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Ten./qakc/ 32-39-553 u 32-43-576
29. anpun 1999. ropuue
arpecopoea aeuoua (op uera cy pea ueeupnuea 0-117), pea xenukon1epa, pee
ecnuno1ue ne1unuue u 30 kpc1apehux pake1a. Hopep 1ora, PB u HBO je usepmu-
no cee noc1aeneue sapa1ke y easpyxonoeuoj noppmuu cuara BJ.
Foeopehu o Vopany nypu y PB u HBO, uuxoeoj opnyuuoc1u u pemeuoc1u pa ce
uc1paje po kouauue noepe, koVaupau1 PB u HBO je uc1akao, pa je 1o, y c1eapu, u
uajeeha cuara PB u HBO. Bopeuu Vopan je ua eucokoV uueoy. Hpunapuuuu PB u
HBO popo suajy m1a paue u opnyuuu cy pa uc1pajy po kpaja. Arpecop ce eapa
ako Vucnu pa he panuV snouuuaukuV yujaueV u pasapaueV nonyna1u uam
opeuu Vopan. Hanpo1ue, us paua y pau Vu cVo cee uepmhu u jepuuc1eeuuju, ua-
rnacuo je reuepan-no1nykoeuuk Cnacoje CVunauuh.
29. ADPHRA 1999. |OHHE
H 36. pau op noue1ka arpecuje ua Caeesuy Penynuky Jyrocnaeujy
nponasu y pymunaukuV pejc1euVa HATO aeujauuje no uueunuuV u
npuepepuuV ojek1uVa. V 1oky jyuepamuer paua peruc1poeaua cy
pejc1ea y eume eehux rpapoea, kao m1o cy Hoeu Cap, Hpum1uua, Hop-
ropuua, Kocoecka Mu1poeuua, a ua Ve1u uanapa us easpyxa unu cy
npouseopuu norouu, caopahajua u 1enekoVyuukauuoua uuqpac1pyk-
KOCOBCKA MHTPOBHQA: (10,45) V eume uaepa1a aeuouu HATO ko-
anuuuje pejc1eoeanu cy no Voc1y ua peuu a.
DPHTHHA: He1 npojek1una nano je ua jyrosanapuu peo 1or rpapa, a
ua Ve1u uanapa nouoeo je uno usne1um1e FpVuja, panekoeop u uace-
ne Fopue ypaee.
DO|OPHQA: (12,35-15,00)Ca cepaV npojek1una HATO aeujauuja
pejc1eoeana no c1apoV peny Hopropuue. Fa|au aepoppoV Fonyoeuu.
ejc1ea cy peruc1poeaua u y Bapy u BujenoV Hony. Ha uanape us ea-
spyxa cuauo je ysepahana HBO Bojcke Jyrocnaeuje.
COMBOP: (14,17) ejc1ea kpc1apehuV pake1aVa ucnoneua y mupoj
okonuuu rpapa.
|HHRAHE: (20,35) Peruc1poeaua ocVa1pauka ak1ueuoc1 aeujauuje
DPH3PEH: (23,35) ejc1eoeauo no poVckoV uaceny. Horuuyna ue1upu
nuua (pea oppacna u peoje peue).
HOBH DA3AP: (23,40) Ha rpap ucnaneua ue1upu npojek1una.
BEOFPA: (00,58-4,35) Aeujauuja HATO-a pejc1eoeana no Tonuupepy,
y uenocpepuoj nusuuu onuuua y 1oV peny rpapa. Fa|au je, 1ako|e,
enesuuuku Voc1 y Oc1pyuuuu. V uaceny Kpuaua, Ve1a je uo au-
1eucku c1y PTC-a. V pauuV jy1apuuV uacoeuVa pejc1eoeauo u no uu-
eunuuV ojek1uVa y 8eVyuy.
DOXE|A: (01,10) ejc1eoeanu no cknapum1y Jyrone1pona.
HOBH CA: (01,15) Fa|aua Paquuepuja uaq1e u no1nyuo yuum1eu a.
Oc1a1ke Paquuepuje saxea1uo eenuku noap. ejc1eoeauo u no 0py-
mkoj ropu. ejc1eoeana HBO BJ.
DOXAPEBAQ: (01,27) HATO aeuouu npeu ny1 op noue1ka arpecuje ua
uamy seVny ra|anu cy noppyuje Hoapeeua. Peruc1poeaue cy cuaue
pe1ouauuje, kao u uu1eusueuo pejc1eo npo1ueeaspymue oppaue BJ.
|PERQA: (02,00) Cpymeu Voc1 y Fppenuukoj knucypuua koju je
ucnaneuo 4-6 npojek1una.
