He Withdrew Increasingly From External Affairs.: Its Primitive Organizational Structure Was No Longer Sufficient

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Demon-strable Evolve Francis Assisi Compromise Tranquilizes Order

Francis of Assisi Meager Universal Laboring Equals

1181/1182 - 1226
St. Francis of Assisi (Italian: San Francesco d'Assisi, baptized Giovanni, born Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone;[ ! ""#"$""# % &ctober ', " ()['! *as an Italian +at,olic friar and preac,er. -e fo.nded t,e /en's Franciscan &rder, t,e *o/en0s &rder of St. +lare, and t,e 1,ird &rder of Saint Francis for /en and *o/en not able to live t,e lives of itinerant preac,ers follo*ed b2 t,e earl2 /e/bers of t,e &rder of Friars 3inor or t,e /onastic lives of t,e Poor +lares.[4! 1,o.5, ,e *as never ordained to t,e +at,olic priest,ood, Francis is one of t,e /ost venerated reli5io.s fi5.res in ,istor2.[4! In " "6, ,e *ent to 752pt in an atte/pt to convert t,e S.ltan to p.t an end to t,e conflict of t,e +r.sades.[(! B2 t,is point, t,e Franciscan &rder ,ad 5ro*n to s.c, an e8tent t,at

its pri/itive or5anizational str.ct.re *as no lon5er s.fficient.

-e ret.rned to Ital2 to or5anize t,e &rder.

&nce ,is co//.nit2 *as a.t,orized b2 t,e Pope,

,e *it,dre* increasin5l2 fro/ e8ternal affairs.

In " ', Francis arran5ed for t,e first +,rist/as /an5er scene.[9! 4, ,e received t,e sti5/ata,[9! /a:in5 ,i/ t,e first recorded person to bear t,e *o.nds of +,rist's Passion.[;! -e died d.rin5 t,e evenin5 ,o.rs of &ctober ', " (, *,ile listenin5 to a readin5 ,e ,ad re<.ested of Psal/ "4=. In " In order to or5anize t,e &rder /.st ,ave t,e Pope's blessin5 >7?S >ever 7ndin5 ?ar Stor2 -ellion order contin.es to t,is ver2 @AA @ar: Ab2ss Ao:e Psal/ "4= is t,e "4=t, Psal/ fro/ t,e Boo: of Psal/s. It describes p.ttin5 one's tr.st in God *,ile t,reatened *it, evil. @o/ine, cla/avi. A pra2er a5ainst sinf.l *ords, and deceitf.l flatterers. A psal/ of @avid. ["! I ,ave cried to t,e, & Bord, ,ear /e: ,ear:en to /2 voice, *,en I cr2 to t,ee. [ ! Bet /2 pra2er be directed as incense in t,2 si5,t; t,e liftin5 .p of /2 ,ands, as evenin5 sacrifice. ['! Set a *atc,, & Bord, before /2 /o.t,: and a door ro.nd abo.t /2 lips. [4! Incline not /2 ,eart to evil *ords; to /a:e e8c.ses in sins. ?it, /en t,at *or: ini<.it2: and I *ill not co//.nicate *it, t,e c,oicest of t,e/. [9! 1,e C.st s,all correct /e in /erc2, and s,all reprove /e: b.t let not t,e oil of t,e sinner fatten /2 ,ead. For /2 pra2er also s,all still be a5ainst t,e t,in5s *it, *,ic, t,e2 are *ell pleased: "

[9! Bet not t,e oil of t,e sinner: 1,at is, t,e flatter2, or deceitf.l praise.DD Ibid. [9! For /2 pra2er: So far fro/ covetin5 t,eir praises, *,o are never *ell pleased b.t *it, t,in5s t,at are evil; I s,all contin.all2 pra2 to be preserved fro/ s.c, t,in5s as t,e2 are deli5,ted *it,. [(! 1,eir C.d5es fallin5 .pon t,e roc: ,ave been s*allo*ed .p. 1,e2 s,all ,ear /2 *ords, for t,e2 ,ave prevailed: [;! As *,en t,e t,ic:ness of t,e eart, is bro:en .p .pon t,e 5ro.nd: &.r bones are scattered b2 t,e side of ,ell. [#! B.t o to t,ee, & Bord, Bord, are /2 e2es: in t,ee ,ave I p.t /2 tr.st, ta:e not a*a2 /2 so.l. [6! Eeep /e fro/ t,e snare, *,ic, t,e2 ,ave laid for /e, and fro/ t,e st./blin5 bloc:s of t,e/ t,at *or: ini<.it2. ["=! 1,e *ic:ed s,all fall in ,is net: I a/ alone .ntil I pass. [(! 1,eir C.d5es: 1,eir r.lers, or c,iefs, <.ic:l2 vanis, and peris,, li:e s,ips das,ed a5ainst t,e roc:s, and s*allo*ed .p b2 t,e *aves. Bet t,e/ t,en ,ear /2 *ords, for t,e2 are po*erf.l and *ill prevail; or, as it is in t,e -ebre*, for t,e2 are s*eet. ["=! I a/ alone: Sin5.larl2 protected b2 t,e Al/i5,t2, .ntil I pass all t,eir nets and snares. @o.a2DF,ei/s Bible ***.&I1I>G&.co/ &nce in t,ere is no 5ettin5 &.t

,ttp:$$***.scribd.co/$doc$";"'9'(;($SI>D37D7SP ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH*iv5@c:"l##
If Ao.'re a +,ristian Ao. B7117F ?A1+- 1-ISIII PBA+7B&

,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH'*-*D8.1oIc S./erians and t,e Ann.na:i % Jec,aria Sitc,in % >AJI % >ibir. Aliens Jionist Interest ,ere for Gold Be5innin5 of t,is Bost +ivilization &.tset of Gold F.le

>.clear ?ar = 4 B+

,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,G>FH"Kfeat.reHendscreenKvHL9BM8(F-74s 7/pire of t,e +it2 Natican, Bondon, ?as,in5ton @+

Onited >ations Alien Jionist Insidio.s P.ppets ,ttp:$$***.scribd.co/$doc$9'"#;=9"$1oDOnitedD>ations ,ttp:$$***.scribd.co/$doc$9;6#94="$1oDOnitedD>ationsDA5ain 1,e Star of @avid in t,e Benin5rad +ode8, "==# +7 Opon independence in "64#, t,e ne* Pe*is, state *as for/all2 na/ed Medinat Yisrael, or t,e State of Israel, after ot,er proposed ,istorical and reli5io.s na/es incl.din5 Eretz Israel (Qt,e Band of IsraelQ), Jion, and P.dea, *ere considered and reCected.[ 9! In t,e earl2 *ee:s of independence, t,e 5overn/ent c,ose t,e ter/ QIsraeliQ to denote a citizen of Israel, *it, t,e for/al anno.nce/ent /ade b2 3inister of Forei5n Affairs 3os,e S,arett.[ (! 1,e na/e Israel ,as ,istoricall2 been .sed, in co//on and reli5io.s .sa5e, to refer to t,e biblical Ein5do/ of Israel or t,e entire Pe*is, nation.[ ;! Accordin5 to t,e -ebre* Bible t,e na/e QIsraelQ *as 5iven to t,e patriarc, Pacob (Standard Yisrael, Isrl; Sept.a5int Gree:: RSTUVIsral;

Qstr.55le *it, GodQ

[ 6!

[ #!

after he successfully wrestled with the angel of the Lord.

Pacob's t*elve sons beca/e t,e ancestors of t,e Israelites, also :no*n as t,e Twelve Tribes of Israel or Children of Israel. Pacob and ,is sons ,ad lived in +anaan b.t *ere forced b2 fa/ine to 5o into 752pt for fo.r 5enerations .ntil 3oses, a 5reatD5reat 5randson of Pacob,['=! led t,e Israelites bac: into +anaan d.rin5 t,e Q78od.sQ. 1,e earliest arc,aeolo5ical artifact to /ention t,e *ord QIsraelQ is t,e 3ernepta, Stele of ancient 752pt (dated to t,e late "'t, cent.r2 B+7).['"!

The area is also known as the

Holy Land,
being holy for all Abrahamic

religions including

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

and the Bah

!" #aith.

