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Texto adaptado para el Programa de Prosecucin de Estudios a Ingeniera Civil Industrial


Unit 1: Building effective reading skills

Lesson 1 Parts of Speech Lesson 2 Learning about dictionaries Lesson 3 Lets read

pages 3- 16
pages 3 7 pages 8 12 pages 13 - 16

Unit 2: Business trips

Lesson 1 At the hotel Lesson 2 At a restaurant Lesson 3 At the airport Grammar reference

pages 17-39
pages 17 19 pages 20 24 pages 25 27 pages 28 - 31

Unit 3: Talking about company facilities

INFORMATION ABOUT TESTS Suggested English interactive software and web sites

pages 32- 38
page 39 page 40

Texto adaptado para el Programa de Prosecucin de Estudios a Ingeniera Civil Industrial



Discuss these questions about reading. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you like reading? What kind of books do you usually read? How often do you buy books, magazines, etc.? Do you read the newspaper every day? How often do you read it? What kind of material have you read in English lately?

Whats is Reading?

Reading is one of the four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. It is a receptive skill. This means that reading involves responding to text, rather than producing it. We can also say that reading involves making sense of the text. To do this we need to understand the language of the text at word level, sentence level and the whole-text level. We also need to connect the message of the text to our knowledge of the world. Look at this sentence, The engineer designs each project very carefully. To understand this sentence, we need to understand: what the letters are how the letters join together to make words what the words mean the grammar of the words and the sentence But we also make sense of this sentence by knowing that, in general terms, engineers design things. Our knowledge of the world helps us to understand the sentence.

Texto adaptado para el Programa de Prosecucin de Estudios a Ingeniera Civil Industrial


The parts of speech are classified according to the work they do or their function (s) in a sentence:

1. NOUNS: Words that are the names of people, things, places, qualities, ideas, or activities. EXAMPLE: The toolbox is on the floor.

engineer - report - factory - industry - toolbox - weldability - engineering

2. PRONOUNS: Words that can be used instead of nouns. EXAMPLE: The technical supervisor checks the technical work. He completes a check list everyday.

I - YOU - HE - SHE - IT - WE - THEY

Words that qualify a noun making its meaning clearer, fuller, or more exact. EXAMPLE:

There are two new flashlights.

Adjective Noun

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Words that express the idea of action or being and support that a person or thing is, does or suffers something. EXAMPLE:

The material is melted. I understand engineering terminology.

5. ADVERBS: Words that we can add to a verb to make its meaning clearer, fuller, or more exact. EXAMPLE:

You must make sure that you are working safely. He works carefully.

6. DETERMINERS: They make clear which noun is referred to or to give information about quantity. POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES ARTICLES QUANTIFIERS DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES my/ your / his / her / our / Example: His job is dangerous. their a / an / the Example: a machine an angle the car a lot of / a few / many / a little Example: There are a lot of materials. this / that / these / those Example: This surface is flat. These objects are round.

7. PREPOSITIONS: Words that are used with nouns or pronouns (generally but not always, being placed in front of them) and show the relationship between the noun or a pronoun and another word. EXAMPLE:

Engineers choose the materials for their products. Engineers look at different suppliers to buy materials. I am busy at the beginning of August. I am free in September.

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8. CONJUNCTIONS: Words that are used to join words, phrases or clauses. Some common conjunctions are and, but, or, because, however, and so.

EXAMPLE: He works hard because he wants to succeed. There are several cars and trucks in the street. Karate is tiring but fun. Do we turn right or left? Lets write down the address so we dont forget it. The computer is old. However, it is very reliable.

9. INTERJECTIONS: Words that express a sudden feeling or emotion. (no syntactical construction of a sentence).

Hello! Oh dear! Well done!


Identify the PARTS OF SPEECH. Choose words from the box to label the underlined words in each sentence. ADJECTIVE ADVERB PREPOSITION VERB CONJUNCTION DETERMINER


a) Amazon sells1 books and2 hundreds of3 other products4. You pay by credit card and Amazon5 sends your6 products by mail7. 1. ___________ 5. ___________ 2. ________________ 6. ________________ 3. ______________ 4. __________ 7. ______________

b) People in1 Spain2 eat dinner3 late4. 1. ___________ 2. ________________ 3. ______________ 4. __________

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1. We use the simple present tense for things that happen again and again. 2. We use the simple present tense to tell facts. 3. We always use the simple present tense with the verbs want, have, like, and need.

AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCES I leave the office at 8:30 p..m. You always read the newspaper. He buys a book every month. She goes to the library very often. The newspaper costs $500. We have brochures to advertise our products. They look up words in a dictionary.

NEGATIVE SENTENCES I dont leave the office at 9:00 p.m. You dont always read the reports. He doesnt buy a magazine every month. She doesnt go to the museum very often. It doesnt cost $700. We dont have a website to advertise our products. They dont look up words in an encyclopaedia.

Simple Present: Interrogative forms

Yes/No questions Do you study in the cafeteria? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does she go to the library every day? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.

Information questions What do you usually read? I usually read technical magazines. How often does Kate study Math? She sometimes studies Math.

EXERCISE: circle the right option.

1. I dont understand this sentence. What __________? a) means this word b) does mean this word 2. We __________ away at weekends. a) often go b) are often go 3. They launch a new campaign __________. a) seldom b) sometimes 4. Chris __________all our meetings. a) usually attend b) doesnt attend c) does this word mean c) go often

c) once a year

c) hardly ever go

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A) Using a dictionary You should use two dictionaries: a good bilingual dictionary (= English and Spanish) and a good English-English dictionary. The bilingual dictionary is easier to understand, but the English-English dictionary can give you more information about a word or phrase. Its good to work in English as much as possible. B) What information does a dictionary give? Each entry gives: the meaning(s). Sometimes there is more than one meaning. the pronunciation (= the way that you say a word) using the phonetic alphabet. grammar information (if the word is a noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc.). example phrases or sentences. common word combinations and expressions ( in some dictionaries they are written in bold). Words with opposite meaning, if there are any.

A dictionary entry

market/ m kt/

1 a regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.
an open space or covered building where vendors convene to sell their goods.

2 a demand for a particular commodity or service.

[often as modifier] the free market; the operation of supply and demand: market forces.

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C) How should I use my dictionary?

Here are some ideas to help you.

Many words have more than one meaning. The first meaning is not always the one that you want. Look at all the different meanings. When you look up a word, put a next to it. When you go back to the page later and see the , check that and youll remember the word without looking at the meaning. If you see an English word in a text, try to guess the meaning and continue to read. Then use your dictionary to check the meaning. If you look up an English word in a bilingual dictionary and find several different words in your own language, look up the English word in an English-English dictionary to find the right meaning.

Lets practice. Take a look at these dictionary entries. They were taken from WordReference English Thesaurus 2012 ( As you can see its an English-English online dictionary.
1. Look at the entry for heavy, and answer these questions a) How many meanings are there? __________________________ b) Write the word in the phonetic alphabet. __________________________ c) Is it a noun, a verb, or an adjective? __________________________ d) What is its opposite? __________________________

heavy/ hevi/ adjective (heavier, heaviest) 1 of great weight; difficult to lift or move. 2 of great density; thick or substantial. (of food) hard to digest; too filling. (of ground) muddy or full of clay. 3 of more than the usual size, amount, or force: a heavy cold. (of a smell) overpowering. (heavy on) using a lot of. doing something to excess: a heavy smoker.

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2. Look at the entry for job and answer these questions. a) Can you use this word in the plural? ______________________________ b) Are there any example phrases or sentences? (Write one) ______________________ c) In which expressions can you use the word job? _____________________________ d) Is it a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb? _______________________________

job1 noun

1 a paid position of regular employment. 2 a task or piece of work. a responsibility or duty. computing an operation or group of operations treated as a distinct unit.

3 informal a procedure to improve the appearance of something: a nose job. verb (jobs, jobbing, jobbed) 1 (usu. as adj. jobbing) do casual or occasional work. 2 buy and sell (stocks) as a broker-dealer, especially on a small scale.
PHRASES be (or have) a job be or have a difficult task. a good job informal, chiefly Brit. a fortunate fact or circumstance.

