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C Language MCQ

1. Which is the C IDE:

a. GNU gcc compiler
b. orlan! C"" compiler
c. #urbo C"" IDE
!. $isual %tu!io
e. &ll o' &bo(e
). C us supporte! b* the 'ollo+ing operating s*stem:
a. Uni,
b. Linu,
c. Win!o+s
!. &ll o' abo(e
-. C is the ........ language:
a. Lo+ le(el
b. /igh Le(el
c. oth Lo+ an! /igh Le(el
!. None o' these
0. Which is not the 'eature o' c language:
a. 1ortable
b. #erse
c. Mo!ular
!. E''icient
e. None o' these
2. 3ou re4uire to +rite an! run c program:
a. 5perating s*stem
b. #e,t e!itor
c. Compiler
!. &ll o' abo(e
6. +hich is the shortcut 7e* to compile program in #urbo C IDE:
a. Ctrl " 89
b. &lt " 89
c. Ctrl " 82
!. None o' these
:. C has ....... 7e*+or!s:
a. -;
b. -1
c. -)
!. --
<. Which is the t*pe o' int:
File hosted by
a. Int
b. Unsigne! int
c. Long
!. Unsigne! long
e. &ll o' abo(e
9. Which is not the (ali! integer:
a. "-02
b. -02UL
c. 1)-U
!. 1)-.;
1;. Which is the in(ali! octal:
a. ;-06
b. ;02)
c. ;)22
!. ;<0;
11. Which is in(ali! he,a!ecimal:
a. ;,-02
b. ;,&1-)
c. ;,G1);
!. ;,02)8
1). #he &%CII (alue o' 3:
a. <<
b. <9
c. 9;
!. 91
1-. Which is not the 'un!amental !ata t*pes:
a. Char
b. &rra*
c. Int
!. 8loat
10. $ariable is a:
a. Location in memor*
b. Location in C1U =egisters
c. oth
!. None o' these
12. Which is not the t*pe o' (ariable
a. E,trern
b. =egister
c. Global
File hosted by
!. None o' abo(e
16. Which is the in(ali! i!enti'iers name:
a. 1ushp1
b. .pushp
c. 11ushp
1:. int can store:
a. =eal numbers
b. Characters
c. %tring
!. None o' these
1<. Which is not the t*pe o' (ariable initiali>ations:
a. %tatic
b. D*namic
c. oth
!. None o' these
19. In c language ?@aA use! 'or:
a. 8orm 'ee!
b. Line rac7
c. &larm
!. None o' these
);. #he &rithmetic operator ?BA can be use! +ith:
a. int
b. 'loat
c. !ouble
!. (oi!
)1. ?B!A is the con(ersion letter 'or:
a. char
b. int
c. 'loat
!. !ouble
)). print'CDBcEF 62GH 5ut o' this line is:
a. 62
b. &
c. oth
!. None o' these
)-. inar* operator nee!s:
a. 5ne operan!
b. #+o operan!
File hosted by
c. #hree operan!
!. None o' these
)0. Which is the s*mbol 'or &ND operator:
a. II
b. JJ
c. KK
!. None o' these
)2. print'CD; JJ 1 L B!@nEF ; JJ 1GH 5ut o' this line is:
a. ; JJ 1 L ;
b. ; JJ 1 L 1
c. ; JJ 1 L )
!. ; JJ 1 L -
)6. int ,L1;H
print'CMB!MF,""GH 5utput is:
a. 1;
b. 11
c. 1)
!. None o' these
):. NN operator is use! 'or:
a. =ight %hi't
b. Le't %hi't
c. oth
!. None o' these
)<. char ,L1;H
print'CMB!MFO,GH 5utput is:
a. 1;
b. P1;
c. P11
!. None o' these
)9. print'CMB!MFsi>eo'CintGGH 5utput is:
a. 1
b. )
c. 6
!. 1;
-;. C program starts e,ecuting 'rom:
a. mainCG
b. hea!er 'ile
c. both
!. None o' these
File hosted by
-1. Which is the incorrect statement:
a. $ariable name can contain un!erscore.
b. $ariable name ma* start 'rom !igit.
c. $ariable name ma* not ha(e +hite space character.
!. Qe*+or! can not be a (ariable name.
-). Uninitiali>e! (ariable ma* ha(e:
a. Garbage (alue.
b. Can not be >ero
c. oth
!. None o' these.
--. Which is the correct (ariable name:
a. 'or
b. goto
c. character
!. i'
-0. Which is not the c 7e*+or!:
a. t*pe!e'
b. e,tern
c. register
!. local
-2. Which operator is use! to assign (alue to (ariables:
a. L
b. "
c. R
!. S
-6. ?@nA use! 'or
a. &lert
b. Ne+ line
c. 8orm 'ee!
!. ac7space
-:. print'CDBuEFJaGH #he output o' this statement is:
a. $alue o' a
b. &!!ress o' a
c. oth
!. None o' these.
-<. %tring is:
a. &rra* o' numbers.
b. &rra* o' characters.
c. oth
File hosted by
!. None o' these.
-9. Which is the string termination character:
a. ?@nA
b. ?@bA
c. ?@;A
!. None o' these
0;. char TnameL DIn!iaEH
putsCnameGH 5utput o' this program is:
a. In!ia
b. in!ia
c. INDI&
!. iNDI&
01. Which is not the string han!ling 'unction:
a. strl+rCGH
b. strcatCGH
c. strcmpCG
!. strre(CGH
e. strlenCGH
'. None o' these.
0). Which statement is +rong:
a. & 'unction ma* ha(e arguments.
b. & 'unction ma* return (alue.
c. & can be in(o7e! man* time in a single program.
!. 8unction cannot be reuse!.
