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Missiles fired at RTS were, for

the first time in the history of

mankind, intended for killing
the truth. By dropping bombs
on RTS the enemy was aiming
at the media workers through-
out the world.
The murderes will never wash
the blood off their dirty hands
and history will certainly judge
them. The journalists are the
vi cti ms of the most brutal
massacre carried out against
the freedom of speech. As of
today the candles lit on the
scene of the crime will burn
eternaly as a reminder and a
warning never to let the crime
happen again.
HATO anujauca je u y nocnepua 24 uaca pejc1eoeana no eume
uueunuux u npuepepuux ojeka1a mupoV Jyrocnaeuje. Tpupece1
ppyru pau op noue1ka arpecuje ua Ve1u eapeapckux pake1uux npo-
jek1una uamnu cy ce rpapoeu u cena u ojek1u op eu1anuor
suauaja sa uueunuo c1auoeuum1eo, kao m1o cy 1aqoc1auuue,
usernuuku kaVnoeu, nnauuuapcku poVoeu...
KPAEBO: (10,20) Ho ko sua no koju ny1 HATO aeujauuja je
pejc1eoeana no ceny a|eeuu. Hpuuuueua je eenuka Va1epujanua
m1e1a ua npuea1uuV kyhaVa. ypckux p1aea uuje uno.
HH: (01,15) Ca mec1 npojek1una, no npeu ny1, ra|au je uc1ouuu
peo rpapa. Peruc1poeaua je eenuka Va1epujanua m1e1a.
RVHAHH: V 1oV rpapuhy uepaneko op Uauka HATO aeujauuja je
uohac nouoeo pejc1oeana no npouseopuuV norouuVa XeVujcke
uupyc1puj e -Munau Bnaroj eeuh-. Ha oc1a1ke 1e qapuke,
paspymeue y npe1xopuuV pejc1euVa, ucnaneuo je ocaV npojek1u-
na. Benuke Va1epujanue m1e1e nouoeo cy npe1pnene okonue npu-
ea1ue kyhe.
RO3HHQA: Fa|au nnauuuapcku poV ua nnauuuu Fyueeo y kojeV cy
cVem1eue usernuue us Bocue u Xepueroeuue u Xpea1cke.
BEO|PA: V 1oky uohu ra|auo nopppyuje ucnop Aeane, pec1opau
HauopaVa u 1paqo-c1auuua sor uera cy Vem1auu oc1anu es
enek1puuue euepruje.
BPAHE: Fa|au ceeeposanapuu peo rpapa.
CVPVRHQA: Ha 1aj rpapuh ua uc1oky Cpuje ucnaneuo ne1 npo-
HOBH HA8AP: V 1oV rpapy ra|au je Vecuu eopoeop.
DPHTHHA: Taj rpap je uenpekupuo nop pejc1eoV uenpuja1e-
nckux npojek1una. V nocenepua 24 uaca ra|aua cy uacena
Benaheeau, FpVuja, TB pene1u1op Fonem. Ha KocVe1y cy ra|auu u
unnau, Kocoeo Hone, Cpuua, Knuua (Voc1 ua peuu Benu ppuV).
Ten./qakc/ 32-39-553 u 32-43-576
25. anpun 1999. ropuue
Tako|e u Vopanu sua1u ko cy uajeehu npouseo|auu cpepc1aea sa
Vacoeua yujaua nypu u ko uVa `sanuecku`, `euje1uaVcku` u
Vuore ppyre cuuppoVe ecoVyuue Vamuuepuje cVp1u u pasapaua.
