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Mr. Sullivan Name ____________________________ AP World History Date ___________________ Textbook Guided Readin P!

D "# A e o$ Transition Period ________ Directions: Please %om&lete t'ese (uestions as a means to )*G+N studyin and &re&arin $or t'e u&%omin P!D test. +t is your res&onsibility to %om&lete t'is task by t'e due date. ,ou may -is' to re$er to your %lass notes and materials. as -ell as your textbook $or assistan%e in t'e %om&letion o$ t'is task.

All answers should be placed on the answer worksheet below Each Question is worth 1 point
Nota bene: T'e %orres&ondin textbook &a e numbers are in%luded -it' ea%' (uestion $or your assistan%e.













" 3 1 # 6 0 2 4 5 "7 "" "3 "1 "# "6

"0 "2 "4 "5 37 3" 33 31 3# 36 30 32 34 35 17

1" 13 11 1# 16 10 12 14 15 #7 #" #3 #1 ## #6

#0 #2 #4 #5 67 6" 63 61 6# 66 60 62 64 65 07

0" 03 01 0# 06 00 02 04 05 27 2" 23 21 2# 26

20 22 24 25 47 4" 43 41 4# 46 40 42 44 45 57

". W'at %'an es trans$ormed later medieval military te%'nolo y8

a. b. %. d. e.

T'e %ata&ult 9irearms and %rossbo-s -it' metal:ti&&ed arro-s T'e or ani;ation o$ kni 'ts into armies and &rimitive biolo i%al -ar$are <niversal male %ons%ri&tion and t'e invention o$ t'e ma%e Military advan%ement based on merit R*9= &. #75

3. W'i%' o$ t'e $ollo-in statements about t'e Ma na >arta is not true8 a. +t a$$irmed t'at monar%'s are sub?e%t to establis'ed la-. b. +t %on$irmed t'e inde&enden%e o$ t'e %'ur%' and t'e %ity o$ @ondon. %. +t ave ne- ri 'ts to t'e &easants. d. +t means AGreat >'arter.A e. +t uaranteed t'e noblesB 'ereditary ri 'ts. R*9= &. #"" 1. Coan o$ Ar% a. led t'e 9ren%' to vi%tory in a de%isive battle durin t'e Hundred ,ears War. b. brokered t'e *n lis' and 9ren%' &ea%e treaty. t'us endin t'e Hundred ,ears War. %. be%ame t'e (ueen o$ 9ran%e durin t'e Hundred ,ears War. d. -as t'e only -oman &ermitted to attend t'e <niversity o$ Paris. e. $ounded t'e %ity o$ !rleans. R*9= &. #"3 #. T'e Great Western S%'ism ori inated over a. -'et'er t'e seat o$ >at'oli%ism s'ould be in Rome or >onstantino&le. b. -'et'er or not -omen %ould be &riests. %. t'e nationality o$ t'e &o&e. d. -'et'er or not &riests %ould be married. e. t'e $ormation o$ di$$erent ty&es o$ monasteries D9ran%is%an. Domini%an. >a&&u%in. et%E. R*9= &. #75 6. W'i%' o$ t'e $ollo-in is true o$ Ane- monar%'iesA in *uro&e bet-een "#67:"0778 a. T'e &rimary nations -ere *n land. 9ran%e and S&ain. b. it in%reased %entrali;ed &o-er -it'in lar ely $ixed eo ra&'i% limits. %. it in%reased %ontrol over &o-er$ul noble $amilies. d. t'ey relied on $ull:time armies &aid $or t'rou ' taxes. e. all o$ t'ese. R*9= &. #"3 0. S&ainBs Are%on(uestA and &oliti%al %onsolidation ex%luded -'i%' rou&8 a. Muslims b. Protestants %. Peasants d. Slaves e. A$ri%ans R*9= &. #"1:#"# 2. )y "677. t'e *n lis' Parliament a. 'ad been disbanded by Fin Co'n. b. 'ad overt'ro-n t'e kin and ained %om&lete overnmental aut'ority. %. 'ad be%ome a &ermanent &art o$ *n lis' overnment. d. 'ad yet to be o$$i%ially $ormed. e. 'ad been disbanded. R*9= &. #"1 4.Martin @ut'er insisted t'at t'e only -ay to salvation -as t'rou ' a. relyin on A ood -orks.A b. reli ious $ait'. %. loyalty to t'e Gati%an. d. &ayin money to t'e %'ur%'. e. none o$ t'ese. R*9= &. #6" 5. T'e movement t'at be an -it' t'e re?e%tion o$ t'e &o&eBs aut'ority -as t'e

a. b. %. d. e.

