The Branding of MathRiders

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The MathRiders Brand Book

Brand Identity Guidelines

Building the Brand

MathRiders is an extra-curricula mathematical program for students aged 4-18. Through MathRiders the students improve math grades and increase their chances to succeed in the real world. The theme of fun and energy is projected throughout the program, as well as the brand story. Our ultimate goal is to build one clear and strong brand (a name and associated symbols) that our audiences equate with fun and liveliness, combined with high quality and innovation. Every time our company appears in print or online, we have an opportunity to reinforce the attributes associated with the MathRiders brand. Thats why it is essential that the brand is presented correctly and consistently whenever it appears. We have developed these graphic guidelines to help achieve the consistent implementation of the MathRiders identity worldwide. Following the guidelines will help make our company instantly recognizable to all our audiences - students, parents, franchisees, the general public and the MathRiders team. Whats more, consistent implementation of the MathRiders brand will strengthen our association with quality as the company expands into other markets and industry sectors. How to Use this Guide This guide is intended for everyone who is involved in preparing the MathRiders communication package, including our marketing specialists, business partners, advertising and PR agencies. By following these guidelines carefully, the MathRiders brand identity will have both a consistent style and create the necessary impact.

Brand Identity The Logo Dynamic Logos Incorrect Reproduction Exclusion Zone Minimum Size Black & White Tagline Colour Palette Background Colour Background Don'ts Typeface Brand Relationship Key Visual Stationary Letterhead A4 Letterhead Word Template Facsimile Envelope Business Cards E-signature General Labels Company Cars - bumper stickers Compliment Slips
006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 018 019

Collateral Presentation Portfolio Flyer A5 Flyer PPT DVD and CD Rom Centre Sign Entrance Door Sign Inner Door Sign Advertisements Adverts Inside Banners Billboard Website Home Page Mouse Over Position Internal Page Mathjogs Template

036 039 041 042 044 045 046 047

050 054 057

022 023 024 025 026 030 032 033 034

060 062 063 064

Brand Identity

The Logo



Our logo is the primary visual expression of the MathRiders brand. It incorporates elements of the brand in the simplest, most memorable way. The new logo is intended to visually represent a powerful combination of fun, energy and liveliness. The logo consists of two elements - the logotype (name of the brand) and the shadow of the child. This differentiates our new logo in the marketplace. In every situation and on every product, the logo appears as one complete creative unit. Neither of the elements should be used in isolation. The logotype is a distinct design that cannot be reproduced using standard typefaces. The relation between the icon - a child jumping in the air above the logotype - and the logotype, will always remain consistent. The shadow of the child will always appear above the letter E of the logotype. Re-drawing or misusage of our logo will dilute and weaken the impression of our brand. Following the guidelines in this document will ensure consistent representation.

Dynamic Logo

In line with todays fast-paced and modern world, particularly the youth, the MathRiders logo is also dynamic and ever-changing. The brand incorporates six logo variations; whereby each logo will stand alone, while applied across different mediums. Nevertheless, the relation between the child and the logotype will always remain consistent. The aim is to create a dynamic, ever-changing, interesting and energetic logo. In order to keep a strong and effective brand, the logotype will always remain as a primary colour - green - and the shadow of the children will alternate between three different secondary colours (red, orange and purple). However, regardless of the colour of the child, it will always appear above the letter E of the logotype.

Incorrect Reproduction




When using the logotype, knowing what not to do is as important as knowing what to do. Examples of logo misuse are shown above: A- Never change the proportional relationship of the logotype and the shadow. B- Never use the logo without its trademark. C- Never represent the logo in different colours. D- Never distort the logo. E- Never represent the logo from a distorted angle. F- Never redraw/re-design the logo in any way.

Exclusion Zone

2/3x 2/3x 2/3x

In order to represent the logo with a stand-alone look, an exclusion zone has been defined. This exclusion zone refers to the area surrounding the logo and must be kept free of graphics, text and other logos. Whenever possible, exclusion zone dimensions should be increased so that the impact of the logo can be maximized.