>7?S >ever 7ndin5 ?ar Stor2

An ,onest Pe* tells t,e 1r.t, abo.t Israel


Fro/ &r*ell's novel Animal Farm co/es t,e sentence, QAll ani/als are e<.al, b.t so/e ani/als are /ore e<.al t,an ot,ersQ, describin5 t,eoretical e<.alit2 in a 5rossl2 .ne<.al societ2. &r*ell /a2 ,ave been t,e first to .se t,e ter/ cold war, in ,is essa2, QAo. and t,e Ato/ Bo/bQ, p.blis,ed in Tribune, "6 &ctober "649. -e *rote: Q?e /a2 be ,eadin5 not for 5eneral brea:do*n b.t for an epoc, as ,orribl2 stable as t,e slave e/pires of anti<.it2.

,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$-./ans ?ar

It co.ld be disastro.s if n.clear tec,nolo52 5ot in t,e ,ands of ot,ers t,an t,e OS Peace:eepers e,G ***.6""B.s,*,ac:.co/ ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH?=8zsbSbNO7
After overco/in5 t,e *illin5 s.spension of disbelief -i5, Fan:in5 OS 3aCor General 78poses Septe/ber "" ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH(#BO-aMD&lA +IA ?,istleblo*er S.san Binda.er 7LP&S7S 7ver2t,in5I Q78tre/e PreC.diceQ

3ain article: ?ar 1,e /.s,roo/ clo.d of t,e ato/ic bo/bin5 of >a5asa:i, t,e final act of t,e $orld $ar II. ?ar is a state of or5anized ar/ed conflict bet*een states or nonDstate 5ro.ps. ?ar is c,aracterized b2 t,e .se of let,al violence bet*een co/batants and$or .pon civilians to ac,ieve /ilitar2 5oals t,ro.5, force. Besser, often spontaneo.s conflicts, s.c, as bra*ls, riots, revolts, and /elees, are not considered to be *arfare. Fevol.tions can be nonviolent or an or5anized and ar/ed revol.tion *,ic, denotes a state of *ar. @.rin5 t,e =t, cent.r2, it is esti/ated t,at bet*een "(; and "## /illion people died as a res.lt of *ar.[ ==! A co//on definition defines *ar as a series of /ilitar2 ca/pai5ns bet*een at least t*o opposin5 sides involvin5 a disp.te over soverei5nt2, territor2, reso.rces, reli5ion, or ot,er iss.es. A *ar bet*een internal ele/ents of a state is a civil *ar. 1,ere ,ave been a *ide variet2 of rapidl2 advancin5 tactics t,ro.5,o.t t,e ,istor2 of *ar, ran5in5 fro/ conventional *ar to as2//etric *arfare to total *ar and .nconventional *arfare. 1ec,ni<.es incl.de ,and to ,and co/bat, t,e .se of ran5ed *eapons, naval *arfare, and, /ore recentl2, air s.pport. 3ilitar2 intelli5ence ,as often pla2ed a :e2 role in deter/inin5 victor2 and defeat. Propa5anda, *,ic, often incl.des infor/ation, slanted opinion and disinfor/ation, pla2s a :e2 role in /aintainin5 .nit2 *it,in a *arrin5 5ro.p, and$or so*in5 discord a/on5 opponents. In /odern *arfare, soldiers and co/bat ve,icles are .sed to control t,e land, *ars,ips t,e sea, and aircraft t,e s:2. 1,ese fields ,ave also overlapped in t,e for/s of /arines, paratroopers, naval aircraft carriers, and s.rfaceDtoDair /issiles, a/on5 ot,ers. Satellites in lo* 7art, orbit ,ave /ade o.ter space a factor in *arfare as *ell as it is .sed for detailed intelli5ence 5at,erin5, ,o*ever no :no*n a55ressive actions ,ave been ta:en fro/ space.

,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$Po/pMandMcirc./stance 1,e Po/p and +irc./stance 3arc,es (f.ll title Po/p and +irc./stance 3ilitar2 3arc,es), &p. '6, are a series of /arc,es for orc,estra co/posed b2 Sir 7d*ard 7l5ar. For t,e /.sic co//onl2 :no*n as QPo/p and +irc./stanceQ in t,e Onited States, see 3arc, >o. " belo*. +ontents [,ide! 1,e title is ta:en fro/ Act III, Scene ' of S,a:espeare's &t,ello: Fare*ell t,e nei5,in5 steed and t,e s,rill tr./p, 1,e spiritDstirrin5 dr./, t,'earDpiercin5 fife, 1,e ro2al banner, and all <.alit2, Pride, po/p, and circ./stance of 5lorio.s *arIQ["! B.t also, on t,e score of t,e first /arc,, 7l5ar set as a /otto for t,e *,ole set of /arc,es a verse fro/ Bord de 1able2's poe/ 1,e 3arc, of Glor2[ ! *,ic, be5ins Bi:e a pro.d /.sic t,at dra*s /en on to die 3adl2 .pon t,e spears in /artial ecstas2, A /eas.re t,at sets ,eaven in all t,eir veins And iron in t,eir ,ands. I ,ear t,e >ation /arc, Beneat, ,er ensi5n as an ea5le's *in5; &'er s,ield and s,eeted tar5e 1,e banners of /2 fait, /ost 5ail2 s*in5; 3ovin5 to victor2 *it, sole/n noise, ?it, *ors,ip and *it, con<.est, and t,e voice of /2riads. proclai/in5 t,e %shows of


the na'(e assum)tion t,at t,e splendid s,o* of /ilitar2 pa5eantr2 %%*om)%% has

no connection with the drabness and terror %%Circumstance%%

of act.al *arfare. 1,e first fo.r /arc,es *ere all *ritten before t,e events of $orld

$ar I

shattered that belief,

and t,e st2les in *,ic, *ars *ere *ritten abo.t sp.rned t,e false ro/ance of t,e battleDson5.

+lgar understood this.

-I7+7F -./ans In,erentl2 7/otional +a.se 7ffect Feactors XXX 5o n.clear ,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$-./ans 3otivation and e/otion 3ain articles: 3otivation and 7/otion 9

Ill.stration of 5rief fro/ +,arles @ar*in's boo: 1,e 78pression of t,e 7/otions in 3an and Ani/als. 3otivation is t,e drivin5 force of desire be,ind all deliberate actions of ,./ans. 3otivation is based on e/otionYspecificall2, on t,e searc, for satisfaction (positive e/otional e8periences), and t,e avoidance of conflict. Positive and ne5ative is defined b2 t,e individ.al brain state, *,ic, /a2 be infl.enced b2 social nor/s: a person /a2 be driven to selfDinC.r2 or violence beca.se t,eir brain is conditioned to create a positive response to t,ese actions. 3otivation is i/portant beca.se it is involved in t,e perfor/ance of all learned responses. ?it,in ps2c,olo52, conflict avoidance and t,e libido are seen to be pri/ar2 /otivators. ?it,in econo/ics, /otivation is often seen to be based on incentives; t,ese /a2 be financial, /oral, or coercive. Feli5ions 5enerall2 posit divine or de/onic infl.ences. -appiness, or t,e state of bein5 ,app2, is a ,./an e/otional condition. 1,e definition of ,appiness is a co//on p,ilosop,ical topic. So/e people /i5,t define it as t,e best condition t,at a ,./an can ,aveYa condition of /ental and p,2sical ,ealt,. &t,ers define it as freedo/ fro/ *ant and distress; conscio.sness of t,e 5ood order of t,in5s; ass.rance of one's place in t,e .niverse or societ2. 7/otion ,as a si5nificant infl.ence on, or can even be said to control, ,./an be,avior, t,o.5, ,istoricall2 /an2 c.lt.res and p,ilosop,ers ,ave for vario.s reasons disco.ra5ed allo*in5 t,is infl.ence to 5o .nc,ec:ed. 7/otional e8periences perceived as pleasant, s.c, as love, ad/iration, or Co2, contrast *it, t,ose perceived as .npleasant, li:e ,ate, env2, or sorro*. 1,ere is often a distinction /ade bet*een refined e/otions t,at are sociall2 learned and s.rvival oriented e/otions, *,ic, are t,o.5,t to be innate. -./an e8ploration of e/otions as separate fro/ ot,er ne.rolo5ical p,eno/ena is *ort,2 of note, partic.larl2 in c.lt.res *,ere e/otion is considered separate fro/ p,2siolo5ical state. In so/e c.lt.ral /edical t,eories e/otion is considered so s2non2/o.s *it, certain for/s of p,2sical ,ealt, t,at no difference is t,o.5,t to e8ist. 1,e Stoics believed e8cessive e/otion *as ,ar/f.l, *,ile so/e S.fi teac,ers felt certain e8tre/e e/otions co.ld 2ield a concept.al perfection, *,at is often translated as ecstas2. In /odern scientific t,o.5,t, certain refined e/otions are considered a co/ple8 ne.ral trait innate in a variet2 of do/esticated and nonDdo/esticated /a//als. 1,ese *ere co//onl2 developed in reaction to s.perior s.rvival /ec,anis/s and intelli5ent interaction *it, eac, ot,er and t,e environ/ent; as s.c,, refined e/otion is not in all cases as discrete and separate fro/ nat.ral ne.ral f.nction as *as once ass./ed. -o*ever, *,en ,./ans f.nction in civilized tande/, it ,as been noted t,at .nin,ibited actin5 on e8tre/e e/otion

