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1. What is HRM? Personnel management is the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of people for the purpose of contributing to organizational, individual and societal goals. 2. What are objectives of human resource management? a. Social objectives. b. Organizational objectives. c. Personal (or employees) objectives, and d. Labour union objectives. 3. What are the functions of HRM? Organizational planning and development. Strategic human resource planning. Job analysis. Staffing Training and development. Performance appraisal Compensation and benefits. Healthy and safety Employee relations. Union relations and HR information and assessment systems 4. What are the roles of the human resource department? Business role. Enable role Monitoring role Innovator role Adaptor role

5. Who is responsible for managing human resources? HR managers / Specialists and Operating managers (supervisors, department heads, vice president etc) 6. What are the basic components of HRM? HRM activities / functions. HRM Outcomes Organizational (ie, internal) environmental influences. 7. What are Human Resource Policies? The human resource policy provides guidelines for a wide variety of employment relationship in the organization. etc. people in the working organization. 8. What is Human information system? As HRIS may be defined as the system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, and distribute pertinent information regarding an organist ions human resources. 9. What are the Objectives of HRIS? 1. To acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve and distribute the information of human resources. 2. To facilitate HR decision making in the following areas: Man- power planning. Recruitment and selection. Employment, including promotion, transfers disciplinary procedure, termination and redundancy. Education and training. Salary and wages administration and Labour relations etc. These guidelines identify the organizations intentions in recruitments, selection, development, and compensations

3. To provides relevant information on employees to government agencies as part of the legal requirements. 10. What is Human Resources Planning? Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process by which an organization ensures that it has the right number and kinds of people, in the right place and at the right time, who are capable of efficiency performing assigned tasks. 11. What are the steps in human resource planning process? 1. Collect information 2. Forecast demand for human resources. 3. Forecast supply of human resources. 4. Identify human resources gab, and 5. Action plans. 12. What is human resource forecasting? Human resource forecasting is the process by which an organization estimates its future human resources needs. 13. What are the three ranges of human resource forecasting? 1. Short range forecasting (0-2 years) 2. Intermediate range forecasting (2-5 years) and 3. Long range forecasting (beyond 5 years) 14. What is mean by forecasting human resource requirements? An organizations future demand for people is central to HR planning. A variety of forecasting methods can determine as organizations demand for human resources. The type of forecast used depends on the time frame and the type of organization, it size and dispersion and the accuracy and certainly of available information.

15. What are the types of demand forecasting techniques? Forecasting techniques for Human Resource Demands

Judgmental Forecast i. Bottom up forecast ii. Top-down forecasting iii. Delphi technique iv. Nominal group technique

Statistical Techniques i. Regression analysis ii. Productivity ratio iii. Personal ratios iv. Time series analysis v. Stochastic analysis

16. What is mean by forecasting human resource supplies? Judgmental forecasts and 1. Replacement analysis and 2. Succession analysis Statistical Techniques. 1. Markow and 2. Goal Programming 17. What is mean by job analysis? Job analysis may be defined as the process of studying and collection information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. 18. What is the various terms relevant job analysis terminology? 1. Job element. 2. Task 3. Duty 4. Position 5. Job 6. Job family

7. Occupation 8. Career 9. Job Description 10. Job Specification 11. Job Classification 12. Job evaluation 19. What are the purpose and importance of job analysis? 1. Preparation of job descriptions. 2. Writing job specifications. 3. Legal compliance. 4. Job design 5. Recruitment 6. Selection. 7. Performance appraisal 8. Training and development 9. Career planning and benefits. 10. Compensation and benefits. 11. Safety and health. 20. Who should conduct job analysis? The responsibility for job analysis lies with top management, the line managers, and the HR manager. Large organization employs a job analysis expert (also called job analyst). information. 21. What are job analysis methods? 1. Observation method 2. Interview method 3. Structured questionnaires method 4. Employed diary / log method