Minimum Size

28mm / 1.1024in

To ensure good quality reproduction of the logo, it must never be used in a format where the width of the logotype is smaller than 28mm or 1.1024 inches. This ensures legibility across a variety of applications.

Black & White Logo

Always ensure the black of the logo is 100%; no grey variations may be used. The black and white version of the logo may only be used on documents that are to be output in black and white, and in adverts for publications which are to be printed in black and white. The logotype may also be knocked-out in white on a black background.



The tagline - MathRiders = Success - will appear as a standalone element, as far away from the logo as possible. The tagline will follow a defined grid, aligned to the logo. For example, should the logo be aligned to the right, so would the tagline. The tagline will always appear in Tahoma Regular, grey (85% black) and the precise measurement will always be 120% of the logo width.

MathRiders=Success2 120%

Colour Palette

MathRiders Green Pantone 369c HTML 58A618 C- 59 M- 0 Y- 100 K- 7 R- 109 G- 179 B- 63

MathRiders Orange Pantone 172c HTML F9461C C- 0 M- 66 Y- 88 K-0 R- 244 G- 120 B- 54

MathRiders Purple Pantone 259c HTML 6E267B C- 55 M- 100 Y- 0 K- 15 R- 120 G- 29 B- 126

MathRiders Red Pantone 186c HTML C60C30 C- 0 M- 100 Y- 81 K- 4 R- 227 G- 24 B- 54

The colour palette is an essential tool that helps project a strong and consistent image. The MathRiders colour palette has been designed to be as bright and vibrant as possible across all applications. The primary colour of the brand is green and consists of a large percentage of yellow tints. The secondary colours are orange, red and purple, which work in harmony with the green. All colours do not necessarily need to be depicted on every product and the variety ensures a uniqueness which represents the brand.

Background Colour




The logo works best on a white background. Should the logo need to be implemented on a coloured background, the following would apply: A- The logo may be used on a grey background (no more than 25% black). B- The logo may be used on a coloured background using the primary colour green. The logotype will be white and the child will be red, purple or orange. C- The logo may be used on a different coloured background using the secondary colours (red, orange, purple). The logotype and child must be either completely black or completely white.

Background Don'ts




A- Never place the logo over a photograph. B- Never place the logo over a graphic pattern. C- Never place the logo over any colourized background.

Vag Rounded Light: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Vag Rounded Bold: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

Vag Rounded typeface has been selected as the MathRiders logo typeface. It must be used in all our pre-printed communication such as: folders, brochures, advertising, signage, exhibitions, etc. In the MathRiders brand we are using two weights light and bold. This font may not be distorted or altered in any way.

Tahoma Regular: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Tahoma Bold: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
Tahoma Italic: TahomaABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890
Secondary typefaces: We have chosen Tahoma as the MathRiders secondary typeface. It is a friendly and contemporary font which compliments the main font - Vag Rounded. Tahoma must be used in all our pre-printed communication such as: folders, brochures, advertising, signage, exhibitions, etc. This font may not be distorted or altered in any way.

Brand Relationship

An additional brand exists within the MathRiders brand - Mathjogs - a learning program aimed at children aged 4-11. The Mathjogs program includes various learning materials, which will incorporate the MathRiders logo as well as the Mathjogs logo.

Key Visual

The Key Visual originates from a splash, built from a composition of squares taken from math booklets combined with numbers and mathematical elements. Together they represent movement and energy. The splash features images of children jumping, adding a human aspect of fun and liveliness. A rough texture, raster, appears on top of the logo and image as a design effect. It unites the elements, adding a youthful dimension, while connecting between the Key Visual and the logo. The Key Visual appears on different elements of the brand in different variations. It is the visual language, which leads the MathRiders brand.


Letterhead A4
Correspondence with third parties should be on the brand letterhead or facsimile paper. It should always comply with the layout shown in this section and printed on 100% white paper. The logo will appear in the header of the letterhead and the company details will appear in the footer. The company details will be in Tahoma Regular font, size 8 pt., grey (85% black). The right, left and bottom margins will be 15mm, the baseline of the logo will be 33mm from the top edge of the page. The first line of text will be 75mm from the top edge of the page and will appear in Tahoma Regular font.