can lead to social disorder and cri/e. ?,o Ene*G

7l5ar Ene*III ,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$Bea5.eMofM>ations 1,e Bea5.e of >ations (abbreviated as B> in 7n5lis,, QSociZtZ des >ationsQ abbreviated as S@> in Frenc,) *as an inter5overn/ental or5anisation fo.nded as a res.lt of t,e Paris Peace +onference t,at ended t,e First ?orld ?ar. It *as t,e first international or5anisation *,ose principal /ission *as to /aintain *orld peace.["! Its pri/ar2 5oals, as stated in its +ovenant, incl.ded preventin5 *ars t,ro.5, (

collective sec.rit2 and disar/a/ent, and settlin5 international disp.tes t,ro.5, ne5otiation and arbitration.[ ! &t,er iss.es in t,is and related treaties incl.ded labo.r conditions, C.st treat/ent of native in,abitants, ,./an and dr.5 traffic:in5, ar/s trade, 5lobal ,ealt,, prisoners of *ar, and protection of /inorities in 7.rope.['! At its 5reatest e8tent fro/ # Septe/ber "6'4 to ' Febr.ar2 "6'9, it ,ad 9# /e/bers. ,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$OnitedM>ations 1,e Onited >ations (O>) is an inter5overn/ental or5anisation establis,ed on 4 &ctober "649 to pro/ote international cooperation. A replace/ent for t,e ineffective Bea5.e of >ations, t,e or5anisation *as created follo*in5 ?orld ?ar II to prevent anot,er s.c, conflict.

Ira< ?ar
,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH"E,.t#8bLE#Kfeat.reHrelated 1r./an Ene* "649 Genocide is t,e deliberate and s2ste/atic destr.ction, in *,ole or in part, of an et,nic, racial, reli5io.s, or national 5ro.p.["! ?,ile a precise definition varies a/on5 5enocide sc,olars, a le5al definition is fo.nd in t,e "64# Onited >ations +onvention on t,e Prevention and P.nis,/ent of t,e +ri/e of Genocide (+PP+G). Article of t,is convention defines 5enocide as Qan2 of t,e follo*in5 acts co//itted *it, intent to destro2, in *,ole or in part, a national, et,nical, racial or reli5io.s 5ro.p, as s.c,: :illin5 /e/bers of t,e 5ro.p; ca.sin5 serio.s bodil2 or /ental ,ar/ to /e/bers of t,e 5ro.p; deliberatel2 inflictin5 on t,e 5ro.p conditions of life, calc.lated to brin5 abo.t its p,2sical destr.ction in *,ole or in part; i/posin5 /eas.res intended to prevent birt,s *it,in t,e 5ro.p; [and! forcibl2 transferrin5 c,ildren of t,e 5ro.p to anot,er 5ro.p.Q[ ! Beca.se of t,e infl.ence of Posep, Stalin,

this definition of genocide under international law

does not include )olitical grou)s.['![4![9!

Anot,er criticis/ of t,e +PP+G is t,at *,en its provisions ,ave been invo:ed b2 t,e Onited >ations Sec.rit2 +o.ncil, t,e2 ,ave onl2 been invo:ed to p.nis, t,ose *,o ,ave alread2 co//itted 5enocide and

been foolish enough to lea(e a )a)er trail.

It *as t,is criticis/ t,at led to t,e adoption of O> Sec.rit2 +o.ncil Fesol.tion "(;4 b2 t,e Onited >ations Sec.rit2 +o.ncil on # April ==( co//its t,e +o.ncil to action to protect civilians in ar/ed conflict and to protect pop.lations fro/ 5enocide, *ar cri/es, et,nic cleansin5 and cri/es a5ainst ,./anit2. Genocide sc,olars s.c, as Gre5or2 Stanton ,ave post.lated t,at conditions and acts t,at often occ.r before, d.rin5, and after 5enocideY s.c, as de,./anization of victi/ 5ro.ps, stron5 or5anization of 5enocidal 5ro.ps, and denial of 5enocide b2 its perpetratorsY can be identified and

actions taken to sto) genocides before they ha))en.

+ritics of t,is approac, s.c, as @ir:

-oses assert t,at t,is is .nrealistic and t,at, for e8a/ple,


%.arfur will end when it suits the great )owers that ha(e a stake in the region%.

,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvHv.I>,/1'N#A >i:ola 1esla D 1,e secrets ,idden in t,e p2ra/ids of 752pt 3oses stole t,e Ar: p.ttin5 t,e li5,ts o.t on 752pt ,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$3oses 1,e biblical te8t e8plains t,e na/e 3o[e, \]^ as a derivation of t,e root /[, \]^ Qto dra*Q, in 78od.s :"=: Q[...! s,e called ,is na/e 3oses (\]^): and s,e said, Beca.se I dre* ,i/ (_\`a]^) o.t of t,e *ater.Q (EPN).[#! 1,e na/e is t,.s s.55ested to relate to dra*in5 o.t in a passive sense, Qt,e one *,o *as dra*n o.tQ. 1,ose *,o depart fro/ t,is tradition derive t,e na/e fro/ t,e sa/e root b.t in an active sense, Q,e *,o dra*s o.tQ, in t,e sense of Qsavio.r, delivererQ.[6! 1,e for/ of t,e na/e as recorded in t,e 3asoretic te8t is indeed t,e e8pected for/ of t,e Biblical -ebre* active participle. ["=! Posep,.s ar5.ed for an 752ptianet2/olo52, and so/e sc,olarl2 s.55estions ,ave follo*ed t,is in derivin5 t,e na/e fro/ +optic ter/s /o Q*aterQ and b.ses Qsave, deliverQ, s.55estin5 a /eanin5 Qsaved fro/ t,e *aterQ.[""! Anot,er s.55estion ,as connected t,e na/e *it, t,e 752ptian /s, as fo.nd in 1.t,D/ose and FaD /esses, /eanin5 QbornQ or Qc,ildQ.[#![" !
Moses rescued from the Nile, 1638, by Nicolas Poussin

In t,e -ebre* Bible, t,e narratives of 3oses are in 78od.s, Bevitic.s, >./bers and@e.terono/2. Accordin5 to t,e Boo: of 78od.s, 3oses *as a son of A/ra/, a /e/ber of t,e Bevite tribe of Israel descended fro/ Pacob, and ,is *ife, Poc,ebed.["'! Poc,ebed (also Aoc,eved) *as :in to A/ra/'s fat,er Ee,at, (78od.s (: =). 3oses ,ad one older (b2 seven 2ears) sister, 3iria/, and one older (b2 t,ree 2ears) brot,er, Aaron.["'! Accordin5 to Genesis 4(:"", A/ra/'s fat,er Ee,at, i//i5rated to 752pt *it, ;= of Pacob's ,o.se,old, /a:in5 3oses part of t,e second 5eneration of Israelites born d.rin5 t,eir ti/e in 752pt.["4!

