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F0R INNEBIATE RELEASE: Contact: Logan Spence
Nonuay, }anuaiy 6, 2u14 S12-461-S448

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B00ST0N - Ban Patiick, authentic conseivative canuiuate foi Lt. uoveinoi, calleu
on Lieutenant uoveinoi Baviu Bewhuist to let the Senate begin theii woik by
appointing a Chaiiman of Finance anu giving the Euucation Committee its inteiim

Foimei Senatoi Tommy Williams maue his iesignation known on 0ctobei 2S, 2u1S
but it was wiuely known as eaily as 0ctobei 2. Now, ovei thiee months latei,
Lieutenant uoveinoi Bewhuist has still faileu to act anu appoint a new Finance
Committee Chaiiman, pieventing the Committee fiom meeting.

"The Finance Committee conuucts impoitant business uuiing the inteiim. Theii
woik is ciitical in the Texas Senate anu at this point, we have not met anu we uon't
even have a chaiiman," saiu Patiick. "The Finance Committee neeus a chaiiman.
Thiee months ago, I calleu on the Lieutenant uoveinoi to appoint Senatoi }ane
Nelson as Chaiiman. Bis inaction anu inattention to this impoitant Senate business
is uisappointing.

"Senatoi }ane Nelson is a pioven conseivative leauei with substantial expeiience in
the Senate. The Texas Senate neeus hei leaueiship anu histoiy is ieauy foi the fiist
female Finance Chaiiwoman," saiu Patiick.

The Euucation Committee, cuiiently chaiieu by Senatoi Patiick, is also without
inteiim chaiges uespite Patiick submitting his iecommenuations to the Lt. uoveinoi
in Septembei.

"We maue uiamatic iefoims to public euucation this last session. We neeu to
monitoi how those changes aie being implementeu anu how they aie affecting oui
stuuents," Patiick concluueu.


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