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Kyle Knox HIS 396 Lesson Plan #3


1) Unit: High School, 11th Grade U.S. History- Colonial Discrepancies, Lesson #4 2) Aim: What are the necessary tools needed to construct a coherent essay? Are they prepared to take a quiz? 3) Goals: a) develop and test hypotheses about important events, eras, or issues in New York and United States history, setting clear and valid criteria for judging the importance and significance of these events, era, or issues. b) prepare essays and oral reports about the important social, political, economic, scientific, technological, and cultural developments, issues, and events from New York State and United States history. c) understand the interrelationships between world events and developments in New York State and the United States (tyranny vs. freedom) 4) Objectives: Students will learn: a) Paragraph skills and how to independently apply. b) Apply the writing process c) Write the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion d) Revise and edit papers e) Elaborate and increase f) Accept feedback willingly g) Offer feedback in a constructive and positive manner 5) Materials: a) Homework from the night before b) overhead projector c) markers for overhead sheets 6) Schedule:

a) Warm-up: Students will have their essay outlines out and show them to me which they needed to complete for homework if they did not finish it in the last class. This will reinforce what was covered in the last class regarding essay skills. (5 minutes) b) Turn on the overhead and put a clear essay outline sheet on it. From there I will pick students to randomly put in points that they made on their outlines, which I will fill in sitting next to the projector. This will be done so that the whole class can see what others came up with for their answers in each corresponding category. Since the directions for the essay were all identical (include social, political, and economic reasons), the students should have come up with mostly the same ideas regarding each topic since they all took notes on the same subjects from the last two previous classes. If the majority of students pick the same general facts for each topic in their body paragraphs, I will show them other ones that they can choose from (Ex: If the students only talk about the conflicts between colonial Americans and the British for social reasons, I will also show them how they can use African slaves or Native Americans in this topic as well. The thing that I am looking for is the students to be able to take many points regarding the same topic and relate them to each other as they all come under the circumference of that topic. As I said on the outline for the essay, Include as much as you can! (20 minutes) c) After we have completed making our own class outline with the ideas of the class, I will have the students take their own outlines and make their own essays. The essays will be a minimum of 5 paragraphs in length, and will answer the question provided on the outline. This will help the students organize their data while writing and will prepare them to write an essay for the test in the next unit. *(I will have a quiz for this unit at the end of next class, but there will be a test at the end of the next unit which will combine the two units, those units being: Colonial Discrepancies and the American Revolution. I am doing this because I believe having a test with both units in it will help students be able to make connections while taking it.) While they are doing this, I will be walking around the class examining each one of their essays as they are writing them. If students show visible signs of inability to write their essays, I will sit down with each one while the class is going on and help them to find a direction to take regarding a thesis or any other problem that may occur. This will help me to understand which students in the class have difficulties in writing and may help the students in figuring out how to organize their data in a more feasible way regarding their own skills. (25 minutes)

d) Once 25 minutes has passed, even if the students have not finished their essays completely, I will ask them to trade essays with someone in the class for them to have a peer review of their work. Students will mark each others paper, looking for proper use of information, grammatical errors, and fluidity of the paper. This will help students develop their skills in identifying mistakes in anothers paper. (15 minutes) e) I will inform the students that they have a quiz next class on the Colonial Discrepancies unit. They will prepare for the multiple choice, matching, and short answer response sections of it by studying the material for the rest of the class, while I will review with them the material we covered in the last two classes. This will be in the form of a mini lecture: at first I will ask them if they have any problems regarding the subject matter. If they do not, I will randomly ask them questions on the readings that we have had regarding the unit. By this time, they should all have read the entire chapter and also taken notes on each segment of it as well. (13 minutes) f) Recount the building blocks for an essay; inform the students that there will be one for the test on both units coming up. Also tell them to study for the quiz next class using their notes taken from class and their textbooks to fill in any blanks that they may have regarding the subject. (2 minutes) Homework: Study for Quiz next class, and pre-read the next Chapter.

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