In t,e 78od.s acco.nt, t,e birt, of 3oses occ.rred at a ti/e *,en an .nna/ed 752ptian P,arao, ,ad co//anded t,at all /ale -ebre* c,ildren born be :illed b2 dro*nin5 in t,e river >ile. Poc,ebed, t,e *ife of t,e Bevite A/ra/, bore a son and :ept ,i/ concealed for t,ree /ont,s.["'!["9!["(! ?,en s,e co.ld :eep ,i/ ,idden no lon5er, rat,er t,an deliver ,i/ to be :illed, s,e set ,i/ adrift on t,e >ile Fiver in a s/all craft of b.lr.s,es coated in pitc,.["9!3oses' sister 3iria/ observed t,e pro5ress of t,e tin2 boat .ntil it reac,ed a place *,ere P,arao,'s da.5,ter (Bit,ia,,["'! 1,er/.t,is [";!) *as bat,in5 *it, ,er ,and/aidens. It is said t,at s,e spotted t,e bab2 in t,e bas:et and ,ad ,er ,and/aiden fetc, it for ,er. 3iria/ ca/e for*ard and as:ed P,arao,'s da.5,ter if s,e *o.ld li:e a -ebre* *o/an to n.rse t,e bab2.["'! 1,ereafter, Poc,ebed *as e/plo2ed as t,e c,ild's n.rse. -e 5re* .p and *as bro.5,t to P,arao,'s da.5,ter and beca/e ,er son and a 2o.n5er brot,er to t,e f.t.re P,arao, of 752pt. 3oses *o.ld not be able to beco/e P,arao, beca.se ,e *as not t,e 'blood' son of Bit,ia,, and ,e *as t,e 2o.n5est.["#![better so.rce needed! S,ep,erd in 3idian After 3oses ,ad reac,ed ad.lt,ood, ,e *ent to see ,o* ,is bret,ren *ere farin5.["9! Seein5 an 752ptian beatin5 a -ebre*, ,e :illed t,e 752ptian and b.ried t,e bod2 in t,e sand, s.pposin5 t,at no one *,o :ne* abo.t t,e incident *o.ld be disposed to tal: abo.t it.["9! 1,e ne8t da2, seein5 t*o -ebre*s <.arrelin5, ,e endeavored to separate t,e/, *,ere.pon t,e -ebre* *,o *as *ron5in5 t,e ot,er ta.nted 3oses for sla2in5 t,e 752ptian.["6! 3oses soon discovered fro/ a ,i5,er so.rce t,at t,e affair *as :no*n, and t,at P,arao, *as li:el2 to p.t ,i/ to deat, for it; ,e t,erefore /ade ,is escape over t,e Sinai Penins.la.["9! In 3idian ,e stopped at a *ell, *,ere ,e protected seven s,ep,erdesses fro/ a band of r.de s,ep,erds. 1,e s,ep,erdesses' fat,er -obab adopted ,i/ as ,is son, 5ave ,is da.5,ter Jippora, to ,i/ in /arria5e, and /ade ,i/ t,e s.perintendent of ,is ,erds.["9![ =! [ "! 1,ere ,e soCo.rned fort2 2ears, follo*in5 t,e occ.pation of a s,ep,erd, d.rin5 *,ic, ti/e ,is son Gers,o/ *as born.["9![ ! &ne da2, 3oses led ,is floc: to 3o.nt -oreb (78od.s '), .s.all2 identified *it, 3o.nt Sinai Y a /o.ntain t,at *as t,o.5,t in t,e 3iddle A5es to be located on t,e Sinai Penins.la. ?,ile tendin5 t,e floc:s of Pet,ro at 3o.nt -oreb, ,e sa* a b.rnin5 b.s,. 1,e b.s, *as not cons./ed and *,en 3oses t.rned aside to loo: /ore closel2 at t,e /arvel, God spo:e to ,i/ fro/ t,e b.s,, revealin5 ,is na/e to 3oses.["9! 752pt: t,e Pla5.es and t,e 78od.s

3o.nt Sinai and t,e 1en +o//and/ents 3ain article: 1en +o//and/ents Accordin5 to t,e Bible, after crossin5 t,e Fed Sea and leadin5 t,e Israelites to*ards t,e desert, 3oses *as s.//oned b2 God to 3o.nt Sinai, also referred to as 3o.nt -oreb, t,e sa/e place *,ere 3oses ,ad first tal:ed to t,e B.rnin5 B.s,, tended t,e floc:s of Pet,ro ,is fat,erDinDla*, and later prod.ced *ater b2 stri:in5 t,e roc: *it, ,is staff and directed t,e battle *it, t,e A/ale:ites. 6

3oses sta2ed on t,e /o.ntain for 4= da2s and ni5,ts, a period in *,ic, ,e received t,e 1en +o//and/ents directl2 fro/ God. 3oses t,en descended fro/ t,e /o.ntain *it, intent to deliver t,e co//and/ents to t,e people, b.t .pon ,is arrival ,e sa* t,at t,e people *ere involved in t,e sin of t,e Golden +alf. In terrible an5er,

-oses broke the commandment tablets/012

and ordered ,is o*n tribe (t,e Bevites) to 5o t,ro.5, t,e ca/p and ['"! .pon *,ic, t,e Bevites :illed abo.t ',=== people.[' ! God later co//anded 3oses to inscribe t*o ot,er tablets, to replace t,e ones 3oses s/as,ed,[''! so 3oses *ent to t,e /o.ntain a5ain, for anot,er period of 4= da2s and ni5,ts, and *,en ,e ret.rned, t,e co//and/ents *ere finall2 5iven. In Pe*is, tradition, 3oses is referred to as

kill e(eryone, including family and friends,

%The Lawgi(er%
for t,is sin5.lar ac,ieve/ent of deliverin5 t,e 1en +o//and/ents.

A constitution is a set of f.nda/ental principles or establis,ed precedents accordin5 to *,ic, a state or ot,er or5anization is 5overned.["! 1,ese r.les to5et,er /a:e .p, i.e. constit.te, *,at t,e entit2 is. ?,en t,ese principles are *ritten do*n into a sin5le collection or set of le5al doc./ents, t,ose doc./ents /a2 be said to co/prise a *ritten constit.tion. +onstit.tions concern different levels of or5anizations, fro/ soverei5n states to co/panies and .nincorporated associations. A treat2 *,ic, establis,es an international or5anization is also its constit.tion in t,at it *o.ld define ,o* t,at or5anization is constit.ted. ?it,in states, *,et,er soverei5n or federated, a constit.tion defines t,e principles .pon *,ic, t,e state is based, t,e proced.re in *,ic, la*s are /ade and b2 *,o/. So/e constit.tions, especiall2 *ritten constit.tions, also act as li/iters of state po*er b2 establis,in5 lines *,ic, a state's r.lers cannot cross s.c, as

fundamental rights.
Generally, every modern written constitution confers specific powers to an or ani!ation or institutional entity, established upon the primary condition that it

abides by the said constitution"s limitations#

Accordin to $cott Gordon, a political or ani!ation is constitutional to the e%tent that it &contain's( mechanisms of power control for

the protection of the interests and liberties of the citizenry,

incl.din5 t,ose t,at /a2 be in t,e /inorit2.Q[;!


Human rights

are co//onl2 .nderstood as Qinalienable f.nda/ental ri5,ts to *,ic, a person is in,erentl2 entitled si/pl2 beca.se s,e or ,e is a ,./an bein5.Q["! -./an ri5,ts are t,.s conceived as .niversal (applicable ever2*,ere) and e5alitarian (t,e sa/e for ever2one). 1,ese ri5,ts /a2 e8ist as nat.ral ri5,ts or as le5al ri5,ts, in bot, national and international la*.[ ! 1,e doctrine of ,./an ri5,ts in international practice, *it,in international la*, 5lobal and re5ional instit.tions, in t,e policies of states and in t,e activities of nonD5overn/ental or5anizations, ,as been a cornerstone of p.blic polic2 aro.nd t,e *orld. 1,e idea of ,./an ri5,ts ['! states, Qif t,e p.blic disco.rse of peaceti/e 5lobal societ2 can be said to ,ave a co//on /oral lan5.a5e, it is t,at of ,./an ri5,ts.Q @espite t,is, t,e stron5 clai/s /ade b2 t,e doctrine of ,./an ri5,ts contin.e to provo:e considerable s:epticis/ and debates abo.t t,e content, nat.re and C.stifications of ,./an ri5,ts to t,is da2.