0-. & 'unction can return onl* .......
a. %ingle (alue
b. #+o $alues.
c. Man* (alues.
!. None o' these
00. Mathematical 'unction are store! in ......... hea!er 'ile:
a. st!io.h
b. conio.h
c. math.h
!. string.h
02. & 'unction +hich in(o7es itsel' repeate!l* until some con!ition is satis'ie! is calle! a
........... 'unction.
a. =ecursi(e
b. %*stem
File hosted by
c. Librar*
!. None o' these
06. "" is ........ operator:
a. Decrement
b. Increment
c. &!!
!. 1lusP1lus
0:. Which is the incorrect statement:
a. &n arra* is the collection o' (ariables.
b. &ll arra* (ariables ha(e same t*pe.
c. &rra* (ariables can be use! in!i(i!uall*.
!. None o' these.
0<. &n arra* can be !eclare!:
a. %taticall*
b. D*namicall*
c. oth
!. None o' these
09. &rra* can be:
a. %ingle Dimensional
b. Multi Dimensional
c. oth
!. None o' these
2;. &rra* in!e, is al+a*s starts 'rom:
a. ;
b. 1
c. )
!. -
21. &n arra* is ............ !ataPstructure:
a. Linear
b. NonPlinear
c. /ierarchical
!. None o' these
2). Which is the 'alse statement:
a. &n arra* o' characters is calle! string.
b. &rra* can be passe! to 'unction.
c. &rra* is al+a*s re'erence t*pe.
!. None o' these
2-. &rra* can be sorte! b* using:
a. ubble %ort
File hosted by
b. Merge %ort
c. Quic7 %ort
!. &ll o' abo(e
20. Which term is not relate! to 'unction:
a. 1rotot*pe
b. De'inition
c. Call
!. =ecei(e
22. Which is the t*pe o' 'unction arguments:
a. 8ormal
b. &ctual
c. oth
!. None o' these
26. Which not the input 'unction:
a. getsCGH
b. getchCGH
c. getcharCGH
!. scan'CGH
e. getcheCGH
'. None o' these.
2:. Which is not the output 'unction:
a. print'CGH
b. putsCGH
c. pucharCGH
!. putchCGH
e. None o' these.
2<. int a!!CintFintGH in the gi(en 'unction protot*pe select the correct statement:
a. int ,La!!C0.)F2GH
b. int ,La!!C0F)2GH
c. int ,La!!C0)2GH
!. int ,La!!CGH
29. & pointer (ariable can store ........
a. Constant (alue
b. $alue o' anther (ariable.
c. &!!ress o' another (ariable
!. None o' these.
6;. int TptrH here ptr can store the a!!ress o':
a. int (ariable
b. 'loat (ariable
File hosted by
c. !ouble (ariable
!. &ll o' abo(e
61. int ,L1;H
int T*LJ,H the (ariable * contains:
a. $alue o' ,H
b. &!!ress o' ,H
c. oth
!. None o' these
6). int TTptrH here ptr is:
a. 1ointer
b. 1ointer to pointer
c. oth
!. None o' these
6-. In the call b* re'erence +e pass:
a. $alue o' the (ariable
b. &!!ress o' (ariable
c. oth (alue an! a!!ress
!. None o' these
60. int aU-VLW0F2F6XH
print'CDBuEFaGH What is the output:
a. $alue o' 'irst element.
b. &!!ress o' 'irst element
c. oth
!. None o' these
62. Which 'unction is relate! to !*namic memor* allocation:
a. mallocCGH
b. callocCG
c. reallocCG
!. &ll o' abo(e.
66. strcmpCG 'unction is use! 'or:
a. Cop* t+o strings
b. Compare t+o strings.
c. Concatenation o' t+o strings
!. None o' these
6:. Which is the 'ormatte! input 'unction:
a. getchCGH
b. scan'CGH
c. getsCGH
!. getcheCGH
File hosted by
6<. Which is the incorrect 'unction protot*pe:
a. int a!!CintFintGH
b. int a!!C'loatF intGH
c. 'loat a!!CintFintGH
!. 'loat a!!C'loatFintGH
69. Which is the incorrect 'unction protot*pe base! on c librar*:
a. char TgetsCchar TstringGH
b. int putsCconst charTsGH
c. char TcgetsCchar TstrGH
!. int cputsCconst charTstrGH
e. None o' these
:;. Which is the t*pe o' 'iles:
a. #e,t
b. inar*
c. oth
!. None o' these
:1. Which 'unction is not relate! to 'ile han!ling:
a. 'openCGH
b. 'closeCGH
c. 'print'CGH
!. print'CGH
:). Which is the 'ile opening mo!e:
a. r
b. +
c. rb
!. +b
e. a
'. &ll o' abo(e
:-. & structure! programming ha(e:
a. %e4uence
b. %election
c. Iteration
!. &ll o' &bo(e
:0. Which is not the selecti(e control 'lo+ statement:
a. +hile
b. i'
c. %+itchPcase
!. i'Pelse
:2. Which is the correct e,ample o' label:
File hosted by
a. LabelH
b. Label:
c. LabelF
!. YLabel
:6. Who is the manu'acturer o' C language:
a. /erbert %chiel!t
b. anZarne %troups
c. Dennis =itchie
!. None o' these
::. C is the .......... language:
a. 5bZect 5riente!
b. %tructure!
c. Uni'ie! Mo!eling
!. None o' these.
:<. &n e''icient algorithm ......
a. #a7es e''icient time
b. #a7es e''icient memor*
c. oth
!. None o' these
:9. Which techni4ue is relate! to internal co!e:
a. lac7 o,
b. White o,
c. &l'a
!. eta
<;. Which is the t*pe o' +hite bo, testing:
a. 1ath #esting
b. Loop #esting
c. Domain #esting.
!. &ll o' these
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