However, many organizations use supervisors, job

incumbents, HR managers, or some combination of these to collect job analysis

5. Technical conference method 6. Structured analysis, and a. Position analysis questionnaire (PAQ), and b. Functional job analysis (FJA) 7. Combination method. 22. What is position analysis questionnaire? The position analysis questionnaire (PAQ) is a specialized questionnaire method incorporation checklist method. It is designed by E.J. McCormick to analyze a wide variety of jobs. The PAQ consists of 194 items: 187 items characterize the worker oriented activities involved in performing a job, and seven item deals with pay issues. 23. What is job description? Job descriptions define the nature of the job content, the environment, and conditions under which employment is carried out. 24. What are job description components? 1. Job identification Job title Job code Date Author Location Job Grade Supervisor and Status 2. Job Summery 3. Job Duties 4. Working conditions and 5. Approvals

25. What are the benefits of job description? a. describing the job to potential candidates b. Guiding newly hired employees in what they are specifically expected to do and c. Assisting in establishment of job evaluation. 26. What is a job specification? A job specification is arguments which state the minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform the job successfully. Job specifications stipulate the minimum acceptable characteristics a job holder must posses as a requisite to be able to perform the job. 27. What are difference between a job description and a job specification? A Job description defines what the job does. Therefore, it is a profile of the job. A job specification defines what the job demands of employees who do it and the human factors that are required. characteristics needed by the job. 28. What are job specification components? 1. Job identification. Job title Job code Date Author Job Location Job Grade, Supervisor and Status 2. Job Specifications and 1. Skill factors and Education

Therefore it is a profile of the human

Experience and Communication 2. Effort Factors Physical demands and Mental demands 3. Working conditions 29. What mean by recruitment? Recruitment may be defined as the process of discovering potential candidates for actual and anticipated organizational vacancies. 30. What are the purposes of Recruitment? 1. To determine the organizations present and future recruitment needs in conjunction with human resource planning and job analysis. 2. To increase the post of qualified job applications at minimum cost to the organization. 31. What are the importance of recruitment? 1. Developing effective recruitment materials. 2. Obtaining a pool of qualified job applicants 32. What are the recruitment sources? Internal sources: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Promotions Transfer Job rotation Retires and results Employment agencies Walk-ins Employee referrals Professional associations

External sources

ix. x. xi. xii.

Head-hunting Education institution Trade association and unions Casual or unsolicited applicants

33. What is job rotation? Job rotation means moving from one job assignment to another within the same organization. 34. What is mean by transfers? Transfers are often important in providing employees with the broad based view of the organization necessary for future promotions. 35. What are the various recruiting methods? Internal methods: i. Job positing and bidding ii. Skill inventories iii. Inside moonlight External Methods: i. Advertisement ii. Special event recruiting iii. Other innovative recruiting methods 36. What is tele recruiting? Phone calls to potential candidates with names obtained from mailing list professional associations, colleges, and mailing list companies. 37. What is realistic job previews? RJP refers to a description provided by the organization to applicants and new employees that gives both the positive and negative aspects of a job.

38. What is mean by selection? Selection may be defined as the process by which the organization chooses from among the applications, those people whom they feel would best meet the job requirement, considering current environmental conditions. 39. What are the steps involves in selection process? Step 0: Reception of applicants. Step 1: Initial screening. Step 2: Application blank. Step 3: Employment tests. Step 4: Employment interviews. Step 5: Reference checks. Step 6: Physical examination and Step 7: Job offer decision. 40. What is mean by work sampling? Work sampling is a selection device requiring the job applicant to actually perform a small segment of the job. 41. What is Interview? An interview is a. conversation or verbal interaction, normally between two people, for a particular purpose. The intention is to explore certain subject areas. . 42. What are the types of interviews? 1. Unstructured (or non- directive or free) interviews. 2. ' Structured (or patterned) interviews. 3. Mixed (or semi- structured) interview 4. Problems - solving interviews and 5. Stress- producing interviews.


