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Rutherford, Heather 1

Student Name: Junior Jones Moms Name: Terri Jones School: None Assessment Date: 09/06/2013 Chronological Age at Time of Testing:

Date of Birth: Dads Name: Grade: Date Report Written: 26 years, 10 months

11/20/1986 Gerald Jones Adult 9/15/2013

Reason for Referral This assessment was given for purpose of the examiner to practice administration of the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement. Background History Junior Jones is a 26-year-old adult male. Junior is on active duty in the United States Navy and currently lives in Aurora, CO. Junior graduated high school without any difficulties and had a typical childhood, achieving all the typical development milestones as expected. Behavioral Observations Junior approached the testing situation in a confident manner. Junior was able to maintain eye contact with the examiner and converse in a manner typical for his age. During the testing, it was evident that Junior was interested in getting through the test as quickly as possible. He would rush to answer some of the questions before the examiner asked him to respond. During the math calculation subtest, Junior completed some of the math problems and then handed the booklet to the examiner and stated, I dont do these without a calculator. This assessment was given for the purpose of the examiner to practice administering the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement. Given the previous information, it is believed that Juniors testing data does not represent a fair sample of his abilities. Test and Procedures Administered Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #1 Letter-Word Identification Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #2 Reading Fluency Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #3 Story Recall Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #4 Understanding Directions Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #5 Calculation Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #6 Math Fluency Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #7 Spelling Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #8 Writing Fluency Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #9 Passage Comprehension Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #10 Applied Problems Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #11 Writing Samples Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #12 Story Recall-Delayed Woodcock-Johnson III Subtest #14 Picture Vocabulary

Rutherford, Heather 2 Test Results Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement (WJ-III) Standard Score 94 115 95 92 84 104 106 108 100 84 112 103 96 Standard Score 92 94 100 109 86 108 87 110 93 112 95 Percentile Rank 35 84 37 29 14 60 65 71 49 14 79 59 40 Percentile Rank 29 34 49 72 18 71 20 74 32 78 36

Name of Subtest #1 Letter-Word Identification #2 Reading Fluency #3 Story Recall #4 Understanding Directions #5 Calculation #6 Math Fluency #7 Spelling #8 Writing Fluency #9 Passage Comprehension #10 Applied Problems #11 Writing Samples #12 Story Recall-Delayed #14 Picture Vocabulary

Classification Average Average Average Average Low Average Average Average Average Average Low Average High Average Average Average

Test Clusters Oral Language Oral Expression Total Achievement Broad Reading Broad Math Broad Written Language Math Calculation Skills Written Expression Academic Skills Academic Fluency Academic Applications

Classification Average Average Average Average Low Average Average Low Average Average Average High Average Average

The Letter-Word Identification subtest of the WJ-III measures the persons word identification skills. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 94. As indicated by his percentile rank of 35, Junior performed as well as or better than 35 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Reading Fluency subtest of the WJ-III measures the persons ability to quickly read simple sentences and decide if the statement is true or false. The person circles Yes or No in the Subject Response Booklet. The individual attempts to complete as many items as possible within a 3-minute time limit. On this subtest, Juniors