Protestant Re$ormation. >at'oli% Re$ormation. !rt'odox Re$ormation. Peasant Movement. )abylonian >a&tivity. R*9=

&. #6"

"7. To &romote 'is ideas. @ut'er used a. &easant armies. b. indul en%es. %. troubadours to sin o$ 'is reatness. d. tournaments. $estivals. and ames. e. t'e &rintin &ress. R*9= &. #6" "". Co'n >alvin &rea%'ed t'at salvation -as ranted by a. &redestination b. ood -orks. %. sobriety. d. ood t'ou 'ts. e. t'e &o&e. R*9= &. #63 "3. >alvinism -ent $urt'er t'an @ut'eranism in a. en%oura in &oliti%al rebellion. b. em&o-erin ordained %ler y. %. sim&li$yin reli ious rituals. d. buildin extrava ant %'ur%'es. e. insistin on loyalty to t'e Gati%an. R*9= &. #63 "1. +n li 't o$ t'e %'allen es to t'e >at'oli% >'ur%'. many re$orms -ere ena%ted. su%' as a. mandatin &overty $or t'e >at'oli% institution. b. institutin dietary restri%tions to symboli;e &urity. %. re$ormin t'e edu%ation o$ t'e %ler y. d. allo-in &riests and nuns to marry. e. usin t'e verna%ular durin mass. R*9= &. #63 "#. +n res&onse to %riti%isms leveled a ainst >at'oli% &ra%ti%es. t'e %'ur%' met $rom "6#6:"60# at t'e a. >oun%il o$ Ni%aea b. >oun%il o$ >onstan%e %. >oun%il o$ Trent d. >oun%il o$ 9loren%e e. >oun%il o$ @iubet%'. R*9= &. #63 "6. + natius o$ @oyola $ounded t'e a. Domini%ans. b. +n(uisition. %. >oun%il o$ Trent. d. So%iety o$ Cesus Dt'e CesuitsE. e. 9ran%is%ans. R*9= &. #63 "0. Ho- did Fin P'ili& ++ o$ S&ain try to en$or%e reli ious ort'odoxy8 a. +nitiatin a -ar o$ reli ion in S&ain. b. Promotin reli ious toleran%e -it' $avoritism $or >at'oli%s %. *x&ellin all Ce-s and Muslims $rom S&ain. d. <sin t'e +n(uisition to &unis' 'ereti%s. e. Taxin all non:>at'oli%s ex%essively. R*9= &. #63

"2. T'e %'allen e to t'e %'ur%' and its su&&orters -as intense and emotional. resultin in a. a %om&romise re&resentin t'eolo i%al %ommon round. b. bitter A-ars o$ reli ion.A %. t'e ele%tion o$ Po&e @eo H. d. *uro&ean monar%'s be in t'e &o&e $or $or iveness. e. all o$ t'ese. R*9= &. #63 "4. T'e *n lis' Re$ormation led by Henry G+++ -as di$$erent be%ause a. He -anted an annulment $rom 'is >at'oli% -i$e b. He sei;ed t'e land o$ monasteries and %'ur%'es to ive to 'is su&&orters %. 'e %'allen ed t'e &o&eBs aut'ority in *n land. d. 'e 'ad &arliament make 'im t'e 'ead o$ t'e >'ur%' o$ *n land. e. all o$ t'ese. R*9= &. #63 "5. *uro&eans vie-ed t'e natural -orld t'rou ' t-o belie$s systems= a. $olklore. in%ludin ma i%. and >'ristian and Cudai% tea%'in s. b. s%ien%e and an%estor -ors'i&. %. %on$li%t dualism and Greek myt'olo y. d. militarism and so%ialism. e. &a%i$ism and e alitarianism. R*9= &. #61 37. *uro&eans believed t'at -'en natural disasters like eart'(uakes o%%urred. t'e %ause -as a. &late te%toni%s. b. su&ernatural $or%es. %. an imbalan%e o$ 'umors in t'e body. d. t'at t'ey -ere illusions. e. an unvirtuous ruler. R*9= &. #66

