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Augusta, Maine February 27, 2012


Dire"t#r, Se$ua% Assau%t F#rensi" E$a&iner r#gra& State #' Maine Att#rney (enera%)s O''i"e
I honor my task to serve the citizens of the State of Maine, recognizing that Government Service means service to the people of Maine. I am also a mandatory reporter for child abuse and neglect and it is my legal obligation to report, in good faith, child abuse of which I am aware. I can no longer remain silent. For nearly three years I have witnessed government officials ignore the evidence of abuse of Mila Malenko, who is now five years old. aw enforcement, !udges, the "epartment of #ealth and #uman Services $"##S% have refused to protect this little girl against molestation and abuse by her biological father. &hen Mila was two and a half years old she told me about being se'ually abused by her father. My report to "##S, and reports by other health care providers, initiated an investigation. (hen in )ugust *++,, after a forensic evaluation the Spurwink -hild )buse .rogram team unanimously determined Mila /has been se'ually abused by her father0 and /strongly recommended that any contact that Mila have with her father be supervised.0 1et, "##S refused to protect Mila. (he !udge said there was no evidence of abuse and Mila was forced to resume seeing her father for long weekends and overnights. 2ver the ne't three years "##S, -umberland -ounty Family -ourt, and Maine law enforcement refused to take action to protect Mila disregarding the following evidence3 Mila4s continued disclosures of se'ual abuse by her father to medical professionals and to her mother, which were reported to "##S

5MS $ lab results of 67ng of methamphetamine, ten times the reporting level of 6ng, in Mila8s urine9 tested after her father was arrested for stealing cough syrup with Mila.

(he #ead of Maine .oison -ontrol stated in a recorded conversation that this amount was /teeny tiny.0 :y re!ecting the standard medical scale, this public official ignored danger to Mila. "r. -arl :aum4s, "irector, -enter for -hildren8s ;nvironmental (o'icology, 1ale School of Medicine, in sworn affidavit and testimony to "##S, validated what easily could have been a near<fatal dose of methamphetamine to Mila ) disclosure by Mila about how her father was /blowing =mith8 in my face0 Mila8s drawing and recorded e'planation of how her father and his lawyer /sniff black rocks that make them bad0 ) contusion on Mila8s forehead and recorded disclosure that her father hit her in the head with a pan because she was crying, documented by an ;> photo and report. "r. ;li 5ewberger, .rofessor of .ediatrics at #arvard Medical School, sworn affidavit and testimony to "##S about the blunt force trauma to Mila8s head and the meth levels, noting Mila4s ?tremendous additional risk? For the past @+ months Mila4s father and his lawyer have been destroying Mila4s maternal bond by illegally withholding Mila from !oint custody and visitation with her mother. Mila4s father and his lawyer have publicly said they will not comply with the court order. (he lawyer has said, in court, ?no law enforcement officer is going to take this child from me.? Audge Moskowitz, "##S and law enforcement officials, have refused to enforce the court order. (his statement is made under the Maine &histleblower8s .rotection )ct. .ress contact please contact BBBBBBBBBBB for interviews with .olly -ampbell, >5 )ll supporting documents are available on http3DDsliwww.slideshare.netDchildabusemaine


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