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Lesson Plan For Year 2 ( Listening & Speaking, Reading and Writing) Subject Class Date Time No.

Pupils : English Language : Year 2 Amanah : 5th March 2012 (Day 1) : 12.50 1.50 pm (60 minutes) : 33 pupils

Lesson Focus : Listening and Speaking Theme Topic : World Of Knowledge : I Am Special


: 1.1 By the end of the 6- year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and intonation. 1.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to listen and respond appropriately in formal and informal situations for variety of purposes. Learning Standard : 1.1.3 Able to listen to, say aloud and recite rhymes or sing song. : 1.2.2 Able to listen to and follow:


(a) Simple instructions in the classroom Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to : listen to and sing the song Ten Little Fingers in correct rhythm. listen to and follow simple instruction correctly. Teaching Aids : word cards, lyric of songs and cassette



Activity 1. Blindfold a pupils Ask pupils to create sounds using their body parts. 2. Introduce body parts to the pupils orally. Pupils listen and repeat. 3. Pupils to the parts of the

Teaching and Learning Strategy Kinesthetic activity

Notes Teacher shows the; snapping the fingers, whistling, clapping hands, stamping feet., Teacher ask pupils to points when teacher utter the words. Parts of the body;

Listen and make interpretations Vocabulary

body and pupils name them. 4. Pair up the pupils. Pupils ask and answering. 5. Show the word cards and pupils read them.

Listening and speaking

Reading aloud

6. Play a recorded song on tape. Pupils listen and sing along. 7. Play the game Simon say in the class 8. Assessment: Pupils name the body parts shown by teacher. 9. Pupils draw and label the parts of a body. 10. Sing the song

Listening and singing

eyes,nose,mouth,ears,hands and legs Sentence patterns: Q: What is this? A: This is a nose. Words cards: Eyes, nose,mouth,ears,hands and legs Song: Ten Little Fingers (Appendix 1) a. Point to the nose. b. Clap your hands c. Close your eyes Activity

Following instructions


Labeling Recalling

Subject Class Date Time No. Pupils

: English Language : Year 2 Amanah : 6th March. 2012 (Day 2) : 12.50 1.50 pm (60 minutes) : 33 pupils

Lesson Focus : Reading Theme Topic Content apply Standard texts. knowledge of sound of letters to recognize words in linear and non-linear : World of knowledge : I Am Special : 2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to

2.2 By the end of the 6-years primary schooling, pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning. Learning aloud. Standard 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases in linear and non-linear texts. 2.2.3 Able to read and understand simple sentences. Objective : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: : 2.1.2 Able to blend phonemes into recognizable words and read them


blend phonemes into correct words and read them aloud. read and identify at least three phrases in a jazz chant. read and understand sentences in the jazz chant. Teaching Aids
Activity 1. Pupils sing the song Ten little Fingers. 2. Show picture cards and pupils name them. 3. Point out the phoneme for the grapheme ou from the words. Pupils say aloud. 4. Pupils read the words again as shown by teacher while stressing on the phoneme. 5. Stick jumbled up the grapheme cards on the board. Call pupils randomly to form words using the cards. d r n Blending sound Grapheme cards ; eg Reading Drilling pupils to read the words. Phonic Pronunciation




: picture cards, word cards and worksheet

Teaching and Learning strategy Recalling and reinforcement Recalling Vocabulary Teacher play the song to recall the rhythm. Picture cards: mouth,round,loud,scout,blouse Word list; round,mouth,loud,scout,blouse Notes


6. Pupils read aloud the words and read the chant.

Practice Reinforcement Chanting

Jazz chant; What I Have (Appendix 2)

7. Divide the pupils into two groups. Pupils read the jazz chant in groups. 8. Pupils identify and read them aloud. 9. Distribute worksheets to pupils.Pupils complete the task. 10. Pupils read sentences from the cards.


Identify and reading

Teacher guide pupils to identify the phrases.

Observation Written assessment

Teacher makes an explaination (Appendix 3)

Subject Class Date Time No. Pupils

: English Language : 2 Amanah : 7th March 2012 ( Day 3 ) : 4.35 5.35 pm (60 minutes) : 33 pupils : Writing : World of Knowledge : I Am Special : 3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to form letters and words in neat legible print including cursive writing. 3.2 By the end of 6-years primary schooling, pupils will be able to write using appropriate language, form and style for a range of purpose.

Lesson Focus Theme Topic Content Standard


: 3.1.1 Able to write in neat legible print: (b) simple sentences

Standard Objective sentences

3.2.2 Able to write simple sentences with guidance. : By the of the lesson, pupils will be able to write at least five simple

with correct spelling and punctuation. Teaching Aids ` : jigsaw puzzle, LCD projector and worksheet


Teaching and Learning Strategies


1. Divide the pupils into 6 groups. Distribute jigsaw puzzle of body part to each groups. 2. Pupils assemble the jigsaw puzzle and name them. Solving jigsaw puzzle

Teacher has to enlarge 6 different pictures of body parts and cut them into jigsaw puzzles. Teacher give a reward the first group that assembles the jigsaw puzzle.

3. Distribute worksheet to pupils. Read aloud the phrases.(Appendix 2)


Pupils read loudly and clearly and teacher guide pupils to utter the words correctly.

4. Pupils write the phrases on worksheet pupils draw the parts of the face. 5. Pupils write sentences using the phrases by the teacher. 6. Project the jazz chant What I Have on the screen.

Writing and drawing

Teacher can put up some of the drawing on the board.(Appendix 6)


Observation from teacher for the spelling and punctuation the sentences.(Appendix 6)


Jazz chant; What I Have

Pupils read the jazz chant in groups. 7. Pupils work in group and come out with three more stanzas for the jazz chant. Writing

(Appendix 2)

Teacher goes around and help the group when; two small eyes,two long hands,two strong legs.

8. Pupils chant the stanzas written by them 9. Assessment: Pupils write sentences using the words given.


Teacher observation the performance.


Worksheets Appendix 7 and 8.

Song: Ten Little Fingers (Tune: Twinkel, Twinkle Little Star) Ten little fingers. Ten little toes. Two little eyes. And one little nose. Eyes to see And mouth to talk. Hands to touch. And legs to walk. JAZZ CHANT What do you have? What do you have? What do you have my friend? I have a sharp nose. I have a sharp nose I have a sharp nose my friend? - A big mouth - Two round eyes - Two small ears

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