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Course number Course title

Aquatic Science 1 Fish Makes Sense

Professor Unit

Dr. Liah C. Catedrilla Institute of Aquaculture College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, UP Visayas (033) 3158090 - Institute of Aquaculture, CFOS (033) 3159494 - Information & Publications Office Faculty Center TF 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 3:00 - 4:00 PM Information & Publications Office Th 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 5:00 PM

Course credit

3 units

Tel. No.

E-Mail Class schedule (Days, Time & Venue) 2 Sem SY 2013-2014


Consultation hours

TF 4:00 5:30 PM (Sec 4) AV 107 Course description

The dynamic interaction between man and the aquatic environment: Major fisheries concepts, issues, and developments 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. define basic concepts of fisheries; describe aquatic ecosystems and the interrelationships between its various components; critically discuss the local, national, and global issues on fisheries; explain comprehensively the role of fisheries in national and global food security; and discriminate between sustainable and non-sustainable fisheries.

Course goals

Date/ Day 1

Objective/Learning Outcome After actively participating in this course, you will be better able to: - Know more about your classmates - Set personal goals - Draw a big picture of what the course is all about in relation to the GE Framework


Reference and/or Requirements

Introduction Expectation Setting Course Orientation GE Framework

Group presentation - Group Name - Group Slogan - Group Cheer - Group Members - Course/Grade Expectations


2 - Illustrate different aquatic ecosystems - Identify and classify major components of the aquatic ecosystem

A. The Aquatic World (6 hours) 1. Living and Non-living Components of Aquatic Ecosystems 2. Chains that Bind: The Aquatic Food Chains 3. The Aquatic World and The World Beyond it Introduction to the Aquatic World - Draw aquatic ecosystems by groups by use of cartolina, colored pens, crayons, etc. - Present and discuss the drawing - Classify components of the aquatic ecosystems using meta cards - Illustration/poster of an aquatic ecosystem

- Describe and compare aquatic ecosystems - Identify and indicate relationships found in aquatic ecosystems - Describe how the components relate to one another - Discuss how organisms respond to the environment - Illustrate the Leibegs Law of Minimum or Law of Limiting Factors

- Film Showing

- Film Commentary

Feeding and Non-Feeding Relationships Stress, Tolerance and Optimum Conditions for Aquatic Organisms Law of Minimums or Leibegs Law of Limiting Factors - Present personal stress, tolerance and optimum conditions - Synthesize the outputs, and discuss insights gained from activity Aquatic Ecosystems vis--vis Terrestrial Ecosystems Anthropogenic Activities and Aquatic Ecosystems - Group workshop on effects of anthropogenic activities on aquatic ecosystems - Present workshop outputs

- Workshop output

- Relate terrestrial ecosystems with aquatic ecosystems - Explain why aquatic ecosystems are multi-stressed ecosystems - Evaluate effects of anthropogenic activities on aquatic ecosystems - Present issues, problems and concerns regarding anthropogenic activities - Recommend/suggest solutions to issues and problems raised

- Workshop outputs


- Discuss global and local issues on population and food security - Relate issues discussed with the Malthusian Theory of Population and Resources - Recommend/suggest how to address issues raised

B. Feeding the World (3 hours) 1. Global Trends in Population Growth, Agriculture and Food Supply 2. International and Local Policies 3. Fish in Food Security World and Philippine Population Trends Malthusian Theory of Population and Resources - Discuss statistics presented - Workshop on population issues and recommendations to address such issues Role of Fisheries in Food Security - Group listing and discussion of ways on how fisheries can contribute to addressing food security problems (Use of metacards) C. A Fishy Story (4.5 hours) 1. The Fish Family Tree 2. Sizes, Shapes, and Many More 3. Fish as a Social Being Taxonomy of Fish Morphology of Fish

- Workshop outputs

- Group list

- Discuss the critical role of fisheries in global and local food security


- Differentiate aquatic organisms from other organisms - Classify major aquatic organisms in terms of shape size and other meristic characteristics

- Slide show - Visit to UPV Museum of Natural Resources

- Commentary on visit to UPV Museum of Natural Resources - Visit (Link: Downloads Lets Talk About Fish) - Brief paper on Three Things I Find Most Amazing about Fish -

- Relate fish behavior with various stimuli in the environment -

Fish Behaviors Lecture and slide show Visit and view Learning Object on Fish Mouths Tell no Tales at the Interactive Learning Program site. - Commentary on LO to be posted within one week after the activity

10 - Connect fish mouth shapes with type of food in the aquatic ecosystem - Discuss the critical role of food sources for aquatic organisms 11-14 -



- Distinguish capture from culture fisheries and other fisheries sectors - Connect different fisheries sectors with one another - Differentiate roles of various fisheries sectors vis--vis capture fisheries - Describe and categorize different types of fishing gears - Discriminate between sustainable and non-sustainable fishing methods - Describe the test tank - Discuss the functions of the test tank and its importance in capture fisheries

