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One Thousand Dollars (By O.

Our story today is called One Thousand Dollars. It was written by O. Henry. Here is Steve Ember with the story.

"One thousand dollars," said the lawyer Tolman, in a severe and serious voice. " nd here is the money. !oun" #illian touched the thin $ac%a"e o& &i&ty'dollar bills and lau"hed. "It(s such an unusual amount," he e)$lained, %indly, to the lawyer. I& it had been ten thousand a man mi"ht celebrate with a lot o& &irewor%s. Even &i&ty dollars would have been less trouble." "!ou heard the readin" o& your uncle(s will a&ter he died," continued the lawyer Tolman. "I do not %now i& you $aid much attention to its details. I must remind you o& one. !ou are re*uired to $rovide us with a re$ort o& how you used this one thousand dollars as soon as you have s$ent it. I trust that you will obey the wishes o& your late uncle." "!ou may de$end on it," said the youn" man res$ect&ully. #illian went to his club. He searched &or a man he called Old +ryson. Old +ryson was a calm, anti'social man, about &orty years old. He was in a corner readin" a boo%. ,hen he saw #illian comin" near he too% a noisy, dee$ breath, laid down his boo% and too% o&& his "lasses. "I have a &unny story to tell you, said #illian. "I wish you would tell it to someone in the billiard room," said Old +ryson. "!ou %now how I hate your stories." "This is a better one than usual," said #illian, rollin" a ci"arette, and I(m "lad to tell it to you. It(s too sad and &unny to "o with the rattling o& billiard balls. I-ve .ust come &rom a meetin" with my late uncle(s lawyers. He leaves me an even thousand dollars. /ow, what can a man $ossibly do with a thousand dollars0" Old +ryson showed very little interest. "I thou"ht the late Se$timus #illian was worth somethin" li%e hal& a million." "He was," a"reed #illian, ha$$ily. " nd that(s where the .o%e comes in. He has le&t a lot o& his money to an or"anism. That is, $art o& it "oes to the man who invents a new bacillus and the rest to establish a hos$ital &or doin" away with it

a"ain. There are one or two small, unim$ortant "i&ts on the side. The butler and the house%ee$er "et a seal ring and ten dollars each. His ne$hew "ets one thousand dollars." ",ere there any others mentioned in your uncle-s will0" as%ed Old +ryson. "/one." said #illian. There is a 1iss Hayden. 1y uncle was res$onsible &or her. She lived in his house. She(s a *uiet thin"2musical2 the dau"hter o& somebody who was unluc%y enou"h to be his &riend. I &or"ot to say that she was in on the rin" and ten dollar .o%e, too. I wish I had been. Then I could have had two bottles o& wine, "iven the rin" to the waiter and had the whole business o&& my hands. /ow tell me what a man can do with a thousand dollars." Old +ryson rubbed his "lasses and smiled. nd when Old +ryson smiled, #illian %new that he intended to be more o&&ensive than ever. There are many "ood thin"s a man could do with a thousand dollars, said +ryson. "!ou0" he said with a "entle lau"h. ",hy, +obby #illian, there(s only one reasonable thin" you could do. !ou can "o and buy 1iss 3otta 3auriere a diamond nec%lace with the money and then ta%e yoursel& o&& to Idaho and in&lict your $resence u$on a ranch. I advise a shee$ ranch, as I have a $articular disli%e &or shee$. "Than%s," said #illian as he rose &rom his chair. "I knew I could de$end on you, Old +ryson. !ou(ve hit on the very idea. I wanted to s$end the money on one thin", because I have to turn in a re$ort &or it, and I hate itemi4in". #illian $honed &or a cab and said to the driver5 "The sta"e entrance o& the 6olumbine Theatre." The theater was crowded. 1iss 3otta 3auriere was $re$arin" &or her $er&ormance when her assistant s$o%e the name o& 1r. #illian. "3et it in," said 1iss 3auriere. "/ow, what is it, +obby0 I(m "oin" on sta"e in two minutes." It won(t ta%e two minutes &or me. ,hat do you say to a little thin" in the .ewelry line0 I can s$end one thousand dollars." Say, +obby, said 1iss 3auriere, Did you see that nec%lace Della Stacey had on the other ni"ht0 It cost two thousand two hundred dollars at Ti&&any(s. 1iss 3auriere was called to the sta"e &or her $er&ormance. #illian slowly wal%ed out to where his cab was waitin". ",hat would you do with a thousand dollars i& you had it0" he as%ed the driver.

