Lisbon Abstract Stamenkovic

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International Conference Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century Challenges and Tasks 4-6 Decem er!

! 2"1# $ The %aculty of Sciences! &ni'ersity of (is on! Portugal Topic: )e* Cartographies of +no*ledge Title: T, SP-.+ /) T0- ).1- ,% D-.T02 ,n Colonial 3lind Spots! -go-politics of +no*ledge! and 4&ni'ersal 5eason6 Name: 1arko Stamenko'ic, Doctoral Researcher Affiliation: Center for -thics and 7alue /n8uiry 9C-7/: Department of Philosophy and 1oral Sciences! &ni'ersity of ;ent! 3elgium http://ugent.aca emia.e u/!ar"o#tamen"o$ic . stract: In the %eginning of the t&ent'-first centur' the Cameroonian philosopher an political scientist Achille !%em%e pronounce a historical (no) to the *urocentric philosoph' of life. +e& %efore him ha$e are $enture into a ma,or criti-ue of so$ereignt' an &hat has %een largel' consi ere as (uni$ersal rea ing) of %iopo&er. .hat !%em%e performe &as relate to the normati$e un erstan ing of +oucaul ian concept of %iopolitics an its lin"age to the ominant mo el of epistemological po&er. #pea"ing in the name of eath instea of life, !%em%e i not onl' oppose the hegemonic %iopolitical reason: he also succee e in e/ecuting a ra ical turn from it. Conse-uentl', the see of his efforts starte to gro& &orl &i e 0most nota%l' among the scholars outsi e of the so-calle +irst .orl 1 an e$elope into a ne& glo%al episteme centere on the &or" of eath-politics. This paper focuses on !%em%e)s groun %rea"ing &or" on the limits of *urocentric %iopolitical so$ereignt' un er the con itions of eath- ri$en conflicts an necro-colonial matri/ of po&er. 2ac"e up %' transnational theories of necropolitics e$elope since 2334, I ha$e un erta"en the tas" to anal'5e his metho s in articulating no$el cartographies of "no&le ge, theoreticall' ecentere from the tra$estie life-politics. This is all in or er to -uestion the hermeneutic inconsistenc' inherent to the +irst .orl (uni$ersal rationalit'.) The paper ser$es as onl' one among innumera%le relate platforms across the uni$erse of contemporar' necro-colonial theor': it functions as 'et another no al point from &hich to launch a critical iscourse on the &or" of eath in the conte/t of an ongoing neoli%eral/ neocolonial/ necropolitical re- esigning of the &orl . Its main aim, therefore, is to open suppresse epistemological hori5ons &hile criticall' re-consi ering the foun ations of "no&le ge pro uction an estruction 6 a sort of epistemicide, accor ing to 2oa$entura e #ousa #antos, characteristic of the erosion of glo%al "no&le ge0s1 through the imperialist eath-politics of (a%'ssal thin"ing). +ey *ords: necro-coloniality of power, universal reason, death-politics, knowledge, South

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