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Sum Up the book Buku Educating for Character of Thomas Lickona Read by Judha Sinu ingga !

hy doesn"t Schoo #ant to dea #ith $a ues% &t is re ated to the issue of p ura ism' ( ura ism produced para ysis) schoo s for the most part ended up trying to stay officia y neutra on the sub*ect of $a ues' +p',But no#. it comes a summons to the schoo s/ Take up the ro e of mora teachers of our chi dren' +p' 0The most basic kinds of mora kno# edge seem to be disappearing from our common cu ture' +p'1- 2or e3amp e/ the ru e #e used to use. ike the 4o den Ru e. doesn"t speak something anymore' Smart and 4ood are the t#o great goa s of education +p' 5&n the ate 6789s. ya e Uni$ersity (sycho ogists :ugh :artshorne and ;ark ;ay propounded the doctrine of specificity/ honest or dishonest beha$ior by a person is high y $ariab e and determined by the spesific situation +such as the degree of risk in$o $ed-. not by some consistent interna state that one cou d ca character' +p'<=>-' ??? this #as #eakening the support for traditiona character education' ;ean#hi e. ogica positi$ism introduced a fundamenta distinction bet#een fact and $a ue' ;ora or $a ue statements #ere considered emoti$e @ e3pressions of fee ing rather than fact' +p'>-' A $a ue *udgement #as automatica y dismissed as *ust your persona opinion rather than as a rationa . ob*ecti$e c aim about #hat"s good or bad. better or #orse' The rise of persona ism in 6759s and 67<9s' +p'7&n 6759s. persona ism ce ebrated the #orth. dignity. and autonomy of the indi$idua person. inc uding the sub*ecti$e se f or inner ife of the person' &t emphasiBed rights more than responsibi ity. freedom more than commitment' (ersona ism spa#ned a ne# se fishness' (ersona ism ga$e birth to $a ues c arification' +p' 69- This #as a ne# approach to $a ues in the schoo s' Cone #ith the pub ication of Da ues and Teaching by Co umbia Uni$ersity (rofessor Louis Raths in 6755' !hat did $a ues c arification te teachers to do% Eot to try to teach $a ues at a ' &nstead. the teacher"s *ob #as to he p students earn ho# to c arify their o#n $a ues' E3amp es of Da ues C arification/ Da ues !hip The teacher or student poses a Fuestion to the c ass and pro$ides a fe# moments for the members to think about their ans#ers' Then the teacher #hips around the room ca ing upon students to gi$e their ans#ers' Da ues Doting The teacher reads a oud. one by one. Fuestions #hich begin. :o# many of you G% Then the c ass $otes #ith a sho# of hands' &n practice. teachers often #eren"t sure #hat to do after students had c arified their $a ues' +p' 69- At it best. $a ues c arification raised some important $a ue issues for students to think about and encouraged them to c ose the gap bet#een a $a ue

professed +e'g' (o ution is bad- and persona action +!hat are you doing about it%-' At it #orst. $a ues c arification mi3ed up tri$ia +H not important or seriousFuestions #ith important ethica issues' Da ues c arification discussions made no distinction bet#een #hat you might want to do and #hat you ought to do' There #as no reFuirement to e$a uate one"s $a ues against a standard. no suggestion that some $a ues might be better or #orse than others' &n the end. $a ues c arification made the mistake of treating kids ike gro#n= ups #ho on y needed to c arify $a ues that #ere a ready sound' &t forgot that chi dren. and a ot of adu ts #ho are sti mora chi dren. need a good dea of he p in de$e oping sound $a ues in the first p ace' Ither approaches #e shou d consider/ La#rence Joh berg"s mora di emma discussions) and rationa decision=making +#as de$e oped by mora phi osophers+p'68- @ check out at chapters 68 and 6,' These approaches re*ected $a ues c arification"s mora re ati$ism and attempted to he p students de$e op ethica y $a id #ays of reasoning about mora issues' But their focus #as sti on process @ thinking ski s @ rather than mora content' Teachers sti didn"t see it as their ro e to teach or foster particu ar $a ues' SU;;&E4 U( T:E CASE 2IR DALUES ECUCAT&IE +pp' 89 = '' Ten good reasons #hy schoo s shou d be making a c earheaded and #ho ehearted commitment to teaching mora $a ues and de$e oping good character/ 6' There is a c ear and urgent need' 8' Transmitting $a ues is and a #ays has been the #ork of ci$i iBation' :istorica y. three socia institutions ha$e shared the #ork of mora education/ the home. the church. and the schoo ' ,' The Schoo "s ro e as mora educator becomes e$en more $ita at a time #hen mi ions of chi dren get itt e mora teaching from their parents and #here $a ue=centered inf uences such as church or temp e are a so absent from their i$es' 0' There is common ethica ground e$en in our $a ue=conf icted society' 1' Cemocracies ha$e a specia need for mora education. because democracy is go$ernment by the peop e themse $es' 5' There is no such thing as $a ue=free education' <' The great Fuestions facing both the indi$idua person and the human race are mora Fuestions' >' There is broad=based. gro#ing support for $a ues education in the schoo s' 7' An unabashed commitment to mora education is essentia if #e are to attract and keep good teachers' 69'Da ues education is a doab e *ob' The parents #ho are most effecti$e. the research indicates. are authoritati$e @ reFuiring obedience from their chi dren but pro$iding c ear reasons for their e3pectations. so that chi dren e$entua y interna iBe the mora rationa e and act responsib y on their o#n' +p' ,9Lo$e. ike authority. is foundationa +p',9!hat"s the fami y ro e% +p',9So. the ro e of the schoo can"t do so much #ithout the ro e of the parents'

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