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ynmoif/ uxm;aqG;aEG;cJh/
- 1955 wGif rlvwef;atmifjrif/ - þESpfrSpí trsKd;om;jyefvnfoifhjrwfa&;
cGefxGef;OD; - 1956 wGif awmifBuD;NrdKU uarÁmZaumvdyf
ü qufvufynmqnf;yl;/
\ - 1962 wGif q,fwef;atmifjrif/ 1996 - &Srf;Nidrf;csrf;a&;tzGJUrsm;\ txl;a'owdkU
66 ESpfajrmufarG;aeUtrSwfw& - 1964 wGif &efukef 0dZÆm-odyÜH wuúodkvfü wGif pmayESifh,Ofaus;rIqkdifvkyfief;rsm;udk
Oya'bmomtxl;jyKjzifh 'kwd,ESpftxd ulnDyHhydk;Edkif&ef&nf&G,fNyD; SSJAC (Shan
wufa&mufcJh/ State Joint Action Committee) udk zGJUpnf;cJh/
tvkyftudkif - 1967-1974 tif'dkeD;&Sm;oH½kH; ppfoHrSL;\ 2002 - wkdif;&if;om;aygif;pHk\ qE´oabmxm;udk
udk,f a&;t&m&Sd/ urmÇuod&Sdap&ef UNA ac: nDnGwfaom
- 1984-2005 *syefEdkifiH Overseas Courier wkdif;&if;om;vlrsKd;pkrsm;r[mrdwftzGJUudk
Service \ jrefrmjynfqkdif&m Xmaeudk,f OD;aqmifzGJUpnf;cJh/
pm;vS,f/ 2004 - 1993 rS 1996 txd aqG;aEG;wifjycJhonf
tdraf xmifa&; - 1975 wGif rav;&Sm;EdkifiHoH½Hk;trIxrf; rsm; t&mrxifcJhojzifh wpfzefjyefvnfusif;
a':a0a0vGif ESifh vufxyf/ yaom trsK;d om;nDvmcHukd xyfrw H ufa&muf
- 1976 rwf (7) &ufwGif om; cGefOD;vGif &efjiif;y,fcJh/
tm;zGm;jrif/ 2005 - azazmf0g&DvwGif SNLD ESifh vHk;0ywfouf
- 1978 rwf (7) &ufwGif orD; eef; Elkie jcif;r&Sdaom &Srf;jynftwdkifyifcHaumifpD zGJU
tm;zGm;jrif/ pnf;a&;ESifhqufpyfNyD; zrf;qD;xdef;odrf;jcif;
ausmif;om;b0vIyf&Sm;rI - Edk0ifbm (3) &ufaeUwGif tif;pdeftusOf;
txufwef;ausmif;om;b0wGif awmifBu;D NrKd U&Sd Tai axmifwiG ;f vQKUd 0Supf &D ifcsucf sNy;D axmif'Pf
i,frnf - EdkifEdkif (c) Noel / Youth ac: &Srf;vli,ftzGJUrSm yg0ifvIyf&Sm;cJh/ &efukefwuúodkvf 93 ESpfjzifh ylwmtdkaxmifodkU tydkUcH&/
rdb - p0fMumZkH ? p0fa&T,Hk/ a&mufaomf Tai Youth rS EkwfxGufNyD; wuúokdvfrsm; &Srf;pmay
arG;aeU - 1943 ? pufwifbm (11) &uf/ ESifh ,Ofaus;rItoif;OuúX wm0ef,lcJh/ rdefUcGef;aumufEkwfcsufrsm;
arG;&yf - oDayg? &Srf;jynfajrmufydkif;/ ]]vlrsK;d Bu;D ArmawGu &Sr;f awGtay:jyKru l siBhf uaH eovdrk sK;d
rdbrsKd;½dk; - oDaygapmfbGm;rsKd;½kd;/ EdkifiHa&;vIyf&Sm;rI &Sr;f awGuvnf; &Sr;f jynfwiG ;f &Sd vlrsK;d pki,frsm;tay:
(u) OD;av;jzpfol oDaygapmfbGm; p0fMum 1989 - &Srf;wkdif;&if;om;rsm;'Drdkua&pDtzGJUcsKyf rusiBhf urH zd Ukd txl;a&SmifMuOf&ygr,f}}
qkdif onf 1962 tmPmodrf;pOf (SNLD) \ taxGaxGtwGif;a&;rSL;/
aysmufqHk;oGm;cJh/ 1990 - rEÅav;½k;H wGiu f si;f yaom NrKd Ue,fpn
D ]]'Dru
kd a&pDta&;ESihf wkid ;f &if;om;ta&; ESpcf [
k m '*Fg;wpfc&k hJ
(c) zcifjzpfol p0fMumZkH rSm 1960 zuf' tpnf;ta0;ü OuúXtjzpf wifajr§mufcH&/ acgif; eJUyef;vkyd /J b,fta&;uydw
k ,fvUkd r&Sbd ;l }}
&,frl a&;qGJa&;aumfrwD\twGif;a&; 1990 - ygwDpHk'Drdkua&pDa&G;aumufyGJwGif oDayg
rSL;jzpfNyD; tmPmodrf;pOf tzrf;cHcJh&/ rJqE´e,ftrSwf (1) \ vTwfawmfukd,f ]]ArmjynfrmS vwfwavmjzpfay:aewJh Edik if aH &;y#dyu©[m
tzrf;rcH&rD &Srf;jynftpdk;&XmewGif pm;vS,ftjzpf a&G;aumufwifajr§mufcH&/ ok;H yGiq
hf idk af wGUqHak qG;aEG;Ny;D tajz&Sma&; a&G;vrf;rSwpfyg;
twGif;0efuav;rSpí c½kdif0eftxd 1993 - trsKd;om;nDvmcHodkU SNLD tm;OD;aqmif tjcm;r&Syd g/ 'g[m taumif;qH;k r[kwaf yrJh
wm0efxrf;aqmifcJh/ NyD;wufa&muf? wkdif;&if;om;tm;vHk; ukd,f 'Dxufaumif;wJt h ajz&Smenf; avm
ynma&; - 1949 wGif arNrKd U St. Elbert ausmif;ü pwif ydkifjyXmef;cGifh ESifh wef;wlnDcGifh&a&;udk t"d avmq,f&mS rawGUEdik af o;yg}}
(2004 ckEpS f ESpyf wfvnftpnf;ta0;rdeUf cGe;f rS)
As A Token Of Remembrance Of Education - Started studying at St.Elbert with regard to constitution.
in May Myo in 1949. - Consistently requested for tripartite dialogue
The 66th Birthday Of SNLD President - Accomplished primary school for the sake of national reconciliation.
in 1955. 1996 - Established the SSJAC (Shan State Joint