3". T'e -it%' trials $o%used on -'at as t'e ex&lanation o$ -it%'%ra$t8 a. -omen -ere more &rone to -it%'%ra$t be%ause t'ey -ere -eaker t'an men. b. T'e Devil -as t'e sour%e o$ evil as t'e enemy o$ God. %. Se%ular tem&tations led &eo&le a-ay $rom ri 'teous be'avior d. Petty ?ealousy and %om&etition sa- &eo&le use evil ma i% to 'arm ot'ers e. 9orei n in$luen%es Dsu%' as Ce-s and !ttomansE led &eo&le astray. R*9= &. #66 33. T'e S%ienti$i% Revolution demonstrated t'at t'e -orkin s o$ t'e universe %ould be ex&lained by a. t'e -ill o$ God. b. t'e tem&eratures in t'e 'emis&'ere. %. natural %auses. d. t'e ali nment o$ t'e &lanets. e. &rayer and divine revelation. R*9= &. #66

31. T'e %riti%al %ause o$ t'e s%ienti$i% revolution -as= a. t'e reintrodu%tion o$ an%ient -ritin s o$ Greek and roman s%ien%e b. t'e re?e%tion o$ reli ious aut'ority by a &o&ulation -eary o$ >at'oli% %orru&tion %. t'e dis%overy o$ t'e Ne- World by maritime ex&lorers %onvin%ed many t'at t'eir &re%on%eived ideas o$ t'e -orld -ere in%orre%t. d. a %'allen e to t'e &revailin %on%e&tion o$ t'e universe by Aristotle. e. none o$ t'ese R*9= &. #66

3#. T'e most si ni$i%ant %'allen e &osed by early modern astronomers -as t'at o$ t'e A'elio%entri%A universe. as ar ued by=

a. b. %. d. e.

Galileo Galilei. Ni%'olas >o&erni%us Co'annes Fe&&ler 9ran%es )a%on Rene Des%artes R*9=

&. #60

36. T'e astronomer -'o dis%overed s&ots on t'e sun and mountains on t'e moon -as a. Ty%'o )ra'e. b. Co'annes Fe&ler. %. +saa% Ne-ton. d. Galileo Galilei. e. Ni%'olas >o&erni%us. R*9= &. #60 30. T'e s%ientist -'o asserted t'at mat'emati%al la-s overned t'e universe -as a. +saa% Ne-ton. b. )oet'ius. %. Gir il. d. Co'n Harvey. e. Henry t'e Navi ator. R*9= &. #62 32. Many reli ious and intelle%tual leaders vie-ed t'e ne- s%ien%e -it' sus&i%ion. as s'o-n by t'e a. trial o$ @eo&old and @oeb. b. exile o$ Ne-ton. %. exe%ution o$ @avoisier. d. ele%tion o$ Goltaire. e. %ondemnation o$ Galileo. R*9= &. #60:#62

34. +n s&ite o$ o&&osition to ne- ideas. t'e %'ur%' did embra%e some $indin s. in%ludin = a. >o&erni%usB ideas o$ retro rade &lanetary motion. b. Robert )oyleBs establis'ment o$ t'e Royal So%iety to study t'e natural -orld. %. t'e Gre orian %alendar based on t'e ne- astronomy. as issued by t'e &o&e. d. GalileoBs ex&lanation o$ t'e sun in t'e @etter to t'e Du%'ess >'ristina e. Ne-tonBs ideas o$ ravity and t'ermodynami%s R*9= &. #60 35. T'e *nli 'tenment -as termed su%' be%ause it= a. embra%ed t'e idea o$ a 'elio%entri% universe in a so%iety o$ devoted intelle%tuals. b. -as %arried out by only a $e- Aenli 'tenedA t'inkers -'o -ere o$ten &erse%uted. %. &ro&osed a $usion o$ reli ious ideas o$ >'ristianity and )udd'ism d. su ested t'at o&en %riti%ism and %'an e o$ so%iety -ould li 'ten t'e o&&ression o$ absolutist leaders e. &rovided t'at ne- s%ien%e -ould Ali 'tA t'e -ay to a better so%iety. R*9= &. #62 17. Bourgeoisie means a. -ealt'y urban %lass. b. lo-er middle %lass. %. nobility. d. %ler y. e. royalty. R*9=

&. #64

1". T'e Dut%' *ast and West +ndies >om&any ained $inan%ial su&rema%y in all *uro&e by a. establis'in a mono&oly on &rodu%ts $rom t'e +ndies.

b. %. d. e.

