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Alexander Alicea-Arroyo! Aitana Medina Hernandez! Akira Kashiwagura! Senior Division! Group Website!

! As we went over the the sample topics provided by NHD, we thought Japanese-American! Rights and Responsibilities in WWII and Restricting the Rights of Parents: Family Planning in! China were both interesting subjects to conduct research on. As we researched the topics to see! which ones had a sufcient amount of resources in order to create our project, we decided to pick! Chinas Family Planning and focus on the One-Child policy itself. We were intrigued by the idea! of limiting families rights, and that brought us even more into the subject. Since the topic is still! a current event, we decided that it would be an interesting subject to work on to inform others of! the situation not many people are aware of.! "! ! When we nalized our topic, we began conducting research by visiting common! databases such as GaleGroup and EbscoHost as well as visiting Chinas government websites! which we found the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China which stated the rights! and responsibilities concerning family planning. After nding primary sources, we began to! research news articles where we found many different opinions concerning the One-Child policy! that inuenced our way of thinking in the process of constructing this project as well as valuable! information to use in order to prove our point. When we were done nding sources we began to! search for college professors who were familiarized with the subject to get a professionals point! of view on the subject.! "! ! The point of history fair is to engage students into discovering historical experiences! from the past, and we wanted to engage our audience with our project for them to get a better! understanding of our topic and thats why we chose Website. In a website, we can grab the! viewers attention with different mediums in order for them to get a better understanding of our! topic. We collaborated different ideas on how we wanted to organize our project and came to a! decision. As we constructed our website, we took turns on editing and putting in our information into the different categories. Then, we took some of the videos we sourced before and edited them into clips in order to provide more information on our category.! "! ! The Chinese Family Planning: The One-Child Policy relates to the theme because it! shows the rights and responsibilities of the government as well as the citizens. As China began to! control its population they had to enact this policy in order to control its population and in doing! so, they created laws for their citizens to follow and it was their responsibility to provide them! with their needs. This has caused problems with fertility rate and Chinas population, which later! on changed over time, and affected the rights and responsibilities of married couples regarding! childbearing.!

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