33mm / 1.2992in

43mm / 1.6929in 75mm / 2.9528in

Dear John

Re facil in et ullum duissi. Hent lorerostio odipis nos dolut in eliqui te min vel dolobore del eniat wismod tat voluptat. Duisim velis nos dolum enim nos nosto odiat at. Ut vel inis nulla at venim zzrit vent wismolo rpercilit aliscipit irilla facip enim verat. Duis augait, velis dolore facidunt lore digna feui blandit ipsum veliquat niam vullandrem zzriure tatue con veratummy numsandreet inciliquat etum velissis nim quate tatum dolut nim eu feu facipis duissendre dolorem inci eu faciliq uismolorpero odoloreros aut nos amet, quis aute feum et nos do dolumsandre tat, vulla feuguer si essit ipisis dolore magnim irilism olobore dionsecte veliquatis etUtpatem voloreros num quat lamet, quisl iurero ex exero dolese etue veraesto dolortis eugiam, core magnim quam quis dolor susto exer sequatie dip exeratem quis nulputpate con ullaor alit, conum at ut in ero dit, corperci blandreet dolorem quismol eniat, consend iatuerosto consequisi tatie volortin essim alit praesequat ex eum velisit lorerostrud tatisl er ipit lor iriusto elit wis dit praessed magniam eugiamet lor sit alismod dolor se esto odolor si. Utem quisl iriurem il iriuscip eugiat prat. Ut ullut eraesto dignisi sciliquisse feu facilit aliquis eum inci erostrud ea at veliquatis nulput dipsumsan ercillam ing et prat dignibh el utat, quam augiam, quat tionsed modigniam zzril do duipsustie mincincin ut velis eraessi. On ea faci eros adit et veliscinim volore exeriliquat autatum venis dolorpe rcipsum am, venim duis acilit, suscin ulputpat nibh ea con volorperat eugait num in eum dolobore tionsequi bla facing eu faciduis elis at nis augiamet, sustrud et nis dolore commodignim dunt in vulput eui ex elendipit landreet num am delit, quam, qui bla consed deliqui te vel il ipsum er acinim accum quisim vulputat. Luptatem quam, sed modolor summodolore magniam zzriure etum quatet ad tet aciduisit volore dipisit vel ip eugiamet, con heniam, sustie tate ming eugiam, commy nit praestrud tet adigna conulla feu feugiat ad ex et volor alit laore venim zzriurem doluptat. Er si blan eu facing ercilla alismod ionsectem iriure faciduip euguerit velestie feuguer ostionum vel ing enibh erostionse vulput exer inis nonsequat, quis dunt erci essed te miniat, quip ea core del et, vent aliquissit vel irilla facilis cillan ut nullamet non henisi. Uptat. Cum vel ullam, quat, quipis amet, conulla core eugiamconum verci eu feugue dio dolor secte faccum aci euguer sumsandreet et nullaortin ver in ex er aliquam consendre tio digna feugiam verosto core ming exeraestrud dolorem vullamet prat, commy nos alis acincil iquisl

15mm / 0.5906in

15mm / 0.5906in

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name

Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)2-1234567

15mm / 0.5906in

Letterhead Word Template

The Word template is created for in-house printing purposes only, on 100% white paper, with high-quality colours. There are certain parameters which need to be adhered to: Margins and graphics may not touch the edges of the page. Black-and-white printing requires the use of the facsimile template. Company details will be written in Tahoma Regular, 8 pt., grey (85% black). The right, left and bottom margins will be 15mm, the baseline of the logo will be 33mm from the top edge of the page. The first line of text will be 75mm from the top edge of the page and will appear in Tahoma Regular font.

