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Annotated Bibliography

By Bob Schofner

Nixon, Richard. Speeches, Writings, Documents . 1st ed. 0. New Jersey, United State: Princeton University Press, 2008. 153-269. Print. This book is a collection of quotes and different documents each written by Nixon. Not only is it filled with primary source documents, each are written by Nixon himself.

Nixon, Richard. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. 1st ed. 0. New York, United States: Touchstone Inc., 1990. 363-758. Print. This book is full of primary source documents written by Richard M. Nixon himself. This book is full of great quotes by the President. It is easy to see how the president felt and thought when you read this book.

Starr, Edwin, writ. "War, What Is It Good For." YouTube: 22 1 2007. Radio. <>.

This song I played in conjunction with the use of my Taiwan and Vietnam slide to illustrate how much resistance there was to the Vietnam War.

Nixon Mao. 1972. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture represents the companionship and friendship, the two leaders experienced as Nixon and Mao changed the world. This picture is a classic and is well known as the keynote photograph of that time period.

Winston Lord. 1972. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture just lets the readers understand who Winston Lord is and what his photograph looks like.

Richard Nixon Inauguration Pin. 2011. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This is a photograph of one of Nixons inauguration pins. I added it as part of the inauguration slide show because it deals with the President Nixons inauguration.

President John F. Kennedy Inauguration. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture shows Nixon shaking hands with Kennedy. Kennedy will defeat Nixon for the Presidency in the next election.

Nixon Taking Oath. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. < er&utm_campaign=Feed: rss/cnn_us (RSS: U.S.)>. This picture is of President Nixon taking his oath of office. I added it into the inauguration slide show.

Historic 1969 Richard Milhous Nixon Presidential Inauguration. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This is a picture of Nixon at his inauguration talking to the audience. This is part of the inauguration slide show.

Images from Inaugurations Past. N.d. Photograph. museum on Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. < ?c=y&page=10>.

This picture is of Nixon waving to some supporters after his inauguration. This has been inserted into the inauguration slide show.

Forty Years Ago. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture is my header and it shows Nixon talking to US troops in Vietnam. This appears on my Vietnam War slide.

Failed American policies rise from the grave in Iraq war. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture shows Nixon discussing the Vietnam War with officials. This is the header for my Vietnam War slide.

War in Vietnam. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture is a graphic that illustrates Nixons Vietnam plan. It is used to make his plan simpler for readers to understand with the use of this graphic.

Vietnamization. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture shows Nixon pointing to a board with a map of Vietnam on it. President Nixon understood the details of his plan and policies regarding the Vietnam War.

Atkins, Ollie. A Brief History of Presidents Abroad. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <,8599,1888528,00.html >. This picture shows a formal meeting the president had with the Chinese officials. They are eating Chinese food and this picture is on my Meeting the Chairman page.

Richard Nixon. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture shows the president clinking glasses with Chairman Mao and shows his respect for the Chinese leader. This is on my Meeting the Chairman page.

Nixon. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>.

This picture shows how Nixon was a fun loving man who was well known for his victory pose. This picture is found on my Conclusion Page.

Griffin, Merv, perf. "Nixons Vietnam interview." Perf. Richard Nixon . The Merv Griffin Show. 1966. Television. <>. This video shows why Nixon thinks America must be in the Vietnam War. He sees America as a great power with a destiny to be there. The video is an interview on the Merv Griffin show. It is placed on the Thailand and Vietnam Page.

Lord, Winston. 14 7 1972. 7 . Above is a quote I used to help explain what makes this trip to china so important. It can be found on the background slide.

Kissinger, Henry. 26 10 1972. 10 . This is a quote I use to re-illustrate that this whole operation is one of peace. It is found on my Taiwan and Vietnam page.

Nixon, Richard. oct 1969. Oct. This quote is used to yet again re-stress that this was a peace mission. This is found on trip to china.

Nixon, Richard. 27 2 1972. 2 . tCookieSupport=1 This quote is used to show how Nixon understood the pressure that was on him to be successful in peace with the Chinese. This can be found on the Trip to China page.