$ormin t'emselves as a ?oint:sto%k %om&any. redu%in t'e risk o$ overseas %ar o trade by attra%tin many investors. t'us s&readin out t'e $inan%ial burden. allo-in trade o$ sto%ks in t'e market in Amsterdam. doin all o$ t'ese. R*9= &. #64:#65

13. @ike mer%'ants in t'e +slami% -orld. *uro&ean mer%'ants relied on a. $amily and et'ni% net-orks. b. reli ious &erse%ution. %. nobility to $und all ex%ursions. d. ?oint:sto%k %om&anies. e. lu%k. R*9= &. #64 11. T'e business &ra%ti%e o$ sellin s'ares to individuals to s'are t'e risk and &ro$its -as termed= a. initial &ubli% o$$erin . b. ?oint sto%k %om&any %. royal %'arter d. artisanal uilds'i& e. mer%antilism R*9= &. #65 1#. T'e *n lis' mana ed to over%ome t'e Dut%' trade mono&olies by -'at means8 a. establis'in more overseas %olonies b. maintainin reli ious %on$ormity amon )ritis' %olonies. %. kee&in business ventures solely under royal -arrant d. outla-in ?oint sto%k %om&anies e. buildin a lar er navy to %'allen e overseas trade. R*9= &. #65:#07 16. !ne o$ t'e &ainters -'o exem&li$ied t'e Renaissan%e -as a. Ma%'iavelli. b. Renoir. %. Matisse. d. )rue el. e. )eet'oven. R*9= &. ##5 10. Alt'ou ' *uro&ean &easants -ere $ree durin t'e early modern era. a. t'ey -ere obli ed to &rovide ten years o$ military servi%e. b. t'ey -ere $or%ed to 'ead t'e de%ision:makin o$$i%es o$ t'e overnment. %. t'eir standards o$ livin may 'ave de%lined bet-een "677 and "267. d. t'ey rarely lived to a e $i$ty. e. t'ey -ere $or%ed into overseas servi%e as missionaries. R*9= &. #0" 12. T'e *nli 'tenment in *uro&e -as a. a uni$orm &'iloso&'i%al movement dire%ted by t'e Royal So%iety. b. derived $rom Aristotelian s%ienti$i% t'ou 't. %. t'e study o$ al%'emy to make li 't on demand. d. a blendin o$ intelle%tual s%'ools o$ t'ou 't $rom many diverse areas -it' t'e idea o$ im&rovin t'e 'uman %ondition. e. based in >'inese and Amerindian naturalism. R*9= &. #62

14. W'at ne- %ro&s 'el&ed t'e rural &oor o$ *uro&e avoid starvation8 a. Manio% and &eas

b. %. d. e.

>assava and ri%e )lueberries and %ranberries Potatoes and %orn W'eat and millet R*9= &. #0"

15. As t'e iron industry ex&anded. t'e %onsum&tion o$ $uel %aused a. a redu%tion in t'e use o$ iron and %o&&er. b. less destru%tion o$ $orest -oodlands be%ause iron -as used instead o$ -ood. %. de$orestation. d. t'e rise o$ a -ealt'y %lass o$ timber industrialists. e. little to no %'an e in t'e %onsum&tion o$ resour%es. R*9= &. #03 #7. W'o -ere not deemed &art o$ t'e Aun-ort'y &oorA in t'e Net'erlands8 a. re%ent mi rants $rom im&overis'ed rural areas b. itinerant &eddlers %. %riminals d. be ars e. &ermanent %ity residents R*9= &. #03 #". <nlike in ot'er &arts o$ t'e -orld. marria e &atterns in early modern *uro&e re$le%ted a. marryin youn er and 'avin lar er $amilies. b. marryin youn er and 'avin smaller $amilies. %. a $reer %'oi%e o$ oneBs marria e &artner instead o$ an arran ed marria e. d. a 'i ' rate o$ in$ant mortality. e. a %elibate reli ious li$estyle. R*9= &. #03 #3. W'y -ere -omen not a reater &art o$ t'e %ultural movements o$ early modern *uro&e8 a. T'ey -ere $orbidden to learn to read. b. T'ey -ere barred $rom most s%'ools. uilds and &ro$essions. %. T'ey -ere busy -orkin in t'e 'ouse'old and did not 'ave time $or leisure a%tivities. d. +t -as %onsidered in %ontradi%tion to t'e )ible. e. >ultural &er%e&tions -ould 'ave tar eted t'em as -it%'es. R*9= &. #01 #1. T'e Holy Roman *m&ire -as ruled by t'e a. )ourbons. b. Hu uenots. %. )ur undians. d. Habsbur s. e. Romanovs. R*9= &. #0#:#06 ##. +n "666. by t'e Pea%e o$ Au sbur . Holy Roman *m&eror >'arles G allo-ed German &rin%es to %'oose a. >at'oli%ism or >alvinism. b. >at'oli%ism or @ut'eranism. %. >alvinism or @ut'eranism. d. a ne- em&eror. e. +slam or >'ristianity. R*9= &. #06 #6. >'arles G $ailed to uni$y all o$ *uro&e. but S&ain. 9ran%e. and *n land su%%ess$ully uni$ied t'eir states by a. limitin t'e &o-er o$ t'e %'ur%' and t'e nobility. b. institutin mer%antile e%onomi% &oli%ies. %. buildin %astles -it' lar e $orti$i%ations. d. marryin t'eir dau 'ters to &rin%es $rom ot'er kin doms. e. usin !ttoman mer%enaries. R*9= &. #06 #0. T'e *n lis' >ivil War started -'en a. >'arles ++ died -it'out an 'eir and 'is >at'oli% brot'er Cames ++ took t'e t'rone.

