The Emerging Challenges in Human Resource Management

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The Emerging Challenges in Human Resource Management

Dr. V. Selvanathan Associate Professor Dr. Am e!"ar Arts Colle#e V*asar a!*& Chennai. Abstract: +his paper anal*sis the vario,s challen#es -hich are emer#in# in the fiel! of HRM. +he mana#ers to!a* face a -hole ne- arra* of chan#es li"e #lo ali.ation& technolo#ical a!vances an! chan#es in political an! le#al environment. chan#es in /nformation technolo#*. +his has lea! to a para!i#m shift in the of roles professional personnel. +he #reat challen#e of HRM is to attract& retain an! n,rt,re talente! emplo*ees. +his paper also anal*sis ho- to overcome -ith these challen#es. +hese challen#es can overcome thro,#h cross c,lt,ral trainin#& technolo#ical an! informational trainin# of HR people an! motivation of emplo*ees thro,#h vario,s techni0,es Objectives of paper: +o st,!* the !etails of emer#in# challen#es +o fin! o,t the vario,s metho!s an! techni0,es thro,#h -hich HR can overcome the challen#es of present ,siness scenario Introduction HR mana#ers are facin# man* challen#es in present ,siness scenario li"e Glo ali.ation -or"force !iversit*& technolo#ical a!vances an! chan#es in political an! le#al environment chan#e in information technolo#*. All these challen#es increase the press,re on HR mana#ers to attract& retain an! n,rt,re talente! emplo*ee. HR professional can1t i#nore these challen#es rather the* o,#ht to e line to !esi#n an! e2ec,te innovative mechanisms of !evelopin# s"ills an! competencies of h,man reso,rces to prepare them to accept the emer#in# challen#es. CHA E!"E# O$ HRM I! MO%ER! MA!A"EME!T M.SHANMUGAM (Research Scholar) (Department of Commerce) D$%ain Colle#e&Chennai'()

"lobali&ation: At a political an! economic level& #lo ali.ation is the process of !enationali.ation of mar"ets& politics an! le#al s*stems i.e. the ,se of the so'calle! #lo al econom*. Glo ali.ation refers to an e2tension e*on! national or!ers of the same mar"et forces that have operate! for cent,ries at all levels of h,man economic activit* (villa#e mar"ets& ,r an in!,stries& or financial centers). /t means that -orl! tra!e an! financial mar"ets are ecomin# more

inte#rate!.Gro-in# internationali.ation of ,siness has its impact on HRM in terms of pro lems of ,nfamiliar la-s& lan#,a#es& practices& competitions& attit,!es& mana#ement st*les& -or" ethics etc. HR mana#ers have a challen#e to !eal -ith more f,nctions& more hetero#eneo,s f,nctions an! more involvement in emplo*ee1s personal life. Changes in political and legal environment Chan#es in political an! le#al environment means chan#es in political parties an! r,les re#,lation !,e to -hich ne- la-s are come an! *o, have to follo- all la-s -hile !oin# ,siness. Man* chan#es ta"in# place in the le#al an! political frame-or" -ithin -hich the in!,strial relation s*stem in the co,ntr* is no- f,nctionin#. /t is the !,t* of h,man reso,rce an! in!,strial relations e2ec,tives to f,ll* e2amine the implication& of these chan#es an! rin#s a o,t necessar* a!3,stment -ithin the or#ani.ation so that later ,tili.ation of h,man reso,rce can e achieve!. /t is the responsi ilit* of H,man Reso,rce mana#er to anticipate the chan#es an! prepare or#ani.ation to face them -itho,t an* rea"!o-n in its normal f,nctionin#. Changes in the Economic Environment +his incl,!es e2amination of the impact of a n,m er of factors on pro!,ction. Some of the "e* factors are the scarcit* of ra- materials an! other inp,ts incl,!in# po-er an! electricit*& enco,ra#ement of the c,lt,re of cons,merism& increasin# cons,mer a-areness an! !eman! for 0,alit* pro!,cts& contin,in# ,p-ar! tren! in the inflationar* press,res -ith !ecrease in the p,rchasin# po-er of r,pee an! its spiralin# effects in the ever increasin# aspirations of -or"ers for hi#her -a#es an! other material enefits an! mo,ntin# costs on the emplo*ee -elfare an! other enefits. /n an inflationar* econom*& the reso,rces ten! to ecome scarce an! the costs of machine& materials an! la o,r m,ltipl*. +hese p,sh ,p the capital an! r,nnin# costs. Revolution in Information Technolog''.. /nformation technolo#* has infl,ence! HRM thro,#h h,man reso,rces information s*stems (HR/S) that streamline the processin# of !ata an! ma"e emplo*ee information more rea!il* availa le to mana#ers. More recentl*. there has een an! in the f,t,re there -ill primar* areas Application of comp,ter in the mana#erial !ecision ma"in# process 4. Use of electronic comp,ters mana#erial !ecision ma"in# process 5. /n f,t,re comp,teri.e! information s*stem -ill have increasin# impact at the coor!inate an! strate#ic levels of or#ani.ation e impact of revol,tionar* comp,teri.e! information s*stem in the mana#ement it covers t-o