3. Now, look at the entry for engineer a) How many meanings does it have? __________________________ b) How many related words can you find? __________________________ c) Is it a noun, a verb or an adjective? __________________________

engineer/en n (r)/ noun 1 a person qualified in engineering. 2 a person who maintains or controls an engine or machine. verb 1 design and build. 2 skilfully arrange for (something) to happen. ORIGIN : from OFr. engigneor, from med. L. ingeniator, from ingeniare contrive, from L. ingenium (see engine). RELATED WORDS: builder, maker, producer; director, handler, leader,

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4. Read the entry for build. build/b ld/ verb (past and past part. built) 1 construct by putting parts or materials together. (build something in/into) incorporate something as a permanent part of. Theyre building over the old market. 2 increase in size or intensity over time. (build on) use as a basis for further development. The new wing was built on the hospital last year. noun


1 the proportions of a person's or animal's body. 2 the style or form of construction of something.

DERIVATIVES builder noun. ORIGIN OE byldan, from bold, botl dwelling, of Gmc origin; rel. to bower. - SYNONYMS: construct, frame, raise, make, manufacture, put together, fit together, fabricate.

Now answer the following questions: a) Write the pronunciation of the word. _________________________________________ b) Write the past forms of the word. _________________________________________ c) Is it a noun, adverb or verb? ________________________________________ d) Write two example sentences. _________________________________________ e) How many meanings does the word have? _________________________________________ f) Identify and write one expression using this word. _________________________________________

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A) Match the words with the vowel sounds. Check in your dictionary. arent I eight car harbour they boat two centre yes he dry library next between zoo post you cheap no

1. /ei/ ______________________ 2. /i:/ 3. /e/ 4. /ai/ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________

5. /u:i/ ______________________ 6. /ou/ ______________________ 7. /a:/ arent_________________

B) Look up the following words in a dictionary. Then answer questions about them. research brainstorm issue worldwide schedule

1. Write the pronunciation of the word. ______________________________________ 2. Is it a noun, adverb or verb? 3. Write one example sentence. ______________________________________ ______________________________________

4. How many meanings does the word have? __________________________________ 5. Identify and write one expression using this word. _____________________________ www.ldoceonline.comdictionary

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Lesson 3: LETS READ

A) Pre-reading.
(1) Practice with your teacher the pronunciation of these words. Underline the stress of each as in the example. e.g: Engineers 1. technologies 6. achievement 2. boring 7. improving 3. engineering 8. society 4. appliances 9. interestingly 5. skyscrapers 10. biomedical

(2) Can you identify each word by saying which part of speech they are? 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10.

(3) Answer these questions. What do engineers do? __________________________________________________________________ Do you know any? __________________________________________________________________ What different types are there? _________________________________________________________________ B) Look at the following text. Where do you think it comes from? Who is it aimed at?

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A Mans World? When you hear the word engineer, do you think of someone who is a) male?, b) boring or c) dirty? Or all three? Well, time to think again. Engineers are the people who make our everyday lives easier. How many of the modern worlds greatest engineering achievements will you use today? A car, a computer, a telephone? 1____________________________ Engineers find solutions to problems that are important to society. They control and prevent pollution, develop new medicines, create advanced technologies and help explore new worlds. They make the world a cleaner, safer, healthier place by inventing, building and improving all sorts of things from microchips to household appliances, from skyscrapers to spacecraft. 2____________________________ Interestingly, the word engineer does not come from the word engine. In fact it comes from the Latin word ingeniosus meaning skilled. An engineer is really a clever, practical problem solver. Although the fields of engineering and science are connected, there are also differences. 3____________________________ While a scientist will ask why a problem occurs or happens, an engineer will want to know to solve the problem. As one writer once said: scientists build in order to learn, whereas engineers learn in order to build. 4____________________________ There are all sorts of opportunities in a variety of engineering fields such as aerospace, biomedical, civil, mechanical and computer engineering. Engineers work alone or in teams, and in all sorts of locations such as offices, factories, research labs, outdoors, and even outer space! 5____________________________ Engineering has often been seen as a male profession. For example, only 9 percent of US engineers are women, while in the UK it is just over 8 percent. However, there is no reason for this: engineers are simply talented people. In fact research shows that women make the best problem solvers. So now is the time for women to engineer the future. Break the stereotype. Build a career. Sign up today!
C) Choose the most suitable heading for each paragraph. a) Engineers contribution to society b) Origin and definition of engineer c) Women in engineering d) Engineering and science
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e) Types of engineers D) Match these inventions with the type of engineering field mentioned in the text.

