Legal Writing 2 Trial Memorandum, Legal Opinion, Short Essay

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References: Law Textbooks Co!es Reviewers "otes Co#pilations Articles an! $nternet Sources

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Legal Writing
University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations




(enerally a trial #e#oran!u# outlines t)e legal argu#ents supporting or opposing t)e positions of a party to a case' $t inclu!es t)e explanation of t)e parties* un!erstan!ing of t)e facts of t)e #atter t)e law or laws t)ey believe s)all !eter#ine t)e outco#e of t)e trial an! t)e conclusion t)ey believe t)e +u!ges s)oul! reac)' $s purpose is to persua!e t)e court t)at a party is entitle! to a +u!g#ent in its favor' T)e Trial ,e#oran!u# s)oul! explain w)y a particular law applies an! )ow eac) fact relates to t)e law' A trial #e#oran!u# #ay be likene! to or probably e-uivalent to t)e oral su##ary of t)e cases by t)e counsels in trials by +ury' $n t)is +ury syste# of )earing an! !eci!ing cases trials are usually followe! by oral argu#ents fro# bot) si!es' Counsels orally su# up t)eir cases an! try to persua!e t)e +ury wit) t)e evi!ence an! argu#ents to accept t)eir clients* point of view' $n t)e &)ilippines since t)ere is no trial by +ury but rat)er cases are !eci!e! by a single person t)e +u!ge counsels !o not )ave t)e c)ance to orally su# up t)eir cases an! try to persua!e t)e +u!ge wit) t)e evi!ence an! argu#ents to accept t)eir clients* point of view' T)us at t)e en! of t)e trial t)e counsels su# up t)eir cases not by oral argu#ents but by w)at is calle! t)e trial #e#oran!u#' B' &arts of a Trial ,e#oran!u#

$n NO particular or!er a Trial ,e#oran!u# s)oul! contain t)e following parts: .' T)e )ea!ing or Case Caption

/in our courts or -uasi0+u!icial agencies t)ere is alrea!y a structure for t)e )ea!ing or t)e caption1

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T)e State#ent of t)e "ature of t)e Action of Case an! t)e procee!ings t)at t)e court )a! !one in t)e case' 2'. T)e state#ent of t)e nature of t)e action of case is si#ply a state#ent of w)at t)e case is all about' $t is t)e state#ent of t)e legal !isu3pute between t)e parties to a case'

0$n Civil cases

t)ere is a legal !ispute w)en a party to a case co#plains t)at )is rig)t protecte! by law or w)ic) violation

t)e law punis)es is violation by t)e ot)er party w)o !enies suc) violation' 0$n Cri#inal cases t)ere is a legal !ispute w)en t)e State clai#s t)at t)e accuse! violate! its rig)t to enforce t)e laws an! t)e accuse! woul! !eny it !uring t)e arraign#ent' 2'2 To so#e lawyers t)ey inclu!e in t)is section t)e -uestion of law or fact t)at t)e parties present for resolution an! w)ic) t)e +u!ge s)oul! !eci!e or w)at is referre! to as t)e 4issues5' To t)e ot)ers of course t)e -uestion of law or fact t)at t)e parties present for resolution an! w)ic) t)e +u!ge s)oul! !eci!e /issues1 is treate! as separate part of t)e trial #e#oran!u#' $n any case t)e -uestion or issue s)oul! inclu!e a few of t)e essential facts of t)e case but s)oul! be very brief an! concise' 6' T)e Brief An !er" to t)e -uestion or issues pose!' T)is part serves as t)e t)esis of t)e ,e#oran!u# an! s)oul! briefly analy7e t)e reasons w)y you believe t)e +u!ges rule in your favor' $t su##ari7es t)e law t)at s)oul! be use! to analy7e t)e case' 8' T)e S#$#e%en# &f F$'# ". T)is part !etails all of t)e facts t)at are #aterial to t)e case' 9ere are so#e gui!es in t)e facts of t)e case: a' T)e facts s)oul! be outline! briefly' Opinions an!:or conclusions of t)e lawyer preparing t)e trial #e#oran!u# s)oul! not be inclu!e!' State! ot)erwise t)e lawyer s)oul! avoi! e!itoriali7ing in t)e state#ent of facts' $nstea! t)e facts s)oul! be presente! in a neutral way si#ilar to )ow a report #ig)t !escribe an event' b' T)e S#$#e%en# &f F$'# " is nor#ally prepare! by first writing out a rat)er co#plete state#ent of facts' At t)e start t)e state#ent of facts s)oul! be over0inclusive rat)er t)an un!er inclusive' ,oreover t)e facts s)oul! be written c)ronologically' T)is will enable t)e lawyer to see so#e relations)ips t)at were not i#agine! an! to see clearly )ow or w)y t)e parties acte! as t)ey !i!' c' T)ereafter t)e lawyer preparing t)e trial #e#oran!u# can now cut !own on t)e facts so as to eli#inate t)ose t)at are not #aterial or !o not provi!e )elpful backgroun!' T)e factual presentation can also be reorgani7e! so as to #ake it easier to un!erstan!' ;' T)e Di '( i&n &f #)e Ar*(%en# .

<ac) legal argu#ent outlines t)e issue of t)e law or fact t)e +u!ge #ust !eci!e t)e rule t)at s)oul! be use! to !eter#ine t)e issue of law or fact a !ecision about )ow t)e rule s)oul! be applie! to t)e

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facts of t)e case an! t)e conclusion su##ari7ing t)e argu#ent' $n ot)er wor!s t)e !iscussion for eac) legal argu#ent s)oul! contain t)e Issue, Rule, Application and Conclusion. T)e i (e is t)e brief state#ent of t)e !ispute= t)e R(+e is t)e section t)at contains any ele#ents or t)e statutory re-uire#ents t)at #ust be proven= t)e $,,+i'$#i&n is )ow t)e facts supporte! or oppose t)e particular rule w)ic) usually starts wit) t)e wor! In the instant case or Here= t)e '&n'+( i&n is t)e brief sentence su##ing up w)at was sai!' >' T)e S(%%$r- of t)e Trial ,e#oran!u#' T)is part contains t)e conclusion t)at reiterates t)e #a+or legal argu#ents an! case t)at supports your point of view' t)e facts of t)e

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II. A' LEGAL OPINION Concept:&urpose

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T)e purpose of a legal opinion is to analy7e a legal proble# an! give an ob+ective legal opinion on t)at proble#' Usually a legal opinion is not an a!vocacy paper' Alt)oug) t)e purpose is to reac) a legal conclusion t)e argu#ents presente! #ust be ob+ective' $n preparing a legal opinion it #ust be explaine! w)y certain laws apply but t)e legal opinion #ust not atte#pt to convince t)e client of t)e absolute correctness of t)e conclusion' $nstea! it s)oul! acknowle!ge t)e weakness of t)e argu#ent' B' Steps in &reparing a Legal Opinion

$n actual practice t)e following are necessary steps in t)e preparation of a legal opinion: .' 2' 6' ,ake sure t)at t)e recor!s of t)e case are co#plete' ?rite !own t)e facts Researc) t)e law' T)e law s)oul! inclu!e t)ose t)at are favorable to t)e client*s position an! t)ose t)at are unfavorable' State! ot)erwise t)e legal opinion #ust a!!ress t)e law t)at is )elpful an! )ar#ful to t)e client*s case' 8' ;' >' @' C' &arts of a Legal Opinion C)art t)e law against t)e facts' T)is #eans t)at you )ave to list eac) essential fact or event an! i!entify t)e #ain legal ele#ent t)at pertains to t)e event' $!entify t)e issues' &repare t)e outline w)ic) s)oul! provi!e an explanation of )ow eac) ele#ent will be applie! to eac) fact' ?rite t)e legal opinion' T)is s)oul! of course inclu!e e!iting of t)e legal opinion'

A legal opinion is #a!e up of: .' He$.in*. T)is si#ply inclu!es t)e !ate an! t)e person for w)o# t)e legal opinion is inten!e!' %or purposes of t)e Bar <xa#inations )owever t)is s)oul! not be your concern because t)e instruction for t)e essay exa#inations specifically !irects you to o#it t)e case caption' 2' /. 8' T)e Q(e #i&n &r I An !er . S#$#e%en# &f F$'# . T)is s)oul! tell t)e story t)at gave rise to t)e legal -uestion but s)oul! inclu!e only t)ose facts t)at are necessary for t)e legal analysis' ,oreover legal ter#s or legal conclusions s)oul! not be incorporate! in t)e facts' $f t)ese are !ispute! facts t)ey s)oul! be clearly i!entifie! wit) #o!ifying ter#s suc) as 4allege!5 4state!5 or 4testifie!5' Bias or !istortion s)oul! be avoi!e! an! t)us facts t)at are bot) favorable an! unfavorable s)oul! be #entione!' (e Pre en#e.. T)ese enco#pass bot) t)e legal an! factual ele#ents t)at #ust be analy7e!' Legal an! factual co#ponents s)oul! be incorporate!'

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;' T)e Di '(

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i&n. T)is #ust provi!e ob+ectives yet convincing support for t)e conclusion'

<very section of t)e Aiscussion #ust contain five ele#ents: Answer, Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion. >' 0&n'+( i&n. T)is s)oul! provi!e a brief su##ary of t)e facts an! law re-uire! in t)e Aiscussion'

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&laintiff by counsel an! unto t)is 9onorable Court #ost respectfully states:

STATEMENT OF FA0TS $n t)is action t)e plaintiff seeks to BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (Discuss briefly the nature of the cause/action ' T)is case concerns t)e BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' (!resent the salient and rele"ant facts in a narrati"e that supports your position without addin# or distortin# facts or $a%in# unreasonable inferences

ISSUES T)is #e#oran!u# will !iscuss t)e following issues:

$' %irst w)et)er or not BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' (&pot and for$ulate the issue based on the conflictin# le#al clai$s of the parties. Issues are the disputed points of law as set out in the proble$ that are alle#ed by one party and denied by the other. Resol"in# these issues is necessary to decide the case xxxx

ARGUMENTS AND DIS0USSION ('se the ()R)A)C for$ula for e"ery issue* (hesis/Contention)Rule)Application)Conclusion

$' T)e plaintiff is entitle! to BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB because BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' ((his is the contention/thesis. +ou $ust $a%e it %nown at the "ery be#innin# of your discussion

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Article BBBBBBB of t)e BBBBBBBBBB w)ic) states t)at BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB clearly applies in t)is case' T)e case of BBBBBBBBBBB likewise applies' As )el! in t)at case BBBBBBBBBBBBBB' (Deter$ine and state what the applicable rule is. (he applicable rule is the law, ,urisprudence, le#al principle or doctrine that is necessary to resol"e the issue or to answer the -uestion that the issue raises $n t)is instant case BBBBBBBBBBBB' (Here, interwea"e the ele$ents of the applicable rule with the %ey facts. &how your reasonin# and analysis based on the applicable rule and its application to the facts. &how which facts support or pre"ent the application of the rule . step by step, ele$ent by ele$ent T)erefore BBBBBBBBBB' (&tate your conclusion

PRAYER ?9<R<%OR< plaintiff earnestly prays t)at BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB' (&tate and enu$erate the reliefs bein# sou#ht &laintiff prays for suc) ot)er reliefs an! re#e!ies t)at are +ust an! e-uitable un!er t)e pre#ises' xxxx

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Republic of t)e &)ilippines 0OURT OF APPEALS SPE0IAL FOURTH DI1ISION

JUANA DELA 0RU2 Re,re en#e. 3- )er $##&rne-4in4f$'# A##-. Jeffre- A. Ar')er Pe#i#i&ner, 0versus0 0.A. G.R. SP N&.55 %or: <+ect#ent JANE DOE Re ,&n.en#,

C0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C MEMORANDUM

0OMES NOW PETITIONER, t)roug) t)e un!ersigne! counsel sub#its t)is ,e#oran!u# in t)e above0entitle! case an! aver t)at: PREFATORY STATEMENT

unto t)is 9onorable Court #ost respectfully

T)is is a &etition for Review pursuant to Rule 82 of t)e .DD@ Rules of Court assailing t)e !ecision ren!ere! by t)e 9on' Eu!ge Loren7o ,en7on of t)e Regional Trial Court Branc) .F of &asay City !ate! Eune 2D 2FFD w)ere t)e !ispositive portion of w)ic) rea!s an! -uotes: 4?9<R<%OR< t)e !ecision of t)e ,etropolitan Trial Court Branc) . of &asay City is )ereby affir#e! in toto5 4So or!ere!'5

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an! an or!er #a!e in August > 2FFD !enying t)e ,otion for Reconsi!eration #a!e by t)e petitioner w)ere t)e !ispositive portion rea!s of w)ic) rea!s an! -uotes: 4?9<R<%OR< for lack of #erit0!efen!ant0appellant*s ,otion for Reconsi!eration is )ereby !enie!5 T)e plaintiff now t)e respon!ent files against t)e !efen!ant now t)e petitioner an action of Unlawful Aetainer' T)e respon!ent w)erein clai#s t)at s)e is t)e title! owner of t)e sai! parcel of lan! being lease! by t)e petitioner an! prays t)at t)e petitioner be e+ecte! fro# t)e sai! property of t)e respon!ent' T)e petitioner in answering t)e co#plaint #aintaine! t)at s)e can*t be e+ecte! invoking &'A'.;.@ &'A' 2F.> A&A .0.2 &asay City an! ot)er relate! laws w)ic) grants statutory rig)ts to bona fi!e tenants to ac-uire t)e sai! property t)roug) purc)ase of t)e sai! property in -uestion' T)e petitioner is willing an! able to buy t)e sai! property' T)e ,etropolitan Trial Court Branc) . of &asay City )as !eci!e! t)e case in favor of t)e owners)ip of t)e property w)ic) was evi!ently unproce!ural consi!ering t)at in an action of unlawful !etainer only issue of possession !e facto can be raise! an! ignoring t)e sai! &resi!ential Aecrees &rocla#ations an! $ssuances w)ic) take part of t)e law of t)e lan!' T)is !ecision a -uo #a!e by t)e ,etropolitan Trial Court an! affir#e! by t)e Regional Trial Court in toto w)ic) oug)t to be reverse! or #o!ifie!



T)e &etitioner Euana Aela Cru7 /)erein referre! to as t)e &etitioner1 is of legal age wi!ow an! wit) resi!ence an!

postal a!!ress at .26 Binibini St' &asay City w)ere s)e can be serve! wit) legal processes an! notices issue! by t)is 9onorable Court= 2' T)e Respon!ent Eane Aoe /)erein referre! to as t)e Respon!ent1 is of legal age single an! wit) postal a!!ress at

.F.F (inoo Blv!' &asay City=



T)e petitioner entere! into an oral contract of lease wit) t)e original owners of t)e sai! parcel of lan! t)e late

spouses ,arcela an! ,arcelo Ael &ilar /)erein referre! to as t)e S&S' Ael &ilar an!:or spouses1 t)e si7e of w)ic) is a >; s-uare #eters an! locate! at .26 Binibini St' &asay City= 2' present= $n line wit) t)e lease agree#ent t)e petitioner constructe! t)eir )ouse an! continue! to resi!e t)erein up to t)e

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%ro# t)e !ay t)ey starte! to lease t)e sai! lan! t)e petitioner never !efaulte! in t)e pay#ent of t)e agree!

#ont)ly rentals= 8' On %ebruary .G .DD; unknown fro# t)e petitioner t)e respon!ent )as boug)t to t)e sai! property fro# t)e

spouses an! t)e respon!ent )as title! it on )er own na#e= ;' T)ereafter t)e respon!ent )as taken )er own steps to e+ect t)e petitioners fro# t)e sai! property until finally s)e

file! an action of unlawful !etainer against t)e petitioner before t)e ,etropolitan Trial Court Branc) . of &asay City=



On %ebruary .2 2FFG t)e respon!ent file! a Co#plaint for <+ect#ent against t)e Appellee at t)e ,etropolitan

Trial Court Branc) . of &asay City= 2' 6' 8' On Aece#ber 22 2FFG t)e petitioner file! a &osition &aper= On %ebruary 2 2FFD t)e ,etropolitan Trial Court Branc) . of &asay City !eci!e! in favor of t)e respon!ent= On %ebruary 2F 2FFD t)e petitioner file! a "otice of Appeal an! elevate! t)e case to t)e Regional Trial Court

Branc) .F of &asay City ;' On Eune 2D 2FFD t)e 9on' Eu!ge Loren7o ,en7on of t)e Regional Trial Court Branc) .F of &asay City affir#e! in

toto t)e +u!g#ent ren!ere! by t)e ,etropolitan Trial Court= >' On Euly ; 2FFD a ,otion for Reconsi!eration is file! by t)e petitioner t)ru )is counsel praying t)at t)e !ecision

ren!ere! on Eune 2D 2FFD be set asi!e an! anot)er ren!ere! for t)e Appellee= @' On August > 2FFD t)e Regional Trial Court of &asay City )as !enie! t)e ,otion for Reconsi!eration file! by t)e

petitioner= t)us pro#pting t)e petitioner to file a petition for review= G' D' On Septe#ber 8 2FFD t)e petitioner file a &etition for Review to t)e Court of Appeals= On ,ay 2. 2F.F t)e Court of Appeals or!er bot) parties to sub#it t)eir #e#oran!a wit)in .; !ays

9ence t)e filing of t)is #e#oran!u#

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ARGUMENTS WHETHER OR NOT THE HONORABLE COURT TRIAL COURT ACTED CORRECTLY IN DECIDING THIS UNLAWFUL DETAINER ACTION ON THE BASIS OF EVIDENCE OF OWNERSHIP AFTER DEFENDANT HAD RAISED IN DEFENSE THE LESSEES RIGHT UNDER P.D.1517, P.D.2 1! AND APD 1"12 PASAY CITY Un!er t)e Rule @F of Rules of Court an action for Unlawful Aetention resolves only t)e issue of possession !e facto even if t)e evi!ence of owners)ip #ay be referre! to or consi!ere! only to !eter#ine its possession' T)is is if t)e !efen!ant now t)e petitioner is unlawfully wit))ol!ing possession of t)e sai! property or t)e refusal of t)e petitioner is unlawful as )el! by t)e Supre#e Court in 9uibon)oa v' Court of Appeals (R' D;GD@ Aec' .8 .DD@' $n our present case t)e possession of t)e petitioner is lawful an! even )er refusal to vacate t)e sai! property is also lawful' Since t)e petitioner )as been lawfully leasing t)e sai! property to t)e original owners t)e Sps' Ael &ilar it clearly presents us a situation w)erein t)e petitioner is lawfully in possession of t)e sai! property an! +ustifies )er refusal to vacate t)e sa#e property' %urt)er#ore alt)oug) t)e contract between t)e original owners an! t)e petitioners t)e respon!ent were not able to overt)row t)e counterclai# of t)e petitioner w)ic) was overlooke! by t)e 9onorable ,etropolitan Trial Court w)en s)e resolve! t)e case in favor of t)e respon!ents' $n )er !is-uisition t)e 9onorable ,etropolitan Trial Court sai! an! -uotes: 4After t)e t)oroug) evaluation of t)e evi!ence on recor! t)e court believes t)at t)e !efen!ants can be lawfully e+ecte! fro# t)e sub+ect pre#ises' Clearly t)e plaintiff is t)e registere! owner of t)e property

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on -uestion as evi!ence! by t)e Transfer Certificate of t)e Title "u#ber .268;' Suc) being t)e case an! as an exercise of owners)ip t)e plaintiff can lawfully take possession of t)e property /pars' . H 2 pp'2 Aecision 2060FD15 t)e pronounce#ent #a!e by t)e 9onorable ,etropolitan Trial Court )u#bly sub#its t)at it is not in confor#ity wit) t)e rules governing e+ect#ent cases w)ic) concerns itself solely wit) t)e issue of possession ' $n fact owners)ip was never raise! as an issue in t)is case' $n refusing to vacate t)e property petitioner invokes )er statutory rig)ts foun! un!er t)e Section > of &'A' .;.@ w)ic) provi!es t)e property in -uestion to be purc)ase! by a -ualifie! lessee' T)e petitioner*s lease perio! an! in fact t)at )er oral contract wit) t)e original owners of t)e lan! #akes )er t)e legal tenant t)ereof' Also un!er &'A' 2F.> prevents )er eviction w)en t)e entire Barangay San Ro-ue w)ere Binibini Street is locate! an area of priority !evelop#ent' %urt)er#ore t)e issuance of t)e !ecree is use! to prevent urban lan!owners fro# e+ecting t)e tenants in violation of &'A' .;.@ an! ot)er relate! laws w)ic) are inten!e! to !evelop suc) slu# areas in t)e ,etro ,anila Since suc) !ecree an! issuances beca#e part of t)e lan! t)e petitioner*s clai# an! evi!ence relating to suc) !ecrees an! issuances s)oul! )ave been appropriate an! lau!ible for t)e trial +u!ge to consi!er it an! not )astily !eci!e t)e case because t)e respon!ent is t)e title! owner of t)e sai! property'

WHETHER OR NOT AN UNLAWFUL DETAINER ACTION BARS THE BONAFIDE LESSEES RIGHT TO AVAIL OF THE PRIVILEGES AND BENEFITS PROVIDED BY SECTION ! OF P.D. 1517 ?)en t)e 9onorable Eu!ge Loren7o ,en7on affir#e! t)e !ecision of t)e ,etropolitan Trial Court )e invoke! t)e !octrine enunciate! by t)e Supre#e Court in t)e case of %ive Star ,arketing Co' $nc' v' Booc /;6; SCRA 2G1 w)ic) rea!s an! -uotes: 4T)e avowe! ob+ective of actions for forcible entry an! unlawful !etainer w)ic) )ave been #a!e su##ary in nature is to provi!e a peaceful spee!y an! expe!itious #eans of preventing an allege! illegal possessor of t)e property fro# un+ustly continuing )is possession for a long ti#e ot)erwise t)e party illegally !eprive! of possession #ig)t feel t)e !espair of long waiting an! !eci!e as a #easureof self0protection to take t)e law into )is )an!s an! sei7e t)e sa#e by force an! violence'5 /par' 2 pp 2' Aecision >02D0FD1 $n t)e present case t)e evil soug)t to be prevente! in t)e sai! %ive Star case is not present' %irst of all t)e petitioner is no illegally in possession of t)e sai! property as in!icate! in t)e previous agree#ent #a!e by t)e petitioner for s)e was t)e lessee of t)e original owners of t)e sai! lan! t)e Sps' Ael &ilar' %urt)er#ore )er resistance to vacate t)e pre#ises is t)at s)e availe! )er rig)t grante! un!er &A.;.@ on w)ic) t)e avowe! policies are lai! !own un!er it*s prea#ble to wit:

