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Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 5(3): 4!" 47, !#$3 %SS&: !#4#"745'( E"%SS&: !

#4#"74)7 * +a,-ell Scien.ific /rgani0a.ion, !#$3 Su12i..ed: June $3, !#$! Accep.ed: July #4, !#$! 3u1lished: January !$, !#$3

Research on Damping Characteristics of Shock Absorber for Heavy Vehicle

4ong5ie 6u, Shaohua 6i and &a 7hen %ns.i.u.e of +echanical Engineering, Shi5ia0huang Tiedao 8ni9ersi.y, Shi5ia0huang, #5##43, 3:R: 7hina
Abstract: The da2ping charac.eris.ic of shoc; a1sor1er has an influence on i.s design and o9erall perfor2ance of 9ehicle sys.e2: <, .he s.ruc.ural fea.ures and -or;ing principle of hydraulic shoc; a1sor1er are in.roduced: Then .he de.ail sche2e of .he shoc; a1sor1er is proposed and .he da2ping charac.eris.ics are .es.ed under 1o.h sinusoidal and rando2 displace2en. e,ci.a.ion (=T"'$$ dyna2ic 2a.erial .es. pla.for2): The da.a under differen. e,ci.a.ion fre>uency and a2pli.ude are analy0ed, respec.i9ely: The .es.ed resul.s sho.ha. .he shoc; a1sor1er has .he .ypical fea.ures of non"lineari.y, non"sy22e.ry and hys.eresis: %n order .o sa.isfy .he 9ehicle dyna2ics si2ula.ion, .he ?esinger 2odel is chosen .o descri1e shoc; a1sor1 nonlinear charac.eris.ics: The 6S+ (6eas. S>uares +e.hod) is u.ili0ed .o iden.ify se9en para2e.ers of ?esinger 2odel 1ased on e,peri2en. resul.s: <inally, a nonlinear 9ir.ual pro.o.ype 2odel of hea9y du.y 9ehicle is 1uil. .o pro9e .he fi..ed shoc; a1sor1er 2odel effec.i9ely: Keywords: @a2ping charac.eris.ics, hea9y"du.y 9ehicle, hydraulic shoc; a1sor1er, nonlinear 2odeling !"R#D$C" #! The road early da2age is 2ainly caused 1y hea9y load, -hich reduces .he road ser9ice life and .he 9ehicle perfor2ances (/E7@, $'' ( 4ang et al:, !##'): As a 2a5or da2ping co2ponen. of .he hea9y 9ehicle .he dyna2ics charac.eris.ics no. only affec. .he 9ehicle ride co2for. and handling s.a1ili.y, 1u. also decide .he dyna2ic load 1e.-een .he 9ehicle and road (Adrian, !##!): A. presen. .here are 2any 2a.he2a.ical 2odels .o e,press shoc; a1sor1ers da2ping charac.eris.ics (6u and 6i, !##!): A co2ple, non"linear shoc; a1sor1er 2odel -as proposed 1y 6ang ($'77), -hich includes 3 para2e.ers depending on physical fea.ure: Al.hough .he 6angAs 2odel is good a. descri1ing .he dis.or.ion pro1le2 a. .he high fre>uency, i. has so2e li2i.a.ions in prac.ical applica.ions due .o so 2any para2e.ers: Baradayi and +asada ($' ') es.a1lished a ;ind of si2ple and clear 2odel for descri1ing .he hys.eresis charac.eris.ics of shoc; a1sor1er, 1u. i. is only sui.a1le for -or;ing condi.ion in .he lo-"fre>uency: ?esinger and 7ole proposed a nonlinear 2odel including se9en para2e.ers: They applied ?esinger 2odel in .he 2odeling for hea9y"du.y 9ehicle suspension shoc; a1sor1er and i.s si2ula.ion resul.s is in accord -i.h .he e,peri2en. -hen fre>uency is less .han $# =0 and .he speed is C$ 2Ds: The -or;ing principle of .he hydraulic shoc; a1sor1er could 1e 1riefly su22ari0ed: Ehen a pis.on is 2o9ing 1ac; and for.h in .he cylinder .u1e, .he oil in .he shell of shoc; a1sor1er repea.edly flo-s fro2 one ca9i.y in.o o.her ca9i.y .hrough so2e narro- gaps: As a resul., .he da2ping force is produced 1ecause of .he fric.ion a2ong oil 2olecules: %n .heory, a da2ping force 9ehicle suspension 9i1ra.ion =o-e9er, .he da2ping force is al-ays designed larger in .he .ension s.age .han in .he co2pression s.age: The purpose is .o 2a;e shoc; a1sor1er i2pro9e .he 9ehicle dyna2ic 1eha9iors: A 1idirec.ional hydraulic shoc; a1sor1er is s.udied in .his s.udy, -hich could a..enua.e .he 9i1ra.ion in 1o.h .ension and co2pression s.age and reflec.s .he o19ious nonlinear hys.ere.ic charac.eris.ics: The shoc; a1sor1er is a .ypical nonlinear sys.e2 and i.s da2ping force 2odeling has 1eco2e a research highligh.: The nonlinear 2odeling 2e.hods consis. of: para2e.ric 2odel and non"para2e.ric 2odel: 3ara2e.ric 2odel accoun.s for .he shoc; a1sor1ers in.ernal fluid flo- and .he real s.ruc.ure of .hro..le, -hile non"para2e.ric 2odel is 2ainly 1ased on ac.ual 2easure2en. ignoring i.s inner s.ruc.ure: So as .o o1.ain .he da2ping coefficien. of .he shoc; a1sor1er and i.s 2o.ion regulari.y, i. is necessary .o do ac.ual 2easure2en. a1ou. .he da2ping charac.eris.ics: Then non"para2e.ric 2e.hod is adap.ed .o research nonlinear da2ping charac.eris.ics of .he hydraulic shoc; a1sor1er in .his s.udy: %n .his s.udy, .he shoc; a1sor1er da2ping charac.eris.ics of a hea9y 9ehicle (@<6$!5#A') are .es.ed under .he sinusoidal and rando2 s.eady"s.a.e displace2en. e,ci.a.ion, respec.i9ely, -i.h .he 2a.erial .es. pla.for2 (=T"'$$): The da2ping charac.eris.ic

