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Rhalou Allerhand investigates the ample
underbelly of fat fetishism

Illustrations: Sainty

ith most modern women buying don’t represent the norm, yet many of us
into size zero hysteria and spend- still think small means sexy and strive to be
ing a large proportion of their time slim. Despite this, with unlimited access to
obsessing over their weight, their diet and so much fast food these days, it’s extremely
what’s in their wardrobe in an ongoing bid to easy to pile on a few more pounds than
become whippet thin, it’s a wonder there’s necessary, and the average British woman
any time to even eat dinner. But contrary to is an ample size 16. Fortunately there’s a
what high fashion decrees, the average red- bubbling underbelly of boys who simply
blooded male appreciates the natural curves love a big woman, some even to the point
of a woman. Anyone sexually attracted to a of obsession.
female body that doesn’t wobble whatso-
ever is secretly gay, reads too many fashion Contrary to what the fashion mags say, lots
magazines or misguidedly thinks Madonna of men prefer their women bigger. Colin, a
makes a good rôle model. representative from Dimensions magazine,
Women are built to be shapely and cur- a resource for big beautiful women (BBW)
vaceous, and stick-thin supermodels just and fat appreciators (FA), has always been


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al Association to Advance Fat Acceptance,

I consider plus- a civil rights group in the United States. The
group had many male members who were

size women to FAs and wanted to offer them a place where

they could discuss their preference. This led
to the creation of the FA-SIG in 1984, the Fat

be elegant, sexy, Admirer Special Interest Group. The group

eventually became Dimensions, a size-posi-
tive magazine and then community.’
attractive and Some FAs argue that if the chubby chaser
archetype became more mainstream, being
fat will be less of a social and cultural stig-
desirable ma, although publishers have slowly started
to catch on. ‘There was no web presence
attracted to larger ladies. ’I consider plus- when I first began pursuing my interest.
size women to be elegant, sexy, attractive Even finding print magazines featuring fat
and desirable. I always felt that way; as far women was almost impossible,’ says Co-
back as I can remember. Asking why I spe- lin. ‘The few that were around were mostly
cifically feel this way is like asking what the sold in novelty shops and ridiculed fat mod-
appeal of blond hair or certain facial features els. It took quite some time until publishers
is. I just find fat women sexy. To me fatness realised there were men who preferred fat
is extremely erotic while slenderness is not. women.’
There is no reason or explanation. It is simply One argument against the concept of fat
the way we are genetically programmed.’ fetishism is that it undermines social move-
Fetishising erotic weight gain often caus- ments towards fat acceptance, through
es a furore in fat appreciation circles. Is it a counter-productive objectification and de-
fetish to only fancy fat girls? Or more of a humanisation of fat people. ‘Like most in the
sexual persuasion? And in a world where size acceptance movement, I am frustrated
we’re all rapidly gaining weight, how does with the way fat people are discriminated
this affect fat acceptance? against and ridiculed,’ says Colin. ‘In the US,
For it to be full-blown fetishism, fat must the majority of the population is statistically
be an absolute necessity for sexual arousal, overweight. If all fat people voted as a block,
but Colin argues that his appreciation of big size discrimination would be outlawed with-
women is about taste and not fetishism, ‘It in a very short time. Instead, fat people are
is a sexual preference, and really more than generally ashamed of their bodies and bul-
that. I like to be around fat people in any lied by society and the weight loss industry.’
context.’ Colin maintains that the Dimensions
It was Colin’s interest in larger women that community is not about fat fetishism. ‘Di-
led to his involvement in Dimensions maga- mensions is size-positive. People should be
zine. ‘I was a member of NAAFA, the Nation- allowed to lead a happy, fulfilled life no mat-


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ter what size they are.’ not reflective of the BBW/FA community at
all. It’s just that the media is in love with the
Out in the big wide world, though, there concept of evil stalkers and vulnerable vic-
is a small minority of enthusiasts who take tims and tries very hard to find it in real life,
their fetish for fat girls one step further and even if it hardly exists.’
encourage their ladies to literally pile on the In their defence, most FAs argue that
pounds for passion. Feederism is the term members of their community stick to the
often used to refer to the act of feeding realm of fantasy and remain aware of rational
one’s partner, encouraging eating, or boundaries. ‘Anyone who wanted to en-
serving large quantities of food in courage his or her partner to gain
order to achieve sexual pleas- weight should realise that it’s a
ure from the act, or from the fantasy and should be treated
process of gaining weight, as such,’ explains Colin. ‘If
and modifying the body, someone is attracted to a
and some chaps like person who is much larg-
their women really big. er, then they should seek
Not just Marilyn Mon- a relationship with such a
roe’s size 16 curves, person.’
but 300 kilogrammes of As with any fetish or
fat: women the size of sexual persuasion, con-
sumo wrestlers, women sent is crucial. ‘Anything
the size of mattresses, between a couple must be
and women who can’t even safe, sane and consensual.
physically get out of bed. Within the context of sexual
Although the term feeder gen-
erally holds negative connotations, it
can apply to when both the feeder and the
feedee obtain gratification from weight gain,
and not just when one person coerces their They encourage
partner into it. If it’s a consensual arrange-
ment and the woman is more than happy
to gorge on pies for her partner’s pleasure,
their ladies
then all power to her, but feederism does
raise important issues regarding consent
and free will.
to pile on the
We’ve seen a lot in the press over the
past few years about feeders preying on
vulnerable women and encouraging them
pounds for
to gain weight, but Colin argues that this
negative press has little basis in reality. ‘It’s passion

