor Long-Term HAI injuries Retained instruments/materials post surgery requiring further intervention Hemolytic Transfusion reaction

Grade 1 pressure ulcer

An event which impacts on a alrge number of patients


Slip, Fall resulting in injury such as dislocation/fracture, blow to the head Anxiety requiring occu[ational health counselling (no time off work required) Quality/complaints/audit Peripheral element of treatment or service suboptimal Informal complaint/inquiry Treatment or service has significantly reduced effectiveness Formal complaint (stage 2) complaint Local resolution (with potential to go to independent review) PTSD, Loss of Limb, Failure to ff up and administer vaccine to baby born to a mother with hepatitis B Non-compliance with national Totally unacceptable level standards with significant risk or quality of to patients if unresolved treatment/service Multiple complaints/ independent review Gross failure of patient safety if findings not acted on Inquest/Inquiry Gross failure to meet national standards

Overall treatment or service suboptimal

Formal complaint (stage 1)

Local resolution

Low performance rating

Single failure to meet internal Repeated failure to meet standards internal standards Major patient safety Minor implications for patient implications if findings are safety if unresolved not acted on Reduced performance rating if unresolved Human resources/ organisational development/staffing/ competence Short-term low staffing level that temporarily Low staffing level that reduces service quality (< reduces the service quality 1 day) Late delivery of key objective/ service due to lack of staff Unsafe staffing level or competence (>1 day) Low staff morale Poor staff attendance for mandatory/key training

Critical report

Uncertain delivery of key Non-delivery of key objective/service due to lack objective/service due to of staff lack of staff Unsafe staffing level or competence (>5 days) Loss of key staff Ongoing unsafe staffing levels or competence Loss of several key staff No staff attending mandatory training /key training on an ongoing basis

Very low staff morale

No staff attending mandatory/ key training

Statutory duty/ inspections Breech of statutory legislation

Single breech in statutory duty

Enforcement action

Multiple breeches in statutory duty

No or minimal impact or breech of guidance/ statutory duty

Challenging external Reduced performance rating if recommendations/ unresolved improvement notice

Multiple breeches in statutory Prosecution duty Improvement notices Low performance rating Critical report Complete systems change required Zero performance rating Severely critical report

Adverse publicity/ reputation Rumors Local media coverage Local media coverage

Potential for public concern

short-term reduction in public long-term reduction in confidence public confidence Elements of public expectation not being met

National media coverage with >3 days service well below reasonable public National media coverage with expectation. <3 days service well below reasonable public expectation Total loss of public confidence

Business objectives/ projects Insignificant cost increase/ schedule slippage Finance including claims

<5 per cent over project budget Schedule slippage

510 per cent over project budget Schedule slippage

Non-compliance with national Incident leading >25 per 1025 per cent over project cent over project budget budget Schedule slippage Key objectives not met Schedule slippage Key objectives not met

Loss of 0.10.25 per cent of budget Small loss Risk of claim remote Claim less than SR60,000

Loss of 0.250.5 per cent of budget Claim(s) between SR60,000 and SR600,000

Uncertain delivery of key Non-delivery of key objective/Loss of 0.51.0 per objective/ Loss of >1 per cent of budget cent of budget Claim(s) between SR 600,000 Failure to meet and SR 6 million specification/ slippage Purchasers failing to pay on time Loss of contract / payment by results Claim(s) >SR 6 million Permanent loss of service or facility Catastrophic impact on environment

Service/business interruption Loss/interruption of >1 Environmental impact hour Minimal or no impact on the environment

Loss/interruption of >8 hours Minor impact on environment

Loss/interruption of >1 day Moderate impact on environment

Loss/interruption of >1 week Major impact on environment

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