b. %. d. e.

Cames + in'erited t'e t'rone a$ter *li;abet' died. des&ite bein an absolutist. >'arles + re$used to rant ri 'ts to Parliament and attem&ted to arrest 'is %riti%s. !liver >rom-ell exe%uted t'e kin *n land attem&ted to im&ose its aut'ority on +reland and S%otland. R*9= &. #06

#2. T'e *di%t o$ Nantes -as revoked in "046 by @ouis H+G. eliminatin a. all Protestant %ler y $rom 9ran%e. b. reli ious $reedom $or 9ren%' Protestants. %. >at'oli%ism in 9ran%e. d. t'e t'reat to t'e *n lis' >'annel by t'e Turks. e. t'e S&anis' Armada. R*9= &. #63 #4. At t'e end o$ t'e *n lis' >ivil War. t'e monar%' -as exe%uted and re&la%ed by a. Co'n >alvin. b. Co'n Smit'. %. !liver >rom-ell. d. T'omas I )e%ket. e. Samuel Adams. R*9= &. #06 #5. T'e Glorious Revolution establis'ed -'at in *n land8 a. A %onstitution and a bill o$ ri 'ts b. A Puritan dominated %'ur%' %. A House o$ >ommons in &arliament d. An em&ire more ex&ansive t'an any ot'er *uro&ean &o-er. e. T'e Royal S%ienti$i% So%iety as a result o$ t'e S%ienti$i% Revolutionaries A-innin A over t'e >'ur%' aut'orities R*9= &. #06 67. Ho- -as t'e Gersailles &ala%e a sort o$ At'eme &arkA o$ royal absolutism8 a. T'ere -ere many ex%itin rides and attra%tions $or $orei n tourists. b. +t 'ad a %onstantly %'an in t'eme. %. *a%' year t'e national ant'em -as &layed to set t'e t'eme o$ t'e 'oliday season. d. T'ere -as an annual %ontest to sele%t t'e t'eme o$ t'e &ala%e. e. T'e i anti% &ala%e symboli;ed t'e 9ren%' monar%'Bs trium&' over t'e ri 'ts o$ t'e nobility. R*9= &. #00:#02 6". *n a. b. %. d. e. lis' &oliti%al &'iloso&'er Co'n @o%ke asserted t'at i$ t'e monar%' -as ele%ted by t'e &eo&le. 'e %ould rule $orever. $ed t'e &eo&le. t'e &eo&le s'ould be loyal. abused 'is or 'er &o-er. t'e &eo&le 'ad a duty to rebel. ruled absolutely -it'out %ontrols. 'armony -ould ensue. ruled -it' morality. so%iety -ould be moral as -ell. R*9= &. #04

63. T'e -ars and devastation o$ t'e early modern era in *uro&e resulted in a. t'e destru%tion o$ t'e national museums. b. better *uro&ean armies. -ea&ons. and maneuvers. %. an violen%e in t'e streets o$ Paris and @ondon. d. a uni$ied *uro&ean state %alled t'e Holy Roman *m&ire. e. a -ides&read &a%i$ist movement in *uro&e. R*9= &. #04

61. Ho- did *uro&ean rulers &ay t'eir lar e -ar ex&enses8 a. )y en$or%in 'i ' taxes on Ce-s and Muslims

b. %. d. e.