Corresponding A%thor: 4ong5ie 6u, %ns.i.u.e of +echanical Engineering, Shi5ia0huang Tiedao 8ni9ersi.y, Shi5ia0huang, #5##43, 3:R: 7hina


Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(3): 842-847, 2 !3 cur9es are o1.ained under differen. fre>uencies and differen. a2pli.ude: The se9en nonlinear para2e.ers of ?esinger 2odel are iden.ified depending on .he .es.ed resul.s: A case of 9ir.ual hea9y 9ehicle is proposed .o pu. .he fi..ed shoc; a1sor1er 2odel in.o ac.ion: "&S" !' (#R DA)* !' CHARAC"&R S" CS "esting system and scheme: %n .his s.udy, .he dyna2ic 2a.erials sys.e2 (=ongda =T"'$$) is chosen .o .es. .he da2ping charac.eris.ics of .he shoc; a1sor1er: The .es. sys.e2 con.ains ser9o con.rol sys.e2, signal ac>uisi.ion sys.e2, func.ion genera.or, securi.y 2oni.oring sys.e2, AD@ in.erface sys.e2, ser9o" 9al9e dri9er and .he .-in".u1e hydraulic shoc; a1sor1er and so on: The specific sche2e of .he is designed, as follo-s: Clamping the shock absorber: The lo-er end of a shoc; a1sor1er is 9er.ically fi,ed .o .he hydraulic ser9o"pla.for2 and .he upper end is fas.ened .o .he rigid 1ea2 e>uipped -i.h a force sensor: The shoc; a1sor1er is ad5us.ed along .he 9er.ical direc.ion .o ensure .ha. pis.on does no. produce eccen.ric -ear during .he loading process: Then .he ini.ial posi.ion of .he ser9o"console should 1e also ad5us.ed .o ensure .he pis.on loca.e in .he 2iddle of .he effec.i9e;e: +oading the shock absorber: The e,ci.a.ion fre>uency, a2pli.ude and sa2pling fre>uency are all .yped in.o .he The dri9ing signal of sinusoidal displace2en. is produced .hrough a func.ion genera.or: The signal is a2plified 1y .he AD@ in.erface .o 2a;e ser9o pla.for2 e,ci.e .he shoc; a1sor1er according -i.h .he pre"inpu. fre>uency and a2pli.ude: Collecting the data: ?ecause .he e,ci.a.ion 2e.hod is displace2en. dri9ing, .he displace2en. signal of .he shoc; a1sor1er pis.on can 1e o1.ained 1y .he pre"inpu. signal: And .he da2ping force can 1e recorded .hrough .he force sensor on .he rigid 1ea2: The ac.ual pho.o and scene of .he shoc; a1sor1 are sho-n in <ig: $ and !, respec.i9ely: "esting res%lts for damping characteristics: <or .he purpose of o1.aining .he nonlinear da2ping charac.eris.ics of .he shoc; a1sor1er, i. is needed .o do so2e e,ci.a.ion .es.s a. differen. e,ci.a.ion fre>uencies and differen. a2pli.udes: The s.eady"s.a.e e,ci.a.ion .o .he shoc; a1sor1er is 2ade according .o .he s.andard G7DT 545"$''': The e, fre>uency %ES -ere

