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1Basic Definitions:
3.1.1 Deformation Gra ient: Consider a body as shown in figure 1 which undergoes some deformations. Let R and R* be the undeformed and deformed states of the body respectively. Let x be the position vector of a point P of the body in R. Position of point P in the deformed configuration is p and its position vector is y. Let d! represents a

Figure 1 !ody in undeformed and deformed configurations

small length elemnt in undeformed configuration and it is changed to d" in the deformed configuration . "hen d" and d! are related to each other by #1 $ where F is given by

#% $

and is called the deformation gradient. &ere directions respectively.

are the components of displacement u in

3.1.# Princi$%e In&ariants of a Tensor: For any tensor A we can define three terms called principle invariants which are denoted by '1( '%( ') and are given by

where tr denotes trace of tensor and det denotes determinant of tensor. 3.1.3 In icia% notations: "he indicial notations we have used can be understood by ta*ing an example. Let f is a function of then

3.1.' Ca(c)" *Green Deformation Tensors: 3.1.'.1 Ri+)t Ca(c)" Green eformation tensor: 't is defined as #) $ &ere " denotes the transpose. 3.1.'.# ,eft Ca(c)" *Green eformation tensor: 't is defined as #+$ 3.1.- Traction .ector: 'f dF is the force acting on an area ds of the surface of a body then traction vector is defined as

3.1./ Stress At A Point: ,t any point of the body the state of stress is defined by following stress tensor


represent that the stress is acting in -th direction on a plane which is perpendicular to the

ith direction. 3.1.0 Re%ation 1et2een t an point and t are related by #2 $ 3.1.3 T"$es Of Stress Tensor: .hen a body undergoes large deformations then we have to ma*e distinction between undeformed and deformed configuration. ,s shown in figure % let us assume that traction T is applied on a small surface element d/ in R. N is the normal vector on d/. .hile t and n are the traction vector and normal vector to the surface element ds in R*. Let force acting on the body is f. "hen we can define following three types of stress tensors : 'f the normal vector to the surface of the body is n then at that

Figure % !ody with P01' and Cauchy traction vectors

3.1.4 Ca(c)" Stress Tensor : 'n this tensor the area of deformed configuration is used for stress calculation. 't is denoted by and is given by #3 $ &ere t is the Cauchy traction vector. Cauchy stress tensor is symmetric.

3.1.15 First Piola-Kirchhoff (PK-I) stress Tensor: 'n this tensor the area of undeformed configuration is used for stress calculation. 't is denoted by and is given by #5 $ &ere T is the first Piola-Kirchhoff (PK-I) traction vector. First Piola-Kirchhoff (PK-I) stress Tensor is not symmetric. 3.1.11 Secon Piola-Kirchhoff (PK-II) stress Tensor: We define a pseudo force vector such that

then second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor denoted by S is given by (8 ) 3.1.1# Re%ation Bet2een T)ree Stress Tensors: !y e4uations #3$ and #5$ we obtain

.e shall use the 6anson7s relation 8+9 which relates the normal vectors in deformed and undeformed configurations.

6ow putting the value of

#< $ "his is the relation between and . : is the third invariant of and its value is 1 for

incompressible materials. ,gain from #5$ and #;$

#1= $

and putting

from #<$ #11 $

"his is the relation between

and S.

3.# H"$er e%astic materia%s an 1asic +o&ernin+ e6(ations:

3.#.1 H"$ere%astic materia%s: Linear elastic material model assumes that the deformations are small in the material. "here exist some materials which are elastic but exhibit large deformations upon loading hence linear elastic model is not suitable for such materials. &yperelastic model is used to characteri>e such material behavior. Rubber( vulcani>ed elastomers( unfilled elastomers and biological tissues are some examples whose behavior can be best characteri>ed by hyperelastic model. "hese materials are a special case of Cauchy elastic materials which means that the stress state depends only on the current state of deformation and not on the path or history of deformation. For these materials stress1strain relationships are derived from strain energy density function . and given by #1% $ For general hyperelastic material model . is a function of three principle invariants of the left #or right$ Cauchy1?reen tensor