Example: roads civil engineering

1. microchips 2. aircraft 3. a washing machine 4. heart pacemaker

Word combinations A) Match the verbs with the most appropriate words and phrases. 1 find 2 solve 3 do 4 build 5 do 6 make 7 test 8 meet a) safety tests b) a breakthrough c) a problem d) deadlines e) a theory f) some research g) a model / prototype h) a solution

B) Complete the sentences with an appropriate combination from Exercise A). The first letter of the noun is given. 1. Following the accident engineers had to do a lot of safety tests before the machine could be used again. 2. After a long period of failure, they __________ an important b________________. 3. They ________ an imaginative s_______ to the problem after working with models in the test lab. 4. One part of the engineering process is to ________ a smaller working m___________ before moving on to a full-size or production version. 5. It can take a long time to fully ________ a complicated t________ before putting it into practice. 6. The whole team had to ___________ a lot of careful r_____________ into the causes of the problem. 7. In the end we were able to _____________ the most serious p_________________ . 8. On many engineering projects there is great pressure to ______ strict d___________.

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C) Work with a partner. Look at the list of some great engineering achievements and do the following.

1. Add one or more achievements to each category.

2. Decide which is the greatest engineering achievement in each category.


medicine / health



the telephone the satellite the GPS E .. ..

contact lenses laser surgery the thermometer .. .

radio television compact discs .. .

the pyramids the Eiffel Tower Carretera Austral .. .

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"For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move." Robert L. Stephenson, Travels with a Donkey, 1879.

Lesson 1: AT THE HOTEL

Invitation to Attend CECAR 5 The International Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR), together with the Australasian Structural Engineering Conference (ASEC 2012) will attract 600-800 delegates for this high quality three-day event, attracting a diverse range of civil and structural engineering practitioners, students, academia and industry. The theme for the 2012 international conference is Innovative Community Building. This will be an opportunity to discuss innovative civil and structural engineering practices and projects and to network with colleagues.

Convention trips are situations when a person travels because of his/her company necessities. The person who travels stays in a hotel and usually has meals in restaurants. There are hotels with different types of facilities where business people hold business meetings. A) Look at the pictures below and write the name of the service or facility under each picture
Shuttle bus - car park swimming pool business center electronic safe conference rooms

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Shuttle bus Think of two more services a hotel may offer .......................... 1) ...... 2)


Look at the information about these two hotels in the brochures.

C) What facilities and services are there in each hotel?

Make sentences using there is o there are as in the example. Examples: There are direct-dial telephones in both hotels. There is a coffee shop at Hotel Tropicana.

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What: Questions.

Peters friend Andrea is talking to him on the phone. Complete the questions in the conversation. Use what and a noun. Andrea: Hi, Peter! Im coming to New York next week. Peter: Peter: Peter: Peter: Peter: Peter. Peter: Thats great! (1) ______What days______ are you staying here? Great. (2) ________________________ are you staying at? Yes, I do. Its a comfortable place. Its downtown. It is a very nice area. No, its small, family hotel. Youll love it. (5) ___________________ do you arrive on Monday? (6) ____________________ is it? Andrea: From Monday to Friday, the 5Th through the 9th. Andrea: At the Premium. Do you know it? Andrea: (3) __________________ is it in? Andrea: (4) ___________________ of the hotel is it? Is it a big chain hotel? Andrea: Thats fine. Andrea: My plane arrives at 9:00 a.m. Andrea: The airline? Its Delta. Flight 307.


Practice the pronunciation of these words. front desk keycard bill elevator lobby bellhop room guest


Now complete these dialogues. Use the words in exercise D. Excuse me, which way is the (1) _____________. I need to check in.

Bellhop: Its this way, sir. Rick: Thank you. Can someone take my suitcase, please?