Jyrocnaeuja ue nocepyje npojek1e u noc1pojeua sa npouseopuy
ojuux o1poea u xeVujckor opyja, a ueua eojcka ueVa u ue
kopuc1u uexyVaua u ueposeoneua pa1ua cpepc1ea. CnpeVuoc1,
opnyuuoc1 u opeuu Vopan npunapuuka Bojcke Jyrocnaeuje y1e-
Veneuu cy ua uckyc1euVa eekoeuux ocnoopunaukux pa1oea u
eu1emkoV eojuuukoV yVehy. Ha cnoopapc1ey, na1puo1usVy u
xyVauoc1u, a ue ua nauVa, npe1uaVa u npuuuunuVa nnaheuuuke
Feuepan-nykoeuuk Munopap Opapoeuh, koVaupau1 pyre apVuje BJ
HpunukoV peopueeuor ounacka jepuuuua pyre apVuje BJ, ueu
koVaupau1 reuepan-nykoeuuk Munopap Opapoeuh usjaeuo je pa
je c1aue ykynue opeue ocnoconeuoc1u u Vo1ueucauoc1u
c1apemuua u eojuuka sa usepmaeaue opeuux sapa1aka y
oppauu o1auuue eeoVa eucoko. Feuepan Opapoeuh oumao je
jepuuuue y okonuuu Bujenor Hona, Hneena, Hpujenona, Hoee
Bapomu u Hpuoja. Ou je uc1akao pa cy cee jepuuuue pyre apVuje
BJ, yknyuyjyhu u rpauuuue, capa Vohuuje, pojue, popo oyueue u
eucoko Vo1ueucaue sa usepmaeaue ceux sapa1aka ua uenokynuoV
npoc1opy CPJ. ToVe ponpuuocu u uenokonenueu c1ae ceux
rpa|aua pa ce seVna Vopa pauu1u u noeepeue koj e
c1auoeuum1eo uVa y Bojcky Jyrocnaeuje, uaeopu ce y caonm1euy
HuqopVa1ueue cnye KoVaupe pyre apVuje.
Hsoc1ajaue ouekueauux u oehauux yuuuaka eumepueeuux
Vacoeuux easpymuux ypapa arpecop nokymaea pa uapokuapu
cuauoV ncuxonomko-nponaraupuoV kaVnauoV u ueocuoeauuV
on1yaVa pa Bojcka Jyrocnaeuje kopuc1u papuoak1ueuy Vyuuuujy
u yno1penaea xeVujcko opyje.
Vnpaeo ouo m1o arpecop ec1upuo uuuu uaouurnep cee1cke
jaeuoc1u. Fa|aueV xeVujckux u uaq1uux noc1pojeua usasuea
1emke xaeapuje u npe1u ka1ac1poqaVa, m1o je no eqek1uVa u
1emkuV nocnepuuuVa jepuako nocpepuoj npuVeuu xeVujckor
Ha eume Vec1a koja cy una usnoeua easpymuuV ypapuVa HATO
aeujauuje ua|euu cy oc1auu papuo-ak1ueue Vyuuuuja, kao ouurnep-
ua no1eppa pa ynpaeo arpecop kopuc1u oea snouuuauka yojua
Henou1ua uuueuuua pa Jyrocnaeuja ue npouseopu xeVujcko
opyje u pa ra ueua opyaua cuna ue kopuc1u cappaua je y kou-
uenuuju oppaue u c1pa1eruju Bojcke Jyrocnaeuje. Jyrocnaeuja
uukapa uuje una okyna1op u uukapa uuje eopuna oceajauku pa1, a
ueua eojcka ueVeueua je ucknyuueo sa oppauy seVne.
Bojcka Jyrocnaeuje useopu oppaVeua pejc1ea ucknyuueo ua
conc1eeuoj 1epu1opuju u sajepuo ca ceojuV uapopoV, rpe u ceaka
npuVeua papuoak1ueue Vyuuuuje, ojuux o1poea u ppyror xeVu-
jckor opyja una ersuc1euuujanuo 1paruuua, a reue1uuku noryua.
V okeupy npuVeue CnopasyVa o nopperuouanuoj kou1ponu
uaopyaua, jepuuuue u yc1auoee Bojcke Jyrocnaeuje u noc1pojeua
eojue uupyc1puje unu cy nopepruy1u pe1anuuV uucnekuujaVa. Hu
y jepuoV cnyuajy uucy ua|euu 1paroeu npouseopue u noc1ojaua
xeVujckor opyja, m1o arpecopu-1yuouu suajy, unu u Vopanu
Bomaponanem PTC-a npnn
ny1 y nc1opnjn uoneuauc1na
nyuauo je y nc1nuy. Boma a-
ueua ua Tenennsnjy y nc1o
npeme je n oma npo1nn npo-
qecnj e uonnuapa uenor
Ynue unkaa ue5e onpa1n
cnoje okpnanneue pyke, a
nc1opnja 5e nm cacnnm cnr-
ypuo cyn1n. Honnuapn cy
xp1ne uaj py1anunj er ma-
cakpa npo1nn cnooe peun.
O auac 5e ynaneue cne5e
ncnpe mec1a snounua rope-
1n neuuo kao onomeua n nopy-
ka a ce sno unkaa ue no-
Tel./fax/ 32-39-553 and 32-43-576
April 25
AND 22ND 1999
Over the past 24 hours NATO has targeted a series of civilian and
industrial facilities throughout Yugoslavia. The hit list on the 32rd day of
the barbaric aggression included cities and villages, and installations
that are vitally important for the civilian population such as transformer
stations, refugee camps, mountain lodges...
