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WORLD 1) Steve Jobs death

co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc he became a member of the board of directors of the Walt Disney Company in 2006 n ctober !, 20"", #obs died in California at the a$e of !6, seven years after bein$ dia$nosed %ith pancreatic cancer&' n his death he %as %idely described as a visionary, pioneer and $enius(perhaps one of the foremost(in the field of business, innovation, and product desi$n, and a man %ho had profoundly chan$ed the face of the modern %orld, revolutioni)ed at least six different industries, and %ho %as an *exemplar for all chief executives*& +is death %as %idely mourned and considered a loss to the %orld by commentators across the $lobe&

2, - ./0 12I3/ 20"" 4ince "50", the -obel 1ri)e has been a%arded to men and %omen from all corners of the $lobe for outstandin$ achievements in physics, chemistry, physiolo$y or medicine, literature, and for %or6 in peace& In "567, economic sciences added to the the list of fields& 8/DICI-/9 .ruce A& .eutler #ules A& +offmann :;for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity" 2alph 8& 4teinman for his discovery of the dendritic cell and its role in adaptive immunity" & 1+<4IC4 4aul 1erlmutter .rian 1& 4chmidt Adam G. Riess "for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the Universe through observations of distant supernovae" LITERATURE =omas =ranstr>mer PEACE PRIZE /llen #ohnson 4irleaf 0eymah ?bo%ee =a%a66ul @arman =he -obel 1eace 1ri)e 20"" %as a%arded Aointly to /llen #ohnson 4irleaf, 0eymah ?bo%ee and =a%a66ul @arman "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for womens rights to full participation in peace-building work" &


Macedonia Turns 20 On Sept. 8, the Republic of Macedonia marked 20 years of existence as an independent state. The important anni ersary !as celebrated !ith a ne! airport terminal, ne! asphalt on the streets of Skop"e, a fleet of ne!, extra a#ant double$decker buses for the capital, many ne! monuments, museums, a triumphant arch and much more. Some media in the re#ion commented that the main celebration !as like the %slets% durin# Tito&s time. There !as not much political unity o er the celebration. The opposition boycotted it. 'o!e er, that is part of Macedonia&s political tradition by no!. A bizarre name dispute The country !as the third of the former (u#osla republics to declare independence !hen the socialist federation started to dissol e and plun#e into !ar in )**). Slo enia and +roatia preceded it, declarin# independence in ,une, !hereas -osnia and 'er.e#o ina /-i'0 follo!ed suit later that year in 1ecember. Montene#ro declared its independence in 2002 !ith a closely contested ote to finally part !ays !ith -el#rade. 3oso o, !hich !as not a republic in the old (u#osla ia, but an autonomous pro ince of Serbia, unilaterally declared its so erei#nty in 2008. Serbia does not reco#ni.e 3oso o&s secession but under 4.S. leadership most of the international community the ne! state.

United Kingdom
?overnor %arned that the nation may be facin$ its *most serious financial crisis ever*

5rime Minister 1onald Tusk&s centre$ri#ht +i ic 5latform 5arty #ained a clear ictory in 5oland&s !eekend parliamentary elections, securin# 6* per cent of ote, election officials said Monday, after almost all the otes had been counted

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