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fantasy, encouraging or playacting is fine.
Forcing someone in real life is not. However,
if a woman is obsessed with dieting, I think
All of that
it’s perfectly okay to suggest to her she is
desirable and lovable any which size she is. delicious flesh
If you’re interested in BBWs you should go
for it. View it like any other preference, seek
out a fat woman, and be happy.’ for me to dip my
Adam, a devout FA from London, has al-
ways been attracted to big women. ‘I can’t
fingers into, the
really explain why. All of that delicious flesh
for me to dip my fingers into, the bigger the
better! Women are supposed to be curva-
bigger the better
ceous and bootylicious. Big, beautiful wom- search. Where else could I find pictures or
an are like unexplored islands.’ watch movies of BBWs confidently enjoying
He doesn’t find thin women attractive. delicious food? I wish BBWs were more so-
‘I had a naturally slim girlfriend when I was cially accepted though, so I could see them
younger and to be honest, although I cared in bikinis on the beach and out in bars more.
about her, I just wasn’t that attracted to her. It would be heaven.
She was too bony and masculine; women ‘Obviously there’s been lots of negative
are supposed to be soft and bouncy and coverage about feeders on the telly and
curvaceous. But no matter how much I per- there are implications with force-feeding
suaded my ex to eat more, she still wouldn’t someone, but I tell you, watching a woman
gain a pound. I wasted a lot of good dinners eating, it’s like nothing in this world. If she’s
on her freakish metabolism!’ game to gain weight, then just watching a
Adam doesn’t consider himself to be a woman eating and enjoying her food, and
fat fetishist. ‘Just like some men prefer petite the magnificent way her body changes and
women and some women only fancy body swells and develops. It’s miraculous, and or-
builders, I’ve always preferred big women. ganic, and natural, and very, very sexy.’
Having said that, if a fetish is like a sexual Even if it’s not considered to be a ‘fetish’,
compulsion, and my love for BBW has bor- Adam agrees that FAs need to remain mind-
dered on the obsessive on occasion, per- ful that erotic weight gain should only occur
haps it’s a bit of both. Something about a big between consenting adults, and there’s a
sexy wobbly woman just drives me wild.’ thin line between supporting someone no
But social stigmas surrounding fat peo- matter what weight they are, and manipulat-
ple need to be challenged, says Adam. ‘I ing them into gaining weight. ‘I have come
distinctly remember the first time I ever saw under fire in the past for encouraging a girl-
a picture of a really big woman naked, and friend to gain, and of course forcing some-
it was thanks to lots of intensive Internet re- one to do anything they don’t want to do is a


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no-no! But if I think my girlfriend would look and more.’ She’s had some incredibly bi-
really sexy if she carried a little more weight zarre requests. ‘One guy wanted to be cap-
and tell her so, I don’t consider that to be tured, shaved, speared and cooked over an
any different to suggesting to your girlfriend open fire and served as dinner to a group of
she’s gained too much if you’re into skinny women. I get requests all the time for things
girls. Obviously suggestion is a bit such as scat, Roman showers,
different to coercion.’ menstruation, they almost don’t
seem bizarre since they are
Mistress Taylor St Claire, so common. I don’t shoot
a content producer from them, though, because
Las Vegas, regularly they are illegal.’
shoots and produces Some requests have
movies clips featuring been more extreme than
all manner of different others. ‘One guy keeps
fetishes. ‘My business sending me e-mails
partner and I cater our asking if one of the girls
videos to a wide variety of I shoot will “poop on a
interests such as sneezing, stuffed animal”. He then
inflation, WAM, giantess, wants the animal sent to
female growth and shrinking, him.’
chastity, tease and denial, spit- Mistress Taylor has found
ting, lift and carry, mouth soaping, that inflation, growth and weight
humiliation, face stuffing, smoking (human gain is getting increasingly popular. ‘Since
ashtray), various forms of fem dom, toilet I began shooting female growth videos I’ve
talk, farting and pee, butt crush, lap sitting gotten requests for foot growth, ear growth,
penis growth and nose growth. We have
only shot foot growth so far and we did okay
with it so it does have some fans.’
I started getting She started catering to FAs after gaining
weight herself. ‘I quit smoking over a year

requests for
ago and gained a ton of weight fast. I was
shocked at the number of guys who wrote
to me and told me they like me heavier.

eating, showing Since I take requests for videos I started get-

ting requests for eating, showing off my new
weight gain etc. I did a couple of videos of
off my new weight this nature and started shooting other girls
in the same way. The more I shot the more
requests came in.’
gain Mistress Taylor thinks fat appreciation


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