"O$en a drin%in" $lace," said the driver, *uic%ly. "I %now a $lace I could ta%e money in with both hands. I(ve "ot it wor%ed out''i& you were thin%in" o& $uttin" u$ the money. "Oh, no," said #illian. I was .ust wonderin". Ei"ht bloc%s down +roadway, #illian "ot out o& the cab. blind man sat on the sidewal% sellin" $encils. #illian went out and stood in &ront o& him. "E)cuse me, but would you mind tellin" me what you would do i& you had a thousand dollars0 as%ed #illian. The blind man too% a small boo% &rom his coat $oc%et and held it out. #illian o$ened it and saw that it was a ban% de$osit boo%. It showed that the blind man had a balance o& one thousand seven hundred ei"hty'&ive dollars in his ban% account. #illian returned the ban% boo% and "ot bac% into the cab. "I &or"ot somethin"," he said. "!ou may drive to the law o&&ices o& Tolman 7 Shar$. 3awyer Tolman loo%ed at #illian in a hostile and *uestionin" way. "I be" your $ardon," said #illian, cheer&ully. "+ut was 1iss Hayden le&t anythin" by my uncle(s will in addition to the rin" and the ten dollars0" "/othin"," said 1r. Tolman. I than% you very much, Sir," said #illian, and went to his cab. He "ave the driver the address o& his late uncle(s home. 1iss Hayden was writin" letters in the library. The small, thin woman wore blac% clothes. +ut you would have noticed her eyes. #illian entered the room as i& the world were unim$ortant. I have .ust come &rom old Tolman(s," he e)$lained. They have been "oin" over the $a$ers down there. They &ound a2 #illian searched his memory &or a le"al term. They &ound an amendment or a $ost'scri$t or somethin" to the will. It seemed that my uncle had second thou"hts and willed you a thousand dollars. Tolman as%ed me to brin" you the money. Here it is. #illian laid the money beside her hand on the des%. 1iss Hayden turned white. "Oh8" she said. nd a"ain, "Oh8" #illian hal& turned and loo%ed out the window. In a low voice he said, "I su$$ose, o& course, that you %now I love you."

"I am sorry," said 1iss Hayden, as she $ic%ed u$ her money. "There is no use0" as%ed #illian, almost li"ht'heartedly. "I am sorry," she said a"ain. "1ay I write a note0" as%ed #illian, with a smile. 1iss Hayden su$$lied him with $a$er and $en, and then went bac% to her writin" table. #illian wrote a re$ort o& how he s$ent the thousand dollars5 9aid by :obert #illian, one thousand dollars on account o& the eternal ha$$iness, owed by Heaven to the best and dearest woman on earth." #illian $ut the note into an envelo$e. He bowed to 1iss Hayden and le&t. His cab sto$$ed a"ain at the o&&ices o& Tolman 7 Shar$. I have s$ent the one thousand dollars," he said cheer&ully, to Tolman. " nd I have come to $resent a re$ort o& it, as I a"reed. He threw a white envelo$e on the lawyer(s table. ,ithout touchin" the envelo$e, 1r. Tolman went to a door and called his $artner, Shar$. To"ether they searched &or somethin" in a lar"e sa&e. They brou"ht out a bi" envelo$e sealed with wa). s they o$ened the envelo$e, they shoo% their heads to"ether over its contents. Then Tolman became the s$o%esman. "1r. #illian," he said, there was an addition to your uncle(s will. It was "iven to us $rivately, with instructions that it not be o$ened until you had $rovided us with a &ull re$ort o& your handlin" o& the one thousand dollars received in the will. s you have satis&ied the conditions, my $artner and I have read the addition. I will e)$lain to you the s$irit o& its contents. In the event that your use o& the one thousand dollars shows that you $ossess any o& the *uali&ications that deserve reward, you stand to "ain much more. I& your dis$osal o& the money in *uestion has been sensible, wise, or unsel&ish, it is in our $ower to "ive you bonds to the value o& &i&ty thousand dollars. +ut i& you have used this money in a waste&ul, &oolish way as you have in the $ast, the &i&ty thousand dollars is to be $aid to 1iriam Hayden, ward o& the late 1r. #illian, without delay. /ow, 1r. #illian, 1r. Shar$ and I will e)amine your re$ort o& the one thousand dollars. 1r. Tolman reached &or the envelo$e. #illian was a little *uic%er in ta%in" it u$. He calmly tore the re$ort and its cover into $ieces and dro$$ed them into his $oc%et.

