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Kyle Knox HIS 396 Lesson Plan #4


1) Unit: High School, 11th Grade U.S. History- Colonial Discrepancies Quiz/ American Revolution Lesson #1 2) Aim: Quiz/ What were the values championed in the American Revolution? 3) Goals: a) analyze the development of American culture, explaining how ideas, values, beliefs, and traditions have changed over time and how they unite all Americans b) describe the evolution of American democratic values and beliefs as expressed in the Declaration of Independence. 4) Objectives: -Students will: a) Solidify quiz taking skills by taking a quiz b) Demonstrate active listening skills c) Participate actively in daily class discussions d) Identify and use course specific vocabulary e) Understand multiple points of view f) Increase depth of thinking

5) Materials: a) Computer link to projector b) Quizzes c) textbooks 6) Schedule: a) Warm-up: Students will come into class and take the Colonial Discrepancies quiz (mini-test). Will use scantron on test (quiz provided in lesson plan) (25-30 minutes)

b) Youtube videos: - I will have three videos cued from the collection John Adams from the HBO series i) This video shows John Adams walking back to his home after the Battles of Lexington and Concord. The feeling is that of misery among the people on the trail but also one of hope since the colonists pushed away the British. ii) This video shows Adams and Benjamin Franklin meeting with George Washington as he describes that an attack on one the sister states of the colonies (Massachusetts) is an attack on all the colonies, showing a sense of unity around American identity. iii) In this video Adams argues with John Dickinson of Pennsylvania. Adams believes that the only way resolve the dispute with England is with muskets and cannon, while Dickinson believes that the colonies and England can settle their disputes in a peaceful way, calling for the Olive Branch Petition. -After each video has played, I would ask the students how they would have reacted after each event. For example: Regarding the first video, would they be upset that many of their own people have died or would they be happy that their small new force was pushing the British back? Or for the third video, would they have preferred to keep fighting since there had already been blood spilt or would they have liked to have resolved the conflict peacefully? (20 minutes) c) Lecture: i) Have the students read about the Battles of Lexington and Concord and also about the Second Continental Congress in the textbook to reinforce what the videos referred to. I will pick on students to recite orally the excerpts from the textbook (between pages 150-152). Include : -Battles of Lexington and Concord -The Second Continental Congress -Continental Army -Olive Branch Petition -Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms

ii) As the students finish reading the passage, I will raise the question: -What does it mean to rebel? Students should answer the question by raising their hand, if none of them answer it voluntarily, then pick randomly among the students who should answer it. (25 minutes) d) Wrap-up: Ask the class what the Founding Fathers were going through in their decision making of whether or not to break away from England. i) What were the possible decisions that the colonists had to think about in this time period? Homework: Read pages 148-154 in textbook and answer this question: ii) What would you have been in favor of? Maintaining the relationship between England and the colonies or declared independence? Provide evidence that you would use to back up you claim. When you have made you claim, what evidence would you use if you supported the other side instead? -There will be a debate next class in which I will pick students to represent the Second Continental Congress. (5-10 minutes)

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