Rutherford, Heather 3 performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 115. As indicated by his percentile rank of 84, Junior performed as well as or better than 84 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Story Recall subtest of the WJ-III measures aspects of oral language including language development and meaningful memory. The task requires the subject to recall increasingly complex stories that are presented using an audio recording. After listening to a passage, the individual is asked to recall as many details of the story as he or she can remember. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 95. As indicated by his percentile rank of 37, Junior performed as well as or better than 37 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Understanding Directions subtest of the WJ-III is an oral language measure. The task requires the person to listen to a sequence of audio-recorded instructions and then follow the directions by pointing to various objects in a colored picture. The items gradually increase in linguistic complexity as the number of tasks to perform increases. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 92. As indicated by his percentile rank of 29, Junior performed as well as or better than 29 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Calculation subtest of the WJ-III is a test of math achievement measuring the ability to perform mathematical computations. The initial items in Calculation require the individual to write single numbers. The remaining items require the person to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and combinations of these basic operations, as well as some geometric, trigonometric, logarithmic, and calculus operations. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Low Average range, earning a standard score of 84. As indicated by his percentile rank of 14, Junior performed as well as or better than 14 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Math Fluency subtest of the WJ-III measures the ability to solve simple addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts quickly. The person is presented a series of simple arithmetic problems in the Subject Response Booklet. This test has a 3-minute time limit. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 104. As indicated by his percentile rank of 60, Junior performed as well as or better than 60 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Spelling subtest of the WJ-III measures the ability to write orally presented words correctly. The initial items measure prewriting skills such as drawing lines and tracing letters. The next set of items requires the person to produce uppercase and lowercase letters. The remaining items measure the persons ability to spell words correctly. The items become increasingly difficult as the words become more difficult. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 106. As indicated by his percentile rank of 65, Junior performed as well as or better than 65 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age.

Rutherford, Heather 4 The Writing Fluency subtest of the WJ-III measures skill in formulating and writing simple sentences quickly. Each sentence must relate to a given stimulus picture in the Subject Response Booklet and include a given set of three words. This test has a 7minute time limit. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 108. As indicated by his percentile rank of 71, Junior performed as well as or better than 71 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Passage Comprehension subtest of the WJ-III initial items involves symbolic learning, or the ability to match a rebus (pictographic representation of a word) with an actual picture of the object. The next items are presented in a multiple choice format and require the person to point to the picture represented by a phrase. The remaining items require the person to read a short passage and identify a missing key word that makes sense in the context of that passage. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 100. As indicated by his percentile rank of 49, Junior performed as well as or better than 49 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Applied Problems subtest of the WJ-III requires the person to analyze and solve math problems. To solve the problems, the person must listen to the problem, recognize the procedure to be followed, and then perform relatively simple calculations. Because many of the problems include extraneous information, the individual must decide not only the appropriate mathematical operations to use but also which numbers to include in the calculation. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Low Average range, earning a standard score of 84. As indicated by his percentile rank of 14, Junior performed as well as or better than 14 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Writing Samples subtest of the WJ-III measures skill in writing responses to a variety of demands. The person must produce written sentences that are evaluated with respect to the quality of expression. Item difficulty increases by increasing passage length, level of vocabulary, grammatical complexities, and level of concept abstraction. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the High Average range, earning a standard score of 112. As indicated by his percentile rank of 79, Junior performed as well as or better than 79 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Story Recall-Delayed subtest of the WJ-III measures aspects of language development and meaningful memory using previously presented stories. The task requires the individual to recall, after 30 or more minutes on the same day or up to 8 days after administration, the story elements presented in Test 3: Story Recall. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 103. As indicated by his percentile rank of 59, Junior performed as well as or better than 59 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Picture Vocabulary subtest of the WJ-III measures oral language development and lexical (word) knowledge. The task requires the person to identify pictured objects.

