Our Lord, Pour Upon Us Patience and Let Us Die As Muslims (In Submission To You)

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Assalamu alaikkum my Dear bro/sis, Hope you are doing well by Gods Grace and in the same state

of eeman. Am here with the newsletter for the month of November and as well as the reminder call.

Thought for this month:


Lord, pour upon us patience and let us die as Muslims [in submission to You]. (7:126)
Just imagine the following criteria. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. You are entering into a strange home. You are supposed to sit on the plain floor. There is no bed in the room. The person is lying on a mat. Part of his body is lying on the floor and part on the mat. The marks from the mat were visible on his body. He is wearing a garment of rough and coarse cloth. He has a pillow, but the pillow is filled with prickly leaves from a palm tree. There is nothing else in the room, no wardrobe, no rich food to eat, no comfortable mattresses. 10. Instead, in a corner are some berry leaves, and a small heap of barley, over which an untreated piece of leather is hanging. Hope you imagined. Now think whose room it may be? * A poor man or * A labor or * A slave or * An incapable or * A talentless person. Noudu billah (May God save us from thinking so). http://humanity013.blogspot.com/

Its the greatest person of mankind Prophet Mohammed (PBUH)s house. This was the scene which Umar (ral) saw and cried and asked prophet (PBUH) You are the Prophet of God and His chosen Messenger! The emperors of the Byzantine and the Persian empires are living in luxury and comfort. Their thrones are made of gold and their clothing and bedding are made of the finest silks. The Blessed Prophet (PBUH) smiled and looked kindly and affectionately at Umar (ral). Are you not happy, O Umar that we shall receive our riches and treasures and comforts in the eternal life? This was the attitude, thankfulness and belief they had on Allah.

2 important outcomes from the above scene are: 1. Never ever estimate anyones eeman by the wealth they own today. If thats the scale of eeman Prophet (PBUH) should be the owner of this whole worlds wealth. 2. How thankful we are to our Lord? How often we have thanked Him for the comfort we have got.

May Allah make us to live and die as a Muslim.

Remember our fellow beings in your prayers.



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