43. What is mean by induction? Thus the orientation may be defined as the HRM activity that introduces new employees to the organization and to the employee' s new tasks, managers and workgroups. 44. What is socialization Vs orientation'! Socialization is a broad term, where as orientation is a narrow term. That is orientation is only a small part of the overall socialization process. Socialization may be defined as a process or adaptation to a new culture of the organization. 45. What is mean by Training? Training may be defined as planned programme designed to improve performance and to bring about measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social behavior of employees for doing a particular job. 46.'What are the distinction between training and development? The distinction between training and development is primarily, one of intent training prepare people to do their present jobs development prepares them for future jobs, 47. What is training needs assessment? Training needs assessment is an investigation which is undertaken to determine the nature of performance problems in order to establish the underlying causes and how these can be addressed by training. 48. What is OJT? On- the- job training (OJT) is conducted at the work sites and in the context of the actual work. It is the most widely used method of training. This method is basically learning by doing while working. In this method the

employee is placed in to the real work situation and shown the job and the method of work by an experienced employee or the supervisor. 49. What is job instruction training? Job instruction training (JIT) is a systematic approach to the job training. This is a proven and systematic method to teach workers how to do their current jobs. JIT method is also known as training through step- by- step learning 50. What is mean by off - the - job training? Training offered at location away from the job is designated as off the job training. For example training locations may be near the work place or away from work, at a class room, at a resort. 51. What are the types of' off - the - Job training Method? l. Classroom lectures conference and group discussions. 2. Video presentations. 3. Vestibule training. 4. Role playing. 5. Case study. 6. Simulation. 7. Self-study. 8. Programmed instruction. 9. Laboratory training and 10. Computer based training. 52. What are the phases of training process model? 1. The assessment phase. 2. The training phase and 3. The evaluation phase. .


53. What are the levels of training needs analysis? 1. Organizational analysis. 2. Task / job analysis and 3. Individual analysis. 54. What is Executive or Management Development'? Executive management may be defined as a systematic process of training growth by which managerial personnel gain and apply skills, knowledge, attitude and insight into managing the work in their organization effectively and efficiently. 55. What are the objectives of executive development'? 1. To develop managers to perform better on their present assignments. 2. To prepare them for higher assignments. 3. To provide a steady source of component persons at all levels to meet future organizational needs. 56. What is Transactional Analysis? When people interact with others there is a transactional for which one person responses to another. The study of these social transactional between people is called transaction analysis. 57. What is In- Basket training? The In- basket technique is a simulation exercise designed to develop decisionmaking, problem - solving and organizing ability by placing the trainee at the desk of a manager 58. What is Organization Development? OD may be defined as "an effort of I. Planned 2. Organization wide and 3. Managed from the top to 4. increase organizational effectiveness and health through 5. Planned interventions in the organization' s process", using behavioral science knowledge

59. What is mean by Knowledge Management? Knowledge management may be defined as a systematic, explicit and deliberates building, renewal and application of knowledge to maximize and enterprise knowledge-related effectiveness and returns from its knowledge assets. 60. Differentiate knowledge management vs Information management? Knowledge Management information promotes 3. Designed reuse for in other Information Management explicit info. And multiple source and organize it into data base system. for centralized info. Storage and control. access, Designed

1. focus on capturing tacit and Explicit focus on recording and Processing 2. Takes info From one source and Source and takes info. From promotes reuse in other situations. distributed storage and control.

61. What is the benefit of knowledge management? Reduced cost (by decreasing and achieving economics of scale in obtaining information from external providers). 62. What is Compensation? Compensation may be defined as the financial and non-financial rewards provided by an employer for the time; skills and effort made available by the employee in fulfilling job requirements aimed at achieving organizational objectives. 63. What are forms of Compensation? Pay, incentives, benefits. 64. What are intrinsic rewards'? Intrinsic rewards are self administered rewards that are associated with the job itself. .