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4?9<R<AS it is !eclare! ob+ective of t)e "ew Society to effect social econo#ic an! political refor#s attune! to t)e establis)#ent of a secure national co##unity an! to an i#prove! -uality of life for all citi7ens an! for all ot)ers w)o #ay so+ourn our s)ores= ?9<R<AS t)e -uality of )u#an life in our ti#es is inescapably !eter#ine! by t)e relations)ip a#ong population resources t)e environ#ent an! intelligent policies= ?9<R<AS )u#an settle#ent is an integrative concept e#bracing t)e inter!epen!ence of #anIs environ#ent )u#an s)elters an! structures an! t)e !esign an! organi7ation of )u#an co##unities consistent wit) a national fra#ework plan all for t)e peopleIs security an! well0being' ?9<R<AS lan! is t)e ulti#ate platfor# of all #anIs activities an! t)e crucial factor in !eter#ining t)e s)ape of )u#an settle#ents= ?9<R<AS t)e basic law of t)e lan! explicitly provi!es for t)e regulation of t)e ac-uisition owners)ip use en+oy#ent an! !isposition of private property an! for t)e e-uitable !iffusion of property owners)ip an! profits w)ic) inclu!es lan! an! lan! resources= ?9<R<AS t)e tra!itional concept of lan!owners)ip )as aggravate! t)e proble# arising fro# urbani7ation suc) as t)e proliferation of blig)te! areas an! t)e worsening of t)e plig)t of t)e urban poor an! )as spawne! vali! an! legiti#ate grievances in urban centers giving rise to social tension an! violent conflicts= ?9<R<AS a social refor# ob+ective of t)e "ew Society is to renew blig)te! areas i#prove t)e con!itions of t)e urban poor an! resolve an! re!ress legiti#ate grievances arising t)erefro# w)ile at t)e sa#e provi!ing incentives to progressive lan!owners an! !evelopers w)o wis) to !evelop t)eir lan!s in accor!ance wit) govern#ent plans an! progra#s responsive to co##unity welfare=5 T)e t)en late &resi!ent %er!inan! ,arcos issue! &rocla#ation .D>@ as a#en!e! by &rocla#ation "o' 22G8 to ensure a #eaningful reali7ation of t)e sai! policies t)erein in &A .;.@' %urt)er#ore &A 2F.> was also issue! to prevent t)e Circu#vention of t)e Urban Refor# Law by t)e )eartless lan!owners' %ro# t)e avowe! principles of t)e sai! laws courts s)oul! not ren!er t)ese laws nugatory but instea! to !eci!e to effectively i#ple#ent t)ese laws for t)e benefit of t)e slu# !wellers' $n &A 2F.> t)e e-uitable !iffusion of property owners)ip of lan! an! lan! resources is t)e pri#ary reason w)y in suc) &resi!ential Aecree pro)ibits t)e e+ect#ent of t)e -ualifie! tenants resi!ing in areas for priority !evelop#ent' %urt)er#ore suc) reason is one of t)e para#ount ob+ectives of t)e Urban Refor# Law w)ic) in turn cannot be ren!ere! nugatory by t)e avowe! ob+ective of t)e action for Unlawful Aetainer w)ic) )a! been #a!e su##ary in c)aracter WHETHER OR NOT IN DETERMINING THE COVERAGE OF AREAS FOR PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT #APD$, REFERENCE MUST BE HAD TO THE LIST OF STREETS SUB%ECT TO &ONAL DEVELOPMENT AND NOT TO THE AREAS INCLUDED IN THE DELINEATION BY METES AND BOUNDS AS INDICATED IN THE PROCLAMATION ITSELF. T)e property in -uestion w)ere t)e petitioner built )er )ouse #ore t)an >F years ago is locate! at Binibini Street Barangay San Ro-ue &asay City' A&A .0.2 covers a large portion of &asay City boun!e! on t)e "ort) by t)e ,anila0&asay boun!ary= on t)e <ast by Tripa !e (allena so#ew)ere near ,' !ela Cru7= on t)e Sout) by <ASA an! on t)e ?est by Ja#ora0Burgos Streets'

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T)e following Barangays are inclu!e! in t)e A&A .0.2 are t)e following: San $si!iro San Ro-ue an! Sta' Clara' So#e streets are also liste! wit)in t)e w)ole area proclai#e! as sub+ect to 7onal !evelop#ent' Binibini Street w)erein t)e property is locate! is locate! at Barangay San Ro-ue' Alt)oug) t)e sai! street is not inclu!e! in t)e list as an area for priority !evelop#ent but consi!ering t)at t)e entire Barangay San Ro-ue is covere! by t)e procla#ation as blig)te! area an! sub+ect to priority 7onal !evelop#ent Binibini Street is necessarily inclu!e!' $t woul! be absur! t)at not to inclu!e a street an! t)e w)ole Barangay is put as a part of t)e areas for priority !evelop#ent' PRAYER ?9<R<%OR< in consi!eration of all t)e foregoing t)e petitioner respectfully prays t)at t)e 9onorable Court of Appeals reverse or #o!ify t)e !ecision of t)e 9onorable ,etropolitan Trial Court Branc) . of &asay City !ate! Eune 2D 2FFD an! t)e or!er of t)e 9onorable Regional Trial Court Branc) .F of &asay City !ate! August > 2FFD'%urt)er#ore a new or!er be ren!ere! !eclaring t)e areas in Binibini Street be sub+ect to A&A .0.2 &asay City as areas of priority !evelop#ent an! petitioner be entitle! to t)e benefits an! privileges provi!e! un!er Sec > of &'A' .;.@ $t is furt)er praye! t)at t)e allege! sale of t)e sai! parcel of lan! of t)e Spouses ,arcela an! ,arcelo Ael &ilar to t)e respon!ent Eane Aoe on %ebruary .G .DD. be !eclare! null an! voi! !ue to t)e violation of t)e Urban Refor# Law %inally ot)er reliefs t)at are +ust an! e-uitable un!er t)e present circu#stances are likewise praye! for' Respectfully sub#itte! ,anila &)ilippines t)is 2Gt) !ay of ,ay 2F.F A< (UJ,A" TU(<L$AA A< CASTRO A"A ASSOC$AT<S Counsel for &etitioner A!!ress: Unit .2FF Tall Buil!ing Con!o#iniu# <spana ,anila By: Atty' Eeffrey A' Arc)er $B& Lifeti#e "o' .268;= ;:.F:2FF; &TR "o' @@@>;8= .:.F:2F.. Roll of Attorney "o' 2FF;0FF>68. ,CL< Co#pliance "o' $$$ K FFFGD@

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MEMORANDUM /On t)e $ssue of Euris!iction1

&rivate Respon!ent t)roug) counsel respectfully states:


Auring t)e )earing last "ove#ber 28 2F.F t)is 9onorable Court note! t)at t)ere is a t)res)ol! issue to be

resolve! in t)is procee!ing i'e' if it )as +uris!iction in lig)t of t)e -uestion of w)et)er or not petitioner C is !oing business in t)e &)ilippines wit)out t)e re-uisite license' 2' &etitioner itself alleges in its &etition t)at it is a foreign corporation t)us:


&etitioner C is an organi7e! an! existing by virtue of t)e laws of t)e Britis) Lirgin $slan!s wit) business

a!!ress at .6F. Bank of A#erica Tower .2 9arcourt Roa! Central 9ong Mong' x x x5


Auring t)e )earing last "ove#ber 28 2F.F petitioner t)roug) its counsel reiterate! its assertion in its Reply

!ate! BBB 2F.F t)at it is '() !oing business in t)e &)ilippines' <vi!ently t)erefore t)e petitioner )as no license to !o business in t)e &)ilippines' /To furt)er support suc) fact attac)e! to t)e original copy of t)is ,e#oran!u# is t)e original Certification issue! by t)e Securities an! <xc)ange Co##ission t)at petitioner C )as no registration of any kin! wit) its office NAnnex 4.53'1 8' T)e law in t)is regar! is clear K a foreign corporation !oing business in t)e &)ilippines wit)out t)e re-uisite license

fro# t)e Securities an! <xc)ange Co##ission cannot sue' (cite statutory pro"isions here ;' >' T)us t)e only -uestion now is w)et)er t)e petitioner C is !oing business in t)e &)ilippinesO T)e fact t)at C is !oing business in t)e &)ilippines is s)own in t)e &etition itself an! in its correspon!ing annexe!

!ocu#ent' T)us t)e &etition alleges: 42.' T)e "" Axa )as t)en an (sic existing Bareboat C)arter Agree#ents NCO&P R<ST O%

S<"T<"C<:&ARA(RA&93'5 @' $n support of suc) allegation petitioner )as attac)e! its Bareboat C)arter wit) P Corp' as Annex 4(5 to t)e &etition

file! wit) t)is 9onorable Court' %or easy reference attac)e! as Annex 425 )ereof is a copy of suc) Bareboat C)arter' Suc) C)arter consists of eleven /.1 pages' G' T)e Bareboat C)arter )as t)e following features:

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations

/a1 /b1

on t)e first page in box no' 2 t)e place of execution is M$ni+$, P)i+i,,ine = on t)e last page i'e' t)e elevent) page t)e notari7ation of t)e C)arter an! its acknowle!g#ent by t)e

contracting parties were acco#plis)e! in P$ i* 0i#-= /c1 on t)e first page in box no' 8 t)e bareboat c)arterer i'e' P Corp' is s)own to be base! Unit 62F8B

<ast Tower &S< Bl!g' <xc)ange Roa! Ortigas P$ i* 0i#-= /!1 /e1 /f1 /g1 /)1 /i1 on t)e first page in box no' .6 t)e port of !elivery is at a safe port in #)e P)i+i,,ine = on t)e first page in box no' 2F t)e tra!ing li#its is !i#)in P)i+i,,ine ,&r# &n+-= on t)e first page in box no' .> t)e port of re!elivery is B$#$$n, P)i+i,,ine = on t)e first page in box no' 2.' t)e c)arter perio! is fr&% A(*( # :, :;7; #& Fe3r($r- 7, :;7/= on t)e first page in box no' 22 t)e c)arter )ire is US?/,@;; ,er '$+en.$r .$-= on t)e secon! page in box no' 6; !ispute resolution is pursuant to P)i+i,,ine +$! an! t)e place of

arbitration will be in M$ni+$= /+1 P)i+i,,ine ' on t)e secon! page in box no' 88 t)e flag an! country of t)e Bareboat C)arter Registry is t)e


<vi!ently t)erefore petitioner C ca#e to t)e &)ilippines t)roug) its representative an! execute! t)e Bareboat

C)arter wit) P a corporation base! in t)e &)ilippines over CIs allege! vessel t)e 4"" Axa5 w)ic) is un!er &)ilippine registry for purposes of t)e c)arter' T)e sai! vessel was !elivere! by C to P in t)e &)ilippines an! sai! vessel is restricte! to navigate only wit)in t)e &)ilippines' ?)en t)e Bareboat C)arter is ter#inate! P will t)en re!eliver t)e vessel to C in Bataan &)ilippines' T)e fee for t)e C)arter is USQ6 GFF per !ay an! t)e C)arter perio! is two an! a )alf /2 R1 years Nor at least nine )un!re! /DFF1 !ays3' Any !ispute will be resolve! pursuant to &)ilippine law t)roug) arbitration in ,anila' .F' ?it) its vessel being c)artere! K or in civil law ter#s *+,-+. K to P upon t)e foregoing ter#s an! con!itions is C

!oing business in t)e &)ilippinesO ?it)out !oubt C is !oing business in t)e &)ilippines'


$n any event +ust to forestall any uncertainty on t)is issue cite! )ereun!er are pertinent rulings in !eci!e! cases: A' B' NC$T< <CC<R&TS O% EUR$S&RUA<"C<3

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University of Cebu College of Law
C' A' .2' To reiterate it is sub#itte! t)at t)e only fin!ing t)at can be #a!e is t)at C is !oing business in t)e &)ilippines'

UCLASS Bar Operations

Since it is a foreign corporation an! )as no S<C license to !o business petitioner C cannot sue an! in particular cannot file t)is &etition' Conse-uently t)is petition #ust as it s)oul! be !is#isse!' &rayer

?)erefore it is respectfully praye! t)at t)e 9onorable Court consi!er t)e foregoing ,e#oran!u# in its resolution of t)e above0!iscusse! t)res)ol! issue in t)is case an! t)ereby A$S,$SS t)e petition' Ot)er pertinent reliefs are likewise praye! for' "ove#ber @ 2F.F' Cebu City &)ilippines'


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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations

Republic of t)e &)ilippines SU&R<,< COURT ,anila City

JUANA DELA 0RU2, Aefen!ant0&etitioner


0I1IL 0ASE NO. L47:/A8 %or: <+ect#ent

JANE DOE, &laintiff0Respon!ent' x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x


0OMES NOW PLAINTIFF4RESPONDENT, t)roug) t)e un!ersigne! counsel unto t)is 9onorable Supre#e Court #ost respectfully sub#its an! presents t)is ,e#oran!u# in t)e above0title! case an! avers t)at:



&laintiff0Respon!ent Eane Aoe is of legal age single an! resi!ing on .F.F (inoo Boulevar! &asay City w)ere s)e

#ay be serve! wit) legal processes an! notices issue! by t)is 9onorable Court= 2' Aefen!ant0&etitioner Euana Aela Cru7 is of legal age an! resi!ing on .26 Binibini Street Sue7on City an! #ay be

serve! wit) legal processes an! ot)er +u!icial notices t)ereto'



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University of Cebu College of Law

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On %ebruary .. 2FFG )erein &laintiff0Respon!ent file! a Co#plaint for <+ect#ent !ate! %ebruary @ 2FFG against

Aefen!ant0&etitioner= 2' 6' On Aece#ber 22 2FFG an Answer !ate! Aece#ber .; 2FFG was file! by t)e Aefen!ant0&etitioner= On %ebruary 6 2FFD a Aecision was ren!ere! by Branc) . of ,etropolitan Trial Court of &asay City in favor of t)e

&laintiff0Respon!ent= 8' On August > 2FFD a ,otion for Reconsi!eration file! Euly ; 2FFD by Aefen!ant0&etitioner t)roug) legal counsel

was !enie! by Eu!ge Loren7o ,en7on of Branc) .F of t)e Regional Trial Court &asay City= ;' On Septe#ber .8 2FFD a &etition for Review !ate! Septe#ber D 2FFD was file! to t)e Court of Appeals by

Aefen!ant0&etitioner= >' @' On April 26 2F.F &laintiff0Respon!ent t)roug) legal counsel file! a Co##ent !ate! April .D 2F.F= On ,ay .6 2F.F as per Lerification an! Report fro# t)e Eu!icial Recor!s Aivision /ERA1 no Reply was file! by t)e

Aefen!ant0&etitioner= G' On ,ay 2. 2F.F a Resolution was ren!ere! by t)e Court of Appeals !enying Aefen!ant0&etitioner*s &rayer for

Te#porary Restraining Or!er /TRO1= D' Accor!ingly t)e 9onorable Court of Appeals or!ere! t)e parties to sub#it t)eir respective ,e#oran!a fifteen /.;1

!ays fro# notice ot)erwise regar!less w)et)er or not ,e#oran!a were file! t)e petition s)all be sub#itte! for !ecision= 9ence t)e filing of t)e instant ,e#oran!u#'




&laintiff0Respon!ent seeks t)at a parcel of lan! locate! at .26 Binibini Street &asay be returne! to )er possession

but !ue to Aefen!ant0&etitioner*s occupancy t)ereat t)e for#er cannot clai# possession w)ic) left )er wit) t)e option of resi!ing at .F.F (inoo Boulevar! &asay City' $t is notewort)y to stress t)at &laintiff0Respon!ent is t)e registere! owner of t)e lan! sub+ect un!er TCT "o' .268; of t)e Registry of Aee!s of &asay City' T)e property was sol! to t)e# by t)e now !ecease! original owners Spouses ,arcelo an! ,arcela !el &ilar= 2' Aefen!ant0&etitioner on t)e ot)er )an! is an allege! lessee of t)e original owners of t)e lan! since Septe#ber

.D;;' T)ey )a! repeate!ly assaile! t)e verbal contract of lease for #ore t)an ;F years= 6' &laintiff0Respon!ent was not able to clai# i##e!iately t)e lan! for it was previously sub+ect to a pen!ing legal

procee!ing an! t)at t)ere was still no urgent necessity of using an! occupying it' ?)en t)e event ca#e t)at &laintiff0 Respon!ent was able to enforce )er rig)t over t)e lan! Aefen!ant0&etitioner !espite earnest an! peaceful efforts of t)e

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&laintiff0Respon!ent still refuse! to vacate t)e lan!' T)is le! )er to seek )elp fro# t)e Barangay officials for #e!iation an!:or conciliation in accor!ance wit) law' 9owever t)e Aefen!ant0&etitioner still persistently occupie! t)e lan! wit)out )ee! to t)e serious an! constant !e#an! of t)e &laintiff0Respon!ent w)ic) ren!ere! it unattainable to reac) an agree#ent= 8' Aue to t)e foregoing failure to clai# t)e parcel of lan! attribute! to t)e obstinate refusal of t)e Aefen!ant0

&etitioner &laintiff0Respon!ent was co#pelle! to )ire t)e services of a legal counsel to co##ence t)e enforce#ent of e+ection un!er t)e wings of t)e courts of law'











T)e '&(r# '&%%i##e. n& err&r in .e'* #)$# $n (n+$!f(+ .e#$iner $'#i&n 3e enf&r'e. (,&n )erein $i+e. '&n#en#i&n &f #)e f&r%er ( P.D. 7879 $n. P.D. :;7<.

Defen.$n#4Pe#i#i&ner .e ,i#e #)e $ B.>

T)ere i n& 3$r in #)i in #$n# '$ e f&r $n (n+$!f(+ .e#$iner #& $E$i+ #)e 3enefi# $n. ,riEi+e*e ,r&Ei.e.

3- Se'#i&n < P.D. 7879 ,r&Ei.e. i# i $,,+i'$3+e. 0.> T)e .e#er%in$#i&n &f #)e '&,e $n. +i%i#$#i&n &f Are$ f&r Pri&ri#- DeEe+&,%en# )$++ 3e 3$ e. &n #)e

+i # &f ,e'ifi' $re$ ,re 'ri3e. 3- #)e ,r&'+$%$#i&n.