Receptonist: Of course. Your room is on the fifth floor. The (2) ____________ is over there.

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GETTING STARTED Engineers are often too busy to go on all the training courses relevant to their job. Order pizza for each meeting and get the company to cover the cost of it too; a free lunch is likely to encourage fence-sitters to attend, and you can eat while debating the material. Meeting at lunchtime means senior or busy engineers can justify coming, as they don't lose any real-work time.
A) Before you read match the words to their opposites

formal open remember complicated boring

forget interesting easy informal close

B) Read the article

How to have a successful business lunch

Business lunches are an enjoyable way to do business but they can be complicated. What should you talk about? Is it better to be formal or informal? How important is it to listen? How can you have a good business lunch? Mark Addison works for an advertising agency. He says that it is important to remember that business lunches are also business meetings. He thinks that its a good idea to keep things formal the first time that you meet someone. But you dont have to talk about business all the time. Addison says, You cant talk about work for two hours, so its a good idea to have some other topics to talk about. It is also important to listen. Sandra Hughes, who manages a PR company, says, I have lunches with clients who open their mouth to order and dont close It until the bill is paid. It can be very boring if someone dominates the conversation and talks non-stop. What other things are important for a successful lunch? If you dont know what to do, then watch what your host does. If they have a starter then you can, too. If they drink water, then you do, too. Choose food that is easy to eat. You can enjoy the conversation without worrying about how to eat the meal.

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Go over the article and select the correct answer

1. Something that is complicated a) difficult to is: understand. 2. A topic is: a) a phrase.

b) easy to understand.

b) a subject that you talk about. b) the bill.

3. At the end of the meal you pay:

a) the client.

4. Someone who talks a lot about a) charming. an interesting things is: 5. If someone dominates a conversation they: 6. The host is the person who: a) talk all the time.

b) boring. b) dont talk.

a) invites you to lunch. b) you invite to lunch. b) nervous.

7. If you worry about something, a) relaxed. youre:

D) In pairs, answer the following questions next page.

1. What is positive about a business lunch? .. 2. What two tips does Mark Addison mention about a business lunch? ..... 3) When does a business lunch become boring? .........................................

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Many people don't realize that ordering at a restaurant can be tricky. The following vocabulary tips will help you order at a restaurant without causing yourself embarrassment.

A) Before you listen write the name of these dishes under the correct heading. Then, write one of your own.





Apple pie



Main course


B) Listening. A man and a woman are ordering a meal in a restaurant. Listen and write M for man and W for woman.

Starter Main course Dessert

_____ salad _____ spaghetti _____ ice cream

_____ snails _____ paella _____ apple pie

_____ soup _____ sushi _____ fruit

C) What would you like to eat for each course? Write them below.

Starter: .................................................................................... Main course: ................................................................................ Dessert: ...................................................................................

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D) Put the following dialogue in the correct order. Then listen to check your answers.

1. ___You should try the roast duck. Its delicious. 2. ___No thanks. Im full. 3. _1_Would you like a starter? 4. ___Right. Ill get the bill. 5. ___Id like the soup, please. 6. ___Would you like a dessert? 7. ___What do you recommend for the main

course? 8. ___Thanks very much. That was a lovely meal. I really enjoyed it.

E) Practice the situation. Replace the names of the dishes in the dialogue with the ones you wrote in C. You can also choose food from the boxes.

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F) Expressions in a restaurant: Match the sentences on the left to the responses on the right to make short restaurant dialogues.

1. Could I book a table for three? 2. What do you recommend? 3. Could I have the wine list, please? 4. Would you like a drink? 5. Would you like some dessert? 6. Where are the toilets, please? 7. How would you like to pay? 8. Please, let me pay.

a. No, thanks. Ill just have coffee. b. Yes. Ill bring it immediately. c. Downstairs, sir. d. Do you take VISA? e. No. This is on me. f. Im sorry. Were full tonight. g. Yes. Id like a whisky, please. h. I suggest the lasagne.

G) Write your own dialogue. Use de sentences and responses from F.

Waiter/waitress: Customer: Waiter/waitress: Customer: Waiter/waitress: Customer: Etc


How can I help you sir/madam?

