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Agenda for Look! St Albans 1st reps group meeting to be held on Monday 13th January 2014 at !

30 at the "ue "lub #pper $agnall Street http!%%&&&'&hatsonstalbans'(o'uk%st)albans)(ue)(lub)pool)snooker)darts'html *lease ensure you pur(hase a be+erage on arri+al' Stru(ture of meeting, informal but dis(iplined' Apologies for absen(e -ote to formalise the admin group .ormally sign a (opy of the adopted (onstitution Arrangements for M/# formalisation "omments on draft A0M minutes before they are sent out to supporters' Formal adoption can only take place at next AGM "hairman1s report $eputy "hairman1s (omments 2reasurer report and re(ommendations Se(retary1s (omments $is(ussion on ne& Look! St Albans logo pre+iously (ir(ulated' Please ensure you have a hard copy to assist the discussion. $is(ussion on setting up &orking groups on3 4ebsite .unding *ubli(ity .uture e+ents A/5 any substantial items will have to be carried forward to the next meeting' Set date and +enue for the ne6t reps group meeting

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