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Cloud computing is the next stage in the Internet's evolution, providing the means through which everything from

m computing power to computing infrastructure, applications, business processes to personal collaboration can be delivered to you as a service wherever and whenever you need. Cloud services include the delivery of software, infrastructure, and storage over the Internet (either as separate components or a complete platform) based on user demand. Cloud computing models vary Infrastructure as a !ervice (Iaa!), "latform as a !ervice ("aa!), and !oftware as a !ervice (!aa!). #anage your cloud computing service level via the surrounding management layer.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). $he Iaa! layer offers storage and compute resources that developers and I$ organi%ations can use to deliver business solutions. Platform as a Service (PaaS). $he "aa! layer offers blac&'box services with which developers can build applications on top of the compute infrastructure. $his might include developer tools that are offered as a service to build services, or data access and database services, or billing services. Software as a Service (SaaS). In the !aa! layer, the service provider hosts the software so you don(t need to install it, manage it, or buy hardware for it. )ll you have to do is connect and use it. !aa! *xamples include customer relationship management as a service. Cloud computing has four essential characteristics: elasticity and the ability to scale up and down, self'service provisioning and automatic deprovisioning, application programming interfaces ()"Is), billing and metering of service usage in a pay'as'you'go model. $his flexibility is what is attracting individuals and businesses to move to the cloud.

Cloud computing re+uires searching for a cloud provider. ,hether your cloud is public, private, or hybrid, loo& for elasticity, scalability, provisioning, standardi%ation, and billed usage

Elasticity and scalability. $he cloud is elastic, meaning that resource allocation can get bigger or smaller depending on demand. *lasticity enables scalability, which means that the cloud can scale upward for pea& demand and downward for lighter demand. !calability also means that an application

can scale when adding users and when application re+uirements change.

Self service provisioning. Cloud customers can provision cloud services without going through a lengthy process. -ou re+uest an amount of computing, storage, software, process, or more from the service provider. )fter you use these resources, they can be automatically deprovisioned.

Standardi!ed interfaces. Cloud services should have standardi%ed )"Is, which provide instructions on how two application or data sources can communicate with each other. ) standardi%ed interface lets the customer more easily lin& cloud services together.

"illing and service usage metering. -ou can be billed for resources as you use them. $his pay'as'you'go model means usage is metered and you pay only for what you consume.

#here are $ types of models Cloud computing happens on a public cloud, private cloud, or hybrid cloud. .overnance and security are crucial to computing on the cloud, whether the cloud is in your company(s firewall or not.

Public clouds are virtuali%ed data centers outside of your company(s firewall. .enerally, a service provider ma&es resources available to companies, on demand, over the public Internet.

Private clouds are virtuali%ed cloud data centers inside your company(s firewall. It may also be a private space dedicated to your company within a cloud provider(s data center.

%ybrid clouds combine aspects of both public and private clouds.

Cloud computing issues span models (Iaa!, "aa!, or !aa!) and types

(public, private, or hybrid). Computing on the cloud re+uires vigilance about security, manageability, standards, governance, and compliance Cloud security. $he same security principles that apply to on'site computing apply to cloud computing security. Identity management. #anaging personal identity information so that access to computer resources, applications, data, and services is controlled properly. &etection and forensics. !eparating legitimate from illegitimate activity. Encryption. Coding to protect your information assets. Cloud manageability. -ou need a consistent view across both on'premises and cloud'based environments. $his includes managing the assets provisioning as well as the +uality of service (/0!) you(re receiving from your service provider. Cloud standards. ) standard is an agreed'upon approach for doing something. Cloud standards ensure interoperability, so you can ta&e tools, applications, virtual images, and more, and use them in another cloud environment without having to do any rewor&. "ortability lets you ta&e one application or instance running on one vendor(s implementation and deploy it on another vendor(s implementation.

Elements ) hybrid computing model enables an organi%ation to leverage both public and private computing services to create a more flexible and cost'effective computing utility

$he public cloud is a set of hardware, networ&ing, storage, service, and interfaces owned and operated by a third party for use by other companies or individuals.

) private cloud is a set of hardware, networ&ing, storage, service, and interfaces owned and operated by an organi%ation for the use of its employees, partners, and customers.

In a hybrid cloud environment, an organi%ation combines services and data from a variety of models to create a unified, automated, and well'managed computing environment.

Cloud computing can completely change the way companies use technology to service customers, partners, and suppliers. !ome businesses, such as .oogle and )ma%on, already have most of their I$ resources in the cloud. $hey have found that it can eliminate many of the complex constraints from the traditional computing environment, including space, time, power, and cost.

Cloud storage means 1the storage of data online in the cloud,1 wherein a company's data is stored in and accessible from multiple distributed and connected resources that comprise a cloud. Cloud storage can provide the benefits of greater accessibility and reliability2 rapid deployment2 strong protection for data bac&up, archival and disaster recovery purposes2 and lower overall storage costs as a result of not having to purchase, manage and maintain expensive hardware. 3owever, cloud storage does have the potential for security and compliance concerns.

'ma!on S$ (Simple Storage Service) is an online file storage web service offered by )ma%on ,eb !ervices. )ma%on !4 provides storage through web services interfaces (5*!$, !0)", and 6it$orrent)

)ma%on !4 (!imple !torage !ervice) can be used for a wide variety of uses, ranging from ,eb applications to media files, to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time, from anywhere on the ,eb, and gives users the same highly scalable, reliable, secure, fast, inexpensive infrastructure that )ma%on uses to run its own global networ& of websites. )lthough )ma%on !4 storage is very reliable, its ,eb interface for uploads7downloads can be slow and unreliable. $he )ma%on !4 $ransfer *ngine is a free tool developed for )ma%on !4 file transfer and archiving that wor&s in any ,indows environment without the need for user intervention. $he tool ma&es use of the multi'part upload feature implemented by the )ma%on team. It is useful if there is an interruption during upload2 such as an electrical

outage, lost internet connection etc. 8rom the )ma%on side the timeout between upload attempts is not limited, so a user can return to complete a failed upload at any time

'ma!on Cloud &rive is a web storage application from )ma%on. Its storage space can be accessed from up to eight specific devices. $he devices can be mobile devices, different computers, and different browsers on the same computer. $he device limit can be reached if web browser coo&ies are not stored, or are deleted. $he first 9 gigabytes of storage is free2 additional space costs :;!< =.9= per gigabyte per year. ;sers can opt in to store their purchased music to )ma%on Cloud <rive by ma&ing a purchase via )ma%on #"4 store, either on a website or via )ma%on #"4 application for )ndroid. )ma%on Cloud <rive accounts get 9 .6 of free storage2 however, music purchased through )ma%on #"4 store does not count towards the storage limit. 0nce the music is stored in )ma%on Cloud <rive, a user can choose to download it to one of the recognised )ndroid devices using )ma%on #"4 application, or download it to a recognised computer using )ma%on #"4 <ownloader.

S(y&rive (officially )icrosoft S(y&rive, previously ,indows >ive !&y<rive and ,indows >ive 8olders) is a file hosting service that allows users to upload and sync files to a cloud storage and then access them from a ,eb browser or their local device. It is part of the ,indows >ive range of online services and allows users to &eep the files private, share them with contacts, or ma&e the files public. "ublicly shared files do not re+uire a #icrosoft account to access.

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