<ig: $: Shoc; a1sor1 of @<6$!5#

<ig: !: E, se.up for da2ping charac.eris.ics

" F $:# =0 " F $:5 =0 " F !:# =0 " F !:5 =0

5### 4### 3### #$% !### $### # "$### "$# "

") "4

"! # sD22


<ig: 3: <orce displace2en. cur9e under differen. fre>uency

chosen as $:#, $:5, !:# and !:5 =0, .he e,ci.a.ion a2pli.ude of .he pis.on -ere chosen as 5, $#, $5 and !# 22, respec.i9ely: ?ecause .he shoc; a1sor1er is e,ci.ed 1y sinusoidal displace2en., .he pis.on 2o.ion is gi9en as:
S = S # sin(!

t )

-here, S # : The larges. a2pli.ude of .he pis.on 2o9e2en.

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 5(3): 842-847, 2 !3 ($) The 2o9e2en. angular fre>uency

5### 4### #$%

s F 5 22 s F $# 22 s F $5 22 s F !# 22

1000 800 600 400 F/N 200 0 -200

3### !### $### # "$### "#:#! "#:#$ # sD2 #:#$ #:#!


<ig: 4: <orce displace2en. cur9e under differen. a2pli.ude

5### 4### 3### #$% !### $### # "$### &$'$s

<ig: 7: <orce displace2en. cur9e under rando2 e,ci.a.ion

" F $:# =0 " F $:5 =0 " F !:# =0 " F !:5 =0

80 0 60 0 40 0 20 0 0 200 400




0 0.02 0.04 0.06

<ig: 5: <orce 9eloci.y cur9e under differen. fre>uency <ig: : <orce 9eloci.y cur9e under rando2 e,ci.a.ion
5### 4### 3### #$% !### $### # "$### "#:! "#:$ # ($'$s #:$ #:! s F 5 22 s F $# 22 s F $5 22 s F !# 22

& =!

S # cos(!

t )


Through a series of e,peri2en.s, .he da2ping charac.eris.ic cur9es of .he shoc; a1sor1er are 2easured: Then .he force"displace2en. cur9es under differen. fre>uency and a2pli.ude are sho-n in <ig: 3 and 4, respec.i9ely: <igure 5 and ) sho- .ha. .he cur9es presen. o19ious nonlinear charac.eris.ics during 1o.h .he .ension and .he co2pression processes: <ur.h 2ore, .here also e,i.s hys.eresis pheno2enon: %n order .o fur.her si2ula.e .he ac.ual 9i1ra.ion of

hea9y 9ehicle .ra9elling on une9en road, .he rando2

<ig: ): <orce 9eloci.y cur9e under differen. a2pli.ude

e,ci.a.ion .es. is

also done for shoc; a1sor1er: <igure 7 and sho- .he da2ping charac.eris.ics of shoc; a1sor1er under .he rando2 e,ci.a.ion: So2e conclusions could 1e dra-n fro2 .he <ig: 7 and , as follo-s:

Then .he rela.i9e 9eloci.y 1e.-een .he pis.on and cylinder .u1e can 1e deduced as:

The -or;ing poin.s ha9e .he fea.ure of une9en dis.ri1u.ion under .he rando2 e,ci.a.ion: ?u. .hese poin.s 1asically loca.e in an area -i.hin ")H) 22 a2pli.ude, "#:#)H#:#) 2Ds 9eloci.y: The force"displace2en. cur9e presen.s I=a21urgerJ shape and .he lef. and righ. sides are no. co2ple.ely sy22e.rical: The da2ping charac.eris.ics cur9e presen.s I?ananaJ shape: These resul.s once again pro9e .ha. .he shoc; a1sor1 has indeed .he fea.ure of non"lineari.y and non"sy22e.ry: *arameter identification of shock absorber: The e,peri2en. research is only .he 1eginning .o unders.and .he shoc; a1sor1s charac.eris.ics 9isually: The iden.ifica.ion should 1e done .o sa.isfy .he 9ehicle dyna2ics research: There are .-o -ays .o acco2plish .he sys.e2 para2e.ers iden.ifica.ion, as follo-ers: in .he .i2e and in .he fre>uency region: The 6S+ (6eas. S>uares +e.hod) is proposed 1y Kauss, -hich is a 1asic and effec.i9e 2e.hod .o apply .he iden.ifica.ion .heory in.o .he s.a.ic and dyna2ic sys.e2, or linear and nonlinear sys.e2 e.c: Thus .he 6S+ is u.ili0ed .o iden.ify .he shoc; a1sor1er para2e.ers 1ased on e,peri2en. da.a: %n .his s.udy, .he ?esinger 2odel is chosen for iden.ifying da2ping force: A nonlinear springs and da2per are cascaded .oge.her in .his 2odel, sho-n as <ig: ': The 2odel has .hree fea.ures: nonlinear rela.ionship 1e.-een .he .ension and co2pression s.ages, hys.eresis loop and sa.ura.ion in high"speed s.age during .he .ension s.age: %n .he ?esinger 2odel, .he da2ping force < 9 is defined as:
+ (( )( #( = +e (open + +, (( 9 open ) ( < 9 li2 ( 9 li2
<ig: ': ?esinger 2odel of shoc; a1sor1er