"It(s all ri"ht," he said, smilin"ly. "There isn(t a bit o& need to bother you with this. I don(t su$$ose you would understand these itemi4ed bets, anyway. I lost the thousand dollars on the races. #ood'day to you, "entlemen." Tolman and Shar$ shoo% their heads mourn&ully at each other when #illian le&t. They heard him whistlin" ha$$ily in the hallway as he waited &or the elevator.
One Thousand Dollars was written by O. Henry. It was ada$ted &or S$ecial En"lish by 3awan Davis. The storyteller and $roducer was Steve Ember.

The Tell-Tale Heart (By Edgar Allan Poe)

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Today we $resent the short story "The Tell'Tale Heart" by Ed"ar llan 9oe. Here is She$ O/eal with the story. True8 /ervous '' very, very nervous I had been and am8 +ut why will you say that I am mad0 The disease had shar$ened my senses '' not destroyed them. bove all was the sense o& hearin". I heard all thin"s in the heaven and in the earth. I heard many thin"s in the underworld. How, then, am I mad0 Observe how healthily '' how calmly I can tell you the whole story. It is im$ossible to say how &irst the idea entered my brain. I loved the old man. He had never wron"ed me. He had never "iven me insult. <or his "old I had no desire. I thin% it was his eye8 !es, it was this8 He had the eye o& a bird, a vulture '' a $ale blue eye, with a &ilm over it. ,henever it &ell on me, my blood ran cold= and so '' very slowly '' I made u$ my mind to ta%e the li&e o& the old man, and &ree mysel& o& the eye &orever. /ow this is the $oint. !ou thin% that I am mad. 1admen %now nothin". +ut you should have seen me. !ou should have seen how wisely and care&ully I went to wor%8 I was never %inder to the old man than durin" the whole wee% be&ore I %illed him. nd every ni"ht, late at ni"ht, I turned the loc% o& his door and o$ened it > oh, so "ently8 nd then, when I had made an o$enin" bi" enou"h &or my head, I $ut in a dar% lantern, all closed that no li"ht shone out, and then I stuc% in my head. I moved it slowly, very slowly, so that I mi"ht not inter&ere with the old mans slee$. nd then, when my head was well in the room, I undid the lantern .ust so much that a sin"le thin ray o& li"ht &ell u$on the vulture eye. nd this I did &or seven lon" ni"hts '' but I &ound the eye always closed= and so it was im$ossible to do the wor%= &or it was not the old man who was a $roblem &or me, but his Evil Eye. On the ei"hth ni"ht, I was more than usually care&ul in o$enin" the door. I had my head in and was about to o$en the lantern, when my &in"er slid on a $iece o& metal and made a noise. The old man sat u$ in bed, cryin" out ",hos there0" I %e$t still and said nothin". I did not move a muscle &or a whole hour. Durin" that time, I did not hear him lie down. He was still sittin" u$ in the bed listenin" '' .ust as I have done, ni"ht a&ter ni"ht.