33mm / 1.2992in

15mm / 0.5906in

15mm / 0.5906in

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name

Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)2-1234567

15mm / 0.5906in

Facsimile correspondence will always be written on the MathRiders Facsimile paper and must comply with the following.
33mm / 1.2992in

This template is to be used when black and white printing is necessary. The logo will always be 100% black (greys are not to be used). The company details will appear in the footer, also in 100% black. All other rules regarding margins and sizes are identical to the instructions of the coloured template.

15mm / 0.5906in

15mm / 0.5906in

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name

Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)2-1234567

15mm / 0.5906in


15mm / 0.5906in

15mm / 0.5906in

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code, Country Name

Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)2-1234567

15mm / 0.5906in

The envelope size is 110 x 230mm and is printed on 100% white paper in high quality. The margins are 15mm wide with no graphics. Graphics consist of: a 33mm wide logo, the company details presented in three rows using Tahoma, size 8 pt., grey (85% black) and a graphical splash element (coloured squares and numbers).

Business Cards
Business cards are an important personal representation of the MathRiders brand to customers and business relations and should be consistent and printed professionally. The cards will always be horizontal, size 50 x 90mm. The bottom and top margins will be 5mm; a grey (85% black) line will separate the card in the middle, without going beyond the top and bottom margins. The logo will appear in the left hand side of the card. The logo is 33mm wide, 21mm from the bottom edge of the card. There will be 5.5mm spacing between the logo and the left edge of the card. 6mm spacing will remain between the logo and the separation line. On the right hand side of the card personal details will appear. The name will be displayed in Tahoma Bold, size 6 pt., in MathRiders green. The job title will appear below in Tahoma Regular, size 6 pt., also in MathRiders green. Leave the equivalent of two lines of text and insert the company address. Leave one line of space and insert the employee's personal details. The item description (tel, fax, etc) will be in Tahoma Bold and the employee's details will be in Tahoma Regular. At the bottom of the card the web address in Tahoma Bold will appear. All text will be in size 6 pt., grey (85% black). On the back of the card, the coloured splash - taken from the Key Visual - will appear. Every employee will have a different logo on their business card, alternating between the six logo options previously described. The background colour on the back of the business card will be identical to the colour of the child on the front of the card. This will give each employee a unique identity while portraying a dynamic and colourful brand.

5mm / 0.1969in

Full Name Job Title

5.5mm / 0.2165in 1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567

Full Name Job Title

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567

33mm / 1.2992in

21mm / 0.8268in 5mm / 0.1969in 6mm / 0.2362in 5mm / 0.1969in

Full Name Job Title

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567

Full Name Job Title

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567

Full Name Job Title

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567

Full Name Job Title

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567

E - Signature

33mm / 1.2992in

11mm / 0.4331in

Full Name l Job Title 1234 Street Name, City Name l Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 l Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567 l

MathRiders = Success2

The E- Signature template is an automatic footer that consists of a full colour version of the MathRiders logo, the employee's personal details, followed by the company's web address. The logo will be 33mm wide, aligned to the left side of the page. 11mm below will be written the employee's personal details. The name of the employee will be in Tahoma Bold and the job title, on the same line, in Tahoma Regular. Both will be the MathRiders green, size 8 pt. The remaining details will appear below in Tahoma. The header will be in Bold and the details will be Regular grey (85% black). The web address will be in Bold, size 8 pt. 6mm below will appear the MathRiders tagline in Tahoma Regular, size 10 pt. in MathRiders green.

Full Name l Job Title 1234 Street Name, City Name l Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 l Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567 l

MathRiders = Success2

Full Name l Job Title 1234 Street Name, City Name l Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 l Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567 l

MathRiders = Success2

Full Name l Job Title 1234 Street Name, City Name l Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 l Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567 l

MathRiders = Success2

General Labels
62mm / 2.4409in

38mm / 1.4961in

10mm / 0.3937in

10mm / 0.3937in 5mm / 0.1969in

33mm / 1.2992in

5mm / 0.1969in 18mm / 0.7087in

1234 Street Name, City Name l Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 l Fax: +123-(0)2-1234567 l
10mm / 0.3937in