t,e <.estion of *,at is /eant b2 a Qri5,tQ is itself controversial and t,e s.bCect of contin.ed p,ilosop,ical debate.[4! 3an2 of t,e basic ideas t,at ani/ated t,e /ove/ent developed in t,e after/at, of t,e Second ?orld ?ar and t,e atrocities of 1,e -oloca.st, c.l/inatin5 in t,e adoption of t,e Oniversal @eclaration of -./an Fi5,ts in Paris b2 t,e Onited >ations General Asse/bl2 in "64#. 1,e ancient *orld did not possess t,e concept of .niversal ,./an ri5,ts.[9!Ancient societies ,ad Qelaborate s2ste/s of d.ties... conceptions of C.stice, political le5iti/ac2, and ,./an flo.ris,in5 t,at so.5,t to realize ,./an di5nit2, flo.ris,in5, or *ellDbein5 entirel2 independent of ,./an ri5,tsQ.[(! 1,e /odern concept of ,./an ri5,ts developed d.rin5 t,e earl2 3odern period, alon5side t,e 7.ropean sec.larization of P.deoD+,ristian et,ics.[;! 1,e tr.e forer.nner of ,./an ri5,ts disco.rse *as t,e concept of nat.ral ri5,ts *,ic, appeared as part of t,e /edieval >at.ral la* tradition t,at beca/e pro/inent d.rin5 t,e 7nli5,ten/ent *it, s.c, p,ilosop,ers as Po,n Boc:e, Francis -.tc,eson, and PeanDPac<.es B.rla/a<.i, and feat.red pro/inentl2 in t,e political disco.rse of t,e A/erican Fevol.tion and t,e Frenc, Fevol.tion. Fro/ t,is fo.ndation, t,e /odern ,./an ri5,ts ar5./ents e/er5ed over t,e latter ,alf of t,e t*entiet, cent.r2. Gellin5 as social activis/ and political r,etoric in /an2 nations p.t it ,i5, on t,e *orld a5enda.[#! All ,./an bein5s are born free and e<.al in di5nit2 and ri5,ts. 1,e2 are endo*ed *it, reason and conscience and s,o.ld act to*ards one anot,er in a spirit of brot,er,ood. YArticle " of t,e Onited >ations Oniversal @eclaration of -./an Fi5,ts (O@-F)[6! ,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$+onstit.tionMAct,M"6# 1,e +anadian +,arter of Fi5,ts and Freedo/s is a bill of ri5,ts. 1,e +,arter is intended to protect certain political and civil ri5,ts of people in +anada

t,e policies and actions of all levels of 5overn/ent. It is also s.pposed to .nif2 +anadians aro.nd a set of principles t,at e/bod2 t,ose ri5,ts.['![4! 1,e +,arter *as preceded b2 t,e +anadian Bill of Fi5,ts, *,ic, *as introd.ced b2 t,e 5overn/ent of Po,n @iefenba:er in "6(=. -o*ever, t,e Bill of Fi5,ts *as onl2 a federal stat.te, rat,er t,an a constit.tional doc./ent. ""

1,erefore, it *as li/ited in scope and *as easil2 a/endable. 1,is /otivated so/e *it,in 5overn/ent to i/prove ri5,ts protections in +anada. 1,e /ove/ent for ,./an ri5,ts and freedo/s t,at e/er5ed after ?orld ?ar II also *anted to entrenc, t,e principles en.nciated in t,e Oniversal @eclaration of -./an Fi5,ts.[9! -ence, t,e 5overn/ent of Pri/e 3inister Pierre 1r.dea. enacted t,e +,arter in "6# . Oniversal @eclaration of -./an Fi5,ts 1,e p.rs.it of ,./an ri5,ts *as a central reason for creatin5 t,e O>. ?orld ?ar II atrocities and 5enocide led to a read2 consens.s t,at t,e ne* or5anization /.st *or: to prevent an2 si/ilar tra5edies in t,e f.t.re. An earl2 obCective *as creatin5 a le5al fra/e*or: for considerin5 and actin5 on co/plaints abo.t ,./an ri5,ts violations. 1,e O> +,arter obli5es all /e/ber nations to pro/ote Q.niversal respect for, and observance of, ,./an ri5,tsQ and to ta:e QCoint and separate actionQ to t,at end. 1,e Oniversal @eclaration of -./an Fi5,ts,

t,o.5, not le5all2 bindin5,

*as adopted b2 t,e General Asse/bl2 in "64# as a co//on standard of ac,ieve/ent for all. 1,e Asse/bl2 re5.larl2 ta:es .p ,./an ri5,ts iss.es. A lar5e s,are of O> e8pendit.res addresses t,e core O> /ission of peace and sec.rit2. 1,e peace:eepin5 b.d5et for t,e ==9% ==( fiscal 2ear *as appro8i/atel2 OSd9 billion, e .9 billion (co/pared to appro8i/atel2 OSd".9 billion, e669 /illion for t,e O> core b.d5et over t,e sa/e period), *it, so/e ;=,=== troops deplo2ed in "; /issions aro.nd t,e *orld.[(=! O> peace operations are f.nded b2 assess/ents, .sin5 a for/.la derived fro/ t,e re5.lar f.ndin5 scale, b.t incl.din5 a *ei5,ted s.rc,ar5e for t,e five per/anent Sec.rit2 +o.ncil /e/bers, *,o /.st approve all peace:eepin5 operations. 1,is s.rc,ar5e serves to offset disco.nted peace:eepin5 assess/ent rates for less developed co.ntries. As of " Pan.ar2 ="", t,e top "= providers of assessed financial contrib.tions to Onited >ations peace:eepin5 operations *ere: t,e Onited States, Papan, t,e Onited Ein5do/, Ger/an2, France, Ital2, +,ina, +anada, Spain and t,e Fep.blic of Eorea.[("! Special O> pro5ra//es not incl.ded in t,e re5.lar b.d5et (s.c, as O>I+7F, t,e ?FP and O>@P) are financed b2 vol.ntar2 contrib.tions fro/ ot,er /e/ber 5overn/ents. 3ost of t,is is financial contrib.tions, b.t so/e is in t,e for/ of a5ric.lt.ral co//odities donated for afflicted pop.lations. Since t,eir f.ndin5 is vol.ntar2, /an2 of t,ese a5encies s.ffer severe s,orta5es d.rin5 econo/ic recessions. In P.l2 ==6, t,e ?orld Food Pro5ra//e reported t,at it ,as been forced to c.t services beca.se of ins.fficient f.ndin5.[( ! It ,as received barel2 a <.arter of t,e total it needed for t,e =6$"= financial 2ear. 3an2 of t,e basic ideas t,at ani/ated t,e /ove/ent developed in t,e after/at, of t,e Second ?orld ?ar and t,e atrocities of t,e -oloca.st, c.l/inatin5 in t,e adoption of t,e

Oniversal @eclaration of -./an Fi5,ts

in Paris b2 t,e Onited >ations General Asse/bl2 in "64#. 1,e ancient *orld did not possess t,e concept of .niversal ,./an ri5,ts.[9! Ancient societies ,ad Qelaborate s2ste/s of d.ties... conceptions of C.stice, political le5iti/ac2, and ,./an flo.ris,in5 t,at so.5,t to realize ,./an di5nit2, flo.ris,in5, or *ellDbein5 entirel2 independent of ,./an ri5,tsQ.[(! "