Role play your dialogue with a classmate.

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Some frequently asked questions that you may ask if you go to the airport for the first time are: Where do I check-in for my flight? How do I get to the airport? What time is the airport open? Where can I smoke at the airport? Is there a left luggage facility at the Airport?

A) At the airport passport control. Role play this conversation with a partner. A: Can I see your passport, please? B: Yes, of course. Here you are. A: Thank you very much. Thats fine.

B) At the airport check-in. Read this conversation in pairs. Change the underlined words and read it again with a partner. Traveller: Hello Agent: Hello. May I have your ticket and passport?

Traveller: Yes, here they are. Agent: How many pieces of luggage will you be checking in?

Traveller: Just one, I also have one carry on bag. Agent: Your luggage is two kilos over the limit. You have to pay an extra charge of $100.

Traveller: No problem. Is cash OK? Agent: Certainly.

Traveller: Here you go. Agent: Thank you, have a nice flight.

Traveller: Thanks.

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C) Here is a list of things you do when you travel by plane to another country. Match each phrase with one of the pictures below.







1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________

6. ____________ 7. ____________ 8. ____________ 9. ____________ 10. ____________

USEFUL AIRPORT LANGUAGE Would you like to book /to reserve a seat? When do you want to leave /to come back? Do you want to travel first class /economy class? How much is the economy ticket? a one-way ticket / a round-trip ticket (US)

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D) Look at the picture and complete the diagram flow below with the words from the box.



take off






check in go through passport ........ go to the ...lounge go to the departure.. look in the .. shops ............ the plane .... land

go through .. go to the baggage ..

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A) There is / There are

We use the expression there is and there are to mention the things or people that exist in a place Singular Is there a swimming pool in the hotel? Is there a business centre? Plural Are there any restaurants? Are there any conference rooms? How many rooms are there? Yes, there is. No, there isnt. Yes, there are. No, there arent. (There are) 200.

B) Countable and uncountable nouns Nouns are words that give a name to people and things. We can count some but we cannot count others. 1) Countable [C] nouns have a singular and a plural form. They are usually physical objects which you can count, e.g. camera(s), gift(s), cigarette(s). Affirmative / negative
Yes, I do (have a book). No, I dont (have a book) but I have a magazine. Yes, I do (have some cigars,). No I dont have any cigars or any cigarettes. Three.

Singular: Do you have a book?

Plural: Do you have any cigars?

How many suitcases are there?


Uncountable [U] nouns only have one (singular) form. They refer to things which are difficult to count because they are in a mass e.g. wine, perfume, sugar. They also refer to more abstract things which are not physical objects e.g. information, advice.

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Do you have any wine or spirits?

Affirmative / negative
Yes I do. I have some whisky. No, I dont have any wine or spirits. I can give you some advice about Two litres.

Do you have any advice for me? travelling. How much whisky do you have?



1) a) b)

A- an Some or Any? These two words show quantity as for countable as for uncountable nouns. A an is used with singular countable nouns ONLY:
Id like a glass of wine, and an apple pie for dessert, please

Some is used with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

There are some suitcases in my room. Please, take them out. There is some water on the floor. Please clean it up!


Some is used in questions which begin with could or would only. These are formal requests or offers.
Could I have some sugar with my coffee, please? Would you like some coffee, madam?


Any is used in negative sentences and questions only, except for formal requests and offers which begin with could or would. In a question, it is next to a plural noun.
Are there any restaurants near here? No, there arent any.


A lot of many much A lot of, many and much mean a large quantity or number of something. We use a lot of in all types of sentences.
There arent a lot of flights at the weekend.

We use many with countable nouns.

How many people are coming to the conference?

We use much with uncountable nouns.

Can you pay the ticket, please? I havent got much money.


Few / a few little / a little We use few and a few with countable nouns.
There are a few restaurants / There are few restaurants in the city

We use little and a little with uncountable nouns

There is little time / There is a little time

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We use a little or a few to mention that the quantity is enough. We use little or few to mention that the quantity is not enough.
I have a little money. I can lend you some. I have little money. I cant lend you some.