1234 Street Name, City Name l Zip Code - Country Name Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 l Fax: +123-(0)2-1234567 l

5mm / 0.1969in

Labels with company details will be pasted on envelopes and company packages before distribution to a third party. There are three different label types: Large Labels 160 x 114mm for large packages. The logo will be 62mm wide; the baseline will be 38mm from the top edge of the label. The details of the company will appear at the bottom of the label in Tahoma, size 11 pt., grey (85% black). On the right hand side of the label a coloured splash (squares and numbers) will always appear. All elements will be 10mm from the edge of the label. Small Labels 40 x 80mm for small envelopes and packages. The label will contain a 33mm logo. 5mm from the bottom edge will appear the company address in Tahoma, size 6 pt., grey (85% black). On the right hand side of the label a coloured splash (squares and numbers) will always appear. All elements will be 5mm from the edge of the label.

Company Cars - Bumper Stickers

Company cars always help increase brand awareness by their extensive exposure. A full colour logo should appear on all company cars. No other information should appear on the car. The logo will be 200mm wide and each car will have a different version, selected from the six existing versions. On light coloured cars, a full colour logo with the MathRiders green logotype will appear. On dark coloured cars, the MathRiders logo should be used with a white logotype and full colour of the child.

Compliments Slip

Size: 98.5 x 210mm, usually inserted in a small envelope, sized 110 x 230mm. The slip will contain the Key Visual in purple. The header (With Compliments, Happy Birthday, etc) will appear in the top right hand corner in purple, Vag Rounded Light, 25 pt. The address, company details and logo will appear in the green area at the bottom of the slip in four columns. The text will appear in white, Tahoma, size 7 pt.


Presentation Portfolio
On all corporate items of the brand there will be a consistent format: The top 2/3 will be white with the Key Visual in a variety of coloured versions. Each image will have a light green raster, 70% opacity. The bottom third will be in green. The logo and the tagline will always appear in two opposite corners of the layout. Folder The folder is an excellent way to package an impressive assortment of marketing materials to distribute to the press and potential customers. The folder will contain all graphical elements of the brand identity and together with the Datasheets and the Business Cards will serve as a total identity package for the brand.

Full Name Job Title

1234 Street Name, City Name Zip Code - Country Name

Tel: +123-(0)1-1234567 Cell: +123-(01)2-1234567 Fax: +123-(0)3-1234567

MathRiders = Success2

Flyer - cover The flyer is one of the basic marketing tools and can be very useful and effective. The flyer is a small vertical brochure of four pages. The format is 99mm wide and 210mm high. The front cover of the flyer will contain the Key Visual in purple and an image of a child. All elements will maintain the textured, raster effect. The purple version of the logo will appear in the right hand corner. Beneath appears the following: a dividing grey line (85% black), the header of the flyer in Tahoma, 13 pt., grey (85% black). In the right bottom corner the tag line will appear in white. On the back of the flyer, in the left bottom corner the company details will appear in three consecutive rows.

9 5 2

Lobore vel er aute molobore do dolestin eugait, vulputatis alisci eumsandio od te consequam iureet wis nos at dolor sectem dolorpe rcilit prat. Unt aliquis molorpero diatetum ing ercil eu faccum irit la auguerit iurer ate el et prat. Ut augue magna feugiam vel irit il utem velestio dolorpercin heniamet la faccum irilisl utat la adip etue verate dolore essi ea ad modolore delisl ut velesto conseniam, quismodolor augue duisim Esectem amet lore dipis do eugiam qui bla feugiat vercillut nit lore mod diamcom modolore eu faccums andrem zzriusto consectem velenit ip erit vulla facipit ip ex ex eu facin exerosto commod eugait praessecte velit pratem dolor irit nulla con henis nos et alit veliquis nonsequis adit, quam ip erostis cilismodo odo diamcore del enim velit ad esed et, quis dip el ulla aut autpat, quatem velenit delenibh exero core enit nibh exerosto eugiamcor sis nibh ero odit nos aute vero od dipiscidunt vel ex euis dolortin er sis exerosto commodip eugue do odio enibh ea consendrem ad dolobore vel delesto dolestrud enim diat. Duis estincin utatie modit wis nulputpat. Ut utpat lorpero odipit veliquam, cor sed tetue tio od dolorero cor in henit nim qui tat. Facin veliquis ex exercin cidunt adigna feuissi. Ut lorer accummodio consenim velit ad essim iriure molore feumsandipis am dolore volorperci tatue molorting elit ip eugiamcore consed modolore dolessissim etumsan ulla feugiamet vulput ing estrud ming eum dolum nim in utpat, quat vel eugait nulla conulla oreros at ad dolobor sequip ero er am, sisit, corem ip etuerit, sim doloboreet enibh ercipis cillaoreet acidunt