KRALJEVO: (10:20) Once more NATO aircraft attacked the village of
Ladjevica. Major damages have been caused to private homes.
Fortunately there were no casualties.
NIS: (01:15) Six missiles have been launched on the eastern part of the
town. This was the first raid on the area and major damages have been
LUCANI: Tonight, NATO forces newly attacked the "Milan Blagojevic"
chemicals plant in this small town in the vicinity of Cacak. The remains
of the factory already flattened in the previous attacks, have been hit by
eight missiles. The private houses in the vicinity have suffered enor-
mous damages.
LOZNICA: The mountai n l odge i n Mt. Gucevo accommodati ng
refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia has been raided.
BELGRADE: The Mt. Avala area was targeted during the night. The
Panorama Restaurant on the mountain side and the transformer sta-
tion have been hit, thus interrupting the supply of electricity in the area.
VRANJE: The north-western part of the town has been targeted.
SURDULICA: Five missiles have been launched on the small town in
eastern Serbia.
NOVI PAZAR: The local waterworks were target of the NATO air raid.
PRISTINA: The town is constantly is being constantly shelled by enemy
missiles. In the past 24 hours the quarters of Belacevac, Grmija have
been targeted as well as the Goles TV relay tower. Other targetted
areas in Kosovo and Metohija include Lipljan, Kosovo Polje, Srbica and
Klina (the bridge on the river Beli Drim).
Having failed to achieve its set and promised goals with air strikes that
have been going on for days, the enemy is trying to compensate this
with a strong psychological and propaganda campaign and unfounded
accusation that the Yugoslav Army is using radioactive ordnance and
chemical weaponry.
This is exactly what the aggressor forces have been doing shame-
lessly before the eyes of the entire world public. By targeting chemical
and oil installations serious damages have been caused threatening to
bring about a catastrophe, with effects equal if not worse to the indirect
use of chemical weaponry.
In various localities that were targeted by NATO air strikes,
residues of radio-active ammunition have been found, confirming the
fact that the aggressor is using such criminal means in the attacks.
The indisputable fact that Yugoslavia does not produce chemical
weapons and that its armed forces do not use such ordnance are inher-
ent to the very concept of national defense and Yugoslav Army strate-
gy. Yugoslavia never assumed the position of occupying force and was
never involved in a war of conquest, and the sole objective of its Army
is the defense of the country.
The Yugoslav Army is involved in defense operations in strictly
within its own territory and together with its people, when any use of
radioactive ammunition, poison gasses or any other chemical weapon-
ry would be existentially tragic and genetically lethal.
Within the framework of the Agreement on the sub-regional control
of weaponry, Yugoslav Army units and institutions, as well as military-
industry facilities have been subject to thorough inspection. None of the
inspections have revealed any trace of the production or existence of
chemical weapons, as the aggressors well know or ought to know.
They also must know who are the major makers of mass destruc-
tion weapons and who is faced with the "Gulf", "Vietnam" and various
other syndromes echoing the use of the relentless mass murder and
destruction machinery.
Yugoslavia does not have any projects or facilities for the produc-
tion of poison gasses and chemical weaponry, and its army does not
have and has never used inhuman and banned arms. The readiness,
determination and fighting morale of the Yugoslav Army troops are
based on a centuries long tradition of wars of liberation and chivalrous
military experience. The YA pursues ideals of patriotism, love of free-
dom and humanity, quite different from the lies, threats, and mercenary
spirit of its enemy.
Lieutenant general Milorad Obradovic,
YA Second Army Commander
The state of the overall combat readiness and the motiva-
tion of officers and soldiers for combat assignments in
defending their country is high - said YA 2nd Army com-
mander Lieutenant General Millard Obradovic after his
two-day inspection of the troops. General Obradovic visit-
ed all the units deployed around Bijelo Polje, Pljevlja,
Prijepolje, Nova Varos and Priboj. He stressed that all YA
2nd Army units, including border patrols, have increased
their power and number, and that they are well trained
and motivated to carry out all assignments on the entire
territory of FR Yugoslavia. This is also supported by the
indomitable commitment of all citizens to the defense of
the country and the complete faith in the Yugoslav Army -
reads t he st at ement i ssued by t he YA 2nd Army
Information Service.
April 24./25. 1999.

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