"he values of

are given by 8)9

I is the unit tensor. Putting values in S

@sing #11$

#1) $ Following are some of the widely used hyperelastic material laws 8119 a. 6eo1&oo*ean b. Aooney1Rivlin c. Polynomial form of order % d. Reduced Polynomial form of order % e. ,rruda1!oyce "hese all differ in the way that they assume different expressions for .. 'n this seminar material is chosen to be 6eo B&oo*ean because it gives the simplest expression for .. 'n addition the 6eo1&oo*ean material is assumed to be incompressible. 6ow to ensure that deformation is locally volume preserving #incompressible$ we shall assume that an arbitrary hydrostatic pressure p is acting at all points of the body such that e4uation #1)$ converts to #1+ $ For 6eo1&oo*ean material . is a function of and will be >ero hence from e4uation #1+$ only so the derivatives of . with respect to

#12 $ and from e4uation #<$ #13 $

C)a$ter ' Pro1%em Consi ere An Its So%(tion

Figure ) Crac* with coordinate system '.1 So%(tion of t)e crac7 $ro1%em: Consider a region R as shown in figure ) which
represents the open cross section of an infinite slab containing a crac* of length %c. "he slab is to be deformed in finite anti plane shear. /uch a deformation is characteri>ed by

Cur goal is to find

which will satisfy the boundary conditions and e4uilibrium e4uations and

consistent with the constitutive relation #12$ and #13$. 6ow with the above displacement components the values of and from e4uations #%$ and #)$ will be

/o from the state of stress in the slab in terms of P01' stress tensor from e4uation #13$ is

#15 $

,nd in terms of Cauchy stress tensor from e4uation #12$ is

#1; $

"he e4uilibrium e4uations in terms of


are #1< $ #%= $

/ince the surface of the crac* is a free surface i.e. there is no load at that surface so traction will be >ero along the crac* faces in both deformed and undeformed configuration. .e can not determine the stress boundary conditions in terms of Cauchy stresses because body has undergone large deformations so in the deformed configuration we do not *now the nomal vector in the plane of crac*. .e can determine the boundary conditions only in terms of P01' stresses so we shall solve e4uation and determine the state of stress . "hen from the relation between we shall determine which we are finally interested in. From #15$ and #%=$ and


#%% $ &ere and and both have the range 1( %. /ince left side expression of e4uation #%%$ is a function of . ,nd the two e4uations #%1$ re4uire that should be

only so p should be linear in

independent of

so let us assume p to be of the following form #%) $


is an arbitrary constant. Putting p into e4uations #%1$ and #%%$ #%+ $

/olving e4uation #%+$ we get #%2 $ Load along the crac* faces is >ero so the traction vector along the crac* line is #%3 $

6ormal vector of the crac* faces in R is #%5 $ /o by the relation between and we get boundary conditions

#%; $ is already >ero. !y the second boundary condition we get

"his e4uation should be true for all values of

so we get

From third boundary condition we get

/o we get the condition #%< $ ,fter putting the value of p in e4uation #%%$ we get the condition #)= $

"here is one additional boundary condition distances from the crac* tip i. e.

should correspond to simple shear at large

#)1 $ &ere * represents the amount of shear. 6ow the problem converts to finding satisfies #%<$( #)=$ and #)1$. Cne more condition on such that it

is that it should be bounded near the crac*

tips. For the 6eo1&oo*ean material the value of . is given by

@sing this value the e4uation #)=$ converts to #)% $ ,nd the value of stresses is

"he global solution of this problem is given by

/o the values of stresses are #)) $ #)+ $ #)2 $

Resultant shear stress is

#)3 $ "he near tip approximation of near the right crac* tip is denoted by and is given as(

#)5 $ 'f the problem is solved using the linear theory than near tip approximation of is found to be

same as that obtained above but in linear theory comes out to be >ero but here since the material behaviour is nonlinear hence is not only non>ero but nonlinear also. ,gain we note that is the only nonlinear effect present here so we shall use the value of #)2$ to compare with the value of #)3$ to get a measure of non linearity of the problem.

