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Human Rights Alert, NGO

Joseph Zernik, PhD " "n 33407 x"n, 6133301
14-01-04 Duplicitous US judges: Jed Rakoff, Richard Leon
From his chambers in New York City, Jed Rakoff is a central figure
in undermining US banking regulation, and Richard Leon in DC - in
abuse of Civil Rights. With help from media, both cultivate a
diametrically opposite image. And in srael - under the tenure of
former Supreme Court Presiding Justice Aharon Barak, the courts
were corrupted in an unprecedented manner. Yet, Justice Barak
cultivates an international image of having led a "Constitutional
Revolution" in srael. Corruption of judges and the legal profession
is central to the current socio-economic crisis in both the US and
Occupy Tel Aviv, January 4 - media have recently hailed Jed Rakoff for his
article in New York Review of ooks, callin! for enforcement of the law on
those, culpa"le for the current financial crisis#$

US Judge Jed Rakoff, Southern District of NY
'ndeed, the article appears full of compassion - an unusual off the "ench
statement "y a () *ud!e, callin! for *ustice+ $
,###millions of Americans leadin! lives of -uiet desperation+ without *o"s,
without resources, without hope,. ,###was it the result, at least in part, of
fraudulent practices###2 ###if, "y contrast, the 3reat Recession was in material
part the product of intentional fraud, the failure to prosecute those responsi"le
must "e *ud!ed one of the more e!re!ious failures of the criminal *ustice
system in many years### the 4inancial 5risis 'n-uiry 5ommission, in its final
report, uses variants of the word 6fraud7 no fewer than /89 times in descri"in!
what led to the crisis### not a sin!le hi!h-level e:ecutive has "een successfully
prosecuted in connection with the recent financial crisis, and !iven the fact that
most of the relevant criminal provisions are !overned "y a five-year statute of
limitations, it appears likely that none will "e### To a federal *ud!e, who takes
an oath to apply the law e-ually to rich and to poor, this e:cuse;sometimes
la"eled the 6too "i! to *ail7 e:cuse;is distur"in!###,
One is hard pressed to recall a more hypocritical piece of writin!, since Jed
Rakoff himself should "e deemed a central fi!ure in the financial crisis and
underminin! "ankin! re!ulation# $
The "est documented evidence to such effect is Jud!e Jed Rakoff<s conduct
in )ecurities and =:chan!e 5ommittee v ank of America 5orporation >/+1?-
Summons as issued by the Clerk of the Court and as executed in SEC v
Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) in the US District Court,
Southern District of New York. The summons is unsigned, and fails to
show the seal of the court. The summons was also never docketed, in
disregard of US law, and the US court denied access to it. t was
eventually obtained through a Freedom of nformation request from
SEC. The conduct of litigation with no valid summons, no valid minutes,
and where the court denies access to the authentication records (NEFs
- Notices of Electronic Filing), as well as the outcome of the litigation,
point out to the conduct of sham/ simulated litigation from the start,
through collusion of the judge, the clerk, and attorneys for both SEC
and Bank of America Corporation. n fact, from the start a "show trial.
)ecurities and =:chan!e 5ommission v ank of America 5orporation >B11?-
/1C is landmark liti!ation under the current financial crisis# The case ori!inated
in the unlawful takin! of E8#A "illions "y "ankin! e:ecutives, and concluded
with the e:ecutives never returnin! the funds to the stockholders and with no
individual "ein! held accounta"le#
The outcome of the liti!ation was an order "y Jud!e Jed Rakoff, instructin! the
stockholders - the victims - to pay E/DD millions to themselves###
The case was covered numerous times "y ma*or () and world media#
The case is replete with missin! and invalid liti!ation records, leadin! to the
conclusion that the case as a whole amounts to simulated, sham liti!ation# The
case commenced with no invalid summons, was conducted with no valid
minutes, and the court denies pu"lic access to the authentication records >N=4s
- Notices of =lectronic 4ilin!C#
5onduct of Jud!e Jed Rakoff in this case is not uni-ue either# )imilar conduct
"y Jud!e Rakoff was documented in a case involvin! American =:press# $
5orruption of the courts and the le!al profession is central to current socio-
economic crisis in the (nited )tates#
=:perts opine that today the *ustice system in the () is e:periencin!
historically unprecedented corruption+
,###it<s difficult to find a fraud of this siFe on the (#)# court system in (#)#
history### where you have literally tens of thousands of fraudulent documents
filed in tens of thousands of cases#, $
The Guman Ri!hts Alert >N3OC su"mission to the first ever (niversal Heriodic
Review of Guman Ri!hts in the (nited )tates "y the Guman Ri!hts 5ouncil of
the (nited Nation focused on racketeerin! "y *ud!es, lawyers, and "anks in
Ios An!eles 5ounty, 5alifornia# $
% The su"mission was incorporated into
the (niversal Heriodic Review Report of the (nited Nations >B1/1C with the
note, ,5orruption of the courts and the le!al profession and discrimination "y
law enforcement in 5alifornia,# $
Joreover, "ri"in! of state and () *ud!es "y "anks must "e a serious concern+
Two () *ud!es >Kir!inia Hhillips, 5arla LoerhleC and two 5alifornia *ud!es
>Terry 4riedman, Heter JeekaC, who were asked to file statements on the
record, re!ardin! any financial "enefits to them or to family mem"ers residin!
with them "y ank of America >pursuant to the 5alifornia 5ode of Judicial
=thicsC - refused to do soM $