Mobilit' of (rofessional (ersonnel) 6ne of the interestin# facts -ill e increase in the mo ilit* of vario,s mana#erial an! professional personnel et-een the or#ani.ations. As in!ivi!,al !evelop #reater technical an! professional e2pertise& their services -ill e #reater !eman! * or#ani.ation in the environment * Ho+ can +e overcome +ith these challenges, 4.Cross c,lt,ral trainin# of HR personnel so that the* ,n!erstan! other c,lt,ral people. 5. Motivate Professional personnel more an! more so that !o not chan#e or#ani.ation more fre0,entl* financial motivation is not al-a*s re0,ire! *o, can motivate thro,#h non financial motivation li"e enco,ra#ement& trainin# of emplo*ee& 3o satisfaction. 7.HR sho,l! a!opt the chan#e at internet spee!. 8. Shiftin# HR strate#* -ith chan#in# econom* 9 strate#* of HR sho,l! e a#ile& capa le of fle2in# an! a!aptive to chan#es in the econom*. :. +echnical chan#es in the -or"place often re0,ire the implementation of a!!itional trainin# for -or"ers. As trainin# an! !evelopment is #enerall* the realm of the HR !epartment& this creates *et another challen#e for h,man reso,rce mana#ers. HR m,st first !etermine -hat trainin# is necessar* an! then implement trainin# meas,res to ens,re all -or"ers can "eep ,p -ith technical chan#es. H,man reso,rce mana#ers m,st also !etermine -hen it ma* train e2istin# emplo*ees& an! -hen it m,st search for ne- -or"ers to fill technical positions -ithin the or#ani.ation. ;. +rainin# of HR/S 9 H,man reso,rce information s*stem sho,l! e #iven to the HR mana#ers or HR professional so that the* can overcome /nformation +echnolo#* challen#es. ). Proper performance eval,ation s*stem an! proper career !evelopment plans sho,l! e ,se! in the or#ani.ation to re!,ce professional mo ilit*.

Result /n present scenario HR is facin# vario,s challen#es li"e #lo ali.ation< -or"force !iversit* etc HR people can overcome these challen#es thro,#h cross c,lt,ral trainin#& motivation of emplo*ee& technolo#ical an! information technolo#ical trainin# D,e to all these challen#es it is ver* !iffic,lt for HR people to retain& attract an! n,rt,re talente! emplo*ee. $,t it can financial techni0,es ,t the* can motivate from non financial techni0,es. Conclusion +o concl,!e that it can e sai! that HR practice is ecomin# more a! more challen#in# !a* * !a*& the* have to face lot of pro lems li"e retention& attraction of emplo*ee& !ealin# -ith !ifferent c,lt,ral people& mana#in# -or" force !iversit*& technolo#ical an! informational chan#es to overcome -ith these challen#es trainin# (Cross c,lt,ral trainin# an! technolo#ical an! informational trainin#) is necessar* of HR people. +o re!,ce mo ilit* of professional personnel HR people have to motivate them from monetar* an! non monetar* techni0,es. Proper performance eval,ation s*stem an! proper career !evelopment plans sho,l! e ,se! in the or#ani.ation to re!,ce professional mo ilit*. e possi le from motivational techni0,es& HR e2ec,tives cannot motivate emplo*ee from onl*

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