'.# Con ition for t)e non%inearit" to 1e sma%% sca%e:

'.#.1 %e&e% non%inear 8one 9 : 'f represents the specified error tolerance than for this

crac* problem the ine4uality

represents the set of all points # level #because get is non linear and

for which the elastic field is approximately non linear at is linear$. Putting values from e4uations #)2$ and #)3$ we

#); $ Figures +(2 and 3 show level nonlinear >one # for different values of *. 't can be seen that

Figure +

level nonlinear >one #

( *D=.<

Figure 2

level nonlinear >one #

( *D

Figure 3
For * ( while contained. ,nd for '.#.#

level nonlinear >one #


( *D
such that E

contains two bounded( connected subsets

contains right #left$ crac* tip. 'n this case we say that nonlinear effect is is unbounded. : "his represents set of all points for to the resultant shear stress is in

%e&e% near ti$ %inear 8one for ri+)t crac7 ti$ 9

which relative error committed by near tip approximation magnitude at most i. e. set of all points for which

Putting values #)< $

Figures 5 and ; show the

level near tip linear >one



is the

region between the outer and inner curves and the middle curve is the locus of all points where and are exactly e4ual. "he matlab code for the curves of sections +.%.1 and +.%.% has been included in the appendix '.

Figure 5 6ear tip linear >one

Figure ; 6ear tip linear >one

.e say that the nonlinear effect is small scale if it is contained and #+= $ /ince the problem is symmetric about the axis so if we satisfy either of the condition of

e4uation #+=$ the other will be satisfied automatically so we ta*e first condition #+1 $



represents the intersection of the


with the

axis respectively then

by e4uation #+1$ #+% $

6ow we shall determine


explicitly. , point #

belongs to

if and only if

and e4uation #);$ holds with

i. e. if and only if



coincides with the interval #+) $

, point #

belongs to

if and only if

and e4uation #)<$ holds with

i. e. if and only if


coincides with the interval #++ $

.e can verify that #+2 $ From e4uation #+%$( #+)$ and #+2$ it follows that #+3$

/o from above two e4uations we can write

#+5 $ .e can show that for all values of e4uation #+5$ may be written as #+; $ #+< $ 6ow we have shown that if the nonlinear effect is small scale at level then * must satisfy the between = and 1 first entry is smaller than second so

condition #+;$. 't can also be shown that e4uation #+;$ is sufficient as well as necessary for e4uation #+%$ and also that e4uation #+%$ implies e4uation #+1$. /o it follows that e4uation #+;$ supplies necessary as well as sufficient condition to be satisfied by the amount of shear at infinity * if the nonlinear effect in the crac* problem considered to be small scale at level .

FINITE STRAIN DEFOR:ATION NEAR THE TIP OF CRAC; IN H<PERE,ASTIC SO,IDS A1stract: ,nalysis of crac*ed bodies is a very important sub-ect from the point of view of fracture. Linear elastic fracture mechanics is used for the analysis of most crac*ed bodies. "his theory is valid for the elastic bodies undergoing small deformations. &ere in this report( by relaxing the assumption of small strains the crac* problem has been analy>ed for hyperelastic material which shows large deformations. "he body has been assumed to be deforming in anti plane shear. , condition has also been derived under which the error committed by linear approximation of finite deformation problem will be less than a specified value.

Keywords: Cauchy stresses, Neo-hookean

CHAPTER 1 INTROD=CTION Finite deformation problems always give a nonlinear solution which is complex to analy>e and in case of crac*ed bodies it is even more complex. /o our motivation is always to solve such problems by linear theories which are simpler but they may lead to errors and in some cases they may give ambiguous results. 'f we have a condition under which non linearity will be small in the crac* problem then we can apply linear theories without exceeding a specified error level. 'n this report we derive such condition for finite anti plane shear of an infinite body containing a crac* of finite length.

CHAPTER - CONC,=SION From e4uation #+;$ it can be inferred if the value of is higher then the upper limit

on * will also be higher for the nonlinear effect to be of small scale for that level of ( it is expected because if the deformation is large then nonlinearity will also be large and the error due to linaer approximation will be large. 'f the crac* is not symmetric about axis then two conditions of e4uation #+=$ are

not e4uivalent to each other and the nonlinear effect might be small scale at one crac* tip and not at the other. 'f the material used is not 6eo1hoo*ean then expression for . will be different and the results derived will not be valid. "his remar* also holds if the crac* is deformed in mode ' or mode '' rather than in mode ''' #anti plane shear$.


