NOC From Society

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All documents Needed :

hi here is the list of documents you should look for 1. Conveyance / Sale deed : Document by which the title of a property is conveyed by the seller to the purchaser 2. ULC [Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act] : 3. 7/12 extract is a document, which shows the names of the owners of the property. It contains details such as the Survey numbers, area, date from which the current owners names were registered as owners. The 7/12 extract is issued by the Tehsildar or the concerned land authorities. 4. Index II Index II is a document issued by the office of the Sub- Registrar of Assurances. It mainly mentions the names of the sellers & purchasers of a property for which the document is registered. 5. Search report & Title certificate A Title certificate is issued by an advocate after conducting a search of the title of the property, which is intended to be purchased. The title certificate would state if the property is unencumbered and has a clear marketable title.(30 years) 6. Non Agricultural (N.A) permission 7. Development Agreement : entered into by the builder with the landowner. It contains details regarding the terms and conditions on which the landowner has permitted development of his property. This is where the landowner engages a third party (i.e. the developer) to develop and build on their plot of land. This agreement is generally accompanied by a Power of Attorney in favour of the developer. 8. Approved building plans need to be checked necessarily. The plans must be approved by the Municipal Corporation/ Town Planning authority or other concerned authorities like CIDCO, MHADA, HUDCO, Gram Panchayat, etc. as applicable depending on the location of the project. Approved plan of the building along with the number of floors. Check if occupancy certificate has been issued by the municipality authority with the approved of Building Plan. 9. Commencement certificate is given by the Municipal Corporation permitting the developer to begin construction. 10. Completion/occupation certificate is given by the concerned authorities to the developer once the said building is complete in all respects and fit for occupation. 11. Stamp Duty & Registration: 12. Registration of an agreement 13. Approved layout plan 14. ownership documents. Check if the land on which the builder is building is his or he has undertaken an agreement with a landlord. If so, check the title of the land ownership with the help of an advocate. 15. Ensure that urban land ceiling NOC (if applicable) has been obtained or not. 16. NOC from water and electricity authorities also have to be obtained. 17. NOC from lift authorities. 18. Has your builder/promoter acquired the approvals from Municipal Corporation, Area Development Authorities, Electricity Boards, Water Supply & Sewerage Boards, Airport Area Authorities? 19. Ensure execution of proper sale agreements on your initial payments. 20. IOD (Intimation of disapproval) 21. Encumbrance certificate

Hope this will solve your problems bye best of luck for your purchases

MY BLOODY HEAD and Source.

NOC from society:

outstanding dues/charges payable by the Member in respect of the said flat/ UNIT and he/she has paid all the taxes/dues in respect of the same up to date. wE further confirm that he/she/they transfer his/her/them property in name of ___________________________ as per rules and regulation of the society, we have no objection for that.

Index II When you carry out registration of agreement at registrar office, they generate this Index II, which clearly specifies property description, owner, builder, consideration value etc. it's an imp document as it ensures your authenticity of the property purchase. If you have done with your registration, then you must be having it. Index II is the document which provides you with all the necessary information pertaining to the particular property with regards to all the transactions that has occurred as a result of any instrument which affects or shall affect the ownership and possessory right of that particular property

Allotment Letter: An important tool for you to buy a property ( NOT REQUIRED in our case)
Comments(4) Sub Category:Legal,Property Buying Posted On: Nov 05, 2012

What is an allotment letter?

If you are booking an under-construction property, you are required to receive an allotment letter from the builder. This letter includes all the details regarding the flat, the payment options and any extra charges that you may have to pay in case of maintenance or additional facilities. It also includes construction schedule, house plans, delivery date and builders liability in case of late completion or problems after possession. Generally, it is issued to you upon payment of the 15% of the property value to the developer. An allotment letter is an important document for the buyer. Generally, while you will be pursuing bank loan to buy a certain property,the builder/housing society issues the allotment letter to the buyer which includes details pertaining the description of the subject property being sold/bought by the two parties. The allotment letter also includes about the specifications of the project on the whole. You must discuss any preferences, such as choice of floor or view, of yours before receiving the allotment letter as the options can be included in the allotment letter.