$t is necessary to e#p)asi7e t)at t)e &laintiff0Respon!ent is t)e bona fi!e owner of t)e parcel of lan! locate! at

.26 Binibini Street &asay City un!er TCT "o .268; of t)e Register of Aee!s of &asay City' $n t)e &)ilippines t)e

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presentation of a vali! certificate of title of t)e real property is a conclusive evi!ence of owners)ip of t)e person w)ose na#e t)e certificate of title is entitle! to' Un!er Section 8@ of t)e Lan! Registration Act or Act "o' 8D> it provi!es t)at 4t)e original certificates in t)e registration book any copy t)ereof !uly certifie! un!er t)e signature of t)e clerk or of t)e register of !ee!s of t)e province or city w)ere t)e lan! is situate! an! t)e seal of t)e court an! also t)e owner*s !uplicate certificate s)all be receive! as evi!ence in all t)e courts of t)e &)ilippine $slan!s an! s)all be conclusive as to all $atters containe! t)erein except so far as ot)erwise provi!e! in t)is Act'5 Recogni7e! +urispru!ence also up)ol! t)e significance of a certificate of title in proving vali! owners)ip of a lan!' $n t)e !ecision of t)e case of &pouses !ascual ". &pouses Coronel t)e ponente cite! two cases w)ic) )ig)lig)t t)e significance of a vali! certificate of title in clai#ing owners)ip over a lan!' $t was )el! t)at 4Tin t)e recent case of '$poc ". /ercado t)e Court !eclare! t)at t)e trial court !i! not err in giving #ore probative weig)t to t)e TCT in t)e na#e of t)e !ece!ent "is0"is t)e conteste! unregistere! Aee! of Sale' Later in Ara$bulo ". 1un#ab t)e Court )el! t)at t)e registere! owner is preferre! to possess t)e property sub+ect of t)e unlawful !etainer case' T)e age0ol! rule is t)at t)e person w)o )as a Torrens Title over a lan! is entitle! to possession t)ereof'5 T)e ruling of Ai7on v' Court of Appeals was also use! as basis for t)is argu#ent' $t was state! t)at a certificate of title is conclusive evi!ence of owners)ip an! t)e -uestionability of t)e title is i##aterial in an e+ect#ent suit' %ut)er#ore Article 82G of t)e "ew Civil Co!e enu#erates t)e rig)ts of an owner' 4T)e owner )as t)e rig)t to en+oy an! !ispose of a t)ing wit)out ot)er li#itations ot)er t)an t)ose establis)e! by law' (he owner has ri#ht of action a#ainst the holder and possessor of the thin# in order to reco"er it.5 $t is in!ubitable t)at t)e certificate of title of .26 Binibini Street &asay City un!er TCT "o' .268; w)ic) is registere! in t)e Register of Aee!s of &asay City entitles &etitioner0Respon!ent t)e rig)t to exercise t)e afore#entione! rig)ts specifically in t)is instant case t)e rig)t of action against t)e )ol!er an! possessor of t)e t)ing in or!er to recover t)e lan!' T)e contention of t)e Aefen!ant0&etitioner t)at t)e verbal lease agree#ent t)ey )a! #a!e wit) t)e now !ecease! original owners ,arcelo an! ,arcela Ael &ilar for over ;F years s)all entitle t)e# to t)e privileges un!er &'A' .;.@ an! &'A' 2F.> /Annex 4A5 an! 4B5 respectively1 is untenable' $t is expressly state! t)at Section > of &'A' .;.@ grants lessees t)e rig)t of first refusal before t)ey #ay be e+ecte! fro# a lan! but t)is is only feasible un!er certain con!itions' $t is an in!ispensable -ualification t)at t)e lan! is inclu!e! in t)e list of Areas for &riority Aevelop#ent /A&A1 before an owner can be grante! of t)e rig)t of first refusal' T)e lan! sub+ect of t)is case is clearly not inclu!e! in t)e specific areas enu#erate! in t)e list of A&A' To reiterate t)e Court of Appeals !ecision in CA0('R' "o' CL .268;: 4$nsofar as t)e property in litigation appellant Eane Aoe is conse-uently correct in ob+ecting to appellee*s exercise of t)e rig)t of first refusal grante! un!er Section > of &resi!ential Aecree "o' .;.@' T)e fact t)at it is not inclu!e! in t)e areas for priority !evelop#ent specifically i!entifie! un!er &rocla#ation "o' .D>@ in!icates t)at appellee )ave no cause of action for annul#ent of sale reconveyance an! preli#inary in+unction against appellants'5 B.> T)e &laintiff0Respon!ent*s argu#ent in t)is issue is inti#ately connecte! wit) t)e prece!ing argu#ent' Aefen!ant0

&etitioner vigorously assails t)at t)ere is no bar to t)e availability of t)e privileges an! benefits conferre! to bona fi!e lessee w)enever t)ere is an unlawful !etainer action' $t is )owever true' But t)is is sub+ect to circu#stances t)at #ay

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-ualify a lessee to t)e privileges an! benefits un!er Section > of &'A' "o' .;.> suc) as t)e rig)t of first refusal' Unfortunately t)e lan! possesse! by t)e Aefen!ant0&etitioner !oes not fall un!er t)e a#bit of Section > of &'A' "o' .;.@' T)erefore t)e Aefen!ant0&etitioner )as no cause of action in t)is issue' 0.> T)e t)ir! issue -uestions t)e coverage of t)e A&A prescribe! by t)e procla#ation w)et)er or not it refers to t)e

list of streets sub+ect to t)e Jonal Aevelop#ent or to t)e areas inclu!e! in t)e !elineation of t)e #etes an! boun!s in!icate!' Reiteration is t)erefore necessary to lay e#p)asis on t)e !ecision of t)e Court of Appeals t)at in t)e List of Areas for &riority Aevelop#ent /A&A*s1 labele! as t)e Sout) Sector of &asay City t)e area for priority !evelop#ent was !efine! as Tra#o Lines along Barangays San $si!ro San Ro-ue an! Santa Clara' $t was t)ereafter specifically enu#erate! t)e list of covere! sub0areas /please refer to Annex 4C5 for !iagra#1 w)ic) are t)e following: .1 %' Lictor 21 Lentanilla Street c1 Euan Luna Street !1 A' Eorge Street e1 Liscarra Street f1 Conc)ita Street g1 Aolores Street )1 Leonar!o Street i1 Alvare7 Street +1 Basilio Street k1 Ro!rigue7 Street an! i1 Lilla Barbara' 4T)ere is conse-uently no gainsaying t)e fact t)at wit) its Binibini Street location t)e property in litigation is not inclu!e! a#ong t)e sites i!entifie! as Areas for &riority Aevelop#ent in &asay City'5T)e #ere fact t)at t)e list !oes not inclu!e Binibini Street necessarily i#plies t)at it is !ee#e! exclu!e! fro# it' Citing Solana!a <nterprises v' Court of Appeals it #a!e a profoun! analysis of Section > of &'A' .;.@ /as foun! in Annex 4A5 of t)is ,e#oran!u#1 base! on statutory construction: 4?e agree' A close rea!ing of &rocla#ation "o' .D>@ reveals t)at before a pree#ptive rig)t can be exercise! t)e !ispute! lan! s)oul! be situate! in an area !eclare! to be bot) an A&A an! a ULRJ' An urban tenantIs rig)t of first refusal is set fort) in Section > &A .;.@ as follows: Sec' >' 2and (enancy in 'rban 2and Refor$ Areas ' ?it)in t)e Urban JonesN 3 legiti#ate tenants w)o )ave resi!e! on t)e lan! for ten years or #ore N 3 w)o )ave built t)eir )o#es on t)e lan!N 3 an! resi!ents w)o )ave legally occupie! t)e lan!s by contract continuously for t)e last ten years s)all not be !ispossesse! of t)e lan! an! s)all be allowe! t)e rig)t of first refusal to purc)ase t)e sa#e wit)in a reasonable ti#e an! at reasonable prices un!er ter#s an! con!itions to be !eter#ine! by t)e Urban Jone <xpropriation an! Lan! ,anage#ent Co##ittee create! by Section G of t)is Aecree' &rocla#ation "o' .D>@ furt)er !eli#ite! t)e areas or 7ones w)erein t)is pree#ptive rig)t coul! be availe! of "i3': ?9<R<AS &rocla#ation "o' .GD6 was issue! on .. Septe#ber .D@D pursuant to Section 8 of &'A' "o' .;.@ !eclaring t)e entire ,etropolitan ,anila area as Urban Lan! Refor# Jone' ?9<R<AS $t is now necessary an! appropriate to i!entify specific sites covere! by urban lan! refor# in ,etropolitan ,anila for purposes of #aking specific t)e applicability of &'A' "os' .;.@ .>8F an! .>82 an! of LO$ "o' D6;' "O? T9<R<%OR< $ %<RA$"A"A <' ,ARCOS &resi!ent of t)e &)ilippines by virtue of t)e powers veste! in #e by t)e Constitution an! existing laws an! in relation to &rocla#ation "o' .GD6 !eclaring t)e entire ,etropolitan ,anila area as an Urban Lan! Refor# Jone an! LO$ D6; )ereby a#en! &rocla#ation "o' .GD6 by !eclaring 288 sites in ,etropolitan ,anila as Areas for &riority Aevelop#ent an! Urban Lan! Refor# Jones as !escribe! in t)e attac)e! annex'

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.>8F an! .>82 an! of LO$ "o' D6; s)all apply only to t)e 4T)e provisions of &'A' "os' .;.@

aboveN03#entione! Areas of &riority Aevelop#ent an! Urban Lan! Refor# Jones' xxx xxx xxx5 T)e aforesai! whereas clauses express a clear intent to li#it t)e operation of &A .;.@ to specific areas !eclare! to be locate! in bot) an A&A an! a ULRJ' T)e con+unctive and in t)e last sentence of t)e -uote! provision confir#s t)is intention' And in statutory construction i#plies con+unction +oin!er or union' As un!erstoo! fro# t)e co##on an! usual #eaning of t)e con+unction and, t)e provisions of &A .;.@ apply only to areas !eclare! to be locate! wit)in bot) an A&A an! a ULRJ'5 ?it) t)e foregoing recogni7e! +urispru!ence sai! futility for no cause of action' PRAYER WHEREFORE, pre#ise consi!ere! it respectfully praye! for t)at t)is 9onorable Supre#e Court t)at Aefen!ant0 &etitioner*s prayer for writ of in+unction be DENIED for )aving no cause of action an! t)e petition DISMISSED for being clearly un#eritorious' Ot)er +ust an! e-uitable relief un!er t)e foregoing are likewise being praye! for' Respectfully sub#itte!' ,akati City for ,anila City &)ilippines' April G 2F..' A2URIN BUHAIN BONTUYAN AND ARI0AYOS LAW OFFI0ES Counsel for &laintiff0Respon!ent .Ft) %loor "ew Buil!ing ,akati Avenue ,akati City By: ATTY. PAOLO 0OELHO $B& Lifeti#e "o' >@GD.= ;:.F:2FF; &TR "o' 88;>G= .:.F:2F.. Roll of Attorney "o' 2FF;0FF.F26 ,CL< Co#pliance "o' $$$ K FFFGDD t)e Aefen!ant0&etitioner*s action woul! necessarily lea! to

Copy %urnis)e!: ATTY. JEFFREY A. AR0HER Counsel for &etitioner Unit .2FF Tall Buil!ing Con!o#iniu#

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PLAINTIFFFS TRIAL MEMORANDUM &laintiff t)roug) counsel #ost respectfully alleges: STATEMENT OF FA0TS: $n or!er t)at t)is )onorable court #ay be enlig)tene! an! gui!e! in t)e +u!icious !isposition of t)e above0entitle! case cite! )ereun!er t)e #aterial relevant an! pertinent facts of t)e case to wit* .' &laintiff is Lu7 Aia7 sixty five />;1 years ol! wi!ow an! a resi!ent of ,ountain Liew Sub!ivision Antipolo Ri7al

w)ile !efen!ant is <##a Crisosto#o forty two /821 years ol! )ousewife #arrie! an! also a resi!ent of ,ountain Liew Sub!ivision Antipolo Ri7al= 2' &laintiff an! !efen!ant )ave been neig)bors for at least t)ree /61 years' &laintiff alleges t)at in t)e afternoon of

October 2; 2F.F a truck owne! by t)e !efen!antIs carpenter (regorio Ti#bol was parke! in front of t)e !efen!antIs on a street t)at was sloping' ,r' Ti#bol )as been working on t)e renovation of !efen!antIs )ouse' 9e )as been a carpenter for at least t)irty five /6;1 years= 6' Eust before t)e inci!ent plaintiff was taking a nap in )er )ouse w)en s)e notice! t)at )er !og Trix was #issing'

S)e t)en looke! aroun! t)e )ouse until s)e )ear! a cras)ing bang an! a !og crying out= 8' #out)= ;' &laintiff crie! an! screa#e! to "il!a )er )elper an! s)oute! for t)e guar!s w)o roa#e! t)e sub!ivision but no ?)en t)e plaintiff went outsi!e )er gate s)e saw Trix pinne! un!er t)e w)eel of t)e truck' T)e truck was backe!

up against a tree by t)e si!ewalk an! Trix was t)ras)ing an! s-uealing un!erneat) t)e truck wit) bloo! co#ing out )is

one ca#e' S)e coul! not save )i# even if s)e wante! to because t)ere was no one in t)e truckIs !river seat an! s)e !oes not know )ow to !rive' S)e coul! only cry an! screa# w)ile Trix kept on )owling until it stoppe! #oving an! #aking any soun!' 9e !ie! soon after= >' @' Accor!ing to t)e plaintiff Trix )a! been wit) )er since )er )usban! passe! away eig)t years ago' &laintiff observe! t)at t)e truck )a! always been parke! in front of t)e !efen!ants )ouse since t)e ti#e

!efen!antIs )ouse was being renovate!= G' ?)en t)e inci!ent )appene! !efen!ant !i! not !o anyt)ing except to call ,r' Ti#bol' Aefen!ant insiste! t)at t)e

truck was properly parke! an! w)at )appene! to Trix was an acci!ent an! ,r' Ti#bol coul! not be faulte!' On t)e ot)er )an! ,r' Ti#bol a!#itte! t)at )is truck was of an ol! #o!el' 9e boug)t it secon! )an! an! )a! it over)aule! an! repainte!' 9e also a!#itte! t)at w)en )e parke! it on t)e !ay t)e inci!ent )appene! )e put two /21 large rocks against t)e back w)eels to #ake sure t)e truck !oes not roll back !own t)e street=

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,r' Ti#bol finally a!#itte! t)at w)en )e looke! at t)e scene after t)e inci!ent )appene! t)e rocks were no longer

t)ere' 9e conclu!e! t)at so#eone #ust )ave re#ove! t)e#= .F' &laintiff !e#an!e! t)at t)e !efen!ant s)oul! give )er anot)er !og but t)e latter refuse! an! insiste! t)at w)at

)appene! to Trix was plaintiffIs fault because Trix s)oul! )ave not been loose on t)e streets' ..' Aefen!ant testifie! t)at Trix was a pesky !og an! )a! co#plaine! about it #any ti#es' $n fact it was because of

Trix t)at t)e !efen!ant #et plaintiff for t)e first ti#e t)ree /61 years ago' Aefen!ant went to plaintiffIs )ouse to co#plain t)at Trix pulle! out t)e plants in t)e yar!= .2' Aefen!ant also #entione! t)at Trix woul! !ig )oles in )er lawn' $t woul! fre-uently !eposit its wastes on )er

!riveway an! also pee in front of )er )ouse leaving a foul s#ell' One ti#e Trix even c)ase! )er little girl along t)e roa!= .6' Aefen!ant went to t)e extent of co#plaining t)e activities of Trix before t)e 9o#eownerIs Association so t)at t)e

latter issue! a Boar! Resolution stating t)at wan!ering !ogs will be caug)t an! broug)t to t)e #unicipal !og poun!' STATEMENT OF ISSUES .' 2' 6' 8' ?)et)er or not t)e plaintiff co##itte! a nuisance w)en s)e allowe! )er !og to roa# t)e streets of t)e sub!ivision' ?)et)er or not t)e !efen!ant vali!ly abate! t)e nuisance w)en s)e lo!ge! a co#plaint before t)e 9o#eownerIs ?)et)er or not t)e carpenter was negligent w)en )e parke! )is car in front of t)e )ouse of t)e !efen!ant ?)et)er or not t)e !efen!ant #ay be )el! liable w)en t)e truck of )er carpenter ran over t)e plaintiffIs !og ARGUMENTS 4. !laintiff co$$itted a nuisance when she allowed her do# to roa$ the streets of the subdi"ision because the do#


endan#ered the safety of a resident of the subdi"ision. (he do# also caused annoyance and offended the senses of a resident inside the subdi"ision. Our laws on property states t)at: UA nuisance is any act o#ission establis)#ent business con!ition of property or anyt)ing else w)ic): /.1 $n+ures or en!angers t)e )ealt) an! safety of ot)ers= or /21 Annoys or offen!s t)e senses= or /61 S)ocks !efies or !isregar!s !ecency or #orality= or /81 Obstructs or interferes wit) free passage of any public )ig)way or street or any bo!y of water= /;1 9in!ers or i#pairs t)e use of property'U /Article >D8 "ew Civil Co!e of t)e &)ilippines1' 9ere t)e plaintiff allowe! )er !og to roa# t)e streets of t)e sub!ivision because it was ran over by a truck w)ile on t)e street' &laintiffIs !og was not kept insi!e any cage or in a leas) because it coul! sleep in plaintiffIs roo# lie on t)e floor or be foun! on !efen!antIs yar!' &laintiffIs !og was t)erefore free to #ove aroun! freely' ?)en plaintiffIs !og was roa#ing t)e streets of t)e sub!ivision it en!angere! t)e !efen!antIs girl because it c)ase! )er on t)e street' &laintiffIs !og also cause! annoyance an! offen!e! t)e senses of !efen!ant because it !ug )oles on !efen!antIs lawn pulle! out t)e plants in )er yar! an! !eposite! wastes on )er !riveway or pee! in front of )er )ouse t)at left a very foul s#ell' T)erefore plaintiff co##itte! a nuisance w)en s)e allowe! )er !og to roa# on t)e streets an! yar! of )er neig)bor because it en!angere! t)e !efen!antIs girl ' $t also cause! annoyance an! offen!e! t)e senses of t)e !efen!ant'

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Our laws on &roperty furt)er states t)at UNn3uisance is eit)er public or private' A public nuisance affects t)e co##unity or neig)bor)oo! or any consi!erable a#ount of persons alt)oug) t)e extent of t)e annoyance !anger or !a#age upon in!ivi!uals #ay be une-ual' A private nuisance is one t)at is not inclu!e! in t)e foregoing !efinition'U/Article >D; "ew Civil Co!e1 9ere t)e nuisance #aybe regar!e! as a private nuisance because it only affects an i!entifiable nu#ber of persons' Specifically t)e !efen!ant )er fa#ily an! )er surroun!ings' 5. Aefen!ant faile! to abate t)e nuisance because )e !i! not obtain t)e approval of t)e City 9ealt) Officer to aut)ori7e )i# to abate t)e nuisance' 67rite your discussion here pointin# out rele"ant laws and ,urisprudence tyin# it up with the case at hand.8 6' T)e carpenter was negligent w)en )e parke! )is car in front of t)e )ouse of t)e !efen!ant because )e faile! to use t)at care an! !iligence expecte! of sensible #en un!er co#parable circu#stances' 67rite your discussion here pointin# out rele"ant laws and ,urisprudence tyin# it up with the case at hand.8 8' T)e !efen!ant #ay be )el! liable w)en t)e truck ran over t)e plaintiffIs !og because )e was t)e e#ployer of t)e carpenter t)at co##itte! negligent acts an! w)ic) resulte! to !a#ages against t)e plaintiff' 67rite your discussion here pointin# out rele"ant laws and ,urisprudence tyin# it up with the case at hand.8 PRAYER ?9<R<%OR< it is respectfully praye! for of t)is 9onorable Court t)at +u!g#ent be ren!ere! or!ering t)e

!efen!ant to pay t)e value for t)e plaintiffIs !og' &laintiff likewise prays for costs an! for suc) ot)er an! furt)er relief as t)is )onorable court #ay !ee# +ust an! e-uitable in t)e pre#ises' ,anila &)ilippines "ove#ber 2@ 2F..'

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SAMPLE NO. 5 Re,(3+i' &f #)e P)i+i,,ine Re*i&n$+ Tri$+ 0&(r# 55555 J(.i'i$+ Re*i&n Br$n') 5555, 5555555

LU2 DIA2 &laintiff Civil Case "o' BBBBBBBBBBB 0 versus 0 %or: D$%$*e EMMA 0RISOSTOMO Aefen!ant' C 0000000000000000000000000000000: MEMORANDUM FOR DEFENDANT Aefen!ant t)roug) t)e un!ersigne! counsel an! to t)is 9onorable Court respectfully sub#its t)is ,e#oran!u# as follows:

STATEMENT OF THE 0ASE &laintiff file! t)e instant case for !a#ages arising fro# -uasi0!elict against !efen!ant pursuant to Article 2.@> of t)e "ew Civil Co!e of t)e &)ilippines' After t)e presentation of evi!ence t)is 9onorable Court re-uire! t)e parties to sub#it t)eir respective ,e#oran!u#' 9ence t)is ,e#oran!u# for t)e !efen!ant'

STATEMENT OF FA0TS &laintiff is a >;0year ol! wi!ow w)o )as been a resi!ent of ,ountain Liew Sub!ivision Antipolo Ri7al for t)irty /6F1 years' S)e )a! a !og na#e! Trix' On t)e ot)er )an! !efen!ant is a 820year ol! )ousewife an! a neig)bor of plaintiff in ,ountain Liew Sub!ivision for t)e last t)ree /61 years' $n t)e afternoon of October 2; 2F.F w)ile plaintiff was taking )er siesta in )er living roo# s)e notice! t)at )er !og Trix was no longer by )er feet' T)us s)e got up to look for t)e !og in t)e kitc)en an! also in t)e gar!en but it was not t)ere' Su!!enly s)e )ear! a lou! cras)ing bang an! also t)e cries of t)e !og fro# outsi!e )er )ouse' So s)e ran towar!s t)e gate an! w)en s)e opene! it s)e saw t)e !og t)ras)ing an! s-uealing un!er t)e w)eel of a truck wit) bloo! co#ing out of its #out)' T)e truck was owne! by (regorio Ti#bol one of t)e carpenters w)o were working on t)e renovation of

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!efen!ant*s )ouse at t)at ti#e' &laintiff crie! an! s)oute! for t)e guar!s w)o roa#e! t)e sub!ivision but no one ca#e' S)e coul! not save t)e !og even if s)e wante! to because t)ere was no one in t)e truck*s !river seat an! s)e !i! not know )ow to !rive' T)e !og kept on )owling until it stoppe! #oving an! #aking any soun! an! it !ie! soon after' Since plaintiff knew t)at t)e truck belonge! to one of !efen!ant*s carpenters s)e co#plaine! to !efen!ant after t)e inci!ent' &laintiff !e#an!e! t)at !efen!ant s)oul! get )er anot)er !og because Trix was plaintiff*s only co#panion in )er )ouse' 9owever !efen!ant refuse! all of t)e plaintiff*s !e#an!s an! insiste! t)at t)e w)ole inci!ent was t)e fault of plaintiff' Aefen!ant conten!e! t)at t)e owner of t)e truck s)oul! not be bla#e! because t)e !og was not suppose! to be out on t)e streets in t)e first place' 9ence plaintiff file! t)e instant action for !a#ages against t)e !efen!ant as a result of t)e !eat) of t)e for#er*s !og' ISSUES T)e issues to be resolve! in t)e instant case are as follows: .' 2' 6' ?)et)er or not Ti#bol t)e owner of t)e truck was negligent in parking )is truck in front of !efen!ant*s )ouse= ?)et)er or not plaintiff*s own negligence was t)e i##e!iate an! proxi#ate cause of t)e !eat) of )er !og= an! ?)et)er or not !efen!ant s)oul! be liable for t)e !eat) of plaintiff*s !og'