Recently much wor* has been done on the study of deformations and stresses near the tip of crac* for hyperelastic materials. 8+9 did asymptotic analysis of deformations and stresses in traction free crac* in infinite slab under plane strain. "hey assumed uniform axial tension at infinity at right angles to the faces of crac*. 8%9 Fid analysis of crac* in finite anti1plane shear in an infinite slab. &e too* the material to be 6eo1hoo*ean. 829 Fid the asymptotic analysis of traction plane crac* under plane strain condition. &e too* the power law materials #which in a special case converts to Aooney1Rivlin material. 839 Fid the asymptotic analysis of traction free interface crac* between two dissimilar semi infinite 6eo1hoo*ean sheets. 819 Fid the analysis of anti1plane shear problem in crac* and derived the condition for the nonlinesr effect to be small scale. 859 Fid the asymptotic analysis of traction free crac* at interface of two semi infinite slabs bonded under the conditions of plane strain. 8;9 Fid the asymptotic analysis of stress and strain near the tip of a crac* with generalised 6eo1 hoo*ean material. &e assumed the crac* to be deforming in mode ' and mixed mode. 8<9 Fid analysis of interface crac* between( #1$ two generalised 6eo1hoo*ean sheets having same hardening characteristics and #%$ a generalised 6eo1hoo*ean sheet and a rigid substrate. 81=9 Fid the analysis of motion field surrounding a rapidly propagating crac* which is loaded symmetrically in mode ' conditions. 'n this seminar anti1plane shear problem for 6eo1hoo*ean material has been studied because this is the simplest problem to solve.

A$$en i! I :at%a1 Co e For Section '.#.1 an '.#.#

%create the following function files function crak=sem(x,y) syms x y crak=1.5^4*(x.^4 y.^4 !*x.^!*y.^!)"(x.^! 1"!*x y.^!)*(x.^! 1 !*x y.^!) function crac!=sem!(x,y) syms x y e=#.$% crac!=!*(x.^! y.^!)*(1 e.^!"!*e)"(x.^! 1 !*x y.^!)^#.5 function crac!=sem4(x,y) syms x y e=#.$% crac!=!*(x.^! y.^!)"(x.^! 1 !*x y.^!)^#.5 function crac!=sem&(x,y) syms x y e=#.$% crac!=!*(x.^! y.^!)*(1 e.^! !*e)"(x.^! 1 !*x y.^!)^#.5 %gi'e the following comman(s e)*lot (sem,+"4,4,)

%an( se*arately

e)*lot (sem!,+"1#,1#,)-hol( on e)*lot (sem&,+"1#,1#,)-hol( on e)*lot (sem4,+"1#,1#,)

REFERENCES 819 8%9 8)9 8+9 :. 0. 0nowles( ,. :. Rosa*is #1<;3$( GCn the scale of nonlinear effect in a crac* problemH( :ournal of ,pplied Aechanics( 2)( 2+212+<. :. 0. 0nowles #1<55$( G"he finite anti plane shear field near the tip of a crac* for a class of incompressible elastic solidsH( :ournal of Ilasticity( 1)( 31113)<. C. /. :og #%==5$ GFoundations and applications of mechanics( volume 1 continuum mechanicsH( %I( 6arosa Publication &ouse.

0nowles( /ternberg #1<5)$( G,n asymptotic finite deformation analysis of the elastostatic field near the tip of a crac*H( :ournal of Ilasticity( )( 3511=5. 829 Rodney ,. /tephenson #1<;%$( G"he e4uilibrium field near the tip of a crac* for finite plane strain of incompressible elastic materialsH( :ournal of Ilasticity( 1%( 321<<. 839 0nowles( /ternberg #1<;)$( GLarge deformation near a tip of an intrerface crac* between the 6eo1&oo*ean sheetsH( :ournal of Ilasticity( 1)( %251%<). 859 :.A.&errmann #1<;<$( G,n asymptotic analysis of finite deformations near the tip of an interface crac*H( :ournal of Ilasticity( %1( %%51%3<. 8;9 Philippe &. ?eubelle #1<<+$( GFinite strains at the tip of a crac* in a sheet of hyperelastic material '. homogeneous caseH( :ournal of Ilasticity( )2( 311<;. 8<9 Philippe &. ?eubelle #1<<+$( GFinite strains at the tip of a crac* in a sheet of hyperelastic material ''. /pecial biomaterial caseH( :ournal of Ilasticity( )2( <<11)5. 81=9 ,ngelo Aarcello #1<<<$( GLarge deformation near a tip of an intrerface crac* between the 6eo1&oo*ean sheetsH( :ournal of Ilasticity( 25( ;211=).

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