<ig: $#: +ul.i 1ody hea9y 9ehicle 2odel

#c = )$ * + )! *



-here, ; $ and ; ! are .he coefficien.s of .he spring s.iffness: ?ased on .he da.a (fre>uency ! =0, a2pli.ude $# 22), .he 6+S 2e.hod is u.ili0ed .o inden.ify .he da2ping para2e.ers of .he shoc; a1sor1er: The specific da2ping coefficien. are: 7 c F $4:4 &sD22, 7 e F $5:) &sD22, 7 1 F 3:) &sD22, 9 li2 F #:$!5 2Ds, M F #:7 2Ds, ; $ F $5# &D22, ; $ F $5# &D22, ; ! F #:$! &D223: !$)&R CA+ R&S$+"S .ension da2ping force and 7 $ F (7 e " 7 c )D!, 7 $ F (7 e L 7 c )D! According .o .he 2odel <ig: 4, .he da2ping force could 1e -ri..en as:

-here, 7(9) F

1 (v ) 1+(

L c ! : A func.ion

of .he



9eloci.y rela.i9e .o cylinder .u1e 7 c : The da2ping coefficien. of shoc; a1sor1er in .he co2pression s.age 7 e : The da2ping coefficien. a. .he lo-"speed s.age of .he .ension;e 7 1 : The da2ping coefficien. of shoc; a1sor1er a. .he high"speed s.age of .he .ension s.age 9 li2 : The speed a. .he .urning speed 1e.-een high speed and lo- speed during .he .esniling;e M : A .ransi.ion 1e.-een co2pression and

?ased on .he a1o9e iden.ified nonlinear da2ping force and .he 2ul.i"1ody .heory, a full hea9y 9ehicle 2odel is es.a1lished in .he 2ul.i"1o1y sof.-are: The 9ehicle 2odel consis. of .he fron. and rear suspension, s.eering roo2, s.eering sys.e2, engine, .ires and o.her su1sys.e2s 2odels: precise defini.ion of .he spa.ial loca.ions for .hese su1sys.e2s, 9ehicle 2odel is es.a1lished .hrough .he inpu. and .he ou.pu. co22unica.ion de9ice: The in.egra.ed 2odel could

Ta1le $: +ain para2e.ers of suspension sys.e2 7a21er angle $O 6eng.hD-id.hD.hic;ness of rear leaf spring (22) $)##D'#D!4 Bingpin inclina.ion 7O S.iffness of fron. leaf spring (;&D2) !5! angle $O5!S.iffness of .ande2 leaf spring (;&D2) $$'5 6inear &onlinear 6eng.hD-id.hD.hic;ness of fron. leaf spring (22) $)##D'#D$3 Per.ical s.iffness of .ire (;&D2) $$## <ull load of fron. a,le (;g) )'## <ull load of .ande2 a,le (;g) $ ###

$####:# Accelera.ion (22DsNN!) 5###:# # "5###:#

"$####:# #:# $:!5 !:5# Ti2e (s) 3:75 5:#

<ig: $$: 7o2pare of .he 9ehicle 1ody accelera.ion of 9ehicle

)5###:# 55###:# <orce (ne-.on) 45###:# 35###:# !5###:# $5###:# 5###:# #:# $:# !:# 3:# Ti2e (s) 4:# 5:# 6inear &onlinear