65. What are extrinsic rewards? An organization has a large degree of control over the nature and monetary cost of the extrinsic reward? Therefore the org. can manipulate the use of these external rewards to affect employee behaviour. 66. What is job evaluation? The purpose of job evaluation is to rank jobs within a hierarchy that reflects the relative importance or worth of each job within the org. 67. What is meant by pay structuring? Pay structuring refers to the process where by the information obtained from the job evaluation exercise (that is relative worth of jobs within the organization) is combined with the information obtained from the pay surveys (that is, market values of jobs) to establish a pay structure. 68. What are incentives? It Incentive compensation is also known as ' performance-based pay' or ' payment by result. 69. What is mean by gain sharing? Many organizations are seeking productivity and quality improvement through gain sharing plans. Other important reasons for adopting' gain sharing plans have to do with employee relations, labour costs, and a desire to link play to performance. 70. What is executive compensation? An executive typically is someone in the top two levels of an organization such as president or corporate, vice president or CEO. 71. What are the types of employee benefits? 1. Security benefits. 2. Retirement benefits.

3. Health - care benefits. 4. Financial and other insurance benefits. 5. Social, recreational and other benefits and 6. Time -off benefits. 72. What is motivation? Motivation is the willingness 10 exert high levels of effort towards organizational goals conditioned by the effort' s ability to satisfy some individual need. 73. What is the importance of motivation? Motivation increase performance level. It lowers employee turnover and absenteeism. It leads to good human relation ie harmonious relation between employer and employees. It improves the efficiency of operation. 74. What are the types of motivation? 1. Positive motivation. 2. Negative motivation. 75. What are the content or need theories? Maslow' s hierarchy of need theory. s two' factor theory. Herzbeg' Me Gregors theory X and theory Y. Alderfer' s ERG theory and s acquired needs theory. Mc Chelland' 76. What is a Career? The term large can be defined as "the pattern of work- related experiences (eg. Job positions, job duties, decisions, and subjective interpretations about work- related event' s) and activities over the span of the person' s work life.

77. What is mean by Career Management? Career management .is a join activity between the organization and the individual that identities the individuals needs, abil1ties and goals and the organization' s Job demands and job rewards. 78. What is career planning? Career planning can be described as "the process by which employees obtain knowledge about themselves (their values, personality, perfoni1ances, interest, abilities, etc) and info about the working environment and then making an effort to achieve a proper match". 79. What is Career Development? Career development can be defined as an "ongoing individual progress through a series of stages, each of which is characterized by are relatively unique set of issues, themes or tasks". 80. What are career stages? 1. Exploration stage. 2. Establishment stage. 3. Mid- career (or advancement) stage 4. Late - career (or maintains) stage, and 5. Decline (or disengagement) stage. 81. What is performance appn1isal or evaluation? Performance appraisal may be defined as a formal and systematic process by means of which the job relevant strengths and weakness of employees and identified, observed, measured and developed. 82. What are performance appraisal processes? Establish performance standards communicate performance expectations to employees"

Measure actual performance. Compare actual performance with standards. Discuss the appraisal with the employee. If necessary initiate corrective action. 83. What are relative standards? Relative standards methods, also known as comparative evaluation methods, are a collection of different methods that compare one employee' s performance with that of coworkers. 84. What is MBO? MBO can be described as "a process whereby the supervisor and subordinates of an organization jointly identified its common goals, define each individuals major areas of responsibility in terms of results expected of him and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the conditions of each of its members. 85. What are the advantages of MHO? a. MBO provides an objective, performance-based method of appraisal. b. At the individual level, MEO can give, individual employees greater direction and self - control built their self"7 confidence. 86. What is retirement? Retirement is the systematic separation of older workers form the organization, allowing them to pursue interests outside of work while opening up positions and career opportunities for other employees. 87. What is discipline? Discipline refers to a condition in-' the_ organization where employees conduct themselves in accordance with the organizations rules and standards of acceptable behavior.


