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Shipment Process Step # Tcode Description Step 1 VA01 Create Sales Order Step 2 VL10G Create Delivery Note

Step 3 VT01N Create Shipment Step 4 VL02N ost Goods !ss"e Step # V!01 Create Shipment Cost Do$"ment Step % V!02 Trans&er Shipment Cost Do$"ment Step ' V(01 Create )illin* Step + ,!-O !nvoi$e Veri&i$ation &or shipment SAP Notes %%2+#. '1%013 '40+#4 '4+02+ User-Exits: V#4)0001 V#4)0003 V#4)0004 V#4C0001 V#4C0002 V#4C0003 V#4C0004 V54D0001 V#46S(-C V#4 0001 V#480001 Shipment Costin*/ Con&i*"re pri$in* Shipment Costs Cal$"lation/ Determine -ate Type and C"rren$y Shipment Costs Cal$"lation/ Determine Stat"s Shipment Costin*/ Des$ription0s1 shipment $ost item0s1 Shipment Costin*/ Create shipment $ost s"23items Shipment Costs ro$essin*/ Determine !nvoi$in* arty Shipment Costs ro$essin*/ Determine Lo$4 &or Ta5 !nvoi$e Shipment Costin : Determinin the T!x Co"ntries Determinin* the &a$tors &or apportionment o& shipment $osts 75tended ("n$tion Codes &or Shipment Cost !n&ormation Shipment Cost pro$essin*/ Che$9 :hether $han*es made

V#480002 V#480003 V#480004 V#48000# V#48000% V#48000' #AD$s:

Che$9 shipment $osts &or $ompletion Spe$i&i$ation o& shipment $ost n"m2er (ormattin* &or "pdate o& ne: o2;e$ts 0shipment $osts1 8pdatin* ne: o2;e$ts in shipment $ost pro$essin* Shipment "r$hase Order < =eader Data S"pply Shipment "r$hase Order < !tem Data S"pply


Call D"rin* Shipment Cost A$$o"nt Assi*nment ?hen Generatin* a Shipment Costs Do$"ment (or Che$9s ?hen Creatin* a Shipment Costs Call &or the "r$hase Order !tem Determination (or Che$9s D"rin* Shipment Costs ro$essin*

)AD!>SCD>C-7AT7>C=C6 Do$"ment )AD!>SCD> O>S7L7CT )AD!>SCD> -OC7SS>C=6 )AD!>SCD>SAV7 )AD!>SCD>T-ANS(7-

?hen Savin* Shipment Costs Do$"ments (or Trans&errin* Shipment Cost !tems

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