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AS Media

Ashley Hamilton

Ideas Development Action Film

Initial Idea 1
The main character is preparing for a fight. He prepares various weapons and equipment, putting it into a bag. He changes his clothing before exiting the building that he is in. He will be wearing a suit. There is a voice over, detailing his back story and why he is doing what he is, but his face is never shown. He says that he is getting revenge on a man that was responsible for his father's death. It shows various close ups of his actions, such as his hands picking up a weapon. The title of the film is shown. The main character walks down a street towards another building with his equipment. He eventually reaches the building and stops at the door. He pauses, takes a deep breath and enters. He walks through the building, looking around and trying not to act suspicious. The character will knock on a door, but no one answers. The main character takes out a gun and opens the door. The other character has he's back to him and turns around, holding a gun. The main character loads his gun and the title is shown, opening sequence ends. It will be set in a city and the main character will be a male. The main character's house and the building where the enemy is are the two locations. The city can be any city or town, with cars and people in the background to make it look natural. The props would be fake guns and equipment, such as a bullet proof vest. It would also be set during the day, around noon. The music would build in suspense gradually as he gets closer to the door, and then will stop when he enters.

Initial Idea 2
Two characters are sitting at a desk. They discuss business and the problems that the first character has been having, and shows him various documents. The first character says that the second character must die as he is the cause of the problems. He says that the second character's business is ruining the first character's. The first character stands up and pulls out a gun and quickly shoots the second character in the chest, and he falls to the floor. The first character walks over to get a close look at him. The second character opens his eyes, hits the first character and stands up. A fight scene occurs. The second character eventually knocks the first character to the ground and gets the gun. He reveals a bullet proof vest and points the gun at first character. A gunshot is heard and a flash is seen. The screen cuts to black and the title sequence is shown. The opening sequence ends. The two characters are adult males and it is set in a building in a city. Make-up would be needed for cuts and bruises from the fight. It would be set in an office, and some of the objects on the table would be used in the fight scene, such as a lamp. The props would need to be a fake gun and a bullet proof vest. There would also need to be objects on the table, such as the documents. It would be set during the day, in the afternoon. The music would be fast paced to match the action that is happening.

Initial Idea 3
The main character is sitting at a computer screen. He reads a document on a target who he has been told to kill. It has information on his life, location and an image of him. He makes a phone call to his boss, saying that he is ready. He stands up from the computer chair and picks up a knife and an image of his target from the table, putting it in his pocket. He will then exit the room. He walks down the street and sees his target in front of him. He goes to pull out the knife from his pocket whilst approaching the target. The target sees him, turns around and runs away. The main character begins chasing the target. The target enters a building, but reaches a dead end. The main character will go to attack the target, who is out of view from the camera. The scene will cut to black. The main character will exit the building and walk away down the street. He will call the boss on his phone, saying that it is done. The title of the film is shown and the opening sequence ends. The props would need to be a fake knife and an image of the target of the main character. A computer and chair would also need to be used, as well as a mobile phone. It would be set in a city, with the chase going down various streets and alleys, and then into a building with different floors. It would be set during the day and the music would be fast paced, building suspense as the opening sequence progresses. The two characters would be wearing casual clothing, such as jeans, jacket and trainers.

AS Media

Ashley Hamilton

Final Idea
The main character, James, is preparing to kill someone, Michael, who was responsable for his father's death. He prepares for a fight with the man, which is located in a building. There is a voice over, detailing that he has been grieving for too long and that it's time to get revenge. He is looking at a computer screen, with details on the man and where he lives. He will pick up a gun and a picture of the target. He will then exit the building and walk outside. The James walks to the building where the target is and stops at the entrance. He will take a deep breathe and enter. He will walk through the building, acting natural, not making eye contact with anyone. The James will eventually reach a door and knock on it. No one answers, so James pulls out a gun and enters the room. He sees his target in front of him, facing away from him. The target will turn around slowly, holding a gun in his hand. James will load his gun and the opening sequence will end.
The first location will be James' house or room, where there is a computer that he will use. This is where James will plan to find and kill the other man. The second location is the building where the target is located, and will have multiple rooms in it, including the room where the target is. The area will be suburban, with various building and houses, as well as various trees, plants around the area as well. It is set in this location as it is modern and the audience can relate to the area. It also means that there arn't many limitations, as opposed to space for example which would be hard to capture or produce, where as a city or an urban setting is local and can contain a variation of places, such as office buildings or shops.

Character 1:
The main character of the opening sequence, James. He will be a male teenager, who is looking for revenge on a man who murdered his father when he was young. He will be a brave character and the main focus of the opening sequence, with a voice over, outlining his back story. He will be brave and fearless, with a strong will to undertake anything he sets his mind to.

Additional Information: Character 2:

The target of James, Michael. Michael is the man who killed James' father seven years ago. He will be a male, who is arrogant and ruthless. He has no regret of what he did and was expecting James to arrive. Michael's face is never shown to the audience, creating mystery and enigma. The props that will be needed will be two fake guns that will be used by the two characters. There will also need to be a computer or laptop that will be used by James. It will be set during the day, in the afternoon. The two characters costumes will be suits. The music will be fast paced, building in suspense as the opening sequence progresses. Sound effects, music and the voice over will be edited in afterwards us Adobe Premier CS6. In the background there may also be cars or people, which will fit the urban setting of the opening sequence.

AS Media

Ashley Hamilton

Audience Profile
Age Gender
People aged 14 - 30 as the opening sequence is for an action film, which containing weapons. Males because action is a genre which is mainly associated with a gender who enjoy action films.

Socio Economic Group

D and E as the opening sequence uses a low budget in terms of effects and props.
People who live in urban areas, such as a city or a town, as this is where the opening sequence is set.
My audience may enjoy playing video games as they can also contain action, such as gun fights.


Hobbies and Interests

Other Media Consumption

People who enjoy watching action films, mainly people who enjoy plot and character based films with some action, opposed to a lot.

How does your final idea target your intended audience?

As my target audience is male, the opening sequence is for an action film, which males are usually associated with. The opening sequence has weapons within it and referances to crimes, such as murder, but there is no blood or gore. This makes it suitable for younger teenagers as well as adults. As the opening sequence is on a low budget, it will be more suited to people in D and E, as people in higher socio economic groups may have higher standards as they work in high paid jobs. As the opening sequence is set in an urban area, it will be suited to people living in these areas as they can relate to it as they know what it is like. People who have an interest in action films that arn't all about action will mostly be suited to my idea as the opening sequence doesn't contain any fighting or, but is story based.

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