1) These are some sentences you may hear or use in a restaurant. Use a or some the words in the box to fill in the blanks. bottle glass fruit receipt spoon knife sugar


a) And what would you like to drink, madam? b) Ill have a bottle of mineral water, please. c) Excuse me. Could I have .. for my soup? d) Id like .. with my main course. e) Me too. Do you prefer red, ros, or white? f) How can I help you? g) Could you bring me .. of water, please? h) I dont have .. for the cheese. i) You can take mine. I dont want any cheese. j) Would you like a dessert? k) Yes, I think Ill have .. . l) Could you bring me .. for my coffee, please? m) Heres my credit card. Could I have .., please? n) Yes, Ill bring it immediately. 2) Look at the picture and complete the sentences as in the example. 0) There isnt much space. a) There .. people. b) There .. garbage. c)How cars are there? d) There .. traffic. e) . there . stores? f) . there . bank? 3)
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Are these words countable 30

[C] or uncountable [U].

Shop .....

Luggage / Baggage Information








Make questions for these answers a) ..? Yes, there are two in the room. b) ..? There is just a little. c) ..? There are too many. d) ..? No, there isnt any.


Complete these sentences using few / a few / little / a little. a) With time and ............... patience, you can get what you want. b) Dress the salad with salt, pepper and ............... olive oil. c) I have 20 and ............... coins. That is not enough for tonight. d) Very ............... people want to travel to Colombia. I dont know why. Its a beautiful country.

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What facilities do the sentences describe? Find the names in the box and write them in the correct spaces.

production line rest room mail room showroom

stockroom visitor center copy room cafeteria

lunch room childcare conference room reception



There is a self-service restaurant.

2.-______________ There are comfortable chairs, a sofa, and a T.V. here. 3.-______________ There are several machines here and it can be very noisy. 4.-______________ There is a coffee maker, a refrigerator, and a microwave here. 5.-______________ People have meetings here. 6.-______________ There is a person at a desk to welcome visitors. 7.-______________ Clerks send out products from this room. 8.-______________ There are shelves to keep supplies and products organized here. 9.-______________ Here people can see samples of the companys products. 10.-_____________ There are several photocopiers in this room. 11.-_____________ Here people can stop working or moving in order to relax. 12.-_____________ There is a place where the children are cared while the parents are working.

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PRESENT SIMPLE There is There are

PAST SIMPLE There was There were

You use THERE WAS for SINGULAR NOUNS examples: There was a meeting. There was an office. There was one photocopier. You use THERE WERE for PLURAL NOUNS examples: There were two offices. There were some customers. There were a lot of companys products.

For singular questions with short answers, you use full answers with YES: (Sing.) Was there a reception in the company yesterday? Yes, there was. For plural questions with short answers, you use contractions with NO: (Plu.) Were there any visitors in the company yesterday? No, there werent.

We use How many with countable nouns.

How many employees were there in your last company?

We use How much with uncountable nouns.

How much space was there in your office last year?

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A) Listen to three people talk about where they work. Number the floor plans.

B) Language Practice. Mr. Jones visited the I.B.M. Company facilities yesterday. Change the following sentences into affirmative or negative ones according to the information what he reported. 1.-There was a mailroom. (neg.)_____________________________________ 2.-There wasnt a lunch room. (neg.)_________________________________ 3.-There was a visitor center. (neg.)__________________________________ 4.- There werent any company offices. (neg.)__________________________ 5.-There were three conference rooms. (neg.)__________________________ C) Look at the first diagram in exercise A and then read the answers. What are the questions?

For example:
1.- Was there a lunch room in the company yesterday? No, there wasnt. 2.-______________________________? Yes, there was. It was next to the stockroom. 3.-_____________________________________? Yes, there were two. One was big and the other one small. 4.-___________________________________? There were two. They were very small. 5.-____________________________________? There was a lot of space in the stockroom.

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Listen to Hanna Day talking to a colleague about a trade fair she visited in India.