88. What is grievance? An employee or employer that alleges that some aspect of a collective agreement has been violated may define a grievance as a complaint. 89. What is collective bargaining? The process by which representatives of the organization meet and attempt to work out the contract with representatives of the union. 90. What is personality? The characteristic way a person thinks and behaves in adjusting to his or her environment. It includes the persons traits, values, motives, generic blue print, attitudes, abilities, and behavior patterns. 91. What is quality of work life? A generic term emphasizing the humanization of work. The elements relevant to a workers quality of work life involve the task, the physical work environment, the social environment, within the workplace, the administrative system of enterprise, and the relationship between life an and off the job. 92. What is role, playing? order, how others feel under different circumstances. 93. What is stress interview! Stress interviews that rely on a series of harsh, rapid fire questions intended to upset the applicant and learn how the applicant handles stress. 94. What is structured interview? Interviews wherein a predetermined checklist of questions usually asked of all applicants is used. ,

A training technique that requires trainees to assume different identities in


95. What are the judgmental forecasting techniques? Judgmental Forecast i. Bottom-up forecast ii. Top-down forecasting iii. Delphi technique iv. Nominal group technique 96. What are the statistical forecasting techniques? Statistical techniques i. Regression analysis ii. Productivity ratio iii. Personal ratios iv. Time series analysis v. Stocastic analysis 97. What are the internal sources of recruitment? Internal sources: i. Promotions ii. Transfer iii. Jb rotation iv. Retires and results 98. What are the external sources of internal? External sources: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Employment agencies Walk-ins Employee referrals Professional associations, Head-hunting Education institution. Trade association and unions Casual or unsolicited applicants

99. What are the internal recruitment methods? Internal methods: i. ii. iii. Job posting and bidding Skil inventories Inside moonlight

100. What are the external recruitment methods? External methods: i. ii. iii. Advertisement Special event recruiting Other innovative recruiting methods.


1. What is the role of computers in HR management? Explain with examples how technology affects human resource practices. 2. Explain the transition of personnel management into human resources management. Also explain the main features of human resources management. 3. Why do you consider human resource management important to important? Why will it be an important function in future too? 4. Explain the concept of contingent work force. What are the HRM implications of contingent work force? 5. What is job fit theory? How is it used in organizations? 6. What is socialization? What are the benefits of socialization? 7. What are the uses of training? Explain off the job forms of training 8. What are the methods of job evaluation? Explain the individual incentive plans. 9. How is performance evaluation done? What are the methods used in performance appraisal 10. Is control a healthy practice? Substantiate. Explain any three redressal methods. 11. Discuss the role of Human Resources Manager in the Organization? Discuss the need and importance of HR policies. 12. State and explain the selection process with suitable flow diagram. 13. Discuss the important sources of recruitment. 14. List out the popular theories of learning and explain them briefly.


15. What are the different types of training imparted to the workers? Explain them briefly. 16. Discuss the important principles or characteristics of a good wage incentive Plans. 17. Explain Douglas MC Gregor Theory of Motivation. 18. State and explain the principles of promotion policy and demotion policies. 19. What are the major causes of grievances and how will you overcome? 20. What are the internal and external sources of Human Resource? (ii) Should we consider seniority or merit for promotion? 21. Narrate the evolution of Human Resource Management. 22. Discuss the objectives and the role of Human Resource Management. 23. Discuss the objectives and the process of Human Resource Planning. 24. State and explain the various kinds of tests and interviews. 25. Explain Maslows need hierarchy Theory and Hertzberg Two Factor Theory. 26. Discuss Taylors Differential Piece Rate System and its advantages and limitations. 27. Elaborate the purpose and the factors affecting the performance appraisal. 28. What do you mean by Transfer? Explain the objectives and the types of Transfers.


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