US Judge Richard Leon, District of Columbia
Jedia have likewise recently hailed the decision of Jud!e Richard Ieon >()
Nistrict 5ourt, Nistrict of 5olum"iaC, pertainin! to unchecked surveillance "y
N)A, where he called such conduct ,almost Orwellian,, and likely violation of
the 4ourth Amendment - a ma*or victory for 5ivil Ri!hts of all in the (nited
)tates# $
Gowever, in other, less pu"liciFed cases, Jud!e Ieon did not hesitate to violate
their 4irst Amendment ri!ht to file papers in court# Lhen individuals tried to
protect their ri!hts and enforce the law a!ainst *udicial corruption, Jud!e Ieon
prevented the filin! of any paper, which documented *udicial corruption, or
would have led to discovery of such records, "y issuin! fake0sham hand-written
instruction ,Ieave to file denied,# $
)uch conduct "y Jud!e Richard Ieon is not uni-ue either# The evidence shows
that the () courts, up to the () )upreme 5ourt, have esta"lished a policy of
e:cludin! papers, which document *udicial corruption, from the 4irst
Amendment ri!ht to file petitions in court# $

Five (5) papers with "Leave to File Denied, RJL in Windsor v Evans et
al. n cases, seeking protection against judicial corruption, the clerk of
the US District Court, DC, failed to docket papers, which provided
evidence of judicial corruption, in disregard of First Amendment rights
and the duties and obligations of the clerk. nstead, such papers were
directly forwarded to Judge Richard Leon, who hand scribbled on them
"Leave to File Denied", and had them returned to the filer. The fate of
William Windsor, notable anti judicial corruption whistleblower, remains

Nine (9) papers with "Leave to File Denied, RJL in Zernik v Melson et
Nuplicity of *ud!es in the )tate of 'srael is not different+ The Guman Ri!hts
Alert >N3OC su"mission to the Guman Ri!hts 5ouncil of the (nited Nations
documented unprecedented corruption of the courts over the last decade - a
period that was marked "y soarin! poverty and homelessness# $
4urthermore, the su"mission pinpointed the onset of such corruption to events
in the 'sraeli )upreme 5ourt under the tenure of Hresidin! Justice Aharon
arak# The su"mission was incorporated into the B1/D (niversal Heriodic
Review Report of the (nited Nations with the note, ,Iack of inte!rity in the
electronic record of the )upreme 5ourt### in 'srael,# $
And yet, Aharon arak cultivated an international ima!e of leadin! a
,5onstitutional Revolution, in 'srael - a nation with no constitution# $
13-11-16 Zuesse, E, Judge Rakoff Virtually ndicts Obama on Non-Prosecution of
14-01-09 Rakoff, J, The Financial Crisis: Why Have No High-Level Executives Been
Prosecuted?_New York Review of Books
Zernik, J, Large-scale fraud in US court records is linked to failing banking regulation _
12-09-04 Zernik, J., Design and Operation of the Electronic Record Systems of the US
Courts are Linked to Failing Banking Regulation, Data Analytics 1:83-93 (2012)
12-09-04 J. Zernik, "Design and Operation of the Electronic Record Systems of the US
Courts are Linked to Failing Banking Regulation", Data Analytics 1:83-93 (2012)
(complete paper including all figures)
11-01-10 Request No 1 for investigation/ impeachment proceedings, in re: US Judge
JED RAKOFF and Clerk RUBY KRAJCK, US District Court, Southern District of New
York, Conduct of Securities and Exchange Committee v Bank of America Corporation
11-02-05 Request No 2 for mpeachment of Judge JED RAKOFF Clerk RUBY KRAJCK,
US District Court, Southern District of New York, in Re Conduct of Lindner v Amex (1:10-
12-01-22 Special Report - Foreclosure Fraud - The Watchdogs That Didn't Bark_
10-04-08 Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the United Nations Human Rights
Council for the UPR of the United States, as it appears in the United Nations Human
Rights Council site
10-04-08 Human Rights Alert (NGO) Appendix to submission for the 2010 UPR of
Human Rights in the United States, as it appears on the UN site:
10-10-01 United Nations Human Rights Council Professional Staff Report, referring to
Human Rights Alert submission with the note "corruption of the courts and the legal
profession and discrimination by law enforcement in California" (page 6, paragraph 45)
11-04-12 PRESS RELEASE: Bribing of State and US Judges by Bank of America Must
be a Serious Concern!
13-12-16 Federal Judge's Ruling on N.S.A. Lawsuit_NYT
13-12-16 Judge: NSA spying 'almost Orwellian,' likely unconstitutional_CNBC
11-05-30 PRESS RELEASE: Judge Richard Leon, US District Court,DC master of the
"Leave to file denied
10-10-20 The US Courts Established a Policy Excluding Any Papers Pertaining to
Judicial Corruption from the First Amendment Right toFile Petitions
12-05-10 Human Right Alert, Appendix to Submission; 15th UPR - State of srael -
"ntegrity, or lack thereof, of the electronic record systems of the courts of the State of
13-01-01 The Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission, as incorporated into the UN
Human Rights Council UPR report with the note "Lack of integrity in the electronic records
of the Supreme Court, the district courts and the detainees courts in srael" (page 4,
paragraph 25) ?
12-05-04 "Constitutional Revolution" in the State of srael ? compilation of reports

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