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''The witches in the play Macbeth are malevolant creatures who originate deed of blood and have power

over the soul'' Undoubtably the witches are the essential source of bloodshed and the crippling of the once moral soul of Macbeth. Through the play all violence is constantly associated with these malevolant creatures who essentially are the cause of unfortunate occurences. ''All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of awdor!'' and ''thou shall be !inghereafter''. These words are the first step ta!en by the witches in crippling of the moral soul of Macbeth. The witches unleash the ruthless ambition within Macbeth as they plant the idea of him becoming ''!ing'' in his mind. "espite Macbeth's best efforts to re#ect the idea of usurping the crown and his attempts to ''hide'' the ''fires'' that burn inside him for the ''crown'' it is immediately obvious he is sorely tempted. $an%uo ignores the witches prophecies initially he and Macbeth agree to spea! their ''free hearts'' to ''eachother'' in an attempt to stay morally clean. $ut the malevolant creatures are the instigators of the eventual !illing rampage of Macbeth to attain the title of ''&ing'' from the once considered impossible prophecies. 'nce the prophecy of the witches in act one regarding Macbeth being appointed ''Thane of awdor'' becomes a reality, Macbeth considers the idea that the second prophecy of Macbeth being !ing could also come true. The combination of the prophecies and the encouragement of (ady Macbeth to usurp the crown causes Macbeth to re#ect any thoughts of settling for the position of ''Thane of awdor'' and decides to act impulsively to usurp the !ingship. This contrasts to $an%uo who still attempts to ''restrain'' such ''cursed thoughts''. At this point the witches now control Macbeth's soul almost li!e a puppet. $y pulling the right strings they can get Macbeth to act in accordance with their wishes as initially planned. Macbeth alothough he has free will to decline these temptations is so compelled and driven to acheive !inship that he uses his free will to further the witches desire. After the murder of "uncan, Macbeth is instantly aware of his guilt. Macbeth !nows he shall ''sleep no more'' his mind is ''fil'd with guilt''. A prime e)ample of Macbeth's guilt is when Macbeth organises the murder of his friend. Macbeth !nows $an%uos ''children shall be !ing'' according to the witches prophecy. Macbeth holds a ban%uet but during the ban%uet he disrupts the ''mirth'' by imagining $an%uo in front of him * %uote + he is riddled with guilt and an)iety. Macbeth acts erractically by ordering the ghost to ''%uit'' his sight. Macbeth is no longer in control of his mind. His soul is captured. He vows to ignore his conscience and ''wade no more''. Macbeth is ''sleep'' deprived and ''stepp'd'' in so ''far'' he cannot return to the once more soul. The ''dar! creatures'' claim their power over Macbeth soul once again. The witches create a false sense of confidence in Macbeth to encourage further treachery. The witches inform him that ''no man of women born'' can !ill or harm Macbeth, he is instantly feels invincable. The witches also state his forces wont be defeated until ''$irnam wood'' is moved to ''high "unsnane hill''. Macbeth's doubts about being overthrown are banished. The witches once again originate deeds of blood indirectly throught their puppet Macbeth. "espite all the bloodshed, as a reader , still retain a glimmer of hope that Macbeth may be able to redeem himself and maybe recapture his lost soul. However when Macbeth declares ''the castle of Macbeth'' he ''will surprise'' in a plot to !ill the innocent family of the ''noble'' Macduff the hope

banishes. The innocent victums have ''done no harm'' nor is there any purpose to this slaughter. ,t is merely a futile e)ersise against the ''babes and wife'' of his enemy. Macbeth has completely changed from the ''noble Macbeth'' at the beginning of act one to the hell hound of act four. Macbeth's ability to inflict cruelty is fascinating. ,t as if he is no longer e)hibits characteristics of a human being, he no longer owns a moral conscience. ,t is as if his soul is now in the hands of the ''weird sisters'' and lost forever. ,n my opinion Macbeth uses his free will to !ill and destroy his friends and the innocent. $ut as a leader , cannot help but as! as! if Macbeth had never met the witches or been spurred on by (ady Macbeth would his free will be directed to such cruelty. The witches unleash ruthless ambition in him as he becomes progressively tyranical in an attempt to maintain his usurped authority. Macbeth's soul is stained with sins he is no longer a ''brave hero'' but a brave ''butcher''.

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