DOVJEBO: (02,00) ejc1eoeauo no ceny eaue y nusuuu rpapuha.
BEKA: (03,10) Fa|au Voc1 npeko yuaea.
CMEEPEBO: (03,25) Ha Ve1u arpecopa una je Vnpaeua srpapa Jyro-
ne1pona u eosuu napk.
KVPVMRHJA: (05,30) Fa|au Voc1 y nusuuu rpapa. Om1eheu eenu-
ku poj kyha.
- Do1oaaun rpaaun Jyrocnaanje, pparn aojunn n c1apenue BJ, paunon o1anue.
Tpnpece1 ne1 paua n uohn ycneuo ce opynnpeo - can kao jepau arpecnjn ua
uay seny. Mn pa1 unco xenenn, ann uapop oae sene n euo ppxaauo
pykoaopc1ao uncy ornn pa npnxaa1e yn1na1y kojn je suauno kann1ynanjy n
okynanjy uae sene.
Dopuocno sua1ue 1e1e, nnahao nouoao pauak y kpan pauehn caojy seny n
sayac1aanajyhn jo jepau noxop rocnopapa pa1a y nxoao sauocy pa saanapajy
cae1o. Cae cy pojunjn npnja1enn kojn ua ca pasunx kou1nueua1a nckasyjy
opanuy noppky, pnaehn ce uaoj xpapoc1n n uenokonennaoj oppaun uesaa-
ncue ppxaae y kojoj uea ec1a sa okyna1ope.
Ha aojuo nonpn1y, ys cay eroay 1exunuky cynepnopuoc1, uenpnja1en unje
ycneo pa uac opanuo n aojunukn nopasn. Ba sa1o, ou cae esosnpunje n
kykaanukn uanapa ua nannuo c1auoaun1ao n npnapepue ojek1e.
Ann, cynpo1uo oueknaay uenpnja1ena, opanua cuara n jepnuc1ao enokynuor
uapopa n pykoaopc1aa oae sene caakor paua je cae jaua. Hehe un jepau sno1aop
poxnae1n 1o sapoaonc1ao pa anpn Cpnjy n Qpuy |opy ua koneuna, 1o cy
nuaue nnaunpann pa yunue sa paa-1pn paua.
Op noue1ka arpecnje po pauac, npnnapunn BJ nsapnnn cy ycneuo cae sapa1ke
noc1aaneue op Bpxoaue koaupe, a kojn nponc1nuy ns yc1aaue ynore BJ.
Eqnkacun koaupoaae n npneuo apekaa1ue c1pa1ernje n 1ak1nke pejc1aaa
akcnanuo co cauyaann xnao1e nypn, pa1ue a1epnjanue pesepae n pacno-
noxnay opeuy 1exunky, n uapacae, ycneuo co ce opynpnn pojuo n 1exunukn
anec1pyko uapohunje uenpnaj1eny.
Op noue1ka arpecnje ua CP Jyrocnaanjy BJ je oopnna: 46 aanoua, ey kojna n
qaosun O-117A, ec1 xennkon1epa, oca ecnnno1unx ne1enna n 182
kpc1apehe pake1e. Vs 1o, nxoan rynn y xnaoj cnnn uncy saueapnnan.
Haa, kao n eno uapopy CPJ, 1e uneune npyxajy uoaa npnsuaa n oxpape-
a pa ce O1anua oxe n opa paun1n. Dpnepn uaer jyuaukor o1nopa,
ynpkoc pojun npenpekaa n nsnno1nuaa uoae qanc1nuke nponaraupe,
cae ane npopnpy y cae1.
Caakn pauo cae je ane rpaaua npo Eapone n sennue kyrne kojn pnxy
rnaay n ynyhyjy rnac npo1ec1a npo1na cae uepasyunjer snounuc1aa arpecopa,
cxaa1ajyhn onacuoc1 no np n ypyhuoc1 uoaeuauc1aa y ennun.
Feuepan-no1nykoeuuk Cnacoje CVunauuh, koVaupau1 Pa1uor
easpyxonnoec1ea u npo1ueeaspymue oppaue Bojcke Jyrocnaeuje
Arpecuja HATO ua Caeesuy Penynuky Jyrocnaeujy, ca jacuuV uuneV ueue okyna-
uuje u pacnapuaeaua, pouekaua je ca po capa ueeu|euoV cnpeVuomhy uapopa pa
pauu ceojy uac1 u poc1ojauc1eo, ceoje uc1opujcke 1papuuuje u epepuoc1u u, y kpa-
jueV, conc1eeuu onc1auak. Cnoopapcku cpncku u upuoropcku uapop u ueroea
Bojcka peknu cy ceoje HE eonu u uu1epecy CA. Ho ueuy uajeehux p1aea uucy
npuc1anu ua okynauujy.
