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Date of publication: 1962 Photographer: Phil Stanziola Newspaper: New York World Telegram & Sun Source: Library

o !ongre"" Print" and Photogra#h" $i%i"ion Wa"hington 800 women strikers for peace on 47 Street near the UN Buil ing Thi" #hotogra#h it" the attribute The division of the world into two ideological opposing blocs who where caught in an arms race and as a consequence faced the threat of an atomic war be&au"e in the #i&ture you "ee one o the ideologi&al o##o"ing blo&"' &a#itali"m (be&au"e it i" in )meri&a*+ and they are #rote"ting again"t the threat o an atomi& war, They are "aying that -Pre"ident .ennedy/ "hould -be &are ul/ in the atomi& war' he "hould wat&h out or the So%iet 0nion with their atomi& ba"e in !uba, The "ign" o the women al"o "ay' -Let the 0N handle the !uban &ri"i"1/+ wanting the 0N to "ol%e the #roblem and to make the So%iet 0nion "to# with the atomi& bomb", 2ne "ign "ay"' -Pea&e or Peri"h/ meaning #ea&e or de"troy, 3 think they mean that you &an either ha%e total #ea&e or ruin e%erything by not "to##ing the bomb" being #rodu&ed+ there i" no "u&h thing a 4meeting hal way5, 2 &our"e+ the #rote"ter" want the #ea&e, Date of publication: )#ril 16+ 1971 Photographer: 8ean 8ungmann Newspaper: Not a &lue Source: !9!:;Parlement euro#<en Signing of the !reat" of Paris #$uropean %oal an Steel %ommunit"& b" 'rance( )est *erman"( +tal"( Belgium( ,u-embourg an the Netherlan s( in Paris

Thi" #hoto it" the attribute The unification of Europe be&au"e the :!S! wa" uniting #art o :uro#e+ namely 4the Si=5 nation" that wanted to boo"t the &oal and "teel #rodu&tion, >e&au"e the :!S! be&ame "u&h a big "u&&e""+ other treatie" were "igned a terward"+ and thi" turned into the :uro#ean 0nion at a later "tage,

Date of publication: 197? Photographer: 0nknown News program: !anadian >road&a"ting !or#oration Source: !>! Britain.s Duke of *loucester an the Sultan of /ala"sia appear at the countr".s in epen ence ceremon" in 01273 Thi" #hoto it" with the attribute The decolonization which ended the supremacy of the Western countries in the world be&au"e thi" i" the &ountry5" inde#enden&e &eremony' @alay"ia ha" Au"t be&ome inde#endent, )l"o be&au"e the >riti"h $uke i" "itting ne=t to the Sultan o @alay"ia+ and they both ha%e an umbrella thingy+ they are both treated the "ame way' they are eBual, >ritain+ a we"tern &ountry i" not "u#reme to @alay"ia+ a ormer &olony+ anymore. Date of publication: 1979 Photographer: 0nknown Newspaper: The )tlanti& Source: The $aily $i"h+ by )ndrew Sulli%an Protesters in ,ittle 4ock( 5rkansas( #0121& eclare that 6race mi-ing7 #or school integration& was 6communism7 Thi" #i&ture it" the attribute The increasing Western wealth which, from the !"#s onwards, led to far reaching social cultural changes be&au"e thi" #i&ture wa" made &lo"e to 196C+ and be&au"e it ha" a ar rea&hing "o&ial &ultural &hange in it+ namely that nine bla&k #eo#le were allowed to go to uni%er"ity, They were ni&knamed the $ittle %oc& 'ine, 3n thi" #hotogra#h+ white #eo#le are #rote"ting again"t ra&e mi=ing+ "aying it i" &ommuni"m+ be&au"e in &ommuni"m e%erybody i" ("u##o"edly* eBual, They are u"ing the a&t that )meri&a i" again"t &ommuni"m and ha" ought again"t the &ommuni"ti& So%iet 0nion or a long time The #rote"ter" do not want thi" thoughD they want the #eo#le to be "egregated+ white "e#arated rom the bla&k, 2ne "ign "ay"' -Sto# the ra&e mi=ing+ mar&h o the anti&hri"t/, )round that time+ e%erybody wa" "till %ery religiou"+ and then -mar&h o the )nti&hri"t/ &ould not mean anything good+ "o they are "aying that de"egregation i" bad, 35m not "ure how thi" relate" to the increasing Western wealth+ though, Perha#" be&au"e the )meri&a got ri&her+ they &ould #ay more to the bla&k worker"+ and then the bla&k #eo#le got ri&her a" well and &ould #ay or uni%er"ityE

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