Fir # I )&( e

(e: W)e#)er &r n&# #)e &!ner &f #)e #r('G !$

ne*+i*en# in ,$rGin* )i

#r('G in fr&n# &f .efen.$n#6

$t is !efen!ant*s position t)at t)e owner of t)e truck was not negligent in parking )is truck in front of !efen!ant*s )ouse' &laintiff argue! t)at Ti#bol !i! not properly park t)e truck an! t)at is t)e reason w)y it su!!enly #ove! backwar!s ran over t)e !og an! kille! it' On t)e ot)er )an! Ti#bol allege! t)at )e followe! sub!ivision rules w)en )e parke! )is truck in front of !efen!ant*s )ouse an! )e even put two large rocks against t)e back w)eels of )is truck to #ake sure t)at t)e truck woul! not roll back !own t)e street' "egligence is t)e failure to observe for t)e protection of t)e interests of anot)er person t)at !egree of care precaution an! vigilance w)ic) t)e circu#stances +ustly !e#an! w)ereby suc) ot)er person suffers in+ury' All t)at t)e law re-uires is for a person to use t)at care an! !iligence expecte! of sensible #en un!er co#parable circu#stances' (!hilippine 9ational Railways "s. Court of Appeals, 1.R. 9o. 4:;<:=, >ctober 4:, 5??;, :@< &CRA 4A;, 4:A

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By following t)e sub!ivision rules an! by putting two large rocks against t)e back w)eels of )is truck w)en )e parke! it in t)e sloping part of t)e street Ti#bol clearly observe! t)at !egree of care precaution an! vigilance w)ic) t)e circu#stances +ustly !e#an!' T)erefore t)ere was no negligence on )is part w)en )e parke! )is truck in front of !efen!ant*s )ouse' &laintiff*s argu#ent t)at Ti#bol was negligent in parking )is truck because it le! to t)e !eat) of )er !og is untenable an! very speculative' S)e faile! to a!!uce evi!ence s)owing t)at Ti#bol !i! not follow t)e sub!ivision rules nor !i! s)e present evi!ence to rebut Ti#bol*s contention t)at )e observe! t)e proper !egree of care an! precaution un!er t)e given circu#stances' $n ot)er wor!s plaintiff faile! to prove t)at Ti#bol was negligent in parking )is truck in front of !efen!ant*s )ouse'

Se'&n. I &f )er .&*

(e: W)e#)er &r n&# ,+$in#iff6

&!n ne*+i*en'e !$

#)e i%%e.i$#e $n. ,r&Hi%$#e '$( e &f #)e .e$#)

$t is !efen!ant*s position t)at plaintiff*s own negligence was t)e proxi#ate cause of t)e !eat) of )er !og' &laintiff allege! t)at )er !og was kille! w)en t)e truck of Ti#bol su!!enly #ove! backwar!s an! ran over t)e sai! !og' On t)e ot)er )an! it is !efen!ant*s position t)at plaintiff s)oul! be faulte! t)at t)e !og was run over by t)e truck because t)e !og s)oul! not )ave been out t)ere roa#ing t)e streets in t)e first place because of a prior warning fro# t)e )o#eowners* association of t)e sub!ivision' $n or!er to resolve t)e issue on w)et)er or not plaintiff*s negligence was t)e proxi#ate cause of t)e !eat) of )er !og it #ay be proper to know first t)e !efinition or #eaning of t)e ter# 4probable cause5' $n t)e case of Ra$os "s. C.>.2. Realty Corporation (1.R. 9o. 4=AB?:, Au#ust 5=, 5??B, :B; &CRA :5<, :@:):@< , t)e Supre#e Court !efine! proxi#ate cause in t)e following #anner: 4&roxi#ate cause is !efine! as t)at cause w)ic) in natural an! continuous se-uence unbroken by any efficient intervening cause pro!uces t)e in+ury an! wit)out w)ic) t)e result woul! not )ave occurre!' An! #ore co#pre)ensively t)e proxi#ate legal cause is t)at acting first an! pro!ucing t)e in+ury eit)er i##e!iately or by setting ot)er events in #otion all constituting a natural an! continuous c)ain of events eac) )aving a close causal connection wit) its i##e!iate pre!ecessor t)e final event in t)e c)ain i##e!iately effecting t)e in+ury as a natural an! probable result of t)e cause w)ic) first acte! un!er suc) circu#stances t)at t)e person responsible for t)e first event s)oul! as an or!inary pru!ent an! intelligent person )ave reasonable groun! to expect at t)e #o#ent of )is act or !efault t)at an in+ury to so#e person #ig)t probably result t)erefro#'5 T)e )o#eowners* association of t)e sub!ivision previously warne! plaintiff about )er !og an! it even issue! a boar! resolution banning wan!ering !ogs in t)e sub!ivision' ?it) t)e issuance of t)e sai! resolution plaintiff s)oul! )ave !one so#et)ing to ensure t)at )er !og woul! not be able to go out of t)e gate of )er )ouse' S)e coul! )ave put t)e !og insi!e a cage or tie it up to a certain area in )er )ouse w)ile s)e is taking )er siesta in )er living roo#' $nstea! s)e +ust allowe! t)e !og to stay or sleep by )er feet' $n a!!ition it is wort)w)ile to note t)at plaintiff faile! to properly close t)e gate of )er )ouse an! t)is is t)e reason w)y t)e !og was able to escape fro# )er )ouse an! roa# aroun! t)e streets'

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Base! on t)e foregoing circu#stances plaintiff clearly faile! to observe for t)e protection of t)e interests of anot)er person t)at !egree of care precaution an! vigilance w)ic) t)e circu#stances +ustly !e#an!' 9ence plaintiff was negligent in co#plying wit) t)e resolution issue! by t)e )o#eowners* association of t)e sub!ivision banning wan!ering !ogs' Suc) negligence eventually le! to t)e !eat) of )er !og' &laintiff )as only )erself to bla#e for letting )er !og roa# t)e streets freely because if t)e !og was not out on its own it woul! not )ave been kille!' $n effect t)e proxi#ate cause of t)e !og*s !eat) was not because it was run over by t)e truck but it was because plaintiff faile! to observe t)e proper !egree of care an! precaution re-uire! un!er t)e circu#stances' T)e !eat) of t)e !og woul! not )ave occurre! if not for plaintiff*s own negligence consi!ering t)at t)e !og was not suppose! to be out on t)e streets in t)e first place' T)erefore plaintiff*s own negligence was t)e proxi#ate cause of t)e !eat) of )er !og' T)ir. I (e: W)e#)er &r n&# .efen.$n# )&(+. 3e )e+. +i$3+e f&r #)e .e$#) &f ,+$in#iff6 .&* $t is !efen!ant*s position t)at s)e s)oul! not be )el! liable for t)e !eat) of plaintiff*s !og' Article 2.@> of t)e Civil Co!e provi!es as follows: 4?)oever by act or o#ission causes !a#age to anot)er t)ere being fault or negligence is oblige! to pay for t)e !a#age !one' Suc) fault or negligence if t)ere is no pre0existing contractual relation between t)e parties is calle! a -uasi0!elict an! is governe! by t)e provisions of t)is C)apter'5 ,oreover Article 2.@D of t)e Civil Co!e states as follows: 4?)en t)e plaintiff*s own negligence was t)e i##e!iate an! proxi#ate cause of )is in+ury )e cannot recover !a#ages' But if )is negligence was only contributory t)e i##e!iate an! proxi#ate cause of t)e in+ury being t)e !efen!ant*s lack of !ue care t)e plaintiff #ay recover !a#ages but t)e courts s)all #itigate t)e !a#ages to be awar!e!'5 As previously !iscusse! plaintiff*s own negligence was t)e proxi#ate cause of t)e !eat) of )er !og' S)e faile! to observe t)at !egree of care precaution an! vigilance w)ic) t)e circu#stances +ustly !e#an!' T)us pursuant to t)e afore#entione! Article 2.@D of t)e Civil Co!e plaintiff cannot recover any !a#ages fro# t)e !efen!ant' T)erefore !efen!ant s)oul! not be )el! liable for t)e !eat) of plaintiff*s !og'

0ON0LUSION $n lig)t of t)e foregoing consi!erations it is !efen!ant*s position t)at since plaintiff*s own negligence is t)e proxi#ate cause of t)e !eat) of )er !og !efen!ant s)oul! not be )el! liable for any !a#ages arising fro# suc) !eat)'

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PRAYER ?9<R<%OR< t)e foregoing pre#ises consi!ere! !efen!ant respectfully prays as follows: .' 2' T)at all reliefs set fort) in t)e Answer be grante!= an! Suc) ot)er reliefs as #ay be +ust an! e-uitable in t)e pre#ises'

BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB &)ilippines October 28 2F..'

/Sg!'1 N$%e &f 0&(n e+ Counsel for t)e Aefen!ant /A!!ress of Counsel1 Roll "o' BBBBBBBBBBBBB $B& "o' BBBBBBBBB= Aate:&lace $ssue! &TR "o' BBBBBBBBB= Aate:&lace $ssue! ,CL< Co#pliance "o' BBBBBBBBBBBB

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Base! on t)e &onencia of Eustice Roberto A' Aba! in !eople of the !hilippines "s. Ro$y Callones /('R' "o' .DF68. ,arc) .> 2F..1


T)e &rosecution unto t)is 9onorable Court #ost respectfully states:

STATEMENT OF FA0TS T)is case involves t)e a!#issibility of t)e !ecease! rape victi#*s spontaneous utterances !uring t)e ti#e s)e was being sexually abuse! an! i##e!iately afterwar!s' T)e prosecution c)arge! t)e accuse! Ro#y %allones wit) rape in an infor#ation !ate! Septe#ber .8 2FF8 before a Regional Trial Court /RTC1' T)e co#plainant in t)is case Alice was a retar!ate' S)e !ie! w)ile trial was ongoing )ence was unable to testify' To prove its case t)e prosecution presente! Allan /Alice*s fat)er1 Terol /a psyc)ologist1' A#alia testifie! t)at at about D:8; a'#' on Eune 2D 2FF8 )er #ot)er tol! )er ol!er sister Alice to look for t)eir brot)er An!oy' Since An!oy arrive! wit)out Alice )er #ot)er aske! A#alia to look for )er' A#alia looke! in places w)ere An!oy often playe! an! t)is le! )er near accuse!*s )ouse' As s)e approac)e! t)e )ouse A#alia )ear! so#eone crying out fro# wit)in 4Ta#a na ta#a naV5 Recogni7ing Alice*s voice A#alia repeate!ly knocke! on t)e !oor until t)e accuse! opene! it' A#alia saw )er sister stan!ing be)in! )i#' As A#alia went in to take )er sister out Alice )el! out a sanitary napkin an! crying sai! t)at t)e accuse! )a! given )er t)e napkin' Alice*s s)orts were wet an! bloo!0staine!' %rig)tene! an! trouble! t)e two girls went )o#e' On t)eir way )o#e Alice recounte! to )er sister t)at t)e accuse! broug)t )er to )is bat)roo# pulle! !own )er s)orts an! ravis)e! )er' S)e sai! t)at t)e accuse! wet )er s)orts to #ake it appear t)at s)e trippe! an! )a! )er #ont)ly perio!' Along t)e way t)ey #et an uncle an! tol! )i# w)at )appene!' On t)eir arrival t)eir fat)er broug)t Alice to t)e barangay w)ile A#alia returne! to t)e accuse!*s )ouse w)ere s)e saw )er uncle so#e relatives an! neig)bors accosting an! beating t)e accuse!' S)ortly after so#e barangay officials arrive! an! intervene!' A#alia /)er sister1 &O6 Lilibet) Aguilar /a police investigator1 <!uar!o ,arcelo an! Arturo Reyes /t)e appre)en!ing officers1 Ar' Orti7 /a #e!ico0 legal officer1 an! <!en

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ISSUES T)is #e#oran!u# will !iscuss t)e following issues: %irst w)et)er or not A#alia*s testi#ony was )earsay an! t)erefore !oubtful an! unreliable= Secon! w)et)er or not t)e !ecease! rape victi#*s utterances are res #estae an! t)erefore a!#issible in evi!ence' T)ir! w)et)er or not accuse!*s clai# t)at t)e #e#bers of Alice*s fa#ily pressure! )er into pointing to )i#

as )er abuser can be given cre!ence'

ARGUMENTS AND DIS0USSION I. Alt)oug) w)at Alice tol! A#alia #ay )ave been )earsay t)e rest of t)e latter*s testi#ony w)ic) establis)e! bot) conco#itant /Alice*s voice fro# wit)in t)e accuse!*s )ouse plea!ing t)at s)e was )urting1 an! subse-uent circu#stance /Alice co#ing fro# be)in! t)e accuse! as t)e latter opene! t)e !oor )er s)orts bloo!ie!1 are a!#issible in evi!ence )aving been given fro# personal knowle!ge' Alt)oug) Alice !ie! before s)e coul! testify t)e evi!ence s)ows t)at s)e positively i!entifie! t)e accuse! s)e )ear! t)e latter*s voice fro# wit)in t)e accuse!*s )ouse

as )er abuser before t)e barangay officials an! t)e police' A#alia )er sister testifie! of )er own personal knowle!ge t)at s)e )a! been out looking for Alice t)at #i!#orning= t)at i#ploring )er attacker to stop w)at )e was !oing to )er= an! t)at upon repeate!ly knocking at t)e accuse!*s !oor )e opene! it revealing t)e presence of )er sister )er s)orts bloo!ie!' II. A#alia*s recital of w)at s)e )ear! Alice utter w)en s)e ca#e an! rescue! )er is part of t)e res ,arturillas vs' &eople of t)e &)ilippines ('R' "o' .>62.@ April .G 2FF> #estae' $n

4res #estae5 was !efine! as referring to

state#ents #a!e by t)e participants or t)e victi#s of or t)e spectators to a cri#e i##e!iately before !uring or after its co##ission' T)is is base! on Section 82 of Rule .6F of t)e Rules of Court w)ic) states: 4&art of t)e res #estae' 00 State#ents #a!e by a person w)ile a startling occurrence is taking place or i##e!iately prior or subse-uent t)ereto wit) #estae' So also respect to t)e circu#stances t)ereof #ay be given in evi!ence as part of t)e res state#ents acco#panying an e-uivocal act #aterial to t)e

issue an! giving it a legal significance #ay be receive! as part of t)e res #estae'5 Alice*s state#ents are a spontaneous reaction or utterance inspire! by t)e excite#ent of t)e occasion wit)out any opportunity for )er to fabricate a false state#ent'

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supra it was )el! t)at for spontaneous state#ents to be $n ,arturillas vs' &eople of t)e &)ilippines

a!#itte! in evi!ence t)e following #ust concur: .1 t)e principal act t)e res #estae is a startling occurrence= 21 t)e state#ents were #a!e before t)e !eclarant )a! ti#e to contrive or !evise= an! 61 t)e state#ents concerne! t)e occurrence in -uestion an! its i##e!iately atten!ing circu#stances' 9ere t)e accuse!*s act of forcing )i#self into Alice is a startling event' An! A#alia )appene! to be +ust outsi!e )is )ouse w)en s)e )ear! Alice cry out 4ta#a na ta#a naV5 ?)en t)e accuse! opene! t)e !oor upon A#alia*s incessant knocking Alice ca#e out fro# be)in! )i# uttering 4A#alia #ay napkin na binigay si Ro#y o'5 T)e a!#issibility of Alice*s spontaneous state#ents rests on t)e vali! assu#ption t)at t)ey were spoken un!er circu#stances w)ere t)ere )a! been no c)ance to contrive' $n Capila vs' &eople ('R' "o' .8>.>. Euly .@ 2FF> it was )el! t)at it is !ifficult to lie in an excite! state an! t)e i#pulsiveness of t)e expression is a guaranty of trustwort)iness'

III. Accuse!*s clai# t)at t)e #e#bers of Alice*s fa#ily pressure! )er into pointing to )i# as )er abuser cannot be given cre!ence' Accuse! )as been unable to establis) any possible ill0#otive t)at coul! pro#pt Alice*s fa#ily into c)arging )i# falsely' $n fact t)e accuse! a!#itte! in )is testi#ony t)at t)ere )a! been no ani#osity between Alice*s fa#ily an! )i#' $n conclusion t)e evi!ence sufficiently establis) t)at t)e accuse! %allones rape! Alice' T)e accuse! offere! no evi!ence of )is innocence ot)er t)an )is bare !enial' $n fine t)e guilt of t)e accuse! )as been prove! beyon! reasonable !oubt'

PRAYER ?9<R<%OR< in view of t)e foregoing t)e prosecution earnestly prays t)at t)e accuse! Ro#y %allones be a!+u!ge! an! !eclare! (U$LTP beyon! reasonable !oubt for raping Alice' T)e prosecution prays for suc) ot)er reliefs an! re#e!ies t)at are +ust an! e-uitable un!er t)e pre#ises' R<S&<CT%ULLP SUB,$TT<A'


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Lery truly yours BBBBBBBBBBBBB (2awyerDs na$e

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Aece#ber .F 2F.F ,r' &eter Banag .> Annapolis St' Cubao Sue7on City Aear ,r' Banag: 9ere is t)e opinion you re-ueste!' T)e facts gat)ere! fro# you an! your !ocu#ents are as follows: Pour !aug)ter ,ary Banag about six years ol! went to Art)ur Sison*s )ouse to buy ice0can!y on Septe#ber .2 at about 6 &,' ,ary knocke! on t)e gate but )aving gotten no response fro# Art)ur w)o was napping t)en s)e teste! t)e gate by pus)ing it' Upon !oing so t)e gate yiel!e! an! Art)ur*s !og +u#pe! out went after ,ary an! attacke! )er fro# be)in! biting )er on t)e leg an! ar#s as s)e fell to t)e groun!' S)e was save! by %re! &u7on a neig)bor w)o kicke! t)e !og away an! protecte! )er' Awakene! by t)e co##otion an! )aving )ear! s)outs t)at )is !og )a! attacke! a c)il! Art)ur went out sent t)e !og back to )is yar! an! boug)t ,ary to a nearby clinic for treat#ent paying t)e #e!ical bill t)ereafter' Pou aske! Art)ur to pay ,ary &2F FFF in !a#ages for t)e or!eal but all you got was a letter saying t)at )e cannot grant your !e#an! because )e was not at fault' 9e base! )is stan! on t)e following: .' 2' 6' T)at t)ere was a sign at t)e gate warning about t)e presence of t)e !og in effect i#plying t)at if ,ary )ee!e! w)at t)e sign says t)e attack woul!n*t )ave )appene! T)at at t)e ti#e of t)e attack s)e was not acco#panie! by an a!ult i#plie!ly putting t)e bla#e on you as )er parent for letting )er roa# outsi!e unatten!e! an! t)erefore exposing )er to !anger= an! T)at )e alrea!y pai! t)e bill for ,ary*s #e!ication'

T)e issue )ere is clear: it*s w)et)er or not Art)ur is liable to ,ary for !a#ages' $n #y opinion Art)ur is liable for !a#ages notwit)stan!ing )is !efenses' %irst an! fore#ost w)at )appene! to ,ary is classifie! as a -uasi)delict as !efine! by Article 2.@> of t)e Civil Co!e: ?)oever by act or o#ission causes !a#age to anot)er t)ere being fault or negligence is oblige! to pay for t)e !a#age !one' Suc) fault or negligence if t)ere is no pre0existing contractual relation between t)e parties is calle! a -uasi0!elict an! is governe! by t)e provisions of t)is C)apter' As for t)e nature of Art)ur*s liability t)e provision t)at governs is Article 2.G6 of t)e Civil Co!e' $t provi!es t)at: T)e possessor of an ani#al or w)oever #ay #ake use of t)e sa#e is responsible for t)e !a#age w)ic) it #ay cause alt)oug) it #ay escape or be lost' T)is responsibility s)all cease only in case t)e !a#ages s)oul! co#e fro# force #a+eure fro# t)e fault of t)e person w)o )as suffere! !a#age'

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T)e Supre#e Court explaine! sai! provision in t)e case of Eestil ". Inter$ediate Appellate Court (1.R. 9o. ;AA@4, 4;B &CRA A; saying t)at: Accor!ing to ,anresa t)e obligation i#pose! by Article 2.G6 of t)e Civil Co!e is not base! on t)e negligence or on t)e presu#e! lack of vigilance of t)e possessor or user of t)e ani#al causing t)e !a#age' $t is base! on natural e-uity an! on t)e principle of social interest t)at )e w)o possesses ani#als for )is utility pleasure or service #ust answer for t)e !a#age w)ic) suc) ani#al #ay cause' "ow Art)ur #ay say t)at w)at )appene! was broug)t about by contributory negligence on ,ary*s part as t)e for#er i#plie! in )is letter or )e #ay clai# t)at letting ,ary roa# t)e vicinity unacco#panie! is negligence on your part an! constitutes t)e proxi#ate cause of )er in+uries notwit)stan!ing )is own negligence in leaving t)e gate unlocke! before napping' Bot) scenarios are governe! by Article 2.@D of t)e Civil Co!e t)at provi!es: ?)en t)e plaintiff*s own negligence was t)e i##e!iate an! proxi#ate cause of )is in+ury )e cannot recover !a#ages' But if )is negligence was only contributory t)e i##e!iate an! proxi#ate cause of t)e in+ury being t)e !efen!ant*s lack of !ue care t)e plaintiff #ay recover !a#ages but t)e courts s)all #itigate t)e !a#ages to be awar!e!' $n t)e first scenario t)e Supre#e Court*s ruling in Farco /ar%etin# Corporation ". Court of Appeals (1.R. 9o. 45B;B5, @54 &CRA @;: t)at 4a c)il! un!er nine years of age #ust be conclusively presu#e! incapable of contributory negligence as a #atter of law5 covers ,ary )ence t)rowing t)e notion of contributory negligence on )er part out t)e win!ow' As for t)e secon! scenario t)e ruling in '$ali ". Gacani (1.R. 9o. 2)A?:;?, <B &CRA 5<@ provi!es t)at parental negligence in allowing a young c)il! to go out of t)e )ouse alone #ay at #ost -ualify as contributory negligence an! as suc) woul! be covere! by t)e secon! sentence of Article 2.@D' Art)ur being t)e owner of t)e !og t)at attacke! ,ary is liable for !a#ages wit) all possible !efenses taken into consi!eration' $f Art)ur !i!n*t leave t)e gate unlocke! before taking a nap K an act s)owing a lack of !ue care K t)ere woul! )ave been no way t)e !og coul! )ave attacke! ,ary' ,ary coul! test t)e gate all !ay long an! s)e woul!n*t be attacke! by Art)ur*s !og )a! t)e gate been close!' Of course )e #ay say t)at paying ,ary*s #e!ical bill s)oul! be enoug) but t)at !oes not cover t)e #oral !a#ages t)at ,ary is entitle! to un!er Article 22.D /21 of t)e Civil Co!e w)ic) specifically pertains to -uasi0!elicts causing p)ysical in+uries' As #entione! earlier t)e only reprieve !ue )i# woul! be a #itigation of )is liability' One t)ing: #y opinion is base! on t)e laws an! t)e +urispru!ence applicable to your situation' $f by any circu#stance you take your plig)t to court $ a# confi!ent t)at t)e case will be !eci!e! in your favor'