Ho peuuVa reuepan-no1nykoeuuka Cnacoja CVunauuha, koVaupau1a Pa1uor ea-
spyxonnoec1ea u npo1ueeaspymue oppaue, HATO je sa oc1eapeue ceojux Vpau-
uux uuneea, pasujaue CPJ u noponaeaue uapopa, po 25. anpuna (30 paua pa-
1a) usepmuo eume op 8000 aeuo-none1aua, naucupao eume op 600 kpc1apehux
pake1a u ykynuo ua npoc1op CPJ usauuo oko 11.000 1oua eucoko-pusau1uor ekc-
nnosuea,unu oko 1.100 rpaVa no rnaeu c1auoeuuka.
Feuepan CVunauuh uc1uue pa cy cuare u ojek1u PB u HBO, op noue1ka arpecuje
po pauac, c1anuo unu Ve1a uanapa. HATO je no ojek1uVa PB u HBO pejc1eoeao
220 ny1a ua 100 nokauuja, npu ueVy je ua ojek1e PB u HBO auuo oko 5.000 1oua
ekcnnosuea u uaueo Va1epujanuy m1e1y nusy jepue Vunujappe ponapa.
Bes osupa ua orpoVuy eojuy npeVoh cuara koje je HATO auraoeao npeVa CPJ,
ou uuje oc1eapuo noc1aeneue uuneee, a es ukakee pesepee ce Voe 1eppu1u pa
je eojuuuku usryuo npey u1ky, a nonu1uuku poueeo no1nyuy Vopanuy ka1ac1po-
a cy npoueue une no1nyuo uepeanue a nnauoeu no1nyuo npoVameuu, ykasyje
uuueuuua pa je PB u HBO u nocne 30 paua pa1a cauyeao ceojy onepa1ueuy cno-
couoc1. Ceu nopcuc1eVu PB u HBO u pane qyukuuouumy ca ouekyjyhoV equka-
cuomhy, m1o no1ep|yjy eqek1u opeuux pejc1aea. Cuare HBO oopune cy 24
Tel./fax/ 32-39-553 and 32-43-576
April 29
28TH AND 29TH 1999
The 36th day of the NATO aggression on FR Yugoslavia has been
marked by the destructive raids on civilian and industrial targets. The
attacks targetted numerous important towns such as Novi Sad,
Pristina, Podgorica, Kosovska Mitrovica, as well as production facilities,
road and telecommunication infrastructure.
KOSOVSKA MITROVICA: (10:45) NATO planes repeatedly attacked
the bridge on the river Lab.
PRISTINA: Five missiles fell on the southwestern part od the city, and
the Grmija pick-nick area, the power lines and the suburb of Gornje
PODGORICA: (12:35; 15:00) NATO planes launched seven missiles
on the historical part of the Montenegrin capital - Podgorica. The
Golubovci Airport hac been targetted. The towns of Bar and Bijelo Polje
have also been raided. YA Air Defence retaliated.
SOMBOR: (14:17) Cruise missiles have been used in the attack on the
town in northern Vojvodina.
GNJILANE: (20:35) NATO reconaissance has been registred in the
area around the town.
PRIZREN: (23:35) The Gipsy settlement in the outscirts of the town
has been shelled. Four victims have been reported (two adults and two
NOVI PAZAR: (23:40) Four missiles have been used in the latest raid
on the town.
BELGRADE: (00:58 - 4:35) NATO aircraft have attacked the residential
quarter of Topcider where numerous medical facilities are located. The
railroad bridge in Ostruznica has also been on the hit list last night. In
the suburb of Krnjaca, the RTS TV Antenna tower has been attacked.
At dawn civilian targets were raided in the suburb of Zemun.
POZEGA: (01:10) The "Jugopetrol" fuel depot was attacked.
NOVI SAD: (01:15) The oil refinery has been attacked and completely
destroyed. The remains of the plant have been caught by a violent fire.
Mt. Fruska Gora was targeted once again. The YA Air Defence reacted
to the raid.
POZAREVAC: (01:27) For the first time since the aggression started
NATO planes attacked the zone around the town of Pozarevac. Strong
detonations have been regfistered, and the YA AD responded sternly.
GRDELICA: (02:00) The bridge in Grdelicka Klisura gorge has been
destroyed by 4-6 direct hits.