Then I heard a noise, and I %new it was the sound o& human terror. It was the low sound that arises &rom the bottom o& the soul. I %new the sound well. 1any a ni"ht, late at ni"ht, when all the world sle$t, it has welled u$ &rom dee$ within my own chest. I say I %new it well. I %new what the old man &elt, and &elt sorry &or him, althou"h I lau"hed to mysel&. I %new that he had been lyin" awa%e ever since the &irst noise, when he had turned in the bed. His &ears had been ever since "rowin" u$on him. ,hen I had waited a lon" time, without hearin" him lie down, I decided to o$en a little '' a very, very little '' crac% in the lantern. So I o$ened it. !ou cannot ima"ine how care&ully, care&ully. <inally, a sin"le ray o& li"ht shot &rom out and &ell &ull u$on the vulture eye. It was o$en '' wide, wide o$en '' and I "rew an"ry as I loo%ed at it. I saw it clearly '' all a dull blue, with a horrible veil over it that chilled my bones= but I could see nothin" else o& the old mans &ace or $erson. <or I had directed the li"ht e)actly u$on the damned s$ot. nd have I not told you that what you mista%e &or madness is but a %ind o& over' sensitivity0 /ow, there came to my ears a low, dull, *uic% sound, such as a watch ma%es when inside a $iece o& cotton. I %new that sound well, too. It was the beatin" o& the old mans heart. It increased my an"er. +ut even yet I %e$t still. I hardly breathed. I held the lantern motionless. I attem$ted to %ee$ the ray o& li"ht u$on the eye. +ut the beatin" o& the heart increased. It "rew *uic%er and *uic%er, and louder and louder every second. The old mans terror must have been e)treme8 The beatin" "rew louder, I say, louder every moment8 nd now at the dead hour o& the ni"ht, in the horrible silence o& that old house, so stran"e a noise as this e)cited me to uncontrollable terror. !et, &or some minutes lon"er I stood still. +ut the beatin" "rew louder, louder8 I thou"ht the heart must burst. nd now a new &ear sei4ed me '' the sound would be heard by a nei"hbor8 The old mans hour had come8 ,ith a loud shout, I threw o$en the lantern and burst into the room. He cried once '' once only. ,ithout delay, I &orced him to the &loor, and $ulled the heavy bed over him. I then smiled, to &ind the action so &ar done. +ut, &or many minutes, the heart beat on with a *uiet sound. This, however, did not concern me= it would not be heard throu"h the wall. t len"th, it sto$$ed. The old man was dead. I removed the bed and e)amined the body. I $laced my hand over his heart and held it there many minutes. There was no movement. He was stone dead. His eye would trouble me no more.

I& still you thin% me mad, you will thin% so no lon"er when I describe the wise ste$s I too% &or hidin" the body. I wor%ed *uic%ly, but in silence. <irst o& all, I too% a$art the body. I cut o&& the head and the arms and the le"s. I then too% u$ three $ieces o& wood &rom the &loorin", and $laced his body $arts under the room. I then re$laced the wooden boards so well that no human eye '' not even his '' could have seen anythin" wron". There was nothin" to wash out '' no mar% o& any %ind '' no blood whatever. I had been too smart &or that. tub had cau"ht all '' ha8 ha8 ,hen I had made an end o& these labors, it was &our ocloc% in the mornin". s a cloc% sounded the hour, there came a noise at the street door. I went down to o$en it with a li"ht heart '' &or what had I now to &ear0 There entered three men, who said they were o&&icers o& the $olice. cry had been heard by a nei"hbor durin" the ni"ht= sus$icion o& a crime had been aroused= in&ormation had been "iven at the $olice o&&ice, and the o&&icers had been sent to search the buildin". I smiled '' &or what had I to &ear0 The cry, I said, was my own in a dream. The old man, I said, was not in the country. I too% my visitors all over the house. I told them to search '' search well. I led them, at len"th, to his room. I brou"ht chairs there, and told them to rest. I $laced my own seat u$on the very $lace under which lay the body o& the victim. The o&&icers were satis&ied. I was com$letely at ease. They sat, and while I answered ha$$ily, they tal%ed o& common thin"s. +ut, a&ter a while, I &elt mysel& "ettin" wea% and wished them "one. 1y head hurt, and I had a rin"in" in my ears= but still they sat and tal%ed. The rin"in" became more severe. I tal%ed more &reely to do away with the &eelin". +ut it continued until, at len"th, I &ound that the noise was not within my ears. I tal%ed more and with a hei"htened voice. !et the sound increased '' and what could I do0 It was a low, dull, *uic% sound li%e a watch ma%es when inside a $iece o& cotton. I had trouble breathin" '' and yet the o&&icers heard it not. I tal%ed more *uic%ly '' more loudly= but the noise increased. I stood u$ and ar"ued about silly thin"s, in a hi"h voice and with violent hand movements. +ut the noise %e$t increasin". ,hy would they not be "one0 I wal%ed across the &loor with heavy ste$s, as i& e)cited to an"er by the observations o& the men '' but the noise increased. ,hat could I do0 I swun" my chair and moved it u$on the &loor, but the noise continually increased. It "rew louder '' louder '' louder8 nd still the men tal%ed $leasantly, and smiled. ,as it $ossible they heard not0 /o, no8 They heard8 They sus$ected8 They %new8 They were ma%in" a .o%e o& my horror8 This I thou"ht, and this I thin%.