D. Hunting the Sea (6 hours) 1. Capture versus Culture Fisheries 2. Commercial, Municipal, and Inland Fisheries 3. To catch a Fish: Fishing Gears, Fish Lures, or Traps? 4. Recreational Fishing Introduction to Capture Fisheries Fisheries Sectors - Role Playing

Types of Fishing gears Slide show Destructive Fishing Methods Slide show - Activity commentary



- Trip to Test Tank and other IMFO facilities



- Relate the concept of the Tragedy of the Commons to the game played

E. A Fishermans Woes and Lamentations (6 hours) 1. Tragedy of the Commons 2. Mangrove Deforestation 3. Coral Lost 4. Diminishing Seagrass 5. Fish Kills and Red Tide The Concept of the Tragedy of the Commons Play (Game Theory) Group Workshop on A Fishermans Dilemma

- Game results



- Compare group outputs - Synthesize group outputs - Relate the Fishermans dilemma with the concept of the Tragedy of the Commons - Characterize the mangrove, coral reef, and seagrass ecosystems - Relate these aquatic ecosystems with one another

Presentation of workshop output - Synthesize workshop outputs The Mangrove Ecosystem The Coral Reef Ecosystem The Seagrass Ecosystem -

- Workshop outputs/ case analysis

- Visit (Link: Lets Talk About Mangroves)


F. A Fishermans Hope (1.5 hours) 1. Management and Conservation Issues 2. Community-Based Coastal Resource Management - Discuss and evaluate issues on management and conservation of aquatic resources Management and Conservation Issues Community-Based Coastal Resource Management as an Approach - Group workshop Film Showing - Workshop output



20 21-25

- Evaluate CBCRM as an approach to management of aquatic resources - Integrate insights gained from film with the CBCRM concepts learned in the course - Synthesize concepts learned in the course so far

- Film commentary

MIDTERM ASSESSMENT G. Farming the Waters ( 6 hours) 1. Aquaculture: A Historical Perspective 2. The Gains from Aquaculture 3. Aquaculture Venture and Misadventure 4. Aquaculture and the Environment History of Aquaculture - Slide show Importance of Aquaculture - Listing of benefits of aquaculture (metacards) - Listing of uses of aquaculture products (metacards) Aquaculture as a Business Venture - Slide show Effects of Aquaculture to the Environment - Presentation and discussion of assignment

- Written examination



- Trace the origin of fish culture - Identify critical factors that led to modernization of fish culture methods - Enumerate and discuss the benefits of aquaculture and the uses of aquaculture products

- List of benefits aquaculture and uses of aquaculture products




- Identify critical factors for a successful aquaculture business - Appraise these factors on the basis of known existing business ventures - Discuss effects of aquaculture on the aquatic environment - Recommend ways to address adverse effects of aquaculture to the environment - Evaluate role of government in the aquaculture sector of the country - Distinguish between a male and female tilapia - Discuss the rationale for the SexReversed Technology for tilapia culture

- Group Assignment Identify the Fish Killers

- Group presentation of assignment

- Trip to the Freshwater Aquaculture Station - Fishing activity (use of hook & line; cast net) H. After the Harvest (7.5 hours) 1. Preserving and Processing Fish 2. Not Just Food 3. Managing Quality 4. Packaging and Marketing 5. Waste Management in

- Activity commentary


Processing Plants 26 - Characterize the different fish food processing methods - Determine other products from aquatic resources Different Food Processing Methods for Aquatic Organisms Other by-Products from Aquatic Resources - Slide show Critical Factors in Managing Fish Food Quality - Slide show - Video show Packaging and Marketing of Fishery Products - Slide show - Video show - Present and sell a product - Group product presentation





- Evaluate product quality based on standards - Discuss critical role of government and various sectors in the production of quality and safe food products - Discuss importance of packaging of fishery products - Relate critical factors with successful marketing of a fishery product - Apply the principles on quality management, packaging and marketing learned by presenting and selling a fishery product. -Discuss importance of waste management vis--vis food manufacturing - Enumerate critical fish processing equipment and facilities - Describe some fish processing methods

31 -33


- Compare indigenous knowledge with scientific knowledge - Identify existing or known indigenous practices - Discuss superstitious beliefs related to fisheries

- Trip to Pilot Plant and other IFPT facilities - Debone milkfish I. Of Myths and Legends (3 hours) 1. Indigenous Technology 2. Integrating Folk Concepts/Fish Lore in Community Education for Sustainable Fisheries Indigenous Technology vs. Scientific Knowledge Indigenous Practices in Fisheries Superstitious Beliefs/Fish lore Tell a fish tale Share superstitious beliefs Slide show Folk Concepts through Folk Media Slide show

- Activity commentary



- Describe known folk media - Justify use of fishlore in community education for sustainable fisheries - Creatively synthesize principles learned and integrate in particular context. - Synthesize what was learned in the whole course - Relate the course with their respective disciplines