MathRiders for Everyone

veniat, sum iusciduis exer senibh er illa alit vullaortie volore etuero exerilit dipsum volore ver senim velit at. Na con esto consendre tetum dignim zzriure venim nonum velisi ercipsum quat. Unt alit lan velit lut niat praesed min essenibh eraessi blandipisl ulputat in henit nulla feummodigna feuisl dolorem zzriusto cor in utat ent dolent dolutpat, quip er suscipit, velendrem zzrilit prat, sim delendre vullaor ercilis alit wis non eumsan hent am, quam veliquip etuerat. Tat ulla facidunt nostincipit duismol eniamet, sectem aci blandigna aut ullutpat delismo dolenit niat praestrud tat nonse dolute ming eugue min er si ero eu feugiam consenim illut velit vullandrem ad digna ad tionse tatie velessi.

MathRiders for You

Facil ut ad et ing ea feu faccum nos ex eugait volore exerostrud moloborpero etummy Ratie dolorperiure tem iliquat. Ut lorpero stismod molortie dolor iriliquatem velit ullan venis et, vel ea facip esto cor ilisl ing essim dit luptat laorpero euguerc ipiscipit augiam nos el eu feuipit et venim velis adionsed dolore eu faccums andionummy nos nonullaoreet velestrud dolobor se feugiam zzrit ilis ercilisi. Lortie faciniat accum del doluptat irit il eugue dolor sequissequat lobore dolore commodolore molorer ad miniam, vulputpatem erat am, si bla faccummy nis exer ing etum iriure min hent adio consequissit augue tat. Osto consequisi blaor ad tie vel ulla feugiam corero el il utat.



4 24

0 5
1 9

6 3 + 2 3


+ 8

8 %9

6 2 1







2 3


3 3 0 2 4


5 %

Flyer - internal page The inside of the flyer will contain running text. The header will be in Vag Rounded Light, 13 pt. in MathRiders green. The running text will be in Tahoma Regular, 9 pt., grey (85% black). There will be one line of spacing between each paragraph. In special situations where the default font, Tahoma, is not suitable for the amount of text on a page, the chosen font would then be Ariel. The guidelines and rules that apply to Tahoma would also apply to Ariel. Mathjogs Flyer The blonde girl together with the orange Key Visual will feature in all Mathjogs materials. This child represents the 4-11 age group. The general layout remains the same. The Mathjogs logo will replace the MathRiders logo and the MathRiders logo will be displayed in the bottom right hand corner, instead of the slogan.

A5 Flyer

The A5 flyer differs from the regular flyer: The top third will consist of the green, the Key Visual and the image of the child. Underneath it, the text will be written in the surrounding white area . The header will be written in Vag Rounded Bold, (the main color of the key element). The running text will be written in Tahoma, grey (85% black). The contact details will feature at the bottom in MathRiders green. The logo will appear in the left top corner, in a negative version. Mathjogs A5 Flyer The main images consist of the blonde girl, as per the regular flyer. The MathRiders logo remains in the top left corner, the Mathjogs logo will appear above the main header. All other design elements follow the general MathRiders A5 Flyer rules.