Nixon, Richard. 20 1 1969. 1 . This quote truly put emphasis on the fact that he was there for peace. This can be found on the conclusion page.

Nixon, Richard. 14 3 1969. 3 . Print. Richard Nixon Speeches, Writings, Documents. This quote is more of a rap up because covers everything discussed in this website about Nixons trip. This can be found on the Results page.


Marquez, Heron. Richard M. Nixon. 1st ed. 0 . Minneapolis, United State: Lerner Publican Company, 2003. 1-101. Print. This book is a biography of Richard Nixon and has a great section on his foreign policy. Its a great secondary source about what Nixon believed about China. It shows how much of a peace keeper Nixon was. Secondary Source.

Small, Melvin. The Presidency of Richard Nixon. 1st ed. 31. Kansas, United States: University of Kansas Press, 1999. 59-153. Print. This book takes a look at the entirety of Nixons Presidency. It was very useful when comparing him to other presidents. It took a great look at what the Office of the President today and how we can tie it back to Nixon. Its a secondary source.

Mann, James. About Face. 1st ed. 0. New York, United States: Alfred A. Knopf Inc., 1998. 13-53. Print. This book is specifically about the U.S and China. There is a large segment on Nixon and his tour of Chin. It is a secondary source. It was great for my project because it is full of facts and quotes that can be used in my website.

Macmillan, Margaret. NIXON AND MAO. 1st ed. 0. New York, United States: Random House Inc., 2007. 19-94. Print.

This book was used in the creation of my time line. It had a very easy to follow day by day calendar of what Nixon did in China. The book is a simple secondary source but was very useful in my research.

"Hail to the Chief." YouTube: 3 10 2008. Radio. <>. The song was downloaded off of YouTube so it would play when you open up the presentation. It plays an important and powerful rendition of the song that has become synonymous with the Presidency since the early part of the Twentieth Century.

Heimer, Zejlko. Flag of China. 2009. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This is the flag of the Peoples Republic of China.

American flag. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This image is a brother to the Chinese flag image and represents the United States of America.

Unabashed left. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>.

This image is a political cartoon that I thought would fit perfectly in my presentation. It shows Nixons strong sense of self and well recognized Victory pose.

Schofner, Bob. Timeline. 2013. Photograph. PDF Web. 6 Jan 2014. This is a timeline which I made myself to illustrate what Nixon did on his first trip to China. Its in the Trip to China slide.

Pandas. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This picture lets people see what a panda looks like so they know what the trade of animals consisted of. This is on the Meeting the Chairman page.

Musk oxen. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. < Tundra>. This picture is used so the readers can see what a musk oxen looks like. Its on the Meeting the Chairman page.

Made in China sticker. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. < heap.fsb/>. This picture is used to represent how much of an improvement our relations with china have been. This picture can be found on the Results Page.

Made in China Tag. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This is used to show how much better our relations are with China after Nixon and how many manufactured goods our citizens purchase there. This picture can be found on the Results Page.

Tickle me Elmo. N.d. Photograph. Jpeg Web. 6 Jan 2014. <,28804,204 9243_2048661_2049231,00.html>. This is just to show a product that I know is made in China. This is on the Results Page.

"" Wikipedia , 16 10 2013. Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>.

This resource helped me because it gave me a broad explanation of the tour Nixon went on. The article was very informative and it gave me a lot of simple answers to some complicated questions.

"" ml. Americas library . Web. 6 Jan 2014. < ml>. This source was very simple. It provided me with easy explanations that I could understand.

"" adst, n.d. Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This website was very factual. It explained Nixons trip to China through a series of concise facts that the reader could easily follow.

"" N.p., n.d. Web. 6 Jan 2014. <>. This website helped me with my timeline. It had a step by step, day to day, list of what happened on Nixons tour.

Bonaparte, Napoleon. 1800. . Print. This quote was made by Napoleon almost 200 years ago and it still has meaning. China was referred to as the sleeping giant because it was strong but kept calm. This quote can be found on the Results page.

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