)y makin allian%es -it' t'e risin %ommer%ial elites and &rote%tin markets overseas )y -arrin -it' %ountries -it' lar e treasuries )y stealin t'e art treasures o$ t'e lands t'ey %on(uered All o$ t'ese R*9= &. #2"

6#. T'e Net'erlands revolted a ainst S&ain in t'e "607s and "627s be%ause o$ a. t'e S&anis' military &resen%e. b. a -orsenin Dut%' e%onomy. %. t'e im&osition o$ t'e S&anis' sales tax and >at'oli% ort'odoxy. d. an invasion by t'e S&anis' navy. e. a $ailin S&anis' e%onomy. R*9= &. #2":#23 66. W'at is meant by t'e Abalan%e o$ &o-erA in early modern *uro&e8 a. t'e de&enden%e on naval $or%es to a%'ieve t'e stron est military. b. W'i%' %ountry 'ad a%%umulated t'e reatest number o$ overseas %olonies. %. 9ormin allian%es -it' ot'er *uro&ean states to ensure t'at no one state be%ame too &o-er$ul. d. T'e de%laration by all *uro&ean states t'at t'ey -ould not en a e in any $urt'er -ars -it' ot'er >'ristian nations. e. Maintainin e(ual military resour%es divided bet-een im&erial army and navy. R*9= &. #2" 60. Deat' rates amon Amerindian &eo&les durin t'e e&idemi%s o$ t'e early %olonial &eriod -ere a. very 'i '. b. avera e. %. very lo-. d. no 'i 'er t'an at ot'er times. e. nonexistentJ deat' rates %eased durin t'is &eriod. R*9= &. #24 62. W'y did t'e &eo&les o$ t'e Ne- World la%k immunity to t'e diseases o$ t'e *uro&eans8 a. t'ey 'ad a di$$erent DNA stru%ture t'an *uro&eans. b. t'eir lon isolation $rom ot'er %ontinents. %. Si ni$i%ant di$$eren%es in dietary stru%ture. d. Disease did not exist in t'e Ameri%as. e. None o$ t'ese. R*9= &. #24 64. W'at -as t'e most deadly o$ t'e e&idemi%s in t'e Ameri%as8 a. Small&ox b. Sy&'ilis %. +n$luen;a d. Measles e. >'olera R*9= &. #24 65. 9rom -'ere did t'e -orst strain o$ malaria ori inate8 a. >aribbean su ar &lantations. b. *uro&ean %oloni;ers. %. t'e s-am&lands o$ 9lorida d. T'e A$ri%an slave trade. e. Ne- *n land ?oint sto%k %olonies. R*9= &. #24

07. W'i%' o$ t'e $ollo-in -ere Ne- World $oods t'at revolutioni;ed !ld World a ri%ulture8 a. Mai;e. &otatoes. and manio%

b. %. d. e.

Mai;e. ri%e. and bran Manio%. -'eat. and amarant' S&elt. manio%. and -'eat S&elt. taro. and %'inam&as R*9= &. #25