Lery truly yours H$ile Fustin !. Cebrian

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Republic of t)e &)ilippines C$TP O% $L$(A" Office of t)e City Legal Officer

Septe#ber @ 2FFD 9on' Lawrence LL' Cru7 City ,ayor $ligan City

O%%$C< O% T9< SA"((U"$A"( &A"LU"(SOA $ligan City Aear Sirs: Referre! to t)is office for co##ent is t)e legality or vali!ity of t)e City Or!inance "o' .G2> ot)erwise known as 4A" ORA$"A"C< BA""$"( S,OM$"( $"S$A< &UBL$C UT$L$TP &ASS<"(<R L<9$CL<S O&<RAT$"( ?$T9$" T9< C$TP O% $L$(A"' T)is office is of t)e opinion t)at t)e sub+ect or!inance is not contrary to existing laws or t)e Constitution' $t is well0settle! t)at pursuant to t)e general welfare clause in Section .> of t)e Local (overn#ent Co!e of .DD. /RA @.>F1 local govern#ent units are e#powere! to enact or!inances in t)e exercise of police power' <very local govern#ent unit )as t)e sworn obligation to enact #easures t)at will en)ance t)e public )ealt) safety an! convenience #aintain peace an! or!er an! pro#ote t)e general prosperity of t)e in)abitants of t)e local units' T)us taking into consi!eration t)at s#oking especially in public en!angers not only t)e )ealt) of t)e s#oker but also t)at of t)e ot)ers t)e City (overn#ent )as a vali! reason for banning s#oking in public utility +eepneys' 9owever for its effectivity t)e sub+ect or!inance w)ic) contains penal sanctions is re-uire! to be poste! at pro#inent places in t)e City of $ligan for a #ini#u# perio! of t)ree /61 consecutive weeks an! s)all also be publis)e! in a newspaper of general circulation wit)in t)e territorial +uris!iction of t)e City of $ligan' %or your )onorsI gui!ance' Atty' $ggy Coro#a City Legal Officer

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PADILLA LAW OFFI0E @:% &a!illa0Ae Los Reyes Buil!ing 262 Euan Luna Street Binon!o ,anila A##en#i&n: ATTY. SABINO PADILLA JR. (entle#en: T)is refers to your letters !ate! ,ay 26 2FF6 an! %ebruary .@ 2FF8 re-uesting for clarificatory ruling on t)e following facts: 4 >' $n t)e lig)t of t)e foregoing backgroun! several e#ployees of (C9S since Eanuary . .DDG /w)en t)e .DD@ "$RC took effect1 )ave been co#pulsorily retire! after twenty /2F1 years of service pursuant to Section . Article C of t)e (C9S Retire#ent &lan -uote! above' T)ese retirees )owever )ave not reac)e! age! fifty /;F1' T)e -uestion s-arely raise! is w)et)er t)eir retire#ent benefits are sub+ect to wit))ol!ing5' 4$t is our opinion t)at since R'A' @>8. provi!es t)at 4any e#ployee #ay be retire! upon reac)ing t)e retire#ent age establis)e! in t)e collective bargaining agree#ent or ot)er applicable e#ploy#ent contract 5 an! t)e (C9S Retire#ent &lan is part of t)e ter#s an! con!itions of e#ploy#ent of (C9S e#ployees an! t)erefore an 4applicable e#ploy#ent contract5 an! a (C9S e#ployee #ay be co#pulsorily retire! after co#pleting 2F years of service even if )e is not yet fifty /;F1 years ol! at t)e ti#e of retire#ent' Si#ilarly a (C9S e#ployee #ay be co#pulsorily retire! upon reac)ing sixty />F1 years even if )e )as not serve! for at least ten /.F1 years5' 4An! since bot) )ave #et t)e two re-uire#ents of R'A' "o' @>8. w)ic) give t)e# a rig)t to t)e retire#ent benefit na#ely: /a1 t)at )e is retire! accor!ing to t)e CBA or ot)er applicable e#ploy#ent contract= an! /b1 t)at )e 4)as serve! at least five /;1 years in t)e sai! establis)#ent5 t)eir retire#ent benefits are not sub+ect to inco#e tax pursuant to Section 62/B1/>1/a1 of t)e Tax Co!e' An! t)is exe#ption applies even if R'A' "o' 8D.@ un!er w)ic) t)e (C9S Retire#ent &lan was establis)e! exe#ption of retire#ent benefits5' 4?e re-uest a confir#ation of t)e following opinion because of t)e growing confusion a#ong banks as to w)et)er it is t)e con!itions of R'A' "o' @>8. or R'A' 8D.@ t)at woul! apply to t)e two cases explaine! above5' $n reply t)ereto please be infor#e! t)at Section 62 /B1/>1/a1 of t)e Tax Co!e of .DD@ provi!e! as follows: />1 Retire#ent Benefits &ensions (ratuities etc' K 4/a1 Retire#ent benefits receive! un!er R'A' "o' @>8. an! t)ose receive! by officials an! e#ployees of private fir#s w)et)er in!ivi!ual or corporate in accor!ance wit) a reasonable private benefit plan #aintaine! by t)e e#ployer: &rovi!e! t)at t)e retiring official or e#ployee )as been in t)e service of t)e sa#e e#ployer for at least ten /.F1 years an! is not less t)an fifty /;F1 years of age at t)e ti#e of )is retire#ent: &rovi!e! furt)er t)at t)e benefits grante! un!er t)is subparagrap) s)all be availe! of by an official or e#ployee only once' xxx5' re-uires at least ten years of service an! age fifty for t)e tax

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
$t will be observe! t)at un!er t)e afore0-uote! provisions retire#ent benefits #ay be receive! eit)er un!er R'A' "o' @>8. an! in accor!ance wit) a reasonable private benefits plan #aintaine! by t)e e#ployer un!er t)en R'A' "o' 8D.@ /now Section 62/B1/>1/a1 of t)e Tax Co!e of .DD@' Section . of R'A' "o' @>8. ot)erwise known as an 4Act A#en!ing Article 2G@ of &resi!ential Aecree "o' 882 as a#en!e! ot)erwise known as T)e Labor Co!e of t)e &)ilippines by &rovi!ing for Retire#ent &ay to Sualifie! &rivate Sector <#ployees in t)e Absence of any Retire#ent &lan in t)e <stablis)#ent5 provi!es vi7: Se'#i&n 7, Ar#i'+e :@9 &f Pre i.en#i$+ De'ree N&. AA:, $ $%en.e., &#)er!i e Gn&!n $ #)e L$3&r 0&.e &f #)e P)i+i,,ine , i )ere3- $%en.e. #& re$. $ f&++&! ": 4Art' 2G@' Retire#ent K Any e#ployee #ay be retire! upon reac)ing t)e retire#ent age establis)e! in t)e collective bargaining agree#ent or ot)er applicable e#ploy#ent contract5' 4$n case of retire#ent t)e e#ployee s)all be entitle! to receive suc) retire#ent benefits as )e #ay )ave earne! un!er existing laws an! any collective bargaining agree#ent an! ot)er agree#ents: &rovi!e! )owever t)at an e#ployee*s retire#ent benefits un!er any collective bargaining an! ot)er agree#ents s)all not be less t)an t)ose provi!e! )erein5' 4$n t)e absence of a retire#ent plan or agree#ent provi!ing for retire#ent benefits of e#ployees in t)e establis)#ent an e#ployee upon reac)ing t)e age of sixty />F1 years or #ore but not beyon! sixty0five />;1 years w)ic) is )ereby !eclare! t)e co#pulsory retire#ent age w)o )as serve! at least five /;1 years in t)e sai! establis)#ent #ay retire an! s)all be entitle! to retire#ent pay -uivalent to at least one )alf /.:21 #ont) salary for every year of service a fraction of at least six />1 #ont)s being consi!ere! as one w)ole year' T)us R'A' "o' @>8. provi!ing for Retire#ent &ay to Sualifie! &rivate Sector <#ployees s)all apply only in t)e absence of any Retire#ent &lan collective bargaining agree#ent or ot)er applicable e#ploy#ent contract in t)e establis)#ent' w)o )as serve! at least five /;1 years in t)e sai! Accor!ingly un!er R'A' @>8. an e#ployee upon reac)ing t)e age of sixty />F1 years or #ore but not beyon! sixty0five />;1 years w)ic) is !eclare! t)e co#pulsory retire#ent age establis)#ent #ay retire an! s)all be entitle! to retire#ent pay e-uivalent to at least one )alf /.:21 #ont) salary for every year of service a fraction of at least six/>1 #ont)s being consi!ere! as one w)ole year' Un!er R'A' "o' 8D.@ /now Section 62/B1/>1/a1 of t)e Tax Co!e of .DD@1 it is re-uire! t)at t)e following con!itions #ust be present in or!er t)at t)e e#ployee benefits #ay be grante! tax exe#ptions: /.1 t)e e#ployee )a! been in t)e service of t)e sa#e private fir# for at least ten /.F1 years= an! /21 )e is at least fifty /;F1 years ol! at t)e ti#e of retire#ent' T)us if t)ere is a retire#ent plan !uly approve! by t)e B$R collective bargaining agree#ent or ot)er applicable

e#ploy#ent contract provi!ing for retire#ent benefits t)e sa#e s)all be followe! an! R'A' "o' @>8. s)all not apply' $n your letter !ate! %ebruary .@ 2FF8 you opine! t)at t)e tax exe#ption un!er R'A' "o' @>8. an! t)e tax exe#ption un!er R'A' "o' 8D.@ #ust be reconcile! an! )ar#oni7e! in a way t)at woul! not lea! to suc) absur! results as: .' An e#ployer w)o sets up a reasonable private benefit plan but !oes not secure B$R approval will )ave all

retire#ent benefits sub+ect to tax even if t)e retiree is ;F years ol! an! )as serve! .F years' T)e retiree cannot -ualify un!er R'A' "o' 8D.@ because )is e#ployer*s retire#ent plan is not approve! by t)e B$R' "eit)er can )e

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
-ualify un!er R'A' "o' @>8. because it applies only 4 in t)e absence of a retire#ent plan or agree#ent provi!ing for retire#ent benefits5= )ere t)ere is a retire#ent plan alt)oug) not approve! by t)e B$R or 2' An e#ployer enters into a collective bargaining agree#ent provi!ing retire#ent benefits to e#ployees w)o co#plete twenty years of service even if below age ;F or to e#ployees w)o reac) age >F provi!e! t)ey )ave serve! for at least five years= in t)is situation t)ese retirees -ualify for t)e tax exe#ption un!er R'A' "o' @>8.= but t)e #o#e#t t)e e#ployer obtains approval of t)e B$R for a retire#ent plan containing t)ose provisions t)e retire#ent benefits for t)ese e#ployees beco#e taxable' An! t)at you sub#it t)at t)e reasonable reconciliation of t)e tax exe#ption un!er R'A' "o' 8D.@ an! R'A' "o' @>8. is to )ol!: .' T)at any retiree w)o satisfies t)e re-uire#ents of R'A' "o' @>8. /retire#ent un!er a CBA or ot)er applicable e#ploy#ent an! service for at least five years1 is entitle! to t)e tax exe#ption even if )e is a #e#ber of a reasonable private benefit plan establis)e! by )is e#ployer an! approve! by t)e B$R if t)e retire#ent benefit )e receives fro# t)e &lan is e-ual to or less t)an t)e #ini#u# re-uire#ent benefit provi!e! by R'A' "o' @>8.' T)is woul! avoi! t)e absur! situation w)ere an e#ployee w)o fails to #eet t)e ;F years retire#ent age or .F years service re-uire#ents will be taxe! if )e receives t)e retire#ent benefit fro# a B$R approve! retire#ent plan but not if )is e#ployer !oes not )ave suc) a retire#ent plan or if t)e retire#ent plan is not B$R approve!' 2' T)at if )e receives fro# t)e B$R approve! plan a retire#ent benefit in excess of t)e #ini#u# retire#ent benefit provi!e! by R'A' @>8. )e #ust satisfy t)e re-uire#ents or con!itions of R'A' "o' 8D.@ w)ic) #eans t)at )e #ust be at least ;F years ol! an! #ust )ave serve! .F years in or!er to en+oy t)e tax exe#ption' T)is is but fair since it is clear t)at t)e retire#ent benefit co#es fro# t)e B$R approve! voluntary plan an! not fro# t)e re-uire#ents of R'A' "o' @>8.' 6' $t is nee!less to a!! t)at t)e tax treat#ent of retire#ent benefits receive! by e#ployees outsi!e of a B$R approve! retire#ent plan will be governe! by R'A' "o' @>8.' T)is Office is a#enable to your proposal t)at if t)e retire#ent benefit to be receive! by a #e#ber of a private benefit plan establis)e! by t)e e#ployer un!er R'A' "o' 8D.@ an! !uly approve! by t)e B$R is e-ual to or less t)an t)e #ini#u# retire#ent benefit provi!e! by R'A' "o' @>8. sai! benefits s)all be exe#pt fro# inco#e tax to prevent an absur! situation w)ere t)e retire#ent benefits will be exe#pt if an e#ployer !oes not )ave suc) a retire#ent plan or if t)e retire#ent plan is not approve! by t)e B$R' 9owever if t)e e#ployee receives fro# t)e B$R approve! plan a retire#ent benefit in excess of t)e #ini#u# retire#ent benefit provi!e! by R'A' "o' @>8. )e #ust satisfy t)e re-uire#ents or con!itions of R'A' "o' 8D.@ w)ic) #eans t)at )e #ust be at least fifty /;F1 years ol! an! #ust )ave serve! t)e co#pany for at least ten /.F1 years in or!er t)at )is retire#ent benefits #ay be tax exe#pt' T)is is but fair since it is clear t)at t)e retire#ent benefit co#es fro# t)e B$R approve! voluntary plan an! not fro# t)e re-uire#ent of R'A' "o' @>8.' %inally retire#ent benefits receive! by e#ployees not fro# a B$R approve! retire#ent plan s)all be governe! by R'A' "o' @>8.' Lery truly yours =Si*ne.> JOSE MARIO 0. BUNAG Aeputy Co##issioner /B$R1

Bar Operations 2012: Ace the Bar, Race the Car! For rivate an! ersonal Use Only #"

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University of Cebu College of Law
Legal H $nspection (roup

UCLASS Bar Operations

Bar Operations 2012: Ace the Bar, Race the Car! For rivate an! ersonal Use Only ##

Legal Writing
University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations

9on' ,atias L' Aefensor Er' Roo# "o' 6F6 "ort)wing 9ouse of Representatives Batasan &a#bansa Sue7on City Sir : T)is refers to your letter !ate! August 8 2FFD re-uesting legal opinion on w)et)er or not t)e survey works to be

un!ertaken for a local )ousing pro+ect is exe#pt fro# value0a!!e! tax' $t is represente! t)at on Eanuary .F .DGD t)e "ational 9ousing Aut)ority /"9A1 approve! t)e inclusion of Maingin $ an! $$ in Brgy' &ansol Sue7on City as Areas for &riority Aevelop#ent /A&As1 un!er Jonal $#prove#ent &rogra#= t)at sai! approval was on t)e con!ition t)at t)e !evelop#ent of t)e site s)all be un!ertaken un!er Co##unity Self09elp &rogra# wit) Co##unity ,ortgage an! t)at t)e exact boun!aries of t)e areas occupie! by fa#ilies resi!ing t)ereat s)all be !eter#ine!= t)at t)e "9A is responsible for t)e #anage#ent of t)e Trust %un! per $RR of R'A' @G6; ot)erwise known as t)e UCo#pre)ensive an! $ntegrate! S)elter %inancing Act /C$S%A1 of .DD8U w)ic) was issue! to govern t)e i#ple#entation of local )ousing progra#= t)at a ,e#oran!u# of Agree#ent was execute! on Euly 6 2FFD by t)e "9A t)e 6r! Congressional Aistrict of Sue7on City /UAistrictU1 represente! by Congress#an ,atias L' Aefensor Er' an! Barangay &ansol Sue7on City w)ereby "9A an! t)e Aistrict agree! to allocate fro# t)e Trust %un! t)e a#ount of &2@8 FFF as pay#ent for Boun!ary Survey ?orks for Maingin $ an! $$ 9ousing /A&A1 &ro+ect Brgy' &ansol Sue7on City= t)at Brgy' &ansol )as engage! t)e services of A!onis Surveying Office to con!uct t)e peri#eter boun!ary:relocation survey in !eter#ining t)e territorial boun!ary of Maingin $ an! $$= an! t)at a consi!eration of &2@8 FFF exclu!ing value0a!!e! tax /LAT1 will be pai! to A!onis Surveying Office' $n reply please be infor#e! t)at pursuant to Section 2F of R'A' "o' @2@D pertinent portion of w)ic) rea!s: USec' 2F' $ncentives for &rivate Sector &articipating in Sociali7e! 9ousing' W To encourage greater private sector participation in sociali7e! )ousing an! furt)er re!uce t)e cost of )ousing units for t)e benefit of t)e un!erprivilege! an! )o#eless t)e following incentives s)all be exten!e! to t)e private sector: xxx xxx xxx

/!1 <xe#ption fro# t)e pay#ent of t)e following: /.1 &ro+ect0relate! inco#e taxes= /21 Capital gains tax on raw lan!s use! for t)e pro+ect= /61 Lalue0a!!e! tax for t)e pro+ect contractor concerne!= xxx xxx xxxU

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
t)e contractor of sociali7e! )ousing units is exe#pt fro# t)e pay#ent of value0a!!e! tax' On t)e ot)er )an! Section 2; of R'A' @2@D enu#erates t)e benefits grante! to t)e occupants of Areas for &riority Aevelop#ent /A&A1 7onal i#prove#ent progra# sites an! slu# i#prove#ent an! resettle#ent progra#s sites to wit: US<CT$O" 2;' Benefits' W $n a!!ition to t)e benefits provi!e! un!er existing laws an! ot)er relate! issuance to

occupants of areas for priority !evelop#ent 7onal i#prove#ent progra# sites an! slu# i#prove#ent an! resettle#ent progra# sites suc) occupants s)all be entitle! to priority in all govern#ent pro+ects initiate! pursuant to t)is Act' T)ey s)all also be entitle! to t)e following support services: /a1 Lan! surveys an! titling at #ini#al cost=U /<#p)asis supplie!1 Base! on t)e foregoing surveying of lan! is #erely a support service for t)e beneficiaries of sociali7e! )ousing' $t is a preli#inary activity to constructing or !eveloping sociali7e! )ousing sites' $nas#uc) as A!onis Surveying Office is only contracte! as surveyor to !eter#ine boun!aries of t)e sub+ect lan! an! is not t)e contractor for t)e !evelop#ent of t)e )ousing pro+ects an! consi!ering furt)er t)at t)e survey works an! services to be un!ertaken by A!onis Surveying office is separate fro# t)e construction of t)e sociali7e! )ousing units w)ic) s)all take place after t)e #etes an! boun!s of t)e in!ivi!ual areas of Maingin $ an! $$ )ave been establis)e! A!onis Surveying Office cannot be consi!ere! as a private contractor participating in sociali7e! )ousing entitle! to tax exe#ption privileges un!er Section 2F /!1 of R'A' @2@D' T)us t)e a#ount c)arge! by sai! surveyor is sub+ect to value0a!!e! tax /LAT1 . un!er Section .F; in relation to Sections .FG an! ..8 /C1 of t)e .DD@ Tax Co!e as a#en!e! by R'A' D66@ w)ic) provi!es t)at: US<C' .F;' &ersons Liable' W Any person w)o in t)e course of tra!e or business sells barters exc)anges leases goo!s or properties ren!ers services an! any person w)o i#ports goo!s s)all be sub+ect to t)e value0a!!e! tax /LAT1 i#pose! in Sections .F> to .FG of t)is Co!e' xxx xxx xxx

S<C' .FG' Lalue0a!!e! Tax on Sale of Services an! Use or Lease of &roperties' W U/A1 Rate an! Base of Tax' W T)ere s)all be levie! assesse! an! collecte! a value0a!!e! tax e-uivalent to ten percent /.FX1 /now .2X1 of gross receipts !erive! fro# t)e sale or exc)ange of services inclu!ing t)e use or lease of properties' T)e p)rase Isale or exc)ange of servicesI #eans t)e perfor#ance of all kin!s of services in t)e &)ilippines for ot)ers for a fee re#uneration or consi!eration inclu!ing t)ose perfor#e! or ren!ere! by construction an! service contractors= ' ' 'U US<C' ..8' Return an! &ay#ent of Lalue0a!!e! Tax' W ' ' ' /C1 ?it))ol!ing of Lalue0a!!e! Tax' W T)e (overn#ent or any of its political sub!ivisions agencies inclu!ing govern#ent0owne! or 0controlle! corporations /(OCCs1 s)all instru#entalities or

before #aking pay#ent on

account of eac) purc)ase of goo!s an! services w)ic) are sub+ect to t)e value0a!!e! tax i#pose! in Sections .F> an! .FG of t)is Co!e !e!uct an! wit))ol! a final value0a!!e! tax at t)e rate of five percent /;X1 of t)e gross pay#ent t)ereof: &rovi!e! T)at t)e pay#ent for lease or use of properties or property rig)ts to nonresi!ent

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
owners s)all be sub+ect to ten percent /.FX1 wit))ol!ing tax at t)e ti#e of pay#ent' %or purposes of t)is Section t)e payor or person in control of t)e pay#ent s)all be consi!ere! as t)e wit))ol!ing agent' UT)e value0a!!e! tax wit))el! un!er t)is Section s)all be re#itte! wit)in ten /.F1 !ays following t)e en! of t)e #ont) t)e wit))ol!ing was #a!e'U Base! on t)e foregoing t)is Office is of t)e opinion t)at cost of survey works an! services in t)e a#ount of &2@8 FFF is sub+ect to value0a!!e! tax at t)e rate of .2X pursuant to Section .F; of t)e .DD@ Tax Co!e as a#en!e! an! t)e inco#e pay#ent #a!e by Brgy' &ansol to A!onis Surveying Office s)all be sub+ect to ;X final wit))ol!ing tax un!er Section ..8 /C1 of t)e sa#e Tax Co!e' T)is ruling is being issue! on t)e basis of t)e foregoing facts as represente!' 9owever if upon investigation it will be !isclose! t)at t)e facts are !ifferent t)en t)is ruling s)all be consi!ere! as null an! voi!'

