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Moment specificat

Perfect simple
Moment nespecificat

Perfect continuous
(+) S + had been + VbI-ing


(+) VbII-ed (?) Did + S + VbI ( ) S + didnt + VbI

(+) S + was/were + VbI-ing

(?) Was/Were + S + VbI-ing ( ) S + wasnt/werent + VbI-ing

O actiune terminata care s-a petrecut intr-un moment bine determinat in trecut. -> last month, year, Tuesday -> a month ago (ago se pune la sfarsit) -> 1984, in spring I worked. We visited Vintage Pub last Friday


(?) Had + S + VbIII-ed ( ) S + hadnt + VbIII-ed

(+) S + had + VbIII-ed

(?) Had + S + been + VbI-ing ( ) S + hadnt been + VbI-ing

O actiune in desfasurare intr-un moment exact din trecut -> at 5, yesterday, 2 minutes ago act. lunga (while) -> past cont, act. scurta (when) -> past simple While I was cooking, she arrived. I was travelling to my colleague when the proffesor came. O actiune in desfasurare simultan cu o alta alta actiune in desfasurare. Abele vor avea acelasi timp While I was cooking, my friend was playing football.

O actiune trecuta, care s-a petrecut inaintea alateia tot in trecut sau a unui moment anume in trecut. -> just, already, by, hardly, scarcely By 12 o clock the cleaning lady had aired all the rooms in the hotel.
Cauza unui efect trecut Why did the window break? Because he had thrown a stone at it.

O actiune de durata care s-a petrecut neintrerupt pana la un moment dat in trecut. -> by the time, since, for, before. They had been working for over an hour until the bus came.

Arata efectul unei actiuni intamplate in trecut Marc was tired because he had been working for a project all night long

Cu expresii/cuvinte ca: no sooner, than


(+) Vb +-s (p.III sg. +-es) (?) Do (p.III sg Does) + S + VbI ( ) S + dont (p.III sg doesnt) + VbI

(+) S + am/is/are + VbI-ing

Rutina, frecvent, obisnuit, repetat -> always, often, sometimes, usualy, rarely, never, ever, in the morning, in spring I always drink CC. I go to school every week. Situatii permanante I live in Bucharest. I work for CC.

Actiuni in desfasurare acum -> now, at this moment I am learning. I am learning (now). (dedus)


(+) S + have/has + VbIII-ed (+) S + have been + VbI-ing (?) Am/Is/Are + S + VbI-ing ( ) S + am not/isnt/arent + VbI-ing

(?) Have/Has + S + VbIII-ed ( ) S + havent/hasnt + VbIII-ed

(?) Have + S + been + VbI-ing ( ) S + havent been + VbI-ing

Situatii temporare/intr-o perioada de timp determinata -> this week, month, year, semester, today I live in Buch, but this week I am living in Cta. Actiuni care se desfasoara intr-o perioada de timp care include prezentul I am studying psychology three years. Activitate viitoare pe care am pregatit-o, planuri personale -> today, tonight, tomorrow, next year, month I am watching a movie tonight. Actiuni deranjante/iritante pentru vorbitor You are drinking too much.
Exceptii -se folosesc doar la present simple -> de perceptie, senzatie, activitate mentala abhor, adore, astonish, believe, desire, detest, dislike, doubt, feel, forgive, guess, hate, hear, imagine, impress, intend, know, like, love, etc. I love fruits. -> de relatie si posesie - be, belong to, concern, consist of, contain, cost, depend on, deserve, equal, owe, etc. My brother owes me a book.

O actiune incheiata, petrecuta intr-o perioada nespecificata din trecut I have met my friends. We have learned.

O actiune inceputa in trecut si care continua in momntul vorbirii She has been studying English for 2 years.

Adevaruri generale (stiinta) The Earth spins. Water contains H and O. Activitati dintr-un orar/program oficial (tabel) -> program, orar, mersul trenurilor The movie starts at 3PM. The train to Cta. leaves at 5AM. Trecut evocat in prezent Napoleon conquers the land and settles in..