<ig: $!: 7o2pare of .he dyna2ic .ire force

reflec. .he fine s.ruc.ure of 9ehicle sys.e2s 2ore accura.ely and .ruly: So2e >uasi"s.a.ic e>uili1riu2 si2ula.ions are i2ple2en.ed .o chec; redundan. cons.rain. and 2a;e .he 9ir.ual 2odel 9alid: The -hole 3@ 9ehicle 2odel is sho-n in <ig: $#: So2e 2ain para2e.ers of .he 9ehicle 2odel are sho-n in Ta1le $: And .he nonlinear para2e.ers of shoc; a1sor1 according .o .he a1o9e e,peri2en. resul.s: The 9ehicle runs on .he 9ir.ual road (.a;ing a 1u2p 2odel as i2pulse e,ci.a.ion) a. a speed of 4# ;2Dh: The si2ula.ion .i2e and s.ep si0e are 5 s and #:##5, respec.i9ely: The defaul. Kear S.iff %n.egra.or (KST%<<) is adop.ed .o sol9e coupled nonlinear @ifferen.ial"Alge1raic E>ua.ions (@AE): The 9ehicle 1ody accelera.ion and .ire dyna2ic force are si2ula.ed 1y co2paring .he linear da2ping and

nonlinear da2ping force: The resul.s are illus.ra.ed in <ig: $$ and $!: As can 1e seen fro2 .he <ig: $$ and $!, .here e,i. differences for 9ehicle perfor2ance 1e.-een .he nonlinear and linear shoc; a1sor1er 2odel: The 9ehicle 1ody accelera.ion is no. sensi.i9e .o .he effec. of nonlinear shoc; a1sor1, 1u. .he dyna2ic .ire force has o19ious difference, -hich has an 2eaning for researching .he in.erac.ion 1e.-een .he 9ehicle and road: C#!C+$S #! A de.ailed sche2e for .he da2ping charac.eris.ics of shoc; a1sor1er is proposed: The da2ping charac.eris.ics are .es.ed on dyna2ic

2a.erial pla.for2 under .he sinusoidal and rando2 e,ci.a.ion: The resul.s sho- .ha. .he shoc; a1sor1er has .he fea.ures of non"lineari.y, non"sy22e.ry and hys.eresis: The ?esinger nonlinear 2odel is chosen .o iden.ify .he da2ping force 1ased e, da.a: And a nonlinear 9ir.ual pro.o.ype 2odel of hea9y du.y 9ehicle is 2odeled considering .he a1o9e fi..ed shoc; a1sor1er 2odel: Thus i. is an effec.i9e 2e.hod .o 1uild nonlinear shoc; a1sor1er 2odel, -hich can 1e easy .o 1e u.ili0ed in 9ehicle si2ula.ion: ACK&!#,+&D')&!" This s.udy -as suppor.ed 1y .he Bey 3ro5ec. of 7hinese +inis.ry of Educa.ion (Kran. &o: $#'3!##):), &a.ional &a.ural Science <ounda.ion of 7hina (Kran. &o: $$$#!$!$, $$#7!$5') and .he &a.ural Science <ounda.ion of =e1ei pro9ince (Kran. &o: A!#$!!$##$ ): R&(&R&!C&S Adrian, S:, !##!: The %nfluence of @a2per 3roper.ies on Pehicle @yna2ic ?eha9ior: SAE, !##!"#$" #3$':

Baradayi, R: and K:4: +asada, $' ': A nonlinear shoc; a1sor1er 2odel: 3roceeding of .he Sy2posiu2 on Si2ula.ion and 7on.rol on Kround Pehicles and Transpor.a.ion Sys.e2s, A+3 #, @S7 $!, pp: $4'"$)5: 6ang, =:=:, $'77: A s.udy of .he charac.eris.ics of au.o2o.i9e hydraulic da2pers a. high;ing fre>uencies: 3h:@: Thesis, 8ni9ersi.y of +ichigan: 6u, Q:=: and S:+: 6i, !##!: Si2ula.ion .echni>ues for nonlinear dyna2ic charac.eris.ics of .elescopic hydraulic da2pers: J: Tsinghua 8ni9: Sci: Tech:, 4!($$): $53!"$53): /E7@, @:, $'' : @yna2ic %n.erac.ion 1e.-een Pehicles and %nfras.ruc.ure E,peri2en.: Technical Repor.: /rgani0a.ion for Econo2ic 7o"opera.ion and @e9elop2en. (/E7@): Road Transpor. Research, Scien.ific E,per. Kroup: 4ang, S:3:, S:=: 6i and 4:J: 6u, !##': @yna2ics of 9ehicle"pa9e2en. coupled sys.e2 1ased on a re9ised fle,i1le roller .ire 2odel: Sci: 7hina Series E"Technol: Sci:, 5!(3): 7!$"73#:

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