What is the significance of the Allotment Letter? Allotment letter is vital in availing loan from the bank, as the letter mentions the amount of money which you have to pay to the builder/housing society, so that remaining amount can be financed by the bank. On the basis of this letter, generally the bank finances the remaining amount. Although the general impression is such that the sales agreement holds supreme importance in property deals, the allotment letter comes in when you are deprived of what you were being promised. For example, if on one of the pertinent aspect which is mentioned in the allotment letter, builder refuses to give adequate documentary proof subsequently, as a buyer you can opt not to make subsequent payment and can demand that unless builder satisfies the disputed aspect, you will

not make subsequent payment. It will legally bind the builder to refund the buyer all the money that has been paid.
A certificate of occupancy is a document issued by a local government agency or building department certifying a building's compliance with applicablebuilding codes and other laws, and indicating it to be in a condition suitable for [1] occupancy. The procedure and requirements for the certificate vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and on the type of structure. In the United States, obtaining a certificate is generally required whenever:

a new building is constructed a building built for one use is to be used for another (e.g. an industrial building converted for residential use) occupancy of a commercial or industrial building changes, or ownership of a commercial, industrial, or multiplefamily residential building changes

The purpose of obtaining a certificate of occupancy is to prove that, according to the law, the house or building is in livable condition. Generally, such a certificate is necessary to be able to occupy the structure for everyday use, as well as to be able to sign a contract to sell the space and close on amortgage for the space. A certificate of occupancy is evidence that the building complies substantially with the plans and specifications that have been submitted to, and approved by, the local authority. It complements a building permita document that must be filed by the applicant with the local authority before construction to indicate that the proposed construction will adhere to ordinances, codes and laws.

COMPLETION CERTIFICATE Upon completion of Construction, the Builder receives this Certificate from the Municipal Authorities. The Certificate documents the location and land identification of the Building, certifies if the Building is in accordance with Building Standards, e.g., Distance from Road, Distance from Adjacent Buildings, Height of the Building, and other approved norms of the Municipal authority as well as the Building Plan. Here is how a Completion Certificate looks like:

OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE A Permission to Occupy a Building, given by the Municipal Authorities, after verification of all supporting Documents, adherence to Building standards, Fire Safety standards for HighRises, Elevator and other Electrical Safety , provision for Water Supply and Disposal, etc. The legal possession of the Flat by the Owner is valid only with the Occupancy Certificate. Here is how a Occupancy Certificate of an Apartment Complex looks like:

Share certificate :
In Maharashtra, societies re governed by the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act. This Act provides the rules and regulations governing Cooperative Housing Societies also. Like in corporate firms, the total authorized Share Capital of a Co operative Society is fixed by the Registrar of Co op Societies at the time of registering the Society. This share capital is divided into shares of Rs, 50/- each. In housing societies, each member has to pay for 5 shares (in commercial societies 10 shares), which is the limit of his share in the liability of the Society, like in corporate firms. The paid up capital of the society need not always be equal to the

authorized capital as the latter is kept higher, for future eventualities. Thus, a member owns 5 (or 10) shares in the society, for which the society issues a share certificate, giving details of the name of the member, the premises no.,share certificate no., and the distinctive nos. of the shares and the amount paid (Rs. 250 or 500).. Thus, share cert. no. 1 will be for share nos. 1-5, share cert. no 2 for shares 6-10 etc. This certificate is the only proof of the ownership of the premises by the member, as in Maharashtra, all premises are owned by the Societies and the flats are allotted to members on the basis of the share certificate only. In case of sale/transfer, after proper procedure, the share certificate is transferred in the name of the buyer from the seller and thereafter the seller has no right in the premises, as he ceases to be a member of the Society. The share certificate has to be retained by the owner of the premises as his membership is dependent on that. Hope this helps.

N A : Non agricultural land

NOC under urban land ceiling act (Legal Documents)

sir, recently i had entered into an Agreement towards purchase of a land in the pheripheral area of Hyderabad. Subsequently upon my enquiry, it was found to be that the said land is subjected to ULC Act and certain amount need to be paid in order to avail the relevant clearance and to the said effect i got a reply under the RTI Act confirming the said fact. Upon approaching my vendor in the said aspect, to my surprise, he too have placed me with a contradictory "NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE" issued by the same authority. What i need to do? i am confused, pls advice. Thank you

Price on application
'Price on application (sometimes price on asking), more commonly abbreviated as POA,' is a term often seen on price lists, classified advertisements and is commonly used with regard toreal estate prices. It means the seller or selling agent must be contacted in order to obtain the price.

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