O actiune incheiata recent cu rezultate in prezent -> just, already I have just eaten.(deduc ca nu iti este foame) I have never learned English. O actiune inceputa in trecut si continuata pana in prezent -> for (per: 4 months), since (punct fix: 1953), so far, until now I have worked as a teacher for 7 years. I have learned english since 2005. I have known him for 5 years. Experienta/non-experienta -> ever, never I have eaten sushi three times. Have you ever been to Australia?

O actiune repetata sau pentru accentaurea unei actiuni care s-a petrecut recent I have been trying to talk to her for a week but shes never at home. You look tired! What have you been doing?


Moment specificat

Perfect simple
Moment nespecificat

Perfect continuous
(+) S + will have been + VbI-ing


(+) S + will + VbI (?) Will + S + VbI ( ) S + will not/wont + VbI

(+) S + will be + VbI-ing

(?) Will + S + be + VbI-ing ( ) S + will not/wont be + VbI-ing

Exprima actiuni in viitor care fac parte dintr-un program (peste care nu putem avea control) Next term begins at 8 January The match starts at 5 P.M. Decizii luate pe moment, spontane Look at the sky. It is going to rain soon Promisiuni, amenintari, cereri, sperante I will never tell you anything Previziuni despre viitor I believe she will be a great politician one day Exprima actiuni viitoare in prop. circumstantiale de timp introduse prin: when, till, until, as long etc As long as he keeps playing well, hell keep winning matches. Ill open the window when it stops raining. Going to future Planuri, intentii pentru viitor I am going to travel to Spain one day. Predictii bazate pe ceea ce stim sau ce vedem Look at the sky. It is going to rain soon Actiuni la care ne-am hotarat deja sa le facem in viitorul apropiat We are going to visit our relatives in the weekend. -> tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, soon, next week, in a week, month


(?) Will + S + have + VbIII-ed ( ) S + will not/wont have + VbIII-ed

(+) S + will have + VbIII-ed

(?) Will + S + have been + VbI-ing ( ) S + will not have been + VbI-ing

O actiune in desfasurare intr-un moment exact din viitor -> tomorrow, by this time tomorrow This time tomorrow Ill be swimming. What you will be doing this time next year? Actiuni care vor avea loc in viitor ca urmare a unei actiuni de rutina sau unui aranjament Do not interrupt her now. She will be signing a contract.

O actiune care se petrece inaintea unui moment din viitor. -> by the time, after, until, by She will have returned home by Thursday evening. When we see Tom next year, he will have gradulated high school.

O actiune de durata (precizata) care s-a petrecut neintrerupt pana la un moment dat in viitor. -> by the time, since, for, before. Tomorrow at 7 I will have been sleeping for 10 hours.


(+) S + would + VbI (?) Would + S + VbI ( ) S + would not + VbI

(+) S + would be + VbI-ing

(?) Would + S + be + VbI-ing ( ) S + would not be + VbI-ing

Se foloseste in prop. secundare pentru a exprima o actiune care fata de un anumit moment din trecut era considerata viitoare si se desfasura (sau urma sa se desfasoare) pentru o anumita perioada de timp, dar care, fata de momentul vorbirii reprezinta o actiune trecuta In 2012 I decided / that I would be traveling around the world the next year /. - prop principala, - prob. secundara

Corespondenta cu viitorul 1. Ptr a exprima o actiune viitoare simultana sau ulterioara unei alte actiuni viitoare din propozitia principala, in propozitia secundara temporara se foloseste timpul prezent simplu. Ill give you the book / when we meet /. Ill give you the book / before we meet /. 2. Ptr. a exprima o actiune viitoare anterioara unei alte actiuni viitoare din propozitia principala, in propozitia secundara temporara se foloseste timpul present perfect Ill give you the book / after we have meet /.
Adrian SIMA @2013

Se foloseste in prop. secundare (prop. principala fiind la timpuri trecute) si exprima o actiune care la un anumit moment din trecut era considerata ca viitoare dar care din punct de vedere al momentului vorbiri reprezinta o actiune trecuta I decided / that I would find a new job /. - prop principala, - prob. secundara

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