PODUJEVO: (02:00) The village of Lebane in the outsakirts of the town
has been targeted.
BESKA: (03:10) The bridge ove the Danube has been targetted again.
SMEDEREVO: (03:25) Enemy planes raided the "Jugopetrol" company
building and the car pool.
KURSUMLIJA: (05:30) The bridge in the outskirts of the town was hit
and numerous private homes in the area were damaged.
My fellow citizens, men and officers of the Yugoslav Army - defenders of the
For over a month, day and night, we have been resisting - defending our
country all as one. We did not want this war, but our people and and our gov-
ernment could not accept the ultimatum equivalent to the capitulation and
occupation of our country.
We are bearing enormous damages, suffering and bleeding in a resolute
attempt to stop the conquest of the masters of war determined to rule the
globe. A growing number of friends from all continents are giving us their
moral support, admiring our courage and the adamant defense of our inde-
pendent state where no foreign troops will ever be permitted.
In the conflict, in spite of all its technical superiority, the enemy failed to
degrade our morale and defeat us militarily. This is precisely why the enemy
is ruthlessly and cowardly attacking civilians and industrial facilities.
Still, contrary to what the enemy expected, the moral strength and the unity of
the nation and the government is only growing stronger. No malefactor will
ever have the satisfaction to see Serbia and Montenegro kneeling, even
though they expected this to happen within two or three days.
Since the aggression started, the men of the Yugoslav Army carried out all the
assignments they were given by the Supreme Command, based on the consti-
tutional role of the YA.
The efficient commanding and the use of chosen strategy and operations' tac-
tics, helped us preserve the lives of our people, war reserves and the available
arsenal, and above all, we have managed to face and resist against a techni-
cally and numerically superior enemy.
Since the aggression on FR Yugoslavia broke out YA units managed to shoot
down: 46 aircraft - including the highly praised F117A, six helicopters, eight
drones and 182 cruise missiles. Furthermore, the number of men that the
enemy lost are not negligible.
We, and all our the people, are greatly encouraged by these facts that prove
that Motherland can and must be defended. News about our heroic resistance
in spite of the obstacles and fabrications launched by the new fascist propa-
ganda are gradually reaching the world.
Every day a growing number of people throughout Europe and the world over
are raising their voice in protest against the insane crimes of the aggressors,
realizing that peace and the future of Mankind is threatened.
Major General Spasoje Smiljanic, commander of the YA Air Force and Air Defence
The NATO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia with the clear inten-
tion to occupy and dismember it, has been countered by unprecedented readiness
of the people to defend its honor and dignity, its history, tradition and values and in
the final instance its existence. The freedom-loving people of Serbia and
Montenegro and their Army, said NO to the plans and the interests of the United
States. They rejected the option of an occupation, regardless of the costs.
According to, NATO put into act its dire plans (dismembering FR Yugoslavia and subju-
gation of the people), and until April 25th (day 30 of the aggression) carried out more than
8000 sorties, launched over 600 cruise missiles and unloaded a total of 11.000 tons of
high explosives on Yugoslav territory - equivalent to 1100 grams per capita!
General Smiljanic also stresses that ever since the aggression started, YA Air Force
and Air Defence facilities and troops have been constantly targeted by NATO in 220 raids
on 100 different AF and AD locations, and that the 5000 tons of explosives launched at
these facilities, caused damages estimated at nearly 1 billion dollars.
In spite of the enormous military preponderance of the forces NATO mustered for
the attack on FR Yugoslavia, the set objectives have not been accomplished, and it
NATO has certainly lost the first battle, and suffered a complete moral catastrophe.
After a month of enormous military pressure, the YA AF and AD have preserved
their combat potential and this proves the fact that NATO plans were completely
unrealistic and the strategy fully off mark. All Air Defence subsystems are opera-
tional and continue to function with the anticipated efficiency - as the results confirm.
YA Air Defence downed 24 enemy planes (two of them being stealth F117), two
helicopters, two drones and 30 cruise missiles. Furthermore, The Yugoslav Army Air
Force and Air Defence have carried out all their assignments related to the support
for YA ground forces.
Speaking about the morale of the AF and DA troops, about their determination to
fight to the victory, Major General Spasoje Smiljanic pointed out that this is the great-
est strength of the men under his command. The combat morale is very high and
the troops are fully aware what they are fighting for. The enemy forces are making a
big mistake if they think that further massacres and destruction shall underline our
morale. On the contrary, our determination to resist is now adamant, stressed the
commander of the YA Air Force and Air Defence.
April 28./29.'99.

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