- Studying at Kam Baw Za College
in Taunggyi 1956.

Action Committee) intending to help support
culture and literature around the regions of
- Graduated high school in 1962. Shan ceasefire armies.
- Specialized in Law at the Yangon 2002 - Took a lead in forming the UNA (United
University till second year in 1964. Nationalities Alliance) for enabling the voices
Occupation - The personal officer of Military from all ethnics to be heard to international
Attache at Indonesian Embassy in communities.
1967-1974. 2004 - Refused to attend the National Conference
- Local representative of Japan that was held again due to the lack of
Overseas Courier Service in implementation of what had been discussed
relation with Myanmar in from 1993-1996.
1984-2005. 2005 - Being kept in custody in February concerning
Marriage - While serving at Malaysian the establishment of the Shan States Consultant
Embassy in 1975, met with Daw Council which is nothing to do with SNLD at
Wai Wai Lwin. all.
- The son , Hkun Oo Lwin was born - Was unethically sentenced for 93 years to
on 7th March 1976. Putao jail on 3rd November from the secret
- The daughter, Nang Elkie was judgment in Insein Jail.
born on 7th March 1978.
Precious prescription excerpt
Childhood name - Naing Naing (b) Noel Participation during student life from the speech
Parents - Sao Kya Zone, Sao Shwe Yon Involved in Tai Youth organization in Taunggyi “As the majority of Bamas morally unacceptably treat
Date of birth - 11th September, 1943 during the high school. Became a president of Shan Culture Shan people, Shan people have to be very conscious of
Blood Line - Hsi Paw Saohpa Family and Literature Organization while attending the University not playing the same trick towards minority peoples
(a) The uncle, Sao Kya Seng, in Yangon. living in Shan States.”
Saohpa of Hsi Paw, was lost
when the government took Political activities “Democracy movement and ethnics struggle are likely as
power in 1962. 1989 - General Secretary of SNLD. two sides of a coin. Neither head nor tail is more
(b) The father, Sao Kya Zone, 1990 - Was elected as a president at mass meeting important.”
who was the secretary of which was held in Mandalay.
Federal Constitution Committee 1990 - Was elected as a representative of Hsi Paw “There is no option except having tripartite dialogue to
in 1960, was arrested when the voting area No (1) in the election of democracy resolve the so-called political conflict in Myanmar.
government took over power. participating in variety of parties. Although it is not a perfect one, there is still no better
Before that he had served as 1993 - Led the party, SNLD, to National Conference, solution can be found at the moment.”
an Assistant Secretary to mainly discussed the idea of having equality
District Secretary in Shan State. and giving all ethnics to have their own rights

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