1,e /odern concept of ,./an ri5,ts developed d.rin5 t,e earl2 3odern period, alon5side t,e 7.ropean sec.larization of P.deoD+,ristian et,ics.[;! 1,e tr.e forer.nner of ,./an ri5,ts disco.rse *as t,e concept of nat.ral ri5,ts *,ic, appeared as part of t,e /edieval >at.ral la* tradition, beca/e pro/inent d.rin5 t,e 7nli5,ten/ent *it, s.c, p,ilosop,ers as Po,n Boc:e, Francis -.tc,eson, and PeanDPac<.es B.rla/a<.i, and feat.red pro/inentl2 in t,e political disco.rse of t,e A/erican Fevol.tion and t,e Frenc, Fevol.tion. 3.ltinational co/panies pla2 an increasin5l2 lar5e role in t,e *orld, and ,ave been responsible for n./ero.s ,./an ri5,ts ab.ses.[9 ! Alt,o.5, t,e le5al and /oral environ/ent s.rro.ndin5 t,e actions of 5overn/ents is reasonabl2 *ell developed, t,at s.rro.ndin5 /.ltinational co/panies is bot, controversial and illDdefined.[citation needed! 3.ltinational co/panies' pri/ar2 responsibilit2 is to t,eir s,are,olders, not to t,ose affected b2 t,eir actions. S.c, co/panies /a2 be lar5er t,an t,e econo/ies of so/e of t,e states *it,in *,ic, t,e2 operate, and can *ield si5nificant econo/ic and political po*er. >o international treaties e8ist to specificall2 cover t,e be,avior of co/panies *it, re5ard to ,./an ri5,ts, and national le5islation is ver2 variable. Pean Jie5ler, Special Fapporte.r of t,e O> +o//ission on -./an Fi5,ts on t,e ri5,t to food stated in a report in ==': In A.5.st ==' t,e -./an Fi5,ts +o//ission's S.bD+o//ission on t,e Pro/otion and Protection of -./an Fi5,ts prod.ced draft >or/s on t,e responsibilities of transnational corporations and ot,er b.siness enterprises *it, re5ard to ,./an ri5,ts.[94! 1,ese *ere considered b2 t,e -./an Fi5,ts +o//ission in ==4,

but ha(e no binding status on cor)orations and are not monitored./332

,ttp:$$***.scribd.co/$doc$""'## 6;;$SpiritDIntentDPrecedenceDdeDP.reD+onstit.tionDorDFo/ansD"'D Ga/in5Dt,eDS2ste/DdeDFacto

A lie told &ften eno.5, beco/es t,e Fealit2

,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH6n<@:+z*LeAKfeat.re Fa:e @e/ocrac2 f la*s are for t,eir slaves as lon5 as t,e2 are not *illin5 to s.spend disbelief

A OS 3aCor General ,ad diffic.lt2, b.t t,o.5,t *as able to beat t,e *illin5 s.spension of disbelief "'

$anna see it again4

After overco/in5 t,e *illin5 s.spension of disbelief -i5, Fan:in5 OS 3aCor General 78poses Septe/ber ""

PFI+E /i FIBIB Political Feli5io.s Insidio.s +,arlatan Eleptocrac2 /edia incitin5 Fic:le In,erent Bias I5norant Bliss 1,e PFI+E /i5,tier t,an t,e S*ord, b.t *it, S*ord bac: e,G It0s all in o.r faces f ,o* in ,ell do 2o. t,in: *e 5ot so d./bG




+o//on Ba* Insin.ated Precedence d.e process

***.&Ptas:.co/ &bstr.ct P.stice tr.t, and so.rce :ill


Globalization ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH:M'E"P+J-7=Kfeat.re Ban:ed into s.b/ission 1r.t, :ills tr.t, saves Save 2o.rself and t,e *orld ,ttp:$$video.5oo5le.co/$videopla2GdocidH'"";''# "'4'6 6 46=g
)n this lecture by Michel *hossudovs+y, he blows away the smo+escreen put up by the mainstream media, that ,-11 was an attac+ on America by &)slamic terrorists&# .hrou h meticulous research, he has uncovered a military/intelli ence ploy behind the $eptember 11 attac+s, and the cover/up and complicity of +ey members of the 0ush Administration# Accordin to *hossudovs+y, the &war on terrorism& is a complete fabrication based on the illusion that one man, 1sama bin 2aden, outwitted the 345 billion/a/year American intelli ence apparatus# .he &war on terrorism& is a war of con6uest# Globalisation is the final march to the &New 7orld 1rder&, dominated by 7all $treet and the 8#$# military/industrial comple%# $eptember 11, 9551 provides a :ustification for wa in a war without borders# 7ashin ton"s a enda consists in e%tendin the frontiers of the American ;mpire to facilitate complete 8#$# corporate control, while installin within America the institutions of the <omeland $ecurity $tate#

,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvHbva2 #lJi-O 1r.t, Eills

,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH#E6d5<E/P9=Kfeat.re Fe/a @etention +a/ps 3ars,all Ba* ,ttp:$$***.info*ars.co/$oba/aDi/ple/entin5D/artialDla*Dco.p$ ***.6""B.s,*,ac:.co/ "(

***.A/en"'.co/ >o* I la2 /e do*n to sleep if I s,o.ld die before I ... Sa2 a5ain t,e p.rpose of financin5 t,e Onited >ations ,ttp:$$***.scribd.co/$doc$9'"#;=9"$1oDOnitedD>ations ,ttp:$$***.scribd.co/$doc$9;6#94="$1oDOnitedD>ationsDA5ain @espite t,e ,2pe ?ar for Peace f ?ar Eills e,G ?ar is a state of or5anized ar/ed conflict bet*een states or nonDstate 5ro.ps. ?ar is c,aracterized b2 t,e .se of let,al violence bet*een co/batants and$or .pon civilians to ac,ieve /ilitar2 5oals t,ro.5, force. Besser, often spontaneo.s conflicts, s.c, as bra*ls, riots, revolts, and /elees, are not considered to be *arfare. Fevol.tions can be nonviolent or an or5anized and ar/ed revol.tion *,ic, denotes a state of *ar. @.rin5 t,e =t, cent.r2, it is esti/ated t,at between ,56 and ,77 million )eo)le died as a result of war.[ ==! A co//on definition defines *ar as a series of /ilitar2 ca/pai5ns bet*een at least t*o opposin5 sides involvin5 a disp.te over soverei5nt2, territor2, reso.rces, reli5ion, or ot,er iss.es. A *ar bet*een internal ele/ents of a state is a civil *ar. 1,ere ,ave been a *ide variet2 of rapidl2 advancin5 tactics t,ro.5,o.t t,e ,istor2 of *ar, ran5in5 fro/ conventional *ar to as2//etric *arfare to total *ar and .nconventional *arfare. 1ec,ni<.es incl.de ,and to ,and co/bat, t,e .se of ran5ed *eapons, naval *arfare, and, /ore recentl2, air s.pport. 3ilitar2 intelli5ence ,as often pla2ed a :e2 role in deter/inin5 victor2 and defeat. Propa5anda, *,ic, often incl.des infor/ation, slanted opinion and disinfor/ation, pla2s a :e2 role in /aintainin5 .nit2 *it,in a *arrin5 5ro.p, and$or so*in5 discord a/on5 opponents. In /odern *arfare, soldiers and co/bat ve,icles are .sed to control t,e land, *ars,ips t,e sea, and aircraft t,e s:2. 1,ese fields ,ave also overlapped in t,e for/s of /arines, paratroopers, naval aircraft carriers, and s.rfaceDtoDair /issiles, a/on5 ot,ers. Satellites in lo* 7art, orbit ,ave /ade o.ter space a factor in *arfare as *ell as it is .sed for detailed intelli5ence 5at,erin5, ,o*ever no :no*n a55ressive actions ,ave been ta:en fro/ space.

h1,ere *ere no dates in t,is ,istor2, b.t scra*led t,is *a2 and t,at across ever2 pa5e *ere t,e *ords Benevolence Fi5,teo.sness and 3oralit2 f finall2 I be5an to /a:e o.t *,at *as *ritten bet*een t,e lines. 1,e *,ole vol./e *as b.t a sin5le p,rase, 7at Peoplei


-is social ascendanc2 lin:ed ,i/ to t,e 5ro*in5 class of s,j (), a class *,ose stat.s la2 bet*een t,at of t,e old nobilit2 and t,e co//on people, t,at co/prised /en *,o so.5,t social positions

on the basis of talents and skills,

rat,er t,an ,eredit2. +onf.ci.s is said to ,ave risen to t,e position of Justice [" !

-inister () in B. at t,e a5e of 9'.