0". !ne o$ t'e ma?or reasons $or t'e ro-t' o$ t'e -orld &o&ulation a$ter "277 -as a. re%overy $rom t'e &la ue b. lar e:s%ale develo&ment o$ t'e &lantation e%onomy in t'e ne- -orld and t'e ro-t' o$ sta&le %ro&s. %. t'e s&read o$ more 'i ':%alorie &er a%re sta&le %ro&s $rom t'e Ne- World. d. t'e transition to a mer%antile. %as':based e%onomy. e. ex&osure o$ t'e di$$erent &o&ulations to ea%' ot'er stren t'ened t'e lobal immune system. R*9= &. #25 03. W'at e$$e%t did *uro&ean 'orses 'ave on t'e Ameri%as8 a. +n%reased military %a&a%ity and 'untin e$$i%ien%y b. De%reased military %a&a%ity and 'untin e$$i%ien%y %. No im&a%t be%ause reli ious &ro'ibitions &revented its use d. No a&&re%iable im&a%t be%ause t'ey already 'ad t'e 'orse e. T'e de%line in t'e al&a%a &o&ulation R*9= &. #47 01. W'i%' maroon %ommunity $irst si ned treaties re%o ni;in t'eir inde&endent status as runa-ay slaves8 a. Camai%an. b. Guianese %. Haitian d. Domini%an e. )eli;e. R*9= &. 6"6 0#. To redu%e t'e risks o$ overseas tradin . %om&anies a. built lar er s'i&s. b. bou 't insuran%e. %. %reated t'e %a&italist system. d. %ondu%ted most o$ t'eir %ommer%e by land. e. atta%ked one anot'erBs s'i&s. R*9= &. 6"0 06. Mer%antilism is a. t'e re%o nition by t'e state t'at all individuals 'ave e%onomi% ri 'ts. b. t'e belie$ in a %om&letely $ree:market e%onomy. %. a overnment &oli%y t'at &rote%ts trade and demands t'e a%%umulation o$ old and silver. d. t'e &oliti%al do%trine t'at only &eo&le -'o &rodu%e e%onomi% -ealt' may vote. e. anot'er name $or %a&italism. R*9= &. 6"0 00. T'e *n lis' Navi ation A%ts in t'e "007s -ere meant to a. %on$ine trade to *n lis' s'i&s and %ar oes. b. restri%t t'e *n lis' s'i&&in industry. %. &ut a tari$$ on *n lis' oods. d. restri%t t'e *n lis' slave trade. e. en%oura e $ree trade. R*9= &. 6"0

02. W'ile t'e )ritis' system o$ mer%antilism -as de$ined by t'e Navi ation A%ts. t'e 9ren%' system used la-s kno-n as= a. les Tariffs

b. %. d. e.

qu'elle domage Exclusif cose nostra Entrept R*9= &. 6"0

04. T'e A%lo%k-iseA net-ork o$ trade in t'e Atlanti% -as t'e a. >ontinental Trade Route. b. Reverse !&tion Market. %. Robinson Route. d. *uro&ean >ir%uit. e. Atlanti% >ir%uit. R*9= &. 6"0 05. T'e se%ond le o$ t'e Atlanti% >ir%uit. trans&ortin slaves a%ross t'e Atlanti% to &lantation %olonies. -as kno-n as= a. t'e Middle Passa e b. t'e Deadly Goya e %. +m&ressment d. +nvoluntary Servitude e. >'ains o$ SorroR*9= &. 6"0 27. Durin t'e $irst "67 years a$ter t'e *uro&ean dis%overy o$ t'e Ameri%as. 'o- many A$ri%ans -ere trans&orted in t'e Atlanti% slave trade8 a. 377.777 b. 477.777 %. ".0 million d. 6.3 million e. 0.5 million R*9= &. 6"4

2". Durin t'e Asu ar boomA $rom "067 to "477. ____ slaves -ere trans&orted. a. 477.777 b. ".0 million %. 6.6 million d. 2.6 million e. "7 million R*9= &. 6"4 23. W'at -as t'e &rin%i&al %ause o$ mortality aboard Atlanti% slave s'i&s8 a. Abuse b. *xe%ution %. Disease d. Sui%ide e. Pira%y R*9= &. 637

21. A$ri%ans -'o &rovided slaves to *uro&eans most o$ten &re$erred to re%eive in return a. beads and blankets. b. old and ivory. %. rum and 'orses. d. uns and textiles. e. silk and &or%elain. R*9= &. 637

2#. T'e &rin%es o$ Mus%ovy or ani;ed a movement o$ %on(uest and ex&ansion a ainst t'e a. Ca&anese. b. >'inese.

%. d. e.

Tibetans. Golden Horde. Foreans.


&. 604

26. T'e &redominant reli ion in t'e eastern Russian em&ire -as a. !rt'odox >'ristianity. b. >at'oli%ism. %. Pa anism. d. +slam. e. Cudaism. R*9= &. 605 20. A$ter "6#2. t'e Russians used -'i%' term as t'e title $or t'eir leader8 a. Grand Prin%e b. *m&eror %. Pas'a d. Tsar e. Fin R*9= &. 605 22. T'e motivation $or Russian ex&ansion to t'e east -as a. t'e &romise o$ %a&tives $or reli ious sa%ri$i%e. b. to $ree &eo&le under Ca&anese rule. %. to %a&ture t'e dee&:-ater &ort at Gladivosto%k. d. demand $or animal &elts. e. t'e a%(uisition o$ Siberian oil reserves. R*9= &. 605

