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Results and Discussion The following coordinates: N 14 36.442", E 120 59.362" led to the area of the CFAD building.

. With the approximation of 5 point error, the coordinates led to the metal letters standing in front of the CFAD building. But to be very specific and accurate, the coordinates would match with the metal letters particularly to the letter D. The GPS started to collect data inside the main building, but the actual navigation of the coordinates didnt start there. Because of several factors, the coordinates were not as accurate as it is in outside open field.

Precision and accuracy are often misunderstood to be the same, but technically they are different. Precision is the closeness of the observations and data to the mean, and accuracy is closeness to the right value. In using the GPS, both will be quite hard to achieve. There is no accuracy in GPS, but precision will be probably. It is apparent that GPS navigation has many limitations that lead to minimal accuracy. A primary source of error in GPS navigation is the users mistakes. A GPS cannot tell and correct mistakes of the one using the device. Holding the GPS in a wrong orientation and blocking the signal by the users body results to errors in the data gathering of the GPS. Also, reading or interpreting the coordinates wrongly is of another of some mistakes of the user that causes the failure of gathering the correct data.

Satellite geometry is another factor. The GPS receiver detects up to 5 nearest satellites, all of which in different positions. This gives the receiver a 3D position of the GPS. The quality of data gathered decreases as the satellites are nearness or furtherness of the satellites to each other. If the picked up locations of the satellites were in all somewhat equal positions to the receiver or if they are in an advantageous position like for example 90 from another then, accuracy can be achieved. But such event happens rarely to never for satellites are scattered in various random positions. Furthermore, the location of the receiver highly affects the determination of the position. If the receiver is under a roof or a concrete which blocks the signals from the connected satellites, less accuracy is usually observed. If the receiver is in a moving vehicle definitely same inaccurate results will be obtained. An effect called multipath effect what causes most of the errors in the inaccuracy of a GPS. It is the reflection of the satellite signals or radio waves on objects such as vehicles, buildings and other interfering objects. Reflected signals cause interference to the pathway of the unreflected ones.

Figure 1 Multipath effect

Atmospheric conditions also contribute to the speed of the satellite signals to the GPS receiver and vice versa. The inaccuracy is the reduction of the speed of signals which is correlated to the cloud formation and the atmospheric zones. In the outer space, radio signals travel faster so much more than their transmission in the troposphere and ionosphere. The troposheric effects refers to the water vapour and the said cloud formations in the atmosphere caused by the weather. This type of error generated by the GPS causes little interference than the other sources of error.

To limit the amount of error and to standardize the coordinates in spite of several factors causing the interference of signals, the accepted and used limited error in GPS navigation ranges from 5 to 6 m only.

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