Lery truly yours Co##issioner of $nternal Revenue By: /S(A'1 EO<L L' TA"0TORR<S Senior Aeputy Co##issioner /Officer0$n0C)arge1

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,arc) 6. 2F..

M . Me+$nie P. G$%3&$ 6; Craig Street Sa#paloc ,anila

Aear ,s' (a#boa: T)is refers to your -uery regar!ing t)e possibility of c)anging t)e surna#e of your .>0year ol! niece &aula &ere7 Cortes w)o was place! un!er your care by your sister ,aricel Abrogar &ere7 w)o is currently in t)e Unite! States /US1 working as a nurse' Pou #entione! t)at &aula &ere7 Cortes w)o was born on "ove#ber .; .DD8 is t)e !aug)ter of your sister ,aricel Abrogar &ere7' &aula )as been living wit) you ever since ,aricel went to t)e US in year 2FFF to work t)ere as a nurse' Pou also #entione! t)at &aula*s fat)er is ?illia# Cortes ,aricel*s boyfrien! back in college an! w)o got )er pregnant w)ile t)ey were in t)eir t)ir! year of college' $t is #y un!erstan!ing t)at &aula*s parents never got #arrie! an! t)at &aula grew up not knowing )er fat)er because after &aula*s first birt)!ay )er fat)er ?illia# returne! to )is province in Ja#boanga an! since t)en )e )as not returne! to ,anila nor )as )e sent anyt)ing for &aula*s support' Likewise you also #entione! to #e t)at in &aula*s birt) certificate s)e carries t)e surna#e of )er fat)er an! ?illia# Cortes is in!icate! t)erein as )er fat)er' $n a!!ition in all of &aula*s official recor!s i!entifie! as )er fat)er' $n view of t)e foregoing circu#stances you were aske! by ,aricel to seek legal assistance' S)e wants &aula*s surna#e to be c)ange! fro# Cortes to &ere7 because s)e inten!s to petition &aula to t)e US an! t)e c)ange in na#e woul! facilitate t)e process because &aula woul! be easily i!entifie! as )er !aug)ter' Also ,aricel !oes not want &aula to )ave anyt)ing to !o wit) ?illia# any#ore since )e aban!one! )is own c)il!' 9ence you are asking for #y a!vice or opinion on t)e following -ueries: .' 2' $s it possible to c)ange t)e surna#e of &aula &' Cortes fro# Cortes to &ere7O ?)at are t)e re-uire#ents or proce!ures to be followe! in case a person wants to c)ange )is or )er surna#eO inclu!ing sc)ool recor!s s)e carries )er fat)er*s surna#e an! t)e na#e 4?illia# Cortes5 is

?it) regar! to your first -uery on w)et)er it is possible to c)ange t)e surna#e of your niece fro# Cortes to &ere7 it is wort)w)ile to note t)at un!er t)e law 4no person can c)ange )is na#e or surna#e wit)out +u!icial aut)ority5' /Article

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
6@> Civil Co!e of t)e &)ilippines1 T)erefore in t)e case of &aula &' Cortes your sister #ust file t)e appropriate petition before t)e court in be)alf of )er #inor c)il!' $n one case t)e Supre#e Court )el! t)at before a person can be aut)ori7e! to c)ange )is na#e given )i# eit)er in )is certificate of birt) or civil registry )e #ust s)ow proper or reasonable cause or any co#pelling reason w)ic) #ay +ustify suc) c)ange' /$n Re: &etition for C)ange of "a#e an!:or Correction of <ntry in t)e Civil Registry of Eulian Lin Carulasan ?ang ('R' "o' .;DD>> ,arc) 6F 2FF; 8;8 SCRA .;;1 To +ustify a re-uest for c)ange of na#e petitioner #ust s)ow not only so#e proper or co#pelling reason t)erefor but also t)at )e will be pre+u!ice! by t)e use of )is true an! official na#e' A#ong t)e groun!s for c)ange of na#e w)ic) )ave been )el! vali! are: /a1 w)en t)e na#e is ri!iculous !is)onorable or extre#ely !ifficult to write or pronounce= /b1 w)en t)e c)ange results as a legal conse-uence as in legiti#ation= /c1 w)en t)e c)ange will avoi! confusion= /!1 w)en one )as continuously use! an! been known since c)il!)oo! by a %ilipino na#e an! was unaware of alien parentage= /e1 a sincere !esire to a!opt a %ilipino na#e to erase signs of for#er alienage all in goo! fait) an! wit)out pre+u!icing anybo!y= an! /f1 w)en t)e surna#e causes e#barrass#ent an! t)ere is no s)owing t)at t)e !esire! c)ange of na#e was for a frau!ulent purpose or t)at t)e c)ange of na#e woul! pre+u!ice public interest' /$bi!'1 $n t)e case of &aula )er #ot)er wants to c)ange )er surna#e so t)at &aula woul! be easily i!entifie! as )er !aug)ter an! s)e also !oes not want &aula to )ave anyt)ing to !o wit) )er fat)er ?illia# any#ore since )e aban!one! )is own c)il!' On t)e ot)er )an! it #ay be i#plie! fro# your narration t)at ?illia# voluntarily recogni7e! &aula as )is own c)il! t)us warranting t)e use of ?illia#*s surna#e in t)e registration of &aula*s birt)' $t is a rig)t bestowe! upon &aula w)o is an illegiti#ate !aug)ter of ?illia# because s)e was conceive! an! born outsi!e a vali! #arriage /Article .>; %a#ily Co!e of t)e &)ilippines1' Un!er Article .@> of t)e %a#ily Co!e of t)e &)ilippines an illegiti#ate c)il! w)o )as been voluntarily recogni7e! by )is:)er fat)er #ay carry t)e latter*s surna#e' 9ence your sister*s !esire to c)ange t)e surna#e of )er c)il! &aula will be tanta#ount to !epriving &aula of t)e rig)ts accor!e! by law by virtue of suc) recognition' &roof of recognition an! filiation gives an illegiti#ate c)il! t)e rig)t to receive support fro# t)e fat)er an! likewise entitles t)e c)il! to a legiti#e w)ic) s)all be one0)alf /.:21 of t)e legiti#e of a legiti#ate c)il! pursuant to Article .@> of t)e %a#ily Co!e of t)e &)ilippines' ,oreover )aving voluntarily recogni7e! &aula as )is own c)il! ?illia# #ay t)en file )is opposition:ob+ection to t)e petition w)ic) your sister wants to file in court' T)erefore t)ere is t)at possibility t)at t)e court #ay !eny your sister*s petition' $n relation to your secon! -uery on t)e re-uire#ents or proce!ures to be followe! in case a person wants to c)ange )is or )er surna#e Rule .F6 of t)e Rules of Court provi!es as follows: 4Sec' .' Lenue' K A person !esiring to c)ange )is na#e s)all present t)e petition to t)e Court of %irst $nstance of t)e province in w)ic) )e resi!es or in t)e City of ,anila to t)e Euvenile an! Ao#estic Relations Court' 4Sec' 2' Contents of petition' K A petition for c)ange of na#e s)all be signe! an! verifie! by t)e person !esiring )is na#e c)ange! or so#e ot)er person on )is be)alf an! s)all set fort):

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Legal Writing
University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
/a1 T)at t)e petitioner )as been a bona fi!e resi!ent of t)e province w)ere t)e petition is file! for at least t)ree /61 years prior to t)e !ate of suc) filing= /b1 T)e cause for w)ic) t)e c)ange of t)e na#e of t)e petitioner*s na#e is soug)t= /c1 T)e na#e aske! for' 4xxx xxx xxx5

Rule .F6 Section 6 of t)e Rules of Court furt)er states t)at if t)e petition file! is sufficient in for# an! substance t)e court by an or!er reciting t)e purpose of t)e petition s)all fix a !ate an! place for t)e )earing t)ereof an! s)all !irect t)at a copy of t)e or!er be publis)e! before t)e )earing at least once a week for t)ree /61 consecutive weeks in so#e newspaper of general circulation publis)e! in t)e province as t)e court s)all !ee# best' T)e !ate set for t)e )earing s)all not be wit)in t)irty /6F1 !ays prior to an election nor wit)in four /81 #ont)s after t)e last publication of t)e notice' $n a!!ition Section 8 of t)e sa#e Rule states t)at any intereste! person #ay appear at t)e )earing an! oppose t)e petition' T)e Solicitor (eneral or t)e proper provincial or city fiscal s)all appear on be)alf of t)e (overn#ent of t)e Republic of t)e &)ilippines' $t is )ope! t)at t)e foregoing satisfactorily answers your -ueries an! )elps gui!e you in arriving at a proper course of action' &lease take note )owever t)at t)is opinion is solely base! on t)e facts you )ave narrate! an! #y appreciation of t)e sa#e' T)e opinion ren!ere! #ay vary w)en t)e facts are c)ange! or elaborate!'

Lery truly yours

/Sg!'1 Step)anie Ta#ara

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Legal Writing
University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations

2@ "ove#ber 2F.. ,r' A!riano <nri-ue7 ,aria Orosa Street ,anila

Aear ,r' <nri-ue7: T)is legal opinion seeks to answer your -uestion as to w)et)er or not you can now re#arry un!er &)ilippine law after !iscovering t)at your wife )a! been naturali7e! as an A#erican citi7en an! )a! obtaine! a !ivorce !ecree an! t)en #arrie! a certain $nnocent Stanley'

T)e %acts &er our !iscussion an! t)e !ocu#ents you )ave s)own #e t)e following are t)e pertinent facts: On ,ay 28 .DD. you #arrie! ,yra Santos in t)e &)ilippines' Pour #arriage was blesse! wit) a son ,iguel <nri-ue7' $n .DD> your wife left for t)e Unite! States bringing along your son ,iguel' A few years later you !iscovere! t)at your wife )a! been naturali7e! as an A#erican citi7en' So#eti#e in 2F.F you learne! fro# your son t)at your wife )a! obtaine! a !ivorce !ecree an! t)en #arrie! a certain $nnocent Stanley'

T)e Applicable Law T)e applicable law is &aragrap) 2 of Article 2> of t)e %a#ily Co!e' $t provi!es t)at: 4?)ere a #arriage between a %ilipino citi7en an! a foreigner spouse s)all )ave capacity to re#arry un!er &)ilippine law'5 On its face t)e foregoing provision !oes not appear to !irectly govern your situation' $t see#s to apply only to cases w)ere at t)e ti#e of t)e celebration of t)e #arriage t)e parties are a %ilipino citi7en an! a foreigner' Pour case on t)e ot)er )an! is one w)ere at t)e ti#e t)e #arriage was sole#ni7e! t)e parties were two %ilipino citi7ens but later on t)e wife was naturali7e! as an A#erican citi7en an! subse-uently obtaine! a !ivorce granting )er capacity to re#arry an! in!ee! s)e re#arrie! an A#erican citi7en w)ile resi!ing in t)e U'S' is vali!ly celebrate! an! a !ivorce is

t)ereafter vali!ly obtaine! abroa! by t)e alien spouse capacitating )i# or )er to re#arry t)e %ilipino

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations

T)e Legislative $ntent be)in! &aragrap) 2 of Article 2> 9owever an exa#ination of t)e recor!s of t)e procee!ings of t)e %a#ily Co!e !eliberations s)owe! t)at t)e intent of &aragrap) 2 of Article 2> is to avoi! t)e absur! situation w)ere t)e %ilipino spouse re#ains #arrie! to t)e alien spouse w)o after obtaining a !ivorce is no longer #arrie! to t)e %ilipino spouse'

T)e Applicable Eurispru!ence $nterestingly &aragrap) 2 of Article 2> traces its origin to t)e .DG; case of EA9 D>R9 ". R>/I22>, FR. (1.R. 9o. 2)<=A;?, = >ctober 4B=:, 4@B &CRA 4@B . T)e Ean Dorn case involve! a #arriage between a %ilipino citi7en an! a foreigner' T)e Supre#e Court )el! t)erein t)at a !ivorce !ecree vali!ly obtaine! by t)e alien spouse is vali! in t)e &)ilippines an! conse-uently t)e %ilipino spouse is capacitate! to re#arry un!er &)ilippine law' ?ill t)is sa#e principle apply to your caseO T)e +urispru!ential answer lies latent in t)e .DDG case of I'I(A ". C>'R( >C A!!HA2& (1.R. 9o. 45A=<5, 55 Dece$ber 4BB=, @?? &CRA A?< . $n Iuita, t)e parties were as in your case %ilipino citi7ens w)en t)ey got #arrie!' T)e wife beca#e a naturali7e! A#erican citi7en in .D;8 an! obtaine! a !ivorce in t)e sa#e year' T)e Supre#e Court t)erein )inte! alt)oug) by way of obiter dictu$ only t)at a %ilipino !ivorce! by )is naturali7e! foreign spouse is no longer #arrie! un!er &)ilippine law an! can t)us re#arry'

Analysis an! Conclusion T)us taking into consi!eration t)e legislative intent an! applying t)e rule of reason &aragrap) 2 of Article 2> woul! apply to your case because it s)oul! be interprete! to inclu!e cases involving parties w)o at t)e ti#e of t)e celebration of t)e #arriage were %ilipino citi7ens but later on one of t)e# beco#es naturali7e! as a foreign citi7en an! obtains a !ivorce !ecree' T)e %ilipino spouse s)oul! likewise be allowe! to re#arry as if t)e ot)er party were a foreigner at t)e ti#e of t)e sole#ni7ation of t)e #arriage' 9ence t)e reckoning point is not t)e citi7ens)ip of t)e parties at t)e ti#e of t)e celebration of t)e #arriage but t)eir citi7ens)ip at the ti$e a "alid di"orce is obtained abroad by t)e alien spouse capacitating t)e latter to re#arry' $ a# confi!ent t)at sai! interpretation woul! prevail in court because to rule ot)erwise absur!ity an! in+ustice' woul! be to sanction

?)ere t)e interpretation of a statute accor!ing to its exact an! literal i#port woul! lea! to

#isc)ievous results or contravene t)e clear purpose of t)e legislature it s)oul! be construe! accor!ing to its spirit an! reason !isregar!ing as far as necessary t)e letter of t)e law' A statute #ay t)erefore be exten!e! to cases not wit)in t)e literal #eaning of its ter#s so long as t)ey co#e wit)in its spirit or intent (2>!HJ K &>9&, I9C. ". C>'R( >C (AL A!!HA2&, 9o. 2)B5;A, 4 Cebruary 4B:;, 4?? !hil. =:? Reco##en!ation

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Legal Writing
University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
To invoke &aragrap) 2 of Article 2> it is re-uire! t)at you s)oul! sub#it co#petent evi!ence concerning t)e !ivorce !ecree an! t)e naturali7ation of your wife' T)is is base! on t)e settle! rule t)at one w)o alleges a fact )as t)e bur!en of proving it an! #ere allegation is not evi!ence (C>R(H& ". C>'R( >C A!!HA2&, 1.R. 9o. 454;;5, 4@ Fanuary 5??@, @B: &CRA @@ . Likewise it is also a rule un!er &)ilippine law t)at before a foreign !ivorce !ecree can be recogni7e! by our own courts t)e party plea!ing it #ust prove t)e !ivorce as a fact an! !e#onstrate its confor#ity to t)e foreign law allowing it' Suc) foreign law #ust also be prove! as our courts cannot take +u!icial notice of foreign laws (1ARCIA ". RHCI>, 1.R. 9o. 4@=@55, 5 >ctober 5??4, @<< &CRA A@; . %urt)er#ore you #ust also s)ow t)at t)e !ivorce !ecree allows your ex0wife to re#arry as specifically re-uire! in Article 2>' Ot)erwise t)ere woul! be no evi!ence sufficient to !eclare t)at you are capacitate! to enter into anot)er #arriage' %or t)e sai! purpose we reco##en! t)e filing of a &etition for Aeclaratory Relief base! on Section . of Rule >6 of t)e Rules of Court' T)e sai! provision states: 4Section .' 7ho $ay govern#ental file petition0Any before breac) person intereste! un!er a !ee! will contract or ot)er written or!er or regulation or!inance or ot)er or violation t)ereof bring an action in t)e appropriate

instru#ent or w)ose rig)ts are affecte! by a statute executive regulation #ay

Regional Trial Court to !eter#ine any -uestion of construction or vali!ity arising an! for a !eclaration of )is rig)ts or !uties t)ereun!er'5 $n t)e case of O%%$C< O% T9< O,BUAS,A" v' $BAP ('R' "o' .6@;6G 6 Septe#ber 2FF. 6>8 SCRA 2G. it was )el! t)at t)e re-uisites of a &etition for Aeclaratory Relief are: .1 t)ere #ust be a +usticiable controversy= 21 t)e controversy #ust be between persons w)ose interests are a!verse= 61 t)at t)e party seeking t)e relief )as a legal interest in t)e controversy= an! 81 t)at t)e issue is ripe for +u!icial !eter#ination'

$ a# of t)e consi!ere! opinion t)at t)e sai! re-uisites are all present' %irst +usticiable controversy concerning t)e applicability of &aragrap) 2



clearly presents

of Article 2> to a #arriage between two %ilipino

citi7ens w)ere one later ac-uire! alien citi7ens)ip obtaine! a !ivorce !ecree an! re#arrie! w)ile in t)e U'S'A' Secon! t)e State w)ic) will be a party to t)e petition will necessarily assert its !uty to protect t)e institution of #arriage w)ile you a private citi7en will insist on a !eclaration of your capacity to re#arry= )ence a!verse interests will be involve!' T)ir! you as t)e party w)o will be praying for relief clearly )ave legal interest in t)e controversy' Lastly t)e issue is also ripe for +u!icial !eter#ination inas#uc) as w)en you re#arry litigation will ensue an! put into -uestion t)e vali!ity of your secon! #arriage'

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Legal Writing
University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations

$ appreciate t)e opportunity to a!vise you regar!ing t)is #atter' &lease let #e know if you wis) to !iscuss any of t)ese issues furt)er' T)ank you'

Pours fait)fully

/Sg!'1 L<(AL COU"S<L

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Legal Writing
University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations

O(r (+#i%$#e ')$++en*e: 1ie! &f %$##er ." 0&n#r$r- Eie! 3-

T& 3e +$!-er . #(.en# : F&r% $n. *r$%%$r $re )$r.+- i%,&r#$n#. I# i (3 #$n'e #)$# re$++-

&%e Fi+i,in& +$!

&%e re ,&n i3+e +$!