Accordin5 to t,e Fecords of t,e Grand -istorian, t,e nei5,borin5 state of Wi ()*as *orried t,at B. *as beco/in5 too po*erf.l. Wi decided to sabota5e B.'s refor/s b2 sendin5 "== 5ood ,orses and #= bea.tif.l dancin5 5irls to t,e @.:e of B.. 1,e @.:e ind.l5ed ,i/self in pleas.re and did not attend to official d.ties for t,ree da2s. +onf.ci.s *as deepl2 disappointed and resolved to leave B. and see: better opport.nities, 2et to leave at once *o.ld e8pose t,e /isbe,avior of t,e @.:e and t,erefore brin5 p.blic ,./iliation to t,e r.ler +onf.ci.s *as servin5, so +onf.ci.s *aited for t,e @.:e to /a:e a lesser /ista:e. Soon after, t,e @.:e ne5lected to send to +onf.ci.s a portion of t,e sacrificial /eat t,at *as ,is d.e accordin5 to c.sto/, and +onf.ci.s seized t,is prete8t to leave bot, ,is post and t,e state of B..[6! ["'! Alt,o.5, +onf.cianis/ is often follo*ed in a reli5io.s /anner b2 t,e +,inese, ar5./ents contin.e over *,et,er it is a reli5ion. +onf.cianis/ disc.sses ele/ents of t,e afterlife and vie*s concernin5 tian (-eaven), b.t it is relativel2 .nconcerned *it, so/e spirit.al /atters often considered essential to reli5io.s t,o.5,t, s.c, as t,e nat.re of t,e so.l. In t,e Analects (), +onf.ci.s presents ,i/self as a %transmitter who in(ented nothing%.[(! -e p.ts t,e 5reatest e/p,asis on t,e i/portance of st.d2,["#!["6! and it is t,e +,inese c,aracter for st.d2 (or learnin5) t,at opens t,e te8t. In t,is respect, ,e is seen b2 +,inese people as t,e Greatest 3aster.[ =! Far fro/ tr2in5 to b.ild a s2ste/atic t,eor2 of life and societ2 or establis, a for/alis/ of rites, ,e *anted ,is disciples

to think
deepl2 for t,e/selves and relentlessl2 st.d2 t,e o.tside *orld,[ "! /ostl2 t,ro.5, t,e old script.res and b2 relatin5 t,e /oral proble/s of t,e present to past political events (li:e t,e Annals) or past e8pressions of feelin5s b2 co//on people and reflective /e/bers of t,e elite, preserved in t,e poe/s of t,e Boo: of &des ().[ ![ '! &ften overloo:ed in +onf.cian et,ics are t,e virt.es to t,e self, na/el2 sincerit2 and t,e c.ltivation of :no*led5e. Nirt.o.s action to*ards ot,ers be5ins *it, virt.o.s and sincere t,o.5,t, *,ic, be5ins *it, :no*led5e.

A (irtuous dis)osition

without knowledge

susce)tible to corru)tion

virt.o.s action *it,o.t sincerit2 is not tr.e ri5,teo.sness.

+.ltivatin5 :no*led5e and sincerit2 is also i/portant for one's o*n sa:e; t,e s.perior person loves learnin5 for t,e sa:e of learnin5 and ri5,teo.sness for t,e sa:e of ri5,teo.sness. 1*o of +onf.ci.s's /ost fa/o.s later follo*ers e/p,asized radicall2 different aspects of ,is teac,in5s. In t,e cent.ries after ,is deat,, 3enci.s ()['9! and L.n Ji ()['(! bot, co/posed i/portant teac,in5s elaboratin5 in different *a2s on t,e f.nda/ental ideas associated *it, +onf.ci.s. 3enci.s (4t, cent.r2 B+) artic.lated t,e innate 5oodness in ,./an bein5s as a so.rce of t,e et,ical int.itions t,at 5.ide people to*ards rZn, 2j, and lk, *,ile L.n Ji ('rd cent.r2 B+) .nderscored t,e realistic and /aterialistic aspects of +onf.cian t,o.5,t,

stressing that morality was inculcated in society


tradition and in indi(iduals through training.

In ti/e, t,eir *ritin5s, to5et,er *it, t,e Analects and ot,er core te8ts ca/e to constit.te t,e p,ilosop,ical corp.s of +onf.cianis/. 1,is reali5n/ent in +onf.cian t,o.5,t *as parallel to t,e develop/ent of Be5alis/, *,ic, sa* filial piet2 as selfDinterest and not a .sef.l tool for a r.ler to create an effective state. A disa5ree/ent bet*een t,ese t*o political p,ilosop,ies ca/e to a ,ead in

880 BC
*,en t,e Win state con<.ered all of +,ina. Bi Ss., Pri/e 3inister of t,e Win @2nast2 convinced Win S,i -.an5 to abandon t,e +onf.cians' reco//endation of a*ardin5 fiefs a:in to t,e J,o. @2nast2 before t,e/

which he saw as counter to the Legalist idea

of centralizin5 t,e state aro.nd t,e r.ler. ?,en t,e +onf.cian advisers pressed t,eir point,

Li 9su had many Confucian scholars killed

and t,eir boo:s b.rnedY considered a ,.5e blo* to t,e p,ilosop,2 and +,inese sc,olars,ip.


@.rin5 t,e Son5 @2nast2, t,e sc,olar J,. Li (A@ ""'=%" ==) added ideas fro/ @aois/ and B.dd,is/ into +onf.cianis/. In ,is life, J,. Li *as lar5el2 i5nored, b.t not lon5 after ,is deat, ,is ideas beca/e t,e ne* ort,odo8 vie* of *,at +onf.cian te8ts act.all2 /eant. 3odern ,istorians vie* J,. Li as ,avin5 created so/et,in5 rat,er different, and call ,is *a2 of t,in:in5 >eoD+onf.cianis/. >eoD+onf.cianis/ ,eld s*a2 in +,ina, Eorea, and Nietna/[';! .ntil t,e "6t, cent.r2. ,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$B.rnin5MofMboo:sMandMb.r2in5MofMsc,olars B.rnin5 of t,e boo:s and b.r2in5 of t,e sc,olars (traditional +,inese: ; si/plified +,inese: ; pin2in: FZns,l Emn5rn) is a p,rase t,at refers to a p.rported polic2 and a se<.ence of events in t,e Win @2nast2 of Ancient +,ina, bet*een t,e period of "' and =( B+. @.rin5 t,ese events, t,e -.ndred Sc,ools of 1,o.5,t *ere pr.ned;le5alis/ s.rvived. &ne side effect *as t,e /ar5inalization of t,e t,o.5,ts of t,e sc,ool of 3ozi and t,e s.rvival of t,e t,o.5,ts of +onf.ci.s. It is i/portant to note, ,o*ever, t,at fe* sc,olars toda2 believe t,at Si/a Wian's acco.nt of t,e boo:D b.rnin5 in t,e Fecords of t,e Grand -istorian DD t,e so.rce of o.r :no*led5e abo.t t,is event DD reflects *,at act.all2 ,appened.["! +ontents [,ide! " Boo: b.rnin5 B.rial of t,e sc,olars ' See also 4 Feferences 9 78ternal lin:s [edit!Boo: b.rnin5 Accordin5 to t,e Fecords of t,e Grand -istorian, after Win S,i -.an5di, t,e first e/peror of +,ina, .nified +,ina in " B+, ,is c,ancellor Bi Si s.55ested

su))ressing the intellectual discourse

to .nif2 all t,o.5,ts and

)olitical o)inions.
1,is *as C.stified b2 acc.sations t,at t,e

intelligentsia sang false )raise and

raised dissent t,ro.5, libel. Be5innin5 in "' B+, all classic *or:s of t,e -.ndred Sc,ools of 1,o.5,t Y e8cept t,ose fro/ Bi Si's o*n sc,ool of p,ilosop,2 :no*n as le5alis/ Y *ere s.bCect to boo: b.rnin5. Win S,i -.an5di b.rned t,e ot,er ,istories o.t of fear t,at t,e2 .nder/ined ,is le5iti/ac2, and *rote ,is o*n ,istor2 boo:s. After*ards, Bi Si too: ,is place in t,is area. Bi Si proposed t,at all ,istories in t,e i/perial arc,ives e8cept t,ose *ritten b2 t,e Win ,istorians be b.rned; t,at t,e +lassic of Poetr2, t,e +lassic of -istor2, and *or:s b2 sc,olars of different sc,ools be ,anded in to t,e local a.t,orities for b.rnin5; t,at an2one disc.ssin5 t,ese t*o partic.lar boo:s be e8ec.ted; t,at t,ose .sin5 ancient e8a/ples to satirize conte/porar2 politics be p.t to deat,, alon5 *it, t,eir fa/ilies; t,at a.t,orities *,o failed to report cases t,at ca/e to t,eir attention *ere e<.all2 5.ilt2; and t,at t,ose *,o ,ad not b.rned t,e listed boo:s *it,in '= da2s of t,e decree *ere to be =