24. W'y -as Siberia seen as a ood avenue $or ex&ansion8 a. t'e $ar nort' -as $ro;en most o$ t'e time. b. t'e sout'ern &orts o$ t'e bla%k see -ere %ontrolled by t'e !ttoman *m&ire. %. T'e Nort'-est a%%ess to t'e )alti% -as blo%ked by S-eden and Poland d. T'ere -ere very $e- in'abitants to t'e east. e. All o$ t'ese R*9= &. 605 25.*x&ansion into Siberia -as lar ely led by= a. Mer%'ant $amilies like t'e Stro anovs b. +m&erial armies $ormin &enal %olonies. %. >ossa%ks. d. Mon ols. e. t'e )ritis' Mus%ovy trade %om&any R*9= &. 627 47. T'e >ossa%ks -ere a. missionaries. b. a )y;antine tradin so%iety at >'erson. %. an inde&endent tribal so%iety o$ -arriors. d. an elite military $or%e o$ t'e tsar. e. nomadi% reindeer 'erders o$ t'e *astern ste&&e. R*9= &. 627 4". T'e nobility in Russia -ere kno-n as t'e ____. a. ra;no%'intsy b. daimyo %. >ossa%ks. d. boyars e. mestni%'estvo R*9= &. 627 43. Ho- did t'e ro-t' o$ a %entrali;ed Russian *m&ire a$$e%t t'e &easants8 a. Peasants be%ame ser$s. &eo&le -'o -ere tied to t'e land.

b. %. d. e.

PeasantsB standard o$ livin im&roved to a Amiddle:%lassA level. +t ave t'e &easants t'e vote. Peasants -ere de&orted and sent to ula s. Peasants %ould move $reely at any time to im&rove t'eir lot in li$e. R*9= &. 623

41. A%%ordin to t'e Russian %ensus o$ "256. over 'al$ t'e &o&ulation -ere a. nobility. b. in military servi%e. %. $reemen. d. ser$s. e. %olle e edu%ated. R*9= &. 623 4#. T'e a. b. %. d. e. reatest Romanov tsar -as Peter t'e Great. +van t'e Terrible. Ni%'olas +++. *d-ard ++. >'arles G+. R*9= &. 623

46.!ne result o$ t'e AGreat Nort'ern WarA -as a. t'e deat' o$ Peter t'e Great. b. t'e liberation o$ >onstantino&le. %. Russian a%%ess to t'e )alti% Sea. d. RussiaBs retreat into isolationism. e. t'e destru%tion o$ RussiaBs navy. R*9= &. 623 40. PeterBs main oal in buildin u& Russia -as= a. moderni;ation in a -estern $as'ion. b. %on(uest o$ RussiaBs lon :term enemy. S-eden. %. to establis' trade -it' >'ina -'ere *uro&e 'ad $ailed. d. to extend Russian !rt'odoxy and drive out )udd'ism and +slam. e. to return to t'e Golden Fievan era &re:Mon ol invasions. R*9= &. 623 42. T'e ne- %ity t'at -as to be RussiaBs A-indo- on t'e WestA -as a. Stalin rad. b. Mos%o-. %. Fiev. d. St. Petersbur . e. Frako-. R*9= &. 623 44. W'y did Peter t'e Great attem&t to Westerni;e Russia8 a. To ?oin t'e Russian !rt'odox >'ur%' b. To end ser$dom %. To ultimately $ollo- t'e )ritis' movement into &oliti%al liberali;ation d. To stren t'en t'e Russian state and its auto%ra%y e. )e%ause 'e -as $rom t'e West D'e in'erited RussiaBs t'roneE R*9= &. 623:621

45. W'i%' o$ t'e $ollo-in statements about >'ina and Russia is not true8 a. )ot' -ere lar e land em&ires. b. )ot' su$$ered lar e &o&ulation de%lines in t'e ei 'teent' and nineteent' %enturies.

%. d. e.

)ot' 'ad armies t'at de&ended on lar e numbers o$ soldiers to de$eat enemies. )ot' used $or%ed labor su%' as ser$s and &easants. )ot' tolerated diversity -'ile tryin to &romote assimilation. R*9= &. 62#

57. >at'erine t'e Great used t'ree su%%essive &artitions o$ -'i%' area to ex&and RussiaBs borders to t'e West8 a. S-eden b. Prussia %. @it'uania d. Poland e. Romania R*9= &. 62#

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