#(.en# :

W)$# if #)e

(3 #$n'e i

$!G!$r.+- f&r%$##e.,

(n*r$%%$#i'$++- !ri##en, err&ne&( +- #r('#(re., $n. in$''(r$#e+- ,(n'#($#e.J" ATTRIBUTES LOOBED FOR BY BAR EKAMINERS IN THE ANSWERS OF FUTURE LAWYERS: .' Correct appreciation of facts= 2' Ability to i!entify t)e issue:s= 6' Mnowle!ge of t)e law an! +urispru!ence= 8' Logic an! reasoning ability= ;' Responsiveness= >' Clarity of i!eas an! )an!writing= @' Brevity= G' "eatness of presentation= D' Correct gra##ar an! punctuation= an! .F' &ersuasion' EKAMINATION TIPS (he only thin# that stands between a $an and what he wants fro$ life is often $erely the will to try it and the faith to belie"e that it is possible. .' 2' 6' 8' &RAP like you )ave never praye! before' R<LAC' <ntertaining pressures an! tension will be of no )elp' T)ink t)at t)is is it an! t)ere is not)ing #ore to !o but to "ever ever t)ink of c)eating' Take a -uick browse at your -uestionnaire to )ave an overview of t)e lengt) of eac) -uestion t)e nu#ber of -uestions ) Richard /. De"os

try your best'

an! sub0-uestions but !o not concentrate on t)e !etails as yet' /T)e proctor or watc)er will instruct your group to count t)e pages of t)e -uestionnaire 00 t)is is t)e ti#e for your -uick browse'1 ;' Bu!get your ti#e accor!ing to t)e nu#ber of -uestions an! lengt) of proble#s' C)eck t)e percentage allocation for eac) -uestion' T)is will not only )elp you to bu!get your ti#e but also give you a cue on )ow !ifficult or intricate a proble# is )ence warning you to be very careful wit) your answer'

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Legal Writing
University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations

Analysis of available ti#e as benc)#ark for answering eac) -uestion: Y80)our exa#ination wit) .; -uestions Z .> #inutes eac) -uestion 2F -uestions Z .2 #inutes eac) -uestion Y60)our exa#ination wit) .; -uestions Z .2 #inutes eac) -uestion 2F -uestions Z D #inutes eac) -uestion >' @' Rea! instructions carefully' Rea! eac) -uestion carefully' ?)ile rea!ing a -uestion or case proble# analy7e an! start for#ulating your answers' $f you !o t)is it be easier an!

faster for you to write your answers since you are alrea!y gui!e! by your earlier analysis' $t will also #ini#i7e errors an! erasures' G' Be concise an! responsive /brief but co#plete1 in your answers' Try to contain your answer to a si#ple -uestion or sub0

-uestion in one page' "evert)eless if you )ave #ore i!eas t)at you believe will supple#ent your answer !o not )esitate to a!! t)e# but +ust see to it t)at w)atever you write is wort) rea!ing' Ot)erwise better stop' ULess write less #istakes'U D' An answer to one -uestion in one proble# re-uires a separate page' Answers to sub0-uestions #ay be presente!

continuously in a page separate! by space:s' $t is suggeste! )owever t)at even answers sub0-uestions be presente! on separate pages unless your answer is very s)ort so t)at in case you want to c)ange any answer or if you )ave #isse! a sub0-uestion you can still insert your answer in t)e re#aining spaces of t)e page' .F' Begin answering on t)e page in!icate!' ..' ?)en necessary /an! if allowe!1 seek clarifications fro# t)e proctor watc)er never fro# your seat#ates' .2' Answer neatly an! legibly' Observe #argins /!o not far #argins1' <rase wit) one )ori7ontal line no #atter )ow long t)e wor! sentence or paragrap) is' Ao not obliterate or cross t)e# out' .6' Ao not tear or fol! any page' .8' Ao not put or write any unwarrante! #ark or na#e in your notebook as t)is will be consi!ere! as #arking' Ao not un!erline or capitali7e your writings for e#p)asis' .;' ,aintain constantly a one0inc) i#aginary straig)t #argin line in t)e left an! rig)t si!es of your page' Be sure t)e si7e of your letters can be easily rea!' ?rite for your exa#iner not for yourself' .>' .@' Leave a space between t)e paragrap)s of your answer for better presentation' Be careful wit) your nu#berings' Tick every -uestion on t)e -uestionnaire w)ic) you )ave alrea!y answere!' As #uc)

as possible try not to skip -uestions as you #ig)t forget or fail to go back to t)e#' A goo! a!vice )owever is t)at you can

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
skip first few batc) of -uestions if you are not sure of your answers until you ca#e across a sure answer to buil! up your confi!ence' A caveat on t)e ot)er )an! is t)at you )ave to start wit)in t)e first t)ree -uestions' Ot)erwise it woul! be very !ifficult to esti#ate t)e pages of t)e notebook t)at you nee! to skip' .G' $##e!iately after answering every -uestion #ake a -uick review' C)eck t)e spelling gra##ar an! flow of

t)oug)ts:i!eas so you can i##e!iately effect corrections t)us prevent s)ortage of space' .D' 2F' After finis)ing wit) t)e last -uestion review all your answers again' C)eck if you )ave covere! all -uestions' C)eck if you )ave co#pletely co#plie! wit) all t)e instructions an! re-uire#ents before sub#itting your notebook an!

before leaving t)e exa#ination roo#' 9>(H* /onths or +ears before the eMa$ination days, be sure you ha"e practiced e"eryday how to answer "arious types of law/bar -uestions in your practice noteboo%s. !ractice $a%es perfect and is a confidence booster, ,ust li%e an eMcellent bas%etball player. TIPS ON HOW TO ANSWER DIFFERENT TYPES OF ESSAY QUESTIONS I. ENUMERATION (I!* Always introduce your enu$eration. 'se appropriate punctuation $ar%s and con,unctions. N * O , and or P

EH$%,+e Q(e #i&n: W1,) ,2+ )1+ *343),)3('- 56(' )1+ 6(7+2 (8 C('92+-- )( +',:) 6+',* *,7-; SUGGESTED ANSWER FORMAT: =F&r%$# 7 4 if 'er#$in, *iEe #)e ,e'ifi' &(r'e> $ T)e li#itations upon t)e power of .' 2' Congress to enact penal laws are t)e following:

"o ex post facto law or bill of attain!er s)all be enacte! /Sec' 22 Art'' $$$ .DG@ Constitution1= an! "o person s)all be )el! to answer for a cri#inal offense wit)out !ue process of law /Sec' .8/.1 Art $$$

.DG@ Constitution1'

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
=F&r%$# : 4 if n&# 'er#$in, .&n6# $##e%,# #& *iEe #)e ,e'ifi' &(r'e> $ 0A T)e li#itations upon t)e power of Con[gress to enact penal laws are t)e following: .' "o ex post facto law or bill of attain!er s)all be enacte!= an!

2' "o person s)all be )el! to answer for a cri#inal offense wit)out !ue process of law '

=F&r%$# / 4

!)en &ne i n&# (re &f #)e #&#$+ n(%3er &f i#e% , &r '&(+. n&# *iEe $++ #)$# $re reL(ire.> $0B






of Congress to enact penal laws are t)e following: no ex post facto law or

bill of attain!er s)all be enacte! an! no person s)all be )el! to answer for a cri#inal offense wit)out !ue process of law'

II. (I!*

DISTIN0TIONS Always introduce your distinctions. 'se appropriate punctuation $ar%s and con,unctions N * O , and or P . Ge

careful with C>R/HR K 2A((HR. EH$%,+e Q(e #i&n: Di #in*(i ) 3e#!een M( #if-in* $n. eHe%,#in* 'ir'(% #$n'e .

A"S?<R %OR,AT: /lifte! fro# an actual answer1 $$ Eustifying circu#stances #ay be !istinguis)e! fro# exe#pting circu#stances as follows: .' $n t)e for#er t)ere is neit)er a cri#e co##itte! nor a cri#inal because t)e acts t)erein are

legally +ustifie! w)ile in t)e latter t)ere is a cri#e co##itte! but t)ere t)e offen!er fro# liability t)erefor= an!

is no cri#inal because

t)e law


2' T)ere is no cri#e nor a cri#inal in t)e for#er civil liability !oes not also attac) to t)e offen!er except in case of a state of necessity w)ere t)e civil party benefite! s)oul! in!e#nify t)e person in+ure! w)ile in t)e latter because of t)e fact t)at a )as been alt)oug) cri#inal liability co##itte!' III. SIMPLE 0ASE PROBLEM ANSWERABLE BY 0ATEGORI0AL YES OR NO. is excuse! liability attac)es to t)e offen!er

T)is #eans t)at t)ere is only sure answer wit)out any -ualification because all t)e facts are state! an! t)ey all fall s-uarely to t)e applicable law'

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(I!& C>R +H& >R 9> A9&7HR C>R/A( ) (RAC .' Start wit) t)e topic or t)esis paragrap) stating your categorical answer to t)e -uestion i'e' Pes:"o co#plete! by t)e issue in -uestion' 2' T)e secon! paragrap) is a citation of t)e applicable Rule law or +urispru!ence or bot)

6' T)e t)ir! paragrap) is t)e Application of t)e law on t)e facts' 8' T)e fourt) paragrap) #ay be your Conclusion' /optional or t)is #ay for# part of t)e t)ir! paragrap)1 9>(H* If the instruction is to #i"e only a one)sentence answer, you can still apply the (RAC for$at within that one sentence.

#<5+-)3(' N(. I**, 1==> B,2 E?,43',)3(' 3' L,@(2 ,'. S(:3,* L+93-*,)3('$ A *,.A 7(2B+2 7,- @(2' 73)1 , 61A-3:,* .+8(243)A, -6+:383:,**A, 1,2. (8 1+,23'9, -6++:1 346,32+. ,'. :(*(2 @*3'.. T1+-+ .+83:3+':3+- .( '() 346,32 1+2 7(2B3'9 ,@3*3)A. 43'3454 7,9+; SUGGESTED ANSWER FORMAT: =+if#e. fr&% $n $'#($+ $n !er> C,' )1+ +46*(A+2 :*,--38A )1+ *,.A 7(2B+2 ,- , 1,'.3:,66+. 7(2B+2 -( )1,) 1+2 .,3*A 7,9+ 73** ('*A @+ -+C+')A"83C+ 6+2:+') #75D$ (8 )1+ ,66*3:,@*+ .,3*A

.' e'g' 2'

Start wit) t)e first paragrap) stating your categorical answer to t)e -uestion i'e' Pes:"o:$ !istinguis):$ -ualify "o' T)e e#ployer cannot classify t)e la!y worker as a )an!icappe! worker in t)e case at bar' T)e secon! paragrap) is a citation of t)e applic[able law or +urispru!ence or bot)' e'g' $t is provi!e! for un!er

co#plete! by t)e issue in -uestion'

t)e Labor Co!e of t)e

&)ilippines t)at to be consi!ere! a )an!icappe! worker t)e p)ysical !eficiencies or !efor#ities

of a worker #ust a!versely affect or i#pair )is working ability or capacity in relation to )is assigne! +ob' 9ere t)e law allows t)e pay#ent of a wage of at least seventy0five percent /@;X1 of t)e applicable !aily #ini#u# wage' 6' e'g' T)e t)ir! paragrap) is t)e application of t)e law on t)e facts' $n t)e case at bar t)e !eficiency of t)e la!y worker is unrelate! to or !oes not i#pair )er ability in t)e perfor#ance

of )er assigne! +ob' 8' e'g' T)e fourt) paragrap) #ay be your conclusion' /optional or t)is #ay for# part of t)e t)ir! paragrap)1' T)erefore s)e s)oul! not be classifie! as )an!icappe! worker an! s)oul! be entitle! to t)e full applicable !aily

#ini#u# wage'

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=F&r%$# 7 4

!i#) / #& A ,$r$*r$,) TRA0 f&r%$#> $$$


T)e e#ployer cannot un!er


t)e la!y worker as a )an!icappe! worker in t)e case at bar'

$t is provi!e! for


Labor Co!e of t)e &)ilippines t)at to be consi!ere! a )an!icappe! worker t)e

p)ysical !eficiencies or !efor#ities of a worker #ust a!versely affect or i#pair )is working ability or capacity in relation to )is assigne! +ob' $n t)is case t)e law allows t)e pay#ent of a wage of at least seventy0five percent /@;X1 of t)e applicable !aily #ini#u# wage' $n t)e case at bar t)e !eficiency of t)e la!y worker is unrelate! to or !oes not i#pair )er ability in t)e

perfor#ance of )er assigne! +ob' T)erefore s)e s)oul! not be classifie! as )an!icappe! worker an! s)oul! be entitle! to t)e full applicable !aily #ini#u# wage'

=F&r%$# : 4

!i#) / #& A ,$r$*r$,) TRA0 f&r%$#, !i#) 0OMMA $f#er YESNNO> $$$0A

"o t)e e#ployer cannot $t is provi!e! for un!er

classify t)e

t)e la!y worker as a )an!icappe! worker in t)e case at bar'

Labor Co!e of t)e &)ilippines t)at to be consi!ere! a )an!icappe! worker t)e

p)ysical !eficiencies or !efor#ities of a worker #ust a!versely affect or i#pair )is working ability or capacity in relation to )is assigne! +ob' $n t)is case t)e law allows t)e pay#ent of a wage of at least seventy0five percent /@;X1 of t)e applicable !aily #ini#u# wage' $n t)e case at bar t)e !eficiency of t)e la!y worker is unrelate! to or !oes not i#pair )er ability in t)e

perfor#ance of )er assigne! +ob' T)erefore s)e s)oul! not be classifie! as )an!icappe! worker an! s)oul! be entitle! to t)e full applicable !aily #ini#u# wage'

=F&r%$# / 4

!i#) / #& A ,$r$*r$,) TRA0 f&r%$#, !i#) Affir%$#iEeNNe*$#iEe

#$#e%en# in +ie( &f YESNNO> $$$0B T)e e#ployer cannot classify t)e la!y worker as a )an!icappe! worker in t)e case at bar'

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$t is provi!e! for



Labor Co!e of t)e &)ilippines t)at to be consi!ere! a )an!icappe! worker t)e

p)ysical !eficiencies or !efor#ities of a worker #ust a!versely affect or i#pair )is working ability or capacity in relation to )is assigne! +ob' $n t)is case t)e law allows t)e pay#ent of a wage of at least seventy0five percent /@;X1 of t)e applicable !aily #ini#u# wage' $n t)e case at bar t)e !eficiency of t)e la!y worker is unrelate! to or !oes not i#pair )er ability in t)e

perfor#ance of )er assigne! +ob' T)erefore s)e s)oul! not be classifie! as )an!icappe! worker an! s)oul! be entitle! to t)e full applicable !aily #ini#u# wage'

F&r%$# A

44 One Sen#en'e TRA0 F&r%$#> $$$0C


t)e e#ployer cannot


t)e la!y worker as a )an!icappe! worker because un!er t)e Labor Co!e )is p)ysical !eficiencies or !efor#ities #ust be suc) as to

for an e#ployee to be consi!ere! a )an!icappe! worker

a!versely affect or i#pair )is working ability or capacity in relation to )is assigne! +ob for t)e purpose of allowing t)e pay#ent of a wage of at least seventy0five percent /@;X1 of t)e applicable !aily #ini#u# wage= but in t)is case t)e worker*s !eficiency is unrelate! to or !oes not i#pair )er ability to perfor# )er assigne! +ob'

F&r%$# 8

44 One Sen#en'e TRA0 F&r%$#, !i#)&(# YESNNO> $$$0A

T)e e#ployer cannot an e#ployee to be consi!ere!


t)e la!y worker as a )an!icappe! worker because un!er t)e Labor Co!e for )is p)ysical !eficiencies or !efor#ities #ust be suc) as to

a )an!icappe! worker

a!versely affect or i#pair )is working ability or capacity in relation to )is assigne! +ob for t)e purpose of allowing t)e pay#ent of a wage of at least seventy0five percent /@;X1 of t)e applicable !aily #ini#u# wage= but in t)is case t)e worker*s !eficiency is unrelate! to or !oes not i#pair )er ability to perfor# )er assigne! +ob' Anot)er <xa#ple for Categorical Pes:"o Answer QUESTION: T1+ A4+23:,' C('-5* ,::2+.3)+. )( )1+ P13*3663'+- 713*+ .23C3'9 13- :,2 2+:B*+--*A ,'. 34625.+')*A ,*('9 R(?,- B(5*+C,2. @546+. , 6+.+-)23,' 71( 7,- :2(--3'9 )1+ -)2++) ,'. )1+ *,))+2 .3+. ,- , :('-+E5+':+ (8 133'F523+-. P2(-+:5)+. 3' :(52) 8(2 )1+ :234+ (8 1(43:3.+ )125 2+:B*+-- 34625.+':+, )1+ C('-5* :*,34+. .36*(4,)3: 3445'3)A ,**+93'9 )1,) 1+ 3- '() -5@F+:) )( P13*3663'+ *,7- ,'. 2+95*,)3('-. I- 13- .+8+'-+ )+',@*+; W1A; F&r%$# 7 44 ( in* / 4 A ,$r$*r$,) f&r%$#>

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$L "o' T)e A#erican consul*s !efense of !iplo#atic i##unity is not tenable' Un!er t)e international law t)ose w)o en+oy t)e a#bassa!ors #inisters inclu!e! in t)is group' 9ence )e cannot rig)tfully clai# !iplo#atic i##unity' plenipotentiary an! !iplo#atic i##unity are t)e sovereigns or )ea!s of states like t)e A#erican consul in t)is case are not

UCLASS Bar Operations

#inisters resi!ent' Consuls

F&r%$# :

44 ( in* / 4 A ,$r$*r$,) f&r%$#, !i#) '&%%$ $f#er YESNNO> $L0A

"o t)e A#erican consul*s !efense of !iplo#atic i##unity is not tenable' Un!er t)e international law t)ose w)o en+oy t)e a#bassa!ors #inisters inclu!e! in t)is group' 9ence )e cannot rig)tfully clai# !iplo#atic i##unity' plenipotentiary an! !iplo#atic i##unity are t)e sovereigns or )ea!s of states like t)e A#erican consul in t)is case are not

#inisters resi!ent' Consuls

F&r%$# /

44 ( in* / 4 A ,$r$*r$,) f&r%$#, !i#) Affir%$#iEeNNe*$#iEe #$#e%en# in +ie( &f YESNNO> $L0B

T)e A#erican consul*s !efense of !iplo#atic i##unity is not tenable' Un!er t)e international law t)ose w)o en+oy t)e a#bassa!ors #inisters inclu!e! in t)is group' 9ence )e cannot rig)tfully clai# !iplo#atic i##unity' plenipotentiary an! !iplo#atic i##unity are t)e sovereigns or )ea!s of states like t)e A#erican consul in t)is case are not

#inisters resi!ent' Consuls

F&r%$# A 44 One Sen#en'e TRA0 f&r%$# , $n. if &ne i $L0C

(re, !i#) ,e'ifi' S0 .e'i i&n 'i#e. !i#)in #)e $n !er>

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t)e A#erican consul*s !efense of !iplo#atic i##unity is not tenable because un!er t)e international law t)ose w)o en+oy !iplo#atic #inisters resi!ent plenipotentiary an!

an! as rule! by t)e Supre#e Court in t)e case of Sc)neckenburger vs' ,oran >6 &)il' 2;F i##unity are only t)e sovereigns or )ea!s of states a#bassa!ors #inisters but not t)e consuls'

F&r%$# $n !er>

8 44 One Sen#en'e TRA0 f&r%$#, $n. if &ne i

(re, !i#)

,e'ifi' S0 .e'i i&n 'i#e. $# #)e en. &f #)e

$L0A "o t)e A#erican consul*s !efense of !iplo#atic i##unity is not tenable because un!er t)e international law !iplo#atic i##unity are only t)e sovereigns or )ea!s of states a#bassa!ors #inisters #inisters resi!ent but not t)e consuls /Sc)neckenburger vs' ,oran >6 &)il' 2;F1' t)ose w)o en+oy plenipotentiary an!


< 44 One Sen#en'e TRA0 f&r%$# , !i#)&(# ,e'ifi' S0 .e'i i&n 'i#e.> $L0< "o t)e A#erican consul*s !efense of !iplo#atic i##unity is not tenable because un!er t)e international law !iplo#atic i##unity are only t)e sovereigns or )ea!s of states a#bassa!ors #inisters #inisters resi!ent but not t)e consuls'

t)ose w)o en+oy plenipotentiary an!

F&r%$# 8 44 One Sen#en'e TRA0 f&r%$# , !i#)&(# ,e'ifi' S0 .e'i i&n 'i#e., !i#)&(# YES NNO>

L$0% T)e A#erican consul*s !efense of !iplo#atic i##unity is not tenable because un!er t)ose w)o en+oy plenipotentiary an! !iplo#atic i##unity are only t)e sovereigns or )ea!s of states #inisters resi!ent but not t)e consuls' t)e international law #inisters a#bassa!ors


0ASE PROBLEM 0ALLING FOR A QUALIFIED ANSWER A little twist or chan#e of fact, if so stated, would ha"e called for a definite An Q / )) state$ent with IC, H>7HEHR

(his -uestion calls for a +H& or 9> answer.

answerO howe"er, the facts of the proble$ lac% that essential detail or details that could ha"e called for only one definite answer. Cor this reason, it is better for the eMa$inee to #i"e a -ualified answer. IC for$at is su##ested, if appropriate. In so$e instances, the use of !R>EIDHD after the Q / )) state$ent, or introducin# the answer with I( DH!H9D& helps. A +es /9o with -ualification for$at is also su##ested.

