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American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)

EEE 4101: Control Systems Laboratory Lab # 7: Measuring the parameters of a DC Motor through Time Response and Frequency Response Techniques Objectives: 1. Measuring the parameters of a plant using time response by applying step input. 2. Describing the time-domain characteristics of a first order lag. 3. Measuring the parameters of a plant using frequency response (by applying sinusoidal input). 4. Describing the frequency characteristics of a first order lag. 5. Describing the advantage of Bode Plots. Introduction: Time-response technique involves thinking about the system as a Black Box and applying step, ramp or parabolic inputs. Here, we analyze the output signal and compare it with the input signal. Since we are analyzing a DC motor, we are providing an input voltage (unit step) and recording the output voltage as well as the speed from the tachometer. It turns out that the plant under analysis, involving the DC motor and its controller, can be approximated as a first order (lag) system. Note that a first order (lag) systems transfer function has just one pole. In time response, a first order systems behavior can be analyzed in the transient or in steady state. The parameters associated with transient response include time constant, settling time etc. In steady state, the parameters include Gain (DC Gain). The plant discussed above can also be analyzed through frequency response methods. This method involves providing sinusoidal inputs signals to the system and analyzing the corresponding output signals. The advantage of frequency response method is that when a system is supplied with a sinusoid, it generates another sinusoid with the same frequency as the input sinusoid, but different to it in amplitude and phase. The parameters associated with frequency response include low-frequency gain, cut-off or break frequency, gain drop at high frequencies and time constant. A first order (lag) system has a low frequency gain and a 20 dB gain drop per decade at high frequencies. Decade refers to a segment where frequency changes tenfold. The two distinct behaviors are separated by the cut-off frequency. The cut-off frequency occurs when the gain drops by 3 dB from the low-frequency gain, or when the phase is -45 degrees. The gain is measured in measured in dB, which is the logarithmic form of the ratio of output and input amplitudes of the sinusoids. The phase refers to the phase difference between input and output signals, which can be measured as the time delay between input and output peak values of the sinusoids expressed in degrees. Phase difference in degrees is equal to 360*timedelay/Time Period. Procedure: Load the appropriate files (i.e. CA06PE03, CA06PE04) in the VCL software that is interfaced with the DC motor control plant. This software plots input voltage and output voltage corresponding to the output speed (as measured by the tachometer). It allows the user to analyze the plots and measure important features of these plots. The user can also change the sampling time and form of the input.

Prepared by Shahriyar Masud Rizvi


For time-response, compute input span, output span, gain and time constant (in three methods) for a 5V step input. For frequency response, complete Table 4.1 for a sinusoidal input of 6V (peak-to-peak). Draw the Bode Plots, both magnitude and phase, using the logarithmic gains (in dB) and phase differences (in degrees). Make sure you plot it on semi-log paper. From this plot, determine cut-off frequency (in three methods), time constant and gain (at low frequency). Report: Write a report on this experiment. Discuss the benefits of Time and Frequency Response methods for plant identification and analysis. Discuss the benefits of Bode plots.

Prepared by Shahriyar Masud Rizvi

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