+ut anythin" was better than this $ain8 I could bear those smiles no lon"er8 I &elt that I must scream or die8 nd now '' a"ain8 3ouder8 3ouder8 3ouder8 "?illains8" I cried, "9retend no more8 I admit the deed8 Tear u$ the &loor boards8 Here, here8 It is the beatin" o& his hideous heart8" !ou have heard the story "The Tell'Tale Heart" by Ed"ar llan 9oe. !our storyteller was She$ O/eal. This story was ada$ted by Shelley #ollust. It was $roduced by 3awan Davis.

The Purloined Letter (By Edgar Allan Poe)

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The word "purloined" means "stolen."

One evenin" in 9aris, durin" the autumn o& BCDE, I went to visit a &riend, u"uste Du$in. ,e were smo%in" our $i$es and tal%in" when the door o& his a$artment o$ened. 1r. #ermont, the head o& the 9aris $olice &orce, came into the room. "I came to as% your advice," #ermont said to my &riend Du$in. "I am tryin" to solve a very im$ortant case. It is also a very sim$le case, so I really need your hel$. +ut I thou"ht you would li%e to hear about it, because it is so stran"e. "1y men and I have wor%ed on this case &or three months," #ermont said. "It is a very sim$le case o& robbery. +ut we still cannot solve it." Du$in too% the $i$e out o& his mouth. "9erha$s the mystery is too sim$le," he said. #ermont be"an to lau"h. "Too sim$le0" he said. ",ho ever heard o& such a thin"0" I loo%ed at #ermont. ",hy don(t you tell us the $roblem0" I said. #ermont sto$$ed lau"hin" and sat down. " ll ri"ht," he said. "+ut you must never tell anyone I told you this." "The wi&e o& a very im$ortant $erson needs hel$. I cannot tell you her name, because her husband is a $ower&ul man in the <rench "overnment. 3et us .ust call her 1adame F. Three months a"o, someone stole a letter &rom 1adame F. She is o&&erin" a lar"e amount o& money to anyone who can return the letter to her. ",e %now that her husband(s $olitical enemy, 1r. D( rcy, stole the letter. ,e also %now it is somewhere in his a$artment. D( rcy $lans to use the letter to embarrass 1adame F(s husband and destroy his $olitical $ower. " s you %now, I have %eys which can o$en any loc% in 9aris. <or the last three months, my men and I have s$ent every evenin" loo%in" &or the letter in his a$artment. +ut we cannot &ind it." Du$in sto$$ed smo%in". "Tell me how you loo%ed &or it," he said. #ermont moved &orward in his chair.

",e too% our time," he said. "<irst, we e)amined the &urniture in every room. ,e o$ened all the drawers. ,e loo%ed under the ru"s. ,e searched behind all the $aintin"s on the walls. ",e o$ened every boo%. ,e removed the boards o& the &loor. ,e even too% the to$s o&& the tables to see i& he had hidden the letter in the table le"s. +ut we cannot &ind it. ,hat do you advise me to do0" Du$in $u&&ed on his $i$e. ",hat does the letter loo% li%e0" he as%ed. "It is in a white envelo$e with a red stam$," #ermont said. "The address is written in lar"e blac% letters." Du$in $u&&ed on his $i$e a"ain. "I advise you to "o bac% and search the a$artment a"ain," he said. bout one month later, #ermont came bac% to see us. "I &ollowed your advice," he said. "+ut I still have not &ound the letter." Du$in smiled. "I %new you would not &ind it," he said. #ermont became very red in the &ace. "Then why did you ma%e me search the a$artment a"ain0" he shouted. "1y dear #ermont," Du$in said. "3et me tell you a little story. Do you remember the &amous doctor, 3ouis bernathy0" "/o8" #ermont shouted. "#et to the $oint, Du$in8" "O& course8 O& course," Du$in said. "Once, a rich old man met bernathy at a $arty. The old man was not &eelin" very well. He decided he would "et a medical o$inion &rom the doctor without $ayin" &or it. So he described his $roblems to bernathy. (/ow doctor,( the old man said, (su$$ose you had a $atient li%e that. ,hat would you tell him to ta%e0(" "(Oh, that is *uite sim$le,( said bernathy. (I would tell him to ta%e my advice.(" #ermont loo%ed embarrassed. "3oo% here, Du$in. I am $er&ectly willin" to $ay &or advice." Du$in smiled at #ermont. "How much money did you say the reward was0" he as%ed. #ermont si"hed. "I do not want to tell you the e)act amount. +ut I would "ive &i&ty thousand &rancs to the $erson who hel$s me &ind that letter." "In that case," Du$in said, "ta%e out your chec%boo% and write me a chec% &or &i&ty thousand &rancs. ,hen you have si"ned the chec%, I will "ive you the letter."