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QUESTION A, , :('C3:)+. 623-('+2, *+,2'- )1,) 1+ 3- ,*2+,.A (C+2-),A3'9 3' F,3* @+:,5-+ 13- F,3* 95,2. 71( 1,66+'- )( @+ *,7 -)5.+') ,.C3-+. 134 )1,) )1+2+ 3- '( 4(2+ *+9,* 92(5'. 8(2 13- :(')3'5+. 34623-('4+'), ,'. )1+ F,3* 95,2. )(*. 134 )1,) 1+ :,' 9(. I- )1+2+ , :234+ :(443))+.;

NAnalysis: $n t)is case w)o is:are t)e target of )aving co##itte! a cri#e t)e prisoner t)e guar! or bot)O An! w)at cri#e or cri#esO 9as t)e prisoner alrea!y escape! as a!vise! by t)e guar!O Obviously t)ese are not clearly given in t)e proble# )ence t)e nee! of a -ualifie! answer'3 QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER F&r%$# 7 44 ( in* O N 44 #$#e%en# !i#) IF N HOWE1ER4IF f&r%$#> L "o cri#e is co##itte! by A if )e !oes not leave t)e +ail' known as evasion of sentence w)ile t)e guar! can be )el! liable for Consi!ering t)at 9owever if A gets out of +ail )e co##its a cri#e infi!elity in t)e custo!y of t)e cri#inal' )e cannot in t)e sa#e

A was sentence! to i#prison#ent after accor!ing )i# !ue process of law

#easure be release! even assu#ing )e in!ee! excee!e! t)e perio! of )is sentence process eit)er a!#inistratively or +u!icially' QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER F&r%$# : 44 ( in* I# De,en. N IF O HOWE1ER IF f&r%$#, : ,$r$*r$,) > L0A $t !epen!s' $f A !oes not leave t)e +ail Consi!ering t)at A was sentence! to

wit)out going t)roug) a legal

no cri#e is co##itte!' 9owever if A gets out of +ail for infi!elity in t)e

)e co##its a cri#e of t)e cri#inal' in t)e sa#e

known as evasion of sentence w)ile t)e guar! can be )el! liable


i#prison#ent after accor!ing )i# !ue process of law

)e cannot

#easure be release! even assu#ing )e in!ee! excee!e! t)e perio! of )is sentence process eit)er a!#inistratively or +u!icially' QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER =F&r%$# / 44 ( in* I# De,en. N IF O H&!eEer4IF f&r%$# , 7 ,$r$*r$,)> L0B $t !epen!s' cri#inal' $f A !oes not leave t)e +ail no cri#e is co##itte!'

wit)out going t)roug) a legal


if A gets out of +ail )e cannot

)e in

co##its a cri#e known as evasion of sentence w)ile t)e guar! can be )el! liable for infi!elity in t)e custo!y of t)e Consi!ering t)at A was sentence! to i#prison#ent after accor!ing )i# !ue process of law of )is sentence t)e sa#e #easure be release! even assu#ing )e in!ee! excee!e! t)e perio! t)roug) a legal process eit)er a!#inistratively or +u!icially' wit)out going

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ANOTHER EKAMPLE OF A QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER QUESTION: M,A , 4,223+. 7(4,' +'9,9+ 3' :(44+2:+ 73)1(5) )1+ :('-+') (8 1+2 15-@,'.;

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER =F&r%$# 7 44 ( in* $ Ye &r N& O Pr&Ei.e. N If f&r%$#> L$ Pes a #arrie! wo#an #ay engage in co##erce provi!e! s)e )as all t)e -ualifications because Art' @6 of t)e %a#ily Co!e expressly provi!es t)at even wit)out t)e consent of )er )usban! eit)er spouse #ay exercise

any legiti#ate profession occupation business or activity wit)out t)e consent of t)e ot)er' Un!er public policy t)e law a person #ay engage in business if one is of legal age )as capacity to enter into contract an! #orals an!

is not suffering t)e penalty of civil inter!iction t)e nature of t)e business engage! in is not against t)e law an! t)e ob+ect of t)e business is wit)in t)e co##erce of #en'

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER F&r%$# : 44 ( in* Ye &r N& N Pr&Ei.e. f&r%$# P 7 PARAGRAPH> L$0A Pes a #arrie! wo#an #ay engage in co##erce provi!e! s)e )as all t)e -ualifications even wit)out t)e consent of )er )usban!' profession Un!er Art' @6 of t)e %a#ily Co!e U<it)er spouse #ay exercise any legiti#ate occupation business or activity wit)out t)e consent of t)e ot)er'5

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER F&r%$# / 44 ( in* Affir%$#iEeNNe*$#iEe L$0B A #arrie! wo#an #ay engage consent of )er profession )usban!' Un!er Art' in co##erce @6 of provi!e! s)e )as all t)e -ualifications even wit)out t)e legiti#ate t)e %a#ily Co!e 4 <it)er spouse #ay exercise any #$#e%en# in +ie( &f Ye NN& O Pr&Ei.e. f&r%$# P 7 PARAGRAPH>

occupation business or activity wit)out t)e consent of t)e ot)er'5

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER F&r%$# A 44 ( in* I# De,en. N Pr&Ei.e. N H&!eEer f&r%$#, : &r / ,$r$*r$,) >

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$L0C $t !epen!s' A )as all t)e #arrie! wo#an #ay engage in co##erce an! even wit)out t)e consent of )er )usban! provi!e! s)e


9owever s)e #ay not engage in co##erce if s)e !oes not possess all t)e -ualifications

prescribe! by law or )er )usban!*s ob+ection t)ereto is base! on vali! serious an! #oral groun!s' Un!er Art' @6 of t)e %a#ily Co!e it is expressly state! t)at 4eit)er spouse #ay exercise any legiti#ate

profession occupation business or activity wit)out t)e consent of t)e ot)er'5 ANOTHER EKAMPLE OF A QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER 9>(H* Ci"il 2aw -uestion M,A , 15-@,'. C,*3.*A (@F+:) )1,) 13- 738+ +'9,9+ 3' @5-3'+--; QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER =F&r%$# 7 44 ( in* $ Ye &r N& N Pr&Ei.e. f&r%$#> L$$ Pes t)e )usban! #ay ob+ect t)at )is wife engage in business provi!e! )e )as vali! serious an! #oral groun!s' Un!er proper t)e %a#ily Co!e in case of !isagree#ent t)e court s)all !eci!e w)et)er or not t)e ob+ection is

an! t)e benefit

)as occurre! prior to t)e ob+ection or t)ereafter' $f t)e benefit accrue! prior to t)e ob+ection

t)e resulting obligation s)all be enforce! against t)e separate property of spouse w)o )as not obtaine! consent= but t)e rig)ts of t)e cre!itor w)o acte! in goo! fait) s)all not be pre+u!ice!'

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER =F&r%$# : 44 ( in* Affir%$#iEeNNe*$#iEe #$#e%en# in +ie( &f $ Ye NN& , L$$0A T)e )usban! #ay ob+ect t)at )is wife engage in business provi!e! )e )as vali! serious an! #oral groun!s' Un!er proper t)e %a#ily Co!e in case of !isagree#ent t)e court s)all !eci!e w)et)er or not t)e ob+ection is !i#) Pr&Ei.e. f&r%$#>

an! t)e benefit

)as occurre! prior to t)e ob+ection or t)ereafter' $f t)e benefit accrue! prior to t)e ob+ection

t)e resulting obligation s)all be enforce! against t)e separate property of spouse w)o )as not obtaine! consent= but t)e rig)ts of t)e cre!itor w)o acte! in goo! fait) s)all not be pre+u!ice!'

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER =F&r%$# / 44 ( in* I# De,en. , f&++&!e. 3- $ffir%$#iEe $n. #)en ne*$#iEe f&r%$#> L$$0B $t !epen!s'

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Un!er t)e %a#ily Co!e t)e )usban! #ay vali!ly ob+ect t)at )is wife engage in business provi!e! )e )as vali! serious an! #oral groun!s' $n t)e absence of any suc) groun! t)e )usban! \s ob+ection will not )ave any legal effect to bar )is wife*s co##ercial engage#ent' ,oreover in case of !isagree#ent t)e court s)all !eci!e t)e benefit w)et)er or not t)e ob+ection is proper an!

)as occurre! prior to t)e ob+ection or t)ereafter' $f t)e benefit accrue! prior to t)e ob+ection t)e resulting

obligation s)all be enforce! against t)e separate property of spouse w)o )as not obtaine! consent= but t)e rig)ts of t)e cre!itor w)o acte! in goo! fait) s)all not be pre+u!ice!'

ANOTHER EKAMPLE OF A PROBLEM 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER: QUESTION: A @53*.3'9 3- (7'+. @A Y. H+ -)(2+- -(4+ 4,:13'+23+- 3'-3.+ )1+ @53*.3'9. H+ 1,- 5-+. )1+ @53*.3'9 ,- , :(**,)+2,* )( , *(,' ,'. 3- :(C+2+. @A , :1,))+* 4(2)9,9+. T1+ 4,:13'+23+- ,2+ *3B+73-+ 4(2)9,9+. ,'. :(C+2+. @A , :1,))+* 4(2)9,9+, 713:1 3- .5*A 2+93-)+2+.. Y -+**- )1+ *,'. ,'. )1+ @53*.3'9 ,'. 4,:13'+23+- )1+2+3' )( &, )1+ *,))+2 '() B'(73'9 )1+ :1,))+* 4(2)9,9+-. #,$ I- & @(5'. @A )1+ :1,))+* 4(2)9,9+ (' )1+ @53*.3'9;

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER =F&r%$# 7 44 ( in* $ Ye &r N& N Q($+ifi'$#i&n f&r%$#>

L$$$ "o t)e c)attel #ortgage on t)e buil!ing is not bin!ing on J' #ortgage is voi! fro# t)e very beginning' T)e reason is obvious' As far as J is concerne! t)e contract of c)attel

Un!er t)e C)attel ,ortgage Law only c)attels or

personalty #ay be t)e ob+ect of a contract of c)attel #ortgage' A buil!ing is certainly not a c)attel or personalty' $t is a realty by incorporation= )ence it cannot be t)e proper ob+ect of a c)attel #ortgage' $n so#e cases !eci!e! by t)e Supre#e Court it )as been )el! t)at t)e contract of c)attel #ortgage applying t)e principle of estoppel is bin!ing' 9owever t)is rule can be applie! only to a situation or controversy involving t)e contracting parties only' $t cannot be applie! to J w)o is a t)ir! person as far as t)e c)attel #ortgage is concerne!'

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER F&r%$# : 44 ( in* Ye NN& !i#) Q($+ifi'$#i&n 44 !i#) $ +i*)# %&.ifi'$#i&n> L$$$0A

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As far as J is concerne! t)e contract of c)attel Un!er t)e C)attel ,ortgage Law only c)attels or "o t)e c)attel #ortgage on t)e buil!ing is not bin!ing on J' #ortgage is voi! fro# t)e very beginning' T)e reason is obvious'

personalty #ay be t)e ob+ect of a contract of c)attel #ortgage' A buil!ing is certainly not a c)attel or personalty' $t is a realty by incorporation= )ence it cannot be t)e proper ob+ect of a c)attel #ortgage' Alt)oug) in so#e cases !eci!e! by t)e Supre#e Court it )as been )el! t)at t)e contract of c)attel #ortgage applying t)e principle of estoppel is bin!ing concerne!' t)is rule )owever can be applie! only to a situation or controversy involving t)e contracting parties only' $t cannot be applie! to J w)o is a t)ir! person as far as t)e c)attel #ortgage contract is

QUESTION 0ALLING FOR QUALIFIED ANSWER F&r%$# / 44 ( in* Affir%$#iEeNNe*$#iEe %&.ifi'$#i&n> L$$$0B T)e c)attel #ortgage on t)e buil!ing is not bin!ing on J' #ortgage is voi! fro# t)e very beginning' T)e reason is obvious' As far as J is concerne! t)e contract of c)attel Un!er t)e C)attel ,ortgage Law only c)attels or #$#e%en# in +ie( &f Ye NN&, !i#) Q($+ifi'$#i&n 4$n. !i#) $ +i*)#

personalty #ay be t)e ob+ect of a contract of c)attel #ortgage' A buil!ing is certainly not a c)attel or personalty' $t is a realty by incorporation= )ence it cannot be t)e proper ob+ect of a c)attel #ortgage' Alt)oug) in so#e cases !eci!e! by t)e Supre#e Court it )as been )el! t)at t)e contract of c)attel #ortgage applying t)e principle of estoppel is bin!ing concerne!' ANOTHER EKAMPLE: #@$ I- & @(5'. @A )1+ :1,))+* 4(2)9,9+ (' )1+ 4,:13'+23+-; S(**e #e. $n !er =F&r%$# 7 44 ( in* Ye &r N& N Q($+ifi'$#i&n f&r%$#>: $C Pes t)e c)attel #ortgage on t)e #ac)ineries is bin!ing on J' T)e contract of c)attel #ortgage is certainly vali! an! bin!ing not only as far as t)e contracting parties are concerne! but even as far as t)ir! persons are concerne! #ore so if t)e c)attel #ortgage is registere! wit) t)e proper govern#ent office' True un!er t)e Civil Co!e #ac)ineries are classifie! as real property but t)is is so only w)en t)ey are by P t)is rule )owever can be applie! only to a situation or controversy involving t)e contracting parties only' $t cannot be applie! to J w)o is a t)ir! person as far as t)e c)attel #ortgage contract is

inten!e! by t)e owner of t)e tene#ent for an in!ustry or works w)ic) #ay be carrie! on in a buil!ing or on a piece of lan! an! w)ic) ten! !irectly to #eet t)e nee!s of sai! in!ustry or works' 9ere t)e #ac)ineries are #erely store! in )is buil!ing' T)erefore t)ey are still classifie! as c)attel or personalty for t)e purpose of t)e C)attel ,ortgage Law'

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S(**e #e. $n !er =F&r%$# : 44 ( in* Affir%$#iEeNNe*$#iEe #$#e%en# in +ie( &f Ye NN& , !i#) Q($+ifi'$#i&n f&r%$#>:

$C0A T)e c)attel #ortgage on t)e #ac)ineries is bin!ing on J' T)e contract of c)attel #ortgage is certainly vali! an! bin!ing not only as far as t)e contracting parties are concerne! but even as far as t)ir! persons are concerne! #ore so if t)e c)attel #ortgage is registere! wit) t)e proper govern#ent office' True un!er t)e Civil Co!e #ac)ineries are classifie! as real property an! w)ic) ten! !irectly to #eet t)e nee!s of sai! in!ustry or works' but t)is is so only w)en t)ey are #erely store! by P

inten!e! by t)e owner of t)e tene#ent for an in!ustry or works w)ic) #ay be carrie! on in a buil!ing or on a piece of lan! 9ere t)e #ac)ineries are in )is buil!ing' T)erefore t)ey are still classifie! as c)attel or personalty for t)e purpose of t)e C)attel ,ortgage Law'

HOW WILL YOU ANSWER IF THE QUESTION IS PHRASED LIBE THIS: A2+ )1+ :1,))+* 4(2)9,9+- (' )1+ @53*.3'9 ,'. 4,:13'+23+- @3'.3'9 (' &; S(**e #e. $n !er C $t !epen!s' T)e c)attel #ortgage on t)e buil!ing is not bin!ing on J' #ortgage is voi! fro# t)e very beginning because As far as J is concerne! t)e contract of c)attel

un!er t)e C)attel ,ortgage Law only c)attels or personalty #ay be t)e

ob+ect of a contract of c)attel #ortgage' A buil!ing is certainly not a c)attel or personalty' $t is a realty by incorporation= )ence it cannot be t)e proper ob+ect of a c)attel #ortgage' T)e only instance w)en sai! #ortgage is bin!ing on J is w)en )e is a party to t)e sai! c)attel #ortgage' $t is !ifferent in t)e case of t)e c)attel #ortgage on t)e #ac)ineries' T)e contract of c)attel #ortgage is certainly vali! an! bin!ing not only as far as t)e contracting parties are concerne! but even as far as t)ir! persons are concerne! even if t)ey )ave no knowle!ge about it if t)e c)attel #ortgage is registere! wit) t)e proper govern#ent office' True un!er t)e Civil Co!e #ac)ineries are classifie! as real property !irectly to #eet t)e nee!s of sai! in!ustry or works' buil!ing' T)erefore but only w)en t)ey are inten!e! by t)e by P in )is

owner of t)e tene#ent for an in!ustry or works w)ic) #ay be carrie! on in a buil!ing or on a piece of lan! an! w)ic) ten! 9ere t)e #ac)ineries are #erely store! t)ese are still classifie! as c)attels or personalty for t)e purpose of t)e C)attel ,ortgage Law'

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PROBLEMS 0ALLING FOR ALTERNATI1E ANSWERS but t)ere is a nee! to present bot) si!es in case t)ere are

T)is kin! of -uestion is actually answerable by P<S or "O appear to be correct' FIRST METHOD OF ALTERNATI1E ANSWER .' 2' 6' 8'

conflicting t)eories opinions or sc)ools of t)oug)t on t)e sub+ect by so#e legal aut)orities w)ic) by t)e#selves #ay

T)e first paragrap) contains t)e state#ent t)at t)ere are !ifferent views applicable to t)e case' T)e secon! paragrap) will present t)e first view' T)e t)ir! paragrap) will present t)e ot)er view usually t)at w)ic) is #ost accepte! or t)at wit) w)ic) you concur' T)e fourt) paragrap) will in!icate to w)ic) view you subscribe' /"ote: T)is #ay for# part of t)e t)ir! paragrap)'1

QUESTION M,''A B3**+. 13- 738+ 5'.+2 +?:+6)3(',* :32:54-),':+- ,'. 7,- -+')+':+. @A )1+ R+93(',* T23,* C(52) (8 D,956,' C3)A )( -588+2 )1+ 6+',*)A (8 .+-)3+22( .523'9 713:1 1+ 7,- '() )( +')+2 )1+ :3)A. M,''A 7+') )( D,956,' C3)A )( C3-3) 13- 823+'.- ,'. 13- 62(6+2)A. ALTERNATI1E ANSWER FORMAT: F&r%$# 7 = +if#e. fr&% $'#($+ $n !er > .' T)e first paragrap) contains t)e state#ent t)at t)ere are !ifferent views applicable to t)e case' e'g' T)ere )ave been !ifferent views as regar!s t)e i#position of t)e penalty of !estierro upon t)e offen!er w)o kille! )is spouse un!er exceptional circu#stances' 2' T)e secon! paragrap) will present t)e first view' e'g' %irstly t)e i#position of !estierro un!er suc) a case s)oul! not be regar!e! as a penalty to t)e offen!er' $t )as been sub#itte! t)at t)e sa#e is #erely for t)e protection of t)e convicte! offen!er against possible retaliatory acts of t)e relatives of )is victi#' $n t)is case t)erefore ,anny cannot be sai! to )ave co##itte! a cri#e' 6' T)e t)ir! paragrap) will present t)e ot)er view usually t)at w)ic) is #ost accepte! or t)at wit) w)ic) you concur' e'g' On t)e ot)er )an! w)ere it woul! be consi!ere! t)at t)e !estierro i#pose! is a penalty w)ic) is clearly provi!e! in t)e law wit)out any -ualification ,anny co##itte! t)e cri#e of evasion of service of sentence since )e entere! wit)in t)e prescribe! area of )is banis)#ent' 8' T)e fourt) paragrap) will in!icate to w)ic) view you subscribe' /t)is #ay for# part of t)e t)ir! paragrap)1 e'g' $ subscribe to t)e secon! view' =F&r%$# 7 4 f&++&!in* #)e ,re'* #r('#(re &f #)e $n !er> C$ T)ere )ave been !ifferent views as regar!s t)e i#position of t)e penalty of !estierro upon t)e offen!er w)o kille! )is spouse un!er exceptional circu#stances' L,)+2, 1(7+C+2, D3. M,''A :(443) ,'A :234+;

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University of Cebu College of Law
On one )an! offen!er' $t )as cri#e' On t)e ot)er )an! w)ere it woul! be consi!ere! t)at t)e !estierro i#pose! is a penalty w)ic) is clearly been

UCLASS Bar Operations

t)e i#position of !estierro un!er suc) a case s)oul! not be regar!e! as a penalty to t)e t)e sa#e is #erely for t)e protection of t)e convicte! offen!er against

sub#itte! t)at

possible retaliatory acts of t)e relatives of )is victi#' $n t)is case t)erefore ,anny cannot be sai! to )ave co##itte! a

provi!e! in t)e law wit)out any -ualification

,anny co##itte! t)e cri#e of evasion of service of sentence since )e

entere! wit)in t)e prescribe! area of )is banis)#ent' $ subscribe to t)e secon! view' ALTERNATI1E ANSWER =F&r%$# : C Ye NN& !i#) 3rief %en#i&n &f #)e &#)er Eie! &r #)e&r->

C$0A Pes ,anny co##itte! t)e cri#e of evasion of service of sentence' Aespite t)e contrary view by so#e legal t)eorists un!er t)e Revise! &enal Co!e of t)e &)ilippines !estierro is a kin! of penalty w)ic) is expressly provi!e! in t)e law wit)out any -ualification' $n t)is case ,anny entere! t)e place fro# w)ic) )e was banis)e! by t)e court wit)out any clearance

or aut)ority fro# t)e sa#e court' 9e is t)erefore liable for t)e cri#e of evasion of service of sentence '

ALTERNATI1E ANSWER =F&r%$# / C Wi#)&(# Ye NN& 3(# &n+- #)e Affir%$#iEe &r Ne*$#iEe Eie! &r #)e&r-> #$#e%en#, !i#) 3rief %en#i&n &f #)e &#)er

C$0B ,anny co##itte! t)e cri#e of evasion of service of sentence' Aespite t)e contrary view by so#e legal t)eorists un!er t)e Revise! &enal Co!e of t)e &)ilippines !estierro is a kin! of penalty w)ic) is expressly provi!e! in t)e law wit)out any -ualification' $n t)is case ,anny entere! t)e place fro# w)ic) )e was banis)e! by t)e court wit)out any clearance

or aut)ority fro# t)e sa#e court' 9e is t)erefore liable for t)e cri#e of evasion of service of sentence '

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University of Cebu College of Law UCLASS Bar Operations
WORBSHOP EHer'i e in: 1. A'-7+23'9 E5+-)3('2. A',*AG3'9 E5+-)3('/. C23)3E53'9 ,'-7+2C is a general partner of CPJ Co' T is a cre!itor to bot) C an! CPC Co' partners)ip' in t)e a#ount of &.FF FFF an! upon !e#an! by

C T pai! )i# t)e su# of &.FF FFF' )i# as pay#ent of T*s

Upon learning of t)is !evelop#ent partners P an! J !e#an!e! fro# C t)at t)e entire C refuse! reasoning t)at t)e entire a#ount s)oul! go to pay#ent' $s C*s

su# of &.FF FFF pai! by T be re#itte! to t)e contention correctO ?)yO

!ebt to )i# /C1 since )e was t)e one w)o !e#an!e! for an! collecte! t)e

AA a passenger in a vessel belonging to CC Co' an! w)ose na#e in t)e passenger #anifest on its voyage

Eanuary . 2FF6 T)e

was a#ong t)ose w)o !ie! w)en t)e vessel capsi7e! as a result of t)e allege! negligence of its crew'

co#plaint for !a#ages was file! on April 6F 2FFD by AA*s )eirs' $t is now conten!e! by CC Co' t)at t)e action is alrea!y barre! by t)e statute of li#itations because it is one for recovery of !a#ages w)ic) is not base! on a written contract' $s t)is contention correctO Reason' && took possession of a parcel of unregistere! lan! belonging to ,, in goo! fait) an! by virtue of a +ust title on Eune .; .DGD' <xactly D years afterwar!s on Eune .; .DDG )e beca#e aware of certain facts w)ic) s)ow t)at )e was in possession of t)e lan! wrongfully' $n a case file! by ,, against && on %ebruary .; 2FFD )e conten!e! t)at 6F years fro# Eune .; .DGD was nee!e! before && coul! be consi!ere! as t)e lawful owner of t)e property in -uestion by prescription' $s ,,*s contention tenableO Reason'

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