A trade fair Colleague: Were you at the trade fair last week, Hanna? In India? Hanna: Yes. Colleague: Where was it? Delhi? Hanna: Yeah. Colleague: How was it? OK? Hanna: It was very good, yeah. Colleague: Was it big? Hanna: Yeah. There were thousands of people. Colleague: How many companies were there? Hanna: Umabout four hundred, I think. Colleague: Really? Hanna: Yeah, It was big. I was surprised. I wasnt there last year. I was there two years ago, in Calcutta, and um there werent a lot of companies there. Only about a hundred. Colleague: So this wasnt your first visit to India, then? Hanna: No, my second. Colleague: Right. Were you the only person there, from the company? Hanna: No, Ingrid Werner was there, from the Frankfurt office. And Rafael and Maria, you know from, um Colleague: Oh, from Barcelona? Hanna: Yeah. Colleague: Were you all in the same hotel? Hanna: We werent in the same hotel, no. Um but it was a good trip. Long, though.

Listen to the dialogue again and then underline the correct words. 1.- The trade fair was yesterday/last week. 2.- The trade fair was quite/very good. 3.- There were about 100/400 companies at the trade fair. 4.- Hanna was in Calcutta last year/two years ago. 5.- The trade fair in Calcutta was/wasnt very big.
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6.- Hanna and her colleagues were/werent in the same hotel.


We use the Past Simple for completed actions, events and situations in the past.
I was You were He was She was It was We were They were I wasnt (I was not) You werent (You were not) He wasnt (He was not) She wasnt (She was not) It wasnt (It was not) We werent (We were not) They werent (They were not)

in Madrid last year.

in Madrid last year.

Was I Were you Was he Was she Was it Were we Were they

in Madrid last year?


I was. you were. he was. she was. it was. we were. they were.


I was not. you werent. he wasnt. she wasnt. it wasnt. we werent. they werent.

BE: Past Simple Positive Negative Questions

Examples. The conference was good last month. They were in the same office. The big companies werent at the trade fair. The presentation wasnt OK. How many customers were there? Was Mr. Adams there?

Grammar Exercises. Choose words from the box to complete these questions

many - were where - how - was 1._________ you at the conference last week? 2._________ was it? At the Metropolitan Convention Center? 3._________ was it? OK? 4._________ it interesting? 5. How_________ businessmen were there?

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Wednesday morning April week/ month/ year winter holidays New Year

I was at home last night. Last night, I was at home.

three days four months a year ago a couple of days (weeks/months/years) yesterday morning yesterday afternoon evening

I was at home three days ago. Three days ago, I was at home.

I was at home yesterday morning. Yesterday morning, I was at home.

Work with a partner. Talk about where you were: yesterday evening last Saturday a week ago


Make sentences. Use the words in brackets and past time expressions.
1. Today is Wednesday. (Monday) Monday was two days ago.

2. Its December. (November) 3. This year. (2009) 4. Its Tuesday. (last Tuesday) 5. Today is Friday. (Thursday)

___________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________

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Read this e-mail from Esther Johansen to her manager John Hughes. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of be.

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WRITTEN TEST (N1= 30%) Content: Unit 1 Building Reading Skills Reading skills and strategies to look up words will be required to answer this test. Grammar reference: Simple Present Tense

ORAL TEST (N2= 30%) Guided conversation - Unit 2 Business Trips

INSTRUCTIONS: Every student must select one test-card at random. Each card has 6 questions.

Every student must answer the 6 questions. Each student must be able to comprehend, interact, and make himself/herself understood using vocabulary and grammar items in oral sentences with volume, pronunciation and fluency appropriate for this level.

Reading IS NOT allowed. Every student will try to speak naturally (in a genuine way).

Each answer should have ideas that connect well, exhibit clear pronunciation, and incorporate effective vocabulary and correct grammar.

AUDIO WRITTEN TEST (N3= 40%) Content: Units 2 and 3 Listening and Reading skills will be required to answer this test. A good command of vocabulary and grammar from UNIT 2 (Business Trips) and UNIT 3 (Talking about company facilities) would be advantageous to get a good grade.

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Suggested English interactive software and websites for further practice

Prctica de vocabulario y gramtica de todas las unidades:

Diccionarios online:

This booklets material was selected, adapted and/or designed for instructional purposes and to be used in the classroom and as a study guide for students.

Texto adaptado para el Programa de Prosecucin de Estudios a Ingeniera Civil Industrial


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