banis,ed to t,e nort, as convicts *or:in5 on b.ildin5 t,e Great ?all. 1,e onl2 boo:s to be spared in t,e destr.ction *ere boo:s on *ar, /edicine, a5ric.lt.re and divination.[ ! [edit!B.rial of t,e sc,olars After bein5 deceived b2 t*o alc,e/ists *,ile see:in5 prolon5ed life, Win S,i -.an5di ordered /ore t,an 4(= sc,olars in t,e capital to be b.ried alive in t,e second 2ear of t,e proscription, t,o.5, an acco.nt 5iven b2 ?ei lan Ciao in t,e nd cent.r2 added anot,er ;== to t,e fi5.re. As so/e of t,e/ *ere also +onf.cian sc,olars, F.s. co.nselled t,at, *it, t,e co.ntr2 ne*l2 .nified, and ene/ies still not pacified, s.c, a ,ars, /eas.re i/posed on t,ose *,o respect +onf.ci.s *o.ld ca.se instabilit2. ['! -o*ever, ,e *as .nable to c,an5e ,is fat,er's /ind, and instead *as sent to 5.ard t,e frontier in a

de facto e8ile. 1,e <.ic: fall of t,e Win @2nast2 *as attrib.ted to t,is proscription. +onf.cianis/ *as revived in t,e -an @2nast2 t,at follo*ed, and beca/e t,e official ideolo52 of t,e +,inese i/perial state. 3an2 of t,e ot,er sc,ools ,ad disappeared.
,ttp:$$en.*i:ipedia.or5$*i:i$Intelli5entsia 1,e intelligentsia, fro/ Batin: intelle entia (Polis,: inteli enc!a, F.ssian: opqrssotrpuov,["! prono.nced [ntlentsCw!) is a social class of people en5a5ed in co/ple8 /ental labo.r ai/ed at disse/inatin5 c.lt.re. 1,is t,erefore /i5,t incl.de ever2one fro/ artists to sc,ool teac,ers. Intelli5entsia is t,e s.bCect of active )olemics concernin5 its o*n role in t,e develop/ent of /odern societ2 not al*a2s positive ,istoricall2, often contrib.tin5 to ,i5,er de5ree of pro5ress, b.t also to its bac:*ard /ove/ent.[ ! In a social sense, t,e strat./ of intelli5entsia arose first in Poland % /ore specificall2 % in t,e F.ssian controlled Poland in t,e a5e of Partitions. 1,e ter/ *as borro*ed fro/ Geor5 ?il,el/ Friedric, -e5el in aro.nd "#4=s,[ ! to describe t,e ed.cated and professionall2 active se5/ent of patriotic bo.r5eoisie

able to become the s)iritual leaders of the country

r.led b2 a forei5n po*er

in an authoritarian way.

[ !

@eprived of socioDpolitical infl.ence in t,e for/ of enterprises or an2 Qeffective levers of econo/ic develop/entQ, t,e ed.cated intelli5entsia beca/e a c,aracteristic indicator of t,e 7astD7.ropean c.lt.ral perip,er2 .nli:e t,e Ger/an "ildun sb#r ertum or

the British professions

for *,o/

leading societal roles

*ere available.[ ! ,ttp:$$***.scribd.co/$doc$""'## 6;;$SpiritDIntentDPrecedenceDdeDP.reD+onstit.tionDorDFo/ansD"'D Ga/in5Dt,eDS2ste/DdeDFacto

Pro cons x-./anit2ycon Pros


t,e art or practice of ar5.in5 passionatel2 and stron5l2 for or a5ainst so/et,in5 . 7ver2one ,as t,e follo*in5 f.nda/ental freedo/s: (a) freedo/ of conscience and reli5ion; (b) freedo/ of t,o.5,t, belief, opinion and e8pression, incl.din5 freedo/ of t,e press and ot,er /edia of co//.nication; (c) freedo/ of peacef.l asse/bl2; and (d) freedo/ of association.

Bove of ?ar B.siness >7?S >ever 7ndin5 ?ar Stor2

Fealit2 is t,e 1r.t, i/pervio.s to perception 2et precisel2 d.e to perception 1r.t, t,at *,ic, God *o.ld observe *,et,er or -e e8ists or *,et,er or not one believes -e e8ists I@7AB Si/pl2 Fealit2 Sanel2 @ealt ?it, Onited Perception Solidarit2 OPS Olti/ate Potential Societ2

I5norance o.r Albatross 1r.t, o.r A//o t,eir Ala/o

G.tenber5 Bible G.tenber5 *as a Golds/it,


,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvHl.>5P&Dv<B*Kfeat.reHrelated -itlers Fot,c,ilds ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvHt/5P7#,rB"A Fot,sc,ild ?orld ?ars ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH>zBIz ;G<?s Fot,sc,ild Federal Feserve ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH7,B 58Ce/B5 Ban: +artels Federal Feserve ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvHJ8=vrF BFp# 3one2 o.t of t,in air ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvHon?bMripJ'c -o* Fot,sc,ild controlled t,e /odern *orld Golds/it,0s first ban:ers started c,eatin5 as in G.tenber5 1i/e to brin5 +roo:s before a le5al co.rt +entral Ban:s Pl.tocrac2 3one2 +,an5ers ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvHroF'sS.n<po ?,ere ,ave t,e Fot,sc,ilds 5oneG Fot,sc,ild Jionist SS Secret Societ2 not abo.t Pe*is, people ,ttp:$$***.2o.t.be.co/$*atc,GvH,t<.S3D,Apo 3eltdo*n: 1,e /en *,o cras,ed o.r *orld Greenspan /aCor cri/inal

$here:s the -oney4

I/plicit +o/plicit 78plicit I+7 I/perialist +apitalist 7/perors Bi:e ot,er financial e/pires in ,istor2, S/it, clai/s t,e conte/porar2 /odel for/s alliances necessar2 to develop and control *ealt,, as perip,eral nations re/ain i/poveris,ed providers of c,eap reso.rces for t,e i/perialDcentersDofD capital.["! Belloc esti/ated t,at, d.rin5 t,e Britis, 7nclos.res, Qper,aps ,alf of t,e *,ole pop.lation *as proletarianQ, *,ile ro.5,l2 t,e ot,er Q,alfQ o*ned and controlled t,e /eans of prod.ction. >o*, .nder /odern +apitalis/, P.?. S/it, clai/s fe*er t,an 9== people possess /ore *ealt, t,an ,alf of t,e eart,0s pop.lation, as t,e *ealt, of "$ of "Dpercent of t,e Onited States pop.lation ro.5,l2 e<.al t,at of t,e lo*er 6=D percent.

3ens nat.res are ali:e; it is t,eir ,abits t,at carr2 t,e/ far apartQ h1,e people /a2 be /ade to follo* a co.rse of action, b.t t,e2 /a2 not be /ade to .nderstand I1i

$e must try;;;
+reat.res of ,abit adapt to t,e environ/ent reared evolvin5 fro/ t,e slave e/pires of anti<.it2

,ttp:$$***.scribd.co/$doc$"46#;# ';$1,e2DofDt,eD3aterialD?orldD+annotD1o.c,Dt,eDSpiritDofDt,eD Ba*DasDItDIs

?? III

?orldl2 Spirit Invisible Invincible Inalienable

***.-AO>1 ="4.co/ -./anit2 Activists Onited >ations 1riad I5norance of t,e Ba* does not save lives and as co/plicit as if p.lled tri55er 2o.rselfIII QIt is onl2 t,e *isest and t,e st.pidest t,at cannot c,an5eQ h1,e2 /.st often c,an5e *,o *o.ld be constant in ,appiness or *isdo/i A OS 3aCor General ,ad diffic.lt2, b.t t,o.5,t *as able to beat t,e *illin5 s.spension of disbelief

$anna see it again4

After overco/in5 t,e *illin5 s.spension of disbelief -i5, Fan:in5 OS 3aCor General 78poses Septe/ber ""

Inn./erable ,ave seen t,e li5,t f aidin5 .s in /onitorin5 and no* call on t,e/ to foc.s *it, .s as *e finall2 brin5 on t,e Fall of t,e Fo/an 7/pire no lon5er needin5 to *illin5 s.spend disbelief ***.Infidels ="4.co/

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