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Fix leaks Install water-efficient shower heads Wash only full loads of dishes and clothes Water yard

once every five days Water early in the morning or late at night Avoid watering sidewalks and streets Every Drop Makes a Difference Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all my friends! "ou have heard the poem that I recite just now. Yes..its about I would like to talk about water saving; Saving water at home, in the garden, or at work takes very little effort, but makes a big difference. Now I would like to give you a few ti s on how to use water more efficiently in and around the home. #! $hower % &ut down the num'er of showers! If possi'le( shower only once a day after work! $witch off shower when soaping and shampooing! Do not over-use soap or shampoo as this will need more water for rinsing! )se *organic-'ased+ soap and shampoo! ,hey are less *soapy+ and less water is needed to rinse them off! Do not switch the shower on full 'last! &ut short your shower time! -! .rushing teeth% )se a cup of water for 'rushing your teeth! /ever let the tap run while you are 'rushing! 0! Washing face% )se a wet towel instead of a running tap! 1! 2air style% $hort hair definitely re3uires less water to wash and clean! $o why not do your 'it to save water4 After all( many have shaved their heads 'ald when some foot'all team won! 5! Washing car% 6educe car washes! If possi'le( stop washing your car! If you really need to 7for those who really love their cars8( use a 'ucket and a cloth! /ever use a hose! 9!&leaning floors% /ever use a hose or pour water over the floor for washing! Always use a mop! )se a *norinse+ washing li3uid! $weep the floor more often! ,his way( it clears dust fast and stops it from accumulating!

:! &ooking% ,ry not to do too much deep frying or the cooking of oily food! ,he cleaning and washing up of pots and pans( as well as the walls and floors after oily cooking can waste a lot of water( not forgetting the hard work! Instead( prepare more fresh food 7e!g! salad and fruits8 and cook more steamed food!( all of which are healthier for the 'ody ;! &lothing% ,ry to wear cotton clothes that are not too thick or woolly! For those working in airconditioned places( clothes can 'e worn twice 'efore they are washed! 2owever( 'e careful not to carry it to the extreme until hygiene is sacrificed! <! Washing clothes% Wait until a full load is accumulated 'efore washing! )se environmentally friendly washing powder! ,hey are less soapy and are not harmful to the environment! In fact( one can collect the effluent water from such washing powder for re-use 7washing cars( watering plants! washing shoes etc!8! For handwashing( use water sparingly! #=! $ports% 6educe indulging in sweaty sports that re3uire changing a lot of clothes! For example( some sports like s3uash and 'adminton re3uire the change of many ,-shirts during one single session! Imagine coming home with all those sweaty clothes when your mother>wife has no water to wash them &hoose something like swimming or running! For all sports( use only one ,-shirt! Water is a precious resource! It?s important to use water wisely( particularly during extended dry weather! .y following these simple suggestions( you?ll save money on your water 'ill while conserving the supply we all depend on! $o( start saving water now ,hank you!

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