#ermont loo%ed at Du$in with his mouth o$en. His eyes seemed to .um$ out o& his head. Then he too% out his chec%boo% and $en, and wrote a chec% &or &i&ty thousand &rancs. He "ave it to Du$in. 1y &riend e)amined the chec% care&ully and $ut it in his $oc%et. Then he unloc%ed a drawer o& his des%, too% out the letter, and "ave it to #ermont. The $oliceman(s hands shoo% as he o$ened the letter. He read it *uic%ly. Then he $ut it in his $oc%et and ran out o& the room without sayin" a word. "Du$in8" I said, as I turned to my &riend. "How did you solve the mystery0" "It was sim$le, my &riend," he said. "#ermont and his $olicemen could not &ind the letter, because they did not try to understand the mind o& the man who stole it. Instead, they loo%ed &or the letter where they would have hidden it. "1r. D( rcy is not a $oliceman. He is, however, very intelli"ent. He %new the $olice would search his a$artment. He also %new how $olice thin%. So, he did not hide the letter where he %new they would loo% &or it. "Do you remember how #ermont lau"hed when I said the mystery was di&&icult &or him to solve because it was so sim$le0" Du$in &illed his $i$e with tobacco and lit it. ",ell, the more I thou"ht about it, the more I reali4ed the $olice could not &ind the letter because D( rcy had not hidden it at all. "So I went to visit D( rcy in his a$artment. I too% a $air o& dar% "reen eye"lasses with me. I e)$lained to him that I was havin" trouble with my eyes and needed to wear the dar% "lasses at all times. He believed me. The "lasses $ermitted me to loo% around the a$artment while I seemed only to be tal%in" to him. "I $aid s$ecial attention to a lar"e des% where there were a lot o& $a$ers and boo%s. However, I saw nothin" sus$icious there. &ter a &ew minutes, however, I noticed a small shel& over the &ire$lace. &ew $ostcards and a letter were lyin" on the shel&. The letter loo%ed very old and dirty. " s soon as I saw this letter, I decided it must be the one I was loo%in" &or. It must be, even thou"h it was com$letely di&&erent &rom the one #ermont had described. "This letter had a lar"e "reen stam$ on it. The address was written in small letters in blue in%. I memori4ed every detail o& the letter while I tal%ed to D( rcy. Then when he was not loo%in", I dro$$ed one o& my "loves on the &loor under my chair. "The ne)t mornin", I sto$$ed at his a$artment to loo% &or my "love. ,hile we were tal%in", we heard $eo$le shoutin" in the street. D( rcy went to the window

and loo%ed out. Guic%ly, I ste$$ed to the shel& and $ut the letter in my $oc%et. Then I re$laced it with a letter that loo%ed e)actly li%e it, which I had ta%en with me. I had made it the ni"ht be&ore. "The trouble in the street was caused by a man who had almost been run over by a horse and carria"e. He was not hurt. nd soon the crowd o& $eo$le went away. ,hen it was over, D( rcy came away &rom the window. I said "ood'bye and le&t. "The man who almost had an accident was one o& my servants. I had $aid him to create the incident." Du$in sto$$ed tal%in" to li"ht his $i$e. I did not understand. "+ut, Du$in," I said, "why did you "o to the trouble o& re$lacin" the letter0 ,hy not .ust ta%e it and leave0" Du$in smiled. "D( rcy is a dan"erous man," he said. " nd he has many loyal servants. I& I had ta%en the letter, I mi"ht never have le&t his a$artment alive."
"The 9urloined 3etter" was written by Ed"ar llan 9oe and ada$ted into S$ecial En"lish by Dona De Sanctis. The storyteller was She$ O(/eal. The $roducer was 3awan Davis. 9oe is "enerally %nown &or his horror stories. This is the third o& three stories he wrote about u"uste Du$in and how he solves crimes. The story &irst a$$eared in BCDD in a yearly ma"a4ine. It was re$rinted in many $ublications, news$a$ers and boo%s. This is one o& 9oe(s stories that in&luenced the develo$ment o& the modern detective story.

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