Power Point
The Power Point Presentation (PPT), is a very important element in the brand. It should represent the company and products in the most impressive and effective way. It is very important to create a PPT which will be memorable while representing the graphical line and messaging of the brand. The graphics should carry equal weight as the content as it is the face of the brand. The cover of the PPT will include the Key Visual with the image of a skateboarding child. The top section will have a header in the center in Tahoma Bold in MathRiders green. Underneath it will appear the date in Tahoma Regular, grey (85% black). In the bottom part of the front page the logo will be displayed with a white logotype in the left corner. In the right corner the tagline appears also in white.

The Helen Doron Group

Helen Doron

The internal pages will be divided into two sections: the top section will consist of a green area with the header in Tahoma Bold, size 22pt., in white. The remainder of the page will contain the relevant content. The logo will appear in the bottom right hand corner. The running text will be written in Tahoma Regular, 18 pt., grey (85% black). The header will be in Bold, 20 pt. The bullet points will be made up of squares in the different colours of the brand (green, orange, red and purple). All original brand colours must be utilized. The graphs in the PPT will also be depicted in the brand colours.

Helen Doron Organization Chart

Mathjogs level 1 to 3

DVD and CD-Rom

The DVD cover and CD insert include the green area at the bottom, and the Key Visual in red with an image of a jumping child in the center. In the right top corner the logo will appear and beneath it the header in Tahoma Regular, in grey (85% black). DVD cover the logo will be 44mm wide and the header will be 14 pt. It will be 10mm from the right edge of the cover. The right bottom corner will feature the tagline in white, aligned to the right with the logo and the Header. CD insert the logo will be 34mm wide and the header will be 11 pt. It will be 7mm from the right hand edge of the CD insert. The right bottom corner will feature the tagline in white, aligned to the right with the logo and the Header. CD the disc will be divided into two halves, with a red Key Visual in the middle of the CD. The bottom will consist of a green area with a tagline in white, centered, and a DVD icon (if necessary). The top half will feature a 34mm wide logo and beneath it a dividing grey line. Beneath the line the header will appear in Tahoma Regular, 11 pt. The logo and the header will be centered. The child will not appear on the disc.

Annual Conference Israel 2007


2 3

1 24

1 9

6 3 + 3




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6 1






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MathRiders = Success2

Centre Sign

Learning Centre
5 2


5 2

The centre sign is always vertical, displayed/hanging above the learning centre. The purpose is to clearly highlight the location of the centre and to serve as the ideal advertising tool. The sign may be displayed with a lighting effect behind it to emphasize the location. The sign will always appear in MathRiders green, with a negative logo in white. Text will always appear in white. In this case the raster effect will not be used.

Entrance Door Sign

Learning Centre
Ages 4-18 l Tel: 01-1234567
5 2


This sign may replace the Centre Signs if necessary. The signs are specifically created for the entrance (door) of the learning centre. This sign will feature the following: MathRiders logo in a negative version, Header, contact and age details.

Inner Door Sign

5 3 6 6

5 3 6

5 3

Classroom 1

Classroom 2

Classroom 3

5 3 6

Classroom 4

The signs are specifically created for the entrance (door) of specific rooms. The alternating logos and the different colours should easily assist in locating the exact area of the learning centre. Each sign will feature a different logo, chosen from the six logo versions. The bottom third of the sign is in green, with a hint of the Key Visual. The name of the place/room will always appear in Tahoma Bold, white. Classroom signs for the Mathjogs program will have the Mathjogs logo instead of the MathRiders logo. The MathRiders logo will always be included in the right hand top corner.



A4 adverts are used for print media. Different versions of the adverts may be created, aimed at different target markets, using a certain coloured Key Visual and image (of a child). All adverts should be a part of the main brand and all visuals should enforce the brand. The top third of the flyer will contain the green area with the Key Visual with the image of the child. Underneath it, in the white area will be written the text. The header will be written in Vag Rounded Bold, in the main colour of the key element. The running text will be written in Tahoma, grey (85% black). The contact details will be at the bottom in MathRiders green. The logo will appear in the left top corner, in negative version.