- FINAL ASSESSMENT (through group presentation of highlights of what you learned using folk media)

- Group Presentation

General guidelines: On class attendance: Your attendance is expected since this is a residential course. You are considered late at 15 minutes after the start of the class. Three unexcused tardiness is considered one absence. You will be automatically dropped from the course after six unexcused absences. On class exams/ requirements: 1. 2. You are expected to be present during exam periods and group presentations. Unexcused absence will mean a score of zero in the exam and group presentations and/or an incomplete in the final grade. All group outputs will be graded. (Please see rubric below.) Rubric for Group Activities Component/Quality Conciseness of presentation Validity of insights presented Soundness and logic in the relationship of activity to relevant local, national and/or global issues presented; and or respective disciplines Creativity of presentation Level of members participation Total 3. 4. Points 6 9 9 Percentage 20 30 30

3 3 30

10 10 100

All activity commentaries must be submitted one week after the activity. All activity commentaries submitted should present insights learned from the activity. Guide questions on film showing activities will be provided. The commentaries should be one-two pages only, word-processed and printed in 8.5x11 or A4 paper. Art work and other creative ways of enhancing the commentaries are acceptable. Remember: Excellent and creative packaging helps.(Please see rubric below.) Rubric for Commentaries Component/Quality Engaging but brief and concise description of activity/film Interesting presentation of insights gained from activity/film Sensible and valid relating of activity/film to relevant local, national and/or global issues; and/or discipline Fluid and coherent organization with smooth transitions, and clear and logical writing Insignificant grammatical and mechanical errors Total Points 4 6 6 Percentage 20 30 30

2 2 20

10 10 100

5. 6.

Acknowledge all sources used in the requirements submitted. All requirements that are submitted late will be subjected to a two-point deduction per day of tardy.

Other concerns: 1. 2. Courtesy is a rule inside the classroom. The use of cell phones including all kinds of electronic gadgets during the class is not allowed. Keep them in silent mode or turn them off while in class. Since it will be difficult to monitor whether students are actually listening and taking down notes or just surfing the net and doing other things not required in the class; laptops or notebooks, netbooks, iPads, smartphones, tablets, etc. are therefore not allowed while class sessions are going on except when these will be used in class presentations. Everyone is encouraged to wear their IDs inside the classroom. The classroom including building premises is a strictly No Smoking zone.

3. 4.

Evaluation and grade computation: Grades will be based on the outcomes of requirements and activities conducted inside and outside of the classroom. The percentage weights for the requirements will be as follows: Activity Commentaries: Group Outputs/Presentations: Midterm and Final Assessment: 30% 20% 50% 100%

Grades will be computed using the transmutation table below: Grading Scale % 90 - Up 85 - 89 80 84 75 79 70 74 65 69 60 64 55 59 50 54 45 49 44 - below . . . . . . . . . . . Final Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.5 2.75 3.0 4.0 5.0

Suggested references (You are not limited to what are listed below. There is now a wealth of literature available in the library and from other sources, which you may access and use for this course.):
DENR,DILG, DA-BAR, CRMP. 1997. Legal and Jurisdictional Guidebook for Coastal Resource Management in the Philippines. Manila Philippines: Coastal Resource Management Project. DENR, DA-BFAR, DILG, CRMP. 2001. Philippine Coastal Management Guidebook Series No. 8: Coastal Law Enforcement. Coastal Resource Management Project of DENR, Cebu City Philippines. Ferrer, E.., L.P. de la Cruz and G.F. Newkirk (eds). 2001. Hope Takes Root, Community-Based Coastal Resources Management Stories From Southeast Asia. CBCRM Resource Center, U.P. Diliman and Coastal Resource Research Network, Dalhousie University. 275 pp. Garcia, L.M.B. 2001. Responsible Aquaculture Development in Southeast Asia. Iloilo, Philippines: SEAFDEC. 274 pp. Guerrero, R.D. (ed). 1998. 100 Years of Philippine Fisheries and Marine Science. Los Baos, Laguna: PCAMRD/DOST. 210 pp. Moyle, P.B. and J.J. Cech, Jr. 2000. An Introduction to Ichthyology, 4th Edition. New Jersey, USA: prentice-Hall, Inc. 612 pp. Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. London: W.B. Saunders Company. 574 pp. Pillay, T.V.R. 1992. Aquaculture and the Environment. New York and Toronto: John Wiley & Sons. 189 pp. _________. 1993. Aquaculture, Principles and Practices. Cambridge, MA, USA: Fishing New Books. 575 pp. Ushijima, I. and C.N. Zayas. 1994. Fishers of the Visayas, Visayas Maritime Anthropological Studies. U.P. Diliman and U.P. Press, Quezon City: College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. 464 pp. Related Readings Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997; Local Government Code of 1991; Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 Websites to visit: (Link: Learning Objects);;

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