Rutherford, Heather 5 Although a few receptive items are offered at the beginning of the test, this is primarily an expressive language task at the single-word level. The items become increasingly difficult as the selected pictures appear less and less frequently in the environment. On this subtest, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 96. As indicated by his percentile rank of 40, Junior performed as well as or better than 40 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Oral Language cluster of the WJ-III is an aggregate measure of linguistic competency, listening ability, and comprehension. It is a combination of Test 3: Story Recall and Test 4: Understanding Directions. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 92. As indicated by his percentile rank of 29, Junior performed as well as or better than 29 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Oral Expression cluster of the WJ-III is an aggregate measure of linguistic competency, and expressive vocabulary. It is a combination of Test 3: Story Recall and Test 14: Picture Vocabulary. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 94. As indicated by his percentile rank of 34, Junior performed as well as or better than 34 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Total Achievement cluster of the WJ-III is a combination of the nine tests included in Broad Reading, Broad Math, and Broad Written Language and can be viewed as representing a persons overall performance across the various achievement domains. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 100. As indicated by his percentile rank of 49, Junior performed as well as or better than 49 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Broad Reading cluster of the WJ-III provides a comprehensive measure of reading achievement including reading decoding, reading speed, and the ability to comprehend connected discourse while reading. It is a combination of Test 1: LetterWord Identification, Test 2: Reading Fluency, and Test 9: Passage Comprehension. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 109. As indicated by his percentile rank of 72, Junior performed as well as or better than 72 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Broad Math cluster of the WJ-III provides a comprehensive measure of math achievement including problem solving, number facility, automaticity, and reasoning. It is a combination of Test 5: Calculation, Test 6: Math Fluency and Test 10: Applied Problems. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Low Average range, earning a standard score of 86. As indicated by his percentile rank of 18, Junior performed as well as or better than 18 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Broad Written Language cluster of the WJ-III provides a comprehensive measure of written language achievement including spelling of single-word responses,

Rutherford, Heather 6 fluency of production, and quality of expression. It is a combination of Test 7: Spelling, Test 8: Writing Fluency and Test 11: Writing Samples. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 108. As indicated by his percentile rank of 71, Junior performed as well as or better than 71 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Math Calculation Skills cluster of the WJ-III is an aggregate measure of computational skills and automaticity with basic math facts and provides a measure of basic mathematical skills. It is a combination of Test 5: Calculation and Test 6: Math Fluency. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Low Average range, earning a standard score of 87. As indicated by his percentile rank of 20, Junior performed as well as or better than 20 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Written Expression cluster of the WJ-III is an aggregate measure of meaningful written expression and fluency providing a measure of written expression skills. It is a combination of Test 8: Writing Fluency and Test 11: Writing Samples. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 110. As indicated by his percentile rank of 74, Junior performed as well as or better than 74 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Academic Skills cluster of the WJ-III is an aggregate measure of reading decoding, math calculation, and spelling of single-word responses providing an overall score of basic achievement skills. It is a combination of Test 1: Letter-Word Identification, Test 5: Calculation and Test 7: Spelling. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 93. As indicated by his percentile rank of 32, Junior performed as well as or better than 32 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Academic Fluency cluster of the WJ-III provides an overall index of academic fluency. It is a combination of Test 2: Reading Fluency, Test 6: Math Fluency and Test 8: Writing Fluency. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the High Average range, earning a standard score of 112. As indicated by his percentile rank of 78, Junior performed as well as or better than 78 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. The Academic Applications cluster of the WJ-III requires the application of academic skills to academic problems. It is a combination of Test 9: Passage Comprehension, Test 10: Applied Problems and Test 11: Writing Samples. On this test cluster, Juniors performance was in the Average range, earning a standard score of 95. As indicated by his percentile rank of 36, Junior performed as well as or better than 36 percent of all adults when compared to the norms for his age. Conclusion Junior Jones is a 26-year-old adult male who was administered the Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III) for the purposes of the examiner to practice administration of the WJ-III.

Rutherford, Heather 7 Juniors strength is in writing and he performs at an average level for his age in reading, spelling, and comprehension. Junior appears to struggle with math. He failed to complete many problems on Test 5: Calculation, and appeared to confuse the math signs. He added when the problem called for subtraction. Junior appeared to be in a hurry to complete the testing, and rushed through many of his answers. Recommendations to the Adult 1. Use the computer to play brain training games. There are websites available that provide games to help adults improve and maintain their mental acuity. 2. When taking tests, try to slow down and not rush through the questions. 3. Practice mental math calculations to reduce your dependency on a calculator. 4. Enroll in a college course to continue to further your education. ________________________ Heather Rutherford Educational Evaluator

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