Mathjogs Advert The main images will consist of the blonde girl together with the orange Key Visual, as per the Mathjogs materials. The MathRiders logo remains in the top left corner, the Mathjogs logo will appear above the main header. All other design elements follow the general rules of the MathRiders Adverts. Horizontal Advert All elements remain identical to the Vertical adverts, only the proportions of the adverts differ.

In black and white versions the visual key and all design elements will appear in grey scale; the green is 36% black. The logo and the running text will appear in 100% black.

MathRiders = Success2
Ages 4-18
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Telephone - 1-234-5678-999

2 3

Small Adverts Half-Page Vertical Advert The Key Visual dominates the frame, while being cut off slightly. All other rules remain the same as the A4 advert. Quarter-Page Advert The image no longer appears and minimal Key Visual elements are displayed in the right bottom corner.

Inside Banners

The banners are intended to be printed in large formats, to be displayed in study centers. The banners should contain minimal information and the main purpose is to create an atmosphere, while advertising and strengthening the brand. The top of the banner features the header (Vag Rounded, MathRiders green). The logo appears in the right top corner. The Key Visual, which appears in the center of the banner, is the dominant element, in this case the raster effect will not be used. All children can be used together in the wide banner or separately in the narrow banners as seen in the coming pages. Mathjogs Banner The background is taken from the MathRiders brand, always using the orange Key Visual, without the raster effect. This is combined with the red-headed girl, the owl and the Detective. All elements can be used together in the wide banner or separately in the narrow banners as seen in the coming pages. The banners can be displayed in the learning centre stand-alone or together, side-by-side.


The billboard is intended for very large printing purposes, to be displayed in open areas and outdoors. It should only contain minimal details and elements with one primary message. The information should be displayed as high as possible in large and clear fonts. It will include a header with a clear message, always in the top half of the billboard. The telephone number and web address will be displayed in the bottom half, but never too far down. For quick recognition the logo will appear in the top right corner and the Key Visual will appear in the center, immediately attracting the viewer. The billboard also has a division of 1/3 and 2/3. In this case the raster effect will not be used.


Home Page

The objective of a company's website is to receive information, to get a first impression about the company and to be updated on their activities. The website has become a comprehensive tool to reach anything and anyone, advertise your company and update your users as quickly as possible in an easy and simple way. Therefore the website must be user friendly, while portraying the company's values and visual identity. The Homepage The Homepage is the entrance to the website and should give users a visual experience that immediately informs them where they are. The MathRiders Homepage should consist of a 2/3 white and 1/3 green background, covered by a raster. The main frame is located on top of the background and is separated by a thin shadow. The background includes the logo the tagline in the font Tahoma Regular 14px. 85% black. The main navigation bar buttons, located at the top of the frame, will be in MathRiders green. In the centre of the frame will appear the Key Visual, which slightly overlaps the background. The tagline will appear in the left-hand side in green. At the bottom of the background will appear the bottom navigation bar and footer.

Mouse Over Position (MO)

When in mouse-over (MO) position, the buttons change and become highlighted and emphasized in order to draw the eye of the user. The following rules apply to the MO position (i.e. when the user hovers with his/her mouse over a certain area of elements in the website): Main Navigation when in MO position the main navigation text will change to a bold dark green (#283f25) with a green background (#b2dc7c). Underneath the button appears a drop-down in green (385b34b) with a 1px line framing the drop-down. On this background appears a list of the secondary navigation chapters in white text. The MO position for the drop-down will be similar to the main navigation bar. The Bottom Navigation bar and footer when in MO position the text changes to underline mode.

Internal Page
The main purpose of the internal pages (templates) is to provide information to the user in a pleasant, simple and easy way. The top part of the page (background) will be identical to the Homepage. The length of the page will depend on the amount of text inserted. The green background will start on all pages (templates) at the same height and will continue until the end of the page.

Mathjogs Template
The Mathjogs template will contain all of the MathRiders elements in addition to three owls from the Mathjogs brand which will be added to the graphics. The Key Visual will slightly change its composition to combine both brands.

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